#TDJ Takeover
clawbehavior · 2 years
really getting into a TDJ au idea loosely based on mon mothma's storyline from andor:
kim gaon is an up and coming judge well loved by the public. he's also secretly funding resistance to the SRF, having watched their influence grow into a full out takeover of government.
after a surprise attack on one of their strongholds, the SRF starts cracking down on the resistance. they pass legislation that grants them sweeping powers, including investigating large financial transactions and auditing public figures.
recognizing that his popularity will make him a target, gaon acts quickly to make up the missing bank funds. he turns to kang yohan for help, the notoriously ruthless loan shark with a murky past that includes rumors of fratricide. the death of kang yohan's family has conveniently left him as the sole executor of his niece's inheritance. he's the devil gaon doesn't know but gaon is cornered. at least kang yohan is known to strictly abide by the terms of his contracts, unlike the unpredictable jukchang, a money lender with ties to organized violence.
so he meets kang yohan. their meeting is attacked. gaon shields yohan with his own body and they escape alive but injured. yohan brings gaon to his secluded fortress to recuperate where gaon also meets kang elijah.
cue suspicious gaon falling into bed with a maddeningly elusive yohan, figuratively at first and literally later on. in the interim, they continue to support the resistance independently of each other, not recognizing that the help they're getting is other acting anonymously.
things become complicated. gaon is drawn to yohan's unique brand of ethics and its capacity for justice but is ultimately conflicted over yohan's motivations and the hold his past has on him. yohan is intrigued by the contradiction between gaon's stubborn conviction in doing the right thing and his impulsive personality. they reach an emotional stalemate: gaon pleads with yohan to reveal his motivations and the truth behind the fire, but protecting elijah is more important to yohan than whatever he feels for gaon. so he does what he does best and redirects, misrepresents, and manipulates until gaon leaves of his own accord.
when yohan finally puts two and two together about gaon's role in the resistance and decides to trust him, he's ambushed by the SRF. he escapes only to find the fortress destroyed with elijah inside. gaon cannot be reached. inconsolable with rage and grief, yohan returns to the resistance with a renewed vow for vengeance.
months later, yohan is attending a public charity event intending to capture and interrogate the assistant to the minister of justice when he's suddenly pulled out of the hallway and into a dark room. it's gaon, eyes bright, holding onto yohan's jacket like a lifeline, hale and unharmed.
after he'd lost elijah, yohan couldn't find it in himself to establish contact with gaon again when the latter reemerged in the public eye. the chances of being reminded of elijah by being in the presence of someone who cared for her was too abhorrent. so yohan had stayed away.
except, gaon is at the event with his new ward, a teenage boy who looks...familar. it's elijah, incandescent in her disguise and very much whole and alive.
it turns out gaon had received word of the ambush against yohan and had raced to the fortress. he'd barely managed to get elijah out before the mansion was attacked, running through the forest with her in his arms until he reached the car that would transport them to a safehouse. they had laid low for a few days to evade the SRF's notice. by the time they could make contact, yohan was gone. none of gaon's contacts in the resistance could tell him where, yohan having gone deep into their folds where gaon's influence couldn't reach. afraid of compromising elijah's safety with a message, the two decided to wait for yohan to show up again. in the meantime, gaon had fashioned a disguise for her as his male ward.
cue gender bending shenanigans, family reunions, a team up to take down the SRF once and for all, and romantic revelations.
this au idea was brought to you by my watching 'the last of us' and imagining gaon fiercely protecting elijah in yohan's absence, lying beside her at night with one eye on the door and a hand on his gun, the two of them looking out for each other until yohan reunites with them and sees gaon for the protector he is.
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
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                    Chosen Children || 0 2 || DigiDestined
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mrmcfarline · 7 years
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#Repost @bishopjakes (@get_repost) ・・・ Good Morning! You must clear your head from all of the things that have you stuck on the ground. Your thoughts are a powerful force! Your mind is your power! - As a man thinketh, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). You cannot be innovative and be depressed. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10); and he will always be there to remind you of what you did wrong. Don’t allow shame to hold you down. God has uniquely gifted you with something the world needs. YOU are the answer to someone’s problem. He is ready for you to soar into the next dimension of blessings and success, but you will self-sabotage what He has for you if let shame takeover. You have to get off of the ground! Are you an eagle or a chicken? Clear your head! Cast your cares upon Him, and get ready for take-off! Watch the rebroadcast of #EaglesLoveInTheAir @BishopJakes! See it now at tdjakes.org/watchnow or in the TDJ Mobile App #tphonline #DailyDevotion #SOAR
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youngxanointed · 7 years
@BishopJakes It's a @the_brick_ Takeover Sunday! Join us LIVE NOW at https://t.co/tOCAJo0ymx or in the TDJ Mobile App #tphonline https://t.co/gOR77NZGwN | http://twitter.com/BishopJakes/status/901807979736907778
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
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Digisoul Charge! Overdrive!
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
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Kudo Taiki in a nutshell
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
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A dancing Cutemon and Dondokomon for your dash
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
I thought at first to unfollow you because I don't like seeing stuff that I don't like or just any other anime than pokémon. But THEN, like.. i really appreciate you as a person who at the backside of this poke.. I mean digianiblog has a very beautiful heart. And I'd not do this rude thingy to such a charming person tbh. I'm glad you lost those 7 followers, and your true frens are still here with you
The reason why I still use this damn site ☝
This was never meant to be a Pokeani blog in the fist place...but like what I said before, I always separate myself from other tumblr users by brining a different experience than the usual “micro-blogging”, and if people can’t see that I don’t really care how much followers I have since I never intended to be followed in the fist place. Thank you for seeing who I am...
I’m sure P J is smiling (or crying) somewhere
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
I feel rly very bad about your decision but it's your blog. But, will you unfollow all those pokeani blogs you've been following since so long?
Of course not! I never said anything about not loving it anymore :D I mean it’s just APRIL 1ST…this new Digiblog is still experimental ;)
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
I know this whole DJ thing isn’t working when I can still see your Eevee icon on my mobile Tumblr.
The Royal Knights are working on that as we speak…
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
I still have a few more asks left, but I’ll entertain those questions in the morning when I wake up...I need some sleep bruh.
For now, enjoy the DigiQueue I have set-up.
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youngxanointed · 8 years
@BishopJakes It's a @iamfirehouse takeover today!! Join us now at https://t.co/tOCAJoi9L7 or in the TDJ Mobile App #worship… https://t.co/GxVLECllQr | http://twitter.com/BishopJakes/status/825721968724959232
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
hey just heads up that the background on your blog is very bright and flashy, hurts eyes :(
Don’t worry that Pikachu background will be DELETED soon, once a suitable is replacement is found. Thank you for letting me know!
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