#Sucks so bad
tiny-huts · 11 months
Very willing to let that vampire twink suck on my blood every night in game but my Tav is a better person than me. If I had to spend every day anemic while solving everyone's fucking problems by holy Ilmater I would snap
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karofsky · 6 months
I ended up hitting 104° last night right before my Tylenol kicked in 😵‍💫 That was at about 9... I slept through the night other than when I woke up at midnight + 6 for my antibiotics. I thought my fever had broken completely this morning but I'm still hovering around 100. Fortunately I haven't HAD Tylenol since I took it last night so that's a good sign I suppose, considering before it was only lasting about 4 hours. I'm hoping the worst has passed and that the antibiotics are working, but I should have about another day until we know for sure. Christ am I in pain though; turns out having a 102°+ fever for five days in a row does a number on your body
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clownaddict · 3 months
Anyone else on mobile who keeps getting redirected to a random website when scrolling your dashboard? I’m not clicking/touching any links or anything I’m just scrolling and suddenly tumblr just opens a (seemingly) random webpage??
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tariah23 · 2 months
My boss hasn’t shown up to the pool yet… I hope he drowns in his tub 🙈. I was talking to one of the other concierge’s who I haven’t seen in weeks and told her about what’s been going on and she told me about how our manager yelled at her once for being in one of the lounges (she was showing her husband the sky lounge) and he completely changed his tune after he’d noticed that it was her but she was just like “that’s really no way to speak to other people regardless of who it is. He’s always been really rude to others :(.” And yeah… it’s weird now. It feels as if he’s only coming to the pool to micromanage me and spy/get dirt on residents at the pool bro. It’s excessive and uncomfortable.
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rainmothseventeen · 3 months
I'd locked myself out of the one thing I had left. And I put my hand on my own shoulder. And I stand above myself, watching my worst moments, living in them like they're all I have. And I listen to music and I look at it like it's me, like I'm the girl in the song, I'm the girl trailing my hands down your neck, I'm the girl in the song laying in the sand. And I don't talk about it. How I am afraid of the ocean, how I never feel pretty, and how I'm homesick for a place I've never had. It's harder to tell yourself the truth, it's harder to mourn a child who couldn't quite snuff out their flame.
It's the middle of the night and I don't know how to be alive anymore. I've dug muddy holes in the ground for myself and the dirt under my nails will never go away. The sun sets golden into the end of the road and I wonder when we'll go through it.
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grox · 2 years
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volfoss · 7 months
i think that if i wrote an actual list of comic authors i hated, the list would never ever end
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starfightervicki · 1 year
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Made by Viiperfish.
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takecouragelover · 1 year
caught a cold 😿
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shrimp-os · 1 year
indeed should burn down, it’s such a shit site for job hunting but it’s the Only One That’s Pushed By Businesses, so i guess it’s that or ziprecruiter, which is ALSO plagued by the same fucking problems
i want to work, so GIVE ME A JOB
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captainsourwolf · 2 years
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k1rby-sucks · 2 years
Got my first day of winter semester today, which also came with another reason to further hate AI. Teachers are now more and more requesting long papers to be written by hand in class because they are afraid that students will use text AIs to fake their own dissertations. Like, students have always cheated, and will always cheat. Don't punish everyone by having to write by hand because of it...
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Following everyone i can from twitter here feels like the last day of school, exchanging numbers and promises of keeping in touch knowing full well things are never gonna be the same
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citricacidprince · 6 months
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Was forced to get a new phone today
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woolydemon · 7 months
LISTEN TO ME RN, when the character is supposed to be rlly strong and muscular and buff PUT FAT ON THAT GUY fat is so fucking necessary to have a physical build that is so strong MAKE THEM FATTTTTTTTTTTTT
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