lazyajju · 2 years
Official Brand new narrative story of ARK Survival Evolved coming to PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch this December!
About Story Update:- Featuring Madeleine Madden (The Wheel of Time) as Helena Walker, a 21st-century biologist and paleontologist from Australia, and David Tennant (Doctor Who) as Sir Edmund Rockwell, a 19th-century London chemist. The update includes new story cutscenes to introduce and conclude each ARK map, and all of Helena’s and Rockwell’s Dossiers and Explorer Notes will also be voiced by the actors.
ARK Survival Evolved available on PC, Xbox, PlayStation & Nintendo Switch.
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Agreements and Grievances
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Jadeite: Kai, Honey we need to have a talk.
Prince Kai: Sure mother, I need a break from this game anyways, I cant seem to find the perfect check mate.
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Kai: So mother, whats  up?  You look upset, whats going on?
Jadeite: I need to know what your plans are. As you know your father is getting older, and has not named an Heir Official yet. You are the first prince and should have a chance at Crown Prince, Lee is younger than you, but with the Empress raising him herself inside the main quarters she has resources at her disposal. Your sisters are also going to college, have you thought of that? You need to stand out so your father sees you and your ability to rule.  On top of that the Imperial concubine from the west just had a boy, thats more competition regardless.  If we get you on the throne it would bring great honor to our ancestors. 
K: Well mother, I have not thought of such things, Father hasnt approached me about anything as of yet, I could offer time in the military, show him that I’m capable of leading/assisting with critical war matters, CP Lee is too young to attend such things, it would give me a boost and you a boost in rank.  And perhaps gain your favor back with the Emperor. The  Empress is getting older, so shes not able to conceive a child from what the eunuchs have been saying. 
J:  That would be great, it would definitely show you have potential and give you a leg up over the CP. You should apprach your father and suggest this, it will sound better coming from you. Now.. That chess match you were playing, still think your can beat your Mum?
K: Absolutely!
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---------Meanwhile in the Main palace quarters--------
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Empress:Your Majesty, It’s good to get to sit down with you and talk, We havent had alone time like this in a while. *She smiled from ear to ear, though the emperor has not spent much time with her he has made time and spends his designated time of the month with her.*
Emperor: My beautiful Empress, I will always make time for you when requested, I’ve been very busy with state affairs, which I’ve heard you had some concerns?
Empr: Yes, Imperial concubine Jazmine had her son, and she had asked during her pregnancy to receive a visit from home or be allowed to go for a visit.. You had said you would think on it but never got back to her. Have you made any decisions now that the baby is here? 
Emp: Ah yes, that. I have not really. I’m not sure I could allow her to leave the palace grounds honestly. In the contract with her Elder sister I agreed that she would not leave the confines of the Palace unless supervised. However...*he pauses thinking for a moment.* Her sister has  passed recently.. and her Niece  is currently reigning over the territory.. I could possibly reach out, but The Queen was very concerned she would try to  take the throne from her niece.. So I will have to think on it, It may be best to keep her here to keep things peaceful. 
Empress: I understand, I will let her know..And have you decided upon upgrading her title to noble consort? She  did give birth to another potential heir afterall, normally you upgrade A concubine who gives birth to a male immediately and you havent with her.
Emp: No, I will not be upgrading her, not yet, she is still fairly new to the palace and something just doesnt seem right...about her. 
Empress: Understood. 
Emp: Have the princesses decided on what they would like to attend college for in the west? I’m hoping something fantastic like politics so they will make great wives to other monarchs or noblemen!
Empress: Yes and no,Princess Mei is undecided as of right now,  Princess Ruyi has decided upon veterinary school. You should see her with animals she is great. Speaking of her, her birthday is coming up, and she wanted to visit the Temple of Heaven to pay respects, I have tasked the eunucs and maids with making arrangements for a visit for all of us. New clothes will be mended as well, I hope that is ok. 
Emp: That will do. *He smiles at his Empress lovingly* Allow me to escort you to your chambers my love, I’ve missed your company.
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Jazmine: *after the empr and Emp have left* Maybe I will get the chance to go home, my sister is dead.. Perhaps my Niece will write back good things. I did this for you my lovely boy.*she smiles down at her baby lovingly.* I will be queen one day, I promise you..
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paskariu · 3 years
been slowly adding storycontent to the wiki and the more i do it the more i think that mayhaps since lord is all like “fuck what the greedy nobles want” that the society they aspire to create isn’t quite reality in even Avillon itself  considering the overthrowing attempt by the likes of oswald who himself is a noble man of Avillon
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loharis · 3 years
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have this silly thing I doodled
all I want is for mihoyo to create more storycontent to dive deeper into there characters. Now we just have scraps from the comic and speech lines that unlock. 
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