#Strawhat study sessions are absolutely chaotic. You KNOW they are.
shima-draws · 10 months
Omg modern day OP AU sounds so fun!! I wonder what subjects in school the Strawhats would be good at and what kind of grades they'd get 🤔
YEAHHH actually it's funny you bring that up bc I was literally thinking about that recently. Here have some headcanons
Luffy: Spends most of his time in class not paying attention or goofing off but somehow still manages to coast through years of school with decent grades. Nobody knows how he does it they never see him study he just passes the tests and they're all SO mad about it. He either has the opinion of "Idk they're all fun!" or "Idk they're all boring!" when it comes to subjects specifically.
Robin: Straight A student with no effort. Excels in history/social studies. She's the kind of person who reads textbooks for fun.
Nami: Straight A student with a lot of effort, she studies her ASS off and is a bit jealous at how easy it is for Robin to ace all her classes. She's really good with numbers (money) so she excels in math!
Zoro: Doesn't put in the effort unless it interests him, so his grades are kinda a mixed bag across the board. He's probably failing some classes and outright nailing others. You know he's best at any sort of PE class lol. He also does kendo!!
Sanji: Probably couldn't care less about a lot of classes so he's similar to Zoro in this aspect. But since he's competitive he'd at least make it so his grades are better than Zoro's. Has solid As and Bs all around. Absolutely fucking dominates in home ec/any kind of cooking class. (He's working to get into culinary school.)
Usopp: He's in the same boat as Nami, he studies a lot and tries to get good grades but it doesn't come to him as easy as it does to Nami and Robin. Like Sanji his grades are around the A-B range. Honestly I can kinda see him doing really well in like, physical art media? Like sculpture? Since he builds and tinkers all the time. Oh and also any computer class he's good at too, he's the tech wiz of the group for sure ;)
Chopper: I guess he'd be human in a modern AU lol?? Anyway he's obvious, he's super good with science, biology and anatomy and medicine especially. He doesn't really get the other subjects as much so his grades are Bs and Cs there.
I would add Brook, Franky and Jinbe but I haven't gotten to their introductory arcs yet so I don't know them as well 🤧
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