#Still mad about Kakyoin's death btw
obituarybug · 4 months
My favorite part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is when the Part's main villian with a time related stand reveals their true power and identity by punching a hole through my favorite character's stomach (using their Stand) while a JoJo is in close but not immediate proximity
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Stardust Crusaders ep 16-20 thoughts
Ep. 16 and 17
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This one's a two parter. I didn't talk about the portrayal of the countries visited because I don't have much of an opinion on them. I'm not from from those places. I am middle eastern tho so I wanted to talk about some stuff here.
So, Fun fact! Döner and Kebab are two different foods. It's just that joints that sell one usually sell the other. The food is named Döner (Dön meaning spin, -er being the present simple tense or same suffix in English. Meaning It spins OR spinner.) When it spread to Europe and rest of the middle east it got the name "Doner Kebab". I just thought that was cool.
Bargaining bit is pretty funny. Joseph's advice isn't half bad. I've never seen people bargain or overcharge for street food but It's pretty much expected in bazaars. You gotta learn how to do it if you are a tourist because it's expected also you WILL get scammed at some point.
OKAY, now onto the actual episode. The lovers card is not only for romantic/sexual relationships. It encapsulates all relationships and connections. Dan's stand "connects" his target to himself. I thought the lovers would be two people with matching stands or something. This is a fun take on the card though, omitting the romantic/sexual context altogether.
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Wow Jotaro is mad. I don't think we have seen him being this brash before. I think it's funny how Polnareff mutters "He just might" when Kakyoin is says "Are you trying to kill your grandfather?!". He never would, but it's funny that Polnareff thinks he would consider it. (The music for this scene slaps btw. if you even care)
This is a nice bit of characterization of Jotaro. He does most of the things Dan says, while also trying to explode him with his mind. The whole time you're watching you're like "Dan's ass will be absolutely destroyed next episode lol"
Stands being able to shrink like that makes sense, Green Hierophant could do it. Not to this extent but still. Having a battle in Joseph's brain is a fun idea either way.
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I think Jotaro writing Dan's bs in his notebook was to help him calm his nerves a bit.
I can't believe the jewelers started beating in him up with a bad, telling him to go back to his country and shit. Made worse by the fact that Jotaro is like, 17. I know he doesn't look like it but the characters seem to be aware of it. They call him "that asian kid".
Ep. 18
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^ This is probably the most expressive Star Platinum has ben so far.
I have no idea what the fuck is. going on with this episode.
So the first half is really boring. I'd make fun of Jotaro for wearing a black coat in a desert but it's better than not wearing it at all.
I actually thought something bad happened to Kakyoin but no he is fine.
At the end of the episode Joseph was like "Is that it? The end of the episode?" Jotaro just answers "Yeah shut the fuck up old man"
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^ They are so normal
Ep. 19-20
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I did guess there was gonna be a Kakyoin episode my last post. Well, we get two. I'm not complaining, he is shaping up to be my favourite.
Kakyoin's first instinct when he sees the dog is to pet it, which is the correct response btw. The dog dies in 2 minutes because Araki has something against dogs.
Our stand for today is Death 13! It's a better name than just Death tbh, Death is something you'd call the main villain's stand. It's really strong, like, TOO strong. The crew basically stumbles into victory this time. If the other stands are as strong as this one, they might be in trouble. Making the stand user of death, new beginnings and change a baby was a smart move.
I love that Polnareff sees Kakyoin wake up screaming, hears him say he had a horrible dream and the first.thimg he does is tell him to spill the tea.
I initially thought the Polnareff in the dreamworld was fake. There is no way he is that stupid. Turns out he is that stupid, actually.
Y'know, after the third one you'd think Joseph would get rid of planes as an option. But no
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This episode doesn't fall to the same pitfall of being infuriating like other's similar to it. You can see why the crew doesn't trust him. If I saw my friend with letters cut into his arm saying a BABY was a stand user my first thought wouldn't be "Oh, I see. We should kill thr baby then."
It is undeniably funny that the people who thought someone having dusty windows in the middle of the desert made them a stand user didn't think anything of Kakyoin's sudden change. I can't balme them tho. A baby stand user feels like a stretch at best.
Polnareff thinking about apologizing to Kakyoin while he is about to die is strangely wholesome. Their friendship is my favourite part of the show, personally.
Kakyoin is the only one to remember the whole thing. He is so energized by the rush of victory that he makes everyone breakfast. Also makes the baby eat his own shit. He was so wild for this
I'm fighting tooth and nail to get these screencaps from Youtube just.to make this a bit more readable. Typing "jjba death..." on the search bar was like entering a mine field.
Anyways, I wanna make some predictions for my future self to laugh at later. Polnareff is gonna be the first to die, assuming he dies, which I think he will.
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cassyapper · 1 year
How do you think the series would have changed if Jotaro, Joseph, and/or Polnareff had died instead of Avdol, Kakyoin, and Iggy?
ive talked about aus where jotaro is the only one to die but if it's basically like a death swap i think
part 4: kakyoin and holly go to morioh (it would also occur sooner than it does in canon, like 1995ish). some very strained but genuine half sibling bonding btwn josuke and holly. kakyoin rapidly fluctuates between very kind and very harsh as a mentor and it gives the kids whiplash until they find out the tragic backstory tm and theyre like oh. well what does that have to do with us we didnt do shit wtf dont be mean to us. kakyoin reflects. holly reflects. middle schooler josuke kills a man (kira)
part 5: iggy fills in what would have been koichi's role and then avdol appears. gio being dio's son would have a bit more of a Point if just cause avdol is watching him. avdol tags along cause he's concerned about mafia people making standusers and also he wants to watch gio. gio is like fine but dont get in my way. bruno is like "who's this" when gio shows up with avdol after black sabbath and gio is like "uhhhmmmmmmmmy uncle. great uncle" and avdol and bruno are both like sure. so avdol tags along. no kids die on his watch (avdol is 40 by the time va takes place so bruno and abbacchio are included as "children" to him). uhh yeah. i cant see avdol becoming a turtle (very stupid) but idk if i can see him living. he might though cause kakyoin being the sole survivor oh that'd fucking kill me
part 6: kakyoin and pucci duke it out. very messy. pucci is mad af cause all he knows about kakyoin is that he thought they were friends and then kakyoin abandoned him to dio. kakyoin is mad af cause all he knows about pucci is that he was friends with dio willingly and is carrying out his will today. i do think they'd get some understanding of eahc other but i do think it'd end with kakyoin having to kill pucci and kakyoin might cry about it for vairous reasons that i can't get into rn cause it's 1;30 am in my timeone andit kinda hurts to type rn. kakyoin and weather very good friends btw. foof is their daughter (theyre not in a relationshpi but theyre just like shared custody of ff). emporio is there as well of course. kakyoin might like adopt him honestly like jokes aside for real like genuinely adopt and sign papers and shit after everything. anasui is there
anyway i think the theme would shift cause like. the story is about a family. well the crusaders were family. kakyoin avdol and iggy were jotaro and joseph and polnareff's family. so they go on adventures ot make sure they can rest in peace. and yeah. no more jojo gimmick but i think it owuld still hold otherwise. anyway.
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