#Sunni Waqf Board
Genuinely curious, because you seem to hate the Ram Mandir... or how you think one party/ruling government is using it for political gain/votes or how it's wasting money etc.
What do you have to say about the Waqf board act? Or the infamous Shah Bano case and the way the Rajiv Gandhi government went against the decision of the Supreme Court to favour Muslim patriarchy. Or the fact that the Congress government banned books like the Satanic Verses to please a certain community. Is this not politics of appeasement?
You say that the ruling party is playing politics over religion, but hasn't every party done it? It's not like BJP was even hiding it, they've been campaigning for the Ram Mandir rebuilding for decades. It doesn't make it automatically a bad move.
Besides, Ram Mandir is built through devotee donations, so why so much vitriol against it? If Hindus are giving money to construct a temple, it's solely their own decision. I genuinely don't understand why there's so much hatred for it. If a community is reclaiming their holy land, which had been forcibly ruined and rebuilt into another type of building, it's not a bad thing. Plus, a big chunk of land was given to the Sunny Waqf board to build a beautiful mosque in Ayodhya itself, which has begun construction this year (iirc). Both communities will have their interests restored.
Why can't we move on and celebrate the Ram Mandir rebuilding and inauguration? Is decolonization and reclaiming of a place of cultural significance not important?
(I know that some people are being too aggressive about it, but the majority isn't. They're simply celebrating and praying. And some of them actually got attacked for it.)
Okay. Since you're genuinely curious, I'll answer this.
"Why am I criticising the current ruling party for playing politics of appeasement and not any of the other parties?" I'm criticizing them BECAUSE they're the ruling party. They have been in power for close to 10 years now. That's more than 1/3rd of my whole life. This is a hilarious question because I would've been criticizing the same action if it would've been taken by any other political party. I don't have a problem with the party, I have a problem with what they're doing. All citizens are SUPPOSED to do this, my friend. Criticizing your government on what they're doing wrong is a fundamental part of a democracy.
"Politics of appeasement." I hope you understand the difference between appeasement and religious nationalism. The ruling party isn't appeasing anyone. Their acts are guided by their political ideology of Hindutva. I fundamentally disagree with their ideology. I do not agree with them when they say being Hindu is integral to being an Indian. I do not believe in maintaining a Hindu hegemony in India. I simply refuse to accept an ideology that was LITERALLY INSPIRED BY FASCISM AND THE IDEAS OF RACIAL SUPERIORITY.
"What do you have to say about so-and-so?" You know, I would've criticised things I believe are harming our country and power when the governments you speak of were in power. Unfortunately, in certain cases I was not alive then to criticize them and in a few cases, I was a child and I did not know how to form complex sentences. I do not believe in essentialism, you understand? I do not believe that any religion or political party is essentially good or bad. I believe in judging them for what they do.
"They've been campaigning for the Ram Mandir for decades. It doesn't make it automatically a bad move." It's imperative for you to understand this, it is politically a good move and in all other ways a HORRIBLE move. They get the support of all the Hindus who make up the majority of the population? Decent political move. Who could begrudge them for using DIVIDE AND CONQUER as a strategy? But in doing so, what kind of monster have they created? Have they created a billion people who think religious-nationalism is an okay direction for the country's future? Is that a good move, I ask you.
"Ram mandir is built through devotee donations so it's okay." That's close to ₹1,800 crores. (Estimated amount because of course, there's no transparency in the donation system so that we know who donated what amount.) Do you seriously believe all that money came out of the pockets of average working class Indians? Or did the ultra wealthy businessmen fund this religious project and get massive tax breaks in the process? But yes, I'm sure there's no fuckery going on with the money because it's out of DEVOTION. That makes it okay, I guess.
Now we come to the part that is the worst part of this anon message, according to me.
"Reclamation and decolonization." You use these words so lightly and I find that offensive. These words are HIGHLY tied to power structures. Who has the power right now? Is it the mythic evil Islamic conquerors of 400 years ago? Or is it a political party that believes in hindu nationalism and is funded by the ultra wealthy billionaires because said party helps them get even richer? Who is reclaiming what here? I want you to ask yourself this. Can a powerful majority claim reclamation when they tear down a building to build another building there?
"They tore down the temple and built a mosque there" And now you've torn down the mosque and built a temple there. Congratulations, you've won the game. Where do we go from here? Will everyone be happy now? Has peace been restored? A great evil destroyed? What story are we telling ourselves here? Will the religious fanaticism go away now? Will the hatred that has been cultivated in the hearts of Hindus against Muslims be sated? Or will it find more avenues to spread itself?
Decolonizing the mind, right? I wonder why we're only focused on decolonizing against the islamic past and not anything else. But it's okay that India is currently colonising Kashmir. We don't believe in decolonisation when it comes to Kashmir. We don't believe in decolonizing from the system of capitalism that is choking the lives out of us. HELL, WE DON'T EVEN BELIEVE IN RECLAMATION SEEING HOW WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH GIVING THE BARE MINIMUM RESERVATION TO CERTAIN COMMUNITIES AS A REPARATION FOR THE HARM THEY'VE HISTORICALLY AND CURRENTLY SUFFERED AND ARE STILL SUFFERING.
I don't want people to talk to me about reclamation, reparation and decolonisation before they accept their own hypocrisy.
Anon, you say have so much vitriol and hate towards a mandir. I should let people celebrate. Did I stop you personally from celebrating? Did I beat up somebody for trying to shove their religious agenda on me? All I did was talk about how sad I am that this is what we've decided to do with our country's resources. Why is one voice of dissent such a big deal to you? Do you want me to shut up and fall in line? Will that be acceptable?
- Mod S
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mylavenu99 · 1 year
Latest News, Updates On Ayodhya Ram Mandhir-Ram Janmabhoomi.
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Rama, who is thought to be the seventh manifestation of the Hindu deity Vishnu, is said to have been born at the location known as Ram Janmabhoomi, which translates to "Birthplace of Rama." According to the Ramayana, Rama was born at a city known as "Ayodhya" on the Sarayu River's banks. Ayodhya now is located in the Uttar Pradesh state of northern India.
Widespread Hindu-Muslim violence broke out in 1992 after Hindu nationalists destroyed the Babri Masjid. The property was the subject of a legal issue that made it to the Indian Supreme Court, which heard cases involving title disputes from August to October 2019. The Supreme Court mandated that the site be given to a trust so that it can erect a Hindu temple by November 9th, 2019.
Opening Date
According to Mr. Rai, Lord Ram should be seated in the sanctum sanctorum by the Makar Sankranti festival in January 2024, with the temple's construction slated to be finished by December 2023.
Ayodhya Ram Mandir Bhumi Poojaceremony
Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed the Bhumi Poojan ceremony and set the temple's foundation stone on August 5, 2020, following the Supreme Court's decision.
Temple Buid up Area
The area of the temple is 54,700 square feet, or around 2.7 acres. Nearly 70 acres will make up the whole Ram Mandir Complex, which can accommodate a million worshippers at once.
In addition to the 10 acres on which the temple will be erected, a complex containing a prayer hall, a lecture hall, an educational facility, and acres of property.
Temple architect additional amenities like a museum and a restaurant will be developed on 57
Total Budget
It would probably cost between Rs 1,400 crore and Rs 1,800 crore to build the temple. According to representatives of the Ram Janmabhoomi TeerthKshetraNyas, the temple trust is receiving donations totaling between Rs 60 -70 lakh for the construction of the great temple.
Ayodhya Ram MandirProject Construction Company
The trust hired Tata Consulting Engineers as the project manager consultant and Larsen & Toubro as the design & build contractor for the construction of the temple in November 2020. Additional agreements for the construction of the 67-acre temple complex were made with Tata Consulting Engineers and Design Associates Inc. in February 2020.
Ayodhya Ram Mandir Trust
Each of the trust's 15 members must be an active Hindu; there will be 6 nominated members and 9 permanent ones.
Permanent participants
K. Parasaran acted as Shri Ram Lalla Virajmaan's representative.
Four religious leaders from various Indian temples
An official of the Nirmohi Akhara
Two eminent residents of the Ayodhya district, 
one of them is a Dalit
Historical Background:
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is believed to be built at the birthplace of Lord Ram, considered to be the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu. The origins of this sacred site trace back to ancient times when Ayodhya was the capital of the mighty Kosala Kingdom. According to the epic Hindu scripture, the Ramayana, Lord Ram was born to King Dasharatha and Queen Kaushalya in Ayodhya.
Dispute at Ayodhya
On December 6, 1992, the Babri Masjid was demolished during a political rally, sparking rioting across the Indian subcontinent. Many prior attempts were unsuccessful, and one of them resulted in the 1990 Ayodhya gunfire incident.
A further land title case was brought before the Allahabad High Court, and on September 30, 2010, the court issued its decision. Ayodhya's 2.77 acres (1.12 ha) of land will be divided into three portions, with one third going to the Ram Lalla or Infant Rama, as represented by the Vishva Hindu Parishad receives one-third, the Uttar Pradesh Sunni Central Waqf Board receives one-third, and Nirmohi Akhara, a Hindu religious institution, receives the remaining third.
During site excavation, the Archaeological Survey of India discovered temple ruins, which were eventually presented as proof before the Indian Supreme Court.
The Indian government announced on February 5th, 2020, that a trust called Shri Ram Janmabhoomi TeerthKshetra would be in charge of rebuilding a Ram temple there.Additionally, it designated a different location in Dhannipur, Ayodhya for the construction of a mosque to replace the Babri Masjid, which was destroyed in 1992.
Babri Masjid (Mosque of Babur)
Babur, the first Mughal emperor of India, established the Mughal empire. The Babri Masjid (also known as "Babur's Mosque") is thought to have been constructed in 1528 on his orders by one of his generals, Mir Baqi. The East India Company's surveyor Francis Buchanan said that he discovered an inscription on the mosque walls that attested to this reality in 1813–1814, which gave rise to the widespread notion. He also documented the local legend that the mosque was constructed by emperor Aurangzeb (r. 1658–1707) following the destruction of a Rama temple.
The construction of a mosque at Ayodhya or the destruction of a temple for it are not mentioned in Babur's painstakingly detailed life journal, The Baburnama. Neither do his contemporaneous Hindu poet-saint Tulsidas' epic poem Ramcharitmanas, which is devoted to the Hindu god Rama, nor his grandson Akbar's court documents, the Ain-i-Akbari.
The "mosque-temple" is reported to have been a place of prayer for both Muslims and Hindus, with Hindus praying outside the mosque but still inside the courtyard. To avoid disagreements, a British governor had a railing built between the two districts in 1857. The argument began in 1949, following India's independence, when a Ram idol was erected within the mosque.
Page URL: https://www.bigproperty.in/blog/latest-news-updates-on-ayodhya-ram-mandhir-ram-janmabhoomi/
Title:Latest News, Updates On Ayodhya Ram Mandhir-Ram Janmabhoomi
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fattesingh · 2 years
In its 2019 judgement, the Supreme Court paved the way for the construction of Ram Temple at the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid site. The top court also ordered the allocation of a five-acre plot to the Sunni Waqf Board for a new mosque. The Ram temple construction has been progressing as per the schedule and is likely to meet its December 2023 deadline. However, three years after the top court settled the dispute, construction for the proposed mosque complex at Dhannipur village near Ayodhya was yet to begin.
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travelsmadurai · 2 years
Kazimar Big Mosque
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Call: +91 95858-33456
#kazimarstreetmaduraipincode #masjidnearmelocation #maduraimasjid #largestmosquesinindia #mosqueinlucknow #howmanymosqueinuttarakhand #mathuramosque
Kazimar Periya Pallivasal or Kazimar Big Mosque is the most established mosque in Madurai city, #TamilNadu, India built in the #year1284AD(Hijri 683) and keeps on being in presence for over 7 centuries till today. The mosque was established by Kazi Syed Tajuddin, a relative of the #Islamiprophet Muhammad, who came from Yemen during thirteenth 100 years and got this land from the #KingKulasekaraKu(n)Pandiyan.[1] The mosque which was the primary Muslim spot of love in Madurai.[2][3] The mosque was overseen by Syed Tajuddin during his lifetime followed by his youngsters and relatives genetically for over 7 centuries till today. Practically Kazi Syed Tajuddin's all's relatives (Huqdars of this mosque called as Syeds) have lived in a similar region (Kazimar road) for over 700 years, and have dealt with the mosque from that point forward.
Madurai Maqbara, the grave (dargah) of Madurai #Hazrats (Sheikhuna Meer Ahamad Ibrahim Periya Hazrat, #SheikhunaMeerAmjadIbrahimChinnaHazrat and #SheikhunaSyedAbdusSalaamIbrahimSaalimHazrat - all relatives of #IslamicProphet Muhammad) is situated inside the mosque.[6] People from everywhere India and unfamiliar guests come here for ziyarat (otherworldly visit.) The commemoration urus of Periya Hazrat is honored on #thirteenthofRamadan and #ChinnaHazraton28thofShawwal. Syed #AbdusSalaam Ibrahim Saalim Hazrat's commemoration is praised on #eighteenthofRabiul Aakhir.
Syed Tajuddin was designated as Kazi (Islamic Jury) of Madurai by the Government of #MaduraiSultans and till today his relatives who inhabit Kazimar road, Madurai, are named as #KazistotheGovernment of Tamil Nadu. Sheikhuna Meer Ahmad Ibrahim notable as Periya was selected as Chief Qazi (Qaziyul Quzzat) of Madurai by the public authority of Nawab of Arcot. As such the huqdars of this mosque have been selected as Kazis of Madurai to the public authority consistently since thirteenth 100 years from the time of Qazi Syed Tajuddin till today. The current government Qazi of Madurai, #MoulanaMoulaviA.SyedKhajaMueenudeen[7] is huqdar of this mosque and a relative of Qazi Syed Tajuddin.
The organizer behind this mosque Kazi Syed Tajuddin himself was Imam of this mosque during his lifetime. The assistance of managing the #everydaypetitionsandFriday lessons (Imamat and Qitabat) are finished by the relatives of the #organizerQaziSyedTajuddin, from his period until now. The current #ImamsMoulaviHafilSyedMuhammadMueenuddeenIbrahim and Moulavi Hafil Syed Alimullah have been in assistance beginning around 1998.
The relatives of Kazi Syed Thajuddeen are alluded as Huqdhars (Share holders) of this mosque. The present huqdars have a place with #nineteenth and #twentietherafromQaziSyedThajuddin. Beginning from a solitary precursor and having figured out how to live in similar region for a considerable length of time, there are around #450Huqdars who are intently between related with family line and with marital connections. #KazimarBigmosque is being overseen by the relatives of Kazi Syed Tajuddin (Huqdars) with practically no break starting from the commencement of the mosque.The right to deal with the mosque by the relatives of the organizer behind the mosque is affirmed by Tamil Nadu Waqf Board in its proforma given in the year 1954 in the wake of studying all the Waqf properties India Post Independence. The genealogical records of the relative multitude of main beneficiaries of Kazi Syed Tajuddin and the supervisors of this mosque are kept up with in the mosque office. All Syeds have a place with the Sunni organization of #Islam, its #Hanafischool and the greater part of the relatives of Kazi Syed Tajuddin are Shazulis who practice the Sufi request #(Tariqa)FassiyadebrisShazuliya.
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todaynewsguru · 2 years
In over a year, IICF receives just Rs 25 lakh in donations for building Ayodhya mosque
In over a year, IICF receives just Rs 25 lakh in donations for building Ayodhya mosque
The Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation (IICF), set up by the Uttar Pradesh Sunni Waqf Board for building a mosque in Ayodhya’s Dhannipur village following the Supreme Court’s verdict in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title suit, has received only Rs 25 lakh in donations in over a year. The Foundation was set up in July 2020 to facilitate the construction of the mosque on the 5-acre land allotted…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Sunni Waqf Board action: जुमे की नमाज़ के बाद हुई हिंसा पर सुन्नी वक्फ बोर्ड का बड़ा एक्शन, हटाए गए मौलना फजलुल मन्नान रहमानी
Sunni Waqf Board action: जुमे की नमाज़ के बाद हुई हिंसा पर सुन्नी वक्फ बोर्ड का बड़ा एक्शन, हटाए गए मौलना फजलुल मन्नान रहमानी
Image Source : FILE PHOTO उत्तर प्रदेश के सुन्नी वक्फ बोर्ड का दफ्तर Highlights सुन्नी वक्फ बोर्ड का बड़ा फैसला लखनऊ की टीले वाली मस्जिद के मुत्तावल्ली हटाये गए ���ेवजह भीड़ जमा करने पर लगी रोक Sunni Waqf Board action: जुमे के दिन हुई हिंसा को लेकर उत्तर प्रदेश सुन्नी सेंट्रल वक्फ बोर्ड ने बड़ा फैसला लेते हुए लखनऊ की टीले वाली मस्जिद के मुत्तावल्ली को हटा दिया है। मौलना फजलुल मन्नान रहमानी लंबे…
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harpianews · 3 years
Supreme Court orders to maintain status quo on Patna High Court's order to demolish 'proposed Waqf Bhawan'
Supreme Court orders to maintain status quo on Patna High Court’s order to demolish ‘proposed Waqf Bhawan’
The Supreme Court on Monday ordered status quo on a Patna High Court order directing the demolition of the “proposed Waqf Bhawan” constructed “in close proximity” to the “newly inaugurated Shatabdi Bhawan” of the High Court. Waqf Act, 1995; Bihar Municipal Act, 2007; and Bihar Building Bye-Laws, 2014. A three-judge bench headed by Justice UU Lalit issued notice on petitions filed by the Bihar…
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hulnews · 4 years
Sunni Waqf Board to Seek Donations for Construction of Mosque, Hospital & Cultural Centre in Ayodhya
Sunni Waqf Board to Seek Donations for Construction of Mosque, Hospital & Cultural Centre in Ayodhya
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The UP Sunni Central Waqf Board has urged people to help with the construction of a mosque, a hospital and an Indo-Islamic cultural centre at the five-acre land given to the Trust in Dhannipur village by UP government.
Earlier, the UP Sunni Waqf Board had announced the formation of a Trust for the construction of mosque at the five-acre land in Ayodhya.
Last Updated:Augus…
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bhaskarhindinews · 4 years
Ram Mandir: कब बनेगा राम मंदिर? ट्रस्ट बनाने के लिए सिर्फ पांच दिन बाकी
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राम मंदिर ट्रस्ट बनाने सरकार कर रही देरी
राम मंदिर ट्रस्ट का अध्यक्ष चुनना सबसे बड़ी चुनौती
अयोध्या मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट (Supreme Court) का फैसला आ गया है। केंद्र सरकार ने अब तक राम मंदिर ट्रस्ट (Ram mandir trust) की घोषणा नहीं की है। राम मंदिर ट्रस्ट के लिए सुप्रीम कोर्ट द्वारा की गई समय अवधि 9 फरवरी को समाप्त हो रही है। यह ट्रस्ट अयोध्या मंदिर निर्माण को तरीके तय करेगा।
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postbullnews-blog · 5 years
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bharatvarshtv9 · 5 years
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bhaskarlive · 5 years
Muslim parties hope for ‘justice’ in Ayodhya title suit
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With the Ayodhya title suit entering the last phase of hearing in the Supreme Court, the Muslim parties in the dispute say they hope that “justice will be delivered”.
“We aren’t astrologers, so can’t predict the verdict but I can say that our case is really strong on the documentary evidence. We’re hopeful and confident that justice would be delivered,” Shakil Ahmed from Sunni Waqf Board told IANS. Ayodhya
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ravisinghdigital · 5 years
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gkt49 · 6 years
Sunni Waqf Board requests that Supreme Court to refer Ayodhya case to larger bench
Sunni Waqf Board requests that Supreme Court to refer Ayodhya case to larger bench
New Delhi, Apr 27 The Sunni Waqf Board on Friday requested asked the Supreme Court to refer the Ayodhya arrive debate case to a bigger constitutional bench.
Advocate Raju Ramchandran, showing up for Sunni Waqf Board told the three-judge seat headed by Chief Justice of India (CJI) Dipak Misra that the issue required bigger thought referring to that it was a national issue.
The apex court settled…
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doonitedin · 3 years
Gyanvapi Masjid परिसर का नहीं होगा ASI सर्वे, Allahabad High Court ने लगाई रोक
Gyanvapi Masjid परिसर का नहीं होगा ASI सर्वे, Allahabad High Court ने लगाई रोक
Gyanvapi masjid   इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट ने ज्ञानवापी मस्जिद (Gyanvapi Masjid) परिसर का ASI से सर्वेक्षण कराने के वाराणसी सिविल कोर्ट के आदेश पर रोक लगा दी है. कोर्ट में याचिका मस्जिद कमेटी और सुन्नी वक्फ बोर्ड ने दायर की थी. ज्ञानवापी मस्जिद परिसर (फाइल फोटो) Doonited Affiliated: Syndicate News Hunt Source link
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