#Sui - the ability to regrow limbs and make new ones
if the characters were pirates on a pirate ship what would their roles be 👀
Oh my gosh, I just finished all of the One Piece episodes on Netflix I'm so qualified to answer this ask, thank you 😤!! (I still needed to search up pirate roles though, haha...)
From the main cast, Momoka would say he's the captain, but Chiaki would probably run the show behind the scenes (probably the Quartermaster, if I wanted to use the technical term). In practice, I think Momoka would serve as the navigator, haha.
I suppose Katsuo would serve as the "second mate" in name (since he's always around "Captain" Momoka), but I could see him being in charge of all the ship things (sails, driving... stuff like that). Rankou would be the cook. He does not make good nor nutritious food, but he's the only one who likes to cook so everyone else has to suck it up. He and Katsuo would also man the cannon together.
Achlys would be the surgeon (believe it or not, his family does have a history of being doctors), but he wouldn't be happy about it.
Sui wouldn't be anything special, he'd probably just be the low errand boy or something like that. Poor guy 😢.
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