#Strata Property Management Private Limited
strata-prop · 1 year
There is no doubt Strataprop is a powerful tool in the global real estate investment market. With its ability to connect investors with quality properties all over the world, Strataprop has rapidly become one of the most popular tools for real estate investment.
Strataprop was created to make it easy for investors to find and invest in quality properties all over the world. The platform provides detailed property information, including recent sales prices, square footage and lease terms.
1. There are many ways to invest in real estate, so find the one that best suits your needs.
2. Consider buying property outright, investing in property development projects or using a real estate investment trust (REIT).
3. Keep in mind that real estate markets vary widely from country to country, so do your research before investing.
4. Always consult with a tax advisor to make sure you're taking advantage of all the tax breaks available to you.
5. Global real estate markets are always changing, so be sure to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. What is real estate?
Real estate is a financial investment that can provide you with long-term income. There are a variety of ways to invest in real estate, including buying, renting, developing, and flipping. Buying real estate is the simplest way to invest in real estate.
You can buy property outright or through a mortgage. Buying property outright is the riskiest option, but it provides the highest return potential. If you are able to correctly predict market trends, you may be able to earn a higher return by buying property before it becomes available for sale. Renting real estate is another common way to invest in real estate.
You can rent out your property either permanently or temporarily. The advantage of renting is that you do not have to worry about owning or managing the property yourself.
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Parinee Crescenzo 10th Floor - B Wing Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051
Bengaluru (HQ) 6/1-1, Museum Rd, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001
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Sweeping Views with Dual Living
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thelodhaind · 1 year
New Generation Of Luxury Residences Is Flat Living.
With property becoming increasingly scarce, Lodha 3 BHK Premium Residences living has become significantly appealing to the average home buyer. Flats have recently been discovered to be the new way ahead when it comes to luxurious living as they are near the city, offer more conveniences, and make life significantly simpler.
There are numerous advantages to living in a luxury lodha new project in pune over other types of housing, such as:
The ability to live in a lodha new project pune without being concerned regarding maintaining it manually, as your building's employees and/or facilities manager will take care of things for you.
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Being capable of leaving all house chores behind while yet enjoying the benefits of having your personal private open area; this might be especially enticing if you are relocating from an area with limited green space or where travel time was long sufficient that you only got access every so often days.
Wooden floors, high-quality kitchens with stone countertops, and huge modernized bathrooms with luxury fixtures would give your home a new look.
Although you might be shrinking the size of your home, when you live in a neighbourhood with amenities such as restaurants and cafés near or even on-site, this may be a very sociable way to live without being concerned about keeping it yourself.
Security - Some luxury lodha belmondo 4 bhk duplex will provide their own security personnel monitoring 24 hours per day, making living in one feel safer than ever before when contrasted to when persons were still living inside enormous houses alone at night.
The following are some of the downsides of Flat living:
Although not managed correctly, high-rise living can often cause issues such as excessive noise from residents above or below.
In certain high-rise buildings, parking places for owners' automobiles can be quite a distance from their 2bhk flat in hinjewadi phase 3, which is an issue that many people overlook while considering this way of life.
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Before opting to move into flat, it is a smart option to assess the advantages and negatives, and the best way to do so is to obtain a strata report in Pune, which will describe all of the details you want about the building and its administration.
How can you find the ideal Flat for your needs and your lifestyle?
With a plethora of new high-rise buildings on the horizon, it can be difficult to find a flat that is ideal for your needs and your lifestyle. It's for this reason a good idea to contact a real estate agent that experts in luxury Lodha flats in hinjewadi pune for sale. For instance, if confidentiality is one of your primary considerations when searching for a place to live, high-rise Flats may not be the best option. When convenience and ease of access are much more important, going into the air can be just whatever you're looking for.
Selecting the finest possible place in Pune will be a pleasure instead of a chore with all of this knowledge coming from a person who knows their business about where to live in Pune, but wherever you want to purchase, getting a stratum or building assessment in Pune before buying is a requirement.
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locria-writes · 4 years
What is life like for women in Nalaantai (where MC is from), Gui'ansu (where Lulu is from) and Essenia (where Launcelin and Vezian are from)? In terms of rights, expectations, traditions, etc., as well as which is most progressive or most restrictive.
long answer, so under the cut!
weird because it's both conservative and progressive at the same time, and a lot depends on whether one was royalty or not, and socio-economic status.
education is highly valued by both genders, though women aren't allowed to attend civil examinations. typically don’t attend ‘proper’ schools, but a lot of wealthy families run sort of private academies, where other wealthy girls can attend. usually though, a girl is taught by an older brother/uncle/father/cousin, or even a female relative.
allowed and even encouraged to be financially independent and capable, since women typically run the household. women can inherit property and wealth if she has no brothers, or if otherwise indicated by the owner, and a childless widow is automatically entitled to her husband’s assets, unless otherwise stated. the wealthy tend to give daughters extravagant dowries to attract good matches, and after marriage, nobody other than the woman was allowed to touch her dowry, unless she gives written legal consent
women also dominate the domestic, and sometimes even public aspect of their family, depending on their main source of income. women are allowed to own and operate businesses in a household, in terms of domestic affairs, and certain businesses (like sericulture), a wife can overrule the husband without fear of being accused of impropriety.
divorce isn't uncommon, and comes in three forms -- mutual divorce, wife-at-fault, and dowry-stealing.
a mutual divorce is what it sounds like -- both parties separate because of incompatibility, and they both split the assets gained during marriage, and take back what they brought themselves at the beginning of marriage (for example, if the man bought the house before, he would take it back, and the woman was allowed to take back any servants she purchased), and both were allowed to remarry legally. either party may initiate this divorce. socially though, it was typically suggested for the woman to remarry after three years for the sake of her reputation.
a wife-at-fault is brought by the husband if he can prove his wife has been unfaithful, impious and disrespectful to his family, and improperly jealous and hurt concubines. the woman is allowed to take her dowry and whatever gifts she received, and while technically still legally allowed to remarry, it was social suicide to do so.
a dowry-stealing divorce is when the husband and/or his family has been taking the wife's dowry without the necessary permissions. the woman is allowed to divorce without any legal or social repercussions, and is free to remarry whenever, while the husband and/or his family will be forced to pay back everything they took from the wife's dowry, and either fined the same amount, or sentenced to labour, the length of time is dependent on how much was taken.
widows were typically discouraged from remarrying, but usually only if they had children. childless widows usually married about 5 years after their husband’s death to avoid possible social stigma, both young and old.
marriage isn’t the only path for most women though, especially if they came from a higher class. it’s possible for her to remain unmarried and under a male relative’s household legally, but live on her own and operate her own business. poorer women don’t have that luxury, so usually end up marrying for financial security.
women in the royal family are beholden to much stricter standards, since they’re usually looked to as examples for other women to follow. they’re expected to hide their faces from men using fans, screens, or veils, and very rarely leave the castle, if at all. they’re expected to be modest, chaste, virtuous, demure, and well-educated, but how stringently these standards are enforced depends on the sovereign, current social climate, factors like that.
at this time, not too restrictive at all. as a semi-nomadic culture, women tend to livestock, the homestead, and are in charge of child-rearing. her authority at home can only be challenged by her mother-in-law, or an older direct female in-law (husband's grandmother, widowed sister who is older than the wife, aunt if she was the one who raised the husband). women are encouraged to keep their own dowry, and financial independence is encouraged.
women are typically passed over as heirs, but can inherit if she had no brothers. if an adopted son or cousin inherited, she is entitled to half of the inheritance. women are allowed to own properties in their own right, but are limited mostly to things like restaurants, inns, shops, etc.
divorce is frowned upon, and divorcees are not allowed to remarry, both socially and legally. widows are also disallowed from remarriage, save for very few exceptions, such as the widow having been married to her husband for less than five years, or if the husband was incapable for majority of the marriage. remarrying is only permitted for women who had annulled marriages, because in the eyes of the law, they are neither divorcees nor are they widows. however, it is still socially destructive most of the time.
unmarried women are somewhat uncommon, across all social strata, mostly due to the difficulty of maintaining a household on their own. usually, they stay with a brother or other close male relative, and help out with his household, but in the wealthier and more cosmopolitan areas, it's starting to be a bit more common, as they can purchase a business and live off of that.
education for women is encouraged, as they are frequently the ones who teach their sons to read and write before they were taught by tutors/attended school, however, this mostly depends on social and economic status. lower-class women were often uneducated, much like their male counterparts, and likely only knew the basics of finance, and a few basic words.
due to their religion, v e r y conservative and restrictive toward women, as it's explicitly stated that women are subordinate to men. lower-class women are able to escape most of these restrictions, due to survival taking precedence over religion, so the higher you go up the social ladder, the more restrictive it gets.
high-class women are expected to be literate and knowledgeable in finance, and that was it. it's believed to be a waste of time to educate women beyond that, and the rest of their education goes into learning house-making, sewing, cooking, and the sort. of course, not all families follow this, and wealthier families tend to educate their daughters more, as a means of making them more attractive to prospective husbands.
women are disallowed from owning properties and businesses in most cases, but there are exceptions, such as the few women who manage to inherit titles. the dowry is the one thing all women are entitled to, and how it's used is entirely up to the woman, but aside from that, they’re entirely dependent on their husbands.
the homestead is a woman's domain, and the only place where her authority can possibly overrule her husband's. servants, household management, and renovations are all placed under the wife's command. the only place where the husband can overrule his wife is in regards to the children, though it's rather uncommon in practice.
in terms of inheritance, women are usually passed over for other male relatives, adopted sons, and sometimes even for her own sons. however, it's not a universal practice, and places further from the capital tend to pass tittles onto daughters or sisters, rather than distant male relatives, or risk passing the title/wealth back to the crown.
divorce is forbidden, regardless of sex. wealthy couples who despise each other tend to live separately. a widower is free to remarry once mourning is complete, while widows are forbidden from doing so, and are to live dependently on their children. childless widows are often forced into convents by the husband's family, as she is entitled to half of her husband's fortune if there are no children. a nun cannot have material wealth, therefore her inheritance defaults back to his family.
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barely-an-art1st · 4 years
This is what Malaysian condo proprietors should know prior to redesigning their unit
So you at long last purchased your first house—a condo unit in the core of the city. You have countless plans on how you need to outfit, paint and patch up it as per your taste. You've chosen to broaden the kitchen somewhat and add another washroom in the unit.
Presently this would require some broad redesigns. Thus, you begin right away! Partially through the remodel works, you get a notification from the condo the board, requesting that you stop all redesign works on the double and pay a robust fine of RM10,000!
Stunned and furious, you contact the condo the board and they reveal to you that you have disregarded the redesign rules set by them. So this article is without a doubt going to discuss whether you can do remodel works in a condo unit in Malaysia.
There must be an administration in layers properties
On the off chance that you live in a loft, condo, level, SoHo, SoVo, or gated network—you're supposed to be living in a 'layers property'. Under the Strata Management Act 2013 ("SMA 2013"), there are three kinds of the executives bodies that are answerable for keeping up your condo.
The principal sort of the executives body is the Joint Management Body (JMB). The JMB is a joint effort between the designer and the proprietors of the layers property. JMBs need to guarantee that the condo (or land in the event that it is gated and monitored) and its normal property is appropriately overseen by keeping it in decent shape. The JMB is additionally expected to determine how much the support charges and sinking assets would be and afterward gather it from you and different proprietors. These obligations are contained in segment 21 of the SMA 2013.
The subsequent sort is the Management Corporation (MC). The MC has comparative obligations and powers however is just formed whenever you have gotten the title to your property. The administration organization is involved distinctly of proprietors to the property, without the piece of the engineer any longer.
The third is known as the sub-Management Corporation. The sub-MC becomes possibly the most important factor when there is a requirement for isolated administration. An illustration of when there is independent administration is when there are both business and private properties or when there are restricted regular properties. The sub-MC, subject to any limitations from the MC, has similar obligations and forces as the MC.
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porra-gabi · 4 years
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Are you looking to acquire a house or maybe property found Malaysia? This article The right way to Invest in a House or Property In Malaysia will guide you step to your fantasy home. I am going to touch every aspect plus operations and so you get a complete snapshot of the process. A home is gotten or got by people or perhaps home for 2 primary reasons. Often for their very own investment decision or stay static. Learning the explanation is essential as it decides what property type you must obtain. Some people make the blunder. They purchase for the bad rationale as well as wind up selling their home not long after the buying. Often in a loss following factoring the transaction expenses such as legal fees, company costs and so on. Also, offering a house is hard these days. Customers have a good deal of choices.
The word strata' was first released legally inside 1985 within reaction for the mushrooming of multi storey buildings as a result of urbanisation wearing major Malaysian urban centers. Nonetheless, strata only arrived into the limelight from the implementation of the Strata Management Act 2013 (SMA 2013) on June 1, 2015.The brand new enactment serves to correct the limitations of the predecessor of its, Building and Common Property (Management and Maintenance) Act 2007. The SMA 2013 supplies sharper plus more rigorous provisions on the management of stratified qualities in Malaysia, which includes mixed-use, commercial, and residential developments. Usually, strata titles are issued for qualities in a multi-storey structure in which the land generally needs to be towards the proprietors or perhaps designers of the home. Consult millerz square layout for options. Strata titles are split into separate specific titles issued to devices of homes, apartments or perhaps workplaces inside a development which reveal common facilities.
See to it conveniences like an authorities station, restaurants & groceries are within grasp.I tell you, a customer of mine bought a home in a spot where the institution is so far.He didn't realise that. It was actually such a fuss later he need to travel extra 20 kilometer every day to transmit the child of his to school and to function.I sold his house, and he lived happily from his brand new house since.Besides, consider the natural environment quality.Stay away from purchasing home near you strength or factories station.You'll find health and fitness consequences connected. Typical home refers to some other area inside the improvement and this does not belong to someone strata product owner. Rather, typical home is shared in between most home proprietors. The gymnasium is included by examples, elevators and swimming pool.In many strata construction projects, at this time there are certain typical aspects as well as facilities that may only be utilised by specific property owners. These elements are known as constrained prevalent home (LCP). For instance, only penthouse owners of a condo clog up could have access to a private rooftop backyard garden.LCP is particularly ideal for mixed developments, in which the those who own commercial units can't utilise a number of typical qualities. For example, outlet lot proprietors within a mixed-use strata advancement will likely have no use belonging to the gymnasium inside the fastened non commercial clog up. A separate handling committee can be proven to maintain as well as control these tight conventional areas/facilities.
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nickyfantastic · 4 years
On the unifying politics of the new middle class
The revolutionary element in the politics of the late 1970s was the increased intensity of middle-strata political mobilization and interest representation. In a pattern that to some extent recalls the emergence of the Progressive movement at the turn of the century (which also, partially, was an insurgency of new professional and business cohorts), a whole generation of young professionals, middle managers and new entrepreneurs entered local and state politics at approximately mid-decade: i.e. just as the movements of the 1960s, with the single, important exception of feminism, were becoming almost totally disorganized.
This phenomenon was and is far broader than the nominal zealotry of the New Right. It might be better described as a larger, private-sector-oriented equivalent to the public-sector-based ‘New Politics’ of the McGovernites, encompassing as its respective poles, ‘neoliberalism’ and ‘neoconservatism’. (In this sense, both Gary Hart and Jack Kemp merely articulate variations on the same meta-theme of overconsumptionism.) The coherence of this political spectrum is provided by three ever-present, if often implicit, themes: 1) The ‘deregulation’ of free enterprise and the belief that only private capital, endowed with ample profit margins and tax breaks, can ‘reindustrialize’ America; 2) the further remoulding of state expenditure and intervention to reinforce the subsidized position of the middle strata and new entrepreneurship; and 3) the curtailing of Great Society-type income and employment programs targeted at minorities, women and the poor.70 (On the other hand, entitlement programs disproportionately favorable to the middle class, like social security, are politically untouchable.)
The organized expression of this socioeconomic program was the rolling earthquake of suburban protests after 1976, including the anti-busing movements, campaigns for a return to educational ‘basics’, landlord and realtor mobilizations (truly massive, with hundreds of thousands of ardent members organized against rent control and public housing), and, most importantly, what the Los Angeles Herald Tribune once called the ‘Watts Riot of the Middle Classes’—Proposition 13 and its spin-off revolts, which forced nineteen states to enact legislative or constitutional limits on property or income taxes. Although obviously besotted with law-and-order and racialist themes, these campaigns were in most cases organized on a different socioeconomic plane—with a more hegemonic political project—than the earlier backlash outbreaks of the ethnic Northern working class or the national Wallace movement.
They tended to move from mere defense of existing socioeconomic inequalities (as symbolized by the political integrity and fiscal autonomy of white suburban areas) to shrewd, assertive strategies for new upward redistributions of power and income through shifting tax burdens, privatizing collective consumption, and removing obstacles to the exploitation of cheap local labor. More than merely transient forms of protest against minority group demands, these mobilizations have been exploited to reinforce a now dense infrastructure of local interest representation and political influence which safeguards and perpetuates the position of the popular nouveaux riches. Overrepresentation at the electoral level has been creatively manipulated to consolidate overconsumptionism at an economic level.
Through the rise of these new movements, a broadly embracing ‘Have’ politics was forged, which gave a political interpretation to stagflationary trends in the economy, stressing the immanent themes of privatization, redirected state spending and the new inegalitarianism. A section of the traditional New Deal coalition, especially suburban white skilled workers, was conscripted to the ‘Have’ side. This was easily possible since, as we saw in the previous chapters, within the context of a weakly solidaristic and highly segmented workforce, inflation during the 1970s had tremendously disorganizing and centrifugal effects on the cohesion of working-class economic interests. On the one side, there were widening wage differentials within the working class; on the other, the increasing grievance of intra-class fiscal transfers—especially where this coalesced symbolically around property taxes.
Thus the subordinate logic of the ‘Have Rebellion’, exemplified in the innumerable property owners’ and suburban residents’ movements, was a defensive participation of skilled workers and the lower salariat in support of their threatened prerogatives of social mobility and consumption (home-ownership, superior suburban education, nepotistic apprentice systems, and so on). Faced with genuinely collapsing standards of living in many sectors of the traditional white working class, these groups increasingly visualized themselves—even if their own concrete situation was one of appreciating property values and rising wages—as locked into a desperate zero-sum rivalry with equality-seeking minorities and women.
The superordinate logic of the Haves, on the other hand, was the nouveau riche drive to increase social inequality—indeed, to harness it dynamically to expand low-wage labor supplies, reduce tax overheads and ensure a ‘union-free environment’. Although the rhetoric of the various campaigns and tax rebellions that paved Reagan’s road to power was vigorously anti-statist, the real programmatic intention was towards a restructuring, rather than diminution, of state spending and intervention in order to expand the frontiers of entrepreneurial and rentier opportunity. Typical explicit or underlying demands included: accelerated depreciation allowances, unfettered speculative real-estate markets and rampant condominiumization, subcontracting of public services, transfer of tax resources from public to private education, lowering of minimum wages, abolition of health and safety standards for small businesses, and so on.
Mike Davis, Prisoners of the American Dream  
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condosingapore · 5 years
Buying Landed Property in Singapore
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Landed property as the name implied is a house on which the land below and surrounding it belongs to the owner of the house. Terraced houses, semi-detached houses and detached houses are examples of landed properties in Singapore . Condominiums or HDB on the other hand are non-landed as most of all the units are built on top of the units below and the owners of all the units share the whole compound and hold a strata title.
Landed Property Kovan refers to the land being owned by a citizen/entity in addition to the building as well. The ownership can be in form of a leasehold (usually 99 year-old lease) or freehold (usually 999 year-old lease. come on, who actually lives that long?). Private condominiums are usually counted as landed property as the land is bought by the developer, managed by a management committee made up of residents.
Non-landed property are usually strata-titled apartments. This is usually applicable to public housing in Singapore.
No wonder One of the most coveted types of real estate property in Singapore is the landed property. Peppered throughout Singapore among the towering HDB’s and Condos, landed properties can both inspire and act as a stark reminder of Singapore’s wealth gap. So how much do you actually have to earn to be able to afford a landed property? Below, we take a look at the costs are associated with owning a landed property and how much you need to earn to afford one.
How Much Do Landed Properties Cost?
Depending on the type of landed property you want to get, you can expect to pay between a few hundred thousand dollars up to hundren million.
Expected Costs of Maintaining a Landed House
In addition to the upfront costs of purchasing a landed property being higher, you should expect to pay more for everything from home insurance to energy bills. For instance, landed property owners on average spend 110% more on home insurance than HDB and Condo owners. Furthermore, you should also expect to spend a lot more on furnishings and renovations due to the sheer increase in size compared to the typical HDB and Condo.
Landed Properties Are Expensive But Not All Are Unattainable
For most Singaporeans, buying a landed property seems like a pipe dream. However, the affordability of any residential property depends on everything from luck to careful and long-term planning. For instance, while some people may have received a large inheritance or received the property as a gift, others may have planned and saved for a long time and got into the market at the right time.
Should you buy a condominium or a landed property in Singapore?
One of the most common questions which buyers ask is whether to purchase a condominium or a landed property in Singapore. There isn’t a straightforward answer as requirements differ between buyers. However, you should understand the pros and cons of owning a condominium and a landed property before you can decide which of the two better suits your needs.
Let us look at the pros and cons of living in a landed property
1) Pay for what you need
Everything is maintained by the landed property owner and thus you will only pay what you really need. If you would like to have landscaping in your compound, you only need to pay for that service with a landscaping company. There are many condominium owners who do not use the facilities even though they are paying monthly maintenance. In a landed property there is no fixed monthly maintenance fee.
2) Very exclusive and private
If you are someone who likes exclusivity, then living in a landed property is perhaps for you. There is no unit above or below you. The closest you can get is if you purchase an inter terrace and your neighbours and you share a common wall. Landed properties are also usually further away from dense residential built ups. If you desire to live in a low-density area, a landed property is just the place for you.
3) Limited supply
This point was previously mentioned. The supply of landed properties is going to get lower as time goes by. Currently, the only new supply of landed properties is either through subdivision of large plots of land or if the government were to release land zoned for landed properties. Even so, government released land are 99-year leasehold. Thus a freehold landed property is going to be more valuable as time goes by.
4) You are free to do what you want
If you want to make modifications to your property you are free to do so so long as you adhere to URA guidelines. You can also change the colour of your facade, install a lift or a swimming pool without having to seek permission of a management.
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philaprint · 7 years
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Revolution Music
FEBRUARY 28, 2017
By Karas Lamb
“Is Prince dead?”  The question flooded in on the morning of April 21st, 2016.  A rush to communal panic that fed my gut the truth faster than any search engine could ever deliver a credible source.  Prince was, in fact, deceased.  Found slumped in an elevator at his famed Paisley Park complex in Chanhassen, Minnesota.  A hop and a skip from First Avenue.  Floating somewhere in the ether just beyond our grasp, where he had always truly been most comfortable.  
This was the second time in life that I had spent an entire week in my pajamas, digesting headlines with my jaw planted squarely on the floor; the first was 9/11.   This scene, however, was colored by a dread that left me wondering aloud whether the bootleg hoarding Prince disciples in my social circles were managing to breathe.  Worried that black music might not survive the sudden departure of a man who was arguably its most fearless leader.  
Amiri Baraka famously eulogized James Baldwin as “God’s black revolutionary mouth.”  Much less loquacious, but no less brash, Prince may have been God’s beautiful black revenge.  A fiercely private, arguably maniacal prodigy whose distant nature, physical ambiguity and staggering musical genius afforded him super powers that had evaded the grasp of his forebears.  This diminutive and strikingly beautiful sensation was the kind of middle finger to the establishment that only black music could produce.  In his assessment of Baldwin’s life and work, Baraka made a point that would later apply to Prince.
‘When we saw and heard him, he made us feel good. He made us feel, for one thing, that we could defend ourselves or define ourselves, that we were in the world not merely as animate slaves, but as terrifyingly sensitive measurers of what is good or evil, beautiful or ugly. This is the power of his spirit. This is the bond which created our love for him. This is the fire that terrifies our pitiful enemies. That not only are we alive but shatteringly precise in our songs and our scorn.’ (Baraka, NYT - 1987)
The most obvious heir to James Brown’s throne, bedazzled and doused in indifference, Prince was an exacting bandleader and prolific creator with little time for outside opinions or anything short of absolute risk.  If the recording industry had captured lightning in a bottle with the commodification of our blues, the birth of Prince Rogers Nelson was the rare seismic event just cold enough to shatter the glass.  Prince arrived and obliterated the idea that any one ad man, disc jockey, blue-eyed soul sensation or well-heeled industry exec could ever possibly have black music - let alone black people - all figured out.
A one-man synthesis of righteousness, raunch, macho and sass, Prince embodied every melodic translation of black struggle and chewed its most poignant statements into a frenzied other-worldly funk that oozed from his pores and dripped down the fretboard of his guitar into the mouths of a generation thirsty for some sign that it was okay to disrupt for reasons other than color-coded provincial turf battles or the historically holy grails of the black working class -- education, economic opportunity and access to the ballot box.  
In Prince, black youth found its collective creative possibility and a pass to experiment.  An intersectionality underpinned by the shouts of the church, the stomp of the jook joint, the angular poses of the ballroom and the inescapable stank of a sexually charged funk gestated in a post-”free love” era just loud and proud enough to push America’s lingering Puritanical notions from a speeding drop-top to preserve the life of the party.  He spoke our language but was not ashamed of the black body or governed by the strict directives on social etiquette fed to black children through clenched teeth by justifiably fearful parents.  Living and creating outside the monolith, Prince was tangible evidence that burning the rule book might not get us all killed.  A unique station described by Questlove in a 2016 editorial for Rolling Stone.
Prince was singular in his music. He was his own genre. That same singularity extended to everything. He went the other way in life, too. As he got older, the way he managed his career showed off that contrary streak. It came to the forefront in the way he mastered his records, in the way he handled reissues, in the way he used (or didn't use) the Internet and online streaming services. In the summer of 2014, his old band, the Revolution, reunited at First Avenue in Minneapolis. They were all set up for him to join in and play. He drove right past. Prince was a great drummer, and he was always marching to his own beat.
With that particular strain of individuality foremost in their minds, a burgeoning mass of new black leftists followed suit, marching past the rhythmic constraints of the standard and the first tastes of pop culture visibility on the Soul Train line to test the limits of society and sound.  This legion of fans would produce more devotees invigorated by constant threat of damnation for playing the devil’s music and the seductive allure of a transcendent “post-black” identity where the overstatement of a perpetually apparent racial identifier was much less important than the perfection of craft, the erasure of binaries and the proliferation of an explicitly black art.
Described as “the liberating value in tossing off the immense burden of race-wide representation, the idea that everything they do must speak to or for or about the entire race,” post-blackness seems a necessary component of the rebuilding process as black America collects itself in the wake of Prince’s final curtain call.  A loss mourned with memes and dance parties and exacerbated by the anxiety of a fraught election year peppered with instances of state-sanctioned violence.  A loss punctuated by the imminent departure of the first sitting black president, who would ultimately pass the keys to a fascist demagogue.  
Not to be confused with the deceptive buzzword “post-racial,” the term coined by artists Thelma Golden and Glenn Ligon is a call to abandon the one size fits all blackness dictated by policy and propaganda, to do away with abusive intraracial identity politics, and be black however one sees fit.  An embrace of that kind of individuality ultimately creates room for life and art to transcend the boxes we are otherwise corralled into for everything from federal identification and police profiling to public congratulation for creative works; projects often judged and awarded by those still invested in the perpetuation of oppression with little to no proximity to the black experience as it exists outside of pop culture.  
My devastation at the death of a musical icon could technically be filed under first world problems until you consider that black music is the most unadulterated, uninterrupted telling of the black experience in America.  A prolonged circumstance of collective suffering and systemic injustice proximate to the wealth of almost every world power.  One that is often glossed over as little more than an innocuous dalliance with inhumanity that should have no bearing on the modern American psyche nor be of any tangible benefit to the people that continually survive and serve lemonade.
Combined with the lack of a decisive heir to Prince’s musical legacy and a minority of musicians fluent in his particular tongue, the vacancy created by his passing forces creatives of color to step to the plate in numbers.  To bury the dead, bathe in the waters of Lake Minnetonka and summon the chops necessary to spit the next chapter of the story -- one that began in languages broken bylaws and distance and chains, which only remain fresh in our minds because they are sequenced into our blood and our drums.   One that has been slow to surface as artists at the top of the pile drag their feet or face being silenced altogether when it comes to the work of change.
The Black American musical tradition is necessarily derived from black discomfort.  The future of it, however, cannot be informed solely by savage inequalities or scorned love.  The relative lack of mainstream innovation in recent years should also drive the evolution of the sound;  a hybridized chromatic vamp from a strata above the abiding hum that girds our churches and the fragrant Adhan that billows from mosques, blanketing our ghettos.  
Past the loud affirmation of “black lives matter” and the rattle of trunks teeming with balls out posturing and bass, the music must empower a new generation of singular talents to rise to the occasion in a time of revolution as rights are restricted, rules of engagement are erased, people are targeted, and citizenship is decided by an economy of fear.  It must be a sound as reflective of micro-aggressions, political resistance, queerness and personal trauma as it is aspirational, opulent, and indicative of the future.  It must continue the conversation.
Something stronger than the myopic lens of major radio programming and the capitalist appropriation habits of off-white pop stars that portray songs penned in the latest African dialects as the property of everyone but blacks.  A product bigger than the tall tales that convince rising artists to trade the noble tradition of running the baddest band in the land for fast publicity.  Something better than the derivative movements that reward culture vulture cool kids for disrespecting foundational artists with half-baked versions of their hard fought work.  This blues need be wholly representative of each individual committed to burning the existing paradigm to make clear that blackness is much too vast, varied and involved to be mass produced.  
After all, it was not grace but guts that fueled Prince - the man who notoriously gilded his own ass and gave it to the world to kiss.  Who stalled the label gaming him and had the last laugh.  He spent his career insisting that we are not obligated to perform our grief for pennies.  We are indebted to the colossal talents we cannot thank enough, to create outside of the matrix of fear induced by constant policing and the respectability politics of the American caste.  To boycott the gatekeepers that refuse to get us or give us an inch unless they stand to get a check.
To live outside the lines on blocks where the wrong uniform can get you rejected by the tribe.  To speak our pidjin and flip our birds and fly our spacecraft.  To put our titties on the glass.  To love openly in a time of narcissism.  To canonize our respective wounds and create ourselves beyond the palette of police sketches and alien rubrics for excellence.  To be exactly who we say we are, because a people can never be fully realized through the repetition of hymns made in a vacuum of homogeneity and threats aimed at every enemy except the one that has sterilized our bodies, stuffed our mouths with treasury notes and promoted the myth that nothing else matters.  We matter.  Now is not the time to fake the funk.
‘I just had another phone meeting

Felt like I was all alone speaking

To the clones keeping, black music soul weeping

I'm a new angel, and they only want the old demons

Glorifying music, that's abusive and a threat to us

And if you got a message in your records

You collecting dust upon the shelf

They selling us components meant to self-destruct

To shelter us in skelter in disguise of something helping us

So I'ma build a bunker now, in the underground

Surviving with that other sound

Clipping magazines, repeating this ain't had to be

Self-published, but we're still running for covers now

Imagine me in pageantries, we branded as awards

What's the difference 'tween them auction blocks and cooning for applause

Even selling out, or buying something that you can't afford

It ain't a plan to keep us poor, it's just a plan to be ignored’
- Oddisee, “Want Something”
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strata-prop · 2 years
Frequently when one catches wind of speculation the executives organizations, a term springs up - AUM. AUM is short for Assets Under Management. In the most brief clarification conceivable, it is the all out market worth of the speculations that the organization oversees for the benefit of its clients. Likewise, regardless of whether an individual oversees ventures of clients, their value can likewise be assessed through resources under administration. While the common principle of thumb is this, in light of organizations and associations, the definition could fluctuate marginally. A few estimations of AUM can incorporate bank stores, shared reserves, land claimed, and cash under lock and key. While a few different computations limit the belongings to the assets/resources under optional administration - where a financial backer doles out power to an organization or an individual to oversee or exchange for their sake.
AUM is only one of the viewpoints utilized in assessing an organization or a speculation. While thinking about an organization, alongside AUM, the board insight and execution are utilized related to gauge the value of the element. Everything being equal, financial backers consider higher venture inflows alongside higher AUM examinations as a proportion of value and the executives experience.
For what reason is AUM Important
AUM is one urgent calculate choosing the development of an organization, or an individual working as a counsel. It shows the strength of the venture insight and can be a great device to draw in new financial backers. It is much of the time utilized as a benchmark for looking at the presentation of an organization rather than its rivals. Some of the time, AUM is additionally utilized in the computation of the executives expenses. In such cases, the expenses are charged as a level of the AUM. As the AUM builds, the charges per financial backer abatement as the rate is decreased. This an incredible method for drawing in high-abundance financial backers.
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tweedheadsaustralia · 2 years
A little bit of Luxury - Recently Renovated & Fully Furnished
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omarie-blog1 · 7 years
Unauthorised or illegally parked vehicles
Unauthorised and/or illegally parked vehicles are a big frustration to business owners, residents, tenants, customers and visitors.  Unauthorised parking and illegally parked vehicles are a common occurrence in residential car parks, retail car parks, commercial car parks, Hospital car parks. This unauthorised use of car parking spaces causes a lot of frustration and ultimately a loss of custom and business.
Pripark has many solutions to suit any location that has issues with unauthorised or illegally parked vehicles, some of our car parking solutions include:
Car park enforcement of terms and conditions
Paid parking solutions for management of time restricted parking
Parking time zone enforcement in free or time restricted parking areas
Towing of illegally parked vehicles
Car Park signage and car park safety equipment
Pripark has solutions to prevent unauthorised car parking and assist in the removal of illegally parked vehicles on private property.
Monitoring Visitor Parking
Management of time restricted visitor parking on private property. Unauthorised parking within Body corporate and strata property visitor car parks can cause serious frustration and inconvenience for owners, tenants and care takers. Pripark can tailor a solution to alleviate these parking challenges.
Monitoring Customer Parking
Management of customer parking on private property. Unauthorised parking within Shopping centres, commercial centres and medical centres can cause serious disruption and inconvenience for customers, tenants and centre managers. Pripark works with centre managers and owners to provide the most effective parking solution for it’s customers and tenants.
Car Park enforcement of maximum time limit
Enforcement services for car parks with a maximum parking period (e.g. 30 minute customer car park in medical precinct, 2 hour shopping centre customer car park)
Unauthorised Parking offenders include: Public Transport Park and Ride parking in customer spaces, Centre Staff and Tenants parking in customer spaces, neighbouring businesses and residents parking in customer car parks.
Staff Parking Solutions and Tenant Parking Solutions
Many shopping centre customer car parks and commercial customer car parks are occupied by tenants and staff, reducing the ease at which a customer can find a convenient car space. Pripark works with centre managers and owners to provide effective solutions for relocation of staff parking and provision of permit parking or off site parking.
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chemicalresearch · 5 years
Geocells Market Industry Analysis with Future Forecast till 2026
Geocells, also known as Cellular Confinement Systems (CCS), are three dimensional structures with interconnected cells, which resemble a honeycomb-like structure. Geocells are devised by joining swathe/stripes of High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) at equal length. It should configure a honeycomb pattern as swathe are perpendicularly pulled apart then it can be filled with soil/granular material or sometime concrete. three dimensional confinement of geocells membrane increase load bearing capacity of loose/weak soil base. Geocells are used for various purposes such as soil stabilization, load support, and retaining walls. They are used in road construction to reduce pavement thickness and also to increase the life span of pavements, particularly in unconsolidated soil.
Request PDF Brochure of Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-pdf/2499
Market Dynamics:-
Growing construction industry is a major driver boosting demand for geocells. Geocells are widely used in infrastructural development activities such as construction of express highways, rail tracks, water dams, and airports. Construction of such heavy structures over unconsolidated soil is challenging and unreliable and can be addressed by improving the engineering properties of the soil with the help of geocells. Furthermore, increasing awareness about sustainable infrastructural development is expected to propel demand for geocells. For instance, according to Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), in 2017, the global construction industry was valued at US$ 10.8 trillion and is expected to reach US$ 17.5 trillion by 2030 with average global construction growth rate of 3.9%, annually.
Erosion control blanket is another application of geocells that is used for prevention of soil erosion and water erosion. According to a study published by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) in June 2015, soil erosion has reached a level that endangers the sustainable supply of food for the global population, especially in India where, 147 mH (million hectares ) out of 328 million hectares is undergoing soil degradation. To overcome this problem, various schemes and initiatives are taken by Government of India in public and private partnership such as Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP). Therefore, increasing soil erosion worldwide is expected to boost demand for geocells.
Market Outlook:-
The Geocell market in emerging economies such as China, India, and Brazil is expected to grow at the highest CAGR, owing to rapid growth of the construction industry in these economies. According to the Global Construction 2030 perspective and Oxford Economies, in 2016, the global construction industry was valued at US$ 9.5 trillion which expected to grow by 85% to US$ 17.5 trillion by 2030 with China, the U.S., and India accounting for 57% of the global share. Moreover, according to India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), India is expected to overtake Japan as the third largest construction market by 2025, growing at a rate of 7.4%, annually.
Browse More Information: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/geocells-market-2499
Africa is expected to witness significant growth in the market for geocells, owing to increasing awareness and government initiatives regarding water and soil conservation. African Forest Landscape Restoration is an initiative, which is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Resources Institute. The initiative focuses on bringing 100 million hectares of degraded forest landscapes into the process of restoration by 2030.
Key players in Global geocells Market:-
Key players operating in the global geocells market include, Fiberweb plc. Geocel Limited, TMP Geosynthetics, Anhui Huifeng New Synthetic Materials Co., Ltd., Enviro Pro Tech, Inc., Strata Geosystems (India) Pvt. Ltd, PRESTORUS, Roofiran Mashhad Branch, GeoGlobe Europe LTD, AHED Plastic Industry and Trade Company, and others
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
Contact Us:
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights
1001 4th Ave,
Seattle, WA 98154
Tel: +1-206-701-6702
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newmarketresearch1 · 5 years
Geocells Market - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018 – 2026
Geocells, also known as Cellular Confinement Systems (CCS), are three dimensional structures with interconnected cells, which resemble a honeycomb-like structure. Geocells are devised by joining swathe/stripes of High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) at equal length. It should configure a honeycomb pattern as swathe are perpendicularly pulled apart then it can be filled with soil/granular material or sometime concrete. three dimensional confinement of geocells membrane increase load bearing capacity of loose/weak soil base. Geocells are used for various purposes such as soil stabilization, load support, and retaining walls. They are used in road construction to reduce pavement thickness and also to increase the life span of pavements, particularly in unconsolidated soil.
Request For Sample Copy of this Research Report : https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/2499
Market Dynamics:-
Growing construction industry is a major driver boosting demand for geocells. Geocells are widely used in infrastructural development activities such as construction of express highways, rail tracks, water dams, and airports. Construction of such heavy structures over unconsolidated soil is challenging and unreliable and can be addressed by improving the engineering properties of the soil with the help of geocells. Furthermore, increasing awareness about sustainable infrastructural development is expected to propel demand for geocells. For instance, according to Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), in 2017, the global construction industry was valued at US$ 10.8 trillion and is expected to reach US$ 17.5 trillion by 2030 with average global construction growth rate of 3.9%, annually.
Erosion control blanket is another application of geocells that is used for prevention of soil erosion and water erosion. According to a study published by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) in June 2015, soil erosion has reached a level that endangers the sustainable supply of food for the global population, especially in India where, 147 mH (million hectares ) out of 328 million hectares is undergoing soil degradation. To overcome this problem, various schemes and initiatives are taken by Government of India in public and private partnership such as Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP). Therefore, increasing soil erosion worldwide is expected to boost demand for geocells.
Market Outlook:-
The Geocell market in emerging economies such as China, India, and Brazil is expected to grow at the highest CAGR, owing to rapid growth of the construction industry in these economies. According to the Global Construction 2030 perspective and Oxford Economies, in 2016, the global construction industry was valued at US$ 9.5 trillion which expected to grow by 85% to US$ 17.5 trillion by 2030 with China, the U.S., and India accounting for 57% of the global share. Moreover, according to India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), India is expected to overtake Japan as the third largest construction market by 2025, growing at a rate of 7.4%, annually.
Africa is expected to witness significant growth in the market for geocells, owing to increasing awareness and government initiatives regarding water and soil conservation. African Forest Landscape Restoration is an initiative, which is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Resources Institute. The initiative focuses on bringing 100 million hectares of degraded forest landscapes into the process of restoration by 2030.
 Key players in Global geocells Market:-
Key players operating in the global geocells market include, Fiberweb plc. Geocel Limited, TMP Geosynthetics, Anhui Huifeng New Synthetic Materials Co., Ltd., Enviro Pro Tech, Inc., Strata Geosystems (India) Pvt. Ltd, PRESTORUS, Roofiran Mashhad Branch, GeoGlobe Europe LTD, AHED Plastic Industry and Trade Company, and others
For More Information: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/geocells-market-2499
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
Contact Us:
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights
1001 4th Ave,
Seattle, WA 98154
Tel: +1-206-701-6702
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Project Review:
Kent Ridge Hill Residences Review
Is it a good buy or bad buy?
Market View
Kent Ridge Hill Residences is one of the most anticipated condominium projects located in South Buona Vista Road. In this post, we are going to have an in-depth discussion about key aspects of the property and the surrounding region enabling you to make an informed decision as a home buyer or investor. 
Floor Plans
Basic Information on the Project
Formerly known as Vista Park the site was bought by Oxley developers following acceptance of their bid worth SGD 418 million. Kent Ridge Hill site was launched in 31st October 2017 and is set to undergo massive transformation according to the group.
The owners of the former Vista Park were eyeing $350,000 translating to each owner would pocket $1.16 million- 3.5 million a premium price of over 60% that they would have gotten if they sold their property individually on the open market.
Factoring in the lease top-up premium of an estimated $66 million, the land rate price is approximated to be about $932 per square feet per plot ratio that is pared down to $906 psf ppr after taking into account the bonus balcony floor area. For investors and home seekers, the land rate is attractive compared transaction price of nearby Normanton park which stood at $969 psf ppr.
The development project will be built on a site area of 319, 250 sq. ft that have 61 years left on its lease. The development site has a plot ratio of 1:4 that accommodates to up to five storeys with a gross floor area of an estimated 446,951 sq. Ft.
According toTeakhwa real estate, a brokerage firm five bids were turned down after the price mark was set at $350 million. It was finally sold to Oxley group after they exceeded the asking price by 19.4%.
Kent Ridge Hill Residences come with a 99-year-old tenure and will compromise with a unit mix of 50 strata townhouses and 548 condominium units. The project will be completed on 31st December 2024.
also read: Kent Ridge Hill Residences Developer
April 2024
Site Area
29,659 m2 (319,249 sqft)
No. of Units
498 apartment + 50 strata landed
Oxley Spinel Pte Ltd
Project Location
The property development is situated along South Buona Vista road; there are no shopping centers or malls within the immediate vicinity. Resident can travel to Orchard Shopping Belt which a few minutes away. 
Floor Plans
Kent Ridge Hill Residences Google Map Location
Kent Ridge Hill Residences Google Street View
According to Google maps, if you are driving The Orchard Road is a 15-minute drive via Alexandra Rd and Tanglin Rd a distance of 8.8 kilometers. However, walking can eat up a lot of your time as it 8.2 kilometers away and will take approximately an hour and forty-eight minutes.
Kent Ridge Hill Residences walking distance to Pasir Panjang MRT Station
Kent Ridge Hill residence is 700 meters away from Pasir Panjang MRT station, and it will take you approximately 9-minutes’ walk to the station, but it’s not advisable during adverse weather conditions.
The Pasir Panjang MRT station runs on a Circle line that can connect with other routes for easier and direct access to the CBD and Orchard Road making it convenient for working professionals and businesspeople.
You may also like: Kent Ridge Hill Residences within 1km of Reputable Schools 
If you are driving to Orchard Road according to Google Maps, it will take you an estimated 14-minutes to travel a distance 12 kilometers via Ayer Rajah Expressway.
If you are moving towards the Pasing Panjang Food Center, it will take you an estimated 3 minutes when driving a distance of 1.6 kilometers. If you decide to walk it will take you 8-minutes. There are a variety of eateries joints within the vicinity
For outdoor lovers, according to google maps, it will take you 20-minutes’ walk to Kent Ridge park via JLn Mat Jambol or Pasir Panjang Rd, driving is not advisable as its less than a minute away and during peak hours you can spend a lot of time in traffic.
The selling points about development
One of the main selling points of Kent Ridge Hill Residences is its lush greenery landscape with the surrounding area enjoying clean air and fresh air making the location on of the best eco-friendly place within Singapore.
Another great feature of the property is its large land size and low density making the property a private enclave tucked away from the bustle and hustle of the city. Its exclusivity and privacy are one of my favorite things about residential development. Future residents will get to enjoy the opportunity of having residents-only access to Kent Ridge Park within your very own home. Security is guaranteed 24/7
Its excellent locale makes it an ideal place to call home; the property is close to MRT station, bus stops and major expressways making movement and accessibility to the property easier and convenient while providing direct access to other parts of the country. Other properties within the region are located far from public transportation systems while those on West Coast Highway experience noise pollution.
The property is situated in an ideal location for investment, the master plan of the government to upgrade existing infrastructure and its closeness to Greater Southern Waterfront Development increases the potential for capital appreciation.
Also see the Kent Ridge Hill Residences Amenities
Floor Plans
Possible bad points about the development
For investors purchasing the property for the sole purpose of rental yields will face significant competition from surrounding development projects. This competition may adversely affect rental income reducing the potential for high capital growth and occupancy rates. However, Kent Ridge Hill Residences is suitable for living as compared to renting it out to avoid current or future competition.
The property development has a 99- leasehold tenure which some investors and future owners might view as a limitation. Nearby condominium projects like Bijou, Horizon Residences, and Viva Vista come with a freehold providing competition to Kent Ridge Residences in future.
Traffic snarl and congestion may be a big problem during peak hours especially in the morning and evening especially in Pasing Panjar Rd and Orchard Rd. It’s to be seen whether the government will address the issue of congestion especially with new condominium launches slated in the coming years.
Floor Plans
My thoughts about the development
From my point of view and concerned about one main thing. Firstly, newly launched condominium projects along Pasir Panjang MRT stations notably Bijou development project that comes with a freehold tenure, with average transacting prices over the last 12 months ranging from $1709- $2175 per square feet. Comparing the two properties that rival each other pricing for Kent Ridge Hill Residence is a bit higher.
Kent Ridge Hill is an outstanding place to call home, its lush greenery surroundings of more than 47 hectares of the forest park is just too hard to ignore. Residents will enjoy exclusive access to Kent Ridge Park, no property within the vicinity has that kind of access.
The median price per square feet for the past one year $1200 per square feet, if you factor in the approximated selling price of Kent Ridge Hill of $1700 per square feet, it’s a little bit over 40% over the current market rate.
Despite a lot of competition within the area due to its leasehold period and proximity of some properties being closer to MRT stations, in my opinion, is still feel Kent Ridge Hill is a perfect place to make a home. Its closeness to the CBD and privacy will make it a catchment for working class professional.
However, the government cooling measures to check on prices presents an opportunity to home buyers and investors a chance to invest in Kent Ridge Hill before the new policies come into effect.
Check out: Kent Ridge Hill Residences Floor plans
  Kent Ridge Hill Residences Overview
Kent Ridge Hill Residences Garden
Floor Plans
project ratings
Pricing – 80%
The property is strategically located to major transportation networks allowing easier access to and from the property to the city and other regions in Singapore. The property is well linked with Pasing Panjang MRT station and Harbourfront MRT Interchange Station which connects with other lines allowing faster movement within the property and other regions within the country.
It’s also close to a variety of amenities that are conveniently located catering to the needs of future residents. One of the most impressive factors according to me is that the property is located in a secluded area with a less dense population.
Location – 70%
In my opinion, the price set at $ 1700 per square feet is a bit high and unreasonable for a 99-year old leasehold. It’s on the upside considering the resale prices for freehold properties are much lower compared to Kent Ridge Hill Residences prices.
However, factoring prices per square feet of nearby development projects, it’s much more affordable as developers have begun a trend of quoting high indicative prices as a URA is reducing the number of condominium projects within the area.
Quality -90%
The property is elevated above road level underlining its exclusivity with ample greenery surrounding the project creates the perfect harmony with the natural ecosystem. Inspired by American master architect Frank Lloyd Wright each condominium unit will have high ceilings spacious living space and dining area creating a sense of space that nature brings.
With the thoughtful layout and efficient use of available space the property is ideally suited for individuals and families of varying sizes providing the ultimate urban living experience. Its comprehensive space management is what impressed me the most.          
Floor Plans
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Why Should You think of Setting Up a Business in India?
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If you are a part of a business that runs on the path of growth and development, India should undoubtedly be your next stop for setting up or expanding the business. Taking a jump of 23 notches in year, 2018 India has managed to land at Rank 77 in World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business report. Time and again, India has been considered a booming market for doing business. The volume of Foreign Investments serves as an indicator of the promising future that the Indian economy holds for international business.
Among all the currently emerging markets, China and India are the ones that are likely to be boosting global trade. India especially is eyed upon by an increasing number of international businesses with regard to setting up a business in India. However, a few others still carry a blank space on the question of setting up or expanding their business in the country. Read below a few reasons as to why India should be on your priority list while thinking of business expansion-
The economic growth in India is predicted to accumulate in the emerging cities that have some of the largest development plans for infrastructure. The increasing population in the country translates to a greater need for businesses to support the livelihood, leading to increased demand and thus, sales. Moreover, the rural to urban transition implies that a greater share of the population will add to the middle-income strata. Data also shows that the companies entering India in the near future will sail through favorable conditions.
India claims to have a labor force of nearly 530 million, out of which the majority is below 30 years of age. Numbers suggest that by the year 2021, 64% of the Indian population will lie in the working age group i.e. 18-59 years. This clearly implies that the Indian market has comparatively more years of service. Moreover, businesses can take advantage of the Indian youth that is looking for job opportunities beyond agriculture and daily wage. This can be leveraged as an opportunity for generating employment and increasing productivity.  
The Ease of Doing Business in India has witnessed a remarkable growth. The central government does not require an intervention for a Foreign Direct Investment of up to 100 percent in a private limited or a limited company. This, as a result, reduces the overall cost of setting up a company in India. Moreover, the cost of basic amenities like infrastructure, labor, food, transportation or even taxes is lower in India in comparison with other countries. Additionally, the urban transformation that country is facing brings a huge opportunity for international businesses to gain access to the combination of providing capital, technology, and strategic knowledge to the workforce.
Legal Flexibility
Most of the countries are suspicious of Privatization. As a result, businesses prefer expansion in countries where they don’t have to deal with stringent policies. In the recent times, the Indian Parliament has passed several bills, ranging from the Goods and Services Tax bill to the Direct Taxes Code bill that are significant for businesses and provide transparency and uniformity in the Indian economy. The Indian government’s Make in India initiative is a major addition to increasing foreign investments in the country, whilst enabling foreign investments and promoting innovation through skill development and intellectual property protection.
To conclude, India has successfully crossed all the miles required for setting up a business or expansion in the country. Starting new operations entirely in a new country must be well-thought of and planned before any engagements in the process. The top Management Consulting firms in India, like Tecnova, assist renowned global organizations in setting up or expansion of business in the country. Firms like Tecnova make the entry of international organization in India easier by offering the advantages that Indian economy has to offer in order to implement and execute the strategies of growth and expansion.
Website: www.tecnovaglobal.com
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