variousvicarious · 2 years
i'm addicted to this release. it's stunning and you should go check it out if you like dark savory sweet things that are made with care.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
not a dream
Is anyone watching Amazon's Night Sky? It's an SF show about a retired couple (played by J.K. Simmons and Sissy Spacek) who have discovered a portal in their yard that leads to another planet.
It's a great show and I'm watching it for the plot, the plot being:
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Surachai 'Chai' Hansen Romruen
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reinaazarolla · 10 months
STATUS: Closed for @not-sriracha WHERE: Spring carnival WHEN: Some afternoon, during a break from the dunk tank.
Volunteering for the dunk tank was proving rather fun, even if the water was a little colder than she expected and the weather wasn't as warm as she wanted, it was still a lot of fun. Before Reina knew it, it was break time. She took the beach towel she brought with her and dried herself before slipping a pair of shorts on and her shoes. She left the towel drapped over her shoulders as she walked toward the nearby food stalls.
"Hmmm," she hummed. As she stood there looking at all of her options she was occasionally scrunching her hair with the towel trying to dry it some more so it wasn't dripping wet. "What to get, what to get." Reina said singing a little tune to herself as she repeated the question.
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alienssapiens · 1 year
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Surachai Mawornkanong
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cara-mrrsn · 10 months
who: @not-sriracha when/where: the carnival, anytime
When Cara saw Surachai, she did a double take, lips parting in surprise as a hint of a smile appeared on her face. Though she immediately wondered why he hadn't sought her out- why she was left in the dark about him returning. If it had something to do with Greer, or something to do with her, or....she had no idea. SHe had thought they were close. Cara immediately strode through the crowd, noting the way people seemed to gawk at her, sidestep out of her way - even that wasn't enough to distract her from her mission. "You didn't tell me you were coming back," she said as she stopped in front of him, an accusatory glare darkening her eyes.
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idaclarke · 10 months
@not-sriracha when: spring carnival where: kissing booth
it was definitely questionable, for a variety of reasons, for there to be a school sponsored kissing booth. but ida didn't want to dive into the ethics of that, she just wanted to kiss hot people, all in the name of charity or something. so there she was, ready for her shift, applying chapstick as she leaned against the table of the booth, head resting on her hand as she waited for the people to line up. looking around, she noticed a familiar face pass by and had a brilliant thought. "dartboard!" she yelled out with a flirty wave, evidently pleased with spotting him and grabbing his attention. "you wanna come donate to charity for a kiss?"
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logiyande · 10 months
who: @not-sriracha
where: the ogden carnival, the corn dog stand
"shoot, i think i burned it." logan pulled the corn dog out of the frier with the same tentativeness of someone holding a mouse by its tail. after getting splashed by the hot oil twice in her volunteer shift, she didn't think she'd ever eat a french fry again. "you can have it for free if you still want it, since it's a fuckup. i don't think anyone's auditing the cash drawer."
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the-memphista · 8 months
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Pangina Heals
Ph: Surachai Saengsuwan, Mua: Naruedom Putipan, Hair: Khanawut Ruangroj, Dress: Thee-Si, Jewerly: Miulitary
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not-sriracha · 10 months
╰・open starter.
・location/time: ogden campus quad / midterms week (mar. 20th - mar. 24th) | ~ 12:00 PM
Springtime in New Hampshire is criminally cold. Lounging on a bench, Surachai fixes the collar on his black leather jacket to vainly cover his neck, standing out like a sore thumb. He's an outfit repeater, but he's also strapped for cash. Besides, even if he changed his look, no one would believe he'd change his ways. Y'know that saying about tigers and stripes. Once adequately shielded from zealous breezes, Dartboard grimaces at a pair of students lounging on the green, curious how they find the fortitude to sunbathe. Midterm Madness, probably.
Speaking of which, he checks his watch. He's got time to kill until the next exam. He neatly draws a single menthol Salem from the carton in his jacket pocket, fishing for his Zippo lighter when he realizes he's left the thing at his pad off-campus. But he wouldn't be Dartboard if he didn't have a backup. His fingers undo the other pocket underneath and find a plastic spark wheel. Fire meets paper, and smoke spews from his lips in an even, thin stream.
"You can sit if you want," Dartboard offers, a glance toward whoever Fate has chosen to cross the devil's path and linger. He gestures with his left hand at the ample space on the bench. Maybe they know him or, probably, they know ofhim. There aren't many unaware of Ogden's infamous miscreant and his rare appearances on campus. It's all up to chance, but Surachai has that feeling of Fate in his corner today. "Or stand; it doesn't matter to me."
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ollieinoue · 11 months
Waverly Dorm 201 after exams before spring break [ @not-sriracha ]
He'd been intending to stay at school for spring break, or maybe head back home, but he hadn't thought he'd be doing anything special. Not until Jacqui insisted that Ollie come with them to California. By 'insisted' he meant they asked if he wanted to. At first he'd said no. He was in a terrible place currently and he would just make everything miserable. However … He'd never been to California before, and he did love Jacqui. So, they talked him into it. By 'talked him into it' he meant asked 'are you sure?' So, now he was packing and wildly ocellated between super excited to be able to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time, and remembering all the reasons he'd been intending to stay in bed the entire spring break like a pathetic little bitch. Because he was a pathetic little bitch.
Packing wasn't really turning out to be the great distraction he wanted, so he decided to grab a friend from nearby to help him. Ollie's eyes definitely didn't linger on Monty's door as he ventured out into the hall. A mix of anxiety and hope that he'd accidently run into him, but whether for better or worse he didn't. Instead he grabbed Surachai from a few doors down and dragged him back to his room, explaining that he was going to be spending Spring Break in California and he needed help packing. "So, just… like imagine if you were going on spring break with the intent of getting fucked up so much you forgot your name," as if there was something else to do during Spring Break, "what would you pack? But pretend you're me and not you." Because him and Dart couldn't be two more different people.
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shujubeelamoglia · 2 years
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Pangina Heals
Photography by Surachai Saengsuwan
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At its best, phleng phuea chiwit (เพลงเพื่อชีวิต, translated as songs for life) is a genre of music that communicates the immense perseverance of the working-class in the face of continued oppression. A genre of music that champions the rights of the working-class with songs that inspire solidarity.
The origins of phleng phuea chiwit can be traced back to the 1970s during the popular movement preempting the October 1973 uprising. The popular music of the day, luk thung, featured troupes of dancers, loud instruments, and extravagant stage shows. It was born from the era of social engineering perpetuated by Phibunsongkhram. Students criticized the genre and did not see it as a viable form of protest music. Thus, phleng phuea chiwit was born.
‘“When I was young I listened to Luk Thung, but I was looking for something else. We wanted to shout at the government. Luk Thung lyrics did not deal with serious issues.” – Nga Caravan (Vater, 2003).
The songs of phleng phuea chiwit were influenced by the aforementioned genres, as well as Isaan melodies and the prominent folk music scene in America (e.g. Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, and Pete Seeger). Inspired by Jitt Phumisak and his ‘Art for Life’ ideology, the songs were criticisms of social hierarchies, imperialism, and championed the rights of laborers, farmers, and the rest of the working-class.
It was student activists that formed many of the genre’s bands; Caravan was formed by student activists (Surachai Jantimathawn (Nga Caravan) and Wirasak Sunthawnsi) from Ramkhamhaeng University. The period from 1973 to 1976 is when Caravan and other phleng phuea chiwit artists enjoyed their first peak in popularity. It was the October 6 1976 massacre and subsequent coup that forced Thai communists (including Caravan and many other phleng phuea chiwit artists) to flee into hiding.
While in hiding, artists and students were responsible for writing and recording communist propaganda (e.g. Ramwong neung thanwa and Ramwong su rop).
The communist insurgency began to decline with PM Prem Tinsulanonda’s amnesty in 1980. Over the following years more and more CPT members, students, artists, and others in hiding began to return to the public sphere. Caravan began releasing albums again, and in a move that echoed their Western counterparts, soon went electric.
Music for Life - Revisited
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tzeenjblog · 11 days
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schoenes-thailand · 4 months
Bangkok: Fünf Immigrations-Beamte zu je 15 Jahren Haft wegen Erpressung eines Chinesen verurteilt
Fünf Einwanderungspolizisten wurden gestern zu jeweils 15 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt, nachdem sie vom Strafgericht wegen Erpressung, Korruption und Fehlverhalten für schuldig befunden wurden, 10 Millionen Baht von einem chinesischen Geschäftsmann als Gegenleistung dafür erpresst zu haben, dass sie eine Anklage gegen ihn fallen ließen. Der sechste Angeklagte, ein Zivilist namens „Surachai“, wurde zu zehn Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Der Anklageschrift der Staatsanwaltschaft zufolge verhafteten die fünf Einwanderungsbeamten den chinesischen Geschäftsmann am 10. März letzten Jahres in seinem Wohnsitz in der Gegend von Din Daeng unter dem Vorwurf der Verwendung eines gefälschten thailändischen Personalausweises. Der Chinese und seine thailändische Freundin wurden zu einem Fahrzeug gebracht, das sie dann zu mehreren anderen Orten als der Einwanderungsbehörde brachte.
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Während der Fahrt forderten die Beamten vom Geschäftsmann 10 Millionen Baht als Gegenleistung für die Einstellung der Anklage. Der Geschäftsmann stimmte dem Deal zu und schickte digitales Geld an einen der Beamten, bevor beide freigelassen wurden. Die Thailänderin erstattete später Anzeige bei der Polizei gegen die fünf Einwanderungsbeamten und Surachai. / Thai PBS World   Read the full article
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ogdencollegerp · 11 months
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On behalf of Ogden College, we’re pleased to offer you admission for the next semester. Please complete our new member checklist, and let us know if you need an extension !!! If you were accepted with a secondary FC choice and need to adjust anything about your app, please submit the changes with your account.
{ MICHAEL CIMINO, 23, CIS MAN, HE/HIM } Is that MALAKAI SPENCER? A SOPHOMORE originally from NEW HAMPSHIRE, they decided to come to Ogden College to study CREATIVE WRITING on an ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE HOMEGROWN HERO on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance. 
{ WICHIPAS SUMETTIKUL, 23, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM } Is that SURACHAI "DARTBOARD" KATHALIPATRASAMIT? A SENIOR originally from MANHATTAN, NY, USA, by way of BANGKOK, THAILAND, they decided to come to Ogden College to study BUSINESS and minor in MARKETING. They’re THE MISCREANT on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
{ FIONA PALOMO, TWENTY, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER } Is that CARMEN HEARST? A SOPHOMORE originally from LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study PRE-MED. They’re THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance. 
{ MIDORI FRANCIS, 20, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER } Is that MIKA ISHII? A SOPHOMORE originally from POTTSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study POLITICAL SCIENCE on an ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE ACTIVIST on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
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Surachai Puthikulangkura is a CGI illustrator from Thailand, he created these pieces as a part of a campaign by the robin wood foundation. In these images he depicts habitat destruction in varying parts of the world, we see the arctic, rainforest and forest. The arctic polar bear is affected by oil companies, the rainforest monkey by forest fires and the forest deer by deforestation. He demonstrates the effect of human abuse on the environment, it’s thought-provoking, seeing such huge destruction on a small level, on the backs of the animals the things that are killing them.
I personally like this series of prints as if you zoom in, there is more and more to see, the detail is extraordinary, the images are simple to understand, everyone can feel what is going on, there is a sort of collage feel to them, and overall they are very effective images, they really do make you think.
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Hughes, R. (2016) You've never seen paintings of environmental degradation that look like this, The Inertia. Available at: https://www.theinertia.com/mountain/youve-never-seen-paintings-of-environmental-degradation-that-look-like-this/ (Accessed: February 28, 2023).
The real illusionist: Surachai Puthikulangkura (2019) Campaign Brief Asia. Available at: https://campaignbriefasia.com/2019/05/20/the-real-illusionist-surachai-puthikulangkura/ (Accessed: February 28, 2023).
You've never seen habitat destruction like this before (no date) Teton Gravity Research. Available at: https://www.tetongravity.com/story/culture/youve-never-seen-habitat-destruction-like-this-before (Accessed: February 20, 2023).
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