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17 September 2024
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andiatas · 7 months
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February 14, 2024 | King Harald, Queen Sonja, The Crown Prince Couple and Princess Astrid, Mrs Ferner all participated in a lunch that the Norwegian government held in honour of Tanzania's President Samia Suluhu Hassan's visit. Then in the afternoon, the Crown Prince and the President of Tanzania attended a seminar on climate and food security at the Climate House at the Natural History Museum in Oslo.
Photos: Cornelius Poppe / NTB and Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB.
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hicginewsagency · 14 days
Tanzania's main opposition leader killed in an acid attack, drawing condemnation from the president.
Mr Kibao joined Chadema in 2008. Courtesy image. Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan has condemned the brutal killing of Mohamed Ali Kibao, a senior member of the main opposition party Chadema. Kibao, 69, was abducted, beaten, and doused with acid while traveling from Dar es Salaam to Tanga. The post-mortem revealed severe beating and acid burns on his face. His death has heightened…
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dreamstz1 · 4 months
Rais Samia Suluhu awasili nchini Korea kusini
Ameyasema haya “Nimewasili nchini Korea Kusini kwa mwaliko wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Korea, Mheshimiwa Yoon Suk Yeol. Korea ni moja ya washirika wetu wakubwa wa maendeleo tangu tulipoanza nao rasmi uhusiano wa kidiplomasia tarehe 30 Aprili 1992. Uhusiano wetu na Korea umegusa maisha ya wananchi moja kwa moja na lazima kuendelea kufanya kazi ya kuukuza na kuuongezea tija zaidi. Baadhi ya miradi…
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iweb-rdc001 · 9 months
Présidentielle 2023 en RDC : La Communauté internationale décide d'installer Félix Tshisekedi et oblige Moïse Katumbi à reconnaître sa défaite !
Fatshi revient de la dernière présidentielle beaucoup plus en béton qu’en 2018. On se souvient que lors de sa première élection, le président congolais n’avait quasiment bénéficié de félicitations de ses homologues africains, encore moins de ceux d’autres continents. D’ailleurs, la France avec Jean Yves Le Driant avait qualifié cette élection là, d’un compromis à l’africaine. Cinq ans après,…
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afrotumble · 2 years
President Suluhu on how Tanzania is investing in the youth to boost it's agricultural production.
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yohane23 · 2 years
National hero in face of Tragedy
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tumimasieya · 2 years
Hi Jah Kingdom.  Please check out my New release: Humans and Realization Remix, available now on all major music platforms. Humans is anti war song for trying to unify the world with its all racial and religious differences. 
Jah love  💚💛💘🎵🎶🎵
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years
Hello and welcome,now we discuss the recent visit of the president of Kenya to Xi Jin ping
As always the post is machine translated and the translation is at the bottom,the collective is on telegram
🇹🇿|🇨🇳 Oggi, 3 novembre, Xi Jinping - Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista Cinese, ha accolto a Pechino Samia Suluhu, Presidente della Tanzania e del Partito della Rivoluzione della Tanzania.
✈️ Dopo l'incontro con Nguyễn Phú Trọng del Vietnam e Shehbaz Sharif del Pakistan, un altro leader straniero ha raggiunto la Cina per approfondire le relazioni bilaterali con il Dragone 🐉
🇹🇿|🇨🇳 I due Capi di Stato hanno tenuto colloqui e annunciato l'elevazione delle relazioni tra Cina e Tanzania ad un livello di partenariato strategico.
🇹🇿 Samia Suluhu è la prima figura politica di uno stato africano a visitare la Cina dopo il 20° Congresso Nazionale del Partito Comunista Cinese, e Xi Jinping ha sottolineato la vicinanza della Cina alla Tanzania, nonché l'importanza del rafforzamento dei legami sino-africani nella diplomazia generale cinese.
⭐️ Sotto il Presidente Mao Zedong, la Cina ha costruito la Tanzania - Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA), un progetto ferroviario di oltre 1.800 chilometri dalla Zambia alla Tanzania, uno dei progetti infrastrutturali più iconici nel continente africano.
🇨🇳 Ricordando proprio quel progetto infrastrutturale dell'Era di Mao Zedong, il Presidente Xi Jinping ha affermato:
💬 "La TAZARA ha segnato una pietra miliare nell'Amicizia tra Cina e Tanzania, e tra la Cina e l'Africa. Anche quando la Cina era povera, essa ha stretto la cinghia per aiutare i suoi fratelli africani a costruire la ferrovia. Ora che la Cina è più sviluppata, è in una posizione migliore per aiutare i nostri amici africani a raggiungere uno sviluppo comune e costruire una comunità sino-africana più forte con un futuro condiviso nella Nuova Era"
🇹🇿|🇨🇳 Samia Suluhu ha espresso la volontà da parte della Tanzania di ergersi a partner affidabile della Cina e di collaborare con il Governo Cinese per rafforzare la cooperazione sotto ogni aspetto, convenendo con il Presidente Cinese di espandere il volume degli scambi bilaterali nel quadro della Nuova Via della Seta.
🧾 Fonte
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇹🇿 | 🇨🇳 Today, November 3, Xi Jinping - General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, welcomed Samia Suluhu, President of Tanzania and of the Tanzanian Revolution Party, to Beijing.
✈️ After meeting with Nguyễn Phú Trọng from Vietnam and Shehbaz Sharif from Pakistan, another foreign leader reached China to deepen bilateral relations with the Dragon 🐉
🇹🇿 | 🇨🇳 The two Heads of State held talks and announced the elevation of relations between China and Tanzania to a level of strategic partnership.
🇹🇿 Samia Suluhu is the first political figure from an African state to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and Xi Jinping stressed China's proximity to Tanzania, as well as the importance of strengthening Sino-ties. Africans in Chinese general diplomacy.
⭐️ Under President Mao Zedong, China built the Tanzania - Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA), a railway project over 1,800 kilometers from Zambia to Tanzania, one of the most iconic infrastructure projects on the African continent.
🇨🇳 Recalling that infrastructure project from the Mao Zedong Era, President Xi Jinping said:
💬 "TAZARA marked a milestone in the Friendship between China and Tanzania, and between China and Africa. Even when China was poor, it tightened its belt to help its African brothers build the railway. Now that China is more developed, is in a better position to help our African friends achieve common development and build a stronger Sino-African community with a shared future in the New Era "
🇹🇿 | 🇨🇳 Samia Suluhu expressed Tanzania's willingness to establish itself as a reliable partner of China and to collaborate with the Chinese government to strengthen cooperation in all respects, agreeing with the Chinese President to expand the volume of bilateral trade in the picture of the New Silk Road.
🧾 Source
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan
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globalnewsafrica · 2 years
Tanzanian man jailed for 7 years for criticising President Suluhu on WhatsApp
Tanzanian man jailed for 7 years for criticising President Suluhu on WhatsApp
A Tanzanian man is set to serve a Five-year jail term after being found guilty of defaming President Samia Suluhu on WhatsApp. The Resident Magistrate’s Court of Simiyu Region sentenced Levinus Kidanabi, popularly known as ‘Chief Son’s’ to seven years in prison and a fine of Sh10 million for defaming the President of the Republic of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan. He was sentenced to another two…
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radiohalisi · 2 years
President Ruto shuts down Tanzanian interpreter
President Ruto shuts down Tanzanian interpreter
President William Ruto on Monday shut down a Tanzanian official from interpreting his English speech to Swahili. Ruto was making his speech in Tanzania when the official intercepted to interpret. However, the President told him off, saying the official will confuse him. “I don’t think it is necessary to translate. Is there anyone here who doesn’t understand English? I will repeat in Swahili later…
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andiatas · 7 months
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February 13, 2024 | As per tradition, Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of Tanzania, visited Akershus Fortress to lay a wreath honouring the fallen Norwegians from the Second World War. In the evening, King Harald and Queen Sonja held a gala dinner at the Royal Palace in honour of the President of Tanzania. The Crown Prince Couple and Princess Astrid, Mrs Ferner, plus 179 invited guests, were present during the dinner, where both the President and the King held speeches.
Photos: Cornelius Poppe / NTB, Ørn E. Borgen / NTB and Annika Byrde / NTB.
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hicginewsagency · 2 months
Tanzania's President Samia Suluhu has dismissed the foreign and information ministers.
Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan. Courtesy image. Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan has dismissed two senior government officials, including the foreign minister, in a mini-cabinet reshuffle, her office announced. The changes occurred as Hassan sought to rebuild trust from foreign powers regarding a program of economic and political reforms. This included loosening restrictions…
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dreamstz1 · 4 months
Mh Rais wa Tanzania ashiriki mkutano wa kimataifa wa nishati salama ya kupikiaa
Hotuba ya Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan IEA Mh Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan ameyasema haya “Nimeshiriki mkutano wa kwanza wa kimataifa kuhusu Nishati Safi ya Kupikia jijini Paris ulioandaliwa na Shirika la Nishati Duniani (IEA). Hii ni heshima kubwa kwa nchi yetu kutambulika kwa juhudi zetu katika eneo hili, na kupata nafasi ya kushiriki mjadala wa kimataifa kuhusu nishati safi ya kupikia ambapo…
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iweb-rdc001 · 9 months
Présidentielle 2023 en RDC : La Communauté internationale décide d'installer Félix Tshisekedi et oblige Moïse Katumbi à reconnaître sa défaite !
Fatshi revient de la dernière présidentielle beaucoup plus en béton qu’en 2018. On se souvient que lors de sa première élection, le président congolais n’avait quasiment bénéficié de félicitations de ses homologues africains, encore moins de ceux d’autres continents. D’ailleurs, la France avec Jean Yves Le Driant avait qualifié cette élection là, d’un compromis à l’africaine. Cinq ans après,…
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charlotte-of-wales · 6 days
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The Duchess of Edinburgh meets with the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan at a joint meeting held at the White House in Dar es Salaam | September 18, 2024
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