infrausa · 5 years
Repair Priorities
What is happening to our #roads? Report from @T4America & @taxpayers explains what it will take to really fix our nation's road system
Transportation for America Taxpayers for Common Sense
Executive Summary
The nation’s roads are deteriorating, contributing to a looming financial problem. When the first edition of Repair Prioritieswas released in 2011, the condition of the nation’s road network was a direct reflection of decades of underinvestment in repair. In the years since, policymakers continue to pay lip service to the…
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Transportation Investment.
T4America’s playbook, by Jenna Fortunati, 7 Jul 2020
"To truly bring down transportation emissions, we need to think #BeyondEVs. We need to stop building expensive, unnecessary new roads that just increase vehicle miles traveled (VMT). We need to stop making car ownership a prerequisite for participating in the economy. We need to actually measure emissions from the transportation sector, and penalize states for pursuing projects that fail to bring those emissions down. We need to focus on the low-carbon modes that can improve people’s lives: transit, walking, and biking."
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And, "True High Speed passenger rail can replace airlines on the busiest routes between major cities, but the basic rail network is needed to connect the small towns and medium size cities with the major metropolitan area and carry most of our nation’s long distance freight."
ITO comment: Canada’s commitment should be no different!
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blawg2read · 7 years
RT @T4America: "In fact, taken alongside the White House’s budget request for 2019, also released on Monday, infrastructure spending is actually in for a net reduction" — CityLab https://t.co/wY2ztl5HRd
"In fact, taken alongside the White House’s budget request for 2019, also released on Monday, infrastructure spending is actually in for a net reduction" — CityLab https://t.co/wY2ztl5HRd
— Transport. 4 America (@T4America) March 6, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/F6Dominic
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funding-grants · 7 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/Funding_Grants
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transportgooru · 9 years
Job Alert: Research Fellow - Transportation for America @ Washington, DC
Job Alert: Research Fellow - #Transportation for America @ Washington, #DC @T4America #jobs
Transportation for America is hiring a Research Fellow to help produce research and produce reports, identify innovative transportation concepts, and support a mission-based consulting service to produce the best outcomes for clients’ transportation investments.
The fellow will join Transportation for America’s policy team conducting original research that advances local, state and federal…
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infrausa · 7 years
Transit Manufacturing Supports Jobs from Coast to Coast
How we can help #transit help our economy: @T4America report
TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICA Public dollars devoted to making capital improvements to public transportation systems support thousands of manufacturing jobs, in communities small and large, in nearly every state across the country. The supply chain for public transportation is as deep as it is wide, touching every corner of the country and employing thousands of Americans who produce everything from…
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infrausa · 8 years
Transportation Performance Measures: 2017 Survey
How metro planning orgs (MPOs) can make the most of taxpayer $ through #PerformanceMeasures @T4America survey
TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICA How Metropolitan Planning Organizations Across the United States Use Performance Measures Summary Performance measures for transportation are coming, one way or another, thanks to new federal requirements created by Congress in MAP-21, the federal transportation law enacted in 2012. That law ushered in a new era by requiring metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to…
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infrausa · 8 years
Planning for a Healthier Future
What are regional #transportation $$$ actually DOING? @T4America report
TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICA Planning for a Healthier Future: Incorporating Health, Equity, and Environmental Performance Measures in Regional Transportation Plans Introduction Cities and regions around the country face important choices about how and where they want to grow, how to connect people to economic prosperity and how to use limited resources to promote healthy communities and provide a…
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infrausa · 9 years
T4America's Online Guide to Creative Placemaking
If you work in #planning, you need to check out @T4America's online guide to #CreativePlacemaking
  “Creative placemaking harnesses the power of arts and culture to allow for more genuine public engagement — particularly in low-income neighborhoods, communities of color and among immigrant populations — in the development of transportation projects.” -James Corless, Director, Transportation for America Transportation for America recently published The Scenic Route, a content-rich online guide…
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infrausa · 9 years
Twelve Innovations in Transportation Policy States Should Consider in 2016
12 things states should do to improve transpo policy in 2016 (@T4America):
TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICA To remain economically competitive, states must invest in infrastructure. States are also well positioned to be incubators of innovative transportation policy and funding solutions. Recent history shows willingness by state legislatures — regardless of political party — to step up and provide the necessary resources to invest in transportation systems. With 12 states…
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infrausa · 9 years
Capital Ideas II: State Transportation Funding Lessons from 2015 & Challenges for 2016
2015 had the MOST successful funding increase from #states EVER - & we can all learn from their success @T4America
TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICA Introduction After years of inactivity on the issue, transportation funding has increasingly become a critical issue in states both red and blue and elected state representatives have responded by moving to raise new funding at the state and even local level. With 12 states successfully taking action this year, 2015 had the largest number of successful increases in…
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infrausa · 9 years
Our Future with the FAST Act: James Corless, Director, Transportation for America
Our Future with the #FASTAct: A status quo bill? @T4America's James Corless isn't celebrating yet
On Friday, December 4th, President Obama signed into law the“Fixing America’s Surface Transportation” or “FAST” Act, the first long-term transportation bill the U.S. has seen in ten years. The $305 billion, 5-year program comes as a welcome bi-partisan compromise, but as with any major piece of legislation, it comes with its fair share of controversy. James Corless is the Director of…
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infrausa · 9 years
Funding Transit in St. Louis
Hey, #StLouis - here are some ideas for getting your #transit projects funded! (@T4America report)
TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICA Introduction Though the St. Louis region has advanced several proposals to dramatically expand or improve the region’s public transportation, the bottom line is that an overall shortage of funding presents significant challenges to transit expansion in St. Louis. The purpose of this report is not to identify which of these possible transit projects are the “right” or…
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infrausa · 9 years
The State of Oregon's Bridges
Did you know that #Oregon has 439 structurally deficient bridges, with an average age of 55 years? @T4America report
TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICA Oregon’s deficient bridges: How will we pay to repair them? Every day, millions of people from all walks of life in Oregon cities, towns and rural areas travel over one of the state’s 8,052 bridges — essentially any structure longer than 20 feet that carries vehicle traffic. These bridges carry commuters through and within our cities, move people from town to town, help…
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infrausa · 9 years
The State of Minnesota's Bridges
Who's responsible for #Minnesota's 830 deficient bridges? @T4America report explains,
Minnesota’s deficient bridges: How will we pay to repair them?
Every day, millions of people from all walks of life in Minnesota cities, towns and rural areas travel over one of the state’s 12,961 bridges — essentially any structure longer than 20 feet that carries vehicle traffic. These bridges carry commuters through and within our cities, move people from town to…
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infrausa · 10 years
Capital Ideas: Winning State Funding for Transportation
How (and why) states are finding their own funding mechanisms for #transportation @T4America report
States face an increasing challenge in funding their mounting transportation needs. Their primary sources of revenue — taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel — have been depressed as vehicles become more efficient, per-person driving mileage declines and construction costs rise along with inflation.
Meanwhile, states are further challenged by uncertain federal funding, which…
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