defconprime · 2 days
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Enterprise Crew
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nairqux · 11 months
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did a Star Trek colour wheel :))
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subrosa03 · 3 months
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More Enterprise x text posts/tweets because although I’m watching Voyager atm I’m ALWAYS think about these mfs!!
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redscrawl · 2 months
my heart yearns for my wife (Star Trek Enterprise) who is off in a foreign country (ended in 2005)
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libartz · 1 year
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I am WEAK for this character type. Whenever I see one I go completely feral
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multifandomlover01 · 5 months
Absolutely nothing would sadden me more than being transported to my favorite fictional universes and having my favorite characters not like me. I’d be crushed. Like you don’t love me? How devastating.
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deliciousdietdrpepper · 10 months
I love the episodes of Star Trek where all the humans get Space Plague or Spacetime Sickness and it’s up to the android/hologram/alien-crew-mates to save everyone because it demonstrates just how instrumental diversity is on a spaceship where who knows what could happen. If I was in charge of the ship roster there would be such a diverse crew that most incidents wouldn’t cause major havoc. All the humans on the ship are dying? Congrats, 80% of the crew are on the job trying to cure you. Need to send everyone to sleep while traveling through a toxic nebula? No worries! You have several crew members to assist you in ship functions and crew medical assistance. It’s objectively strange that star fleet should be 90% human and the only thing I can think to justify it is how many hours the makeup artists need to do their job well.
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thatswhatsidhesaid · 2 months
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tolllthedead · 6 months
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xxweyussyenjoyerxx · 4 months
The perfect canon Star Trek couple doesn’t exi-
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talshiargirlfriend · 2 months
@hjea said we deserved more adorable half-Vulcan baby and that is 100% correct. So here’s what can be considered a missing scene or if you prefer you can say 🖕 to canon and consider it the opening of a fix-it.
Phlox had been notified of their imminent arrival, but nothing could have fully prepared him for the sight that greeted him as the doors to Sickbay parted. A pinched-face Commander T’Pol clutched an infant protectively to her chest as she strode in, flanked by Captain Archer and Commander Tucker. Commander Tucker had a hand on her back and concerned eyes focused on the baby’s profile. A brief look of pain flashed across his face indicating to Phlox that he may soon have two patients. Captain Archer wore his fight face. Behind them trailed a stricken Ensign Mayweather and a stoic Lieutenant Reed. All of them appeared dirty and dishevelled. 
The tiny girl stared at everything around her with wide blue eyes reminiscent of her father’s as she chewed one chubby fist. It brought to mind Sim as a baby, but of course there was no time to dwell on that now. The upswept brows and delicately pointed ears were all her mother, the doctor noted. 
“Well, what have we here?” Phlox greeted T’Pol when she stopped before him. He passed a handheld scanner in front of his young patient. 
“She is gravely ill, Doctor. Her immune system appears to be severely compromised,”  T’Pol informed him as she gently bounced the baby in her arms. It was somewhat less graceful than her usual movements in Phlox’s estimation, but he could nonetheless see the care in her touch. The baby gave a rattling cough as if to confirm her mother’s assessment. 
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask everyone who is not a patient - or the parent of a patient - to leave,” Phlox ordered as the scanner whirred. 
Lieutenant Reed nodded at T’Pol and Phlox, and then whispered something to Commander Tucker before giving him a supportive squeeze on his shoulder as he passed. The resulting grimace on the engineer‘s face confirmed Phlox's earlier suspicions about patient count.  Ensign Mayweather had evidently already had the good sense to slip out unnoticed.
 “You’ll inform me as soon as you know anything,” the captain confirmed as he briefly caught the doctor’s eye. “I’ll check on you all soon.” 
T’Pol gave no acknowledgement as she rubbed the baby’s back rhythmically to soothe her. 
“Take care, Trip,” Jonathan added with an encouraging smile. 
“Aye, Cap’n,” Trip responded with the ghost of a smile as he briefly tore his eyes away from T’Pol and their child. 
Phlox glanced down at the scanner in concern before he addressed the new parents. “She has a respiratory infection. We’ll start with some medication - a mild analgesic, antibiotic, and expectorant. I’d like to see that fever reduced quickly. Depending how she responds over the next hour we may move onto a more aggressive treatment for her lungs including placing her in an oxygen rich environment.” 
As he moved across to the cabinet to prepare the medication Phlox could hear the soft timbre of Commander Tucker’s voice. “She’s heavier than she looks. You want me to take her for a bit?”
“I’m fine,” T’Pol said softly. Trip must have looked ready to argue because she continued quickly, “you are injured, Trip. I will hold her… but perhaps you’d like to touch her or speak to her?” 
When Phlox returned he was loath to interrupt the scene before him. The two parents stood close with their heads canted toward each other. The baby had dropped her head against her mother’s chest and was drooling peacefully as her father stroked her hair and cheek and whispered quiet words of reassurance. In less fraught circumstances Phlox would have taken amusement in the sight of the normally impeccably groomed Vulcan with a patch of spittle spreading on her clothing. 
“I’ve got an injection ready,” he said as he approached the family. “This should ease her discomfort and allow her to sleep more soundly. I’ll also take a blood sample.”  
The child made an irritated squawk when the needle pierced her skin and she shifted her head to give Phlox the most dignified look of pouty-lipped disdain he’d ever seen on a baby. 
Apparently she would take after both her parents in temperament as well as appearance, Phlox thought wryly.
 “Shhh now, you’re all right, little one. I know it’s no fun getting jabbed, but the doc here is gonna help you feel a lot better.”
T’Pol turned pleading eyes toward the doctor as she gently rocked the baby. 
He would certainly do his best. 
“Commanders,” Phlox said gently as he prepared to analyse the blood of Enterprise's newest resident. “This will take some time. I won’t ask you to rest now, but it would be a good idea to refresh yourselves somewhat and get comfortable…” he trailed off as he nodded toward the chairs along the wall. 
Their reluctance to leave was palpable. Phlox could understand it well, but they would be better able to care for their newfound daughter if they first looked after their own needs. 
He glanced back to see the two commanders locked in an apparent staring contest. Before he could make a stronger appeal, Commander Tucker gave a faint sigh. 
“All right. You two go sit in one of Phlox’s comfy chairs.  I’m gonna go wash the moon dust off and grab a cup of coffee. When I get back I’m gonna bring you a change of clothes and a cup of tea, and you’re gonna take a break for ten minutes,” he informed T’Pol rather intensely.  Phlox expected Vulcan indignance, but instead she only nodded in response. That was interesting. 
Satisfied, Trip leaned down to gently stroke his daughter’s cheek. “I’ll be right back. You be good for your mama,” he whispered. T’Pol’s eyes widened slightly, and he gave her a faintly bewildered smile. “I know. It's surreal. But you’re her mom.”
“And you are her father,” she replied seriously. 
A bright grin spread over Trip’s face. “I am,” he said, wonder evident in his tone. His voice dropped back down,”You’re doing great, T’Pol.” He rubbed her arm. 
“Ok, Doc,” he said a bit louder. “Keep an eye on these Vulcan girls for me. I’ll be back in twenty minutes, tops.” He paused to kiss the sleepy infant on her head and the startled mother on her lips. 
Phlox politely averted his eyes and hid his grin as he focused on the screen at his workstation.  “Commander,” he called out as Trip reached the door. “I'm going to take a look at that shoulder when you get back.” At the dark muttering he heard in response, Phlox allowed himself a small smile before frowning at the data loading before him. 
The baby’s eyes were starting to drift closed, and he could hear T’Pol speaking quietly to her as she paced.
“Your father is very physically affectionate.” There was a pause. “We will adapt.”
“You still need a name,” T’Pol murmured to the child. “I have something in mind. We will discuss it with your father when he returns.”
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gravelyhumerus · 11 months
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doodle giveaway: T’Pol
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subrosa03 · 18 days
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Thinking about Mirror Universe Hoshi again… she may be a murderer but she’s also cool as hell😎
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phloxsmenagerie · 13 days
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Tag yourself
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anotherstartrekblog · 5 months
NEED NEED NEED A FIC where Cap. Archer and T’pol through some shenanigans find Kirk and Spock on their ship and just the utter chaos of ‘I don’t talk about my family’ Spock getting the shock of his life that in face he’s not the first Vulcan In star fleet and he’s not even special because his grandmother was the first Vulcan science AND first officer on the first Enterprise
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bestt4tshipbracket · 27 days
Best T4T Ship Group 4 Round 1
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Neither are canonically trans
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