#TEEEHEE thank u for sending this in I love rambling abt them 😭😭
puppyeared · 2 years
#20 for augusta?
What was the moment at which they knew they were in love, or was it a slow buildup?
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Not sure if I can give a straight answer but I’ll try my best!
Since this started out as more of a crack ship, it’s actually kind of hard to say whether there was a moment either of them fell in love or it was just a slow build up since there’s technically no canon to go with it. I just slapped them together and now we’re here shdhvbss
@poicyss thinks it would have a lot to do with Augusta being a silly little goofball softening him up and/or kind of flicking a switch in his brain, like “that one. I want that one” LMAO. Personally I agree because it seems to fit with their dynamic, their personalities are very similar so they’d get along platonically or romantically
^ also because Anton is a bit of a closed off person for all his friendliness and curiosity. I’d imagine this might have something to do with his background as an abnormality being shunned by his coworkers.. maybe not to let him get his hopes up? Or maybe subconsciously from learning how to imitate human emotions? That’s just my speculation tho, ask bow lol
Augusta also has a bit of a lonely personality, so like Anton she is very warm and can be energetic but half of it is kind of a mask she puts on to make herself approachable. This has a bit to do with her becoming an astronaut because she doesn’t feel like she’s on the same page as everyone, so she sees herself as coming from outer space. This also means she has a hard time being herself around people without this mask, eventually she gets tired of pretending and becomes quieter and softspoken
So meeting Anton and vice versa would probably be something very new to both of them, like wow this guys just like me fr fr.. she likes to talk about fun facts and useless knowledge that comes to mind and he likes talking about things he’s interested in and knows a lot about, they both tend to over explain things but somehow it ends up working out for both of them, etc. honestly it was just a matter of time if u put them in the same room lol
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