#Storybrand Websites
resultsandcous · 8 months
Creating Engaging StoryBrand Websites for Your Success with Results & Co.
Explore how Results & Co, a leading marketing agency, specializes in creating StoryBrand websites that captivate and convert. Elevate your brand's narrative, engage your audience, and achieve remarkable results with our expert team.
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Evolve Global Marketing
As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we know business owners waste enormous amounts of time and money on marketing that doesn't work. We create brand identities, websites, courses, and automated sales funnels using the power of storytelling so that you get more leads and sales online.
Address: 121 Fernbrook Dr, Mooresville, NC 28117, USA Phone: 980-319-0272 Website: https://evolveglobalmarketing.com
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resultsandcoau · 3 months
StoryBrand Website Templates: Craft a Compelling Website that Converts
In today’s digital world, your website is often where a prospective consumer forms their first impression of you. Apart from furnishing information about your business, a well-crafted website guides visitors to accomplish the necessary tasks — be it buying a product, signing up for a service, or contacting you for further information.
This is where StoryBrand website templates come in. Based on the proven StoryBrand framework, these templates offer a powerful approach to website creation that prioritizes user engagement and conversion.
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The Power of Story in Website Design
People are story-responsive by nature. Stories draw us in, arouse our feelings, and help us empathize with the characters. Using this natural human affinity for narrative, StoryBrand builds websites that engage with users on a deeper level.
Here’s how StoryBrand website templates achieve this:
Hero’s Journey: The framework positions your ideal customer as the hero of their own story. Your website becomes the guide, helping them navigate their “external” struggles and achieve their desired outcome.
Clarity and Focus: StoryBrand templates encourage straightforward messaging that keeps visitors from being overloaded with information by concentrating on the hero’s journey.
Emotional Connection: Using narrative components to establish an emotional connection with visitors is encouraged by the templates. They are inspired to interact with your business and take action as a result.
Benefits of Using StoryBrand Website Templates
The advantages of incorporating StoryBrand website templates go beyond just aesthetics. Here’s what you can expect:
Enhanced Conversions: StoryBrand increases conversions by assisting visitors in understanding how your product or service could address their needs.
Enhanced User Engagement: StoryBrand templates spark consumers’ curiosity about your brand by telling an engrossing story.
Enhanced Brand Clarity: By emphasizing the hero’s journey, you can make your brand’s value proposition and how it helps your target market more clear.
Stronger Customer Relationships: Storytelling fosters a sense of connection with your ideal customer, laying the foundation for stronger brand loyalty.
Results and Co: Building Your StoryBrand Website
Results and Co. is a company that specializes in helping businesses leverage the power of StoryBrand. They offer a variety of resources, including StoryBrand website templates, to guide you in building a website that converts.
Here’s what Results and Co. can provide:
Pre-Designed Templates: They provide a range of StoryBrand website templates to suit various business types and sectors.
Customization Options: You may modify the text and images in their templates to fit your own brand identity.
Implementation Support: Results and Co. can help implement the chosen template and ensure your website aligns with StoryBrand principles.
Beyond the Templates: Tips for a Successful StoryBrand Website
While StoryBrand website templates offer a strong foundation, here are some additional tips to optimize your website for success:
Recognize Your Ideal Client: Gain a thorough grasp of the issues, goals, and pain areas of your target market.
Provide Captivating Content: Employ strong storytelling strategies and succinct language to maintain the attention of your readers.
Emphasis on Benefits: Describe how your offering helps your hero overcome challenges and realize their dreams.
Be clear about the action you want visitors to do when creating calls to action, such as completing a purchase or contacting you for a quote.
To sum up, StoryBrand website templates provide a strong and efficient means of creating websites that connect with users and encourage conversions. With the help of these templates and an emphasis on the hero’s journey, you can develop an engaging online presence that strengthens relationships and advances your company.
Recall that a well-designed website serves as more than simply an informational resource; it is a narrative guide that directs visitors to a happy conclusion — a successful interaction with your business. Explore resources like those offered by Results and Co. and empower your website to tell the story of your ideal customer’s successful journey with your company.
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unschool · 1 year
5 Best Books for Digital Marketing
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Business guidance is everywhere these days, and it may not seem that books offer much more than what’s freely available online. Books offer something special regarding robust tips that last for years. Experts have written tips and tricks about their domain. Therefore, the best books for digital marketing pass along time-tested strategies for taking your company or nonprofit to the next level.
Moreover, you can also get hands-on experience on jobs with a digital marketing certificate from Unschool. This program consists of 6 months, followed by a career in digital marketing. This digital marketing course with a job guarantee helps the learners get well-versed in the first four months; the rest is covered for preparing to crack a job. Enroll now!
Pick up a copy and line your bookshelves with the kind of knowledge you can refer back to again and again.
Ready to learn more about the best books on digital marketing? Then let’s get started!
1. They Ask, You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today’s Digital Consumer (Marcus Sheridan, 2019)
You can’t have a digital marketing conversation without realizing the impact of Search Engine Optimization(SEO). This book employs relatable stories from the author’s career journey to explain how content marketing can make a big difference in any digital platform. While it is good to read books and getting a digital marketing course with an internship adds a cherry on the cake. 
This book discusses why quality content matters and how to use it as part of an organic, authentic digital marketing strategy minus all the icky keyword stuffing. If you plan to build your career in content writing, enroll in an online course certification from Unschool. 
2. Digital Marketing in an AI World: Futureproofing Your PPC Agency (Frederick Vallaeys, 2019)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is blowing up the world today, with worries that algorithms may fully replace humans in creating digital content. Author Vallaeys acknowledges the problems in this book by stating that it’s powerful but not the perfect solution. His breakdown of what AI is best used for and how it helps PPC marketers do their jobs better is both reassuring and practical. 
Moreover, you can get hands-on knowledge from online courses with certifications from Unschool in digital marketing. Our industry experts have shared their experiences according to the in-demand trends. So what are you waiting for? Enroll now to enhance your knowledge. 
3. Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step StoryBrand Guide for Any Business (Donald Miller, 2020)
You may have already heard of Donald Miller, a best-selling author with notoriety in the branding sphere. His latest book takes that initial momentum into an actionable checklist for building sales funnels. Even if you’re familiar with funnels, the principles behind them are worth reviewing. Moreover, a step-by-step workbook lets you brainstorm and strategize before executing those principles. Hence the readers get a nuts-and-bolts look at creating a marketing plan, including email and an engaging website. 
4. Join or Die: Digital Advertising in the Age of Automation (Patrick Gilbert, 2020)
Despite the book’s somewhat threatening title, Join or Die is a detailed look at how automation transforms digital marketing jobs. Gilbert refers to Google Ads in most case studies but highlights the adaptability of the mindset to almost any paid media platform where automation tools exist.
While agencies and marketers may be hesitant to embrace automation, it’s already here, and this book acts as a primer to how it all works. In addition, it explores why the most successful marketers adopt it to make their campaigns more relevant and scalable. Therefore get on board with the digital marketing job guarantee program from Unschool. 
5. One Million Followers, Updated Edition: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days (Brendan Kane, 2020)
Who wouldn’t want a million followers? While social media has more to offer apart from having zillions of followers. It’s widely accepted that the more followers, the easier to get your message out there. The book covers all the pros and cons of his journey to a million fans. Those already familiar with social media jargon and wanting to know how big brands make a splash will find it intriguing. Well, you can learn more about how to increase your online presence on social media platforms via online certificate programs. 
How to get on a digital marketing job program
If you’re excited to learn more about digital marketing, it can be tempting to jump into all these ideas simultaneously. Therefore, start exploring a digital career and what skills, online courses with certificates or more are required. Remember, digital marketing is a vast concept incorporating anything a brand does to reach its target audience online. With so many options, it’s easy to spread yourself thin. Consider upgrading your knowledge with online course certification with an internship in the same domain.  Are you just getting into digital marketing and need some guidance on where to start? Enroll in the digital marketing job program from Unschool to help you learn if digital marketing is the right career.
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web3o · 2 years
5 Ways to Boost Your Search Engine Ranking
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You have a beautiful website with great content to share, but are people finding it and visiting it? Even with the rise of social media, organic search remains a critical driver of website traffic and it is not going away anytime soon. That is why it is critical to boost your search engine ranking so that people can find you easier than your competitors. That is the goal of search engine optimization (SEO).
Whether you know the fundamentals of SEO or this is your first article, this list will provide you with a game plan for improving your search engine rankings. So, if you're still wondering, "How do I improve my search rankings?" read on...
1. Conduct keyword research
To find the best targets for each page on your website, use search data and research your competition. Start with the pages that have the most content and are useful to your customers, depending on the size of your website and the resources you have available. Examples include your top one or two product/service pages or a well-written blog post that provides detailed information your customers seek.
Choose which phrases you want your pages to rank well for.
The pages you select should have a clear message that is focused on a single subject. This is where you find out what keywords your customers are using to search for this topic. There are numerous tools available to help you discover how people search (Google keyword research tool and you'll find advertisements or lists of free and paid tools). This step could be the subject of a separate blog post, but if we had to pick the most important piece of advice, it would be to choose a phrase that is specific and relevant. It will be several words long if it is specific, and it will appear multiple times throughout the page if it is relevant. Remember, instead of using insider terminology, focus on what your average customer might search for.
2. Create informative copy that people want to read.
You are the most knowledgeable about your field. Create helpful content that includes keywords and synonyms to help Google and other search engines find your website. Include your keywords throughout the page to improve your search engine ranking, but don't overdo it. Check that it is still readable for your visitors. To create clear and compelling messages, we recommend using the Storybrand process.
3. Use page titles to assist search engines and users.
The title tag, or meta title, is read by search engines as an important indicator of what the page is about. Because your title tag is also the blue link that everyone sees on a search engine results page, include the keywords that users search for. This title is distinct from the bold heading that everyone sees on your website, which is typically the heading tag described in the following step. As a result, if it aids in increasing clicks, you can write one title for the search engine results page (SERP) and a different heading for your webpage.
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4. Include internal links to other pages
You'll frequently find yourself referencing other topics that you've already published while writing copy for the page. Internal linking is the process of selecting a phrase and adding a hyperlink to the blog post or page being referenced. These links will entice some users to visit your other pages, but more importantly, search engines will crawl these links as well. Anchor text refers to the keywords that you hyperlink. This provides context to the user and search engines about the page you link to, so it is critical to use meaningful keywords in the hyperlink.
Tip: Read your copy after you've finished writing it and actively look for opportunities to link to other pages. This is especially important if you have new content you want people to read. It is best to create an internal linking strategy that groups and cross-references all of your site's great content. This can be difficult but rewarding in terms of search engine rankings.
5. Page speed and mobile-friendly design
It's no secret that mobile users are increasingly visiting your website. Make certain that your website is mobile-friendly. Optimize the images, code, and content to ensure that each page loads quickly. Slow websites will lose visitors, and search engines will notice. As a result, having a fast website will boost your search engine ranking. When it comes to how to make your website rank, you need great content, but website design and development are also important.
Begin by improving your search engine rankings.
If you can check off all five items on this list, your website is on its way to ranking well on Google as any of them will help you improve your search engine ranking.
At Web3o Solutions, we can assist you in getting started on this list or taking your SEO to the next level with our advanced SEO services. It takes time and dedication to achieve high search engine rankings using effective SEO techniques. What's holding you back now that you've devised a strategy?
Contact us to GET STARTED!
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goodagencytx · 4 months
Unlocking Brand Potential: Why Every Business Needs a StoryBrand Guide
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where competition is fierce and attention spans are fleeting, businesses are constantly seeking ways to stand out and connect with their audience. One powerful strategy that has gained significant traction is the implementation of a StoryBrand guide. In this article, we'll explore what a StoryBrand guide is, why it's essential for businesses, and how Good Agency can help unlock your brand's potential through this approach.
Understanding the StoryBrand Framework Developed by Donald Miller, the StoryBrand framework revolves around the idea that every brand should position itself as the guide in the customer's story, with the customer being the hero. It's a storytelling technique that resonates deeply with human psychology, tapping into our innate desire for narrative and meaning.
At its core, the StoryBrand framework emphasizes clarity and simplicity in messaging. It encourages businesses to articulate their brand's message in a way that is easy to understand and immediately resonates with their target audience. By positioning the customer as the hero and the brand as the guide who helps them overcome challenges and achieve their goals, businesses can forge stronger connections and drive better results.
The Importance of a StoryBrand Guide Implementing the StoryBrand framework effectively requires more than just a basic understanding of its principles. It requires strategic thinking, creativity, and a deep understanding of both the brand and its audience. This is where a StoryBrand guide comes in.
A StoryBrand guide is a trained professional who specializes in helping businesses clarify their message, implement the StoryBrand framework, and create compelling marketing collateral that resonates with their audience. They serve as strategic partners, guiding businesses through the process of crafting a powerful narrative that engages customers and drives results.
Why Every Business Needs a StoryBrand Guide
Clarity: One of the biggest challenges businesses face is communicating their message clearly and effectively. A StoryBrand guide can help cut through the noise and distill the essence of a brand's message into something easy to understand and compelling.
Engagement: In today's crowded marketplace, attention is a scarce commodity. By leveraging the power of storytelling, businesses can capture and hold their audience's attention, driving greater engagement and brand loyalty.
Differentiation: With countless competitors vying for the same audience, businesses need to find ways to stand out. The StoryBrand framework provides a unique approach to branding that sets businesses apart and creates a lasting impression in the minds of consumers.
Conversion: Ultimately, the goal of any marketing strategy is to drive conversion. By crafting a clear and compelling message that resonates with their audience, businesses can increase conversion rates and drive better results.
How Good Agency Can Help As a leading digital marketing agency, Good Agency specializes in helping businesses unlock their brand's potential through strategic storytelling and the implementation of the StoryBrand framework. With a team of experienced StoryBrand guides, we offer a range of services designed to help businesses clarify their message, engage their audience, and drive results.
Our process begins with a deep dive into your brand, audience, and goals. From there, we work closely with you to develop a customized strategy that leverages the power of storytelling to achieve your objectives. Whether you're looking to revamp your website, launch a new product, or craft a compelling brand story, we have the expertise and creativity to bring your vision to life.
Through a combination of workshops, consulting, and hands-on implementation, we help businesses harness the power of storytelling to create meaningful connections with their audience and drive measurable results. With Good Agency as your partner, you can unlock your brand's full potential and take your business to new heights.
Conclusion In an increasingly competitive marketplace, businesses need to find ways to stand out and connect with their audience. By implementing the StoryBrand framework and working with a trusted partner like Good Agency, businesses can clarify their message, engage their audience, and drive better results. Don't let your brand get lost in the noise—unlock its potential with the power of storytelling today.
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thatmcgwords · 10 months
“Stories have always had the ability to mold people, whether in ancient times or in contemporary films. Everyone enjoys a good story, regardless of the means used to tell it. A common pattern in good stories is that a character faces a challenge and encounters a guide who helps them devise a strategy, motivates them to take action, avoids failure, and leads to success.”
When you have a compelling narrative that illustrates your brand, you can gain a competitive advantage. ~ Donald Miller
“There is no space for uncertainty. Aesthetics are less important than effective language usage. You may have the most beautiful website on the block, but you're using language ineffectively. It's a waste of such elegance.Your messageshould pass the following information:
Who you are
What you do
Why you are the best fit for the job
Customers should be able to comprehend your message and relate to your tale without difficulty. If they encounter difficulties repeatedly, they would not hesitate to move their company elsewhere. Your message must clarify your goals and every mission.”
The best message for your brand takes the customers’ needs into consideration. ~ Donald Miller
“It is crucial to always ask yourself if your product or service will be beneficial to people’s survival. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, it's critical to prioritize the services or goods based on how important they are to human survival. Physical requirements take precedence over psychological requirements. Consider this a pyramid. The most basic needs we have as humans are food, sex, protection, and shelter. Then there's the need for fellowship and companionship. The need for self–actualization is at the top of the pyramid. Understanding this hierarchy can provide the leverage to hone your message and entice customers.”
“Acceptance is what we all crave. We just want to feel like we belong somewhere. We must all eat and drink. Use what you've learned to illustrate how your product can help consumers meet their needs and thrive in life. If you're in the business of technical enhancement training, for example, your website must explicitly state that you teach people. Then, you must figure out how to craft a message that ties technical training to your customers' survival needs. You may demonstrate how professional training would allow them to earn more money and better care for themselves. Being skilled will also assist them in making friends with notable members of society.”
“A well–told story is organized information which follows a 7–part framework”
A properly crafted story has the power to retain our attention and improve our retention of the story. ~ Donald Miller
“Story–telling is an effective marketing strategy that makes messages stick. Unlike the erratic honking of cars and odd noises we hear and forget almost instantly, a good story sticks in the mind after a single listen, much like a melody. Music follows a set of rules and patterns that are easily recognized. A pattern can also be found in good tales.
Make a message as infectious as a melody by turning it into a story if you want to project your brand. The StoryBrand 7–Part Framework, also known as the “SB7 Framework,” is a simple way to accomplish this.
The SB7 Framework harnesses the influence of stories. The structure describes the 7 most common story elements:
Calls to action
“In every story, the protagonist is the focus of attention. Their character is at the center of the plot. They have a strong desire for something impossible to obtain. This issue is caused by this complexity. Just as they are about to give up, a guide appears and proposes a solution to the dilemma. The guide instructs the character to behave in accordance with the strategy. To escape failure, the character must stick to the plan in order to fulfill her first desire.This story arc can be crafted for every type of brand. Once you’ve got your script sorted, it will provide the ammunition you need to win and keep the attention of your customers. The nextchapterwill zoom in on the character.
“The character in your business story are the customers and you should focus on one desire”
“Every good story has a hero. The Harry Potter series has Harry Potter. Game of Thrones has Jon Snow, depending on the season you’re watching.”
The hero of an effective brand story is the customer. ~ Donald Miller
“Allow your story to revolve around your clients’ wants and needs. Tell the story from their perspective. It will stay with them, and they will automatically seek you out when they need something in the real world. The need will be associated with your brand.
Consider a travel company as an example of how vital it is to make the customer your main character. This company's website features stunning scenery from around the world, as well as their beautiful offices and a story about them. In essence, it discussed all but the consumer.This is a good example of what not to do. The message is ambiguous and does not answer the customers' needs. They showcased their business rather than focusing on what their company will do for the consumer. People may enjoy the beautiful landscapes and offices, but they are unable to relate their needs to what you are saying. Your website should talk more about the people who use them than you. They should easily see why they need to contact you and what you bring to the table.
In your brand story, your customer must be the main character. Engage them by focusing on their needs. Concentrate on one desire to become more dominant. It's pointless to mention all of your resources. It would just confuse the clients and make it impossible for them to see how your message addresses their needs.
Someone at the travel agency soon realized that customers want to travel easily. As a result of this discovery, their website was redesigned to emphasize how their services relieve their customers of the pressure of making travel plans. The message became more succinct and direct and everyone was aware of the travel agency's services.”
“How does your product or service solve customer problems? The second component of the SB7 framework focuses on identifying the problems your customers face and proffering solutions to these problems.”
“People like being heard. Simply stating the issues that your customers face will pique their interest in the solution you offer. Clearly state the issue, demonstrating that you understand where the shoe hurts.
By communicating your awareness of your customers’ challenges, you communicate understanding. ~ Donald Miller
“In a story, having a hero isn't enough. There has to be a bad guy somewhere. As a result, this obstacle or dilemma that the customers face must be portrayed as the story's protagonist, who must be defeated. It's helpful to portray distractions as a villain if your product is a time–management app. Make all that steals time into a mini–villain, and these villains will become the main villains.
Internal issues may often be more urgent than external issues. Feeling stressed that you don't have enough time to relax could be an internal issue for which the time management software could have solutions
There are two key attributes you must have to present yourself as an effective guide: empathy and authority. ~ Donald Miller
“Empathy establishes the foundation for a trustworthy relationship. It demonstrates to your customers that you are aware of their situation and can empathize with them. Only if you establish a relationship with your customers will they take your advice seriously
Empathy makes customers trust you while authority is established by being consistently competent. ~ Donald Miller
“Being overbearing or condescending does not create authority. It is won by acting with honesty and following through on your promises. You must demonstrate that you are capable of carrying out your promises. Please deliver! A constant demonstration of competence is the key to establishing authority.
At this point, all of your story's major characters have been identified. You know who the story's hero, villain, and guide are. It's time to tell a gripping story
“The fact that your customers trust you and your ability to deliver does not mean they will commit to a purchase. Buying a product or service isa different process altogether. You must come up with aworkingplan that will guarantee their decision tomake a purchase.
Consider a group of people who need to cross a stream to get to the other side but don't want to get muddy. As a guide, your job is to throw stones into the water for them to walk on so they can get to their destination without getting wet. Your scheme is made up of crossing stones.
A process plan and an agreement plan are two methods of laying out a good plan. ~ Donald Miller
“Demonstrate how to make a purchase or make the purchase completely risk–free for your customers. The Process Plan is a diagram that shows the customers what to do. It instructs them on how to purchase and use a product. Explaining the process reduces customer frustration and increases the likelihood of customer retention.
If a customer wants to get a product, they may have difficulty deciding if the product is a right fit for them. You need to help by listing the steps they need to take to ascertain that they are making the right choice. These steps form the process plan.
The second method — an agreement plan — helps to eliminate the fear of purchase.For example, offering a money – back agreement or assuring customers that they will leave with products that meet their needs and standards, will boost the likelihood of making a purchase.
“Encourage your clients to take action. Do not wait for anyone to notice you. Every day, an average of 3000 commercials are broadcast to customers. As a result, if you want to be selected, you must stand out from the crowd.
“Make a statement that is both bold and straightforward. Provide several calls to action on your website. Use a variety of terminologies and distribute them on the website. Direct calls to action include phrases like “Click Here to Buy,” “Buy Now,” and “Register.”
Another way to get consumers to make a decision is to use a transitional call to action. It differs from a straightforward call to action in that it aims to build a positive relationship with consumers rather than attempting to persuade them to make a purchase. The aim remains to persuade them to make a purchase.
Direct calls encourage customers to place an order while transitional calls encourage them to return to you next time they have a similar need. ~ Donald Miller
“Each time they encounter the problem that your product solves, they think of you and not the competition. To do this, you need to offer them something significant free of charge. Kind gestures stick with customers andmakethem return to you in the future.
“The possibility of the hero getting killed is why we stay glued to the screen in a movie. We want it to end well for the hero but we are not unaware of the possibility of the hero suffering a loss or losing his life. Jon Snow died in Game of Thrones and was not brought back to life until the next season. This kept everyone enthralled.
Your brand story should capitalize on the fear of failure because this fear guides our purchasing decisions. ~ Donald Miller
When making buying decisions, people are more interested in avoiding loss than pursuing gain. ~ Donald Miller
“As a result, you must be explicit about the drawbacks of not purchasing from you. For example, a professional advancement training organization that aims to teach people how to give public speeches or presentations must mention the risk of career stagnation that comes with not knowing how to talk in front of a community. You must also demonstrate the dangers of deferring such training before they believe they will need it.
An insurance company that seeks to protect people against potential losses must accentuate these losses in their advertisement and show how buying their insurance will guarantee protection.
“The fact that things can go wrong for the hero is one of the things that makes stories so powerful. When you're the protagonist in a novel, you don't want anything to go wrong. After dangling the risks of not purchasing in front of the buyers' eyes, your company must spell out the happy ending that your product provides
Beyond the product, create a vision that your customers can share with you. ~ Donald Miller
“How can you create a vision that your customers will be willing to share?
Three strategies can be useful:
It's time to sell. When you make provisions for something like a premium package that offers extra services that others do not, you will find that people aspire to that status. People are drawn to what they don't have and what sets them apart from others.
Sell the idea of completeness. Customers must be able to see the possibility of fulfillment of your product. They should get the impression that without your product, they are incomplete. As a result, they should aspire to surpass all others in order to be united with what you have to give.
Self–acceptance and realizing your ability is the third approach. Allow people to feel at ease in their own skin. Assist them in accepting themselves as they are. They would associate with you if the product communicates with ordinary people and tells them that there is nothing wrong with them.
When the movie's good guy nerd finally wins the beautiful girl's heart, it gives all male nerds a sense of identity, elevates their status, and makes them feel whole. There is a happy ending to every story.
The main character in your Brand Story must be your customers. Everything revolves around them. It is their problem you are trying to solve. The story must focus on them.
Identify a specific desire and make it into a problem that needs to be solved. This problem is the villain that the hero of the story must vanquish. Present a troubling situation that the hero must find help to resolve.
Your company is the guide that provides wisdom and help to the hero in the hour of need. Show clearly that you understand their frustration and have the capacity to help them out of the quagmire.
Lay out the steps that must be taken to defeat the villain or assure your customers that they are in safe hands and the only outcome of this situation is success as long as they follow your guidance.
Prod them to take action by asking them to buy your product (direct call to action) or encouraging them to establish a relationship with you (transitional call to action) that will make them remember you whenever they have this need. You can do this by giving them a memorable gift.
Explain the dangers of not taking decisive action now and show them how making the purchase makes them part of something greater than them. Sell a vision and not just a product. The sense of identity and belonging will create a long–lasting bond of fellowship between your brand and your customers.
Try this
To show your customers that your product will help them achieve their dreams, associate your brand with someone who is already successful. Take Red Bull for example. They associate with successful athletes to show that Red Bull gives you wings. To whom or what can you associate your brand to feed your customers with inspiration?
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pippapayne · 2 years
[Download] Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen - Donald Miller
Download Or Read PDF Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen - Donald Miller Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
[*] Read PDF Here => Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
 New York Times?bestselling author Donald Miller uses the seven universal elements of powerful stories to teach readers how to dramatically improve how they connect with customers and grow their businesses.Donald Miller?s StoryBrand process is a proven solution to the struggle business leaders face when talking about their businesses. This revolutionary method for connecting with customers provides readers with the ultimate competitive advantage, revealing the secret for helping their customers understand the compelling benefits of using their products, ideas, or services. Building a StoryBrand does this by teaching readers the seven universal story points all humans respond to; the real reason customers make purchases; how to simplify a brand message so people understand it; and how to create the most effective messaging for websites, brochures, and social media. Whether you are the marketing director of a multibillion dollar company, the owner of a small business, a politician
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storybrandwebsite · 2 years
How To Build a StoryBrand Website?
No matter how good a website you design and develop, all your efforts may go in vain if it fails to attract the desired number of leads. One strategy that you must keep in your mind when selling a product or service is that customers don’t buy the best products; they buy the ones that are communicated the clearest. So, it makes sense that you create a website that is able to communicate your idea in the clearest way.
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 The key here is creating a structured and well-designed homepage that can catch and hold attention, and StoryBrand can do it. But it’s important that you know the process of how to build your Story Brand website pages.
 Problem - The entire game of selling products or services online revolves around the ‘problems’. The better you can understand the problems of your potential customers, the better you can solve them. For this, it is important that you know the problems first. If you can get your business to come to mind when your customer experiences a specific problem, there’s no way you fail in your lifetime.
 Guide - When it comes to keeping users engaged, it is important to understand that the customer is a HERO and you are a GUIDE. So you must help the customer to navigate to the final step and solve the problem. As a guide, you must show that you care about the problems of your potential customers and have the competency to solve their problems.
 Plan - The next step to building your StoryBrand website is that you know how to create a well-laid plan and have a website that leads customers to their final step. And when the customer starts to make excuses, you must have something that they can find lucrative for sure.
 Call To Action (CTA) - This is a very important step in building your StoryBrand website as this will help customers connect with you, regarding their problems, suggestions, or anything else regarding the product or services. The CTA must be clear and concise or else the customers won’t have an idea about ‘what action you want them to take?’
We are sharing tips for website and story branding on our website. Please visit our website https://resultsandco.com/ for more information.
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josephdavidson21 · 2 years
Building your StoryBrand
How To Build a StoryBrand Website? 
No matter how good a website you design and develop, all your efforts may go in vain if it fails to attract the desired number of leads. One strategy that you must keep in your mind when selling a product or service is that customers don’t buy the best products; they buy the ones that are communicated the clearest. So, it makes sense that you create a website that is able to communicate your idea in the clearest way.
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 The key here is creating a structured and well-designed homepage that can catch and hold attention, and StoryBrand can do it. But it’s important that you know the process of building your StoryBrand website pages.
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Problem - The entire game of selling products or services online revolves around the ‘problems’. The better you can understand the problems of your potential customers, the better you can solve them. For this, it is important that you know the problems first. If you can get your business to come to mind when your customer experiences a specific problem, there’s no way you fail in your lifetime.
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 Gude - When it comes to keeping users engaged, it is important to understand that the customer is a HERO and you are a GUIDE. So you must help the customer to navigate to the final step and solve the problem. As a guide, you must show that you care about the problems of your potential customers and have the competency to solve their problems.
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Plan - The next step to building your StoryBrand website is that you know how to create a well-laid plan and have a website that leads customers to their final step. And when the customer starts to make excuses, you must have something that they can find lucrative for sure.
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Call To Action (CTA) - This is a very important step in building your StoryBrand website as this will help customers connect with you, regarding their problems, suggestions, or anything else regarding the product or services. The CTA must be clear and concise or else the customers won’t have an idea about ‘what action you want them to take?’
If you want to make fitness and gym website you have to visit the page: https://resultsandco.com/blog/storybrand-gym-fitness-website-examples/
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podcastcoach · 2 years
Starting a Podcast With $500 What Would You Buy?
If someone handed you $500 and wanted to start a podcast, what would you tell them to buy. We talked about many topics, but we talk about this question at 35:36
I'll save you the Google search. Jerry Lee Lewis was born 9/29/1935 and is STILL ALIVE at age 87.
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If you need podcast artwork, lead agents or a full website, podcastbranding.co has you covered. Mark is a podcaster in addition to being an award-winning artist. He designed the cover art for the School of Podcasting, Podcast Rodeo Show, and Ask the Podcast Coach. Find Mark at 
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Samson Q2u https://supportthisshow.com/q2u
Hindenburg https://hindenburg.com/ 
Libsyn www.libsyn.com (use the coupon sopfree) 
[00:01:04] www.podcastbranding.co 
[00:02:34] www.basedonatruestorypodcast.com 
[00:03:22] Repurposing Content with Sgt. Fred
[00:07:01] Congrats to Glenn on Selling the Horse Radio Network
[00:09:21] Starting Your Episode with a Giant Patreon Push
[00:11:22] Power Rant -Endless Upsells
[00:14:51] Podcaster Kit
[00:20:07] Unproduced Entertaining Show?
[00:22:53] Changing an Episode Format
[00:26:21] Live Podcasts Take Practice
[00:28:22] Patreon Updates
[00:31:47] First Mover Advantage
[00:35:36] $500 to Start a Podcast
[00:40:05] Don't Get Scared By The Number of Podcasts
[00:43:44] Game Show Trivia
[00:44:41]  Hard to Predict What Will Be a Hit
[00:46:06] Thanks To Our Awesome Supporters
[00:48:01] Craig's Bleeping Microphone
[00:51:52] Podcast Generator?
[00:56:50] The Skills Used With a Media Host
[01:01:31] What is Podreacher?
[01:02:12] Storybrand Book Example
[01:03:57] Spotify in the News
[01:08:16] Brand Safe is Coming Closer
[01:10:51]  Document from Gimlet Union
[01:12:39] Who Are These People?
[01:16:15] The Days of Mammoth Podcast Purchases are Over?
[01:17:03] Coming in the Future
Mentioned In This Episode
School of Podcasting https://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/ask 
Loom https://supportthisshow.com/loom 
RSS.com https://supportthisshow.com/rssdotcom 
Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen https://amzn.to/3eeYCKe (aff)
ATR2100 https://podclick.me/atr2100x 
Samson Q2u https://supportthisshow.com/q2u
Podtrak P4 https://supportthisshow.com/zoomp4 
Fiverr https://supportthisshow.com/fiverrartwork 
Podcast Branding https://www.podcastbranding.co 
Based on a True Story Podcast https://www.basedonatruestorypodcast.com 
Podcast Generator www.podcastgenerator.net 
Podreacher www.podreacher.com 
Become an Awesome Supporter https://www.askthepodcastcoach.com/support 
Buy Dave a Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/davejackson 
  Check out this episode!
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resultsandcous · 4 months
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Evolve Global Marketing
As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we know business owners waste enormous amounts of time and money on marketing that doesn't work. We create brand identities, websites, courses, and automated sales funnels using the power of storytelling so that you get more leads and sales online.
Address: 121 Fernbrook Dr, Mooresville, NC 28117, USA Phone: 980-319-0272 Website: https://evolveglobalmarketing.com/
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resultsandcoau · 4 months
Transform Your Online Presence: Discover the Power of StoryBrand Website Strategies
Unlock the potential of your brand with StoryBrand website strategies. Elevate your online presence by implementing proven techniques to clarify your message and engage your audience effectively. Explore the art of storytelling in web design and create a website that captivates. Dive into the world of StoryBrand and reshape your online narrative for lasting impact. https://resultsandco.com.au/storybrand-website-examples
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Indy Web Designers
We help businesses find the right words to say and then build a website that invites customers to your business.  As StoryBrand Certified Guides, we can help you create the content and websites that will engage customers.  We also create sales funnels and ad campaigns that will grow your business.
Address: 85 E Cedar St, Zionsville, IN 46077, USA Phone: 812-350-3872 Website: https://www.indywebdesigners.com
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quotecollector14 · 5 years
The fact is, pretty websites don't sell things. Words sell things. And if we haven't clarified our message, our customers won't listen.
Donald Miller, Building a StoryBrand
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