#Sunny Kim
behindthescreamz · 9 months
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joe keery as kurt kunkle with his cast mates on the set of “spree” (2020)
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teenagedirtstache · 1 month
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zipsunz · 10 months
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under the mistletoe 🌿
(art by me, script by @sunkitty143!)
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1percentcharge · 1 year
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can I get five more of these little blonde bitches?
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shrimperini · 1 year
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doodle page of silly au 🥳
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sweggyq · 10 months
Never posted my voiceover stuff on tumblr before, but I'll post this one bc why not :)) (the other ones are on instagram and twitter <3)
VOICES: Sunny - SuVividLee (twt) Basil - madnopost (insta/twt) Kel - ggenesis9876 (insta) Aubrey - me! Mari - also me :> Kim - suki.soba (insta) Hero - VettoKit (insta/twt)
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speakofcompersion · 4 months
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clowncar-25 · 3 months
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I forgot I had these
Depression ponies coming back at 'cha
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kesujo · 10 days
Chapter 7: Miss Witch
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Previous chapter here.
After their personal training session ended that day, Taeyeon left to attend a meeting with one of the many companies she was a chairwoman for. This left Seojun inside the rather quaint gym alone to do some additional endurance training on the treadmill, absentmindedly wondering about other types of ‘demons’ that Taeyeon seemed to suggest existed. Were there demons who focused on blood instead of semen? But a vampire typically wouldn’t be considered a ‘demon’, at least to his limited knowledge of that mythos. Would they also have a weakness to the sunlight but in exchange be granted superhuman abilities? Or maybe there were more brutish ‘demons’ who simply fed on the living, be they animals or humans or other demons, and were thus granted supreme physical enhancements?
If there were, then Seojun could see a secondary reason to undergo this training. For that day, he chose to remain inside the gym to train his cardio because, although he enjoyed the feeling of the wind against his face as he ran, there were many benefits to using a treadmill: he didn’t have to worry about his route or getting lost, he didn’t have to worry about ducking and weaving between other pedestrians, there were no traffic lights or crosswalks to stop him, and he had the option to slant the treadmill upwards so that he was constantly running on a slope, as normal running didn’t seem to really drain his stamina much anymore.
However, there currently was another, massive benefit to using a treadmill: the splendid view of the short yet especially voluptuous woman to his right. She had arrived about half an hour into his workout and had given him a nod in greetings, ears plugged by a pair of AirPods connected to the phone she was carrying in her right hand, before mounting the treadmill and getting started. Part of him felt bad for stealing so many glances, but her outfit was so provocative that he couldn’t help himself.
The satin red polyester of her form-fitting top had its work cut out for it, stretching across the mountainous valley that were her breasts, following her excellent curves down to just above her belly button. The plunging neckline gave way to an eyeful of cleavage and a hint at her boobs practically bursting at the seams and partially spilling out of the side, also giving Seojun an excellent view of her sideboob. Frankly, Seojun was astonished that the top was able to hold itself together.
Her milky-white skin seemed to glimmer in the bright lights of the gym, its tautness tested with every step. Seojun had only seen such large breasts in American movies and TV shows before, so to see such a magnificent pair in person was a treat for his eyes: with every step she took, her perky tits bounced magnificently, so much that they seemed on the verge of spilling out—unfortunately, no such incident occurred, which not only disappointed Seojun but shocked him as well. How was it possible that her boobs moved around so much, the elastic material of her top shifting around to reveal different parts of her boobs to him with every other step, but still manage to hold all of it in?
The eye candy didn’t end there though; her bare midriff revealed a toned set of abs, and a bit further down was her slim waist covered in the same elastic material as her top but in black. The shorts didn’t stretch much further down though, just barely covering the bottom parts of her ass. Her bottom was equally form-fitting, the shiny black material curving over her romp showing off the magnificent roundness of her butt.
Before he knew it, another half-hour had passed, by which point the beginning signs of fatigue had started to settle into the young woman beside him. That this feat most likely pointed her as also being a supernatural being completely went over Seojun’s head, as his mind was mostly preoccupied with other things. So when the silence was finally broken by her voice, Seojun nearly jumped out of his skin. “You’ve been running for an hour already? On that incline?”
Seojun’s head snapped to his right, seeing that she had slowed down to a walk, carrying her wireless earphones in her hand. “I’m s—” Seojun stopped himself after realizing that she wasn’t telling him off for looking at her so much, taking a second to regain his composure and slow down his own machine, and another to process her words and replied, “—preparing for something coming up that I need to train my stamina for. What about you?” He didn’t know why but addressing her as ‘noona’ felt right; despite how youthful her appearance was, there was something about her that seemed mature, something in her eyes that told a tale that could span centuries, perhaps even millennia. Like Taeyeon’s.
“I like exercising from time to time; by the way, you can just call me ‘Sunny’.”
Sunny slowed her treadmill to a halt, Seojun following suit, both turning to face each other. “I’m Seojun.”
“Hm…” Her eyes did a quick scan of his body, but before Seojun could even consider if she just checked him out, she continued, “Do you also know Taeyeon?”
Did that mean…?
“Yeah, she’s—” in the case that she wasn’t also a succubus, Seojun figured it was best to keep things vague. So, he ended up finishing with, “—my personal trainer. Do you know her too?”
She smiled and nodded. “Yes, she’s the one who invited me to start using her gym.”
Seojun, temporarily distracted by how pretty Sunny’s smile was, took a second to fully process her reply. “Her gym?”
“She didn’t tell you? She owns this gym.” That was certainly news to Seojun, but it hardly surprised him considering the vast amount of wealth she had.  “And the fact that you know her tells me that you’re … her new Servant?”
Oh, so she was also a succubus. That certainly explained why she had such a tantalizingly sexy body.
“Yeah, I—” he stopped himself, wondering if he should be offering information like that out freely to other succubae. After all, wasn’t the thing that attracted Taeyeon to Seojun his scent? If Sunny was also a succubus matured enough to be able to detect his scent, then maybe he’d be in trouble of being kidnapped? Should he run? But from what he’d seen from Taeyeon, there was probably no point in doing so since she would just be able to easily catch up to him. Plus, she was allowed inside this gym; surely, if Sunny and Taeyeon were on bad terms, Sunny wouldn’t be allowed in, right?
“By the way, I noticed that you were looking at my boobs quite a bit earlier.”
Shit. She knew?
Seojun gulped, his eyes drawn back onto her impressive rack, accentuated by her arms folded beneath them, pushing them upwards. He swore he could see the polyester material jut out at the tips of her mounds but didn’t linger on them long enough to verify. Maybe she was dangerous. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude—”
“It’s fine,” she replied, the smile playing at her lips clearly present in her voice, “Do you like them? My puppies?”
Seojun’s eyes drifted back onto her chest, drinking in the magnificent sight of the smaller woman shaking them back and forth in a playful manner. “I—” realizing he was being rude again, he diverted his eyes, a flush befalling his face, “—um, yeah, they’re, uh, nice.”
Hearing his hesitation and shyness caused Sunny to burst out into a twinkling laughter. “No need to be so shy; I mean, you’ve fucked Taeyeon already, right?” The frankness at which Sunny spoke almost made Seojun do a double-take, but she barreled on regardless. “How many others besides her?”
The way Sunny spoke was a strange mixture of a male friend casually asking a question about his sex life and a curious mother just wanting to know her son better. Seojun had just met Sunny less than an hour ago, yet something about her candid nature completely disarmed him. “Two.”
“Oh, I see.” A slight pause, then, “Do you want to make that three?”
Hearing that nearly caused Seojun to choke on his spit. It wasn’t just the prospect of fucking an extremely attractive woman he had only just met, but also the frank nature at which she offered the proposal that shocked him.
“I’m guessing that Tiffany was among the two that you’ve already fucked, and while I can’t say I’m as energetic as her or as interesting as Taeyeon, I can promise you that I’ve had about as much experience as both of them.”
Those were the words that suddenly made Seojun realize something. “Are you … not a succubus?”
Because if Sunny had ‘as much experience as both of them’, that would imply they were all around the same age. And if that was the case, surely her senses would’ve been refined enough to the point where she would be able to detect his apparently extremely attractive scent; however, so far, Sunny had more or less treated him like a normal person. No hungry, predatory look in her eyes that sent chills down his spine; just a normal, albeit extremely sexy, sultry look in her eyes and an inviting smile on her lips.
Sunny cocked an eyebrow at the question. “How do you figure that?”
Hearing that, Seojun felt himself panic. Did he get it wrong? Maybe Sunny just was better at controlling herself, or maybe it had something to do with her Trait. “Um, well, I—uh, for Taeyeon and Tiffany, they reacted to my ‘scent’ or whatever, but it seemed like you didn’t at all, so I thought that, um, maybe you weren’t a succubus because of that.”
Sunny contemplated for a few seconds before chuckling. “You’re dead on. I’m impressed, Taeyeon got herself a smart one, I see.” It felt like a huge load was released from his shoulders, the tension exiting his body with a deep sigh. “You’re right, I’m not a succubus like Taeyeon or Tiffany. I’m a witch.”
Frankly, after learning about the existence of succubae a few weeks prior, the revelation didn’t even shock him that much. There was something that piqued his curiosity though. “Well, if you’re not a succubus, then why…?”
“Why did I offer to fuck?” Seojun wasn’t sure if he was ever going to get used to her blunt language combined with the playful manner she spoke in. “Since it looks like you’re new to all of this, let me give you a brief rundown: ‘witches’ or ‘warlocks’ are essentially normal humans who can draw, accommodate, store, and use life force. However, in order to use it, we need to draw it from somewhere or store it inside something else. One common place we store ‘life force’ is our bodies; the body of a succubus is uniquely modified to acquire life force via semen, but I can acquire it by any variety of means: drawing it from plants, from insects, even eating meat, anything that has the potential for life or was once alive can be a source of life force. That being the case, semen is actually one of the densest sources of life force available because that’s when it’s potential for life is the greatest, which is something that succubae take advantage of. It’s also part of the reason why I choose to acquire life force via semen, although my body isn’t nearly as efficient at acquiring it or storing it as a succubus’s. That’s why I befriended Taeyeon: her servants always have the best quality semen, and I have a pretty good feeling about you too.”
It was all a bit overwhelming to Seojun. Store … ‘use’ life force? “What do you mean by ‘use’ life force?”
“Oh, well I’m sure you’ve seen it in action as succubae use their life force to power their Traits; however, their usage of their life force is extremely limited. We can use life force in many more complex ways; you can consider a ‘witch’ or a ‘warlock’ to be what modern society calls a ‘mage’ or ‘sorcerer’.” Seeing Seojun still maintaining a perplexed expression, she proposed, “Why don’t I demonstrate?”
Sunny’s eyes dropped from Seojun’s face to his crotch, shortly afterwards a strange, warm kind of pain caused his body, and especially his upper thighs, to clench. Seojun grimaced and bent over slightly, slightly lightheaded, his hands going to his legs and squeezing his upper thighs at the feeling of an invisible force tugging at his penis in a manner more uncomfortable than arousing. As it happened, the tightness in his boxers increased ever so slightly, such that when it finally stopped, he could feel the distinctive difference in tightness despite not being hard at all. The invisible feeling dissipated, the warm pain vanishing along with the lightheadedness.
“I’ll be needing that for later~”
Seojun’s eyes went back onto Sunny, who was smiling with a jovial expression. “What…?”
Instead of answering, Sunny got off her treadmill and joined him on his treadmill. Seojun kept his eyes on her, unsure of what she was doing; when she squatted down, Seojun opened his mouth to voice his confusion but not before she pulled his pants and boxers down in one motion.
“What the—” Seojun quickly moved to cover himself, not forgetting that they were technically still in public, but Sunny paid that fact no mind, her face level with his crotch.
“This is an example of what manipulation of life force can do.”
“What are you—” Seojun stopped himself when he realized both hands were no longer sufficient to cover his half-erect cock. Small as he was, both hands were generally enough to cover himself if he wasn’t fully erect—something he always jokingly told himself that was an advantage to being smaller in size.
But, at that moment, Seojun could clearly tell he wasn’t fully erect, yet his member still managed to escape the curtains his hands tried to put up.
“You noticed, didn’t you? I made you bigger!”
What the fuck?
“I transferred my life force to you and directed it to stimulate your body into extending the length of your penis.”
“Um, OK, so can I pull my pants back up now?”
“Hmm, well now that it’s out and right in front of me, it’d be a shame to just put it away…”
Sunny’s delicate fingers gently peeled away his hands, unveiling the noticeably longer shaft nearly at full mast. Seojun’s heart was racing, panicking at the thought of someone entering the gym and seeing them; why was he even letting Sunny do this? Luckily, they weren’t in vision of any windows, but it wouldn’t take much for someone who entered the place before they noticed the two standing at the treadmill, Seojun with his pants and boxers pooled at his feet and Sunny now kneeling before him, her soft hands wrapping around his cock. He let out something like a hiss, a surge of pleasure arising from her touch, the sight of her small face next to his hardened member wrapped, incompletely, by both hands of the voluptuous woman only making him hornier.
This was so wrong. They were in public. Anyone could walk in at any second. Why wasn’t he stopping her?
“I’ll just get a little taste,” she promised, her hands beginning to twist and jerk along the length of his shaft.
“Sunny, someone could walk in…”
“That’s fine, then they can join too~”
His response died in his throat as Sunny leaned forward and planted a chaste kiss on the sensitive tip of his dick. A groan escaped his mouth, his fists clenching as he felt her lips continue to plant careful, firm kisses along his shaft, her soft hands tugging and twisting and pulling at his cock. When she pulled back, Seojun finally gained the composure to speak again but was beaten by Sunny. “It’s no fair that only you’re revealing something isn’t it? Let me pay you back.”
“Hm? Pay me back…?”
Seojun trailed off upon seeing Sunny answering not with her words, but with her actions: her hands slipped under the straps of her form-fitting top and came through the neck hole, pushing the polyester material down. Her breasts swelled as Sunny shimmied the top down until they finally burst out of its precarious confinement.
Sunny’s smile widened at seeing Seojun’s wide-eyed, unabashed stare, drinking in the sight of her enormous rack spilling over the elastic material pooled underneath the mounds of flesh and fat attached to her chest. Seojun had been catching glimpses of it but seeing them in all their glory was an experience that did not disappoint. They were so bountiful, tight skin stretching over the entirety of her tits with barely a blemish in sight, that Seojun couldn’t help but wonder what they felt like in his hands, against his face, squeezing his cock even. Sunny’s areola was a light brown color, and while her nipples weren’t the inviting shade of bright pink that he had gotten used to seeing, the size of both her nipples and areola spoke to just how much bigger she was than Taeyeon, even Tiffany. Seojun had pretty skinny fingers, but he could’ve sworn that her swollen, erect nipples nearly matched the width of his pinky.
“I’ll show you my pussy later, but right now, here are those boobs you were stealing so many glances at earlier.”
“Are-Are you sure about this? Someone could walk in…”
“It’s fine,” she repeated, her eyes landing back onto his erect member while her hands cupped the underside of her boobs and lifted them. “I can handle two cocks.”
Seojun didn’t even know how to respond to that. The image of Sunny being fucked from behind while she choked on his cock or Sunny’s head bobbing back and forth while her small, voluptuous body bobbed up and down atop his cock pushed his imagination into overdrive. His cock stiffened even further, much to Sunny’s delight.
“You like that thought? Of me being fucked by two cocks at the same time?”
The sultry gaze in Sunny’s eyes locked with Seojun’s eyes, which in and of themselves reflected the desire and lust he was feeling. The fear of someone walking in was pushed away: if they liked what they saw, Sunny expressed interest in a threesome, and if not, then that person could just walk away. And why should he care what some stranger thought of him? What mattered more at the moment was Sunny kneeling before him, bringing her tits to his crotch and enveloping his stiff shaft with her tits.
This time, however, it felt different.
Not only was it strange to feel pleasure from a length he wasn’t used to, but it felt much better—similar to how it felt with Yeoreum. “F-Fuck, Sunny…” he didn’t understand what was happening, but the sensitivity of his sex organ built up the tension in his groin up at the same speed as when Yeoreum used her Trait on his member.
“Your boobs feel so good, Sunny…”
Sunny giggled at his breathless response, arms reaching backwards and gripping the arm rails of the inactive treadmill they were on. “Then what about if I add this?”
Seojun didn’t have much time to wonder what she was talking about before he felt the tip of his dick part Sunny’s lips, then proceeding to dive further into her mouth as those same lips slide along the sensitive perimeter of his newly elongated cock. He hissed in pleasure as Sunny’s tongue pressed itself firmly against the underside of his penis, her mouth sealing his dick inside tightly and creating a gentle suction. “Shit, fuck…”
The combined feeling of her titjob on the lower half of his shaft and her blowjob on the upper half pushed the hastily built-up feeling over the edge, the results shooting a strong stream directed straight at the back of her throat.
Unperturbed, Sunny masterfully captured it, allowing the sticky sustenance slide down her throat before removing her mouth, letting the last few ropes of cum splatter across her boobs and neckline. “Mmm, that’s dense stuff you got there,” she noted, swallowing the fluid while her hands moved to her chest to rub the white substance all over her bust. “I can see why Taeyeon picked you.”
Seojun, on the other hand, was feeling embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn’t give you any warning before cumming.”
Sunny waved it off though, explaining as she stood up, “It’s fine. A newly elongated penis is always more sensitive since there are new nerve endings on it, to compensate for the increased length, that are completely unused to being stimulated.” Now that she was right next to him, Seojun could tell that Sunny was probably just a bit shorter than Taeyeon, but more than made up for it with her assets. Despite having just orgasmed, Seojun found himself glancing at her perky tits, the top glistening in the light with the sheen of semen applied to it.
“Thanks for the appetizer~” Seojun watched in awe as Sunny pulled the surprisingly stretchy material over her chest halfway before slipping her arms back through the two slots on the side, proceeding to then push her breasts back into the thin-strap tank top. Seojun pulled his pants and shorts up simultaneously, Sunny catching sight of Seojun trying to tuck his still-erect penis into his boxers and shorts and giggling. “Having trouble with that?”
“Yeah, I never had trouble with this before…”
This brought out full-on laughter from the short, curvy woman. “You’re so honest!”
Seojun cracked a smile in kind, finally succeeding in tucking his erection into his boxers before pulling his shorts over them.
“Well, why don’t we finish our workout elsewhere?”
Sunny grabbed his hand and lead him out the gym to a nearby building. Seojun didn’t have the time to discern where she had taken him as he was too busy noticing all the stares Sunny’s provocative outfit was drawing and all the looks the two were getting. Although he couldn’t make out distinct words, his increased hearing ability let him know that they were being mistaken as an ‘indecent’ couple—and honestly, Seojun could see where they were coming from. The excited look on Sunny’s face, her brisk walk, the tightness in which she gripped his hand, the bountiful amount of cleavage on display, not to mention his own excitement and the (albeit shrinking) bulge in his shorts, labeling them as an ‘indecent couple’ was something he might’ve done himself in disdain in his previous life. In this life though, he found that he had very little concern with what other people thought of him: he was probably going to outlive them, and even if he wasn’t, it’s not like he would ever have to interact with those people in the future.
It was only after they entered a room that Seojun realized they were in a love hotel: the overabundance of red-colored furniture, the humongous bed placed so prominently in the middle of the room, the shaded lighting, it was so obvious that even Seojun, who has never been to one before, could tell.
“Is this the first time you’ve been to a love hotel?”
Despite knowing where they were, Seojun was unable to hide his awe—and embarrassment.
The witch plopped herself down on top of the bed, crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap, her thin arms accentuating her ample bosom. “They’re pretty nice, although Taeyeon’s place is nicer, admittedly. Was that your first time fucking in public?”
Again, her brazenness caught Seojun off guard. “Uh, yeah,” he answered, face flushing a little.
In reaction to his innocent reaction, Sunny beamed. “Aah, you’re so cute!” she squealed, standing back up. “I just wanna eat you up!”
In the blink of an eye, Sunny was once again kneeling before Seojun; this time, they were in a much more private setting, but there was something about the ambiance that made it even sexier. However, when she pulled his pants down, this time, he was much more flaccid than the first time.
A pout formed on her face, something that was much too cute for someone with such a salacious body. “I know I’m not a succubus, but isn’t this a bit too mean?”
Seojun couldn’t help but chuckle at her playful pouting. “Sorry.”
“Hm, looks like I’ll have to reawaken this beast.” This time, Sunny removed her top from the bottom, pulling the tight form-fitting top clean off her body. Her boobs jiggled fiercely as they once again escaped their confines, Seojun once again marveling at their size and wondering how they managed to fit inside the tight upper garment. Tossing it to the side, Sunny turned her attention back onto the soft penis inches from her face. “Time to wake up~” she called out in a sing-song voice, leaning forward and planting a kiss on the tip.
Seojun shuddered, something between a groan and a moan coming out of his lips. “Sunny…”
“Sunny wants to play~” she continued, one of her soft hands cupping his balls while the other grabbed the base of his quickly hardening shaft. She planted another kiss on the tip, then another a centimeter along its base, then another on the side, continuing all the way down all the while massaging his balls and sensually rubbing the underside of his dick with her palm.
“He also wants to play,” he replied, the feeling of her velvety lips all over his cock increasing his arousal exponentially. When Sunny’s lips travelled back to his tip for the second time, she paused briefly to take a look at the product of her work: his fully erect cock, now standing probably close to twice its original length.
“Oh, you’re awake!” she squealed in an adorable excitement that sharply juxtaposed both hands gripping his length to give it a few firm pumps. “Do you want to feel my boobs or my mouth first?”
Although Sunny’s mouth felt great, he couldn’t forget the feeling of the amount of pressure that came from her huge tits smothering his cock. Maybe it was because Sunny had just elongated it, but he could tell that Sunny’s titjob were on a whole other level compared to Taeyeon and Tiffany’s. Even though their boobs were sizable, even when his penis was smaller, they had trouble completely enveloping his cock. The enjoyment from Taeyeon and Tiffany’s titjobs mostly came from feeling the smooth, supple skin rubbing against his shaft, but with Sunny, that pleasure was multiplied by the completeness in which it smothered him.
“Shit, Sunny…”
Seojun’s knees nearly buckled as Sunny’s mountains mounds once again enveloped his dick in a hot embrace. “Does that feel good?” she asked, head tilted upwards, eyes directed at him.
“Yes, it feels amazing, Sunny!”
Sunny beamed again, leaning forward a bit to dribble some saliva onto the stiff rod trapped between her boobs. “Mmm, I might’ve made a mistake.” Hearing that instantly snapped him out of the drunken lust he was feeling, but that summarily dissipated when Sunny continued, “With such a huge cock and such delectable semen, all of Taeyeon’s succubus friends won’t be able to keep their pussies away.”
The image flashed in his mind, being surrounded by hordes of horny succubae, smothering him with their warm, voluptuous bodies, eager to have a go with him. His dick twitched at the thought, eliciting laughter from Sunny. “Really?”
“You like that idea, huh? You naughty, horny boy~”
“Well, this ‘naughty, horny boy’ doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to stand because of how great Sunny’s titjob is, so can we move to the bed?”
Sunny erupted into another bout of twinkling laughter, granting him his request. Once he settled, Sunny wasted no time in climbing atop the bed with him and continuing the titjob. “I bet Taeyeon’s or Tiffany’s boobs didn’t feel as good as mine.”
“N-No, yours feels the best.”
Sunny demonstrated her gratitude by placing a firm kiss on the underside of the part of his dick poking out from her tits, shortly afterwards replacing her lips with her tongue. After giving it a long, firm lick, she playfully flicked the tip, earning another moan from Seojun, before swirling her tongue around his cock.
“Ah, shit—”
Satisfied with Seojun’s reaction, she continued the combined titjob and blowjob, her hands vigorously rubbing her soft tits against the lower half of his cock while her tongue and her lips worked its magic on the upper half. Seojun was absolutely captivated, still somewhat blown away by the fact that he was getting a titjob from someone with tits as large as Sunny’s: in his previous life, even in his current life days ago, to have someone completely smother his cock with her boobs was just a fantasy. But now that it was happening, Seojun again couldn’t thank whichever deity blessed him with the ability to live this life.
As Seojun watched Sunny bent over before him, her chest bouncing up and down and her head bobbing in the same manner, he took a second to appreciate how attractive Sunny’s lips were. Plump and shiny, they naturally formed a pout which increased the surface area her lips formed when pressed against his shaft. But, while the feeling of the warm membrane itself against his more sensitive sex organ was an amazing feeling in and of itself, but her masterful use of her tongue in combination was the primary contributor for his imminent orgasm.
As much as Seojun was enjoying what Sunny was doing to him, the selfish side of him stared in awe at her lascivious curves and wanted to feel that against his body. He wanted to feel her juicy ass smack against his groin, he wanted to see and feel her rack jiggle with the force of his thrusts, he wanted to feel her tight pussy on his cock and empty his hot load into her. But as much as he wanted to, he was unable to fight against his South Korean instinct that told him asserting his will over someone older than he was forbidden.
Luckily, Sunny noticed and stopped. “That’s right, I promised you I would show you my pussy, didn’t I?”
Frankly, Seojun barely remembered her making such a promise, so he just nodded.
Sunny retreated, straightening her back and sitting on her hind legs, facing him. “Before that, I need you to promise me one thing.”
That gave him pause, but Seojun ended up agreeing. “Sure…”
“I want to see you dominate me.” That certainly wasn’t what Seojun was expecting; he was anticipating some condition, like he not use his hands or some restriction like he not tell Taeyeon about her, but her demand only ignited his arousal even further. “OK?”
Instead of responding, Seojun grabbed Sunny’s shoulders and pushed her down onto the mattress. A twinkle of excitement shone in her eyes as she stared back up at him, her body splayed against the soft sheets below them in a show of submission.
Seojun’s eyes dropped from her face down to the beautifully glistening pink folds between her legs, already damp with her juices. “Do you like my pussy?”
“It’s beautiful,” he replied, reaching out with his index and middle finger to draw a firm line down her slit. The action caused a wave of pleasure to roll down her body, a shudder traveling from her head all the way down to her toes.
“Aah, god…”
Her beautiful, melodic moan resonated in Seojun’s ears, another filling the room as Seojun repeated the action, but this time in reverse. His dick was straining against his crotch, but he was already mesmerized; another downward stroke, and another melodic moan from Sunny’s parted lips. Her juices splattered against her upper thighs and his hand, but Seojun paid it no mind.
“Your pussy really is beautiful.”
“I think it would look better with your fat cock inside it.”
The blunt retort was what reminded Seojun of his original intent. “I bet it would.” It was extremely strange, grabbing a cock he wasn’t used to despite the fact that it was clearly his, and messed a little with his depth perception when he was trying to guide it to her entrance and accidentally dipped it inside the demoness. Sunny let out a muffled moan, her legs twitching slightly in response.
“Getting used to it?”
“Yeah, it’s so strange.”
“You don’t have to worry about hurting me, just shove the entire thing inside me.”
Seojun grinned, taking that as his cue to enter. “That was the plan!” At the last word, he pushed his member inside her.
“Ooh—ooh, oh fuck—!”
The moans gradually turned into screams of ecstasy as Seojun advanced relentlessly, Sunny’s hot, tight pussy desperately stretching to accommodate him. He could feel her fleshy, wet walls tugging on his shaft as if trying to help him, but those very walls were the ones that were too tight to advance past.
“God, fuck, you’re so big!”
Seojun never thought he would hear someone gasp those words to him, but hearing it just empowered him even more.
“Oh, fuck you’re stretching me out so much! Yeah, destroy my tiny pussy with that monster of a cock!”
It was also a completely new sensation for him; he spent the better half of a few minutes trying to push his cock inside her, but he was barely even halfway inside. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned, finally deciding to pull back. Sunny let out a shaky gasp at the sensation, only to feel a guttural moan rip through her throat as Seojun pushed inside her again.
“Oh yeah! Fuck me, just like that!”
Seojun could barely hear Sunny, his lust taking control of his mind and his body, his concentration focused on the incredible tightness of Sunny’s womanhood. With every thrust, he made incremental progress, and it was when he was almost two-thirds deep inside her that he noticed something out of the corner of his eye: the fierce jiggling of Sunny’s boobs responding to the fierceness of his thrusts.
He wasted no time in leaning forward and capturing them with his hands, fondling and massaging and rubbing the soft, pliable flesh in the palm of his hands.
“Yeah, you like feeling up my boobs while you plow me?”
Seojun could only grunt in reply, his grip tightening on her boobs as her pussy tightened around his cock. He didn’t relent on her tits either, not because he particularly wanted to, but because he didn’t have the capacity to do anything else; fortunately, this only fueled the fire of Sunny’s lust. The rougher he got, the tighter and wetter she became, the more resistance was placed against him, which caused him to become even rougher. The cycle repeated over and over, escalating to the point that Seojun was suspecting he was receiving help from Sunny, but frankly, he didn’t care. All he cared about was his release, the ever-building tension in his nethers that, minutes later, finally broke.
“Sunny, fuck!”
With a final, primal scream, Seojun erupted inside Sunny’s tight cunt, never having made it all the way inside, thick rope after thick rope of semen pouring into the small woman’s vagina.
Sunny was reduced to a mewling mess, her body warming up as she struggled to take in and absorb the high-quality sustenance entering her body at such a fast rate. When Seojun’s orgasm subsided half a minute later, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, Seojun resting his head on Sunny’s supple bosom.
“Wow, that was even better than I thought. Thanks for the meal~”
“Sunny, did … did you not cum?”
“Hm?” Sunny tilted her head to look at Seojun, who had lifted his to match her gaze. Seeing the innocent, guilty expression on his face caused her to burst out into laughter. “Aw, how sweet of you to think about that! No, I’m fine.”
Maybe he was spoiled by the fact that absorbing his semen often seemed to be enough for everyone he’s fucked to cum, but the fact that Sunny hadn’t yet somewhat hurt his pride while simultaneously making him feel guilty. “Are you sure? I can eat you out, Taeyeon—”
“It’s really fine, Seojun,” Sunny interrupted him, patting his head gently, like a mother consoling her worried child. “I really did have a great time. Maybe next time, I’ll be able to fit all of you inside me,” she said, playfully smacking his butt a few times.
“Oh … I’m sorry…”
Seeing his dejected face, Sunny couldn’t help but gush at the sight. “Don’t make such a pouty face; really, it’s OK! You know, a woman doesn’t have to orgasm to have enjoyed sex.”
Seojun pulled out, but before he could say much, the door opened. His head snapped towards it, the panic in his body quickly dissipating upon finding a bemused Taeyeon standing at the door.
“Sunny, you know, you don’t have to be so sneaky. You know you can just ask.”
Sunny shot Taeyeon a toothy grin. “It’s more fun this way! Also, notice anything different about your man?”
Taeyeon’s eyes followed Sunny’s, landing squarely on his softening cock. However, her reaction was far from what he expected.
“Really? Why do you always do this? Now my pussy and my mouth have to adjust to his size again! You know that’s more difficult to do after the Servant ritual is performed!”
Although she didn’t sound angry per se, Seojun could clearly tell that this was a less than ideal situation for her. And although she was referring to him, Seojun couldn’t help but feel a little reassured that Taeyeon liked the way she was, even though he personally preferred the way he was now.
“Well, you’re a succubus,” she replied, rolling her eyes at her, “it’s not like it’ll even be that difficult for you.”
Taeyeon sighed. “I mean, you’re right … I mean, at least it was before Tiffany did the ritual with him.”
This got her attention. “Wait. Tiffany?”
Taeyeon nodded, a proud smile now on her face. “Yep. Tiffany.”
“The Tiffany? The, ‘I-don’t-want-to-be-tied-down’ Tiffany? The ‘I-refuse-to-stay-in-one-place-for-more-than-a-week’ Tiffany?”
“That’s the one.”
Seeing Taeyeon being so proud of him made his heart swell in gratitude, but at the same time, there was a nagging voice at the back of his mind telling him that it was through no merits of his own that Taeyeon liked him so much.
“Wow … I mean, I could tell he was higher quality than most, but to be able to tie Tiffany down…” Sunny turned to look at Seojun in awe. “Damn, you really honed your life force well, huh?”
Seojun blinked, then furrowed his brows. “What?”
“The quality of your cum directly corresponds to how well you’ve honed your life force. Of course, most humans don’t really have a reason to do this, but honing your life force is mostly done by expending your life in a way that’s meaningful to you.” Seeing that Seojun was still confused, she continued, “It’s a bit more complex than this, but basically: every human being has a ‘base’ amount of life force and wakes up with some amount of extra life force. However, if you don’t refine it and control it, a buildup of life force, while healthy in small amounts, can poison the ‘base’ life force if left unchecked. This can be counteracted by expending that extra amount of life force that you woke up with, which correlates—again, this is an oversimplification—by how satisfied you feel throughout the day. However, having no small buildup of extra life force can cause your body strain, which will affect your body’s production of life force. So there needs to be a balance between spending your life force and conserving some of it, which you seemed to have done really well.”
So it wasn’t all just luck. That made Seojun feel a little better, but that was about all he got from Sunny’s explanation; he turned to look at Taeyeon, who just shrugged. “I vaguely understand what she means, and I’ve been friends with her for centuries.”
“Don’t worry if you don’t quite get it, it’s imperative for witches and warlocks to know this type of thing since it is how we survive. I don’t have a body that naturally regulates that stuff like Taeyeon’s or Tiffany’s.”
Taeyeon cocked her eyebrow at her before saying, “Let’s get home, we’ll want to give Tiffany some time to get used to … this new development before we start the Servant Ritual.”
Seojun obediently picked up his clothes, leaving Sunny sitting on the bed, still buck naked, watching him. On their way home, Taeyeon posed a question to him. “How was it?”
“It was … very different.”
Taeyeon laughed, a smile naturally forming on Seojun’s face as a result. “Different is great. If you’ve been alive as long as I have, you’ll come to realize that ‘different’ is what you live for.”
That led Seojun back to the thing he was thinking right before he had met Sunny, except this time he knew about witches and warlocks. What other types of demons would he meet in the future? And how many of them would he be able to fuck? Only time would tell.
Hope you didn't mind that little bit of worldbuildilng; not for some time, but more to come! :D
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yeah sorry jean vicquemare apologists and likers me personally im never forgiving him for lying about kim’s condition post tribunal. like you can headcanon harry forced him to do all the work (which is proven false by canon but thats another post) you can say harry deserved everything that happened to him because he was a piece of shit to jean but you cant deny that telling harry his partner is dying (who he is clearly shown to care a lot about) when he’s okay is incredibly scummy and manipulative.
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the game makes sure to point it out that jean is full of shit. it makes sure that you know that kim is safe and in no danger of dying (the yellow sign which in medical terms means its serious but not immediately life-threatening, the fact he can sit up and talk and drink water). he straight up lies to your face about something as serious as your partner being in danger just so he can make you feel bad. fuck you jean vicquemare i hope you step on a landmine and explode
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hikicomic · 3 days
HIKI ARCHIVE - pages 26 to 35
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zipsunz · 11 months
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hometown college party 🎃
(art by me, script by @sunkitty143!)
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deobis · 6 months
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240322 || Sunwoo
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sometimes-online · 1 year
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sunnymarbles · 3 months
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aphmau dump hi guys ^_^ ignore the gross disgusting old 2016-2019 time period art in the corner of redraws
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speakofcompersion · 6 months
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