#ma.koto na.egi
unluckybreadling · 6 months
instead of being forced to lose weight for mascot reason, after the world has gained a footing again with despair forces significantly down and the air and stuff mostly clear. Ma.koto now has the very fun task of GAINING weight for the company (on its dime too!) Because if the world sees that world's hope is gaining weight then that means the world must be healing! BUT they were only expecting him to gain like ~15, _20, ~25 lbs at the most because they wouldn't want him that huge.
this is like the BEST task that Ma.koto had gotten from the company. He enjoyed it *too well* because the next they knew he was 250+ lbs heavier.
LUCKILY, the world is lovin all his extra weight, plush which means they can sell a new marketable plushie of him that is fat editionTM
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dangandecadence · 11 months
kam.ukura stuffing headcanons?? i'll take anything really. love that boy, there needs to be more content of him
Sure! This’ll be him as a feedee/stuffee and Makoto as a feeder/stuffer
Kam.ukura stuffing headcanons!!
He likely first stuffed himself when he was bored as normal… he never normally ate more then he needed to survive, but this was new so why not.
The pain in his gut was new… so even though it hurt, he kept going, wanting to experience the new feeling.
He wanted to keep going but he’d soon throw up. Luckily Makoto found him before that and while showering Izuru’s gut in affection, he convinced Izuru to stop for now.
Izuru sits on his ass all day, and with Makoto constantly bringing him food, it was no surprise when he started to gain a little potbelly.
Whenever Izuru eats, he stuffs himself to the brim! It concerns Makoto as much as it turns him on.
Izuru doesnt really burp much but instead lets out constant hiccups. He doesnt really have any manners when he does so since he really doesnt care.
His weight mostly spread to his gut and hips. His face left surprisingly slim and toned for quite a while.
Admittedly, Izuru never expected to get hard from eating loads… but he doesnt exactly hate the feeing. Neither does Makoto when he rides an overstuffed Izuru
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This is out of character but I want to start this up again, though i want to write more so feel free to interact and reblog to perhaps continue the rp
Also shall I restart his weight?
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cloverchub · 2 years
Button Up Shirts and Hijinks Ensue
Hi y’all! I actually wrote a thing, yaaay!!!
CW: This one is h o r n y. Nothing sexual happens or is described, and there’s not anything involving genitals or anything like that. However, this very much is a sexually charged fic. The tone edges on erotic. Also stuffing aftermath and discussions of weight gain, but it’s all positive in nature.
Synopsis: M.akoto tries on some old clothes and finds himself really, really into his new weight gain and really not into buttons.
M.akoto thought that nothing would interrupt his beeline to the bed. He knew that if he sat back down after grabbing dessert, he wouldn’t be able to get back up again, so he just camped out in the kitchen for the tail end of his incredibly self-indulgent binge. It was great; it meant easier access to even more food without having to get up and make a big trip out of it every time, but just standing around for that long resulted in what he swears is the worst belly ache he’s ever had. The strain put way too much pressure on his already sore stomach, just adding to the agonizing tightness and cramping. 
He’s in pain, he’s tired, and he’s unbearably horny; laying down is pretty much a catch-all first step to relieving all those problems. And it definitely was the action plan, that is, until he caught a glance at himself in the bedroom mirror. Now, he’s standing there a bit dumbfounded, one hand still cradling the underside of his swollen gut for some modicum of relief, the other lightly resting on top with fascination. 
His eyes are wide as he takes in the sight. Yeah, this was exactly what he intended when he wore this shirt, but… well geez, he didn’t think it would be this dramatic. 
When he got home and decided this was how he’d spend the evening, he thought he’d try something kind of fun and pull out his old button-up shirt from his very first Foundation uniform- one that he never quite returned after his sudden, storming-out resignation. It’s a good memory even to this day; it was the first tangible step he made to doing what he wanted with his life. To carving his own hope for himself and shaping with his own two hands what form it would take. He was a different person back then. 
…A much smaller person, too. 
Letting go of a tense, pained breath, he feels the fabric straining tighter around him, the sensation making his face grow even hotter. Honestly, the shirt is probably part of what’s making him so uncomfortable. But that’s sort of the point, isn’t it? The sensation is driving him absolutely crazy, and seeing the effect is something else. Puckering gaps make up the spaces between each button, all of them just barely hanging on for dear life as each one forces a tight ring around his soft, swollen tummy. It’s always been sort of difficult for him to fully comprehend his progress; unlike B.yakuya, he isn’t exactly a numbers kind of guy. He really didn’t think he’d gained all that much, yet here he is, practically busting out of a shirt that fit him quite modestly a few years ago. 
It’s… really, really hot. He feels really, really hot. He’d even go as far as to say handsome. He’s so much bigger than he thought; the sight of his unexpectedly plump thighs and protruding belly in the mirror makes him shiver. Even the way his soft arms just barely squeeze into his sleeves is attractive. He’s sure if he moved just right, he might even split a seam. (And honestly, ripping this stupid shirt to shreds does have its appeal.) 
Ah… but, he did come in here for a reason, as he’s reminded by another harsh pang from his overstuffed gut. With a sympathetic rub and a small grunt, he plops down on the edge of the bed, and-
M.akoto’s eyes shoot up at the mirror. His belly surges forward against it’s more spacious confines with a little jiggle. There’s the clattering of hard plastic on wood, and suddenly, the swell of his stomach now occupies the space where there used to be a button. 
He can’t even begin to stifle his moan, followed by a quiet, “Oh, fuck…” 
That’s… wow. 
M.akoto just gawks for a moment, taking in the sight with increasing arousal. That was like something out of a porno. Yeah, sure, it happens in reality all the time, but not to him. He honestly didn’t think he was anywhere near putting on that kind of weight. Or… gosh, did he really stuff himself that much? That’s a possibility, too. Either one is…
Holy crap. 
Tentatively, he breaks his frozen standstill to rest a hand on the newly exposed flesh. It’s soft and supple to the touch- a layer of pillowy chub still pliable despite how tightly-packed his gut is underneath. Damn, he really did get fat, huh? 
The next button down is on its last leg, too, but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem intent on giving. After all, the Foundation’s uniforms were designed for field combat, not just formality; if they were totally flimsy, they wouldn’t really serve their purpose. 
…damn it. The more he thinks about it, the more he wants to absolutely demolish this stupid thing. 
With a shaky sigh, M.akoto shifts a little in an attempt to get comfortable. Just the thought of moving too much makes him wince, but he’s not exactly relaxed where he’s at. And as much as he doesn’t want to, the shirt should probably come off. 
His fingers tremble a bit as he tries for that one oddly determined button, straining to get any leverage with just how tight it’s pulled. It’s gonna feel sooo much better once he unhooks it, he just… fuck. 
With a groan of frustration, M.akoto flops backwards onto the bed, letting go of the tense breath he’d been holding with a frankly sad attempt to “suck it in.” 
…Y’know, if he could manage to pop this one, too, then he wouldn’t need to keep trying like this.
He has always been a bit too optimistic for his own good.
Thanks for reading! Have a great day <3
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ry0t4 · 2 years
Mak.oto was nervous as he looked around the room. His husband, bya.kuya took him on a date night today in a very noble restaurant. There were quite a lot people which made the smaller boy anxious. He felt safe when eating around To.gami or his friends because he always tends to overeat but he never enjoyed restaurants.
"Are you okay my dear? You don't look so well" his husband suddenly spoke, pulling na.egi out of his thoughts. "Oh, y-yea I am. I'm just nervous when eating around this many people, especially strangers" Na.egi hoped he didn't disappoint his husband, after all he picked out this place to do something nice for him.
"Why's that?" To.gami looked him in the eyes. It was an 'all you can eat' buffet. "I don't want to embarass myself and you in public when I might overeat." Na.egi admitted. "Don't worry about that. You won't embarass us at all. If I would be embarassed by your eating habits I wouldn't have taken you to such a restaurant. Now go on and enjoy yourself. Eat as much as you like."
If To.gami really thinks like that then he shouldn't feel bad. They got up from their table and filled their plates. Both of them got some rice, chicken and sauce. Mak.otos portion was pretty much bigger than to.gamis, but not too big. After na.egi was finished he got seconds and thirds. To.gami watched his husband eat with a smile. As long as na.egi was happy so was he.
Na.egi sighed after finishing his third plate and sled back in his chair. "I'm full" he smiled and put his hands on his stuffed stomach. To.gami helped his husband to get up and then paid. Ma.koto tried his best to walk normal and act like he wasn't filled to the brim, but as soon as the got into to.gamis car he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He knew To.gami was okay with this, more than just okay actually. To.gami loved it. Mak.otos belly looked swollen as it sat on his waistband. Byak.uya smiled a bit and started rubbing na.egis belly. Na.egi got sleepy and decided to sleep a bit for the rest of the ride, his head on his husbands shoulder.
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a-smol-chub · 3 years
He can’t be THAT good...
(Hinakamuegi stuffing)
Na.egi Ma.koto frowns as he lets out a sigh. His pudgy stomach surges forward, pushing the zipper of his pants down. He had tried everything, sucking in, laying down, he simply couldn’t get his work pants to button. “...Kamu.kura..?” He calls out hesitantly.
Izu.ru Kamu.kura steps into the doorway almost immediately. His face remains calm and composed, even though Na.egi is flushed red, and looking down in shame. “Uh… can- can you get me some new work clothes…? Mine aren’t fitting anymore…”
Kamu.kura nods and steps into the room, opening a drawer and pulling out a pair of black work pants. “These should fit better,” he states before leaving. Na.egi swallows thickly and peels off the offending pants before pulling the other pair on. They were a little small, but at least they would button. He quickly slips a white work shirt on before grabbing his suit jacket on his way out of the apartment. “Love you!” he shouts before heading out. As soon as the door closes, Kamu.kura ties his hair up and slips an apron on. It was time to start cooking dinner.
Na.egi sighs and plops down in his office chair. He knew he had been gaining weight recently, but Kamu.kura either didn’t notice, or just hadn’t pointed it out yet. He absentmindedly runs a hand over his stomach as he hears a knock at the door. He blushes slightly. “Come in!”
A young intern walks in, holding a stack of files. “Um… Kiri.giri-san asked me to bring these to you, Na.egi-san.” 
“Oh, thanks Hin.ata-kun!” Na.egi beams up at the intern. Coincidentally, Na.egi had met his current boyfriend through this coworker, Ha.jime Hin.ata. Hinata had introduced them at a party celebrating Kamu.kura’s big promotion a few months ago. 
“Oh… she also wanted me to give you this,” Hin.ata adds, holding out a single sheet of paper. Na.egi frowns, taking it. “It’s a form for a new uniform. She said yours isn’t fitting that well anymore…”
Na.egi flushes and looks down. “It- it’s not my fault…” he mutters weakly. “It’s Kamu.kura, he’s way too good at cooking.” Hin.ata lets out a snort and rolls his eyes.
“Look, that bastard is way too good at most things, but it’s hard to believe he’d actually put that much effort into cooking for anyone. He hates cooking.”
Na.egi pouts and crosses his arms. “Then why don’t you come over some day? So you can see just how much he cooks lately.”
“He must have changed a lot for you to be telling the truth. Oh, I guess I’m mildly interested. When are you guys free?” he asks.
Na.egi pulls out a small pocket calendar from a desk drawer and flips through the pages. “Hmm… looks like we’re both good this Tuesday and Wednesday. Which works better for you?”
“Ah, I have a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday. Let’s do Wednesday,” he says. Na.egi nods excitedly and puts the pocket book back. He couldn’t wait for Hin.ata to find out just how wrong he was.
The rest of the work day is dull, Na.egi flipping through hours of mindless paperwork, signing things, and passing them up to management. He stands up from his desk and blushes as his stomach brushes past the edge of his desk. There had been free donuts and cupcakes in the employee lounge, and he had had way more than he originally thought. He swears internally and hopes that Kamu.kura didn’t have another large dinner planned for him.
He was wrong, of course.
After multiple large courses of mouth-watering lasagna, bowls upon bowls of creamy alfredo, and heaping plates of Italian meatballs, Na.egi lets out a quiet whimper and his arms flop to his side. “Kamu.kura… th- these dinners…. I’ve been putting on a lot of weight lately…” he whines.
Kamu.kura frowns and kneels down next to him, rubbing circles on his overfed belly. “Is it upsetting you?” he asks. As always, his face conveys no emotions, no hint of what he was thinking.
Na.egi blushes and sputters, trying to respond, but his mind feels fuzzy. Kamu.kura’s hands kneading his painfully stuffed belly made him feel weak, as he squirmed slightly. He lets out a quiet belch into his fist and looks away. “Everyone in the office just thinks… the- they think I’m doing this myself…”
“You are, are you not? I only provide food for you, but you are the one who stuffs yourself to this capacity.”
Kamu.kura’s words do not help the situation. Na.egi can’t necessarily deny that, even though he sure tries. He can’t justify it even to himself, because Kamu.kura was right and he knew it. He sighs. “Hin.ata-kun doesn’t believe that your cooking is this good… so I told him he could come over for dinner on Wednesday to prove him wrong.”
Kamu.kura pouts, pressing a finger roughly into Na.egi’s stomach. The noise Na.egi lets out makes him stutter and cover his mouth with embarrassment. “Wh- what was that for?”
“I did not give you permission to invite Hin.ata over.”
Na.egi huffs and tries to rub at his own stomach to soothe it. “He- he started talking about the weight I’d gained, and he said I needed a new uniform and I tried to explain that this only happened because of your cooking! But… he didn’t believe me…”
Kamu.kura lets out a quiet chuckle and plants a gentle kiss on Naegi’s neck. “We have been over this. This is not my doing, but yours. You need to start taking responsibility for your own gluttony,” he states monotonously. Na.egi blushes again, looking down. “I… can cancel with him if you want me to… I’m sorry, I should have asked you first.”
“He may come over, but I will need time to prepare dinner for the both of you.”
Na.egi perks up, leaning forward to kiss Kamu.kura in excitement. But his tummy weighs him down, and he flops back into the chair with a small huff. 
Kamu.kura gently wraps his arm around Na.egi’s waist and pulls him up, helping him walk down the hallway and into the bedroom. He pulls Na.egi’s work clothes off his grossly overstuffed form, tossing the basically worthless scraps on the floor. He crawls in bed next to his soft lover and pulls a blanket over them both, turning light out.
The days leading up to Hin.ata’s visit were fairly uneventful. Na.egi would wake up, struggle to get dressed, go to work, snack all day, and come home to Kamu.kura’s unfairly good cooking. This continued until Tuesday evening, after work, when Hin.ata walked into Na.egi’s office at the end of his shift. “Hey Na.egi-san. You ready to head out?”
Na.egi presses the power button on his monitor and nods, standing up with a quiet ‘oof’. Damn… he had overdone it today, too. He feels his center of balance shift as he stands, and he rests a hand on his stomach. “Yeah, just let me grab my jacket.”
Hin.ata watches him, silently judging the shorter boy for eating so much at work. He had seen Na.egi sneak into the break room multiple times to bring food to eat mindlessly at his desk. He had seen Na.egi make trips to the vending machine, buying multiple sugary drinks and fattening snacks to stock pile in a drawer. He knew Na.egi was blaming his weight gain on his new partner, Kamu.kura, but seeing how Naegi acts at work, Hin.ata sincerely doubts that. 
The two brunettes make their way downstairs to the street to hail a cab together. They both climb in the back of the taxi, and Na.egi leans forward to give the address to the driver. The ride only takes around 10 minutes. Hin.ata passes a couple of dollars to his coworker, who adds his own half, and gives it to the driver. They both thank the driver and step out onto the sidewalk.
Na.egi climbs up the stairs to the apartment and unlocks the door. Hin.ata stands behind him, and is taken aback when the strong aromas of Kamu.kura’s cooking hit him square in the face. Na.egi giggles as he sees Hin.ata stumble forward, not even bothering to take his work jacket off, and sit down at the dining table. Having been subject to this before, Na.egi has enough self control to take his shoes and jacket off before sitting down and filling his plate. 
He had doubted every word, up until that damn door was opened.
Hin.ata had known Kamu.kura since they were both kids, and they had grown up together. Kamu.kura was apathetic, cold, and didn’t have any motivation to do anything. To hear that his old acquaintance (Hinata wasn’t sure he could call him a friend, exactly) had changed so much as to start cooking this much for Na.egi, for Na.egi to have gained this much weight…
It didn’t make any sense.
He had sincerely doubted it.
He knew he was wrong the second the door opened. 
His mouth starts drooling before he even sits down. He sits down at the dining table, grabbing a plate and piling it high with everything in reach. He vaguely registers Na.egi sitting down next to him, grabbing his own plate and filling it with whatever he can. 
Hin.ata’s mind is a complete blur. All he can process is the continual flow of food being stuffed down his throat. Tender roast that melts in his mouth, creamy potatoes that slide down his throat, freshly buttered rolls with a perfectly crispy crust. He continues shoveling everything in reach into his gullet, without regard for how quickly he’s filling up. His stomach balloons forward, pushing against the buttons on his shirt. His fork hits the bottom of his plate, and his mind clears for a moment. He lets out a quiet groan and presses a hand against his stomach, trying to comfort it. 
“K-Kamu.kura…” he whines, squirming in his seat. Na.egi continues shoving food into his mouth, not hearing Hin.ata. He was already on his third plate. Kamu.kura steps forward, a ghost of a smirk present on his face. “Is there a problem, Hin.ata?”
“It- it hurts… it’s too much…” he moans. Kamu.kura kneels down beside his chair and presses a warm hand against his flesh. Hin.ata’s face flushes and he turns away.
“Then stop,” Kamu.kura says simply. “That’s all you have to do. Don’t fill your plate again, and don’t keep going.”
Even with direct instruction not to, Hin.ata finds himself sitting forward and piling more food onto his plate. Kamu.kura watches with a smirk, continuing to rub circles on his belly. Hin.ata feels and hears his belly gurgle in protest, but he can’t stop his hands from moving. 
Na.egi slumps back, groaning, and looks over at Hin.ata and Kamu.kura with bleary eyes. “Is… he alright..?” Na.egi asks between heavy pants. Kamu.kura nods, continuing to rub Hin.ata’s bloated tummy. Hin.ata moans around a particularly large bite of pasta, and he hears a loud ping. He looks down and blushes deeply as he stomach surges forward. He had actually eaten so much that a button had popped off of his shirt.
“Do.. you see what I mean..?” Na.egi asks quietly.
Hin.ata doesn’t have the strength to give a snappy response.
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datspicyramen · 3 years
chuddy makoto naegi hc..... bc I live for this....
Fluffy protag time >:>
-Ma.koto started gaining weight back in his HPA years. The stress of such a demanding school along with his classmates' influence over his eating must have begun taking its toll then
-Ma.koto's weight distribution is fairly even, but more often than not, he is a bit bottom heavy with the majority of his fat collecting in his belly, hips, ass, and thighs
-Our smol protag's favorite tastes are savory and sweet! He loves his ramen and also has an incredible sweet tooth for mochi and cookies
-During the killing game, Ma.koto's comfort eating was amplified to extremes being that food was the easiest outlet. Ma.koto packed on a significant amount of chub then and probably would have gotten more shit from his classmates had they not been in the situation that they were in
-All six of the survivors lost a lot of weight while they were low on food supply in the wreckage, but Ma.koto was still quite soft when they were rescued
-During his suit sizing was the first instance Ma.koto realized how sensitive his tummy was. The sensation of the cool measuring tape contrasting with that of the warm, delicate hands that were measuring him had the protag desperately holding his breath to keep himself from groaning with pleasure
-I like to imagine Ma.koto's main feeder is Na.gito. His reasoning for stuffing the shorter male had something to do with "a bigger hope means you shine brighter for everyone, even if scum like me needs to help you to become that"
-Na.egi currently wants to cap off his weight gain at around 185 ibs, but Ko.maeda's subtle suggestions for meal changes and excessive snacking might soon change his mind being as close to that goal as he is
-The countless hours of paperwork that came with taking on the position of HPA's headmaster has certainly helped as far as Ma.koto's expanding waistline goes
-Ma.koto regularly stuffs himself without realizing it through mindless snacking while he is working
-His friends were quick to realize the changes in his physical appearance and appetite, but it took months before To.gami pointed out the obvious by jabbing a finger into Ma.koto's malleable underbelly and asking his short friend how he hadn't noticed
I probably have a lot more, but these were the first ones that came to mind. Have fun!
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( art credit ) Alright ! Since it was quite a while since the last time I did this , I decided to make another MAINS CALL ! While I try to do stuff here & on my other blogs , LIKE / REBLOG this post & I’ll consider you being my main ! I’m going to be QUITE SELECTIVE this time around . All I ask of you is to consider me your main Yu.meno too . 
Note that MAIN does not equal EXCLUSIVE ! I will still happily interact with other versions of the same muse !
List of my mains under the cut
Ma.koto Na.egi : @hxpeiing
Kyou.ko Kiri.giri : @kyoukokiwigiri
Kiyo.taka Ishi.maru : @hcnorcoded  
Junk.ko Enoshi.ma : @ofdesperationis
Mah.iru Koi.zumi : @snappshot 
Son.ia Never.mind : @sunnywitchesperitou​ 
Ou.ma Koki.chi : @checkeredscarfs​ 
Tsu.mugi Shiro.gane : @docilexdisguises 
​Hosh.i Ryo.uma : @backhandbaby
Kai.to Momo.ta : @kxaito 
​Himi.ko Yume.no : @infinitammagicae
Tou.jou Kiru.mi : @retentoelegans
Ki.ibo : @kexbo
Iru.ma Mi.u : @invegold
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unluckybreadling · 6 months
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Miscellaneous stuff gettin back into a groove
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dangandecadence · 10 months
How much donuts does it take for Hina's new dumptruck ass to destroy her shorts?
Surprisingly, not many. Hina’s metabolism is at an all time low with her just stuck inside. It took her only four boxes of donuts for her shorts to rip right in front of Makoto…
You seem to misunderstand though! He was very happy… in fact… he insisted she had more
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Gonna give Two.gami a run for his money for biggest dude. Maybe you should ask him for tips on shopping.
Makoto was just laying down. Blushing alot "Twogami... could possibly help, right" he closed his eyes uncomfortably as his belly aches, gurgling
"i-is he able to give belly rubs?"
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cloverchub · 2 years
could you write some more n.aegami stuff?? they’re so cutteee <3 maybe a christmas story sense christmas is coming up?
It's uhhhh- still Christmas? Yeah? Definitely?
All jokes aside, sorry this took me so long to get to! It honestly took me a long while to come up with an idea for it, and once I did, stuff kept coming up preventing me from working on it. But I did eventually push through!
Thank you so much anon for the suggestion! I had a great time writing it; N.aegami is such a comfort for me, and this made me super happy. Definitely self indulgent but I think that's exactly what I needed XD.
CW: stuffing aftermath with a little bit of burping and tummy noises. Also B.yakuya being a little mean but not in regards to anything stuffing related, just normal T.ogami sass :'D.
M.akoto and B.yakuya wind down together after their Christmas party. Fluff!
It didn’t take long for everything to settle down. There was laughter and music, then much calmer conversation and dwindling energy as the night ran on. Eventually, they all said their goodbyes- hugs and well wishes on the way out, all eagerly looking forward to the next time they could visit each other again, especially since they’d all been so close to losing each other before. Class 78 (plus K.omaru) is just about the oddest group of individuals you’ll ever find, but damn it if they didn’t make a family out of that chaos. Their little gatherings and struggles to grasp a hold of “normal” despite the state of the world around them are treasured, even if their colorful personalities clash at times.
When everyone leaves, the silence isn’t chilling. In fact, after all the festivities, it’s a bit welcome. Hosting is hard; M.akoto is grateful for the opportunity just to get off his feet and relax, still enveloped in the warm afterglow of the evening.
He gives a heavy, satisfied sigh as he sets his plate aside, already having dug into the leftovers from dinner as a midnight snack. He’s more than deserved it after everything today, and cleaning up after everyone really worked up his appetite. Granted, there’s a chance he may have overdid it… again.
M.akoto shifts a bit to lean back against the couch, unzipping his jeans to make just a bit more room as he stifles a burp. A quiet moan escapes him at the sudden relief, and he gives his stomach a light pat with a bit of fascination. Gosh, he’s sore… But it feels good, too. Being able to just relax all full and warm like this is strangely soothing.
When B.yakuya finally returns, now wearing pajamas, his gaze pretty quickly falls to his partner’s protruding stomach. “Seems you’ve found yourself in quite the predicament,” he remarks offhandedly. His eyebrow raises in a mix of amusement and intrigue as he takes a more careful look, now seated next to M.akoto on the couch. “How much did you even eat?”
“Just a little bit.” He smiles sheepishly; they both know it’s a lie. “Hey, you can’t tease me; I was hungry…!”
“Fine, I won’t.” It’s rare to see B.yakuya smile so gently. Even to M.akoto, it’s a bit of a pleasant surprise. “I’m glad you were able to enjoy it. Good job.” He leans forward to plant the lightest kiss on M.akoto’s forehead, one arm left wrapping around his shoulders along the edge of the couch when he��s done.
He’s handling M.akoto as carefully as possible- like he’ll shatter if he’s too forward, yet M.akoto still unravels completely at the gestures. He feels even fuzzier than before. “Hey, you had quite a bit yourself earlier.” M.akoto gently prods his partner in the stomach in a last-ditch effort at retaliation. He can’t be the only one getting all flustered.
Unfortunately for him, B.yakuya takes it in stride, and M.akoto ends up right back at square one on the teasing game. “Of course I did. You did well making all of it; I enjoy good food. But you and I both know it’s unreasonable to compare.” A prod given right back in return does a lot more damage to M.akoto than it did to B.yakuya, and the former gives a pained wince at the attack.
After all, the deflection is just that: a deflection. B.yakuya doesn’t hold a candle to M.akoto, who’s stuffed, swollen tummy is fighting to poke out the bottom of the chunky sweater that fit him just fine earlier. Honestly, he’s almost shocked. Part of him didn’t expect to end up this bloated; just looking at the aftermath is kinda trippy. “Yeah, fine. You win.”
For a split second, M.akoto considers shoving him, but the phantom pain of that poke still haunts him. He genuinely doesn’t think he’d survive another counterattack; just the thought is enough to make him groan. “Ughh… I‘m so full… I seriously don’t think I could eat another bite.” His voice slips into a messy slur as the sleepiness starts to set in. Gosh, he didn’t realize just how tired he was until he finally got the chance to sit down. He feels like he’s been moving non-stop since he woke up this morning; getting everything ready was a lot of work.
B.yakuya’s light-hearted chuckle sends M.akoto’s heart fluttering all over again. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Hmm…” Before he knows it, M.akoto finds himself slouched against his fiancé. Winter nights are cold; B.yakuya’s chest is warm. “You’re gonna hold me and give me kisses and a belly rub…”
“What? You knew exactly what you were getting into; you can’t seriously expect me to bail you out.” He says that, but… why is he holding him already, then? M.akoto knows him too well at this point; he can turn that arrogant exterior to mush in seconds.
After all, a little pout can go a long way at times like these. “You mean you’re not gonna take care of me at all?” It’s really hard to care about hiding his neediness when he’s this exhausted. Whining a bit never hurt anyone, right?
B.yakuya huffs. “Fine… I suppose I could. But only a little.” He sounds so begrudging. He realizes he’s allowed to want it too, right? “Come here.”
Well, an invite is an invite; M.akoto’s sure not going to complain. He nuzzles closer almost immediately, shifting around until he finds just the right position to get snuggled. “Is this okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh please, don’t flatter yourself; you’re not that heavy. Just get comfortable.”
With a soft smile, he does just that. It all makes him feel a little giddy: he can feel B.yakuya’s chest rise and fall beneath him, and sharing their warmth is a welcome reprieve from the cold. That, and he just feels pleasantly weighed down. There’s a certain fascination in noting just how big he looks; it has him more than a little flustered. But… he’s proud of himself, too. He really did manage to eat a lot- way more than he usually does, and that’s worth a pat on the back, at least.
“May I touch you, love?” There it is again- that tenderness. That hesitation or caution. He’s trying so hard not to hurt him. And… M.akoto really does appreciate it. It means a lot to have a safe space so carefully preserved when so much of life in today’s age is so stressful.
“Mhm...” M.akoto gives a little nod, already struggling to keep his eyes open. This is-
“Ah! Cold!”
“Hush.” B.yakuya’s hands don’t leave completely, but he does make a point to avoid M.akoto’s bare skin, at least for now. Instead, he focuses on the area of his stomach still covered by his sweater, letting his hands drift over the taut surface with dedicated assessment. He tries applying just a bit of pressure- light at first, but M.akoto’s quiet hum of contentment encourages him to go further.
“That feels really nice… Thank you…” He sighs softly, slowly but surely untensing as his partner rubs firm, methodical circles into his belly. He wasn’t in a ton of pain or anything to begin with, but having someone help soothe the little aches like this is amazing.
“Mm, I’m glad to hear it,” B.yakuya mumbles in return. He seems completely engrossed in the task at hand- a little too distant for a smooth conversation. He’s not sure whether to be more flattered or embarrassed. It’s funny- or maybe even a little cute- seeing his typically stoic partner focused on something so domestic. He can try passing it off as just another task all he wants, but the notes of tenderness seeping into his voice betray him: he likes taking care of M.akoto just as much as M.akoto likes being taken care of.
They don’t talk for a while after that- just enjoying each other's company. B.yakuya is quiet, but every once and a while, M.akoto feels a little puff of warm air against the back of his neck- evidence of somewhat of a smile. Then there’s M.akoto. His breath is still coming in shallow pants because of the pressure, and the noise from his tummy is the only sound in the otherwise silent room. It’s starting to make him a bit self-conscious… So, he tries to regulate his breathing a bit better- taking a deep breath despite the difficulty.
In retrospect, it definitely wasn’t the right move. All it does is force a thick belch past his slightly parted lips (the belly rub definitely didn’t help). It’s an immediate relief, significantly lessening his increasing discomfort, and he can’t stop the soft moan that follows it. Still, he feels his face burning after the fact. That… definitely wasn’t the game plan.
“E-excuse me…” he fumbles, one hand clasped tight over his mouth.
B.yakuya just laughs it off, a chuckle sneaking into his tone as he soothes, “Shh… Relax.” He reaches to comb his fingers through M.akoto’s hair in slow, repetitive strokes; it makes his scalp all tingly. “I thought I told you to get comfortable; that helped, didn’t it?”
Oh geez. “Y-yeah, it did...” He does feel way better than he did a few moments ago. Honestly he wouldn’t be half as freaked out if they weren’t so close in proximity. But... if B.yakuya doesn’t care, then he’ll try really hard not to care either. This is a nice moment; relaxing doesn’t sound too bad at all. He has the pleasure and the privilege of feeling completely safe, even if it’s just for a little bit, and it’s only fair that he tries to enjoy that while he can. Especially if B.yakuya is enjoying himself too.
“Thank you for taking care of me…” M.akoto mumbles. Between all the petting, rubbing, and overall pampering, he’s starting to feel ridiculously sleepy. “And for everything else today; it was really nice.”
“Of course.” He presses a kiss to the back of his head, and M.akoto nuzzles against him. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“It’s…” He yawns, eyes squeezing shut for a moment. B.yakuya thinks he sounds like a kitten. “It’s important that we all keep seeing each other, y’know? S’nice…”
Sure enough, it’s only a matter of time before M.akoto can’t keep his eyes open. The stubborn flutter of his eyelashes stops as his drowsiness takes over, and before long, he goes completely limp in B.yakuya’s arms. Perfectly still, except for his slow, steady breathing.
B.yakuya ponders for a while whether to wake him. He’s still in his regular clothes from the day, and he probably should get to bed. He also drools in his sleep, and admittedly, the idea of being on the receiving end isn’t too appealing. However...
Well, he deserves to rest while he can, yes? No harm in staying like this for a little.
…only a little.
And only a little was all it took for B.yakuya to drift off, too.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Happy Holidays everyone! Please take good care of yourselves!
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a-smol-chub · 3 years
All on his own (Kamuegi)
Cooking was boring.
It was a precise art, a science, that required skill. Iz.uru Kamu.kura moves his way around the small apartment kitchen with meaning. Delicious aromas flood the room, filling the entire living space. Creamy potatoes topped with freshly cut onions and bacon flakes. Golden brown rolls lightly buttered that shine. A large pan of baked mac n’ cheese with a perfect crust. Kamu.kura carries everything gracefully and stacks the dining table full of everything he had spent the day making. He looks up at the clock on the wall. 4:58. Ma.koto would be arriving soon. Kamu.kura finishes setting the table and reaches behind him, grabbing the small band that was holding his hair back. His long black locks tumble down his back as he sits down on the couch, opening a book.
Almost as if on cue, Kamu.kura hears a click at the front door and in walks his boyfriend, Ma.koto Na.egi. Na.egi starts shrugging his coat off before freezing in place as the smell of dinner reaches him across the room. He looks around and sees Kamu.kura sitting on the couch, and walks into the dining room. Almost in a trance-like state, Na.egi sits down at the dining table and starts piling his plate with everything in reach. Kamu.kura smirks to himself as he puts his book down and turns around, watching silently. 
Na.egi can’t help but dig in, moaning at the taste. He tries to go slowly and savor the taste, but it’s just so good. He can’t help himself but shovel as much as he can down his throat. He needs more. In his foggy haze, Na.egi ends up barely chewing, and instead ends up swallowing most things whole. He groans as he feels entire bites sliding down his throat and landing into his stomach. Kamu.kura stands up from his seat and walks over, clearing away empty dishes and making sure there’s always food in reach. He even helps refill Na.egi’s plate so that he never has to stop. 
The lucky student stuffs himself in a haze, without realizing just how much he’s eating. Meatballs dripping with thick marinara sauce. Warm forkfuls of pasta that slide down Na.egi’s throat. Crispy fried chicken that’s perfectly juicy on the inside. All obviously the work of the Ultimate Hope. Na.egi continues to work through the entire table, completely oblivious to how full he actually was. His stomach surges forward, almost expanding with every bite he takes. The seams of his pants creak quietly, only heard by his partner. 
A few hours pass, and the buttons on his work shirt are straining. Kamu.kura hears the ominous creaking of the dining room chair, and smirks to himself. Na.egi leans back, eyes glazed over, breathing laboured. Kamu.kura finishes clearing off the table, carefully stacking all of the dirty dishes in the sink. Soon, the table is full once more with all kinds of desserts. Cakes, brownies, ice cream, donuts. All made by Kamu.kura himself. Na.egi sniffs the air and a quiet whine escapes him. “Kamu.kura…” he moans quietly. “It’s too much…”
Kamu.kura does not respond, and instead piles Na.egi’s plate high with a variety of sweets. Overcome with the sight of the heavenly food in front of him, Na.egi quickly dives in once more, eating with renewed vigor after the short break. Slice after slice of cake disappears into Na.egi’s growing gut. Entire handfuls of cookies get stuffed down his throat, and he washes it all down with a tall glass of cold refreshing milk. Kamu.kura watches intently, making sure to not interfere. He wanted Na.egi to do this all on his own.
After a few rounds of dessert, Na.egi’s pace slows considerably, but he still finds himself unable to stop. With one hand on his burgeoning stomach, and the other shoveling more pie into his mouth, he continues working his way through his plate. He moans quietly, a mixture of both pain and pleasure. His gut rubs against the edge of the table, as his clothes struggle to contain him.
With one last swallow, Na.egi gasps loudly for air, and he hears a loud ping. His face flushes deeply as his stomach surges forward, taking up his whole lap. Kamu.kura approaches from behind, wrapping his arms around his lover, and unbuttoning the remaining buttons. “You must have been hungry, for you to have eaten that much.”
Na.egi pouts, looking up. “You… -hic- you did this on purpose…” he whines, trying in vain to rub his stomach to ease the pain. Kamu.kura’s cold hands join Na.egi’s warm sweaty ones, as he starts rubbing circles on the engorged mound of flesh. Letting out a small sigh, Na.egi’s eyes glaze over as he slowly succumbs to the coming food coma. His breathing is heavy and laboured as Kamu.kura continues to gently rub, noting how stuffed and taut his lover’s stomach was. 
Kamu.kura smiles to himself. He decided cooking wasn’t too boring after all.
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unluckybreadling · 1 year
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Some scattered ma.koto post from the semester, not alot because school sucks❤️
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unluckybreadling · 10 months
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Recent cow talk with friends got me like😋
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unluckybreadling · 11 months
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An assortment of Makoto and Kyoko’s :3
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