#Support: Kurthnaga
yukyunotabibito · 6 months
End of Month Report (March): Beorc Students Are the Excitable Sort Aren't They?
Drabble Series Between Nasir and Kurthnaga, Getting Together Once a Month to Share Information
"Oh, you're already here. Early, I see; aren't we, Your Majesty?" Nasir says with a smidge of laughter directed in the young king's direction. Kurthnaga, with a sigh, sets down the book he had been holding upon the coffee table.
"Yes, well..." Kurthnaga taps the book on the table, "I thought I'd get here early to give you that. I found it while browsing through the library and figure it might amuse you."
Nasir hums softly as he picks up the book and flips through it, examining the worn out pages. The just still barely legible ink, the corners of pages torn away by being folded over again and again. It told a story for certain, but that was probably not what Kurthnaga had meant, "Remember Kurthnaga, we are not here to exchange plesantries, we are here to exchange information. We both only have so much time in the day, and it would not do any good to waste it chatting over trivial topics."
"I know," Kurthnaga laughs out gently, the shimmer of youthful innocence still lingering in his ruby eyes, "Allow me to at least ask you if your trip here was pleasant though."
"It was," Other than the excitable child aboard his ship, but she was far easier to deal with than any raging storm. She could be entertained by simple things like dice and cards, a storm could not be, "I had not had a chance to sail in quite some time, I found the journey enjoyable in that aspect at least."
"Oh, Nasir! You didn't have to stay for so long if you craved an adventure! Goldoa would have been fine, things were settling. I would have been fine," Kurthnaga says as he looks up at him, those same innocent eyes trained solely on a man who was nothing but a dirty traitor at his heart.
"We both know why I did not leave sooner," Nasir sits at the couch across from Kurthnaga with a 'polite' smile directed at his young king, "But back to the topic at hand. I know I have just arrived here, and you have just made the journey back, so it may unwise to meet so soon. Still, do tell me: what have you learned this month Kurthnaga?"
The younger dragon perks up excitedly, "Beorc students get oddly competitive and excited over the idea of fighting each other in a field! For a mock battle though... it was still rather..." Kurthnaga retches quietly to himself, though he is not able to hide his digust at the very idea of the blood of others splattered across the green grass from Nasir's prying eyes.
Nasir does not say anything though, out of respect for the boy.
"And... I am not very good at cooking. I fear I may have made something that counted as a biological weapon. It was very poisonious at the very least." Kurthnaga laughs, but Nasir only stares at him in horror, trying not to choke out of shock. No, that should have been expected. Kurthnaga had been raised in the coddled bosom of Goldoa, had not even set foot outside of it until a mere few years ago. Of course he wouldn't have any common sense when it came to things that royalty weren't expected to have to do. Nasir could only hope that no one at died, at the very least. He would have to ask around. Cover up the evidence if that somehow did happen to be the case.
The older dragon clears his throat, "Well... I have not been here long enough to gather any sufficient information. It will have to wait until next month. But until then... please just focus on your studies, Your Majesty. Don't get into trouble. Do not make me have to write back home to Gareth with bad news."
Cooking lessons. Cooking lessons seemed like a good course of action. Nasir makes a mental note to never let Kurthnaga in a kitchen again, not until he's recieved at least two lessons. Goddess help him if he was going to let Kurthnaga get into trouble so soon after returning.
"It's a start though. I'll see you next month, boy. Behave yourself."
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
"Ike!" Kurthnaga waves at the man in greeting, almost having to crane his neck to look up at Ike properly. It feels like it has been forever since he has seen the other man, and perhaps it has. Or least, long enough that he has begun to dearly miss everyone from home.
"How are you doing? It's nice to see you here." He smiles innocently, hugging the books he holds a little closer to his chest. He had been making a run to library before he had spotted the mercenary, but this was a more than welcome distraction.
"Oh wait! Aren't you going to be a Golden Deer professor...? I suppose that makes us coworkers then! It's an honour, Ike!"
"Kurth!?" Imagine Ike's surprise. He had traveled by land and sea across continents to arrive at some distant, strange land...
Only to find a familiar friend had beat him here! But there the dragon prince was, like barely a day had passed since they last saw each other. Ike wasn't one to dwell on things, however, and his shock quickly gave way to a relentless joy.
"Hah! I never would've guessed I'd bump into you! It's no surprise we chose the same house I guess. Looks like we're allies again, and this time we don't have a war to worry about. I'm looking forward to working with you again, old friend."
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egittae · 4 months
[ Say 'Fromage'! ] - The alumna is already in town with her Photo-Artifex replica and, thanks to many of you, she's done with her testing much earlier than anticipated! She promises a one-of-a-kind keepsake in the form of 'photos' ranging from serious to silly, a variety of props to choose from included. If you're feeling particularly daring, maybe you'll even try out the artifex-box?
The young dragon, dressed strangely wearing a t-shirt with a tux painted onto it over his much fancier shirt and vest, barrels over to the taller man, eyes gleaming with joy.
"Sir Lambert, I saw you with my father and Nasir earlier," This is not a threat, no matter how it may sound, "You're taking pictures aren't you? Care to indulge me?"
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"Ah of cour- wait, who's your father?"
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goldoanheart · 3 months
a kiss on their palm, then holding their hand against their own face
(it happens after he fastens that little bracelet, a bead of cheap red quartz held in place with decorative in the leather cord— surely beneath a prince, but just right for his friend, an affectionate kiss planted right above his pulse.
"you like it?" he asks, radiant with excitement.)
Chaste Kisses | Accepting (2/?)
Kurthnaga giggles as Edward's lips brush against his wrist, tender and gentle as he fastened an adorable little bracelet around it. The young dragon resists the urge to pick up Edward and swing him around like he was an Edward hammer, but he still flings his arms around his friend, wrapping him into as tight of a hug as he can muster without hurting the beorc boy.
"Oh Edward!" If his voice sounds a little wavering from how close to crying tears of joy he is, then neither of them will bring it up, "Edward it's lovely! Of course I like it!"
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ourdivinehands · 4 months
[block of cheese] you have been visited by the cheese fairy, kurthnaga. for the low low price of you take his block of cheese, he will have a nice chat with you
"Oh! Hello!" Kurthnaga has finally ventured out of his corner, determined to interact with some new faces. (And he still jingles every step of the way. Oh woe is poor Kurthnaga, the jingling fool.) He holds out a block of cheese to the strange girl with the glowing ears, a smile to match her glow radiant across his face.
"Here! I'll even give you my brooch as well!" He jingles the bell around his neck, on purpose this time, "If you want, that is!"
"wuh--" She was approached by the man who... seemed to jingle every step he took. Ratatoskr was taking a break from her pomegranate quest what was even more strange was the block of cheese she was offered.
"Is... this for me" She smiles anyways as she takes the cheese and the small bell. "Thank you! I really appreciate it-- Im Ratatoskr! I hope we can talk more after this!"
She hands him her bell! The girl attaches her new bell where the old one was before taking a huge bite out of the cheese. Yum!
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knighteclipsed · 4 months
[ Cue the Music ] - Dancing's what tonight's all about, is it not? Grab a friend or a stranger and get to twirling (or whatever it is the kids call it nowadays).
He dances only where eyes are not watching and only brief spurts—never in the center of the ballroom, never more than one song in a row. In fact, he spends less time dancing than anywhere else, though he knows the idle chatter of the dance floor was the best place to pry out secrets.
(All the better in a masquerade.)
So when timid little Kurthnaga approaches, Valter some several songs since his last dance, he has little reason to decline. Even if he felt there was little to be gained information-wise, what harm was it to unearth just one more mystery?
(Like why he was afraid of arrows. That could have a fun little story behind it.)
The last song wanes and Valter takes the other’s hand, adding with a shifty smile:
“ If you insist. ”
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gentlenekomata · 2 years
opportunity of memories | Sakura&Kurthnaga
continued from here | w/ @goldoandragonprince​
The more she listened to him, the more curiosity grew in her stomach, till it rose up from her lips, that curled in a rosy smile since she couldn’t help but think about the many questions that sounded in her mind, as she tried to keep the pace with the conversation. She had to concentrate on her dance moves too, since they were in the middle of a ballet, but obviously this wasn’t her main interest, right now.
Nodding and moving slowly, she tried putting all her thoughts together and formulate a sentence, while the couple continued with their dance.
“I’m really curious now. You mention a kingdom… where are you from?” she asked, then proceeded with the discourse, adding more information about her too, since she thought it might sound impolite asking such things without even saying a thing about yourself. “I’m from a faraway kingdom too! Its name is Hoshido and it’s everything to me and my family” she lowered her gaze for a moment, before regaining the eye contact with him.
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"Do you miss your kingdom too?" it was a rather delicate question, she perfectly knew it, but she wanted to know more and more about him.
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foreversnightmare · 1 year
opinions of you - closed
it seems non-humans are very common here, It gives her some sort of comfort for her, that this academy takes in so many mystical students / or employers. If only Zenith was that way-- maybe they wouldnt have all the issues they have now.
As for the boy himself, Freyja doesnt know much about him-- truly just another face in the sea of faces. Not that its a bad thing, maybe he wishes to be seen that way.
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regnumaves · 2 years
Laguz to Laguz Communication ❁ Tibarn & Kurthnaga
The move back to the Academy has generally gone without problems. His room and office both were waiting for him mostly untouched, save for whoever swept the dust off the furniture, which - he’s grateful for that and all, but it’s not like he plans to spend more time here than he has to.
Indeed, as soon as he’s settled with everything he needs, he takes his leave. Time to stretch his wings and get the locals once again used to the sight of him. The last thing he needs is for someone to think him a monster and attempt to shoot him down, or some other nonsense. He ain’t no monster, but the people of Fódlan are not accustomed to shapeshifters, and he knows that.
Now they WOULD get accustomed pretty quickly, though, if that guy were to transform in front of everyone! Tibarn feels a grin emerge on his beak at the sight of a familiar face at the western courtyard. He’d known already that the Dragon Prince - king, actually, which is just funny to think about in a way - made his way to Garreg Mach some time ago already. He finds himself curious as to how he’s been handling a world full of strangers, after a whole life of being unable to see any at all.
“Oi! Prince Kurthnaga!” His voice thunders over the place while he lowers himself to the ground, untransforming as his feet reach the soil. “Nice to see you again! It’s been a while. How have you been?”
His eyes measure Kurthnaga from head to toe, before he laughs. “So tell me with all honesty, which do you think sounds funnier: Professor Kurthnaga or Professor Tibarn? Because I cannot decide.”
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freedomarrow · 2 years
My Good Friend Micaiah (Derogatory) || Leonardo & Kurthnaga
Now this takes him back, in a way. He did not actually end up in jail back at Glaive, though it got close enough. No doubt this is an even bigger blast from the past for poor Kurthnaga - now Professor Kurthnaga, but back then, a Dragon prince for whom the prison cell was probably one of his first experiences of the world outside Goldoa.
He glances around, worried. The town had already received news of the imposter prior to their arrival, but that ended up being a double-edged sword as they, too, wound up attracting suspicion. Neither the documents from the Church nor his Academy uniform helped dispel it - the former brushed aside as forgery, the latter ignored as disguise - and now, they find themselves held in custody, presumably until the word reaches the monastery and they send someone else to vouch for them. Which might take several days.
“... And I’m sure you’d rather not wait for ages, right?” As though to answer his thoughts (an ability normal for his actual friend, this one was merely responding to what had been said aloud earlier), the “Micaiah” chimes in, and the more he listens to what feels almost like a mockery of Micaiah’s voice, the more annoyed Leonardo gets, even if he continues to successfully conceal it.
“So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” She continues, and Leonardo looks over at Kurthnaga, hoping the Dragon will chime in - not finding it in himself to answer for now.
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yunakitry · 2 years
golden hour
The monastery sure is filled with more than anything she believes she may have once witnessed. It is nearly impossible to miss the bustling and gossip from this place’s students, finding herself (just a teensy bit) curious about their workings.
Thus, she waits until class is over one day— As the sun starts to set and the conversations diminish. Peaking her head into the Golden Deer classroom, she only spots a singular face. There are little spaces in this room for someone else to hide, eyes scanning the chairs and desks in quick succession. No shadows. No movement. All clear.
Sauntering into the room with a smile sitting atop her face, she greets warmly and cheerfully: “Zappy! This is the Golden Deer classroom, right?” It’s obvious enough from decorations alone compared to the other two classrooms only mere steps away. Nonetheless, it’s not as if the particular one made much of a difference to her.
“I’ve gotta say— The classrooms in this place are much more impressive than you might think.” She strolls towards one of the empty desks, allowing herself to sit as her palms place themselves atop the desk. “Oh— Totally forgot about introductions there for a minute. You can call me Yunaka! I’m not a student, so.. Consider me curious! What exactly goes on in here?”
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yukyunotabibito · 3 months
End of Month Report (June): Illusionary Realm
Drabble Series Between Nasir and Kurthnaga, Getting Together Once a Month to Share Information (Last One)
Nasir finds Kurthnaga, as to be expected, cowering in a corner away from the observation of the illusion. Every inch of his body shakes with small termors, hands held tightly over his ears like that will change his perception of what exactly he was afraid of. It would have been far more logical for him to cover his eyes, were he to run and hide from all sight of one of the few things Kurthnaga brought himself to hate more than anything else in this world.
But Nasir should have learned long ago, that Kurthnaga's actions were often not as logical as he would want them to be. Kurthnaga was still young, still learning and taking leaps in judgement that were not always the most correct, acting on his emotion rather than his logic more often than not.
Almost three centuries into his lifespan, and yet still so much of a child. Not even yet past the appearance of a beorc teenager, young and stumbling along his path towards the future. Too young and immature to be a king, Nasir thinks to himself as he kneels beside the boy, gently prying his hands off of his cowering face as he tilted Kurthnaga's chin up to look at him.
(The boy often stood in stark contrast to Ena to Nasir. Ena who surely had to grow up far faster than Kurthnaga, because she had lost her parents so young - and though Nasir tried his best, there was no way he was always the perfect replacement. While Kurthnaga was ever coddled, raised and treasured as Goldoa's youngest, naive eyes held closed by his guardians while he longed for an escape. Perhaps the difference was that Ena had been far more free than Kurthnaga ever had been, even now.)
"Kurthnaga, look at me," Nasir says, calmly but not gently. The boy looks up at him, red eyes brimming with tears and all but throws himself into the white dragon's arms.
"Nasir! I know it wasn't... it wasn't real but... you...!" He manages to sob out, into the older dragon's shoulder, tears staining Nasir's white cloak as shudders wrack through Kurthnaga's small body. To Nasir, it was nothing more than a combat test, an illusion put forth by the academy to test their skills, to make sure that they would be ready for whatever was to come in the future. It was simple, and it was plain, nothing more than that.
But to Kurthnaga, as the observer, one not in the midst of the battle of illusion, one who was always so afraid of what battle had to hold for him that he would flee even at the mere thought of catching sight of a single drop of blood, why... he must have felt like he was watching the events of his worst nightmares go down in real time.
Nasir had failed to consider that, when searching out the boy. He knew he would likely be scared, but not how... affected he would truly be.
"Kurthnaga," Nasir is tempted to scold the boy, but holds his tongue as they sit side by side against the cold stone floor, Kurthnaga still sobbing into his shoulder. The poor thing, couldn't even hold his head up strong. But alas, he was still a child. He did not need to stand completely on his own quite yet. Until he could, Nasir would be always close, "Fine then, cry all you like. But remember: someday, there will not be someone to hold you while you cower in fear. What a king you make, dear boy."
Someday. But that day was certainly not today.
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shadesofpurity · 2 years
"Artur..." Kurthnaga's voice is weak as he approaches the other man, crimson eyes trembling with a fear that he is a bit more unwilling to let shine through in front of the teammates he has been assigned. Even with Micaiah around, there are still many people he does not know, people he is not willing to expose his whole soul to as of yet.
He knows Artur has been assigned to the guard, and he hopes, he prays, that nothing bad will happen to them outside of the dream. He also knows his love isn't the strongest person in the world, and he almost wishes that they could trade places, however weak willed Kurth was when it came to battle.
He takes Artur's hand in his own, gripping it tightly, seeking one last bit of calm before the storm, before he has to leave him for who knows how long, and he feels like crying standing there. He leans his head gently into his lover's shoulder, holding back tears to the best of his abilities.
"Please stay safe, my love. I'd hate for anything to happen to you while I am helpless to keep anyone who remains outside of the dream safe. And please keep me safe as well... I'm afraid of what could happen out here in the tangible world. Just... just stay safe, alright. I... I love you..."
“I promise.. I promise I will come back to you safe, Kurth. I swear, on the gods above, if they have heard my prayers.. that none of our comrades will be taken from us on this night. I don’t know what kind of incomprehensible horrors could await in Rusalka’s dreams, but i beg of you… you mustn’t give in, never lose sight of reality and the dreams you still have yet to fulfill in the here and now.”
Artur had to blink his tears back, doing his best to give Kurth his usual gentle smile. Nobody was going to die, especially not his beloved or his friends.
“I love you too, Kurth, I promise i’m not going anywhere.”
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egittae · 3 months
For once, Kurthnaga wishes that his relationship with his father was simple. That he could just go to the ever stubborn King Dheginsea and ask for whatever he wanted. Perhaps he could have when he was younger, but the older he got the more complicated things had seemed to become. Sometimes he thought he was closer to Gareth than his own father, because at least Gareth was always right there when he needed him.
The young dragon approaches tentatively, unsure, and looks up at Lambert.
“Sir Lambert… if you wouldn't mind… could I just have a hug?”
“Kurthnaga, is it?”
At first, Lambert found it a bit odd. By now he knew that Kurthnaga was one of Dheginsea’s sons, the other being Rajaion, however he didn’t know how their family dynamic was exactly. While Dheginsea seemed like a man who, while strict and serious, had a good heart, Lambert couldn’t comment on how his sons perceived him. Though, if the professor had to make a wild guess…Dheginsea seemed like a leader type, and something in his heart felt the distant familiar ripples from being unfortunately aware that leadership could strain a family’s relationship.
While Lambert couldn’t interfere in the matters of a family that wasn’t his own, if he could at least offer this young one some joy, he would. He wrapped his arms around Kurthnaga, giving him a warm and caring embrace. “Of course. There is no need to hold back, give it all you got.” The professor encouraged him with a pat on the head and a chuckle in his voice.
“You are Rajaion’s little sibling, correct? I am delighted that I was able to get to know your family, even if by a happy accident. You have a kind heart, I can see it.” Lambert looked at him, smiling.
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goldoanheart · 4 months
“KURTHNAGA!! OVER HEREEEE!!!” The young princess waves her hands in the air as she spots the familiar face amongst the crowd, smiling as widely as ever. “WAIT. NO. STAY THERE! I’LL COME TO YOU!”
Hiking up her dress so she won’t trip, she ‘skillfully’ manages to not trip navigates her way through the crowd until she’s in front of the… …actually she’s not really sure what he is. She could’ve sworn she remembered him as a teacher for some reason, but that doesn’t sound right… eh, whatever.
As soon as she’s close enough, she points to the brooch on the other, more specifically the bell adorning it. “Hah! I knew it!” She beams victoriously before pointing at her own bell, like that would explain whatever it is she’s talking about somehow. “I heard everyone got a different thing, but I knew I heard another bell somewhere, hehe! Twins, yay!”
She giggles for another moment, before clapping, face lighting up as though she suddenly had an idea. “Oh! Oh! Do you wanna switch? We can see how long it takes for someone to notice, hehe!  Secret swap, breaking the rules! but not in like a crime way. crime is bad.”
"Elise!!!" The dragon king responds with as much energy as Elise calls out to him with, bouncing happily on his heels to be able to see her here at the ball. Was she having fun? She looked like she was having fun. He really hoped that she was having fun.
The telltale twinkling of the bell that he has become familiar with resonates from Elise's own brooch and Kurthnaga claps his hands together gleefully, "Oh! We match! How cute!"
His own bell is something like a little curse, jingling with every single one of his steps. He couldn't go around anywhere without ringing incessently. His presence was never a surprise, but if he stayed quiet in the corner, observing all the beorc staff and students out of his constant curiosity, then no one really noticed him. (Sometimes he liked that, at events with lots of people. To fade away into a crowd and remain unnoticed. Normally, he wouldn't want that... but there was something about it when he was able to people watch to his heart's content.)
"Switch?" Kurthnaga quirks his head to the side, green bob falling onto his shoulder as a smile lights up across his face, "Of course! Let's switch! What a fun idea! We can make it a little game even!"
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“Oh, hello!” Kaden didn’t waste any time, immediately reaching his hand out in a friendly gesture for the other. “I’m Kaden! I’m a kitsune! …Oh! Also a knight.” His tail swayed behind him ever so slightly in pride at his declaration. He nearly forgot to mention the latter part, but that’s probably what the people here care about most, rather than the kitsune thing. Which is sad because kitsune are awesome, but whatever. He can put that minor human priority issue aside for now. He is very professional.
“And you are…? Wait, no no, lemme guess!” Kaden tilted his head slightly, tail slowing down, his eyes narrowing in concentration. Okay… think, Kaden, think. Judging by the uniform, probably a teacher or student… smells a bit like the area around that yellow themed room he walked by earlier… “Hm… are you… a student— No, wait! A teacher! For the Golden Deer? Yeah, you gotta be! Haha! I know, I know, I’m incredible. Hold your applause, please. Or don’t! Clap it up if the feeling strikes!”
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