#Sushi Bar NYC
8nychta · 9 months
i hate being home for the holidays. best christmas i ever had i spent with a cult in india
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Can you do a meet cute blurb with Harry and a totally normal not famous girlie, I’m dying for a cute mushy blurb 🥰
Can you read minds? Because I have wanted to do something like that for the longest time 👀 and because I’m in the mood, here we go. This is set at the beginning of his NYC shows this year!
warnings: none, only fluff, one short mention of Olivia, that’s it
word counter: 2.5k
Harry Styles x University!Reader
It had been a busy and more than stressful day back at Parsons; her brain still smoked after hours of theoretical lectures and even more hours in one of the many photo shooting studios the private art and design school owned in their buildings. Her back hurt from the crouching position she had held since their lunch break because the current lecture slot was themed around still lives, and she hated to take photos from a chair. YN needed the constant movement of her body to really focus on her work. But now, everything the photography student wanted was to grab something halfway decent for dinner on her way home instead of ordering another round of sushi and pizza for her two roommates and herself. Well, YN would already be happy if she found something with a lot of salad and veggies without having to spend the entirety of her remaining weekly allowance on the ingredients for a self-made salad. But on the other hand, she wouldn’t have time to spend more money if she hid in her favorite photo studio right opposite the Hudson River or if she grabbed her camera to stroll around New York City in order to fill her portfolio.
The argument inside her head was on fire while her thumbs rapidly typed away on her phone to ask her two roomies if they needed dinner as well. Her feet carried YN safely around the corners and streets of Greenwich, heading straight to the perfectly stocked Target down the street because she knew how things would go if she talked herself into trying her luck at the supermarket only a block away from her home. She would be furious because the best stuff would already be gone, and YN really couldn’t allow another night with take-out.
It was as if her mother’s mouth was attached to her ear to keep the warnings on repeat.
Softly shaking her head to free herself from the sticking thoughts, YN entered Target and hummed under her breath. The young woman fixed the strap of her camera bag on her shoulder, strolling through the first few aisles, eyes wandering over the shelves in deep concentration. Her arm stretched out to reach and grab a box of cereals without hesitation, which found its way into the soft embrace of her other arm before she continued her path through the supermarket; hummed tunes still leaving her lips. It helped that the store’s radio started to play the first seconds of Late Night Talking before a cashier’s announcement interrupted the melody already. But YN knew the song by heart, so it was easy to continue the text in her mind.
With her left arm filled with the box of cereals and a pack of her favorite granola bars, the woman rounded the next corner to finally move forward to her desired section, distracted by her own thoughts and the vibration of her phone in the back pocket of her jeans. YN knew that this could never end good—and she always had been right about it; today didn’t mark an exception because the universe rarely smiled upon her.
A strong chest stopped her steps abruptly, and before YN could follow the cereals and granola bars closely in their journey downwards to the floor, a pair of equally strong hands grabbed her elbows in a steadying hold. Even before her brain could process the situation, her heart already pumped adrenaline through her veins, and her senses were heightened. YN felt the strap of the camera bag slid off her shoulder before she could pull the body part up, and so her left hand rushed to the rescue—just like another set of fingers. They met underneath the bag; her palm connected to the rough fabric while the other pressed against the back of her hand.
None of them had uttered a single word so far, barely even letting out a surprised huff of air at the feeling of impact, but now, a voice spoke up. “Everything’s okay?” And instantly, her head jerked up, and wide eyes stared into the most handsome face gracing this earth with its existence. Only moments ago, she had listened to his songs in her head, had hummed them, had mentally cursed the cashier for interrupting it—though YN knew that the poor soul didn’t have a choice—and now, the bearer of the voice, the creator of the songs, stood right in front of her, holding her elbow not to see her tumble to the ground.
Harry Styles is holding my arm between white bread and baking mix.
If her heart hadn’t worked overtime before, it damn sure did now.
“I… I am so sorry,” she pressed out after finally finding the ability to speak again and clinging to it like a drowning person on a piece of driftwood. “Oh gosh, I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t daydream while getting my stuff.” Speaking of which. YN’s eyes had to peel themselves off his face with a small smile playing around his lips to locate her proudest possessions so far. She didn’t even realize that their hands still touched to support her camera and save it from destruction. But Harry Styles—she still couldn’t wrap her head around it—seemingly caught up to it again because his eyes wandered between the bag and her face. “You got it?” His voice was so gentle she probably would’ve swooned if she had heard it on YouTube while watching one of his interviews in the depths of night. But now, YN only took a deep breath—she was raised to be a decent human and had grown into a decent adult, after all—and nodded softly and pushed the strap back onto her shoulder.
She crouched down to retrieve her granola bars which had stopped right next to her sneaker-clad foot, while the man took one step to the side to grab the fallen cereal box. They both returned to their heights at the same time, and Harry grinned down at the box in his hand before showing it her. “Lucky Charms, hm?” YN wasn’t sure why, but she had to chuckle under her breath at his tone. “Thanks.” She took the box and put it back into the embrace of her arm. A basket would’ve been too easy, dumbass, mocked the voice in her head while YN still tried to grasp a hold of her current reality. “Best cereals there is if you ask me. And… well, I have to be rebellious in my freedom.” Now, the woman grinned as well, which grew in its intensity as the singer leaned his head closer to hers. “Strict parents?” YN moved her face in his direction. “A dentist as a mom,” she whispered conspiratorially, and both chuckled like teenagers after they’d shared new gossip.
“But, seriously, I’m really sorry for… this.” The student waved her hand through the air, pointing from herself to him and the surrounding environment, but Harry waved it off with a charming smile. “Would it make it better if I tell you that I would always choose this over paparazzi and unrelenting fans?” YN had to swallow dryly because suddenly, Death Valley was located in her mouth rather than back in California. But she nodded nonetheless, even though the movement held an unsure edge to it. “This is actually making me feel better about it, yeah,” she agreed, and it was true because she finally didn’t feel the urgent need to ask if he wanted her social security number—just in case. Her brain still pressed her to ask. “So… No SSN needed? No injuries and the like? I don’t want to be the reason that Harry Styles isn’t able to jump over a stage without a cast.”
His soft laugh ran through her body like a warm shiver, and his eyes, watching her face so intently, almost let her cheeks fire up in a crimson red. “No social security number needed, no. I’m fine. More than fine, actually…”
Harry’s voice lost itself somewhere after his last spoken word; his mind traveled to daydreams about bowls full of Lucky Charms during a lazy morning, and the sound of her laugh echoed in his head as he pushed himself back on track. He cleared his throat softly. “Is it okay to ask for your name, or is it too bold because we’re standing between Nature’s Own Whitewheat Enriched Bread and…—” Harry looked to his right and grabbed a baking mix out of the shelf to inspect the brand before looking back up to the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. “…—and Betty Crocker’s Red Velvet Mix?” She took a step toward him and got a hold of the package—their fingertips touched in the gentlest of ways, and his heart almost leaped out of his chest—before taking it entirely and letting it disappear between her arm and torso. “I obviously have an advantage right now, don’t I?” Her small, teasing smile drove him almost mad. “You certainly do,” Harry returned and couldn’t help but smile. “Then you certainly can ask for my name,” the woman nodded, and he raised a brow, waiting.
And when he thought her smile almost drove him mad, he wasn’t prepared for the gentle laugh escaping her now.
Damn, was all the singer could think.
“There wasn’t a question,” she teased him relentlessly, and Harry rolled his eyes playfully. “A funny one, aren’t we?” Both tried to hide their grins as he stretched out his ring-clad hand. “Harry Styles. With whom do I have the pleasure?” He watched her as she fixed the strap of her small bag—he suspected it to be a camera bag—before their hands met again; this time in full awareness of their doing. “YN LN—photography student and Lucky Charms votary.”
Both could feel the tingles running up their arms, letting goosebumps erupt on their skins, and finally, the blood was able to run into her cheeks and tint them rosy red. Harry only could think how adorable it made her look, even more so than before. But he couldn’t boast of being unaffected because the singer could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest, and he felt nervousness rising up in his body. At least he didn’t get sweaty hands this easily anymore…
“I fear I might be too bold and daring now, but… Damn. Uhm…” YN raised both brows in anticipation and curiosity. She had never witnessed Harry Styles being overly shy or insecure, but well, everything in those interviews and articles could be full-on show, even though she didn’t think this man was a big fan of pretending to be someone else. So, it let him appear even more charming than before and the woman already dreaded the moment she would have to part from him forever.
After all, what could a world-famous singer want from or with her? Especially a singer who still was or wasn’t involved in a relationship with a certain someone, so… Yeah. YN was just curious about what Harry tried to ask of her—and she didn’t have to wait much longer.
“Okay, bloody fuck it,” he started, and the smaller woman looked up at him with a questioning expression, still unsure what this could be about. “I’m being daring. So, here is the question: Can I get your number? If you’re not taken—happily or unhappily—or already seeing someone, that is, of course. And only if you’re interested in men at all.”
Moments like these were life-defining, world-changing. They always started innocently, but in the midst of the attack, time and space seemed to slow down around one until they almost stopped spinning altogether. YN felt exactly like this, and it wouldn’t even surprise her if she looked around right now and found that everyone in this Target had stopped moving entirely; except for them. But she wasn’t even able to move her gaze from the man in front of her, too enthralled by his presence and asked question, which implied so much more than her mind could process right now.
YN wasn’t even sure how to begin, but her lips were faster than her brain. “What’s with…?” Her lips may have been faster, but they certainly weren’t ready to form a complete sentence. But Harry understood her anyway. “Olivia?” With a racing heart, YN only dared to nod her head yes and watched him sigh softly, fingers raking through his soft-looking mop of curls. “We haven’t made it public yet, but… we’re done. We’re done for a long time already,” he explained, and she could feel how her head nodded in understanding. She didn’t need to know more, so she held out a hand with a reappearing smile on her lips. Harry’s eyes jumped from the palm of her hand to her eyes in a matter of milliseconds. “Well?” Now, a grin started to tuck at the corner of her mouth before Harry slowly began to understand the meaning of it, and a lovely blush graced his cheeks while he got a hold of his phone, unlocked it, and had opened his contact list. The phone found its way into her hand, and YN started to type before handing it back to him.
Harry laughed under his breath at the sight of the newly saved contact before looking back into her face. “Cult Leader?” YN full-on grinned over her entire face. “I have to at least try to convert people to the Lucky Charms belief, don’t I?” And she never saved herself in a serious manner into other people’s phones if it wasn’t work- or study-related. She loved making people smile or laugh if they saw her name popping up on their screens. “Sounds more like a sect to me, but I can live with that very easily as long as I’m allowed to call you.” Chuckling, YN softly shook her head at him. “You really are a cheeky one, aren’t you? But yes, you have permission to call me. That’s what numbers are for,” she teased and took a quick glance at the watch on her wrist. “Okay, this sounds really shitty, but I slowly have to get going. I have an assignment until eight, which I still have to edit the hell out of, and the subway will be hell if I’m not getting in before five.” She loved living in Brooklyn, but the subway rides were always a hassle if YN missed the tiny but perfect slot between four and five and timed everything perfectly to outdo the tedious rush hour. But Harry—universe bless him—nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, sure, of course! Don’t worry. I have your number now, remember? You’re not out of this world, only blocks, a river, or a call away.”
Smiling up at him, the woman could hug the entire world, and the happiness rushing through her system still would be almost too much to bear. “‘Kay. Then… I'll probably hear from you,” she grinned, unsure of what to do now. Should she shake his hand? Hug him? Just turn around and leave this aisle of which they still were the only occupants? Harry made it easy for her: He slowly started walking backward, eyes trained unmoving on her. “You said eight?” YN nodded while watching him. “Yeah, why?” But she only got a grin as an answer before he disappeared around the next corner and left a stunned YN behind.
I seriously didn’t plan to write this much, but deal with it. And I’m sorry to put her name into this, but I kinda wanted the slight implication of drama because I’m thinking about using this scenario as the base for some smau :3
Hope y’all enjoyed this because I really enjoyed writing it! As usual: Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated <3
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power-chords · 11 months
What are your fave nyc places to eat? I'm visiting there soon and I want some new places to try
Oh this is my favorite subject. OK. Pause on everything else. As a disclaimer my favorite thing to do is dine out solo and eat at the bar with whatever paperbacks have been floating around in my bag. So my recommendations are geared toward that purpose. Off the top of my head:
Good Fucking Luck getting in but Dhamaka if you can manage. It's just that good. I am a ramen junkie and believe that Ippudo NY still has the best bowl of tonkotsu in the city, but I am also fond of Ichiran, Ivan Ramen, Momosan, and of course the OG Momofuku Noodle Bar. Other kinds of noodles: Xi'an Famous Foods remains legit, and get the sesame noodles + everything else at Hwa Yuan. A bowl of pasta and a negroni at I Sodi is one of my favorite luxuries. No No No has solid yakitori and ramen/sushi to boot. Cocoron on Delancey for curry dipping soba. Dirty French for slutty bistro fare and people-watching.
Darbar Grill is my favorite Indian buffet in Midtown; not that you should spend a lot of time in Midtown. Taste From Everest has really delicious, affordable Nepali food in Curry Hill. Ma La Project is old reliable for me and my mom on theater nights. You do in fact have to eat at Katz's Deli if you haven't yet, just go at like midnight after you've seen a show at Bowery Ballroom and you're hammered. Get khachapuri and a tarragon soda at Oda House. Somtum Der has Isan Thai cuisine that will knock your socks off and you absolutely MUST order the grilled coconut rice which comes on skewers and you can dip it into a pot of spicy broth from one of your other entrees. Heaven.
Also, go to Tomi Jazz and tell me how it is.
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gregdotorg · 11 months
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Around 1987, General Idea made a few hundred handpainted sushi plates for a show in Tokyo that featured the color bars of a TV test pattern. They were arranged in grids of 144. They also made Trinitron paintings with tiny dots. The plates and the paintings were all the same size. Black Trinitron #5 is coming up for sale in Nov 2023 at Doyle in NYC.
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wannabedjs · 7 months
2003 was an eventful year...Went on a reality tv show ("Anything for Love") which never aired, studies abroad in Guadalajara Mexico, visted Mexico City, and Cuba . A key new chapter in my life. Fairly quickly after starting my job at UCH in 1998 it became quite evident that there was a disconnect between the providers/staff who only spoke English and the sizable patient population that only spoke Spanish. The sole translator was Dr. Michel Choncol, a renal fellow from Venezuela. I've always felt that the monolingual culture of the USA was a disadvantage. Having only taken a couple Spanish classes in high school, I had near zero Spanish skills. I decided to start the process to learn spanish. Taking classes a couple times a week at Colorado Free University and then enrolling at CU Denver into classess for no credit. Over a period of 3-4 years I advanced my spanish vocabulary to hold simple conversations. I knew if I wanted to accelerate my learning I needed to have a dedicated period of immersion. I'd been talking about this plan for a number of months, so when I proposed the idea of taking a 2 month immersive 'sabbatical' in Mexico to my boss and coworker, it was received with support. As a student at CU Denver I was able to enroll in an study abroad program down to Guadalajara, Mexico. Guadalajara is the LA of Mexico (Mexico city being the NYC) and is located in the state of Jalisco (home of tequila, puerto vallarta, mariachi music, and dozens of large scale murals). I lived with a family that had 2 other 'renters" in their central Gudalajara home. One of the other renters was a Japanese guy who didn't speak English and worked as a sushi chef and was a lucha libre on the side.
Wonderful experience as I learned more in 6 weeks of class than I did in the previous 3-4 years of classroom studies in Denver. (The key was not hanging out with the other native English speakers, most of whom were from England. The movie, Y tu mama tambien, had a sizable impact on most of them wanting to learn Spanish). I regularly hung out with the family's young 20ish old daughter and her boyfriend, Diego, who I was pretty sure was part of the cartel. He owned a couple "bars" which were just fields of land where they served cheap beer and had hip hop music. He even had a young dog named "Sixty" (for 69..yep. no lie).
Weekend trips included a memorable evening in a cemetery in Michoacan for noche de muertos. Straight out of Coco.
I had 2 weeks at the end open for travel and full immersion traveling to Spanish speaking cities. Half way thru my time in Guadalajara, I started planning an excursion to Mexico City then Cuba. Mexico City was as lively as advertised and my prep for Cuba seemed rather simple. No US banks in Cuba and they accepted cold hard cash from the USA.
So entering Havana with enough cash to make it for a week vacation in Havana and the beach town Varadero. Loved Havana and a highlight was walking up to the Interior Ministry government building thinking it was maybe some fancy hotel. It has a massive Che Guevera face on the outside with the tag line "Hasta Victoria Siempre." Now I should have researched the area where I was at, but looking over at the building I thought it said "Hotel Victoria Siempre.'....common mistake...one that you realize quickly as you begin walking toward it and fully armed military guards start walking towards you telling you to leave. I was like "Bet!" and high tailed it for some mojitos and grub far away from the plaza.
Varadero is the old Copa Cabana area. Like Vegas, but frozen in the 1960s. Massive hotels (previously casinos) just vacant. I was staying at an all inclusive type hotel with beautiful beaches with many european tourists. Most were topless which made it very difficult to read on the beach. One of the nights the hotel arranged for everyone to go to a nightclub which was all you can drink (For like 20 bucks) and had a full on cuban band with dancers. Kind of like an old supper club, but without food. It was fantastic, the 10+ piece band threw down cuban salsa/conga for hours. Towards the end of the show they invited the crown onto the large stage to dance. So here we are just getting down on the stage (the Italian gals with tops on just didn't look the same..hahaha) and they show ends at like 10ish. Within minutes of them stopping the place goes straight US hip hop club. With the 1st song being "In Da Club"...a very current song at the time.
If that wasn't memorable enough, I had everything planned. for the last 24 hours of my trip. Bus trip to the airport in Havana was scheduled and and I decided to spend the rest of the cash I had on gifts. Cigars, t shirts, foods, random wooden statues, etc. So I get to the airport and check in my bags with plenty of time before take off. As I approach the customs check point, I see that there is a $25 departure fee to leave the country. Again cash only. Problem was I only had like 5 bucks. Now I like to believe I'm relatively calm and collected when it comes to stressful situations. I find it rare that you end up in situation without a solution. Well, this was one of those situations . I had a moment where I was like "Fuck, I don't have a clue how I can make this work?" Then the master plan hit. The Cuban embargo that has kept the country frozen in time circa 1960 also has kept technology away. Common electronics are extremely expensive. SOOOO. I take out my yellow sony-disc man and walk around the airport waving it saying "se vende! Se Vende!" It took a good 30 min, but a dude came up with $20 and I sold him the discman...which got me out of the country. I still have the flight ticket with the PAGO $25 stamp on it.
2003 - peak meet me in the basement rock n roll
The comeback after the post grunge rock-rap (see Woodstock 99) boy band era. Was it all post 9/11?
Elefante, white stripes, broken social scene, strokes, TV on the radio
But also an electro-rock-punk scene w the rapture
No need to listen to- GREATS
OutKast: Speakerboxxx/The Love Below (Arista)
The White Stripes: Elephant (V2)
Radiohead: Hail to the Thief (Capitol) - saw at red rocks
BSS- you forgot it in people
Basement Jaxx: Kish Kash
Postal service- give up
Yo la tango
Belle and sebastian -dear catastrophe
RH factor - hard groove
Erykah badu - world wide
50 cent - get rich or die trying
Sandra Collins - march essential mix w pete tong from Miami winter music fest
Revisits and new finds
Four tet - rounds
- his debut (?) and maybe my fav. Less Asian/Indian influenced
Caribou- up In Flames.
early release with few great tracks.
Elefante - loved them back it 03 and still solid 2000 era rock n roll
Strokes - room on fire. Just the same music as this is it..but who cares? It’s great!
Rapture- Echos. an early release of the budding electro-punk-rock-dance scene (mainly from NYC). 2-3 banging tracks
Tv on the radio- young liars EP 1st
Audio bullys- ego war. Can’t believe this didn’t get on best of lists. A blend of house, punk, British hip hop, and beats. We Don’t Care is one of best tracks of the year.
Decemberists - her majesty. Still catchy and an enjoyable listen. Very 03-y
M83 - really out there with full synths, but a couple tracks which lead to his take off w “Dreaming” almost a decade later
Pernice brothers- these guys! Discovery of the week. Indie/folk/country rocky with a coolness and sincerity . Lyrically stellar
Massive attack 100th window
Death cab- transatlanticism
- was a late comer to DCFC and really didn’t listen to this record til 08ish. Can see why they have a large loyal fan base. My question, ya think they’ve made more money off tv shows and movies that have their music than off their records? Last song end like the 1st begins . So can start anywhere and the album flows if on repeat
New Pornographers: Electric Version (Matador)- catchy pop-indie rock. I probably would have been really into them had I given this record a couple listens back in 03
Massive attack - 100th Window. The OGs of trip hop! F/u to mezzanine from 98’. That alone made this a must listen to. Still their signature sound that resonates through me the same as in 03’. A truly night record. Not many of those in 03
Wrens - pitchfork #1. Not good
Jeff Buckley - live at sin e rerelease as 2 CD set. He will always be a part of my musical journey. Maybe the largest part w regards to memories over years and stories
- NYC house of neon(?) during interview for job at montefore
- house sitting for Bud Carlsen (a subconscious influence to me going to CO). and making late night pancakes listening to his music
- late night music!
- heading to Memphis to search for his body with Angela Angstman and Allison
Lots of great music I didn’t get to…
Bad plus
Arab stap
Mad lib invaded blue note
British sea power
Ted Leo and pharmacists
Jay z black album
The neptunes - clones
My morning jacket
Kings of Leon
Mogwai- happy songs for happy peeps
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Fever to Tell (Interscope)
The Shins: Chutes Too Narrow (Sub Pop)
Lefty deceiver
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nycnomad · 2 years
So it was a couple of weeks into December when we decided that moving to Poland was probably too big a step for us. At the same time, I found out that my company would pay me $20k to move out of NYC, but I had to do it by December 31st. Obviously, we were like, “Should we move to Florida immediately?!”
I would get paid 15% less if we lived outside of NYC, but there’s no income tax in Florida, and the cost of living is of course much cheaper. Like, our condo in NYC costs about $1250/sqft, while our condos in Florida cost about $575/sqft. A cocktail in NYC is $16 at the very cheapest, while I can get a cocktail in our area of Florida for $10. Plus, whatever stock I get from my company while I live in NYC, the state will collect tax on it when I sell it even if I’m living in Florida at the time. It doesn’t make sense to earn money in NYC!
So we really, really started to talk about moving down to one of our Florida condos. We went out to dinner with J’s two best friends and told them what we were thinking, and I kind of thought they’d freak out, but they were actually like, “Good for you! Go live by the beach!” 
We talked to my cousin, who’s a realtor, about selling our NYC condo. How much we could get, if December is a terrible time to sell, if he would interview some NY real estate agents for us. We considered officially moving our address to Florida but hanging onto our condo until the spring when buyers are more motivated.
J told his parents what we were thinking, and I emailed a former boss of mine who recently moved from NJ to FL to ask what I would miss and if he regrets anything. I asked my current manager, who left San Francisco during the worst of COVID and bought a massive house in New Orleans, what to expect when moving from a huge city to the middle of nowhere. She said to expect a much better quality of life. 🙂
We were so serious about selling! But then J started having second thoughts. He’s lived in NYC most of his life, and he doesn’t feel comfortable around smalltown things like I do. Like, to me, there’s nothing more homey than a strip mall sushi bar with ample parking and all-white decor that stays white because 8.5 million people don’t live in the area. To J, it’s stifling.
He started thinking about how we’d never have any true friends in Florida, because everyone in our area is old and conservative. Our neighbors are all super nice, friendly for sure, but we’re just never going to be really close with people who are worried about trans people in their bathrooms or don’t think black lives matter. I, of course, said that any of our friends from back home will jump at the chance for a free stay at the beach whenever we offer. And that his parents would love to host us in NYC whenever we were willing to visit. 
I didn’t actually hate the idea of visiting NYC a few times a year and doing all of our favorite things. What fun to have a whirlwind week of lavish dinners and fancy drinks with our closest friends and maybe even do touristy things we never did while we lived there! 
But the final straw for J was that when we go on international trips, we always go on tours (mostly food tours, let’s be honest) where we meet people from all over the world. And there will always be someone in the group who’s lived in NYC or loves NYC, and I’m going to be honest, it feels like we usually get special attention because of it. And J said he just couldn’t imagine telling people that we’re from FLORIDA. 😂 It’s so funny, because he doesn’t usually like the limelight at all, and yet he apparently likes that a Berlin tour guide might take a shine to us! 
So to him, the $20k wasn’t worth it to have to say goodbye to New York RIGHT NOW, and I understand where he’s coming from. All this to say, I still officially live in NYC. But you can bet I’m enjoying the month and a half we’re in Florida this winter!
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pettyrevenge-base · 5 months
My date blew me off for not buying him sushi. I got $400 omakase instead.
Hi. So there was this event at a bar that I was planning to go to this weekend and I asked this guy to be my date that night as I don’t like being alone in crowded unfamiliar places. At first he seemed quite enthusiastic as he messaged me a lot about it. One time, he causally mentioned how expensive going out in NYC has become, which is true btw. I went, “no worry, I will pick up the tab and we will have a good time”. I genuinely did not think of it as a big deal since I am not the most frugal person in the world.
So the night before our supposed date, I wanted to confirm everything and messaged him that well, “we can also grab something to eat beforehand, what kind of food do you like?” He got back to me, saying there is a sushi place in Queens he wants to try. Initially, I was struck this being bizarre, as the bar is in the west village and if we do what he wants, I’d have to forfeit most of the night to be in Queens. And the only reason why we are even hanging out is because I wanted to go to this bar. So I made a logical response, suggesting we could get something else near the bar. He became unresponsive. When I pressed for a confirmation from him for the itinerary, he said he needed to think about it.
At this point, I’d realize he really takes me for a meal ticket. He’s trying to get me capitulated to his demands, as it’s already Friday night and I am running out of options of people still free and available, which as matter of fact I was. He really derailed my plan. And, I pulled out my phone and booked myself a $400 17-course omakase at a very nice place in the village. I had blast with the insanely delicious meal and I posted the picture of the sushi to my instagram stories. He messaged me later, claiming he’s sorry and he got busy with family, blah blah blah. I blocked him immediately.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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buddhabarnyc · 1 month
Buddha-Bar New York: A Fusion of Romance, Elegance, and Culinary Excellence
In the heart of New York City, where the culinary scene is as vibrant and diverse as the city itself, Buddha-Bar New York stands out as a beacon of sophistication, romance, and unparalleled dining. Recognized as one of the most romantic restaurants in NYC and the best Asian restaurant in NYC, Buddha-Bar New York offers an experience that transcends mere dining—it’s a journey into a world of elegance, flavor, and ambiance.
A Romantic Atmosphere Like No Other
From the moment you step into Buddha-Bar New York, you are enveloped in an atmosphere of luxury and romance. The restaurant’s interior is designed to transport you to a place of serenity and opulence, far removed from the bustling streets of New York City. The dim lighting, warm tones, and intricately designed decor create an intimate setting, perfect for a romantic dinner or a special celebration with a loved one.
The centerpiece of the restaurant is a majestic Buddha statue, a symbol of peace and tranquility, which presides over the dining area. This striking focal point, combined with the ambient music that softly plays in the background, sets the stage for a dining experience that is as soothing as it is sophisticated. Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary, a milestone, or simply indulging in a special evening out, Buddha-Bar New York provides the ideal backdrop for an unforgettable night.
Culinary Excellence: The Best Asian Restaurant in NYC
Buddha-Bar New York is not just about ambiance; it’s also about culinary excellence. As one of the best Asian restaurants in NYC, Buddha-Bar offers a menu that is a masterful blend of traditional Asian flavors and modern culinary innovation. The restaurant’s chefs are dedicated to creating dishes that not only satisfy the palate but also engage the senses.
The menu at Buddha-Bar New York is diverse, offering a wide range of options that cater to various tastes and preferences. From expertly crafted sushi and sashimi to flavorful stir-fries and exotic appetizers, every dish is prepared with the finest ingredients and presented with artistic flair. Signature dishes such as the Buddha-Bar Chicken Salad, the Black Cod Miso, and the Wagyu Beef Ribeye are not to be missed, each one a testament to the culinary skill and creativity that define Buddha-Bar.
For those who appreciate the art of sushi, Buddha-Bar New York offers an extensive selection of sushi and sashimi that is both fresh and innovative. The sushi rolls are a perfect fusion of traditional techniques and contemporary flavors, making them a highlight of the dining experience.
But it’s not just the food that sets Buddha-Bar apart—it’s also the beverages. The restaurant’s cocktail menu is as carefully curated as the food, with each drink designed to complement the flavors of the dishes. Signature cocktails like the Buddha-Bar Martini and the Dragon Punch are not only delicious but also visually stunning, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to your dining experience.
A Unique Fusion of Cultures
Buddha-Bar New York is part of a global brand that has its roots in Paris, where the original Buddha-Bar was founded by Raymond Visan in 1996. Since then, the brand has expanded to major cities around the world, including Dubai, London, and Manila, bringing its unique blend of Asian fusion cuisine and sophisticated ambiance to an international audience.
What sets Buddha-Bar apart is its ability to seamlessly blend different cultures and culinary traditions. The restaurant’s menu is a reflection of this, combining flavors and ingredients from across Asia with techniques and presentations that are inspired by European fine dining. This fusion of cultures is also evident in the restaurant’s design, which combines elements of traditional Asian decor with contemporary luxury.
Exceptional Service and Attention to Detail
At Buddha-Bar New York, the dining experience is elevated not only by the food and ambiance but also by the exceptional service. The staff at Buddha-Bar are trained to provide attentive, personalized service that ensures every guest feels special. From the moment you arrive until the end of your meal, you are treated with the utmost care and professionalism.
The staff’s knowledge of the menu and their ability to make thoughtful recommendations add to the overall dining experience. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a regular guest, you can expect the same high level of service that makes Buddha-Bar New York one of the most esteemed dining destinations in the city.
A Perfect Venue for Special Occasions
Buddha-Bar New York is more than just a restaurant; it’s also a perfect venue for special occasions. Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner for two, a private event, or a corporate gathering, Buddha-Bar offers a variety of options to suit your needs. The restaurant’s private dining rooms are ideal for intimate gatherings, while the main dining area can accommodate larger groups.
For those looking to host a truly memorable event, Buddha-Bar New York offers bespoke event planning services. The restaurant’s event team works closely with clients to create customized menus, decor, and entertainment that reflect the unique style and vision of each event.
Why Buddha-Bar New York Stands Out
In a city like New York, where the dining scene is incredibly competitive, Buddha-Bar New York distinguishes itself through its commitment to excellence in every aspect of the dining experience. As one of the most romantic restaurants in NYC, it offers an ambiance that is both luxurious and intimate, making it the perfect choice for a special night out.
As the best Asian restaurant in NYC, Buddha-Bar New York delivers a menu that is both innovative and authentic, offering a unique fusion of flavors that appeal to both traditionalists and adventurers alike. The restaurant’s dedication to quality, from the ingredients used in the kitchen to the service provided by the staff, ensures that every visit to Buddha-Bar is an exceptional experience.
For those seeking an unforgettable dining experience in New York City, Buddha-Bar New York is a destination that should not be missed. Whether you’re looking for a romantic night out, celebrating a special occasion, or simply indulging in some of the best Asian fusion cuisine the city has to offer, Buddha-Bar New York provides an experience that is truly unparalleled.
With its perfect blend of ambiance, culinary excellence, and exceptional service, Buddha-Bar New York continues to be a favorite among locals and visitors alike. It’s more than just a meal; it’s a journey into a world of elegance, flavor, and romance—making it not only one of the most romantic restaurants in NYC but also a standout choice for the best Asian restaurant in NYC. Reserve your table today and discover what makes Buddha-Bar New York a truly extraordinary dining destination.
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citynewsglobe · 2 months
[ad_1]  In case you're trying to journey in model and seize these Instagram-worthy moments, you will have to plan the right baddie getaway. Pack your luggage and prepare to jet set to the highest locations and channel your inside fashionista with these important packing suggestions. From edgy metropolis adventures to gorgeous scenic views, this baddie journey information covers the place to go and what to deliver for a fierce and fabulous journey. Eire Recognized for its energetic pubs, rolling inexperienced hills and picturesque coastal views, Eire is a prime vacation spot for baddies searching for craic (enjoyable). In Dublin, ensure that to snap an Instagram on the iconic Ha'Penny Bridge and Temple Bar. Get your tradition repair on the E-book of Kells exhibition at Trinity School, then head to the Guinness Storehouse for a pint of the black stuff. Take a day journey to see the dramatic Cliffs of Moher, Large's Causeway or Ring of Kerry. Do not forget your edgy leather-based jacket, glossy black boots and darkish sun shades to finish your fashionable Irish vacay look. Since Eire is thought for being moist a lot of the 12 months, plan for some quiet time in your lodging. Fortunately, there are some nice gaming websites you may discover – examine the authentic hyperlink for considered one of them right here. Paris What baddie's bucket checklist can be full with no journey to the Metropolis of Mild? Stroll alongside the Seine and thru Montmartre's charming streets, then gasoline up on crusty baguettes, gooey cheese and velvety chocolate crepes. Find time for the Louvre Museum, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and Arc de Triomphe. Snap pics in entrance of vibrant Parisian buildings together with your stylish beret, Breton stripes, and your favorite band’s tee layered beneath a timeless trench coat. Voilà - instantaneous Instagram fame! Tokyo From neon cityscapes to tranquil shrines, Tokyo blends trendy and conventional Japan flawlessly. Get up early to snap pics of the energetic Fish Market, then stroll via Senso-ji Temple's iconic crimson gates. Store for quirky road trend in Harajuku, feast on sushi and ramen, then sing karaoke 'til the wee hours. Make sure to pack your cool streetwear items, chunky platform sneakers, and do not forget the sunscreen for lengthy days out! A gold foil face masks on the bullet prepare is a should. Konnichiwa Tokyo! New York Metropolis Town that by no means sleeps, New York is a prime baddie vacation spot. Stroll via Central Park, then hit the streets for epic procuring and folks watching. Catch a Broadway present, soak up gorgeous metropolis views from Prime of the Rock, and end with cocktails at a hip downtown bar. Pack your Timbs, leather-based trousers, classic band tees, and coolest kicks to suit proper in with NYC's road model. And do not forget the get together outfit - you by no means know the place the night time will take you! Packing Ideas Being a baddie is all about your sense of fashion. Listed below are some suggestions for packing your suitcase like a professional: Concentrate on versatile items in black, white, gray and navy that may be combined and matched. Convey tops, bottoms and layers that transition from day to nighttime. Equipment elevate any outfit. Pack assertion sun shades, chunky footwear or boots, edgy hats and luggage, and daring jewelry. Do not forget the extras that pull a glance collectively: bandanas, hair clips, belts, and different styling gadgets. Convey a couple of outfit showstoppers like a daring costume, sequin skirt, or leather-based trousers to show heads. Combine high-end designer gadgets with thrifted, classic and streetwear finds. Pack clothes you're feeling assured and cozy in - your angle is all the things! Utilise packing cubes, rolls and compartments to maintain delicate materials intact. Restrict your self to 2 pairs of footwear max - one informal, one dressy. Use mini journey sizes for toiletries, and multipurpose make-up to save lots of house.
By packing sensible trend necessities that specific your distinctive model, you will be able to journey the world in baddie-chic mode! Whether or not you are searching for an city journey or wish to immerse your self in nature, these locations and packing suggestions will assist any baddie journey in consolation and magnificence. Simply do not forget to work your angles and get these social media pics - you are going to look fierce! [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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daikonnyc · 2 months
Best Sushi Restaurant in NYC
Located in the heart of Forest Hills, New York, Daikon Hand Roll Bar offers a unique and immersive dining experience that celebrates the artistry of sushi. Inspired by the traditional Japanese hand roll concept, Daikon Hand Roll Bar was founded with a passion for delivering the freshest ingredients and authentic flavors in every bite. Our journey began with a vision to introduce Forest Hills to the dynamic world of hand rolls, where simplicity meets sophistication. Step into our modern yet cozy atmosphere, where the aroma of freshly prepared sushi fills the air. Our skilled chefs meticulously craft each hand roll right before your eyes, ensuring that every roll is a masterpiece of taste and presentation. At Daikon, we believe in the beauty of simplicity. Our menu features a curated selection of premium seafood, crisp vegetables, and flavorful sauces, all wrapped in delicate nori and perfectly seasoned rice. Whether you’re a sushi connoisseur or new to the hand roll experience, our friendly staff is dedicated to providing personalized service and guiding you through an unforgettable culinary journey.
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kvibe-test · 3 months
Top 10 Must-Try Japanese Restaurants in NYC
New York City's culinary landscape is a melting pot of flavors, and its Japanese dining scene is a standout warrior in this bustling metropolis. Whether you're seeking the finesse of sushi or the comforting slurp of ramen, NYC offers some of the best spots to indulge in Japanese cuisine. Here's a curated list of the top 10 Japanese restaurants in NYC that are a must-visit for any food enthusiast.
1. Sushi Nakazawa - The Art of Sushi
Sushi Nakazawa provides an exemplar of sushi craftsmanship, right in the heart of the West Village. As a Michelin-starred restaurant, it offers a prestigious omakase experience crafted by chef Daisuke Nakazawa, a protégé from the acclaimed documentary "Jiro Dreams of Sushi." With a limited 10-seat sushi bar, the ambiance is as exclusive as it gets, showcasing an up-close experience of sushi-making.
"The sushi was beyond anything I've ever had before. The attention to detail and presentation were impeccable." - Yelp reviewer
2. Ichiran Ramen - Solo Dining Experience
Ichiran Ramen takes the ramen experience to a new level with its unique dining concept. Known primarily for its tonkotsu ramen, guests enjoy their meal in private booths, creating a solitary and meditative dining experience. This minimalist approach focuses solely on the flavors and personal enjoyment of the dish.
"The ramen was rich and flavorful, and the individual booths made for a unique dining experience." - Google reviewer
3. Kazunori - The Hand Roll Bar
Kazunori is a pioneer, being the first hand-roll bar in NYC. It emphasizes fresh, minimalistic sushi hand rolls, which are crafted and served one at a time to ensure the highest quality. The communal dining format adds to a relaxed, yet vibrant dining experience.
"The hand rolls were fresh and flavorful, and the communal seating made for a fun dining experience." - Yelp reviewer
4. Momofuku Noodle Bar - An Icon Reimagined
At Momofuku Noodle Bar, the humble noodle is transformed into a dish worth lining up for. From savory pork buns to innovative ramen, the restaurant embodies a lively and communal dining environment. Its ever-evolving menu and collaborations with guest chefs keep diners coming back for more.
"The pork buns and ramen were delicious, and the communal seating made for a fun dining experience." - Google reviewer
5. Sake Bar Satsko - A Cozy Retreat
Sake Bar Satsko offers a cozy escape with an impressive array of over 100 varieties of sake paired with quintessential Japanese comfort food. The intimate setting and communal tables encourage conversations and shared experiences among guests.
"The curry and sake were both delicious, and the cozy atmosphere made for a great dining experience." - Yelp reviewer
The list continues to celebrate phenomenal Japanese dining spots across NYC, each offering a unique glimpse into the diverse and rich culture of Japan through their food. From the sophisticated rolls of Blue Ribbon Sushi to the inventive dishes of EN Japanese Brasserie, these establishments promise not just a meal, but a noteworthy culinary journey.
Exploring these top-notch restaurants, you'll find that each venue is a gateway to Japan's culinary excellence, right in the heart of New York City. Whether it's through the rich, savory broth of Totto Ramen or the meticulously prepared sushi at Hatsuhana, there's a story in every bite. And for those who relish innovation, Ivan Ramen Slurp Shop offers a creative twist on classic ramen that's sure to delight.
As you venture into these eateries, prepare your palate for an explosion of flavors, each telling the tale of Japanese culinary tradition meshed with New York’s vibrant food scene. It's not just about eating; it's about experiencing a culture.
#JapaneseCuisine #NYCEats #Sushi #Ramen #TopRestaurants
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perfectisgeorgette · 6 months
birthdays and investigative journalism :: self para
Life was going pretty smooth now that she had some solid ground. The mansion was finally coming together. The furniture she had on order was finally coming in and Georgette was always sure to have the movers and handy men on call to put it all together and place it exactly where she wanted. Of course she only have a few rooms officially done but they were the ones she needed to survive at least. The decor for the walls was another thing but she was going to be sure to curate some special pieces. The theme through out the house was bright natural lighting and soft pinks and purples. There was just something regal almost Marie Antoinette about the whole thing. Georgette loved the luxury feel it all had; even the hints of vintage she got with the crown molding and stair cases she had throughout the mansion. It was about time that she did entertain in the new home. A select few for a private event maybe. Usually for her birthday she liked to rent out a club VIP and invite all her sorority sisters and fake pageant friends. Nothing better than a bunch of hot girls in tight dresses getting all the attention from the men at a club. That was a different time though; this isn't college and she was not in Miami or NYC anymore. This town did have a university but she was not enrolled and really did not swing with that crowd. Georgette barely had her own circle in Swyn Lake but that would come with time. If anything she had a few she would call friends, a few possible minions, some enemies...ugh the mayor, and then the pathetic girls who she promised herself she would be nice to. It was the goal for March - be nice to at least three people she would normally be horrid too. That was the hard part for her though...they deserve to be dragged yet here she was trying to be nice.
Georgette felt the idea come to her it almost lit a light bulb atop her head like an old cartoon. She could invite her new besties, a few influential people in town, and even some of those she wasn't too fond of to a small birthday gathering at the mansion. The ideas were racing through her head and she was sorting them into little bubbles in her mind. This birthday party could serve so many purposes. Celebrate her. Gossip. Even turn this into a preview or her business proposal for the city. Win. Win. Win. Georgette would set the whole living room up as a mini salon, equipped with a bar and made to order sushi. Jotting down everything she wanted to include she knew she needed to add nails, spray tans, lash techs, facials, hair blow outs, and even waxing. Half of these things she personally felt deprived from since being in the UK. Why were there no such things readily available to her. This was almost criminal. Pulling up her phone Georgette started scrolling through her contacts. She knew she would have to hire in the staff to make this happen. That was the least of her problems. One phone call and Georgette had technicians hired for a private party. Airfare included.
The birthday party was coming together. Of course she wanted to celebrate herself but she did that everyday. Not a moment that eyes were not on her but now she was giving the influence of the town an opportunity to sing her praise even more. The guest list was important. Scrolling through her phone Georgette pulled up her instagram. She had yet to infiltrate the follow lists of many of the girlies in town but she was still new. Clicking her way to Camilos pages. That was a perfect place to start - they were pretty popular and it was quite evident that were their own form of it girl. Switching between her notes app and instragram Georegette started creating her invite list even including the reason why. Her internet sleuthing skills were impeccable there was not much she could find out via google or just following tagged posts. No one was safe when she started her investigative journalism.
Must Invite: Camilo Madrigal - lights up the room and connections Belle Acheron - mayors wife...anything to piss him off Marie Bonfamille - allegedly the town it girl Aquata Triton - sisters with the makeup mogul and on the town board Maribel Madrigal - love the fashion Alana Triton - *make up mogul* Pepa Madrigal - works for the mayor....anything to piss him off Vidia Wind-Whistler - trainer at the gym...need a connect Milo "Pluto" Young - heard they gave off cute vibes Eilonwy Llyr - have to show her the ways of Georgette Luca Paguro - heard they give off cute vibes x2 Vee Carrero-Noceda - a work in progress Maybe Invite: Giulia Macrovaldo - a seat filler Anastasia Tremaine - hijacked a make up brand........... Snow Song - seems popular enough but why Miriam "Mim" Ambrosius - heard she likes to fight people.... Willow Park - a seat filler
Georgette looked over her list one more time. It was pretty perfect. There were enough people on the list to really make an impression, have a bit of fun, mingle, and even promote her potential salon idea for the town.
Now she really needed to focus on drinks. There were two really good options in town. Pixies and Annies boyfriend Gastons bar. The way that Annie talked about him he seemed like the best fit. A man who is handsome and has the ability to make drinks to order? Perfect. Annie made him sound like a dream so she was sure he would be willing to help. Now Annie on the other hand seems to be a bit messy. Georgette was not shy on the scandal front but she sure as hell wasn't a con artist trying to steal a make up brand...not to mention the bizarre ex behavior. Georgette did not want to over turn that stone. Not yet at least - some things are meant to stay hidden. It was a bit odd though that she didn't want to immediately show off her boyfriend or plan a night of free drinks on him. Nevertheless Georgette knew she could walk into this bar and offer the man with the french name a deal he could not turn down!
Georgette felt a bit relieved now that she had this all planned out. Plus this was a sigh that she was healing from her anxiety driven spirals. It was very normal for her to plan events and find ways to network. Any form of healing was good for her. Now it was time to create some invitations and ensure she had some sort of assistant hired to get the last minute items together.
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yeogi007 · 7 months
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jessspeaks · 11 months
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I was counting down the days to go back to New York City with my best friend. Tonight, we were meeting up with my long-time friend for dinner. We chose Mr. Broadway, a charming kosher restaurant, as our rendezvous point. Her familiar smile and warm embrace felt like a treasure amidst the bustling city. It took the waiter several tries before we were ready to order with the catch-up, we prioritized. I ended up ordering the breaded chicken po boy, a favorite comfort food of mine.
With each bite of the perfectly crispy chicken and the blend of flavors in the po boy, the conversation flowed effortlessly. We shared stories, laughed, and reminisced about the moments that had brought us to this point.
New York City provided the perfect backdrop. In that restaurant, amidst the bustling city, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the enduring connection I had with both of my dear friends. Our shared moments over a delicious meal were a reminder of the beautiful bonds that time and distance couldn't diminish. Follow the link to learn more about Mr. Broadway’s eclectic kosher cuisine!
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centurypainting-nc · 1 year
Top Restaurants to Visit in Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, North Carolina, is a bustling city known for its rich culinary scene. Whether you're a local foodie or a visitor looking to explore the gastronomic delights of the Queen City, you'll find a plethora of outstanding restaurants offering a diverse range of flavors. In this blog post, we'll highlight some of the top restaurants in Charlotte, NC, that are worth a visit.
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Fahrenheit Charlotte
A sleek, buzzing hot spot offering New American fare with an Asian bent, backed by a long wine list. Proper attire is required to dine with us. We require business casual attire for all of our guests. Persons in t-shirts, ball cap style hats, excessively revealing clothing or workout attire may not be admitted. Please note, management reserves the right to change and / or update the Dress Code at any time. We have a 15-minute grace period for all reservations. We do not seat late or incomplete parties. We have an outside food fee of $25 for any cakes, cupcakes etc. that are brought into the restaurant.
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Fahrenheit Charlotte is a trendy Charlotte rooftop bar and restaurant with a magical panoramic view over the city. Perched on the 21st floor of Hyatt Place in downtown Charlotte, you get a mighty overlook of the Queen City. Farenheit comes with both a stylish indoor restaurant / lounge and a rooftop terrace, equipped with lounge sofas, dining tables, cosy fire pits and even a seasonal herb garden.
Up at the rooftop you can enjoy inventive New American cuisine created by Chef Rocco Whalen, either as dinner or for some Sunday rooftop brunch. The rooftop bar offers a great selection of specialty cocktails, an extensive wine list and crafted local beers on tap or by bottle. With a sophisticated and trendy yet casual vibe, Farenheit rooftop works as a great place for an after work or some lounge hangout with friends, just as well as for a fun family dinner. If you plan to eat, reservations are highly recommended. And while the Farenheit dress code is casual, the crowd is mostly towards upscale, so dress properly to feel right at home.
Stoke Charlotte
A swanky option for seasonal wood-fired plates, local craft beer & artisanal cocktails. Hungry? You’re in good hands. We proudly make everything from scratch in our open kitchen using local ingredients and a whole lotta soul. Here, every seat in the house is a good one, and the warmth doesn’t just come from our 600-degree wood-fired oven. The warmth of wood-fired cooking is complemented by meticulously sourced ingredients in season from Carolina farms and local partners. Simple, rustic yet refined flavors are served in a gathering space with a laid back, neighborhood vibe. Let us make you a plate. 
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David Sears is our new executive chef of Stoke and all culinary offerings at Charlotte Marriott City Center. Chef Sears is an accomplished chef who was has worked in kitchens and trained culinary professionals around the world.
Prior to joining our team in May 2022, Chef Sears where he worked as Area Executive Chef for Viceroy Hotel Group in Washington, DC. Chef Sears’ culinary background also includes the Marcus Samuelsson Group, Terranea Resorts and Hotel in Southern California, Waldorf-Astoria Orlando, Mandarin Oriental Washington, DC, and serving as a culinary trainer for the global brand Sushi Samba. Even more notable, he won Food Channel’s Chef Wanted with Anne Burrell in 2013, landing him the grand prize of Executive Chef for the NYC restaurant, Zengo, but Chef Sears declined and opted to take a job at Ritz-Carlton Palm Beach to be closer to family.
The Capital Grille
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We invite you to join us at The Capital Grille in Charlotte, North Carolina for a world-class dining experience. The restaurant is inside the Fifth Third Center across from the Charlotte Marriott City Center and Discovery Place Science. Enjoy dry-aged steaks and fresh seafood made from the highest quality ingredients prepared with you in mind. To complement your dining experience, we feature over 325 new and old world wines curated by our Advanced Sommelier and classic cocktails with our own twist. For an unforgettable experience visit our restaurant at 201 N. Tryon Street. Valet Parking is available from 5pm to close, directly in front of the restaurant.
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Century Painting is your trusted partner for top-quality painting company charlotte nc. With a reputation for excellence, they are committed to delivering exceptional results that stand the test of time. Whether it's a residential or commercial project, their team of skilled painters brings professionalism, expertise, and a keen eye for detail to every job. From meticulous surface preparation to flawless finishes, Century Painting uses the latest techniques and premium paints to ensure lasting beauty and durability. With their unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, you can trust Century Painting to provide the best painting services in Charlotte, NC.
Century Painting 6201 Boykin Spaniel Rd, Charlotte, NC 28277, United States +17042459409 https://www.centurypaintingnc.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1817105075853326938
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zot3-flopped · 1 year
Got to be honest my least favorite of all Harry music videos is MFASR. I love the storyline but the video was kinda gross to watch. Specially the kitchen parts. Also not a fan of that beard. That's just me I guess. But I love the Satellite music video. It is cute and sad at the same time. And the storyline is a strong one and I've seen fans making various interpretations of it and they all sounds so beautiful and sad. My top 5 favorite music videos have to be As It Was, Falling, Lights Up, Adore You and Golden in no particular order.
Same as mine! Agree that Sushi has the ick factor. Kiwi is another that I never really rewatched much. I was hoping for an NYC video featuring a dive bar and Harry and a Georgia Fowler lookalike flirting, but I should have known better lol.
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