#Swimathon ambassador
tamsynmsmith · 5 years
Is breathing essential?
Is breathing essential? Trying to train for @swimathon and @abpmarathon with #asthma #swimforall #loverunning #loveswimming
So, how’s my training going? Well, if I didn’t need oxygen, I’d say ‘GREAT’, but that’s not the case 😦 Unfortunately, my unhealthy start to 2019 continues. I’ve just got over the worst case of sinusitis imaginable and have now got a cold. I’ve got a very annoying cough and my lung function is only at 70%, so I’m feeling very sorry for myself.
Swimathon training
Stuart and I both had Monday…
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ciaomichaella · 7 years
@nathangadrian in his USA Swimming Foundation Ambassador role #NathanAdrian ❤️😁🐻 #olympicchampion #OlympicGoldMedalist #swim #swimming #swimmer #athlete #nathangadrian #ihavethatshirttoo #weekend #Repost @pasa_gaku ・・・ @usaswimming @nathangadrian #swimunited #GoPASA #swimathon #coachito #THANKYOU
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felishasheats · 6 years
Century 21 United Realty hosts annual Rotary Oake Swimathon and raises more than $51,000
The annual Rotary Oake Swimathon held by Century 21 United Realty is a favourite event in the Peterborough, Ont. community and always gets a great turn out. This year, the 32nd annual event raised $51,222 for local charities, pushing the event total to nearly $1.2 million.
“It takes a lot of effort to put it all together,” says Century 21 broker Vanessa Oake Hogan. She says she is happy to carry the torch her father handed her this year. “I’m very honoured to be carrying on something that my dad started over 30 years ago.”
Easter Seals Ontario received 25 per cent of the total. The money will help send kids with physical disabilities to camp, as well as helping parents afford mobility equipment. This year’s ambassador was Kaydance Lane, a student at Lindsay’s Leslie Frost Public School. The remaining donations will go to a list of Rotary Club of Peterborough beneficiaries, including Camp Kawartha and the new YMCA.
“It is incredible to see how much the Swimathon has grown in the past 32 years. It used to just be me swimming to raise money for Easter Seals, now we have the support of an entire community,” says former Century 21 United Realty broker Carl Oake.
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Century 21 United Realty hosts annual Rotary Oake Swimathon and raises more than $51,000 published first on https://oicrealestate.tumblr.com/
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lenakrruger · 6 years
Century 21 United Realty hosts annual Rotary Oake Swimathon and raises more than $51,000
The annual Rotary Oake Swimathon held by Century 21 United Realty is a favourite event in the Peterborough, Ont. community and always gets a great turn out. This year, the 32nd annual event raised $51,222 for local charities, pushing the event total to nearly $1.2 million.
“It takes a lot of effort to put it all together,” says Century 21 broker Vanessa Oake Hogan. She says she is happy to carry the torch her father handed her this year. “I’m very honoured to be carrying on something that my dad started over 30 years ago.”
Easter Seals Ontario received 25 per cent of the total. The money will help send kids with physical disabilities to camp, as well as helping parents afford mobility equipment. This year’s ambassador was Kaydance Lane, a student at Lindsay’s Leslie Frost Public School. The remaining donations will go to a list of Rotary Club of Peterborough beneficiaries, including Camp Kawartha and the new YMCA.
“It is incredible to see how much the Swimathon has grown in the past 32 years. It used to just be me swimming to raise money for Easter Seals, now we have the support of an entire community,” says former Century 21 United Realty broker Carl Oake.
The post Century 21 United Realty hosts annual Rotary Oake Swimathon and raises more than $51,000 appeared first on REM | Real Estate Magazine.
Century 21 United Realty hosts annual Rotary Oake Swimathon and raises more than $51,000 published first on https://grandeurparkcondo.tumblr.com/
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mrjohntsnyder · 6 years
How swimming has changed Wanda Stockdale’s life
Swimathon Ambassador, Wanda Stockdale, talks about the positive benefits from swimming and how it has changed her life as she begins her preparation for Swimathon 2018 (27-29 April – 600+ pools nationwide) from Swimmer's Daily http://ift.tt/2Gh7eda
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anadventurousgirl · 6 years
Yesterday I was privileged enough to go swimming at the London Aquatic Centre with two ex-Olympians; Keri-Anne Payne and Duncan Goodhew. Not only that but I was lucky enough to be doing this with a fantastic group of people. We had all been chosen as ambassadors for this year’s Swimathon. Once we were all in a room together I could see why.
We were all at different stages with our swimming and had various reasons for wanting to take part in Swimathon. The one thing we had in common was the desire to push our boundaries and achieve something new.
What had been holding us back? Confidence. A day spent together at the pool saw each one of us challenge our limits and encourage each other to face fears. There are often so many fears involved in going to the pool. If we can break down these mental barriers our confidence has the chance to grow.
1. You can forget body image
For most of us the idea of stepping into our swimwear fills us with dread. We feel exposed and as if we have nowhere to hide. We were given lovely new Zoggs Swimwear to train in. I thought my Aqua Reef costume was fab and flattering but the voice in my head still said ‘Yeah, it’s still me in a swimming costume’. Not only that but we were being filmed and photographed.
As we all stepped out poolside one thing became abundantly clear. How we looked was totally irrelevant. What mattered was having fun and learning new skills. We were all different shapes and sizes and I doubt any one of us was 100% happy with how we looked. But (and here’s the key to forgetting about body image) no-one else cared! They really didn’t. Our hang ups are ours alone
2. You don’t need to know it all
We’ve all had it. That fear of going to a new place and not knowing where things are or how they work. Which changing room should you head to? What coins do the lockers take? Where do you need to take your shoes off?
We sometimes wonder why we aren’t told all these things when we first arrive. To be honest, we probably should be. Leisure Centres could help everyone by displaying this and other information clearly. But just because it isn’t always obvious it doesn’t mean no-one wants to help. Staff probably don’t know you are new and will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Failing that just ask another swimmer. Twice yesterday I was unsure of something and asked someone else. Both times they didn’t have a clue either! But that meant a shared experience. Suddenly you are no longer alone and have a partner to work things out with. It is amazing how much confidence we gain by realising we are not in a situation alone. If you’re not sure, just ask. You certainly won’t be the first one to do so.
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3. No one else is getting it right
My biggest reason for signing up to Swimathon was to re-learn front crawl. I can plough up and down the pool forever in breast stroke but daren’t try front crawl for fear of humiliation. What if I wasn’t doing it right? Would everyone point, stare and snigger?!
Well, they can’t. And guess why; because they probably aren’t getting it right either. Each one of us yesterday looked different when swimming. I learnt that I swim totally flat. I don’t rotate my body, so my arms have to make a huge effort to come round and I struggle to get my head position correct to breathe. It didn’t make me any worse than anyone else. We all had our technique quirks which made us less than perfect.
Keri-Anne coached us and gave some fantastic advice and then showed us how she swims. Wow! It was mesmerising to see how smooth her technique was. If anyone is getting it right it is her. But that’s her career, she has worked on that every day of her life for many years. And I bet she’ll tell you she still isn’t perfect.
So give yourself a break. Relax, enjoy and (bringing me to my next point) keep learning.
4. You can ask for help
Swimming lessons are for children and athletes aren’t they? That was my reasoning. I know how to swim and if I wanted to get better I should just try harder. Plus, as I recently told a friend, I don’t like being coached. The idea of someone watching, analysing and criticising was just too much for someone as self conscious as me.
Turns out I was wrong. And that almost never happens! I loved being coached. It wasn’t about criticism, coaches genuinely want to help you get better. That’s why they became a coach. They are there to build you up and make you feel awesome.
Yesterday I had so many lightbulb moments from the tips Keri-Anne gave me. That’s not to say I came away a hugely better swimmer. But now I know how to get there and what I need to work on. If you are anything like me and worried to try improving for fear of failing then get yourself a lesson booked.
5. Swimming gives you a glow
Who doesn’t get out of the pool with rosy cheeks, feeling better about themselves? I always feel happier after exercise and when you’re happier you give off a glow!
You will also be getting fitter, which makes you feel good about yourself. Feeling good about yourself glows through as confidence.
So get to the pool. Forget all your worries and get yourself a glow!
Swimathon 2018  takes place from Friday, April 27 – Sunday, April 29. With distances from 400m to 5k, there is a Swimathon challenge for everyone. Choose to take part in an organised Swimathon session or take part at a time and place which works for you with My Swimathon.
I’m going for the 5k distance at my local leisure centre. Are you in?! You can sign up to Swimathon here.
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Swimming: Five Reasons You Should Be Confident Yesterday I was privileged enough to go swimming at the London Aquatic Centre with two ex-Olympians; …
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tamsynmsmith · 5 years
A swim, two runs and a conference
A swim, two runs and a conference #loverunning #loveparkrun #swimathon
What another crazy week. There was a lot that I needed to get done, but I was determined to fit some exercise in.
I swam on Monday. I decided to swim 1250m, as that’s half of the distance that I need to do for Swimathon. It felt quite challenging, at the time, but I felt revitalised when I returned to my office.
On Tuesday, I ran with some work colleagues. We went out on Southampton Common,…
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tamsynmsmith · 5 years
Swimathon 2019 - Enjoy the good days!
To start my journey as a @Swimathon 2019 ambassador, I met up with fellow ambassadors for a training session with @Duncan_Goodhew @eaTheCastle Read how it went on my blog. #SwimForAll #loveswimming @CRUKChallengers @mariecurieuk
I was so excited to be invited back as a Swimathon Ambassador for 2019. At some point this winter, I had already decided to enter Swimathon. I enjoyed it so much for the last couple of years and feel that it gives me a great goal to aim for at the start of the year. (Moreover, I know there are also thousands of other people who love this event as 2019 is its 31st year!)
To kickstart our…
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tamsynmsmith · 6 years
Swimathon 2018 - #SwimForAll
Swimathon 2018 #SwimForAll - a rundown of my masterclass with @Duncan_Goodhew & @KeriannePayne @Swimathon #loveswimming
After my morning at Tilgate parkrun, I took a train to London Bridge and then got on the underground to Stratford – destination: the London Aquatics Centre in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park! I was going to meet most of the other Swimathon Ambassadors and some very special guests. The London Aquatics Centre is an amazing place to swim – I just wish it were my local pool! I arrived just in time for…
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tamsynmsmith · 6 years
A fortnight of exercising
A fortnight of exercising @Sotonparkrun @Swimathon #loverunning #SwimForAll
After the Reading Half Marathon workshop, I was determined to start my training for this year’s races. I still need to sort out a proper half marathon training schedule, but at least I’m making a move in the right direction. I’ve been out running with Sarah for the past two Wednesdays. We did just over 5km the first week and 6.5km this week. I’m starting to feel a bit more comfortable again, but…
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tamsynmsmith · 6 years
Bubble, bubble, breathe - Swimathon 2018
Bubble, bubble, breathe - @Swimathon 2018 #SwimForAll #loveswimming
I’m so excited to be an ambassador for Swimathon 2018. I had a great time last year and it really pushed me to get back in the pool after having M. I had big plans for swimming more when I went back to work, but as M has been ill for most of the last 4 months, that didn’t really work out. She’s now seeming better, so I’m hoping to take her to the pool with me this weekend. She’s not really…
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tamsynmsmith · 7 years
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{SWIMATHON PREP} As an ambassador for #swimathon I had the privilege of having a private swimming lesson with Olympic gold medalist Duncan Goodhew this evening. I also got to meet fellow #blogsquad member Adele Prince. We did a whole range of progressive drills and there's plenty for me to work on in the next month. I'll be writing a detailed blogpost about what I learnt, so watch out for it 😊 Doing a 5k swim just over 5 months after having a baby is going to be tough, but knowing that Swimathon is raising funds for @mariecurieuk will keep me going. Are you taking part in @Swimathon_uk? What's the furthest you've ever swum? (at Pancras Square Leisure Centre)
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tamsynmsmith · 6 years
Swimathon 2018 #SwimForAll
Swimathon 2018 #SwimForAll - My review of my 2.5km swim to raise money for @cr_uk and @mariecurieuk #loveswimming
It’s been a while since I last blogged, but I wanted to share my experiences of Swimathon 2018 with you.
Endless illness
I started this year with so much enthusiasm, but the last few months have been really tough. M has caught every illness going. She has had chicken pox, gastroenteritis and a kidney infection recently. This has been alongside her eczema and teething. She also has a general…
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