#Stuffed Ronpa
unluckybreadling · 4 months
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Will you take a colorful nag.ito in these times?
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dangantums · 6 months
A Feast for the Eyes
take this fic as an apology for being gone for so long,,,,,,,, *runs away*
this fic contains: stuffing, burps, belly rubs, burst mention, not nsfw but spicy!!!
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: b.yakuya invites his father (who is still alive in this fic, ssh) to dinner, and m.akoto is unable to pace himself with dinner.
In the elegant dining room of the Togami estate, Byakuya Togami sat at the head of the table. Next to him was his beloved boyfriend, Makoto Naegi, and across from him, Byakuya’s father. The brunette was obviously nervous, fidgeting with his hands as he glanced around the room. Although Byakuya and his father had a strained and tumultuous relationship, the heir had invited his father to dinner at his house, to finally meet Makoto. The air was still, silence deafening — the only sounds that filled the air were the private chefs placing dish after dish on the table. 
Polished silverware gleamed under the soft glow of chandeliers and fine china adorned the table. Intricate decorations filled the walls, bathed in the warm glow of the candlelight and light from the chandeliers. The dinner smelled delightful, a vast array of meats, soups, and sides. As well as decadent desserts. Makoto’s anxiety was quickly replaced by anticipation as the aroma of the lavish feast wafted through the air, tempting his senses. The brunette's mouth watered at the sight, but his intense stare at the food was interrupted by Byakuya’s voice.
"Father, I'm pleased you could join us for dinner tonight," Byakuya said, his tone respectful despite the slight scowl that riddled his face, as he addressed his stern-faced father. His father merely nodded in acknowledgment, his attention residing anywhere but Byakuya and Makoto. Byakuya let out a slow sigh before saying, “We can eat now.”
Makoto wasted no time. As the dinner commenced, Makoto tried his best to maintain his composure, though the exquisite delicacies proved to be too tempting to resist. With each bite, he found himself indulging a little more than he intended as his enthusiasm for the cuisine got the better of him. Each delicacy seemed more irresistible than the last, and soon Makoto was indulging in second and third helpings with reckless abandon. The lack of conversation amplified Makoto’s need to fill his mouth. Byakuya watched with a mixture of amusement and concern as Makoto devoured the dishes with gusto, his eyes widening in disbelief at the sheer volume of food his boyfriend was managing to consume. Until he was inevitably pulled away in conversation, as his father finally started to speak to him.
As the dinner wore on, Makoto's initial gusto gave way to discomfort. His stomach began to protest against the abundance of rich foods, and he discreetly unzipped some of his signature jacket — even though it didn’t help in the slightest. Byakuya noticed Makoto's subtle movements and suppressed a smirk. Nevertheless, he refrained from commenting, allowing Makoto to save face in front of his father.
And as the meal drew to a close, Makoto promptly excused himself from the table, his movements slightly sluggish as he attempted to conceal the discomfort that resided in his stomach. Makoto was on the verge of bursting at the seams. With a polite smile, he slowly stood up, hiding his bloated belly, and made his way to the bathroom, hoping to find some much needed relief.
Alone in the lavish bathroom, Makoto groaned in misery, his stomach bloated and protesting from the excessive intake of food. The room was dimly lit, shadows dancing across the white tiles as he hunched over the sink. The brunette quickly unzipped the rest of his jacket and lifted up his tight shirt, exposing his tummy. His stomach groaned audibly, protesting the excessive amount of food as he leaned over the bathroom sink, the bottom of his belly hitting the cold marble. His reflection in the mirror mocked him, showcasing the extent of his discomfort. His belly protruded prominently, distended from the feast. Makoto’s hands instinctively gravitated towards his swollen midsection, palms slowly gliding across the stretched skin. As Makoto tried to compose himself, a sudden burp escaped him, loud and deep, echoing off the bathroom walls. He cringed in embarrassment, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson.
And then the doorknob rattled.
Before Makoto could even think to react, Byakuya swiftly entered the bathroom, the door shutting behind him with a soft click. The pair were silent for a brief moment, before Byakuya’s head turned to look at Makoto. The sight was mesmerizing—a feast for the eyes that left Byakuya's pulse racing with desire. He traced the outline of Makoto's belly with hungry eyes, taking in every detail.
"Well, well… what do we have here?" Byakuya teased, his voice laced with amusement as he caught sight of Makoto's burning cheeks and large, swollen belly.
“B-Byakuya,” was all Makoto could stammer, unable to keep his hands off of his belly. Feeling it’s heft, feeling it’s tautness. A flicker of something unreadable crossed Byakuya’s usually composed features. The way Makoto’s belly protruded sent a surge of excitement through Byakuya, stirring a primal desire within him.
"Makoto," Byakuya said, his voice lower and husky, "I didn't expect to find you… like this."
The pair had been indulging in this kink for awhile now, so overeating was nothing new… but overeating to the point of having to barricade himself in the bathroom? In front of a guest? This was new. And the amount he ate tonight: Makoto had truly outdone himself this time, his large but usually soft stomach distended beyond belief, looking 9 months pregnant, and solid to the touch.
"Poor thing," Byakuya murmured, his hand coming to rest on Makoto's distended belly.
Makoto's breath caught in his throat at the unexpected gesture, his cheeks red with embarrassment. He watched as Byakuya's fingers traced the curve of his bloated belly, eliciting a soft rumble from within. The rumble formed into another deep belch, as Makoto half-heartedly attempted to cover it with one of his hands. His belly was on full display for the heir.
However, Makoto found himself leaning into Byakuya's touch, his bloated belly pressing against his hand as if seeking more of his affection. A soft whine escaped Makoto, eyebrows furrowing as he looked up at Bakuya.
“I cannot believe you,” Byakuya growled playfully, his hand pressing deeper into the taut flesh – massaging harder, exploring further. “I cannot believe you’d have the guts to stuff yourself stupid in front of my father. God, this drives me wild…”
Before Makoto could even think to respond, Byakuya forced Makoto into a tight, passionate kiss. Their lips molded together perfectly, as if they were made for each other. Makoto gasped at the sensation, his skin tingling with anticipation as Byakuya deepened their kiss, letting his tongue slip into the brunette's mouth. Makoto's hands found their way to Byakuya's head, fingers tangling in his hair. Byakuya responded with equal fervor, his arms attempting to wrap around Makoto's waist to pull him close until there was no space left between them – but Makoto’s large belly got in the way. Instead, Byakuya's hands roamed freely over Makoto's body, tracing every curve and contour with a hunger that bordered on desperation.
And as they finally pulled away, breathless and flushed with desire, Makoto found himself lost in the depths of Byakuya's gaze, until the heir got down on his knees. With a gentle caress, Byakuya pressed his lips against the soft expanse of Makoto's stomach. Byakuya's touch was gentle yet possessive. Makoto’s stomach emitted a deep rumble, punctuated by a series of strained burps that escaped his lips involuntarily.
“Oh, ‘Kuya,” Makoto needily whined again, leaning against the bathroom sink to keep himself steady. He needed to sit down, but wow, this feels amazing.
“Makoto,” Byakuya replied breathlessly. "I can't get enough of you – of this." Another kiss, his lips lingering against the warm, soft flesh.
"I-I couldn't help it," Makoto stammered. "I couldn’t help overeating… Everything just looked so delicious, and I... I got carried away… BOOURP! Mmmh, hurts so bad…”
"Oh, I know," the heir murmured, his breath hot against Makoto's skin, the smirk he wore laced in his voice.
Each breath Makoto took felt like an effort, his belly feeling excruciatingly heavy from all of the food. His belly was perfect: the way and old stretch marks littered his gut,  the slight flush of his skin, the way his navel dimpled slightly under the weight of his fullness… It was everything Byakuya dreamed of and more.
“I’m going to need you to go to our bedroom,” Byakuya ordered lowly, attempting to look up at Makoto, but his view was blocked by Makoto’s taut stomach. The heir gulped, but continued, “I’m going to tell my father that you aren’t feeling well, so as to not raise any suspicion. When I get back, you better be ready for me. Is that clear?”
“Y-Yes sir,” Makoto whimpered, rubbing the sides of his belly. This was going to be a long night.
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chubkichi · 2 months
Hehhee... Can you draw chunky Miu? If you want ofc ^^
*Blows off the dust from this blog*
I'm Back.
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chunkmaeda · 1 year
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Honestly might draw his different outfits (uniform, sdr2 outfit, udg outfit) over him bc. I’m pretty proud of this one (will post those versions later)
Also, thank you all so much for the kind words and appreciation!!! 🥰 I’m beyond honored that you guys like this, I seriously went crazy trying to find more chubby ko so I’m glad I can provide to other hungry degenerates ❤️❤️❤️
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avacadofilling · 2 months
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he enjoys napping after a big meal
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mopeystuffedronpa · 6 months
an introduction
hello, i am mope.
after lurking around for a bit on my main and contemplating for a while i’ve finally made the decision to make a seperate stuffedronpa blog, it will be fics and headcanons ONLY.
here are things and characters i will and will not do.
Will do:
Inflation, vore, scat, omorashi, etc.
Incest, pedophilia, racism, etc.
NSFW like sexual nudity, sex in general, etc.
Any UDG characters.
Any anime characters, I have not seen the anime.
Any incest or adult x child ship.
Ou.goku(Sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable writing it).
This is the list for now, but it can and most likely will change over time.
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sanguinaryviper · 1 year
kam.ukura stuffing headcanons?? i'll take anything really. love that boy, there needs to be more content of him
Sure! This’ll be him as a feedee/stuffee and Makoto as a feeder/stuffer
Kam.ukura stuffing headcanons!!
He likely first stuffed himself when he was bored as normal… he never normally ate more then he needed to survive, but this was new so why not.
The pain in his gut was new… so even though it hurt, he kept going, wanting to experience the new feeling.
He wanted to keep going but he’d soon throw up. Luckily Makoto found him before that and while showering Izuru’s gut in affection, he convinced Izuru to stop for now.
Izuru sits on his ass all day, and with Makoto constantly bringing him food, it was no surprise when he started to gain a little potbelly.
Whenever Izuru eats, he stuffs himself to the brim! It concerns Makoto as much as it turns him on.
Izuru doesnt really burp much but instead lets out constant hiccups. He doesnt really have any manners when he does so since he really doesnt care.
His weight mostly spread to his gut and hips. His face left surprisingly slim and toned for quite a while.
Admittedly, Izuru never expected to get hard from eating loads… but he doesnt exactly hate the feeing. Neither does Makoto when he rides an overstuffed Izuru
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thicckle · 10 months
hey hey heyyyy :) i’ve been inspired to start writing on this page (thanks @dangantums 🩷🩷), so please send in some prompts or characters you’d like to see! i’ll be focusing personally on i.shimondo as i’m on a HUGE kick w/ them. tags will be organized for r.onpa and not r.onpa, and check my tagged post!!
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yumtummytigger · 11 months
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This is just a rarepair kink thing but like. like. li
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hauntedmilkshake1 · 2 years
I come from my cave to showcase a drabble i woke this morning because naegiri brain rot is real. Its pretty short but whatevs i need to get out of this writers block funk anyway i can.
Content Warning for suggestive themes.
“Makoto you *do* remember how long these jeans took to button this morning correct? And that was before the 3 slushies and however much butter was in that popcorn.” Kyoko protested, stifling a burp as she gazed down at her blubbery midsection, pondering slightly about the last time she truly saw her feet. Having her jeans unbuttoned after the meal was far from uncommon, along with wardrobe malfunctions in general, to the point of the initial embarrassment of having said wardrobe malfunction be non-existent at this point.
“Sure, but that shirt won’t stretch down far enough to cover you if we just leave it unbuttoned. And I don't want people staring at us and making a fuss.” Makoto replied, demonstrating that lack of free fabric by trying to tug down the faded T-shirt Kyoko had thrown on when getting ready, its design warped and stretched as it was forced down over her abdomen, only to slowly rise back up near to her chest. 
“Well even if they did make a fuss I’m sure it wouldn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn’t be the first time anyone would come up to us judging my appearance, certainly not the first time I’ve been stared at either. Unless this is a way of saying you just want me to burst out of these jeans don’t you?” Kyoko remarked with a slight grin at the end of her sentence, cupping a handful of her belly and drifting her hand over her lower spare tire, stifling another burp.
Makoto felt this face blush slightly, his cunning ruse slipping through like water.
“W-well it’s good for public decency that’s all! Besides these haven’t fit in ages anyway so we could also just go to the mall tomorrow and try on ne-”
“We have 10 minutes until the next movie starts playing, if you can get these buttoned in that time then we’ll follow your plan of “*public decency*” ok?” Kyoko stated, reaching over her gut and grabbing the two sides of her jeans, lazily tugging the button over her taut tummy.
*9 ½ minutes later*
“I can…barely breathe…” Kyoko mumbled as she waddled out of the theater room and into the main foyer. Each part of her near 515 lbs body jiggled with each movement. Somehow by the will of every strand of hope the two had gathered from their time knowing one another. Makoto got Kyoko’s pants buttoned. She could barely breathe and from all the food there was still a sliver of fat poking over the waistband but it all held together…relatively speaking. Kyoko was starting to regret the 3 chili cheese ‘dogs she had the waiter get for her before the movie started. And the slushies….and the big gulp soda. Regardless she was incredibly full and these jeans were not helping at all.
Thankfully, it was well into the evening so the main theater hall was void of commotion, aside from the few patrons topping up on popcorn or coming out of another screening.
“Almost to the elevator kiri…just a little further” Makoto reassured as he tried to keep his gaze off his girlfriend’s rippling beach ball of a gut struggling to be contained inside her ill-fitting “stretchy” jeans. They were the biggest size they had at the local mall and with Kyoko pushing further into the 500s…custom sizes were the next step to go really. Her gargantuan hips kept brushing against Makoto's thighs. Makoto looked back at Kyoko once again and realized very small rips and holes had appeared on the sides of her jeans.
“Huh, well that explains the popping sounds I heard when she got into the car.” Makoto thought to himself as they approached slowly to the elevator.
“From now on…leggings only…” Kyoko huffed out as she did her best to suck her overflowing tummy in as best she could, every movement she could feel the fabric stretch and groan ever more. The zipper had started to succumb to the pressure and she could hear a *TIK* every so often as the zipper slowly forced itself down its metallic pronged line slowly revealing a glimpse at both her panties and taut belly. 
“But you look so good in them! I'm sure there's other stores that sell bigger sizes!” Makoto said. He knew better than anyone that finding clothes for Kyoko was a nightmare, but dammit if he didn’t enjoy squeezing himself into a changing room with his girlfriend to help zip up another dress or have to unbutton another pair of pants after a meal. Those moments were too golden to pass up.
“Well, considering how the store clerk talked to us when we bought these last month…i doubt that…*huff* This is not comfortable…” Kyoko replied, her voice shifting from its usual direct and calm demeanor to almost groaning tone, her discomfort in her clothes clearly showing. Thankfully they’d finally reached the elevator and Makoto quickly pushed the button and they both walked into the small metal box, the frame pressing down slightly under Kyoko's girth.
The two took one last look at the emptying theater hall as the steel doors slammed shut and the metal contraption whirred its way down to the parking lot.
Kyoko had finally given up trying to keep it all and finally relaxed her blubbery tummy, the button accepting its fate as it exploded off of her jeans and smacking into the face of the steel doors, leaving a faint mark on it as it did so, now landing by Makoto’s foot.
“Thank goodness…I can breathe again, at this point I’m far from bothered if anyone sees me like this.” Kyoko sighed with relief as she untucked her quivering gut and let it pool and droop over her crotch, letting another burp escape her mouth as she did so.
“I can see you enjoyed that show didn’t you?” Kyoko teased slightly, as she turned her head to Makoto, pretending not to notice the bulge forming in his own pants.
Makoto flushed a shade of red across his face as he nodded enthusiastically. Despite being together for so long and indulging in this hedonistic kink for so long too, Kyoko's mannerisms still made Makoto's mind have fireworks going off.
“I assume the parking lot is fairly empty by this point, and that little stunt did take a lot out of me. So if you’re feeling how i assume you are…let's indulge some more in the back seat of the car…and afterwhich, maybe some actual dinner too.” Kyoko muttered as she leaned into Makoto, her massive frame pressing into him, her plump lips meeting his for a quick kiss before the elevator went *DING* and the metallic doors slowly opened to the vacant parking lot.
“Yeah. That sounds lovely.” Makoto replied.
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unluckybreadling · 10 months
instead of being forced to lose weight for mascot reason, after the world has gained a footing again with despair forces significantly down and the air and stuff mostly clear. Ma.koto now has the very fun task of GAINING weight for the company (on its dime too!) Because if the world sees that world's hope is gaining weight then that means the world must be healing! BUT they were only expecting him to gain like ~15, _20, ~25 lbs at the most because they wouldn't want him that huge.
this is like the BEST task that Ma.koto had gotten from the company. He enjoyed it *too well* because the next they knew he was 250+ lbs heavier.
LUCKILY, the world is lovin all his extra weight, plush which means they can sell a new marketable plushie of him that is fat editionTM
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dangantums · 5 months
exploding at the thought of makoto having too much to drink and he gets a tummy ache and byakuya and kyoko rub his tummy im going to die
I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THIS FIC WITH THE WRONG REQUEST LMAO.... I didnt see the kyoko part, my apologies,,, I hope youre ok with n.aegami....
Love, Byakuya
this fic contains: intox, burps, hiccups, bloating, stuffed belly, SFW content.
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: hopes peak university's class of 2024 had their graduation and had their party at the bar! and m.akoto, caught up in the limelight, forgets his limits.
Graduation season was always a big deal. Hopes Peak University’s class of 2024 had just received their degrees and were out for a night on the town. The flickering neon lights of the bar cast a hazy glow on Makoto's drunken face. He let out a hearty laugh, clinking his glass with Leon against the counter. "Another round!" he declared, surprising even himself with the volume yet ignoring the slight wobble in his voice.
Byakuya, who had been nursing a single glass of scotch all night, sighed deeply as he sat next to the brunette. Makoto, his normally optimistic boyfriend, had a tendency to overdo things, especially at social gatherings like this. He watched him with a faint flicker of concern hidden behind his usual stoicism as Makoto downed another shot of sake, the green liquid disappearing with a dramatic gulp. He couldn't deny there was a certain… charm to a helpless, sake-addled Naegi.
"Makoto," Byakuya started, his aristocratic voice barely cutting through the bar's cacophony, "Perhaps you've had enough.”
Makoto, however, seemed lost in a world of boisterous camaraderie. "One more won't hurt," he said. Famous last words. “Besides," he hiccuped, "you're one to talk! You took that shot the second it arrived." He drunkenly motioned to Byakuya’s shot glass.
Byakuya raised an eyebrow with a look that could curdle milk. "Unlike you, Naegi, I know my limits."
Makoto ignored him, waving down the bartender for another round. By the time they finally stumbled out of the bar, the world seemed to be spinning. Streetlights blurred into streaks of yellow, and Makoto felt a strange pressure building in his stomach. They soon made it back to their apartment, Byakuya practically carrying a groaning Makoto the whole way. As soon as the door shut, Makoto lurched for the bedroom, a loud belch escaping his lips. Byakuya winced but followed him in, concern etched on his usually stoic face.
"You sound like a malfunctioning garbage disposal,” he muttered, mostly to himself, as he watched Makoto double over the bed, clutching his stomach. Each exhale came with a wet gurgle, his insides feeling like a carbonated beverage on the verge of exploding. Byakuya ran his hand across Makoto's back, a gesture that surprised him. "Easy there," his voice surprisingly gentle.
The urge to be sick subsided, replaced by a dull ache that radiated throughout his abdomen. A whimper escaped Makoto's lips, another sloppy gurgle erupting from his stomach. 
"That last round… wasn't a good idea," Makoto mumbled.
“You look about ready to explode,” Byakuya, ignoring the obvious, said. Though his words were teasing, Byakuya’s hand still gently rubbed the others back. "Lie down."
Makoto obeyed, curling onto his side. Byakuya rushed around to the other side of the bed, sitting by him with a gentle sigh. Makoto groaned, a burp bubbling up unbidden. Byakuya then placed a hand on his stomach, lightly massaging it in slow circles. Makoto flinched at first, surprised by the touch. But then, a strange warmth spread through him, calming the churning in his gut. A soft, relieved sigh escaped his lips, followed by another, much louder, burp.
A slightly apologetic squeak escaped him. "S-sorry, Byakuya! I can't… control it…"
Byakuya merely chuckled, a warm, rich sound that made Makoto's heart skip a beat. "Seems your stomach has something to say about that sake."
The massage continued, punctuated by soft burps and the slow release of trapped gas. Byakuya worked his way upwards, his touch firm but gentle, expertly kneading away the tightness. With every soothing stroke, Makoto felt the ache subside, replaced by a warm, fuzzy contentment.
Another loud, earth-shattering burp erupted from him – but this time, Makoto was much more dazed and sleepy: "Blargh… sorry…" he muttered as his face turned scarlet, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Finally feeling a bit better, he peeked at Byakuya through his lashes. The normally aloof heir looked strangely… relaxed.
"You're not mad?" Makoto asked tentatively.
"About the sake? Slightly irritated," Byakuya admitted, "But more concerned about your well-being. Perhaps next time you'll listen to me when I say you've had enough."
“Promise,” Makoto replied. He reached out hesitantly and squeezed Byakuya's hand. 
Byakuya squeezed back, a hint of warmth in his eyes. "Just get some rest, now."
Exhausted, Makoto drifted off, Byakuya's hand still resting on his stomach, a silent promise of care. And as the morning sun filtered in, Makoto stirred awake. The room was empty, the faint scent of Byakuya's cologne lingering in the air. A dull ache resided in his head. Shame washed over him, but a note on the bedside table caught his eye. It read, in Byakuya's precise handwriting:
"Painkillers in drawer. Stick to water today. (And reconsider your alcohol tolerance.) Love, Byakuya."
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chubkichi · 2 months
A lil redraw for you in these trying times ;)
The glow up is bonkers
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chunkmaeda · 1 year
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Good news everyone!
Rejoice, I have made a separate art blog for chubby komaeda art cause, well, it’s just so sad the lack of art or fics for him!! Give me feedee komaeda!! (Well, i got sick of demanding it so I’m making it now)
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avacadofilling · 2 months
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sanguinaryviper · 28 days
maki kyoko mahiru and sonia weight gain hcs? (preferably humiliation focused)
Found this in my drafts and thought i may as well post even if half finished. Not really writing this stuff much more though
Maki’s weight gain likely came from her being in the killing game!
She has a very low metabolism and only ever stayed thin because of her being active as an assassin.
Once she got a taste of Kirumi’s cooking she couldn’t go back… and Kokichi noticed. He’d purposely have Kirumi bring stuff to her door which he knew she just didn’t have the willpower to ignore.
She had the quickest accidental gain and immediately knew who was behind this when she passed 180lbs… of course by then it was too late.
She confronted Kokichi who instead won her over by showing how great it was to be fed!
Of course he humiliated her the entire time, calling her a fat ass, a hog, degrading her over how she couldn’t even resist some donuts… but now shes his growing hog~
Kyoko Kirigiri
We all know and love the detective sitting on their ass and gaining office weight trope~ and we love it. It’s essentially what happened with her.
During her killing game, she sat on her ass a lot when no deaths happened and Celestia saw ample opportunity to ruin Kyoko and make sure she was the only beauty left.
She started hanging out with Kyoko and bringing treats who’d mindlessly eat them.
Celestia started even shrinking Kyoko’s clothes in the wash and making her look like a slut of a detective just for her amusement.
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