#Steven mudverse
steven-mudverse · 5 months
It’s Coining Time!
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Glitching Mind Disorder (GMID)
Glitching Mind Disorder is someone who’s mind has a constant static, numbing, or null mind. This can be connected to a trauma, pass on genetic trait, or gained later on in one’s life.
symptoms contain : Mind having a constant hazing or null/blank state A struggle to consecrate even on simple tasks Fluctuating between too many thoughts to none at all Forgetfulness Easy to misunderstand and not process information
no flag : if one is made I’ll repost it! I do not plan to take requests at this time. But I hope you enjoy.
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brainpal-gachapon · 5 months
Hi! @steven-mudverse here, just wanted to thank you for reposting Altpackgenic and the pack for Haüyne they have been amazing to have around!
if possible, could I request another pack for a headmate that is meant to be a MUD holder / based off MUDs? Any and all sections can be creator choice!
Hope it's okay but actually stole a few things from your blog for this (MUDs and transids you reblogged or coined lol)!
You may also like this! It's also where i got the rest from!
Also sorry i got onto cats and leaned HARD into it lol. Hopefully that's ok!
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Name(s): Love, Cat, Allie, Calico, Cougar, Feline, Gigi, Kat, Luna, Midnight, Nala, Lynx, Tora, Freya, Claw
Prns: she/her, MUD/MUDS, cat/cats, kitty/kittens, fang/fangs, blep/bleps, loaf/loafs, sleepy/sleepys, mew/mur, purr/purrs, paw/print, claw/claws, mrrow/mrrows, whisk/whisker, play/plays, wow/wows, cute/cutes, paw/paws, baby/babys, fur/baby, fuzz/fuzzz, cozy/cozies, head/butt, mrow/mrows, kit/kits, nya/nyas, fluff/fluffy
Gender(s): catgender, neurogender, autigender, kittengender, lovegender, cutegender, sleepycatgender
Species: Chronodog (transkitten)
TransID(s): transpicrew, transcatears, transcattail, transRefugeHoldingSyndrome/RHS, transfultleader, transDeteriorated BrainAgeDisorder/DBAD, transFlashMemoryStressDisorder/FMSD, transPartialLanguageAmnesiaDisorder/PLAD, transDamagedSoul, transcrystalpupils, transmulticoloreyes, TransRobloxBody, transpetregresser, SOUNDiAN, albinvitiligo, creamapplepiescentian, transkittenteeth, transkitten, permacollared
MUDs: False Limp Conduction (FLC), Hyper-Sensory Perception Disorder (HSPD), Music Instability Disorder (MID), Hemogenic Anemia Syndrome, Pessimistic Multiplex Identity Disorder (PMID), Short Lived psychosis Disorder, Persona mirror disorder, Hyper-sexual Fantasy Disorder (HFD, HsFD, HSFD, HF), Food Aggression Disorder (FAD), Chronic Psychogenic Phantom Pain Disorder, (CPPPD / C3PD)
Age: chrono5 (human years but 36), but transkittenage (2 months old)
Source(s): n/a
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outergodly · 3 months
Alter⠀packages⠀are⠀popular⠀in⠀the⠀Radqueer⠀community,⠀but⠀there⠀are⠀systems⠀that⠀use⠀them⠀to 〝flesh⠀out〞 their⠀alters,⠀if⠀I⠀remember⠀correctly.⠀But⠀here's⠀the⠀full⠀post⠀of⠀Altpackgenic.⠀( Originally⠀coined⠀by⠀Radqueers, beware!!)
wow, thank you, anon . . . adding this to our list of things to look out for!
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blank-space-sys · 8 months
poster - steven
finally did it! You can find it at @steven-mudverse
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steven-mudverse · 5 months
Its Coining Time!
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Altpackgenic, a subtype of willowgenic and tulpamancy, where a system, sisasystem, or headmate whose origin is connected to Headmate Packs/Build a Headmate. It can be connected to the general concepts of these or could be strictly based off the suggestions given by the packs!
notes : one can be a mix of Altpackgenic and other types of origins! this can be due to the suggestions that the poster may have suggested or just because of outside life events!
no flag : if one is made I’ll repost it! I do not plan to take requests at this time. But I hope you enjoy.
Taging! (If you want to be taken off please tell me!) @build-a-headmate, @radical-shapeshifting, @brainpal-gachapon, @the-transid-gacha, @govassignedbros, @command-box-alters, and @baa-bah
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steven-mudverse · 7 months
More MUD!
I wanted to make some things for fun with different MUD and MUS flags, multiple versions if you guys have a preference for a flag!
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Proud for my MUD idenity!
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steven-mudverse · 5 months
Its Coining Time!
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False Limp Conduction (FLC)
False Limp Conduction is a physical disability that is commonly gained later in life but can be gotten at birth. FLC is when someone has a constant want or need to limp in some fashion, this is commonly due to pseudo pains or light pains in one’s foot. It makes someone end us wanting to find ways to ease the pain by leaning onto things to ease it.
symptoms contain : limping (that may change sides) the want or need to ease a pain that may be nonexistent. may use a cane(s) or other acts of relief. could have a unrecoverable leg injury. may attempt to rectify pain by using unconventional methods.
not technically a symptom : may account themselves as transabled. may want to amputate the pained foot/leg.
no flag : if one is made I’ll repost it! I do not plan to take requests at this time. But I hope you enjoy.
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steven-mudverse · 5 months
Trans-Subsystem Master Post
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This trans-subsystem is Altpackgenic(link) and will include the orignal alter packs where they where suggested from! Tags for each member will be included bellow
Member Count : 3
Steven (Cisplural Trans-subsystem host) 🐟 Haüyne (Trauma holder, limit breaker, emotional protector) 💙 Calico (MUD Holder, Little) 🐾 Anastasia (archivist, order keeper, councilman, assistant, sadness holder) 🩵💎 Moonstone (Caretaker & Destressor) 🌙 Morganite (Accodare) 💗 Aquamarine (admirer, caretaker, amnesian protector) 🌊 Amber (archeologist & archivist) 🪰 Jade (communicator, caller, coach, dream weaver) 🐱
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steven-mudverse · 5 months
me being transsubsystem sending in requests to alter pack blogs in the hope I’ll get help cuz I’m not really the most creative.
muds quite literally are the only thing I know how to make.
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steven-mudverse · 5 months
[ Someone with anons on spotted. Locked on target ]
[ Sending love /p in… ]
[ 3 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 1 ]
I’m being attacked!
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steven-mudverse · 5 months
turned anons on, please behave please
If you wanna do like a emote or name Anon feel free
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