#Storybrand Certified Guide
rn77052 · 1 year
Decoded Strategies is storybrand certified copywriter marketing agency who provide execution certification guide. we use to craft a simple, powerful story for your brand. One that your customers actually want to hear. For getting more information about storybrand certified guide you visit:-https://decodedstrategies.com/what-is-storybrand/
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Evolve Global Marketing
As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we know business owners waste enormous amounts of time and money on marketing that doesn't work. We create brand identities, websites, courses, and automated sales funnels using the power of storytelling so that you get more leads and sales online.
Address: 121 Fernbrook Dr, Mooresville, NC 28117, USA Phone: 980-319-0272 Website: https://evolveglobalmarketing.com
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resultsandcous · 3 months
Turn Visitors into Heroes: Design Your Website for the Storybrand Journey
In the vast digital landscape, websites are battlegrounds for attention. Bland, generic pages get lost in the noise, while compelling stories capture hearts and drive action. That's where the Storybrand Framework meets website design, transforming online experiences into hero's journeys that convert visitors into brand loyalists.
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Beyond Pixels: Why Story Matters in Website Design:
Recall the last webpage that genuinely captured your attention. It was probably a story that spoke to your ambitions and concerns more than a feature list. Humans have an affinity for storytelling. This basic human need may be satisfied by incorporating Storybrand concepts into your website design, which creates an emotional bond that transcends simple beauty.
The Hero's Journey on Your Screen: Unpacking the Storybrand Website:
Storybrand deconstructs the universal Hero's Journey into seven core elements, creating a clear roadmap for your website design:
The Hero: Who is your ideal visitor? Understand their aspirations and frustrations.
The Villain: What external or internal obstacle prevents them from achieving their desires?
The Guide: Showcase your brand as the guide, offering solutions to overcome the villain.
The Plan: Clearly outline the steps they can take with your product or service.
The Stakes: Raise the urgency by highlighting the consequences of inaction.
The Success: Paint a vivid picture of their transformed life after using your solution.
The Call to Action: Make it clear and compelling, inviting them to take the next step.
From Theory to Practice: Weaving Story into Every Element:
Each website element becomes a tool to tell your story:
Homepage: Introduce your hero, the villain, and your brand as the guide.
About Us: Share your brand story, showcasing your values and the values you share with your hero.
Services/Products: Present solutions as tools to overcome the villain, not just features.
Case Studies/Testimonials: Show real heroes achieving success with your guidance.
Blog/Content: Educate, inspire, and connect with stories that resonate with your hero's journey.
Calls to Action: Make them clear, relevant, and aligned with the hero's next step.
Results & Co: Your Partners in Storybrand Website Design:
Results & Co isn't just a web design agency; they're Storybrand Certified Guides. They offer:
Storybrand Website Audits: Analyze your current website through the Storybrand lens, identifying areas for improvement.
Strategic Workshops: Equip your team with Storybrand principles for impactful website design.
Custom Design & Development: Build user-friendly, story-driven websites that convert.
Content Creation: Craft compelling copy that engages your audience and guides them through the hero's journey.
Case Study: From Blah to Boom:
The Green Thumb Gardening Center's website struggled to attract visitors and convert leads. Generic content and confusing navigation failed to connect with their target audience. Partnering with Results & Co, they embraced Storybrand. Their homepage introduced the frustrated gardener as the hero, battling the villain of overgrown weeds and failed harvests. Their services became the tools, and success stories showcased transformed gardens. The result? Increased website traffic, higher engagement, and a surge in customer conversions.
Beyond Aesthetics: Measuring the Impact of Storybrand Websites:
The power of Storybrand transcends subjective opinions. Studies by Marketing Sherpa show companies using the framework see dramatic increases in website conversions, qualified leads, and sales. It's not just about design; it's about driving tangible results.
Become the Website Hero: Start Your Storybrand Journey Today:
Your website serves as a platform for your brand story rather than just a digital brochure. You may turn visitors into heroes on a quest for knowledge by incorporating Storybrand ideas into your design. This will eventually allow you to connect with them emotionally and encourage conversion. Partner with Results & Co and unlock the true potential of your website, turning clicks into brand champions.
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Indy Web Designers
We help businesses find the right words to say and then build a website that invites customers to your business.  As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we can help you create the content and websites that will engage customers.  We also create sales funnels and ad campaigns that will grow your business.
Address: 85 E Cedar St, Zionsville, IN 46077, USA Phone: 812-350-3872 Website: https://www.indywebdesigners.com
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robbyf · 3 years
035: Turn Your Unique Approach into Powerful Positioning for Your Coaching, Consulting, or Speaker Business
Lots of Coaches, Consultants, Speakers and Trainers have certifications or frameworks you use to deliver your services.
Maybe you’re…
John Maxwell certified
A StoryBrand Guide
A Business Made Simple Coach
A Toastmaster Speaker
Or certified through another International Coach Federation (ICF) program
In this episode, we look at some simple steps to turn your certification, framework, or approach into powerful positioning for your brand and business.
It’s the third “P” you use to amplify your unique value and positioning in a crowded Coaching, Consulting, and Speaker marketplace.
Take Control of How You’re Positioned in the Market
By the time you’re done enjoying this one, you’ll get answers to these copywriting questions:
Where is the simplest place to start positioning your business when you’re struggling to nail down who your customer is or even what you want to offer?
How do you leverage your certification or unique approach when positioning your brand?
Why you risk missing out on more customers and more business by ignoring the ‘process passivity’ of your audience?
Got a question about how to position your coaching, consulting, or speaker brand? Let me know and I’ll answer it on the podcast. Submit your question for the podcast here »
Cheatsheet: 4 Ways to make a Great First Impression w Your Website » Download this new cheatsheet to make a great first impression with your website. 
Know someone who has their own Coaching, Consulting, Speaking, or Training business? Click the share button on your phone and share this episode with them right now.
Web: https://robbyf.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rfowler/ 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robby-fowler-0408201 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfowler
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rfowler 
Check out the latest episode!
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heykav · 3 years
r/marketing - "Why Empathy Wins and Selling Doesn't" — new article in Entrepreneur
r/marketing – “Why Empathy Wins and Selling Doesn’t” — new article in Entrepreneur
Reading this piece in Entrepreneur after a colleague shared in a Slack workspace. As a StoryBrand Certified Guide and marketer, I am all about centering the customer as the hero of their story and making my clients the guide helping the customer along their journey to success. It seems like it should be common sense — but so many companies still lean so hard into selling without thinking about it…
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joshcantrell-blog · 7 years
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4 days. Hundreds of miles. Lots of writing, training + strategerizing, and I'm officially a @storybrand_ Certified Guide. #buildingastorybrand #storybrand #marketing (at Nashville, Tennessee)
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topicprinter · 5 years
I’m a big, big fan of Donald Miller’s Storybrand process and I use it all the time at my day job.In the last few weeks a marketing company who specializes in Storybrand has asked me to help work with their clients to go through the process. I’m flattered that they value my work, but we haven’t had “the talk” with them - that is, how I’ll be paid for the work I do for and through them.This gig would be a side hustle for me, as contract labor, with the goal of going full time on my own someday. I’m not officially certified but I’m really good at this process.My big problem is, I don’t know how to price myself in this role and I can’t find a good guide on how to identify a proper pricing model. Any suggestions or thoughts?
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All-Star Financial Expert Mike McGlothlin Hits Multiple Amazon Best Seller Lists with “Free Throws for Financial Professionals "
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=23301 All-Star financial expert Mike McGlothlin‘s recent release, “Free Throws for Financial Professionals: Winning Principles for Unlocking Business Success,” hit multiple best seller lists on Amazon.com, climbing all the way to number one in Insurance on October 16, 2018. The book also appeared on the best seller list in Canada and the UK, as well as taking the number one position on the new release lists for both insurance and sales and selling.In “Free Throws for Financial Professionals” financial expert Mike McGlothlin takes practical leadership principles learned during his time as a student manager under legendary coach Bob Knight and translates them into simple, foundational strategies that will help every financial planner boost their business growth.The financial services industry is being disrupted by regulations, people living longer, and the largest change to the workforce the US has ever seen. Financial planners are frustrated and working harder than ever to succeed, and this disruption is the wall between them and their business growth. Thankfully, this wall can be knocked down. “Free Throws for Financial Professionals” helps financial planners conquer this frustration, grow their businesses, and reap the success they truly want. The book is available on Amazon in both print and Kindle formats.In response to the book hitting multiple best seller categories, McGlothlin shared, "The success of the book on launch day clearly demonstrates the hunger and passion financial professionals have around not only building a successful business but helping as many Americans as possible reach their financial goals. The insights outlined in the book come from my own personal experience of building a highly successful business and career in financial services. I am grateful for the opportunity to share and help thousands of financial professionals do the same."ABOUT THE AUTHORMike McGlothlin is a team leader, retirement industry activist and disciple of Indiana Hoosier basketball.As executive vice president of retirement products at Ash Brokerage, he and his team help financial planners provide income planning solutions focused on longevity and efficiency. He also provides guidance and assistance for advisors and broker-dealers navigating marketplace and regulatory changes.With more than 25 years of industry experience, McGlothlin is a sought-after author and speaker focused on helping advisors bring true value to their business. He became a certified Go- Giver coach and speaker so he could share the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success and show others how the philosophy could change their work and life. He’s also a certified StoryBrand guide, helping advisors find results from their marketing efforts.McGlothlin’s web series, “Winning Strategies,” provides insight and motivation for financial advisors in many forms — blogs, videos a podcast and more. His blogs have been turned into two books, “Above the Clouds … Winning Strategies from 30,000 Feet” and “Winning Strategies: The New Rules for Retirement Planning”. “Free Throws for Financial Professionals” is his third book.McGlothlin is a graduate of the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, where he majored in business economics, public policy and business analysis. In addition to his Indiana life and health insurance license, he has active series 6, 26 and 63 registrations. He’s also a Certified Financial Planner®, Chartered Life Underwriter®, Chartered Financial Consultant® and Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow®. He remains active with many professional associations, and currently serves on the executive committee for the Society of Financial Service Professionals.To learn more about Mike McGlothlin, visit FreeThrowsForPros. 
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doblerwins · 7 years
I have two things to share this edition. I hope they’ll get you thinking as much as they have me this week. Here we go: My buddy and Honestly collaborator, Bill Pasnau, came to town this week to discuss StoryBrand. I’ve read the book, but he’s a certified StoryBrand guide (and one of the writers on… Read more The Hard Truth
The post The Hard Truth appeared first on David Horne.
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Evolve Global Marketing
As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we know business owners waste enormous amounts of time and money on marketing that doesn't work. We create brand identities, websites, courses, and automated sales funnels using the power of storytelling so that you get more leads and sales online.
Address: 121 Fernbrook Dr, Mooresville, NC 28117, USA Phone: 980-319-0272 Website: https://evolveglobalmarketing.com/
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resultsandcous · 4 months
A Deep Dive into the Storybrand Brandscript
It takes more than just bragging about features and perks to engage your audience in the competitive market. You must narrate a tale that speaks to their innermost wants and struggles. Introducing the Storybrand Brandscript, an effective tool for creating stories that increase engagement, lead to conversions and eventually increase success. Let's embark on a journey through this framework, guided by the expertise of Results & Co., and unlock its potential for your brand.
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The Essence of the Brandscript: Hero's Journey in a Single Page
The Storybrand Brandscript, created by Donald Miller, summarizes the Hero's Journey in a clear, one-page format. It presents your ideal client as the protagonist, embarking on a transforming journey with your brand as their guide while overcoming an external issue (the villain). By emphasizing the hero in your message, you may create an emotional connection that sets your message out from the noise.
Decoding the Seven Pillars of the Brandscript:
The framework dissects a compelling brand story into seven key elements:
The Hero: Your ideal customer, experiencing an ordinary world disrupted by a problem.
The External Problem: The villain your hero faces, not just your product features.
The Internal Problem: The underlying fear or insecurity driving the external problem.
The Guide: Your brand, offering the hero the tools and support to overcome the villain.
The Plan: The actionable steps the hero takes, guided by your product or service.
The Stakes: The potential consequences of failure, raising urgency and engagement.
The Success: The hero overcomes the villain, achieves their desire, and transforms.
Beyond the Script: Results & Co. Your Storybrand Journey Companion
Applying the Brandscript effectively requires more than just understanding the steps. Results & Co. goes beyond, offering a range of services to empower you:
Brandscript Workshops and Training: Gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills through interactive workshops led by experienced facilitators.
Brandscript Implementation: Collaborate with their team to seamlessly integrate the Brandscript into your marketing strategy, messaging, and content creation.
Brandscript Certification: Become a Certified Storybrand Guide and equip yourself to tell powerful brand stories.
Unveiling the Benefits: From Engagement to Conversions
The impact of using the Storybrand Brandscript extends far beyond mere storytelling:
Boost your marketing ROI: Connect with your audience on an emotional level, leading to higher engagement and conversions.
Build stronger brand loyalty: Foster connection and trust by sharing your values and how you help people overcome their challenges.
Attract and retain top talent: Showcase your brand culture and purpose, attracting talent who resonate with your story.
Simplify complex messages: Present your solution in a clear, concise, and relatable way, even for intricate products or services.
Real-World Impact: Success Stories Powered by Results & Co.
Results & Co. has helped countless brands harness the power of the Brandscript. Here are some inspiring examples:
A SaaS company increased website leads by 400% after crafting a compelling Brandscript narrative.
A healthcare organization saw a 25% rise in patient satisfaction by using the Brandscript to communicate with empathy and clarity.
A non-profit organization doubled their volunteer sign-ups by aligning their messaging with the Brandscript's hero-centric approach.
Crafting Your Brand's Epic Tale: From Script to Impact
Narratives hold a powerful emotional and intellectual currency in the attention-grabbing world of today. Under the skillful direction of Results & Co., the Storybrand Brandscript gives you the ability to create stories that not only capture attention but also have a lasting effect. The knowledge and skills of Results & Co. and Brandscript provide a potent formula for success, regardless of your background—you may be a marketing specialist, small business owner, or just someone trying to create an engaging brand narrative. Set off on a heroic adventure for your brand, believe in the power of narrative, and see how your audience will relate to your message in a whole new manner.
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Indy Web Designers
We help businesses find the right words to say and then build a website that invites customers to your business.  As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we can help you create the content and websites that will engage customers.  We also create sales funnels and ad campaigns that will grow your business.
Address: 85 E Cedar St, Zionsville, IN 46077, USA Phone: 812-350-3872 Website: https://www.indywebdesigners.com
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Evolve Global Marketing
As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we know business owners waste enormous amounts of time and money on marketing that doesn't work. We create brand identities, websites, courses, and automated sales funnels using the power of storytelling so that you get more leads and sales online.
Address: 121 Fernbrook Dr, Mooresville, NC 28117, USA Phone: 980-319-0272 Website: https://evolveglobalmarketing.com/
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Evolve Global Marketing
As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we know business owners waste enormous amounts of time and money on marketing that doesn't work. We create brand identities, websites, courses, and automated sales funnels using the power of storytelling so that you get more leads and sales online.
Address: 121 Fernbrook Dr, Mooresville, NC 28117, USA Phone: 980-319-0272 Website: https://evolveglobalmarketing.com/
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Evolve Global Marketing
As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we know business owners waste enormous amounts of time and money on marketing that doesn't work. We create brand identities, websites, courses, and automated sales funnels using the power of storytelling so that you get more leads and sales online.
Address: 121 Fernbrook Dr, Mooresville, NC 28117, USA Phone: 980-319-0272 Website: https://evolveglobalmarketing.com/
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