#Strand of the Ancients
azerothtravel · 8 months
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What's Going On?, Strand of Ancients, October 2, 2011.
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lewalrus · 1 month
I know that Greek satyrs were only males, but hear me out!
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I had to make a satyress!Deadma'am design, she just wouldn't leave my mind.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 257
Now Danny loves space. He loves everything about it, to the point his core quite literally is space. And he’s also a baby ghost, even if he could argue he’s not in human form. But see, being baby has an honestly great consequence once it’s noticed- despite the Observants’ best attempts at hiding it, the assholes. 
Of course he would be far more worried- and even a bit pissed- if his caretaker wasn’t who it was. Look, he’d never met Clockwork’s siblings before, but apparently everyone was really against Clockwork himself adopting. 
But Clockwork as his uncle is fine. Besides, his caretaker is Space! Space itself is holding him, cooing gentle words in the sounds of the very cosmos. And they’re huge, like parts of their body going through portals so they can fit outside Long-Now sized big- and apparently Clockwork can get just as big and they can get even bigger- 
Okay, he needs to take a breath- even if he doesn’t need to breathe- to stop his squealing because holy Realms this is so cool. 
Space is awesome! And he’s getting so much more rest than he did in Amity- and even if Space sort of shrugged at the idea of school at first, they did help him set up online schooling. So there’s that, and it’s just the start! 
He gets to learn so much about space and it’s honestly kind of… nice? To be taken care of? And he can do whatever he needs for his Core and Obsession with only a few interruptions to take care of his living needs. Erm, sort of living needs? 
But even that gets turned into a bit of play or even a lesson too! He’s honestly having such a good time right now! He’s learning so much about spaaace! And dimensions! And interdimensional portals and- oops! No one saw that. 
Ahem- But he’s learning so much about space and getting to explore other dimensions with Cosmos! And sure he no longer looks as human as he once did and all that, but he’s seen so many people who also don’t look human that does it really matter? 
Of course it doesn’t, and he matches his sort-of-dad! Even though the streaks of color in their hair are more of a brown-red like they’re literally bleeding out the cosmos around them instead of it fading to void and space like his own. But still! They match and it’s fun! 
And they’re going to go on another trip from the in-between to one of the dimension realities! He’s going to start a game of tag this time he thinks! But no cheating with portals or bending space! Tag! 
Look, the Justice League? Not paid enough for this. In fact, technically not paid at all due to being volunteers (not that it stopped them from finding money in their accounts) but still. 
There is some sort of figure… being… thing… zooming around the asteroid belt, about the size of Earth itself. Let them repeat themselves. A planet-sized creature (are those hands or paws? Tail or simply its body stretching? Hair or the Abyss-) is currently darting around the asteroid belt like a child running through grass. 
That is, without noticing or caring if something bug-sized might be crushed. And they are very much bug sized, as the governments are concerned about. Like really concerned about. Like talking about trying to nuke the entity if it wanders closer sort of concerned. 
Which they are all very concerned and very much like, against. Because it isn’t seeming to notice the asteroids it’s knocking into their area. It’s like… not a space whale or eel or anything like that but also is something like that. 
And they would also maybe like to see if they can attempt to talk it down first maybe and-
That creature is the baby. And mama just arrived, stretching across the entire galaxy, from them to Pluto and beyond, like something took the cosmos and shaped it like clay into some sort of form. Like reality itself has wandered into their galaxy with what they are suddenly realizing must be a very young child. 
Shit, they really have to make sure no one tries to piss either of these things off-
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eclipseshotel · 3 months
Me busting into Elder Predator’s chambers to chew his ass out after he ignored my gauntlet call six times in a row (he was taking a much needed old man nap)
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m4gp13 · 6 months
My sister just started rewatching one of those old serials we used to watch ages ago, namely Class of the Titans, and now that I'm incredibly deep into greek mythology and pjo, it's hitting way harder than it did in 2007
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stranded-ziggy · 9 months
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Death Mask || Death Stranding
Painted in A6 sketchbook with gouache.
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Talking Dead | 2017
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himbosuplex · 4 months
I vehemently believe that Higgs 2.0 is a Depeche Mode dork and if you've ever seen them perform you know exactly what I mean
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widowshill · 2 hours
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BURKE DEVLIN & ROGER COLLINS. — It isn't really amazing if you know what love is about. — Well, yes, I suppose I don't know anything about love. I guess that's why she married you ten years ago and not me. — I'll go one step further. I think you've gone beyond the point of even knowing what it is.
#guns cw#but they're not actually.. guns. if you know what i mean.#dark shadows#dark shadows 1966#roger collins#burke devlin#how do i even begin to explain them.#diversity loss.#what if you were in an extremely messy polycule in the 1950s;#and in the midst of various & varied violations of maine r.s. 1954 c.134 §1-8 in the backseat of burke's car;#hit and killed a bystander because absolutely no one drives sober in collinsport. and then lied and sent your boyfriend to prison for it.#and then bribed and perjured and also married his girlfriend so she'll help you cover it up. and to get back at him.#and then she has a kid and you're pretty sure it's your ex boyfriend's so you hate him. and beat him.#driving him to — what? vehicular patricide!#and then ur ex comes back 10 years later to get his revenge and drive your family into financial ruin and also possibly fuck you.#and your niece. maybe. and your governess; if she'll have him. and basically anyone else. the invitation is open liz.#and then your wife comes back from the sanitarium and tries to kill your son via fulfilling an ancient fiery ritual#so you decide to coparent with your ex and your governess after she dies. somehow this works and everyone settles down.#there's something very wrong with them <3 affectionate#gifs.#➤ edits & art. ┊ the evans cottage art gallery.#➤ roger collins. ┊ I and my ghosts want a drink.#➤ re: burke devlin. ┊ I am stranded in a hungerland of great prosperity.#➤ roger collins & burke devlin. ┊ call me a sinner,mock me maliciously; I was your sleeplessness,I was your grief.
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basilthymee · 9 months
but what would one and two look like as ancients… or all your iterators…
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ahaha what if lmaooo
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sevadee · 7 months
The Gamerline urge to be stranded on a flooded world just like a Robinson Crusoe.
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seaseren · 8 months
Erichthonios is Orion's favorite because he is the only Ancient capable of understanding her angsty folk rock inspired guitar ballads about having a complicated relationship with your abusive parent
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lewalrus · 5 months
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the human who got the satyr's heart
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wp100 · 2 months
the new battleground looks terrible
if you mix anything with escorting mine carts/payloads/whatever i will hate it. i hate silvershard mines. have had way too many bad games in that one
i dont even do random bgs anymore. too many tryhards in a casual mode these days. miss doing epics
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utvarpcity · 4 months
the state of the railway service in this country is so bad that the company ceo had to send out an apology email to all train travellers 💀
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kayforpay · 8 months
I love diseases that are caused not by some kind of pathogen or a miscommunication of the internal parts of the body or even something growing Wrong but are in fact just humans being dumb motherfuckers who forget that sometimes we need certain things and without them, well, we fall apart
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