#StickyLock Games
operationrainfall · 4 years
Title Woven Developer Alterego Games Publisher Alterego Games Release Date November 15th, 2019 Genre Adventure, Puzzle Platform PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One Age Rating E for Everyone 10+ – Fantasy Violence Official Website
I really wanted to love Woven. After all, I was one of the original backers of the unsuccessful Kickstarter project, and was duly impressed by Alterego Games’ decision to self publish the project afterwards. The premise of Woven was really compelling and different, taking place in a soft world of woolen yarn and fabric that is being invaded by strange mechanical insects. Our hero is a goofy elephant named Stuffy, and he quickly comes across a new friend, a firefly-shaped robot named Glitch. Together, they set out to discover the truth and explore this world, transforming and reweaving Stuffy to scale various obstacles along the way. If only the adventure had lived up to that fantastic premise.
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Woven is the sort of game that would have made my childhood self smile. It plays out like a live action Winnie the Pooh, in a calm and mellow land where all that matters is relaxation and finding flowers. At least at first. Stuffy is a very amicable protagonist, but not the brightest bulb. A fact that is repeatedly referenced by the game’s narrator. The narrator’s tenor sounds very British, and at first I enjoyed how his paired sentences usually rhymed. It does grow old rather quickly though, especially when you realize that the narrator is not gonna help you much with direction. If you get lost at all, he’ll start reminiscing like a grandfather with dementia, talking about the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea. None of which is helpful. Which wouldn’t be a problem, except for the fact that getting lost is a regular occurrence in Woven. Or at least it was for me. I managed to get stuck about 5 minutes into the game, in what would be considered the tutorial area. That’s because the game doesn’t hold your hand much, and trusts you’re clever enough to pick up on the clues in your environment. Sadly, what Woven thinks is plainly evident very rarely is. Case in point, the very first blueprint machine I came across gave no guidance how to operate it. I eventually figured it out, but it was a sign of things to come.
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There’s dozens of blueprint machines spread across Woven’s 5 regions, including meadows, deserts and jungles, and each blueprint gives Stuffy new transformation options. To unlock the blueprint, you play a little musical mini-game by operating mechanical levers to select notes. Though this was confusing initially, I grew to enjoy the mini-game. At first I assumed that each animal form would have set limbs, but you can mix and match after you acquire several, creating bizarre chimeras. Case in point, you can pair Pig legs with Lion arms and a Rhino head. You can even have two different arms or legs simultaneously. Each body part has different capabilities that allow various actions. You’ll need these to solve puzzles and make your way through the game. Though Woven is nominally a linear experience, the world is so wide open it’s easy to not immediately know where to head next. A good example was when I came across a short hilltop ringed with mountains, with a circular passage full of cranky yak creatures. I could stomp my foot to force the Yaks to move, but after moving in a complete circle, I wasn’t sure what to do. I eventually found the solution online in a very helpful playthrough, but it was frustrating being on the cusp of a solution and having no idea where to go next. This was due to the fact many of the puzzles in Woven are time based, but they don’t tell you they are. If a clock had showed up indicating I had a certain amount of time, I would have known to hurry up. And the farther I got in the game, the more complex and active the puzzles got. I much preferred the puzzles that required thinking but not fast reflexes.
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While it’s clearer why you would want to transform Stuffy to progress, it’s less clear how to use color palettes called patterns. You’ll find tons of flowers as you wander about, and by stomping your foot, they’ll open up and allow Glitch to scan them. You can also scan some animals for these, but they rarely sit still, so you’ll either need to be quick or find a way to distract or incapacitate them. Lastly, there’s patches you’ll randomly find on the map to unlock patterns. Patterns do a couple of things. On the one hand, they let you decorate Stuffy at the knitting machines, making him look as fancy or hideous as you please. You might be more surprised to realize you need some for puzzles. An example are giant snakes that block your progress unless you match their pattern. There’s another cool segment where a mechanical spider will pounce on you unless you blend in with the background. I don’t mind using patterns strategically, but it’s very easy to not scan the right one, and then be forced to backtrack until you find it. Some sort or an indicator of where key items resided would have helped, but there’s no such thing. And given the wide open format of Woven, it’s rather easy to get lost and miss the proper patterns. Oh and did I mention there’s more than 100 of them spread across the entire game? Which makes it even more daunting when you manage to pass one without realizing it.
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You may be wondering what Glitch does, and the simple answer is he operates every mechanical device you interact with. He turns on the blueprint machines and knitters, scans items and can also use his light to illuminate dark caves. The little firefly is pretty helpful, and his backstory ties directly into the plot of Woven. You’ll find lots of nodes that reveal bits and pieces of his lost memory as you go. I won’t spoil it, but suffice to say there’s a reason Glitch feels so strongly pulled by the planet’s moon. I wish I could say Stuffy’s backstory was as interesting, but he’s almost an incidental character. He could literally be anything or anybody else, and it wouldn’t change the course of the game. I never knew much about the elephant, other than he was apparently simple, cowardly and loved flowers. It’s not clear how long he’s been around, what he did before Glitch or anything really. He’s just there to progress the story, and that’s a shame, especially since he’s nominally the main character.
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Not everything in the game works poorly. I did find it handy how the different Joy-Con controlled Stuffy and Glitch, respectively. And I appreciated visual prompts indicating what abilities I needed to get past obstacles, and found the camera easy to operate. The problem was primarily with the game’s physics. Woven is a wide open 3D world, but often what seems a clear path forward ends up tripping you up with invisible stage geometry. Bushes often kept me from moving forward, which was awkward. As a fan of platformers, I found this made Woven a lot harder to enjoy, since I was never clear if I could progress or not. Sometimes you do actually need different abilities tied to animal parts, such as jumping or pushing, but you never know in advance. So if I came to an area with a puzzle and had the wrong parts, I would have to backtrack all the way to the nearest knitting machine and reweave my elephant friend. I really think it would have been much easier if Stuffy could fast travel to these, since they’re spaced rather far apart and it’s not very fun walking about. Failing that, I would have loved a mini-map, since that would have cut down how often I got lost in Woven dramatically.
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Visually, Woven has a cute storybook aesthetic. There’s lots of bright colors and soft details. While I have no problem with that, I do have a problem with the graphical fidelity. I will mention I played the Switch version of the game, and from what little research I’ve done, it runs far better on other consoles. I normally don’t complain about things like framerate or the like, and usually find most games I play on Switch run great, but oftentimes the graphics here were muddy and fuzzy. Simply put, this game suffers from Bloodstained syndrome, meaning every other iteration of the game plays better than the one on Nintendo consoles. Which is truly a shame, since this is the perfect sort of all ages game that would otherwise appeal to a lot of Nintendo gamers. Musically the game is frankly dull, and quite muted musically. Sound effects lack punch, and actions often don’t have the proper impact as a result. When Stuffy punches a box out of his way, it just slides quietly out of place. Much like the rest of the game, aesthetically Woven is a very mixed bag.
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While I hate to add onto my other complaints, I have a few more. For one thing, I find it completely awkward how Stuffy always looks at Glitch as he runs forward, contorting his head to follow the firefly everywhere. That’s minor, but a more significant issue relates to the linearity of the game. If you miss any collectibles or achievements, you can’t get them until the next time you play through the game from the beginning. Once you reach a new area, there’s no backtracking, and the game auto saves. So if you’re one of those people that loves to platinum games, best of luck. And finally, while I don’t mind the general lack of combat in the game, it makes it that much more challenging when you have to contend with the final boss.
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Much as I wanted to love Woven, I left the experience quite disappointed. There was promise here, but for whatever reason it wasn’t met. If you don’t mind clumsy physics and very complex and vague puzzles, you might enjoy what’s here. Even then, it’s a hard pill to swallow at $19.99. Though you can beat the game in less than 5 hours, it took me around 9 due to getting lost repeatedly. So at least you’ll get some bang for your buck. This is one of those games I recommend you pick up on a sale. Hopefully Alterego Games has more ideas they can breathe life into in the future, cause I’d honestly like to see them succeed. In the meantime, I’ll lament this tale of an elephant and his firefly buddy.
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linuxgamenews · 3 years
Histera dynamic deathmatch arenas and the glitch mechanic
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Histera: Fall of Human free to play shooter game has a Linux port in roadmap with Windows PC. Thanks to recent developer details from StickyLock Games. Due to make its way onto Steam in 2022. Histera: Fall of Human is a free to play, rapid-fire multiplayer shooter game. One that also features dynamic deathmatch arenas that transform as you fight. Learn more about our unique ‘Glitch’ mechanic that procedurally re-generates maps during matches. While delivering more random, feverish combat, available in the new developer diary. However, a recent Steam comment also indicates Linux support. Which is certainly reassuring.
We don't know how Histera will perform on Linux yet, but it is definitely on our roadmap!
Histera: Fall of Human, as previously stated, is developed in Unity 3D, which should make the Linux port easier. This is an interesting choice for a multiplayer game, but still, it does offer an impressive twist. Now, let's talk gameplay. After a great career working across augmented and virtual reality. Now StickyLock Games are tearing at the fabric of time and space once again. But this time with their very own IP. While aspects like precision and strategy are key. So you can exploit terrain and weapons from across history. These will glitch in and out as the bullets fly.
Histera: Fall of Human Ep. #2 - Meet The Glitch
Master the Glitch Enter a bleak dystopian future in Histera: Fall of Human. Since the rich and powerful have left an earth that is unfit to live in. As a result, leaving those that remain to battle for their own chance to escape in protective domes. These will house dynamic deathmatch arenas. Easy to pick up but hard to master, you’ll have to adapt on the fly to survive. Since the randomized zones within the arena glitch between 3 different locations. And also from 3 distinct historical eras. These are the prehistoric Pliocene Plateau, and war torn 20th century Novgorod. Then the futuristic metropolis of Montorro City.
Locate, Communicate, Dominate As the Glitch overlaps different eras in one frenzied arena, you are able to gather more types of weapons. From bows and arrows and gas grenades, to spears and sniper rifles. In Histera: Fall of Human teamwork and communication will be key to finding them. And even keeping them and controlling your enemies in unrelenting matches of dynamic action.
Community Focused Histera: Fall of Human will launch into early access with deathmatch as its tentpole game mode. In the future StickyLock will be releasing a level editor. Seeing this will allow the community to get creative. Then use the unique glitch mechanic and build their very own arenas to share via the Steam Workshop. With plans to explore the glitches and the story behind them. The developer is eager to develop the story, hone the gameplay loop and build something truly amazing.
That being said, we will have more details coming soon on Linux support. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for the newsletter. Histera: Fall of Human free to play shooter game is available to Wishlist on Steam. Due to release in 2022 on Windows PC, and Linux as well.
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eltoritogamer · 5 years
Woven y su mundo de lana llegarán el 15 de noviembre
Woven, el mundo de lana y ositos de peluche desarrollado por @AlteregoGamesBV y editado por @StickyLock, llegarán el 15 de noviembre a #Steam y a consolas. @WovenTheGame
Desvela los secretos de un mundo de lana amenazado por máquinas de metal
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Woven ha sido desarrollado por el estudio holandés Alterego Games y editado por StickyLock. Se lanzará el 15 de noviembre en Steam con soporte para Windows, Linux y MacOS. También estará disponible en PlayStation 4, Xbox One y Nintendo Switch.
Woven nos ofrecerá entretenimiento para unas 15 horas y contará con…
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pierreqies · 4 years
Sanity Of Morris is Another Pyscological Horror Game Coming to PS4 This Year
Dutch Indie developer Alterego Video games and writer, StickyLock Studios, have introduced right now that they’ll be releasing their second sport as a part of their partnership, and it’s referred to as Sanity of Morris, and it’s a psychological horror sport, a world away from the studio’s debut title, Woven. Sanity of Morris is a […]
The post Sanity Of Morris is Another Pyscological Horror Game Coming to PS4 This Year appeared first on Hammers and Steel.
from WordPress https://hammersandsteel.com/index.php/2020/06/09/sanity-of-morris-is-another-pyscological-horror-game-coming-to-ps4-this-year/
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nvgotd · 4 years
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[ PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, Switch / 2019 / Stickylock, Alterego Games ]
Woven is a relaxing puzzle adventure about a stuffed animal named Stuffy, who finds himself in a knitted world being invaded by scary metal machines. He also finds a robotic firefly named Glitch, who has lost their memory. Players must explore this world, solve the puzzles and avoid the dangers posed by the metal machines to unravel the mysteries behind Glitch's amnesia and why Stuffy is all alone. As they progress, they unlock new shapes for Stuffy, which give him new abilities. As his standard elephant self, he is strong, but giving him rabbit legs enables him to jump. He can also change cover to hide from enemies, although it may also be crucial to solving puzzles. The puzzles vary, but there are several rhythm action mini-games throughout that help to unlock new abilities. The whole story is narrated in rhyme to make it fun for children, although age ratings boards warn that some images (mainly the metal machines) may be scary for younger players.
You can find out more about Woven here.
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gameingnow · 3 years
Woven released free for mobile devices
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Woven, a standalone game in the puzzle platform genre, debuted via the App Store and Google Play for iOS and Android devices. Published by StickyLock games and developed by Alterego games, the puzzle platform game Woven was published for mobile devices. Woven is currently available for iOS and Android owners for free via the App Store and Google Play. You can find the game's introductory article and trailer below.
About Woven
Welcome to a world where woolly creatures once lived in peace. Stuffy is a well-meaning but rather clumsy Animal who travels the world alone. Glitch is a metal Firefly who has lost his memory and identity. Stuffy's behind? Where did all these machines suddenly come from? Join them on their journey through the world of wool, fabric and hidden danger. ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ıı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ıı ı  ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı  ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ıı ı  ı ıı ı ı  ı ıı ı ı ıı  ı ıı  The world of Woven is full of obstacles and challenges. You'll have to come up with plans to change stuffy's shape and abilities. Elephant legs can be strong, but rabbit legs can jump. - Beware of hidden paths as you explore the world. - Find secrets that reveal the world's forgotten history. - More than a hundred different hidden fabrics to explore. - Experience a completely handmade world. - An epic adventure. Gameingnow.com Read the full article
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brauzer-games · 3 years
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StickyLock Games анонсировала шутер, который заявлен как инновационный и меняющий правила игры. Особенность Histera в том, что сражения в нём происходят не только в разных местах, но и в разных эпохах. На смоделированных аренах прошлого, настоящего и будущего игроки смогут подавлять восстания в высокотехнологичной броне или сражаться с враждебными племенами в примитивной одежде и с […] Сообщение В Амстердаме создают необычный шутер Histera взято с сайта sky-cloud.ru Подробнее на https://sky-cloud.ru/2021/05/07/v-amsterdame-sozdaut-neobychnyi-shyter-histera/
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yourgamecheats · 5 years
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The Wondrous Woolen World of Woven is out now Alterego Games, and publisher, StickyLock, has announced that the highly anticipated, and oh so fluffy, Woven, is out now on Nintendo Stitch Switch, Sony PlayStation 4, Microsoft Xbox One and PC, priced at €19.99 / $19.99 / £19.99.
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kinduci · 4 years
Sanity of Morris Announcement Trailer PC Steam PS4 Xbox One
Indie developer Alterego Games and publisher, StickyLock Studios, have today announced the release of their second title - Sanity of Morris, a psychological horror adventure game that tells the story of a young man trying to stay sane in the search for his father, consumed by conspiracy theories about the government and alien signals. Sanity of Morris In remote Greenlake you come to visit your father, but nothing is as you expected it to be. Forces are at work that don’t want you there, and they are armed. 
Gameplay Equipped with nothing more than a flashlight and a notebook, it is up to you to step into the shoes of Johnathan Morris and discern truth from fiction. Light reveals the clues you need to find your father, but also alerts the ones who are trying to hunt you down. Darkness keeps you hidden, but linger for too long, and you might go insane.
“We wanted to create something new and exciting, but also keep doing what we’re good at; storytelling. So for Sanity of Morris we took from Woven the adventure genre, having collectibles and working with a strong narrative. But then we added a whole layer of psychological horror in the music, in the visuals, and it’s really unnerving! In this game, you will start to question John’s reality. It makes for an engaging experience, like an interactive movie, perfect for escaping daily life. And we can all use that right about now.” – Dominic de Graaf, Creative Director. 
Use your flashlight to reveal and interact with clues. 
Crouch and sneak your way past enemies undetected. 
Collect audio tapes, secret files and hidden pictures for your journal and create a timeline of events. 
Balance seeking out new information against avoiding stress, or you might lose your sanity. 
Discover the truth about your father and his alien conspiracies. Has he gone crazy…. Or have you? 
Unique in Sanity of Morris is the way you will have to put yourself at risk, exposing yourself to the light and enemies that can see you, as you desperately search for clues and hidden messages left behind by your father. It’s a psychological horror with a detective adventure game twist.
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smlpodcast · 5 years
The SML Podcast - Episode 534: Survivor Series 2019
Download Episode 534
It's WrassleCast time once again, so prepare for sweaty man discussion!
The show kicks off with Tim Ekkebus joining for some WrassleCast action as we discuss the upcoming NXT TakeOver War Games and WWE Survivor Series 2019 events! We make our predictions for the winners of the matches, who we might see in some of the yet-to-be-determined teams, discussion on possible surprises, and tons more!
After that, Cole joins for the news of the week as we discuss the recently unveiled Half Life: Alyx from Valve, a super weird issue involving Pokémon Sword and Shield and Roku devices, the incredible launch of the well received Google Stadia and their many exclusives, more WWE 2K20 woes, and plenty of shenanigans as well. Plus reviews!
Need For Speed: Heat brings the long running franchise back into the spotlight with the best entry in years as we run away from some of the most evil cops I've ever seen in a game from Ghost Games & EA. Surlyna writes in a review of Narcos: Rise of the Cartels, attemping to take out the Medellín Cartel thanks to Gaumont, KUJU, and Curve Digital.
Woven is a gorgeous and stylish epic action adventure filled with stuffed animals from Alterego Games & StickyLock STudios. DarkMika writes in a review of SONG OF HORROR, an episodic survival horror adventure from Protocol Games & Raiser Games. Finally, Scarlett Mysteries is the latest (and greatest?) hidden object puzzle adventure from World-LooM & Artifex Mundi.
We end the show with the awesome entrance theme for Dana Brooke from CFO$!
CFO$ - Respectful (Dana Brooke)
http://ghostgames.com/ https://www.ea.com/ http://www.gaumonttelevision.com/ https://www.kuju.com/ http://curve-digital.com/ https://alteregogames.com/ https://stickylock.com/ http://www.protocolgames.com/ https://www.raisergames.com/ http://www.world-loom.com/ https://www.artifexmundi.com/ https://twitter.com/CFOSofficial https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sml-podcast/id826998112 https://twitter.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://www.facebook.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://www.patreon.com/theSMLpodcast https://streamlabs.com/thesmlpodcast ALL REVIEWED GAMES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR FREE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ANY COVERAGE ON THE SHOW
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linuxgamenews · 3 years
Histera just introduced and due to get Linux support
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Histera multiplayer first-person shooter to receive support for Linux with Windows PC. Thanks to the creative efforts of developer StickyLock Games. Due to make its way onto Steam Early Access this year. StickyLock Games is an indie game developer based in Amsterdam. Who are now developing a game changer among first-person shooters. The big development debut is titled Histera. With a full game planned for release early in 2022. Histera is a multiplayer first-person shooter. While the game takes place in multiple eras and moments in history, as well as in the future. It is possible for players to run around in high tech armor fighting a rebel uprising. They can also stomp around in basic clothes with improvised weapons and fighting a rival tribe. Using vastly different surroundings, outfits and weapons, these will force you to change tactics and resources. The game will also include several unique never before seen features. Such as competitive e-sports style gameplay. Plus, there will be an amazing level editor option for all players. StickyLock’s team consists of over 40 creative artists and developers. They have been working on Histera for the last 2 years. “By using the latest Unity DOTS and Netcode we can bring some unique features to this game,” said lead developer Mitchel Alberts. “We are working hard to bring it to Steam for early access by the end of this year.”
Histera Linux Support:
Linux is on our list as well.
So, in case you wonder what that means. StickyLock is already known for publishing games like Sanity of Morris and Woven. Both games offer Linux, Mac, and Windows PC support. According to the email from StickyLock, it looks like native support will be in the mix for Histera. I mean why not, since Unity is being used for development. But I'm waiting patiently to see an actual trailer on YouTube. Especially since this is a multiplayer first-person shooter. Instead of just throwing Histera out there. StickyLock Games want the community to take part in the games development process. As a community member, you will be able to see how the game goes from concept to final product. Also making suggestions for improvements, and voting on new features. The join public playtests and much more. Histera is developed and published by StickyLock Games. Due to release in 2022 on all major platforms including VR. While Steam Early Access is due to arrive in late 2021. There is no Steam page just yet. But you can join the games Discord, follow in Twitter, subscribe on YouTube and check out the official website.
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majornelson · 5 years
Woven The Game Is Now Available For Xbox One
mspb( { productId: '9n69q08c1xvp', badgeType: 'large' }, function( badge ) { badge = badge.replace( /www\.microsoft\.com\/store\//g, "www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/" ); document.getElementById( "mspb-5dcef92e7eb2e" ).innerHTML = badge; } );
Product Info:
Developer: Alterego Games
Publisher: Stickylock
Website: Woven the Game
Twitter: @AlteregoGamesBV / @StickyLock / @WovenTheGame
Related: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Is Now Available For Xbox One Scarlett Mysteries: Cursed Child Is Now Available For Xbox One Tokyo Warfare Turbo Is Now Available For Xbox One
via Xbox Live's Major Nelson https://ift.tt/2QnbVda
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pierreqies · 5 years
Woven The Game Is Now Available For Xbox One
mspb( productId: ‘9n69q08c1xvp’, badgeType: ‘massive’ , operate( badge ) ); Product Data: Developer: Alterego Video games Writer: Stickylock Web site: Woven the Recreation Twitter: @AlteregoGamesBV / @StickyLock / @WovenTheGame Associated:STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Is Now Obtainable For Xbox OneScarlett Mysteries: Cursed Youngster Is Now Obtainable For Xbox OneTokyo Warfare Turbo Is Now Obtainable For […]
The post Woven The Game Is Now Available For Xbox One appeared first on Hammers and Steel.
from WordPress https://hammersandsteel.com/index.php/2019/11/16/woven-the-game-is-now-available-for-xbox-one/
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thezombiechimp · 5 years
Woven Launching Across PC and Consoles Nov 15th
Woven Launching Across PC and Consoles Nov 15th
Alterego games, in conjunction with Stickylock have recently announced that their newest title, Woven is to due for release on 15th November, on all major consoles (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) and PC Steam.
Woven is game about Glitch a robotic firefly and his companion, Stuffy a stuffed toy elephant as they explore an…
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
City of Springs will have you fight off a cruel regime
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City of Springs the new steampunk adventure game gets a teaser for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the work and effort of developer Alterego Games. Due to make it's way onto Steam early next year. StickyLock Games is an indie game publisher based in Amsterdam. Who are also eager to release a teaser trailer for the upcoming steampunk adventure game City of Springs. All due to the efforts of developer Alterego Games. Originally starting development of the game in 2021. Doing so after a successful QA test last January. As a result, City of springs is due to release early 2023. With the first ever teaser trailer. Now the public will be able to get their first glimpse of the new game.
City of Springs Teaser
Craft & modify your own robot drones to fight off a cruel regime in City of Springs. A steampunk adventure game that will have you sneak into forbidden areas. Doing so to help the people rebel, and explore the streets of the city of Riveton. You play the game as Val, a rebel and bright engineer. Fight the system enforced by the Queen’s robots. Take it apart and fix it, like Val does with broken machines. The tactical fights are one of the things that makes City of Springs unique. Use your own drones and craft and modify them to your desire. While offering up a unique and creative chance to make an impact and fight the system of the queen.
Action packed tactical combat.
Stealth your way past camera's and robotic guards.
Explore the nooks and crannies of Rivetton, finding valuable resources to craft your robots.
StickyLock Games will start showing more of the game, due to release in February 2023. City of Springs steampunk adventure also has a Steam, so be sure to Wishlist the game.
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linuxgamenews · 3 years
Sanity of Morris horror now has a launch date
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Sanity of Morris psychological horror adventure game gets a release date for Linux, Mac and Windows PC. Thanks to developer Alterego Games and publisher StickyLock. Which is gearing up for a Steam debut with a launch discount. The epic psychological horror adventure is due to release on Sanity of Morris will launch, 23rd of March 2021. The story follows John's dad has just discovered a government coverup of extraterrestrials. So when he suddenly goes missing, and weird plants have invaded his house. Now it's up to you to find clues and discover the truth. And as a result, reveal the hidden messages he left behind. Dare you follow the path he left you? In Sanity of Morris, all you have equipped is nothing more than a flashlight and a notebook. So it is up to you to step into the shoes of Johnathan Morris and keep facts from fiction. Using that flashlight, you will reveal clues like footprints and hidden messages that you need to find your father. But it also alerts enemies who are trying to find you. Meanwhile, mysterious plants react to light, allowing you to create new pathways to climb onto. Likewise, this forces you to sneak your way through bizarre settings. Since they will make John doubt his sanity.
Sanity of Morris Release Trailer
“At first glance Sanity of Morris looks and plays like a psychological horror as one would expect; scary and exciting, complete with monsters and mystery. But we love telling a story in which things are not what they seem. And it's with great delight that we see players coming out of the experience excited, yes, but also suspicious of some of the things they've seen or read. Everyone knew game designers were a sneaky bunch, right?" - Matthijs Kramer, Narrative Game Designer
Find your way through the madness, while avoiding dangerous enemies.
Mysterious plants react to light, which you can use to create new pathways.
Use your flashlight to reveal footsteps and hidden messages in Sanity of Morris.
Collect audio tapes, secret files, and old photographs to create a timeline of events.
Discover the truth about your father and his alien conspiracy theories. Has he gone crazy…. Or have you?
Sanity of Morris psychological horror adventure is available to Wishlist now on Steam. Due to launch on March 23rd with a 15% discount to celebrate the release. Playable on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC, priced at $14.99 USD / €14.99.
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