#Sunflower hidding disability
mydyspraxiablog · 1 year
Yesterday was talk about East middle Airport about Sunflower landyard for hidding disabilities you got Dyspraxia and also go Coeliac which mean I stuck on Gluten free diet for life and isn't clear me up.
So drop off East middle Airport and went to pink assistance desk only one staff and que was too long so decide leave desk going to easyJet but all case on but won't talk about that that dull.
You see just lost Sydnee my pet cat and haven't forgive mum for put Sydnee down before Turkey holiday haven't be in garden after Sydnee die so going holiday to Turkey so went to assistance desk waiting ages and was about lose balance but got on wheelchair be push around as really very early so got upstairs in lift too have some to eat but only had sandwiches think might not alwon take sandwiches on airplane but luck there but Gluten free chips so was happy then went down look at shops but then went to Quiet room just waiting and waiting till it was time but Easyjet brought some up to Airport and all have go this travel coach to easyjet Airplane walk up stairs didn't think could do hold one arm with other push in but there was lot people on easyjet Plane going to Turkey.
I felt nevers haven't been holiday for 7 years but meal came out but where was Gluten free chicken meal? I know airplane ✈ meal not so good and sometime noughting for Coeliac with awful Gluten free diet but was surprised Gluten free chicken meal was unbelievable if go on holiday again I having same meal again.
Then land in Turkey but no assistance for me again so have walk down this long tunnel and to give passport so could going in Turkey but there was one problem there move stairs and no lift no help at all.
So decide hold to mum arm then went down pick up case but forget want look like but know it was black and small. Then it was Taxi to Sun club Villege for our room but no lift at didn't going well with me.
Have good time in Turkey I learn to Swimming but only down fall Turkey staff didn't know what Coelic was very hopless get Gluten free food in Turkey so if Coeliac you need put food in your case because there noughting Gluten free in Turkey keep cover food with wheat bread but was one restaurant did Gluten free food it called View it was nice meal Chicken on stick and Lamb on stuck very nice Sunday Rost Dinner Gluten free Mix Beef and chicken but wasn't any Gluten free Gravy at was bit disappointing but make do with mint sauce really enjoy going to Turkey but 9 days was bit too long for me I could not cope with very very hot weather but did learn Swimming in Turkey but need finished off Swimming lesson on cruise now.
I bit drunk when have cocktails one night so dunk fall out bed woke up on the floor but dream of cruise blame that
Didn't do boat trip few night didn't drink but I did watch Soccer aid in Turkey but miss scone because these two women sit down block tv view start talk to mum but want say short up watching Soccer aids but don't worry about that.
Food was lovely in Turkey but didn't stay in body long enough at promble with Gluten free diet goes if get gluten free food
I write about day attice difficult had with Coeliac
0 notes
thesaltoforion · 5 years
[Written for @onetrickdiana after I got an interesting idea regarding Diana’s lore]
[Part 1]
A bell jingled as the door to Conner’s Carpet Conundrums swung open.
"You're the last one to show up." Conner Rennoc tutted from the counter.
"I don't want to hear it." Diana snapped. She stalked around the racks of thick, hanging rugs. She brushed the snow from her tiny black hat as she reached the counter.
"I smell like garlic and the damn weather is out to get me." She muttered and pinned the decorative hat back. The mesh vale covered her face and blurred her features. "The only good thing that came out of today was that I had to act like a fresh widow. Everyone was so polite in the streets."
“I’m sorry to hear about it. Your dagger, please.”
“Of course.” She dug an ornate dagger from her black skirts. The handle had delicate engravings of ancient characters. Gold plated the handle and the hilt, indicative of her status within the club. The thin, sterling silver blade had the serial code D352. Every member of the Order of the Exalted Lion had a dagger similar to Diana's. Every dagger had a code, unique to the member. The symbols warded away magic and monsters so that they couldn't be stolen. Each member had to present their dagger before they could enter club meetings. Conner showed her his own dagger. The handle was made of copper and the blade had the serial number C368.
"Still at gold, are we?" Conner commented as he opened the back door.
Diana hid the weapon again, “Sometimes the promotions don’t happen as fast as we’d like.”
"Amen to that. Say hello to the lads for me.”
“You’ll get your chance soon enough." She swished past him and into the back room. Her dark boots tapped down the wooden stairs. She hauled open the large, wooden door. The scent of burning pine embraced her. She padded along the thick rugs that sprawled across the cement floor.
"Diana, what a surprise. We thought the storm took you." A slim man greeted in a Scottish lilt. He sat at the head of a large table. His chiseled Grey beard contrasted his blue eyes neatly. A lavender ascot tied around his neck. Diana thought it looked smart against his silver waistcoat. 
"Please pardon my tardy appearance, Master Mordex. The weather outside is horrid." Diana hung her overcoat on the rack and took her seat at the large table. On her left sat Horton Timis. He was a burly man with a sharp mustache. He lost three fingers in a fight against a warlock. He thought it was a fair price for victory. To her right sat Richard Lormuex. Everyone called him Tickety. Lormuex was a balding Frenchman. His eyes darted apprehensively between the members of the table. Occasionally, he wrung his hands and wet his lips.
Mordex smiled, "It's good to see that you made it safely. I'll be expecting your task report next week. I take it your mission went well?"
"One of my best yet." She grinned.
"Good. Anything else to report?”
“Conner says hello.”
“We’ll return the favour on our way out, tonight. Let's move on, now that we're all present. We'll skip the Oath today since we started late."
"With all due respect, Master Mordex,” Lormuex quipped, “but the Oath is a sacred practice – we can’t just skip it because her highness Diana waltzed in on behalf of the horrid weather.” He braced his hands on the table, “After all, the rest of the Quarter managed to make it on time. I don’t understand why you’re always so soft on – ahk!”
Diana spiked her dagger between his bony fingers. It stood, lodged in the table. "I have been around vampires all day, Richard. I have worn these stupid, disabling skirts all day. I reek of garlic, my boots are killing my feet and the weather outside is, frankly, unbearable. I had to bury a vampire in a blizzard, for God’s sake!" She wrenched the blade from the table and concealed back in her skirts. "What did you do today?"
Lormuex sank into his chair.
"That's what I thought. Shut up and stop wasting time."
The Quartermaster cleared his throat, amused, "Mr. Lormuex please stick around after tonight's meeting. Now, let us discuss the plans for the raid this weekend." He reached under the table and produced a stack of papers. "The scribes worked hard on these mission packages. They're expecting a generous thanks. A box will be passed around at the end of today's meeting for your contributions." 
Each package was tied together with garden twine.
"Right," he began, once the pages circled back to him, "I've decided to give the position of mission leader to Diana." 
"Uh, M-Master Mordex," Lormuex said, "How come it says my name then, in the package - under mission leader?"
Diana glared at him.
"I'm not an unreasonable man. But, sometimes, I just sort of… change my mind. Business owners tend to get used to such a luxury." Mordex winked at Diana. She smirked.
They discussed the plan for Saturday and everybody dropped a few pounds in the contribution box for the scribes.
Diana braved the storm as she headed back to her townhouse. The sad, little structure looked like it might blow over in the wind. She turned on the radiators and the cast-iron stove. She washed away the garlic and the grime of the day shoved her frozen toes into a pair of slippers. Quickly, she shimmied out of her gown and dawned some flannel pajamas. She studied herself in the bathroom mirror. Scowling at the sight of her unruly black hair, she dug out a pair of scissors from under the sink. She hadn't cut it in months and the locks started to stray past her chin. Carefully, she cut it just below her earlobes. Satisfied, she closed the lights and crawled into bed. She wedged her dagger between the headboard and the side of the mattress.
Diana fell fast into unconsciousness.
Sunlight scattered across Diana's eyelids. She cracked them open and gazed at the fluttering, sheer curtains. A warm breeze floated through the room. She frowned at the floral wallpaper and bolted upright. Automatically, she grabbed her dagger from beneath her pillow. The satin sheets rubbed nicely at her bare skin. The room she gazed upon looked roomier than her bedroom. A Persian rug decorated the hardwood floor. She’s never been able to afford such a luxury. She sat in a canopied, four poster bed. She noted the rocking chair in the corner. Her hunting gear rested on the upholstered seat and her satchel hung from the chair’s back.
Diana’s toes curled into the carpet as she approached the chair. She paused by the large mirror on the wardrobe. It showed her an odd mark on her shoulder. She was hit by a magic spell. As she assembled her armour, Diana tried to recall how she ended up naked in a strange bed. She searched her satchel for clues and found some folded papers. She unfurled the pages and skimmed the neat text.
She was supposed to be an extermination mission. She had no idea where the rest of her team went. She hoped they didn’t get captured with her. She grabbed her weapons from the wardrobe and set off.
She stepped into a corridor.  There was a banister on one side and closed doors on the other. If she leaned against the banister, she could look across and see the other side of the floor. The hall ran in a circular shape. If she looked down, she could see all the way to the main hall downstairs. An elaborate chandelier hung from the ceiling and descended down, just past the top floor. She crept down the stairs, her hand trailing over the fat railing. Through the expanse of marble floors and elegant statues, Diana’s shoes clipped against the tiles. Eventually, she made it to the foyer where she slinked out through the double doors. 
Warm sun hit her face and fields of green stretched as far as she could see. Wildflowers of all sizes and colors poked out from the grass. A cobblestone path snaked out from the patio in front of the doors. She spotted a farm on a hill and made out vaguely human shapes in the distance. Someone approached her from the stone path. He had long, silver hair pulled into a half bun. The soft features on his face offset a sharp jaw and jagged nose. Diana didn't miss the way his ears ended in points. A large set of transparent wings extended from his back and cast colourful shadows on the ground.
Diana shot a loaded arrow at him. She watched it slow down and halt in front of the fairy. He side stepped the frozen arrow like it was an inconvenience.
"We see the Lady has awoken. Sorry nobody was around to greet you. Some of your friends are trying to get through the defenses." he gave a deep bow, "Our name is Sunflower. Welcome to Our manor. "
“How did I get here?" Diana demanded.
"You gave yourself up - willingly, We might add."
"I'd never do such a thing."
"Mn, on the contrary, that's exactly what you did. You stepped through the fairy ring. Metaphorically, you signed Our contract - you belong to Us now."
"Damn it. How? I don't remember anything!"
"A side effect. You won't remember anything from the past ninety-six hours. That's just how the magic works. Sorry!"
"What kind of idiot leaves their captor completely alone - and doesn't bother to take her weapons away?" Diana complained, slinging her bow across her back.
"You saw what happened to your arrow."
"How do I leave?"
"So soon? We must insist you stay for dinner." He fluttered his eyelashes, playfully.
"Stop playing games, Sunflower."
"You can't leave." He scowled as his wings flexed straighter.
"Yes, I can! There's always a way with you lot. A deal or something?"
Sunflower smiled, and his teeth flashed against the sun. "You've done your research. We’re not impressed, per say, but We can make you a deal. Give Us your most valued possession and We will set you free."
"Most of my valuables are in my house. How do you expect me to -"
"Nonsense, Diana. Your most valuable possession is right here, with you. Until you can cough it up, We suggest you make yourself at home. Dinner starts when the sun sets. The wardrobe in your bedroom will give you any outfit you desire. Wear something nice this evening - you'll be meeting the rest of the family. "
"Wonderful. Anything else?"
"Ah…. Yes. Every night, before you turn in, We'll be at your door, expecting a payment. If you don't have anything to satisfy the agreement, We will leave and you can try again the next night."
"Fine. I'll see you at dinner."
"Excellent! We'll be off." Sunflower started in the same direction he came from. Diana watched his form slip beyond the hill. She decided to head westward. The manor soon disappeared behind a thicket of trees. She crossed a small stream and ended up in a cleaning. It took longer than she'd like but Diana ended up at the edge of the property. A row of mushrooms marked the end of the fairy ring. She pulled the papers from her pocket and read them. Master Mordex always made sure to be explicit and meticulous in his plans.
We are looking for a ring of mushrooms. The largest diameter it can be is approximately 5 meters. The smallest is 2 meters. Do not be fooled - this small ring of fungi holds powerful magic many of us can't fathom to understand. Under no circumstances are you to set foot in this circle.
So it’s a transporter of sorts? Diana wondered, pocketing the papers. Well, She reasoned as she backed up from the boarder, if things can come in… she loaded an arrow, it should stand to reason… that things can go out. The arrow snapped free and soared.
Once, during a goblin raid, Diana took out five goblins before something knocked her out from behind. When she woke up, the dust had settled, and the goblins were done for. She found the rest of the team as they counted up the bodies. One of the members tried to claim Diana's kills as his own. Diana had no way to prove that the arrows sticking out of the dead creatures were hers. Master Mordex seemed to be on her side but it was hard to quell the controversy amongst the other men. Since then, Diana died the feathers of her arrows a custom shade of blue – so as to leave out any room for potential confusion in the future.
She watched the arrow race to the boundary. It collided solidly against the air and exploded in a shower of sparks.
"So much for that." She grumbled, putting the weapon away. “They did say the barrier was magical.” Diana rubbed at her face and dug through the contents of her satchel. From the depths of the bag, she retrieved several packages of salt and other herbs. She removed led and silver bullets, her wallet and an Azul eye amulet. The leather cord dangled down from her hand. The gleaming blue eye winked against the sunlight. To ward away evil curses and the common jinx. She remembered. It seemed anti-magical enough.
With a grunt, she hurled the amulet at the barrier. The leather cord streamed after the blue eye like a tail. It hit the wall with a thunk and plummeted to the ground. Diana retrieved the amulet and sighed at the crack that ran down the center. She put it alongside the herbs and the wallet and the bullets. Once more, she dove into the depths of her bag. Her fingers curled around the cold hand of her dagger. She liked the way the engraved handle scratched the surface of her palm. It gleamed in the canopied sun and Diana took another look at the invisible barrier.
“Dearest brethren of the Quarter, please forgive my actions.” She swallowed. She chucked the knife as hard as she could at the barrier. The engravings lit up a bright, scarlet red as it sank beyond the barrier and out of sight. She stared after it.
A breeze picked up around her and the river bubbled distantly. She headed back through the forest and formulated a new plan. The Quarter could take all the time they needed.
She had some fairies to exterminate, after all. 
Quartermaster Octavius Mordex owned a very successful scribing business. Anyone would describe him as quiet and just a little bit terrifying. Very few people could actually describe a time where the Quartermaster displayed a fit of anger.
Richard Lormuex was a balding, timid man of French descent. Most wondered why he bothered to join the monster hunters - considering his constant state of apprehension. Hardly anybody calls him by his real name. After several months of service, he earned the nick-name Rickety-Tickety. Sometimes his worries get the best of him and things around him, including Richard himself, seem to reach their last tick.
"Richard Lormuex!" Mordex bellowed. The frosty wind whipped his black coat wayward. The other hunting members watched silently as Mordex allowed his quaint demeanor to slip away into something feral.
"I hereby order you to relinquish your status from the Order of the Exalted Lion." Mordex took large strides into Lormuex 's personal space. “Please,” He swallowed, “hand over your dagger.”
The balding man trembled, "Don't I at least get a trial?"
"You could have killed one of our finest warriors." Mordex growled. He addressed the rest of the Order, "All those in favor of Richard Lormuex 's exile from the monster hunting society, say 'aye'!"
"Aye." Barked the men. Their agreement shook the forest to its core.
Lormuex looked on in betrayal. "But, Master Mordex, please, you can't do this. Not when I'm so close to -"
"Your dagger, now Mr. Lormuex." He murmured quietly, "we don't have all day."
Lormuex placed his silver dagger in Mordex's upturned glove.
"Dismissed. We thank you for your service." Mordex whispered a prayer at the base of the dagger. His eyes fluttered closed as he held it against his mouth.
"Thank you for your service." The team repeated.
Lormuex took one last look and fled the forest.
Mordex sighed and stored the dagger in his jacket. "We should head back to the town. From there, we’ll regroup and plan a rescue mission.”
“What – and just leave her in there?” Horton scoffed, “They could be doing a whole manor of things to her. Besides, what’s in the village that we don’t have right here?”
“There are more men in town. We’ll be ambushed if we decide to attack now. Diana is fine, trust me.
“Actually,” Charlie said, “If it’s lads you need, I can just ride into town while you lot come up with a plan. I’ll’ve returned with the other Order members by the time you’re ready.
“There’s a lad, Charlie!” Horton goaded. The other members murmured in agreement.
“What will it be, Quartermaster?” Horton asked.
Mordex sighed, “Fine. Charlie retrieves more resources. Dunkin, you’re in charge of setting up camp – tents, firewood, you know what to do. Jackson and Lard will help me create a new plan. We regroup in two hours. We don’t have time to waste!”  
Diana stood in her borrowed room and paced in her under-armour. 
"I want something sleek but classy." She listed at the wardrobe, " I want to feel confident and look unsuspecting. And I need somewhere clever to hide my guns and bullets. Hopefully, that isn’t too complicated for you.”
The wardrobe thumped twice.
Diana opened the oak doors and inspected the gown inside. The three-quarter sleeves were made of dark green lace. The lace came up to the base of the neck and covered the shoulders and clavicle. It stopped at a red, satin, V-shaped neckline. The satin parted high at the waist as it draped into a modest skirt. White pleats ran down the center of the skirt. Green stitching hemmed the bottom of each pleat. Dizzying green and gold swirls embroidered the red satin. She frowned at the corset tie in the back.
"I'll need help with that. " She noted and rang the service bell by the bed. In her home, back in London, Diana had a wooden machine that tightened her dresses with a crank – no help required. Someone knocked on the door immediately. Diana let them in.
A lady with fine lines around her eyes stepped in. Her hair streaked Grey in some places and she stood much shorter than Diana.
"I understand you need help, miss?" Her eyes darted wryly around the room and back at Diana.
"Yes, I can’t tie the dress on my own… have we met before?" Diana recognized her bulging eyes and the apprehensive twist of her thin lips.
"Oh, certainly not. I'd remember a lady like you."
"You aren't a fairy." Diana noted as she slipped into the dress.
"Ah, no, miss. I'm like you, I suppose. I got trapped -" She grunted as she tugged on the lace, "- in a stupid ring of mushrooms. There you go, all tied up and pretty.
"Thank you."
"Give us a twirl, yeah?"
Diana spun half-heartedly.
"Oh, you're stunning. What's your name, love?"
"Diana… Flintlock." Diana shook the lady's clammy hands.
"Pleasure to meet ya. I'm Michelle Lormuex. We can be friends, if you'd like. It can't hurt to have a friend in a place like this."
Diana nearly stuttered, "You don't happen to have a brother, do you?"
"I do! You've met little Richey?"
"Yep." She sighed.
"Oh,” her face fell, “he's upset you, hasn't he. Tell me - what's he done this time?"
"That's the problem: I lost my memory of the past few days. I don't know what it is but whenever I think of your brother… I get the strongest feeling of discontent. "
"Well, I'm sorry for whatever he's done. Mom tried her best and I looked out for him when she couldn't but he's always so terribly nervous - sometimes he just… well,"
"Occasionally, yeah. He’s incredibly bright, I tell you. He went away to America for engineering!"
"Mm. Will I see you at dinner?”
“Of course! Oh – I should probably get ready! I’ll see you in a few.” She bustled out and closed the door.
Diana turned back to the wardrobe and inspected the accessories that were left on the shelf. She found two lacey garters, leather boots and a beaded purse. Upon closer inspection, the dark red garters had pouches stitched to the side.
“It’s like a holster made of lace and satin.” She murmured. She slipped them on under the gown, all the way up her thighs. She wrestled with the belts until they clung gently to her skin. “Don’t get me wrong,” she said to her reflection, “the dress is stunning, and the garters are very clever things but I don’t understand how to access my guns. I mean, I can – I’ve managed dresses before. But I figured you’d have an easier solution..?”
The mirror on the wardrobe decided to do something very odd. In that moment, Diana’s reflection slid its hands down the sides of the dress. Its hands disappeared inside the thick inlays of satin gown and retrieved the guns. The refection winked as it twirled the guns. Diana looked down at her waist and felt around the soft skirt. Her fingers slipped between two slits and she laughed.
“Oh you are gorgeous – pockets! Who could’ve thought?” She shoved her hands deeper and felt a metallic zipper at the bottom of the pockets. Curious, she tugged open the zippers and dug deeper through the skirts. She went all the way until she could feel the holsters around her legs. “I could get used to a wardrobe like you. Perhaps I’ll take you home with me.” She loaded bullets into the barrels of her guns and slipped them into the garters.
Next, she inspected the boots. Golden buckles complimented the emerald-green leather. A short heal jutted out of the bottom. She noticed golden zippers along the sides of the boots and stored extra bullets in the small pouches. Each boot held five bullets.
Finally, she grabbed the purse. It had red and gold beading held together by a golden clasp. She filled it with bullets and packets of salt.
Diana took a few minutes to pin a golden rose buckle in the side of her short hair. Then, smeared on some lipstick, spritzed a bit of perfume and went down for dinner.
The remaining members of the Order sat around a fire, surrounded by newly pitched tents.
“We’re going to need everyone’s warding herbs – every last speck.” The Quartermaster explained, “We have to establish a bridge between here and whatever lies beyond that ring. I need to cross over, find the hostage and return safely. Now, the other thing is…” Mordex frowned, “What was that?”
The small ring of mushrooms rustled. They sounded like tiny bells as their caps knocked against themselves. The Order leaned closer to get a better look. Something sharp and shiny whizzed past their heads. Silver and gold gleamed under the bleak, winter sky. It landed a few meters away from their camp.
“I’ve got it.” Horton said. He lumbered into the thickets and returned a moment later with a blade in his hand. Everyone in the Order recognized the shape and design of the dagger. They had to – after all, each had a similar weapon concealed in their coats.
Mordex took the dagger. It felt warm, even through his gloved hands. “D352 – isn’t that something…”
“That’s Diana’s number.” Horton noted.
“She … threw away her dagger? That’s not right.”
“No. I don’t blame her – given the circumstances. The enchantments on the daggers make them impervious to magic. It’s her way of letting us know she’s safe – and she intends on a swift return.”
“That certainly sounds like the Diana we know. I hope Charlie returns soon.”
“He’ll get here, eventually. Now, let’s start with the warding herbs and then we can complete the second part of our rescue mission.”
The magnificent dining room was everything one would expect out of a lord’s mansion. The staff had set the grand table in pristine cloth, porcelain plates and crystal glasses for a whole slew of beverages.
“Please, find your place cards and get comfortable.” Sunflower gestured from the head of the table.
Diana found her place next to Sunflower.
“Huntress.” She murmured, reading her card. The script was gold and paper reflected iridescently under the chandelier.  “It’s fitting, I suppose.” She set it back down and admired the many utensils that lay beside her plate.
“We knew you’d like it! You’re the biggest name in the Underground, you know. Well, besides Octavius Mordex – but he’s the Quartermaster of an organization bent on killing otherworldly creatures.”
“And yet, you’ve invited me to dinner?”
“Of course, We did! You are a guest in Our home.” He looked scandalized.
“Is Michelle a guest too? Or did you decide to turn her into a house maid?”
“Usually my staff answer the service bell, but Michelle insisted to visit you first – she wanted to make sure you settled in. The nerve that you even asked Us such a thing! Honestly, Our dear.” Sunflower shook their head, “Michelle is free to do what she pleases. Oh, look, there she comes.”
“Hello, Sunflower.” Michelle took the empty seat next to Diana, “I like what you did with those roses – they match your complexion.” She gestured at the woven crown in Sunflower’s hair.
“Why, thank you, Michelle.” He cleared their throat, “Thank you all for joining Us today. I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of Our household – Diana the huntress. Do be careful, Our dears, she bites. If you’ll turn your place cards over, you’ll find tonight’s menu on the back. Cheers, loves.”
The footmen filed through the huge doors and started serving the first course. Diana recognized some of roots and berries, and the spices had a familiar zing to them. The leaves looked a little strange, but they tasted like arugula and spinach. Around her, the fairies spoke to each other in different tongues. She only understood Sunflower – who seemed to be the only fairy at the table who spoke in English – and Michelle. Diana conversed automatically when it seemed appropriate and paid no attention to the subject matter.
The second course was served. The squash soup felt creamy upon her tongue. Diana counted twelve elves at the table and five waitstaff. She tried to estimate how many maids were in the scullery, how many chefs were in the kitchen and how many groundskeepers were out in the fields.
The staff served the third course. On the plate sat a sweet potato pate, garnished with chestnuts and parsley. Diana estimated that about thirty fairies lived on this property. She knew they outnumbered her.
Course number four was a thick slice of bear. The meat felt softer than beef but it tasted sweeter, somehow. If she took out Sunflower first, the estate would go into chaos. Diana chewed sternly and slipped a hand beneath the table. Concealed by the table cloth, she pulled a gun from her thick skirts.
“Diana, Our dear,” Sunflower said, “We’re assuming you’ve never tried bear before.”
“It’s not very common, where I’m from. But I could get used to it.” She smiled easily.
Diana took several more bites. On the seventh bite, she revealed her gun and opened fire. Michelle shrieked and ducked under the table. Her bullets disappeared as soon as they blasted from her gun. The fairies seemed mildly disappointed, their lips turned downward. Sunflower gasped, clutched at his shoulder and screwed his eyes shut.
“Oh for the love of everything that is celestial and eternal – We’ve been shot! Oh how will We ever cope with the pain, the agony, the suffering.” He whined, “Oh great mistress Diana, huntress of divine beasts – how could you do this to Us?” His mouth twisted into an unsettling smile. Slowly, he rose from his seat and his mighty wings fanned out behind him. They cast the whole room in scattered pieces of coloured light. “While We think your production was enticing in every aspect, the rest of the dinner party does not share Our opinion. You may stay, Diana, and finish dinner with us. We’re afraid you’ve ruined the mood. Unfortunately, food is not a commodity to waste. All of your weapons and armour shall be confiscated this evening. We will give them back when you leave.”
Diana fell back in her chair and scowled. Michelle – pale-faced and trembling – crawled back out from under the table and brushed herself off.
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mydyspraxiablog · 1 year
Having dyspraxia is can be hard at time I feel haven't got independent I need now and look new friends young then me and all independent living byself with living support and stuck with mum you won't give me NAtwest card thanks to scarm the sscarms ruin my life and now not happy with Natwest bank there sneek bank and want switch bank account not happy and having promble get independent haven't got mobile phone unless use stupid Monkeys mobie phone with child phone and not use it. On top of that Sydnee is feel ill isn't get better and going cost me lot money get better or put her down because PSDA insurance can't afford paid the help need.
So if Adlut dyspraxia can't get job because living parents you don't have mobile phone you don't have Natwest card because of mum and get No independent and haven't got money paid vet because your mum got card so worry hear mum saying not Paid £300 My OAP is only £100 and not give her Natwest card because need that money for me because OAP benefit isn't enough because PIP benefits is £135 and I need that money.
So be Adult dyspraxia at ages 50 years old got no independent
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0 notes
mydyspraxiablog · 10 months
Been dyspraxia have few promble but does not stop me first promblecis can't log on Compassionuk at feeling not very good sponder at movements sometime wish have adult mobie phone not stupid monkey mobie phone at don't work change evertimevlog on Google £30 on tesco mobile network rip of Tesco not very help.
My second promble is handwriting not very good and have wait for mum writing letter for me and told sponder child what done this Christmas but family won't do photos to my sponder child and looking just me.
I do want sponder child,dog and cat and donkey and chicken
I want voluntar for dyspraxia foundation and Stafford 3UA but won't be able too because been looking after mum when she going hospital so be having break from farm crouse but do miss Sydnee and Annable my little Angels miss Darcy my little lamb tail Darcy was my dog Sydnee and Annabel was cats missing then badly.
Today went church and really enjoy but feeling things what does God want from me?
When went Asda women " Said Que at back" thinking I was push in so now decide not doing shopping in Stafford town because in Stafford town is very selfshire.
Tomorrow is last Lower Dyton farm (care) Christmas crouse and have enjoy it but be having break also want volunteer for Coelicuk too and volunteer for church but find I am too quiet something someone beat me too it and when do volunteer in charity shop " I too slow" " I don't understand your English at get PSDA and even on wattpad I got on comment " You need write own language because clearing Engish isn't Language " when write Boarding school because writing with God because today school in UK don't do pray taking God out school now in UK and think that wrong even take God off Guide promises to now I promise do my best and serrive commute and help other people keep Guide law.
At why world is mess because good shores taking away games like tag,music chairs and music bumps even duck and gones and monkey field all kids do today if mobie phone,tablet can't stand still for one minute so can't sit down colour paper but want more fun.
But me want more of God I don't think buy Sims 5 because can't afford paid cost missoft more money,Google too want move more money so does Amazon prime and Amazon music and Netflix want more money but not alwon watch football on Amazon prime for low prices for £15.99 sky sport want everybody paid £35 for sky sport on Now TV I have cannel Now TV and Cannel Pruegym membership and cannel Disney Plus , cannel audio book and kindle books 📚 📚 and even cannel friends of chalet school all because cost living too much I did want do something for uk kids sponder them but don't know how too. I have decided sponder child another child but haven't told mum yet I be sponder cats too soon but at movements lost cheque book write account number but can't do card payment because mum is jealous of me order think of Amazon Prime but need save paid for EA play £85 per year soon or won't be able play Sims be frustrated if don't happon.
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These pictures do but rember I love Christmas
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mydyspraxiablog · 1 year
I still can't find Sunflowers landyard back from holiday and need them
But don't wear are at movements .
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These can't find Sunflowers hidding disability landyard
I wish could talk more but always scare but big foot in so stayed quiet and don't tell people what I up too.
I finished this blog off tomorrow falling sleep had busy day think coach trip caught up with me I trying make dinner in microwave but it was cold so didn't eat dinner too cold but eat chicken legs.
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mydyspraxiablog · 5 days
I went holiday to Turkey because Greece Holidays so went to East Middle airport as Birmingham airport havn't got any gluten-free food naughty Brigham Airport don't give ease not alwon tell you if any Gluten-free load Rubish stop been scare cat! So East Midlands assistance was very busy day instead 60 assistance for hidden disabilities there only have two Ambulance lift was fall so have climb stairs on jet2 because full of pushchairs and weelchair so look friends push me but wasn't time going durty free get Preformed but blam taxi man for that I happy because I could have Nice special Preformed then went on Jet2 plane walk up the stairs enjoying will say day assistance Staff short was busy because have 250 hidden disabilities and disabilities together that day need more staff on assistance desk in East Middle airport so felt bit nervous but alright sit on seat I look because have two seat free near window so could see want going on then got my Gluten-free chicken meal but friends party didn't receive gluten-free meal no one tell them from Co.op Travel Agent so felt bit dispoint but sort self out. So left them too it keep mouth shurt. Then land in Turkey have private taxi because Ambulance lift was fall have no choice but going down stairs but wasn't any assistance in Turkey for me so have going on bus stand up but no one give me seat selfshire people then got weelchair then assistance come and took me then had get out weelchair when anythings pick up case because no come back only things me and mum forget left waterbottle on Weelchair in Easter Middle Airport someone received nice two waterbottle but noughting can do now just buy more water bottles or rockbox,Funky fitness, clubside won't be able drink water now. So after land in Turkey 🇹🇷 and got taxi but his light wasn't work keep get pull by police make me feel bit uncomfortable but didn't let that stop me so went Moonlight apartment very beautifully love see all cats there mum didn’t and next day I sunbathing didn't really want swimming with children in swimming pool really all uk children should be school after all did six week off children won't carth up school work now. So give swimming as bad idea so mum love swim so decide get tan but didn't get first day sunscreen lotion did there job." " Then got ready for night out really enjoy dancing in Turkey I enjoy Entertainment team and dance nights way but didn't like where Turkey staff but fireworks in guest hands won't happon in UK but still dance night way but not good enough going Britain got Talent have dance battle with devil " said" Don't fight me again" but only devil mask because Halloween coming up. I love dancing try spead all mum money so could have Travel card to Paid sadly in Turkey only cash machine wasn't any bank if want change money had be hotel or restaurant didn't want paid by card because Turkey Bank would change restaurant the idiots bank staff but back fire because on last day went for English breakfast order English breakfast and drink late but have cannel coffee drink because brought my spet dad T.shirt for work wasn't please latte was cannel so prove cash isn't enough even on holiday. Yawn 🥱 now tomorrow tell you secert some be OK last holiday in Turkey 🇹🇷 stay in Hotel isash Hotel and hiding little gem Adult swimming pool " " I secert went under the water because believe it shallow end it scare me enter the swimming pool so I don't going in anymore know get pick on " Let buy black arm band " it didn't help sims 3 island one Sims 3 drown because could not get out swimming pool because fencing was in way from children pool so can't look after children anymore because can't swimming want happon in Turkey. I do enjoy dancing
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mydyspraxiablog · 1 month
I know be post story but got write block at movements I did enjoy dancing in Stafford Town Thursday 15 August 2024 all over Facebook ( I was) Happy but things haven't going to plan beside my dyspraxia and sad close of dyspraxia foundation uk never got volunteer which sad but still received email as dyspraxia volunteer never training so why received email like this? When Richard fellowship close I was volunteer noughting happon went on making space but wasn't good recover meath health be half deaf it difficult yes should be wear hearing aids but mum won't insurance so worry if fall out ear on public bus man with walk stick, push chair or bus run over hearing aids because fall on the road when bought hearing aid £3,400 I was told not going anywhere with hard floor so difficult for me wearing hearing aid nows because Stafford Town is hard floor,libbary for Knit and Nat hard floors and buses hard floor, It dispoint with NHS hearing aids use wear them lot but have stop wearing then because fall out when had put mask on now still fall out if wax in my ears and make wost now start having nose bleeding but not offering but can't keep going like this can't returned hearing aids back because Natwest card invidle thank mum take off me saying " You not having Natwest card have use mum take over my life won't let me do anything see won't let have mobie usely there mobie phone for hidden disabilities to approve number ( like kids apps) keep tell her it at app is for 9 to 14 years old not for 51 years old wish have nomal mobie phone like adult think that why lost my support in end ( some eles lost there support too) So think looking for hearing dog now havn't got any more pets it help me going back confidence going to town. I worry how cope with paid cash any ever in Stafford Town I really find hard get Gluten-free food food now Co.op wasn't any Co.op shop so have rice cake and nuttle for lurch and ham sandwiches last Gluten-free bread and cheese and Gluten-free crisp cracked. It hard time when half deaf,Dyspraxia and Coelic have Gluten-free diet it upset things don't going plan missing Lone Trefoil Guild won't be meal anymore missing Stafford u3a at Rising Brook cafe because if thunder can't get back safely missing Roxbox and clubside at movements so did lost weight 11.13 stone but now 12 stone 1 at fat for me. I stop use oven and hob won't use electricity oven and mum want camp stove ( do cooking on get rid" of electricity oven) " I hate anything do Gas at be wost nightmare. " Having Dyspraxia can be hard time and challenging time airport see always busy going Turkey soon but hear bad things about East Midlands Airport for because Dyspraxia is Austim spectrum there assistance support not really helping but that want be watch YouTube so not get hope up don't think East Middle airport don't have any Gluten-free food unless paid extra for lounge but won't be happening can't afford it so hope I have Gluten-free chicken meal on airplane my group with me be nice." I not have four hours without food from Brigham Airport to Greece all because change airplane to airbus with jet 2 so Gluten-free food went another plane instead wasn't happy about that by not having Gluten-free chicken meal upset me ruin my holiday in Rhodes Greece that why won't be returned to Rhodes but think stayed with Turkey can't afford five star hotel at movements so I be stayed in Turkey apartment ( but don't know which one) it suprise for me. I have included Sunflowers hidden disabilities landyard card
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mydyspraxiablog · 2 months
I decide do story of public transport two ways one without Sunflowers hidden disabilities and other with Sunflowers hidden disabilities card.
So here stories Lilly had always struggled with Dyspraxia, a condition that made everyday tasks more difficult for her. As she stood at the bus stop, she couldn't help but feel anxious about the journey ahead. She had forgotten her Sunflower hidden disabilities card, which would have allowed her to sit in the disabled section of the bus. Despite her nerves, she knew she had to push through and make the journey.
When the bus finally arrived, Lilly's heart sank as she saw that it was already full. The only available seat was in the disabled section, but it was blocked by pushchairs and wheelchairs. She hesitated, unsure of what to do. The bus driver noticed her standing there and kindly gestured for her to come onboard.
Reluctantly, Lilly stepped onto the crowded bus, feeling the eyes of the passengers on her. She tried to find a spot to stand, but the bus was swaying and jolting, making it difficult for her to keep her balance. The passengers around her seemed impatient and irritated by her presence.
As the bus made its way down the busy street, Lilly felt the familiar wave of frustration wash over her. She heard whispers and mutterings from the other passengers, making her feel even more self-conscious. Suddenly, a car sped past the bus, causing it to jerk to the side. Lilly lost her footing and tumbled to the floor, knocking over a fold-up pushchair in the process.
The other passengers looked at her with disdain, making snide remarks about her clumsiness. Lilly felt tears prickle at the corners of her eyes, but she pushed them back, refusing to show any weakness. She knew she had to stay strong and not let the situation defeat her.
Finally, the bus arrived at Lilly's stop, and she hurried off, grateful to be out of the chaotic environment. She made a mental note to always remember her Sunflower hidden disabilities card in the future. As she walked away from the bus stop, she felt a sense of determination wash over her. She would not let her Dyspraxia hold her back.
The next day, Lilly made sure to have her Sunflower hidden disabilities card with her as she headed to the train station. However, in her rush, she forgot to book any assistance for her journey. When she arrived at the station, the staff noticed her Sunflower card and asked if she needed any help. Lilly sheepishly admitted that she had forgotten to book any assistance.
The staff were understanding and quickly arranged for a staff member to assist Lilly onto the train. When they got to the platform, they saw that the only available seat in the disabled section was taken up by a pushchair. A family with six children, all wearing Sunflower cards, were occupying the space.
The staff member politely asked the family if they could move to make room for Lilly. The family seemed hesitant at first, but eventually, they agreed to fold up the pushchair and move to a different section of the train. Lilly thanked them and sat down, feeling grateful for the kind gesture.
As the train journey continued, Lilly couldn't help but reflect on the challenges she faced due to her Dyspraxia. Despite the obstacles, she knew that she had the strength and determination to overcome them. She also realized the importance of being prepared and advocating for herself in situations where she needed assistance.
When the train arrived at her destination, Lilly got off with a sense of accomplishment. She had navigated the journey successfully and felt a renewed sense of confidence in herself. Despite the struggles she faced, Lilly knew that she would always find a way to overcome them and continue on her path with courage and resilience. The adventure was far from over, but Lilly was ready to face whatever challenges came her way.
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mydyspraxiablog · 3 months
Holiday at went wrong I went to Brigham airport looking forward for holiday to Rhodes I wear Sunflowers hidden disabilities card for Dyspraxia and Coelic but I got assistant from Jet2 transfer Sunflowers assistant desk waiting for another assistant then with friend and in pub but could not have anything to eat in Brigham Airport weatherspoon pub won't say if Gluten free food or not so have open gluten free cheese sandwich looking forward to chicken meal on the plane. Then it time for use go on jet2 hate buses fall up rude idot people making me panic so only change had email from one friend change airplane to airbus from jet 2 but thought noughting worry about it still have nice holiday and warm meal on plane ( That what I thought) so after going Ambulance lift to plane seat on seat with friend and mum not long I have gluten free chicken meal but jet2 staff come down said got some special medicine so staff went look for gluten free chicken meal it wasn't on airplane bus and didn't have anything eat in Brigham airport been Dyspraxia on Austim spectrum we got have special warm meal so wasn't happon but know noughting can do so gluten free sandwiches with no sandwiches in the sandwiches so thought noughting can do four hour airplane bus with noughting to eat that first things went wrong second things went wrong room to small double bed by have no food all day end up with bad stomach going toliet even 5 minutes even breakfast bacon and egg was cold but did have Gluten free bread and cake eat jam sandwiches in Rhodes was noughting do waste two day move rooms why mum did I lost at this point because noughting was work power keep going felt was returning back to 70 years with power cuts so in end move delexroom for business people looking at use should not be part in hotel look down nosie on use but thinking got wose was dispoint with beaches it just stone peddling beach when go Rhodes you have Trousit tax I won't be going Rhodes ever again.
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mydyspraxiablog · 3 months
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I have got Dyspraxia Sunflowers landyard but looking forward Greece this week but suprise don't how long be there.
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mydyspraxiablog · 4 months
Having dyspraxia can been overwhelming at time even love to fly around the world I can't because I would have save first like I would like Vister Guesery again but won't happon then like visit Greece Rhodes Greece other island around Greece and like going from Greece to Turkey but promble won't happon I love going boat trip around Greece on sailing boat but do wish tour guide slow down. Sadly not very good swimming some happon in Turkey at can't forget and Esport but that tell Just learn swimming in Turkey in shallow end realy enjoy going swimming pool but lots children came in pool in October and June in different hotel pool stair wasn't very good but another story.
So try make instead as lay Sunbed on side pool looking relex but so decide want swimming but mum said not make fuss so try step down but could not reach bottom pool it deep for me so my height said try other end pool just panic didn't going under just panic felt idot so after that didn't swimming at all could not going other pool because children and could not swim in Adult swimming pool because it was too deep for me not fish in water anymore.
People say swimming like ride bike but never learn ride bike only three wheel bike and only done that four times.
So stayed on beach sunbathing but only downfall of Turkey my mum keep move cat away from me who keep jump on my back. I miss that from Sydnee and Annabel my pets cats.
This time in Rhodes Greece but bit worry how much going paid for holiday tax in hotel didn't do that Turkey. I bit sick of Turkey at movements it first time going Rhodes Greece and it one wish list on cruise ship 🚢 but instead flying from UK to Greece .So when arriving have stayed on jet2 airplanes for disabilities assistance as can't down stair on airplane but can going up stair if take my time. Last time use assistance land Turkey wasn't anyroom because no seat because only person took four seat had sit in weelchair and sat in wrong weelchair ops because of Dyspraxia and hearing aids always full out which embarrassed for me.
So try get anything for holiday go to Greece and just say think haven't got plan and make wost Europe money haven't arrived yet bit I look forward go holiday Rhodes Greece
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mydyspraxiablog · 4 months
NOw having Dyspraxia can be hard times people called Dyspraxia lazy and make hard fir me Dyspraxia foundation uk have close down. I have dout why because said God help get support now lost my support ?So going have do things on own but do think get bullying using computer using mobie phone even now when won free Thomson Chocolate box could not claim because phone landlines wasn't appect and didn't have mobie phone so could not claimed that Chocolate box.
Support I did recivec want me have mobie phone she hate phone up mum on mobie phone. I should going Fun day this Saturday but me and mum had row on Friday over lost support work told mum when returned back to Rhodes from Greece ( If like it) mum going have support me knitting and nat.
Now back myself on public bus rude drivers because having bad day.I feel can't do Lone Trefoil Guild ,Stafford 3Ua ,Coelicuk membership can't do Dyspraxia foundation uk there close. It bit promble gone Facebook support group but really not so good. Sometime wonder do God listern? I HAVING lot nose bleed but not worry about that. I always have nose bleed as child.
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I want walk God move out house for holiday but can't at movements isn't right time yet got get Dancing and Clubside group out way first but bit worry Stafford Town was having Dancing group on Thursday 730pm not this Thursday next Thursday but I on holiday to Rhodes Greece soon.
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mydyspraxiablog · 4 months
Today have nice day making easter hat but worry about mum get old and forgetly I worry what happened to me?Like today love dancing but mum went back from hospital some where Tamworth and no buses so have spead cash on taxi and no bus outside Stafford railway station and spead another £5 in taxi because no buses in evening.
I love funky fitness and Clubside and Rockbox but all gone wrong this week.
I be writing to Sponsor child from UK to Ethiopia doing paper gifts back to my Sponsorchild but only promble haven't received any letter in post from November 2023 been phone compassionuk where my letters?but received letter to Email received two but having written to Sponsorchild and hope don't feel forgotten " I got big family want post another photo of all family and friends even church family but that won't happon. When kids there football mad and lot family row with Manutd and Liverpool ever Manchester City and wolves Wolverhampton so fear all creap in but dispoint in something which can't say yet it secert big secert . So talk about dancing no not ball room dancing it Zambia dancing really enjoyed but think going back to Line Dancing I miss it badly could do on Monday in posh club with cup tea but worry might knitting and natt and bus won't come on time or could meet for walk on Monday youth and community have nice walk which miss out well two things got on same Day Aspire coffees morning I. Stafford and Lurch club in Stafford really do want enjoyed life. I have trust God but can tell you my support is ending soon so time moving on new group but haven't decide want do yet.
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mydyspraxiablog · 4 months
Having dyspraxia can be hard time loud family is big family but do have row only nomal at times most family row happiness on Christmas day I. Our family or Halloween but not going talk about going talk about something eles on Fraiday 17 May ( I hope that right date I went for coffee morning and I take own gluten free cakes but did enjoy my cake and put money in draw with tricket with paid £2 and won Tricket going to County showgrounds for 29 and 30 May but chose going on 29 May it was nice day out in Stafford bring up Lone Staffordshire Trefoil Guild days even Stafford 3ua member other members too I enjoy see the dogs falcon( birds) didn’t behave saw horses and dogs wish have brought scarp book and could draw it was fun brought my own food but did have chicken and salad 🥗 but wonder like going again have pick and mix saw two Ice-cream van but pour down with rain didn’t spoil my fun. I talk to people because easy friendly and it nice day out part from be soaking wet with rain lot fun mum brought some boots just brought food wasn't much Gluten free food and enjoy life at movements.
Now do have faith in God but someone ask me " If was God why isn't healing Coelic, Dyspraxia, half deaf why isn't heal hidden disabilities? " I took me suprise didn’t know what say and felt let God down that day but still does not stop me Pray for my family my pray sponsor child can still going education in Ethiopia do want another sponsor child but wish mum let sponsor child from planuk and Christian Aid. I find things hard paid cash in cards at movement people like me been cash girls isn't right and feeling bit left out at movement "
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mydyspraxiablog · 5 months
Having Dyspraxia can be challenge but feeling left out at movements with family and been paid anythings in cash isn't work I wonder if better with assistance dog to help me with my Dyspraxia and my balance because do miss Eddie and Darcy by two dogs in the past now my cats die Sydnee and Annbel I not happy at home I feel lost my independence feel embarrassed when paid Gluten free food have but some back because too expensive all because I have got Natwest card I feeling want going back to Stoke more things there then in Stafford.
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mydyspraxiablog · 5 months
Yesterday went church by myself and listern to word God but having Dyspraxia is hard because don't have freedom like other Adult I have Mum control my life read my email,Giving me cash for what need only £5 per day can't shop for that price but know it because cost living but get hard paid cash now cash machine are broken and notice haven't got freedom like other in group do shopping paid with Card can't do that if paid cash some going up got put Gluten free bread back if £3.50 and gone £4.50 not only that but think mum allergy to milk so got have oats milk and £3.90 made by plant milk so need Dariy in the milk and was 80p in Asda in Co.op " " £1.45 now £1.60 my gluten free cereal cost me £3.50 " I row again " Mum how many time tell you stop buy Oats it say you know can't have wheat Baley and rye and anything with Gluten in" " Gluten free food is kill me too expensive " So if plant base with Oats milk can't have cheese,cream,milk no daily. I need that milk and cheese help me I need that daily milk." " Deletle all email " " Mum stop read my email some time wish was in Aermerica because parants won't be alwon read they email but use email address for everything trying me nuts." Francis right mum never listern " I am carer alwon read your email. " So walk out listern to Blible pray to God How can going out house house if Mum control anything she even tell me how do my life going group she want me do like stupid knitting and chat group on Monday can't knitting I rubbish when try and want talk to teacher from stone from math crouse in Stone talk about math crouse start in June on Wednesday learn math in Kitchen do pizza but won't be eat it " Why not?" " Because can't afford buy Gluten free with if everybody give £3 incude me when didn't have enough buy cooking had use Natwest card paid for it this time had haven't got card so been gluten free things be put back." So once again paid cash with Gluten free food I put shopping bag down and walk off with no food Even Coelicuk had done campaigned of get Gluten free food back to normal food it cost food banks,churchs and community centres but Gluten free food." " I nice relex yesterday listern God today mum spoil for me so told her not doing clearing leave house mess I tell you won't do clean till give me some pets." " I allergy to Pets now" " There medicine for that" so today check in how feel? Didagree mum , Sad ,pets die won't be replace and feel low at home.
Now know why don't want me have pets she want going holiday don't want line up que because with Sunflowers card for hidden disabilities but after people didn't want wear mask hide hack put on them with difficult for me as Dyspraxia, Half deaf with hearing aids always fall out with Mark on. " " Now want going holiday I wear Sunflowers landyard going in weelchair going front que with my friends going on plane first but sadly having Dyspraxia can't see numbers on seat very well often seating in wrong seat." Front, row 15 with emergency exit door got space but got paid for more for that even that space would be good for mum but can't have it because people paid for more space.
Be fair Easyjet and Tui both look after me way in Turkey and East Midlands Airport just Brigham Airport Louage was bit let down but didn't anything gluten free in buffer had made in kitchen I was worry going miss the plane to Turkey but didn't " Assistance people I have usely it few promble with them wait for turn up on Airport wait for hour on otherwise or no lift get off plane have use stair can be difficult if got Dyspraxia can go upstairs alright but can't going down stair on plane afraid of falling down them" hate thos moving stair I don't like lift too. So Brigham airport might be promble for me but only second time going there."
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Just had colour and photo of colour can sport Dyspraxia Card from Sunflowers hidden disabilities can you found it?rest I just colour
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