#Surveillance Cameras for Home Security
zumainthyfuture · 1 year
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Marie Van Brittan Brown, born on January 7, 1922, was an African-American nurse and inventor from Queens, New York City. In 1966, at the age of 44, she came up with the brilliant idea to create a unique home surveillance device with a closed circuit television security system.
She and her husband, Albert L. Brown, applied for the patent and invented a system with a motorized camera that could show images on a monitor. That patent (#3,482,037) was eventually granted, and her invention went on to become a technological precursor to how modern day home security systems would be designed.
Brown's invention had very unique features for the time; The motorized camera at the door could slide up and down to look out of four peepholes. Anything the camera captured would be displayed on a monitor. Her system also included a radio-controlled lock that would allow the front door to remotely unlocked, and an audio-video alarm system that could be used to see and communicate with whoever was at the door.
For her genius invention, which obviously contributed to the future of home security systems, Brown was given a prestigious award by the National Scientists Committee (NSC). But for the most part, her invention has gone unnoticed and undocumented by the mainstream media and literature.
Sadly, Marie Van Brittan Brown died on February 2, 1999 at the age of 77-years old.
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desertrosew · 10 months
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techcomengineering · 2 years
Opt for the Perfect Quality Wireless Camera
Taking proper steps seriously is highly required when you are in need of the best quality surveillance system. You have to check for the best specifications that would help in serving your security requirement. 
This is why you have to keep all your concepts cleared by having a look at the perfect quality surveillance items. So, you should be quite specific in choosing the right and perfect source that would provide the best equipment for your office and home. At Techcom Engineering Pte Ltd, different types of equipment are found that help to get your requirements served.
Choosing a high-resolution wireless camera is possible when you try to connect with us. You would be able to find that our products are highly effective and that also proves to be quite effective for its use. 
Therefore, making your perfect selection of high-quality items can definitely lead to feeling much glad for choosing our services. Once we receive your order request, we make sure of delivering it in the fastest way possible. So, you can find your order that would get instant delivery to your doorstep in the shortest possible time.
When you try to approach us at Techcom Engineering Pte Ltd, you can even look forward to high-quality CCTV cameras. We always sell the best products where you never have to find yourself compromising on anything. Our customer support can help you to find all your questions or queries cleared. 
We also deeply focus on our client’s budget and try to provide the best and cost-effective services to meet your level of requirement. You would really find our products to be quite helpful where we provide other useful services like telecommunication cabling, fiber backbone cabling, door access system, etc. With our right quality items, you can surely find it to be of much help to you.
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It's good to check the footage before jumping to conclusions.
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virtualmerchandise · 29 days
Rexing SDB1 + Free 2 Year Warranty Smart Wireless Video Doorbell Camera 1080p Recording with WiFi
Ring Doorbell Chime | Rechargeable Battery | Two-Way Intercom | Motion Activated | Push Alerts | Night Vision | App
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plplocks · 1 month
A Comprehensive Guide to Making Your Home Locks More Secure
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In today’s world, ensuring the security of your home is of paramount importance. Your home is your sanctuary, where you and your loved ones should feel safe and protected at all times. One of the fundamental aspects of home security is the strength and reliability of your locks. By taking proactive steps to enhance the security of your locks, you can significantly reduce the risk of burglary and unauthorized entry. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and techniques to make your home locks more secure.
Upgrade to High-Security Locks:
Traditional pin and tumbler locks are vulnerable to picking and bumping techniques used by intruders. Consider upgrading to high-security locks, such as smart locks or locks with advanced anti-pick and anti-bump features. These locks offer enhanced protection against unauthorized access and provide you with greater control over who can enter your home.
Reinforce Door Frames and Strike Plates:
Strengthening the door frames and strike plates of your exterior doors is essential for preventing forced entry. Install heavy-duty strike plates with longer screws to anchor them securely into the door frame. Additionally, consider reinforcing the doorjamb with metal or steel reinforcements to prevent it from being kicked in during a burglary attempt.
Install Deadbolts:
Deadbolts are one of the most effective deterrents against forced entry. Install deadbolt locks on all exterior doors, including front and back doors, as well as garage and patio doors. Opt for deadbolts with a minimum one-inch throw bolt and hardened steel inserts to resist drilling and sawing attacks.
Utilize Keyless Entry Systems:
Keyless entry systems offer convenience and security by eliminating the need for traditional keys. Consider installing electronic keypad locks or smart locks that allow you to enter your home using a unique PIN code or smartphone app. These systems also enable you to grant temporary access to trusted individuals, such as house guests or service providers, without the need for physical keys.
Read more at: A Comprehensive Guide to Making Your Home Locks More Secure
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havellsindia001 · 2 months
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Smart Security: Wi-Fi Video Doorbell with Access Control | Crabtree India
Explore Crabtree India's Wi-Fi Video Doorbell with Access Control for enhanced home security. Stay connected to your doorstep with remote access and control features, ensuring peace of mind wherever you are.
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advertisingmarketing · 3 months
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seccamsla · 3 months
Key Features for Your Perfect CCTV System
So you’ve decided to invest in a CCTV system – fantastic choice! But with so many options on the market, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Fear not! Here’s a breakdown of the key features you need to consider for a security system that truly sees it all: Crystal Clear Vision: Grainy footage is useless. Look for high-resolution cameras (at least 1080p) that capture sharp images, even…
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knwlocks21 · 4 months
Fortifying Your Fortress: A Comprehensive Guide to Home Break-In Avoidance
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The sanctity of our homes, where we seek solace and security, is paramount. Unfortunately, the threat of break-ins looms, making it essential for homeowners to be proactive in securing their residences. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore a plethora of strategies and tips to fortify your home and minimize the risk of break-ins, ensuring a safer living environment for you and your loved ones.
1. Understanding the Burglar's Mindset
To effectively avoid home break-ins, it's crucial to understand the mindset of potential intruders. Burglars often seek easy targets – homes with minimal security measures and signs of vulnerability. By comprehending their tactics, you can implement targeted strategies to counteract them.
2. Strengthening Entry Points
The first line of defense against break-ins is fortifying entry points. Start with robust door security, including high-quality deadbolt locks and reinforced frames. Windows should also be secured with reliable locks or shatter-resistant glass. Consider upgrading to smart locks for added convenience and security.
3. Home Security Systems
Investing in a comprehensive home security system is a proactive step towards deterring burglars. Modern systems include features like motion sensors, surveillance cameras, and 24/7 monitoring. Visible signs and stickers indicating your home is protected can act as a powerful deterrent, dissuading potential intruders from attempting a break-in.
4. Outdoor Lighting
A well-lit exterior is an effective deterrent against break-ins. Install motion-activated lights around entry points and pathways, eliminating dark corners where burglars could hide. Timers on outdoor lights can create the illusion of an occupied home, discouraging opportunistic criminals.
5. Neighborhood Watch and Community Engagement
Active participation in a neighborhood watch program fosters a sense of community security. Regular communication with neighbors, sharing information about suspicious activities, and organizing community events can create a united front against potential intruders. A vigilant community is less likely to be targeted.
6. Reinforcing Fences and Gates
The perimeter of your property is another crucial aspect of home security. Reinforce fences and gates to deter unauthorized access. Consider installing gates with secure locks, and keep them closed when not in use. A well-maintained and secure boundary acts as an additional layer of defense.
7. Securing Valuables and Concealing Identities
Avoid showcasing valuables through windows, as this can attract burglars. Use curtains or blinds to conceal the interior of your home. Additionally, secure valuable items in a safe or a hidden location. Keep packaging discreet when disposing of expensive items to avoid advertising your possessions.
8. Social Media Caution
Exercise discretion on social media platforms. Refrain from broadcasting travel plans or extended periods away from home. Oversharing can inadvertently provide information to potential intruders about your absence, making your home a target. Save your vacation updates for after your return.
9. Home Automation and Remote Monitoring
Embrace home automation to create the appearance of an occupied home. Smart technology allows you to control lights, thermostats, and even blinds remotely. Programmable timers can mimic your daily routines, giving the impression that someone is at home, discouraging burglars.
10. Professional Home Security Assessment
Consider hiring professionals to conduct a thorough assessment of your home's security. They can identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for improvements. This may include reinforcing doors, upgrading locks, or suggesting additional security features based on your specific needs.
11. Emergency Preparedness
Develop an emergency plan for your family, including a designated meeting point and communication strategy. In the event of a break-in or another crisis, having a well-practiced plan can help minimize panic and ensure everyone's safety.
By adopting a proactive approach to home break-in avoidance, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to burglary. Integrating a combination of advanced security technology, community engagement, and common-sense practices can transform your home into a fortress. Take the necessary steps today to safeguard your most cherished space and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-protected home.
For personalized assistance and expert advice on enhancing your home security, consider reaching out to professionals such as Kennesaw Locksmith Pro. Their specialized locksmith services can further fortify your home, providing you with tailored solutions to ensure optimal security for you and your loved ones. With the expertise of Kennesaw Locksmith Pro, you can fortify your home against potential threats and enjoy the comfort of a secure living space.
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Terrifying Home Invasion Foiled | Watch the Shocking Turn of Events Caught on Cameras! "In this heart-pounding video, witness a chilling home invasion attempt that takes a sudden and unexpected turn. Homeowners everywhere need to see the dramatic events that unfolded as a brave individual stood their ground against intruders. Our cameras captured every tense moment, revealing the power of quick thinking and resilience in the face of danger. Join us as we analyze the footage, discuss crucial home security tips, and explore how this harrowing experience turned into a lesson in self-defense. Don't miss out on this gripping tale of a home invasion gone wrong, reminding us all of the importance of being prepared and staying vigilant. Your safety matters, and this video serves as a stark reminder that sometimes, the unexpected heroes emerge in the darkest moments."
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adoxsolutions · 7 months
The Impact of CCTV on Home Security Systems: A Modern Shield
In an age where technology has seamlessly combined into our daily lives, home security has seen a significant transformation. Among the many innovations, Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) has emerged as a powerful tool, fundamentally changing the landscape of home security. Let’s delve into the impactful ways CCTV has become a modern shield for homes.
1. Deterrence and Prevention:
The mere presence of CCTV cameras in Qatar acts as a powerful obstacle to potential intruders. Knowing that their actions are being recorded and monitored often prevents criminals from attempting a break-in. In this way, CCTV systems provide a proactive layer of defense, preventing security incidents before they occur.
2. Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts:
Advanced CCTV systems offer real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing homeowners to keep a watchful eye on their property regardless of their physical location. With remote access through smartphones or computers, homeowners can accept alerts and notifications in case of suspicious activity. This instantaneous information empowers quick decision-making, enabling swift responses to potential security threats.
3. Investigation and Evidence:
In the unfortunate event of a security breach, CCTV cameras serve as invaluable witnesses. The recorded footage becomes critical evidence for law enforcement authorities, aiding in the identification and apprehension of intruders. High-definition cameras capture clear images and videos, enhancing the chances of successful investigations.
4. Integration with Smart Home Systems:
CCTV systems seamlessly combine with smart home technologies, creating a holistic security ecosystem. They can be synchronized with other devices, such as motion sensors, smart doorbells, and automated lighting systems. This interconnected approach assures that the entire home security system acts cohesively, responding to threats in a coordinated manner.
5. Enhanced Sense of Security:
Knowing that their homes are under constant surveillance provides homeowners with a heightened sense of security and peace of mind. This psychological impact is significant, donating to an overall feeling of safety and well-being. This increased sense of security can entirely influence the mental and emotional aspects of homeownership.
6. Reduction in Home Insurance Costs:
Many insurance companies recognize the efficacy of CCTV systems in enhancing home security. As a result, homeowners who implant in comprehensive security measures, including CCTV, often benefit from reduced home insurance premiums. This financial motivation encourages homeowners to prioritize the installation of advanced security systems.
7. Remote Access for Family Safety:
CCTV systems offer not only security but also convenience. Parents can remotely monitor their children arriving home from school, caregivers can keep an eye on elderly family members, and homeowners can oversee the property in real time. This remote access feature enhances family safety and provides a valuable tool for keeping loved ones protected.
8. Privacy Considerations:
While the benefits of CCTV are evident, it’s crucial to consider privacy’s importance. Homeowners should be mindful of the placement of cameras to respect the privacy of neighbors and passersby. Transparent communication about the presence of CCTV and its intended use helps build a balance between security and privacy.
In conclusion, the impact of CCTV on home security systems goes beyond just surveillance. It’s a multifaceted tool that functions as a deterrent, a source of evidence, a contributor to a sense of security, and a key component of a smart home. As technology continues to advance, CCTV will likely play an even more significant role in providing the safety and well-being of homes and their occupants.
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apexinnovative · 8 months
POE Wired Security Camera vs. WiFi Security Camera: A Visual Comparison for Your Surveillance Needs
In the fast-paced world of home and business security, selecting the right surveillance camera system is crucial. Two popular options available are Power over Ethernet (PoE) wired security cameras and WiFi security cameras. Each has its unique features and advantages. In this article, we’ll visually explore the differences between PoE wired security cameras and WiFi security cameras to help you…
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seccamsla · 5 months
Caught in the Act | Man Breaks Into House on Camera - Real-Time Intruder Alert! Watch the intense footage as a brazen individual is caught red-handed breaking into a house. Our cameras captured the unfolding drama in real-time, providing a rare glimpse into the chilling reality of home intrusion. Join us as we analyze the events leading up to the break-in, discuss the immediate response, and delve into the importance of home security measures. This eye-opening video serves as a stark reminder that incidents like these can happen to anyone, highlighting the need for heightened awareness and effective security measures. Stay informed, stay safe, and witness firsthand the crucial role surveillance plays in protecting homes. Don't miss this gripping account of a man caught in the act, exposing the vulnerability we all share and the importance of being vigilant in safeguarding our homes.
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elitereviwer · 8 months
Unlocking Peace of Mind: Arlo Pro 4 Series 2K HDR Security Camera: In-Depth Review and Analysis
Introduction: Imagine this scenario: It’s a quiet evening, and you’re away from home, enjoying a well-deserved break. Suddenly, you receive an alert on your smartphone—a motion detected notification from your Arlo Pro 4 Series 2K HDR security camera. Your curiosity piqued, you open the app and witness a crystal-clear image of your front porch, bathed in color night vision. The built-in spotlight…
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desertrosew · 9 months
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