#TGS Serial!killer AU
ipsen · 1 year
fic info + ao3
find me on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Ipsen
check my popular tags to see my deal, but i write tokyo ghoul fanfics (90% EtoKen) and some tg meta as a present to myself
also, i shouldn't have to say this, but don't like, don't read. stop engaging with things that make you upset, especially in fandom
Poisoned Lotus (TG fic) (Ongoing!)
Rating: Explicit Ship: Rize/Hairu Tags: Incest, Trans Female Character, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Vaginal Sex, Kissing, Semi-Public Sex, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Petplay, Girl Penis, Aged Up Rize, Other Additional Tags to Be Added My ongoing collab project with @marathehomosexual!! A One-Eyed Ghoul Rize fic, with some additional twists thrown in there as well. Navigating the illicit romance between sisters Rize and Hairu, the strings the Washuu and V have tangled our main protagonists in, and Rize's own changed, but still damaged, perception of the world. A tale of love, violence, and incestuous lesbian sex. AO3 Link
Blank Canvas (Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction) (Complete!!!)
Rating: Explicit Ship: Eto/Kaneki (but Haise/Sen is more accurate) Tags: Sapiosexual Chemistry (or at least an attempt at it), There's Two Murderers, theresthreeactually.jpg, Kissing, Sex, Lobbying Is Stupid and Dumb And You Should Hate It Too A No Ghouls AU where Kaneki is an amateur online artist called Haise Sasaki. He is subsequently hired to collaborate with Sen Takatsuki on her first graphic novel, and gets more than what he bargained for. Featuring serial killers, drama, and romance. AO3 Link
Sincerely, Sen (Tokyo Ghoul fanfic collection)
A series of one shots and one Big Story! EtoKen once again. Basically my collection of pseudo-rewrites of the TG canon, from Eto and Kaneki dating pre-Anteiku raid to Eto surviving Cochlea!
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Night is day and day is night In a world that's lost its mind! chapter eight END
This was...concerning, to say the least.
Nothing had been done the past couple of months, everyone was saying it was because of the cameras that had been put up were causing whoever did those horrible things to think twice, but Henry and Robert were not so sure getting rid of someone like this was that easy.
Someone was biding their time no doubt, being eight months pregnant did not lend itself to much coordination, and being so close to birth did not lend itself to much calm thought either, but both hoped whoever it was would just get bored and leave them all alone.
"Are you alright?" Robert asked, concerned at the other's frown and exhale, depression was not uncommon in pregnancy and his mate was already prone to it...
"Fine, it's just dark and rainy and it makes all this nonsense all the more gloomy for us all" Henry admitted, well he was no stranger to the rain, nor did he paticuarly hate it, but that did not mean he liked having it on top of the other things going on in their lives.
"Rachel is making everyone chili, that should help" Robert smiled, already eager for a bowl of the comfort dish and sure the omega would want something hot to fill his belly.
"Is it spicy?" Henry asked
"She did say it would be sort of hot" Robert admitted "You should not worry, it won't induce you"
"Perhaps, but I would much rather not get any heartburn from it," the omega said, knowing spiced foods were not a sure-fire way to go into labor, but they were a sure fire way to indigestion and that was something he would rather avoid, rolling about in his nest feeling like he wanted to vomit did not sound like a fun evening.
"Well, I can get something else..." Robert started only to be cut off by a kiss to the cheek.
"That's alright, I'm not even hungry right now, enjoy a meal with the others and I'm going to sleep a bit more, perhaps the storm will be over when I wake up" Henry smiled, knowing Robert had to be a little cooped up in the nest, he was in it all the time now ever since he was checked out of the hospital and the nest proved to be a good place for his still-healing body.
Robert nodded, sure his mate wanted some alone time to stretch out and relax, leaving the room, locking the door behind him so Henry could sleep with no disturbances, and headed downstairs. --- Mmm...something smells good...
Henry's eyes cracked open to find to his disappointment, the storm had not stopped, if anything it had gotten worse, but he did smell something nice, climbing out of the nest and opening the door the omega found a blueberry muffin, aw, Robert or Rachel must have left it there for him, wonder where his alpha was anyway? Perhaps he had some work to do or one of the lodgers dragged him off to show him something.
Picking up the treat, Henry headed back inside to sit at his desk so he could eat it properly, no need to get crumbs in his nest, that would not be fun to clean up later on, and the chemist was not in the mood to drag around the vacuum.
Taking a bite he could not help but note it was a bit weird tasting but guessed a little too much salt or something was added, the muffin was still good and it would be horrible to waste it after so much trouble.
He just hoped Robert got back soon...
"How on earth did you not know it would explode!?" Robert scolded as he bandaged Sinnett's hand after one of his machines backfired on him suddenly when he was showing off to the alpha what he wanted to display at the next science show.
"I thought I checked everyth-wait a minute...one of the dials has been taken off no wonder it shot off!" Sinnett pointed with his good hand to see that, yes indeed, one of the dials had been taken off and was laying on the floor.
"Who would have done-HENRY!" Robert jumped to his feet and darted from the room, bolting up the stairs two at a time, mister Sinnett somehow keeping up at his heels.
"Doctor Jekyll is upstairs, and he wouldn't have done this anywa-" Sinnett scoffed, thinking the alpha had suddenly gone daft to think his pregnant mate would ever intentionally sabo-
"I mean someone messed with your machine as a DISTRACTION!" Robert nearly screeched, heart pounding as he raced for his lover's office.
"WHAT!?" ---
Of all things to give him a stomach ache it had to be a muffin!
Pacing the room the omega was trying to ignore his hurting gut, now getting a little worried, it seemed like it was getting worse...perhaps it was just stress? Or bad bluebe-oh, that was problematic...his water broke.
He needed to go to the hospital NOW...where was his coat? He would need to calmly inform the lodgers...no need for them to panic...
'you're not due yet! Kid needs to bake another month!' Hyde seemed to complain, but Henry could hear that hint of fear in his voice, he was just as concerned as his split half, and catching a glimpse of him in the mirror, he could see his eyes did look a little softer.
"It will be alright, just calm down...I'll go find Robert or one of the lodgers and they can find him and we can go," Henry said to the mirror, fearing if he tried to mentally talk it would come out messed up and they were alone so it's not like he needed to.
Stepping towards the door a jolt of pain went down the omega's spine sending him to his knees.
This was not right...it hurt...it was too ...it was going too fast...but he didn't feel...this was not normal...the room was spinning
The door opened and he just saw a pair of blue socks coming towards him...
And everything went black --- Robert ran to Henry's side, quickly taking note of how scarily still he was and the fact his eyelids were fluttering oddly, seizure...waters broken...no visible head injury...
"Sinnett! Call an ambulance! Tell them we have an omega in labor who has entered a seizure by an unknown substance!" Robert ordered, the mate in him wanted to cry and attempt to get his love back in his right head as fast as possible, but the doctor knew seizures did not work that way, he did not know what caused it and labor and birth were out of his line of knowledge.
Forcing his instincts down he gently started to rub at the other man's back and held the omega's hand in the other "Henry? Can you hear me? I know you and Edward have to be really scared right now, but Sinnett went to get you help, you are going to be just fine and so will Edward and the baby"
A groan was his response, not comforting.
"Hang on..." Robert whispered as all he could really do at this point was wait...and pray... --- "Thirty-five-year-old omega, thirty-seven weeks pregnant, membranes ruptured and suffered a seizure from an unknown reason" the paramedic relayed as she helped wheel in said omega who was only partially conscious having woken up in the ambulance, only to scream in pain, too out of it and whatever drugs he was given most likely making the pain a lot worse to bother with any form of control.
Robert ran alongside the gurney, being more concerned with the fact Henry was back to being quiet, the screaming at least let the alpha know he was coherent enough to feel pain and react accordingly to the unpleasant feeling.
"Prepping for an emergency C-section!" came another call.
Those clinical words made a cold chill go down Roberts's spine.
C-section? As in, cut open? Like a dead fish!? It made sense though...the doctor in him monotonely said there would be no way his mate would be able to push, whatever he had been given had weakened him badly and caused a SEIZURE, Robert would be lucky if Henry made it out alive! If their baby was alive after being drugged...
The alpha fell to his knees in the hallway, feeling both cold and hot at the same time, why would someone...who could do this...why...
"Mr.Lanyon?" A soft voice went and the alpha looked up to see a blond nurse looking down at him "Why don't you go and get some air? I'm sure your mate and baby will be okay" she smiled softly, green eyes showing empathy and kindness, she looked sort of like how he thought a female Hyde would look in all honesty, though the sweet look was something he was sure would never grace the gremlin's face, it might never grace Henry's face again...
The nurse helped Robert to his feet and helped him walk to the doors and even found him a bench to sit on, offering a cup of coffee before she turned on a heel and dashed back inside the building, leaving the alpha with his thoughts.
The night was still warm, not yet turning cold with the coming winter, the bench was still wet from the earlier rain, but Robert found he could not care less about his trousers, who would benif-wait a minute...
His father...
Was that old windbag really capable of something like this? his family went after people who did things like this! But his father was stuck in his ways...thought he knew best all the time...if he thought Henry was in the way of a goal...he would do it, in a heartbeat.
Robert was going to KILL him, quite literally...
The monster that Robert wanted to break away from stirred inside him as he thought back on how pale his mate had been...how trying to encourage their baby to kick well they waited for the ambulance had proven fruitless...if both of them ...no...don't think like that yet...
He would bid his time if ...when...Henry was out of the woods and they would celebrate or mourn together, then the alpha would sharpen a few knives, perhaps this could be Henry's first kill...wouldn't that be poetic justice? Oh, he knew just the thing to use... --- "You can go in now" the nurse smiled as she watched the alpha attempt to look dignified well carrying a smiley face balloon.
Robert walked as straight and tall as he could into the hospital room, biting back the urge to jump for joy when he saw Henry's eyes were open and the omega managed to smile weakly at him.
"Hey," Robert said softly, stepping forward so he could gently run his fingers through the other's soft brown locks, loving how the strands curled between his fingers as if they did not want to let go.
"W..where is the baby?" Henry croaked, still feeling horrible, and stomach throbbing slightly no doubt from the new cut in it, but...perhaps some good came out of this...just a little hope...was their child alive? Or had it been killed from the-
"Don't you mean 'babies'?" Robert smiled, having hardly believed the news himself, but excited to blurt it out to anyone who would listen and was sure he annoyed a few people in doing so, especially after learning his mate would recover on top of it.
Henry almost felt like fainting again hearing that but found himself grinning loopily, no doubt a side effect of the medication meant to keep him from ripping his stitches going to search himself for the new little ones "Two for the price of one"
'Price of one my ass! We went through hell and got our shit wrecked!' Edward whined, feeling the effects of the medicine himself and also just wanting to see his new little monster! Give them their babies already!!!
"I have a great big surprise for you when you and our children can go home...or at least back to the society, I do believe everyone pitched in to build cribs...and a stroller...and slings...we are going to be up to our elbows in baby-related inventions aren't we?" Robert nearly winced, no doubt several 'improvements" will have been made to normal baby things...
"No doubt, what is the surprise?" Henry asked curiously.
"Oh, it will be a SCREAM" Robert grinned, already having asked one of the lodgers to make a few...adjustments to Henry's cane.
Would anyone want a sequel to this? Or do you guys have ideas for something?
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ectoflowermaid · 7 years
My crops are dying,, my soul is dying,, life is horrible,, pls I need,,,,, neprezi headcanons,,
mmmmhm understood
High school AU: Nepeta is super quiet in class and ppl don’t pay much attention to her bc they think she’s harmless (big miss steak) so when Terezi moves to school and she is LOUD and unapologetic for everything she does Nepeta is in love and they get put on a group project together in forensics and it’s about serial killers and terezi doesn’t know what to expect but nep just plows through with all this knowledge about how to kill and get away with it and finishes w a cute lil smile and Terezi just. Uhhhhh mar ry me? ?
RP AU: arseniccatnip and gallowscalibrator are the dream team for all online RP games and just videogames in general (they fuckin play overwatch together DONT TALK TO ME IF U DISAGREE) and they’ve never met in person, or so they think,,,they have a mutual friend in Karkat an eventually start hanging out tg without him and they’re playing games tg and uhhh wow ur rlly good also your playing style is?? super familiar? the whole shebang u kno what I’m going for here kiddos
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todokori-kun · 7 years
The fix was quicker than I expected! Dad’s bringing it (the computer) home today :D
someone needs to photoshop smiling cherubs and flowers around them
OH whoops, sorry about the misunderstanding ^^;; Idk what I even want to happen to the Touken baby, I just don’t want it to die in the womb.
Uta/Touka child might also be pretty attractive, now that I think about it ;)
(Uta/Rize or Uta/Itori child would look even better though)
I was in a nice, fluffy mood when I wrote that. Unfortunately, as I’m going to get my computer back and will be able to start working on the Heathers AU again tonight, this will probably be the last you’ll see of Cinnamon Roll Evans for a while :) 
YES I read the new Kuro chapter! Honestly I disliked the 2CT for various reasons  but now that it’s actually become canon I think I feel a little better about it (also, is it just me or does ‘real’ Ciel look a bit different from 'our’ Ciel on the last page? His face looks too…perfect, if that makes sense). I’m excited to see what this means for Lizzy’s relationship with both Ciels and Undertaker’s connection to the Phantomhives!
Oh, actually I agree with you there? What I meant by 'op’ is more of a really strong character, not an overpowered one ^^;; sorry, I’ll try to explain myself better:
Super strong characters like Levi, Mikasa, the Titan Trio, Kaneki, Eto, Arima, Sebastian…they are all technically 'op’ (especially Sebastian, dude has literally no weaknesses so far). However, they work because they also have traits that interest us beyond just their strength. Kaneki is a lonely child, a selfish person with a fear of being left behind, drifting and unable to find a reason to live. Levi is an orphan who was raised by a serial killer- he clawed his way up to where he is now. Annie is a sixteen-year-old trained into a killing machine from childhood, she went through life believing that the only person she could trust was her father, and she was desperate to return to him.
(It’s also difficult because everyone seems to have a different definition of 'op’; I personally just use it to jokingly refer to powerful characters or when I talk about strong characters whose power levels are inconsistent with canon to the point where it gets ridiculous (example: we know titan shifters take some time to heal, so if a titan shifter came along who could be behaded then have their head instantly stick back onto their neck like some sort of AoT version of Noro, I’d consider them OP).)
I guess what I was trying to say was that it’s fine to have strong characters, just make sure that they have an actual personality (readers need a reason to care about the characters, after all!) and that their powers make sense? ^^;;
(Also, I think I might have sounded a bit passive-aggressive or rude during this convo about op characters, I'm really sorry if I did OTL I didn’t mean to, but when I reread my comments I realized they could come off that way)
I agree with you about the AoT OCs though. Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of good ones…actually, most OCs I see for popular fandoms aren’t very interesting. Other than the powers or character designs the thing that bothers me is the lack of proper personality (why do so many people think 'happy’ is a personality trait???).
And definitely agree 100% on the angsty backstory. Like, that’s just overkill. There’s a difference between tragedy and being edgy. (It also sort of depends on how good the writer is at conveying emotion and handling the angst, but for the most part stuff like that is
That’s a great way to do things! :D I’m really, really disorganized when it comes to making characters…usually a concept pops into my head and I run with it, adding in details along the way. Tatsuo was created when I wanted to make a male TG OC and suddenly this image of a smug-looking guy with a long black ponytail popped into my head, Naomi started from the idea of making a character with the themes of 'self-discovery’ 'identity’ and 'lies’ woven into their arc. Louisa was literally born from an outfit- I randomly thought of an outfit that looked really pretty and traditionally feminine, yet was actually very practical when you looked closer. Then I tried to imagine what kind of person would wear these clothes and that was Louisa…
idk, I’m bad at explaining stuff haha
(also: Tatsuo was also inspired by various vampire characters I saw in anime/manga, books and TV shows. He’d be so offended if he knew LOL in fact, he just might serve me for dinner at the restaurant or something ;-;)
TYSM! I’m really glad you’ve liked all three of my OCs so far, thank you for listening to me ramble about my babies (actually only Naomi is my baby, Tatsuo and I disowned each other and Louisa moved out) <33333
As for Lou, I’ll send you some more info about her after I develop her a bit more if you like? :) For now, a few random things:
-rarely shows emotions like anger or sorrow
-not because she’s bottling them up, but because she’s learned how to handle them in a healthy way
-always smells like mint for some reason
-maybe because she’s addicted to mint tea
-her bodyguard suspects she doesn’t drink water at all and lives on the stuff
-she also likes strong flavors
-has the kind of bright, pretty smile that makes you want to trust her
-so you do
-and you (probably) get killed
-had a girlfriend named Iris once, a nice, sensible girl who managed to keep her from getting too buried in her work and various plans for her family and took care of her in ways that her bodyguard couldn’t (AKA somehow got her to realize that mint tea does not equal a proper meal)
-unfortunately Iris did not know that Lou can be a bit terrible
-she walked in on Lou casually wiping the blood off of her knife with the dead body of a certain businessman on the floor in front of her
-“Oh, Iris. What are you doing here, darling? I thought I asked the servants to keep you upstairs, my private meetings can be a bit messy… Iris? Love, are you quite alright? You look a little pale…”
-Well, that was the end of that relationship
XD the titan designs are one of the best things about AoT, in my opinion. You could make a gallery out of all the pictures of them that that have appeared in the anime and the manga so far lol
Oh, really? Hope you enjoy/ed the list then :D was it ok??? (Part 2 was intended to smash feels)
Sweet! That wasn’t so long ^^
I know you meant Voldy and Draco by the flower statement but...
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I’m this close to finding a physical copy of the manga and throwing it in the fire while yelling ‘Lighten the fuck up’.
Gimme the Uta/Itori love child now, pretty please. Damn, that would be one attractive baby. 
And now I fear for my life. Great. Well, more for my hear than for my life, but whatever.
Well, I never really had a formed opinion on the 2CT theory, but I did read a few things about it. I didn’t expect it to be true, though. Welp, now we can assume it is true, and I am SHOOK Here’s an accurate description of me during the chapter.
I think that might be since he’s a tiny bit more similar to Vincent, while Our Ciel is more similar to Rachel. I mean, we know that there are physical differences between the two (if we assume that Real Ciel is the one who was previously Lizzy’s fiancé), because Real Ciel is taller than Our Ciel.
Yep, I definitely can’t wait to see where it’ll go from now. I remember seeing a post that said ‘This is the biggest shock to the fandom since we found out Undertaker was fuckable’
Also: Our!Ciel: three years ago I lost my dear twin brother to some cultists and a demon. Real!Ciel: Quit telling everyone I'm dead! Our!Ciel: Sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Oh, I see! I always think of OP as OverPowered, that’s why I got a bit defensive ^^;;;;;
Well, like you said, everyone has their own definition of OP.  Sometimes, I’ll even think of OCs who have trait that’s already specific to another character as OP, like Titan-Shifter OCs, or OCs with a plot basically the same to a canon character (not OP but very irritating) And don’t get me started on Demon-Contracted OCs in the Kuro fandom. Those make me want to defenestrate myself.
Yup, I have no problems with strong characters as long as they’re not ridiculously strong and aren’t there purely because of that power, but they also have personality.
Don’t worry, I reread my original statement about OP characters and was like ‘man this sounds so bitchy and high and might hnnnngh’ but couldn’t find a way to rephrase it properly ^^;; So, no worries, I know how you feel ^^
Well, for some reason, it seems that the people who make believable OCs are either lazy or scared to post theirs. Or they simply don’t care. The ones with Mary Sues like to holler at people with ‘LOOK AT MY BAE CHARACTER AREN’T THEY PERFECT???’
There’s this blog I follow (it’s gone inactive, unfortunately) that takes Mary Sues and breaks them down (well, the correct term would be make fun of, but they do offer some advice on how to improve them), and you wouldn’t believe the shit I found there.  Here’s the link if you want.
For some reason, people seem to think that the edgier the backstory, the ‘more original’ the character, which (of course) isn’t true, because that means everyone will have a super tragic backstory that no longer makes sense.  Another thing I’ve noticed is that they sometimes avoid some pretty important details like ‘Character was born into a healthy, happy family. One thing led to another and the family was killed, while character was molested (a very common backstory theme) and taken in by a cult’ and I’m like ???
My character usually start out like this: *luna is watching a show*  OK BUT WHAT IF THERE WAS A CHARACTER WHO-
And so a new character is born. 
But your ways of starting a character are also quite interesting ^^ Especially by looking at an outfit!  I ALWAYS WANNA LISTEN TO YOU RAMBLE ABOUT CHARACTERS! 
Titans make me laugh, honestly. Like, these are supposed to be the main bad creatures? Steampunk zombies (kabaneri) look scarier than that.
It was the hulk smash of feels :-))))
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bindi-the-skunk · 4 years
Night is day and day is night In a world that's lost its mind! Chapter 1
Summary: Jekyll always thought no one else could have something worse to keep a secret than he did but he will find out, others have things they choose to "hyde"
Oh, Robert was going to be so upset at him when they got back to his house!
Hyde ended up losing control Henry was able to wrench it back and return into his body, thankfully Edward had enough sense to rush into a motels bathroom before it got too bad, the visitors having been pissed off members of the black fog Bazaar who had been less than pleased to have their shows canceled early because the feds got led to their hiding spot and they nearly tore the blond to shreds before he ran for the nearest room with a lock and barricaded himself in and changed back.
Robert had managed to get the trio of Bazaar employees away from the door, using his alpha presence to force them out of his way, he despised using pheromones to get what he wanted, too much like an animal, he had confided in Henry one time, before they had chosen to become mates and he had never used them on the chemist once before or after.
Robert's father had not approved of them getting properly married, despite complimenting the omega on his work ethics, he still refused to bless a marriage between the two.
He had been the reason they bonded in secret, witnessed by a couple of trusted friends, even to this day he knew nothing, just assumed the two had managed to remain good friends.
If he only knew...
Henry still had to fight down giggles or a blush whenever the stern alpha ended up sitting on a chair or sofa they had...christened, and was sure Robert sat his father in said seats on purpose, the little subtle smirk he wore when the elder Lanyon sat down said it was intentional.
The omega had nearly bolted when the door opened and he saw his mate on the other end, staring with wide chocolate eyes before Robert had grabbed Henry's arm and pulled him out, not saying a word, somehow that was more frightening than if he had chosen to scream.
Couldn't he have just enjoyed getting one over on Hyde for ONCE!?
Sneaking out the back way proved easier than expected and not a word was said between the two, what could Henry possibly say to save his skin? Robert had obviously seen Hyde disappear into the bathroom and found just Jekyll inside with no available windows or any other methods of escape but the door, he was caught...what would ..could he say...
That he created Hyde in a poor attempt to cure the depression that nearly killed him back in school?
That the pest known as Edward Hyde lived rent-free in his brain till he drank a potion to change...and this same omega chose to unleash horrific monsters only the body-sharing omegas could see out of the said brain to torment him? All because he wanted to go to the mad scientist version of a mall?
He would be lucky if Robert did not demand a bond severance immediately! He knew those occurred over cases FAR less serious than this!
The alpha would no doubt survive the break, he was strong, but the chemist was sure he himself would come down with mating sickness...and die a slow and painful death of heartbreak.
Please forgive me, Robert...
The door opened and closed in a flash as soon as they made it to the porch of the Lanyon home and Henry noticed too late it was Roberts FATHERS house, and a chill ran down the omegas spine at the realization.
No...He couldn't possibly be about to...it was too cruel!!!
Robert was going to denounce him in front of his father and any servants who came looking...any way but this way! Henry knew his mate would be mad at him but he did not think he would be THIS mad!
The chemist found himself pulled inside and was gently sat on a sofa, Robert surprisingly sitting next to him, the other now facing Jekyll properly so his face was in view.
He was smiling
"This is amazing, why didn't you say anything? Wait...I know...you thought I would be mad" Robert still smiled as he looked sympathetic at the other man who just nodded dumbly confused "Don't worry father will certainly let us...make it official once I tell him you have your own ...little secret,"
Little secret?
"I will explain everything to my father and you go pick out a nice wine in the cellar, whatever you like, I'm certain he won't mind" Robert smiled wider and helped Henry to his feet and pointed towards the cellar and walked away when he heard the voice of the elder Lanyon in the other room and the split man found himself doing as he was asked and headed for the cellar.
'what are you doing?! We can get away now! He's faking being all happy about it so we won't escape well his pops calls the police!'
'Robert would not do that...he can't fake his emotions that well...I can tell by his eyes...he is happy...'
Edward went silent after that
Deeper and deeper into the cellar Jekyll went, where did they keep the wine? After the events of tonight he might have to bring up two bottles! And force himself not to drink one by himself...escaping three angry Bazaar benefactors by the skin of their teeth and finding out his mate had some dark secret of his own...
What could it possibly be? He always was a perfect alpha to him and others, charming, well-mannered, attentive, and handsome to boot, did he also dabble in dark science? He did co-own the society, but he never really seemed too interested in the goings about there.
Something wet squelched under his shoe, and looking down, the chemist went pale.
A bloodied severed hand lay on the stone floor, tools that had been previously ignored because of the chemist's thought process also hung on the walls, dark with rust or fresh blood that had not yet dried and Jekyll slapped a hand to his mouth to keep from screaming or throwing up.
Robert's voice drew his attention back to the enterance.
"Love? Did you grab the wine? I hope you did not trip down there, several items my father uses are sharp!"
This could not be...
This is a more modern AU so if you see references to up-to-date stuff that is why I can't write victorian to save my life and this will also be a dark comedy (with some grimmer stuff later on that I won't spoil ) so do not take any of this TOO seriously and let your own Hyde's take the forefront! Mine certainly is with this fic!
fun fact: an actor who played Jekyll on stage (back when the book was first published) act was apparently so convincing HE was a suspect for jack the ripper! (bet that was FUN for him...not)
PS: should Jekyll and Frankenstein be related here like they are in my "Son of Frankenstein" story?
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Night is day and day is night In a world that's lost its mind! chapter four
Robert thankfully proved to not be willing to stick around and as soon as the couple got a few hours sleep they got up, dressed, and made their way out the door with the alpha jotting down a quick note so they did not have to deal with the reprocutions from not doing just that.
"Are you hungry? We can grab some breakfast" Robert suggested, still sensing something was off about his mate despite getting some precious sleep.
"No, it's too early in the day and my stomach is still trying to revolt against me" Henry chuckled, trying to temporarily forget what they had walked out of.
"I think your blood sugar is low, lets just get some buttered toast, it will help, I know you have not been taking care of yourself, drinking by yourself in your office is not breakfast" Robert smiled, feeling a bit guilty at having left the other man behind the other night and even mildly encouraging his bad habit by taking his own swig of the wine bottle and calling it social drinking and therefore perfectly fine.
Jekyll briefly considered calling him out on that statement but decided that, yes, some bread to soak up whatever was upsetting his stomach (no doubt something Hyde drank) would be best and might give him enough energy to handle whatever the rest of the day had in store.
A small cafe proved to be just what they were looking for, it was still early so there was only one other patron there sipping some coffee and ordering toast was an easy task and the two sat at a bench.
"So...what cake do you want?" Henry asked well he added some jam to his toast feeling a bit better "I know we both like chocolate, but should we do something different? Lemon could be interesting..."
Robert gave his mate a weird look "You hate lemon...and you hate grape jam..."
The omega looked down to see, yes indeed, he had put grape jam on his toast, that was...concerning, perhaps the events of the night were just getting to him? It was also very early in the morning, that must be it, the nightmares going back into his head with Hyde and finally getting some rest and dealing with the grog of waking from a deep sleep was just causing a mild case of weirdness.
Or was it? The knowing look Robert was giving him...the nausea...the bloody CRAVINGS of things he normally HATED? Those two weeks of fun they engaged in with no interruptions...nor PROTECTION...doing things not even Hyde would have touched...it was not like it was bad news...they were mated legally, but there could be no weeks and weeks of planning...the papers would have a field day if they saw a visibly pregnant omega getting married, even if the couple was already mated.
By the time it was appropriate to announce the pregnancy, everyone would have the wedding in the back of their mind and the idea of a baby in the front of so no one would have too much time to think about timing.
This was going to be just LOVELY to explain to the lodgers..maybe now they would listen to him...and ..oh God...Roberts PARENTS...would they have to explain? They could put together a proper wedding in a week, saying they just wanted to get it all over with, fanfare not being how they wanted to 'start' out...
And his DRINKING...Hyde's drinking! That was WORSE! Edward's roof hopping and falling down...bar fights, battle with that crazy man, the potion...how would THAT affect a growing baby?! He would be lucky if it was not born with two heads!
"Let's go to the hospital and confirm it" Robert suggested, sounding calm, but internally he was panicked, his mate was at least a month gone, not to mention the switching between two forms and the drinking which HE had encouraged...they would need to move fast with this, with any hope this would mean they could guilt his parents into letting the ceremony slide because of the baby, they would certainly give mercy to the omega's delicate condition? Then they of course would have to raise it, a shy little angel looking up at them with big scarlet or chocolate eyes, even his father would be unable to resist! His mother would definitely coo and cuddle him or her.
He would not let them get pulled into this...by the time the babe was of age for their ceremony, his parents would be too old to object to him saying to leave the tradition behind, he would have taken the head of the family title and get rid of it.
A quick wedding and they would have to get help with moving now...perhaps the lodgers would help? Though they were acting rather rude to Henry as of late...but the idea of being a royal ass to a pregnant omega might change their tunes a bit...at least enough to prevent a hormonal breakdown, though getting a muzzle for that old bat in the attic was tempting...highly unlikely she would change her tune, not a whole lot of maternal instinct there...
Anyway...Hospital first, pet store later
"Well, your a little over six weeks it looks like" the nurse smiled as she handed the couple a photograph "congratulations, baby looks healthy as can be, your stress levels however are high, I can recommend some books that can give you some tips on how to bring it down"
"Thank you very much," Henry said honestly, not sure how much it would help considering he would be unable to spend the rest of the pregnancy away from the Society and Roberts father, perhaps only one...
Now that everything was revealed to be alright, the alpha was puffing like a peacock with new feathers and anyone with eyes or nose would see he was ecstatic from not only his eyes lit up like a torch but the thick smell of apples and cinnamon in the air that he did not bother to try and suppress and the smell of peppermints soon joined it making the nurse giggle at the two, she loved her job!
"Let's go back home and get a little bit more sleep," Robert said, knowing they still had a lot to plan for, but they could leave it be for a few hours, rest was what his mate needed, and he would be lying if some grogginess was not starting to creep up on his eyelids as well.
Neither of them expected what they would find outside after getting the book and walking out admiring the ultrasound picture.
"The hospital? I certainly hope nothing is wrong"
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Night is day and day is night in a world that’s lost it’s mind chapter six
"How on EARTH could this happen!? Thank goodness no one was on that end of the house! Someone could have been killed!" Henry really tried not to shout but what else could he do when part of his house BLEW UP!? Seems there was a gas leak someplace in the east end of the house and it finally let itself be known via blasting a hole in the wall.
"At least this is fixable, and no one was hurt, chemical leaks are nothing to sneeze at as you know," Robert said, glad his mate and baby had not been harmed by the gas leak or the blast "Mr. Bryson is coming to pick us up and we can stay at the society till it's fixed, no harm was done and when your nesting period hits you can bribe Rachel for cookies with the baby's kicks"
"That will serve me well when I'm knicking everyone's things to put in said nest..." Henry groaned, knowing many a story of pregnant omegas taking their relatives blankets, hats, shirts, and even their other children's forgotten plushies to pad their makeshift den with and nothing but the need to tend to bath, bladder, and other babies would move them from it till the time came and some chose to just give birth in their nests.
Even if he did borrow things for his own little space, he refused to soil them with birthing fluids!
"They will know it's a compliment, who knows? They might put things IN the nest themselves!" Robert smiled, hoping that their ride would not choose to show up in his hot air balloon and would keep the theatrics to a minimum.
But the alpha was not going to be too picky, he would settle for just one.
He would take the theatrics over the hot air balloon though.
Thankfully Bryson showed up in a car proper and even had the mind to find one with seatbelts, though Robert insisted on driving the way back and Nicholas seemed perfectly fine with chilling in the backseat.
"Has everything been going alright with the society?" Henry asked curiously, he had not heard any news of anything bad (present events excluded).
"Fine, just fine, Miss Rachel kissed Jasper now that your asking! And Frankenstein has stopped throwing up blood and cussed at a chair when she ran her foot into it" Nicholas reported, trying not to laugh at remembering the creative swears the once lady of her house had managed to piece together as if she was a grizzled sailor at sea!
"Sounds like good progress" Henry tried to smile, he truly was happy his once-idol was recovering from her self-inflicted illness, but that also meant once she got up and moving she was out of the society, with several of his lodgers at her heels no doubt, if she did not choose to bother him by staying around and picking at every single thing he did during his pregnancy, no doubts about she would have her opinion about THAT... ---
He hated being right sometimes...
"I do not need another scarf THANK YOU-"
"You need to keep warm! And stop wearing those tacky shoes! You are going to slip and slide in those like an elephant on skates!"
"I will put on my slippers-"
"Great! Trip on those clown shoes!"
Robert was not sure how he could stop this argument...he just hoped it ended before his mate had to go into the delivery room! Perhaps once Henry found his desired nesting spot he could get him one of those BB guns...last time the freckled man bumped into her he thought he was ramming into a wall, he knew female alpha's tended to be more muscled, but there was a difference between well-built and concrete! A BB would not harm her any, though there was the risk of it ricocheting...
5TH MONTH: "Hey there little one! I'm your auntie Rachel! I will have lots of goodies for you when you are able to eat them, and lots of hugs and kisses too!" the alpha day manager gushed over the now showing bump, delighted her bosses instincts did not label her a threat when she was sitting inside his nest, which he had made inside his office, a suitable spot, the chemicals had all been cleared out and put into storage and the desk had been moved to make room for the mass of blankets and other comforts, several lodgers did indeed offer items for the nest and Henry was grateful for the extras that smelled familiar and kept him calm despite his family's silliness.
Rachel was honestly surprised no one up to this point had gotten hissed at! Even Frankenstein had only gotten a mild grumble, thankfully she knew better than to actually step into the nest or attempt to touch the hormonal omega, doing that without permission if you were not in that specific omega's 'pack' was a good way to lose a finger or a whole hand! Especially at the nesting stage, some omega's got so protective of their nests and growing babies they attacked their own mates!
Though those omegas did tend to be the ones with ...not so supportive mates anyway so ... no one could honestly blame them there.
But everything was going well and everyone was going to make sure it stayed that way... --- Bark bark!! whine!
"Zosimos?" Jekyll said groggily as he got out of his nest despite how much his instincts said to lay back down, his beloved dog sounded upset and he was going to find out what had done it.
Walking out into the hallway the doctor looked around to find he could hear Zosimoses' whines but could not see the church grim anywhere!
Then he looked up
The poor pup was perched on one of the rafters! How had he gotten up there!? Oh good a ladder...
Grabbing it the split man prepared to climb up to get to his dog when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Henry! What are you doing?!" Robert exclaimed "I'll get Zosi, you stay here and catch him if you need to"
Right...what was he thinking? He was off-balance as it was just walking now...Robert would get Zosi down safe and sound a lot quicker and easier.
The church grim happily barked and wandered over to where the ladder had been set at seeing his other daddy climbing up to get him, it was so scary up here! Why had that other man put him up here anyway? This was not fun! He had enough of scary! He had already been buried when he was alive, he did not want to fall now that he was dead!
The alpha's strong hand grabbed the grims scruff before tucking the pup under his arm and started his way down with the pup in his safekeeping.
Zosimos went flying through the air as the ladder broke apart as if it was made of tissue and was lucky enough to land in his master's arms.
And so did Robert, who was not so lucky to land in such a loving embrace.
The splintering and shifting of glass were all that was heard after that.
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Night is day and day is night In a world that's lost its mind! chapter three
After the tub was properly cleaned out (with Henry thankfully not getting a clear look at whoever's head was inside) and sanitized, the chemist was left alone for his bath and locked the door before stripping, this was still someone else's house and he did not need any more surprises.
'So this is it then? Your just accepting this batshit crap?' Hyde screeched, well he was admittedly impressed the chubby-cheeked man could have kept such a secret for so long, that did not mean his brain was having a hard time connecting the dots.
'What other option do we have? Our own secret has been exposed, Robert is still my alpha and we love each other, you and I are already responsible for a death, seems going along with it will be more self-preservatory, you know Roberts father is...himself, and well I'm certain Robert is of no real threat, his parents are a wild card at this point
'Well, hope your ready to gut another human like a fish'
'If they look anything like you it might help!'
"What do you mean you are going to push back the ceremony?" Hastie scowled at his son who was pretending to fuss with his jacket.
"I'm just saying we should not force him into all of this too fast, there are so many other things to do, not to mention the populace will be on edge when we dispose of that scum in the cellar, best to get the people calmed down first, a wedding would be the perfect pacifer before another body shows up, if the murders are too close together we could run into an issue unless you want to dispose of two bodies at the same time and have it stink up the place or risk being exposed should someone come looking," Robert said casually, as much as he believed in his family's cause, he did not want to push his mate too fast into it, remembering his own ceremony where he threw up and almost ran out of the room before his mother calmed him down by telling him of the woman's crimes as a brothel owner who let her girls be beaten and raped by their clients and kept all the profits for herself afterward and had one woman killed because she got pregnant and had wanted to keep the baby.
"You said he was capable of living up to it if he can't handle-"
"I did not say that, he has an iron core, he just hides it well to appease common society, I want you to bless our marriage and allow me to sell the house I am staying in so he and I can move into the Jekyll family home, that is what he and I want, then you will smile as we are bonded in a proper union, our relationship made public, then we can talk about his initiation ceremony, not before" Robert sternly stated, he wanted a somewhat normal life with Henry, perhaps no longer living near his family home would allow him to do just that, but he had to play nice for now, just one, his mate just had to make a single killing, then they both would be free.
Hastie puffed like an about to be plucked bird but deflated and nodded "Fine, just as stubborn as your mother"
"I'll take that as a compliment father..." ---
Henry put on a robe and stepped out into the bedroom to find Robert sitting on the bed waiting for him.
Suppose this was to be expected, a celebratory quickie after learning each other's big secret...
"Sit down, we need to talk, don't worry, my parents won't interrupt and are in bed already," Robert said and offered his mate a glass of water, not liking how pale the other looked.
Staring at the glass, Henry briefly wondered if some sort of drug had been placed in it, but what did he honestly have to lose? If something was going to happen, he would much rather be asleep or too drugged up to care...and drank it.
Regular water
He sat down and once again found his hands in the others larger ones who squeezed them gently.
"Look, I convinced father to give you time...for us to have our wedding and to move into your home, I won't live in a house so close to his anymore...when the time comes...you will just have to do it once...then we both will be free of it, I agree with my families cause...but I want no part of it, now I know, you understand that I will pick the most disgusting person I can find for you, that is all you have to do, you can do it quickly or do it slowly, then we can forget it all" Robert almost whispered, as if he feared being overheard through the walls, designed thicker than normal to mask the sounds to the outside world and other rooms, but better safe than sorry.
Henry held back the urge to hug his mate at this new knowledge and just nodded, the fact his mate did not get off on what he did, that was at least a small comfort, he did want a normal life, with him.
"Edward says all of this is crazy," Henry said as he caught sight of Edward making faces in the mirror.
"That is something we can agree on, but at least we have some time to think and figure this all out" Robert admitted chuckling a bit.
"They will expect me to...but afterward neither one of us will have to worry? Seems a bit too easy...considering the circumstances" Jekyll knew this was FAR from easy, but it could always get worse and for him it usually did.
"Let's just get some rest, it will take weeks to set everything up and weeks of packing up and moving everything, perhaps father will just get bored and say forget it all" Robert knew that was perhaps asking a lot, but, here was to hoping for the best.
"Right, need to rest off Hyde's antics tonight, starting to feel more nauseated than earlier..."
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bindi-the-skunk · 4 years
Night is day and day is night In a world that's lost its mind! Chapter 2
"Deep breaths...deep breaths..." Robert encouraged well rubbing the back of his hyperventilating mate who did not react well to finding a disembodied hand in the cellar, not that the alpha could blame him, he had hoped to slowly explain things to him, too late, of course, his father had to leave a big mess!
Honestly, his father always stressed the importance of a clean image, too bad that did not extend to his other business! He took that a little lighter than Robert liked! Took his mother's special bleach blend and even then the whole stain did not come out of the carpet from the last one! He kept telling him to use a tarp!
He knew mother was just as tired of the constant mess as he was, though the tendency towards mess did nothing to lend itself to a more jolly personality...
"I thought you said he was on our side in this?" The elder Lanyon nearly growled, arms crossed in disapproval, if this was how his son's mate reacted to one severed hand there was going to be a problem...and that was another thing! His son had lied straight to his face that he was done with his attempt at a relationship with Doctor Jekyll!
He liked the omega fine, hard-working, and all that, but he was not what he had wanted for his son, too wiry and breakable, did not possess the iron core, some omega's could develop one with time, but still, not a good fit for their little family tradition...his wife had taken it all in stride and done her initiation ceremony flawlessly and without a moment's hesitation, he had been ready to call a preacher or a soul specialist right there as she stood tall, white ceremonial robes covered in blood and chocolate eyes burning with fire as she finished off her first, a child killer.
He wanted to go kiss her right now just thinking about her conviction! Now that was a mate! It only took a few words from her when Robert had nearly dropped out halfway through, then afterward he had thrown up and nearly made a fool out of himself in front of his grandparents...but that had not been her fault and nothing some ginger tea could not fix and he was much better later on.
She was just as skilled with an ice pick as with her knitting needles, he was somewhat disappointed she moved onto knives after her ice pick broke...too uninspired for her skill set and kept meaning to get her a new one.
"He is, I told you, but even I would not exactly be dancing about the room if I stepped in body parts!" Robert argued, he had hoped this would go smoothly, but it obviously was not, oh well, he just needed a verbal blessing in front of a witness so they could get officially married, that was all he wanted, soul bonds were not against the law, but the difference was sort of like being married by a justice of the peace and married by a preacher, some people did get picky when it came to those things and he wanted things to be perfect and leave no doubt.
He was just honestly glad it was something like this, as much as he was not a huge fan of Hyde's unsubtle ways, it was better than forcing his father to consent to their marriage via knocking his mate up, not that they did much to prevent that one...if it happened it happened, but this was a much cleaner method and showed his father that Henry could handle their secrets.
A little panic attack was expected, it was a lot for Henry to bite off in one go! Robert himself was still reeling from the night's events.
Oh! He would need to pick out the perfect person for his love's first time...he would worry about it later, right now he had more important things to do.
Henry's mind was in a jumble of emotions, his mate was a serial killer! Or at least his father was and Robert knew about it! What should he do? Demand the soul severance that he thought was going to be forced onto him? No, he still loved Robert and knew it would kill him to do that...he just...had to ..calm down...perhaps there was a rational explanation?
"Father, could you leave us alone for a moment? I will explain things to him, I think you are making him more nervous" Robert requested and was glad when all he got was a mild huff before his father disappeared down the hallway.
"R-Robert...I don't...understand..." Jekyll managed to get out, hoping it did not make the ..oh goodness...murderer...mad, just a few weeks ago they had taken two weeks off from their work at Roberts house so they could have the other to themselves, the alpha lying to his father he was on a business trip so there would be no disturbances.
What horrors unknowingly laid under Henry's feet the whole time? Did Robert also have a torture cellar? Or did everything take place in the Lanyon family home? Would he get mad if Henry did not agree with something?
Robert just smiled softly and put his warm hands over Henry's clammy ones "My father and I are working on ridding the world of a few...stains, we do not go after innocent people, that hand you saw in the cellar belonged to a serial rapist, he was even stepping up to murder when he was caught and captured, he had a knife to this young woman, no more than sixteens throat, he confessed a lot under...insistence...and was unapologetic for his crimes and even called those he assaulted, garbage, we have dealt with others like him and worse, Henry, you can help us, four is better than three! Mother adores you already and I will be right there with you when you do your initiation, father was very pushy during mine...but you can take your time...figure out what works for you"
He made it sound as if they were signing up for a dance class! But it was killing...Hyde made threats certainly...and the incident with Moreau...the man died from his injuries...but that was not...it was different! The fire did most of the damage, it was most certainly different...
Or was it?
Moreau did horrible things to animals...slicing them up well alive...sewing them back together well they cried out in agony...the worst kind of mad scientist...while the Lodgers still had a working moral compass, he abandoned his long ago and who was to say if given the chance he would not have moved onto people? Innocent men, women, and children yanked off the streets to be chopped up and sewn back together with nothing to dull their pain but death...and who was to say he had not tried it before? People whose families still wondered what happened to those they loved...
But Robert and himself were doctors! They were meant to heal people...innocent people...the same skills that lent themselves so well to saving lives, could just as easily take it away...
Henry did feel guilt over Moreau's death, the specter that had taken his form spoke to that, but should he honestly feel all that bad? He was going to hurt the Lodgers...take Creature and do God knows what to it...
A sixteen-year-old girl...was almost raped and killed...would that man have left her body there for the police to find? Discarded like the trash as Robert said he thought of his victims as? Or would he have disposed of her corpse, never to be seen again? No one ever knowing...her family laying awake every night, wondering where their precious baby was, or being forced to go down to some random morgue to confirm it was her violated corpse?
He had so many omega's in his society, and both Virginia and Rachel were pretty female alpha's he knew many of the scum in the black market would jump at the chance to try and take...young Jasper would not survive in the underbelly of the world...he would become a broken core...Henry would kill if someone tried to hurt any of his rogue scientists...that had been proven via Hyde's actions.
Would helping Robert in his quest really be that bad? He already was a murderer, and his mate made a good point, so many people who did horrible things just because it brought them sick pleasure...get rid of as many monsters as they could...but then they would be the only monsters left...
Did he want to become a monster?
He already was a monster...what was going a little bit further now?
"I'll do it...for the benefit of the world...and for you," Jekyll said, glad his voice did not waver too much at the statement.
Robert grinned and clapped his hands together and stood up "Excellent, now follow me!"
Henry just nodded and got to his own feet, wondering what on earth could be in store for him now.
The two headed down another hallway and Henry could not help but feel a coil of dread in his stomach as acid built up in the back of his throat at the idea of a tied-up person being on the other end of one of those doors... was he going to do this...initiation now?
"Do I have to....the ceremony...tonight?"
"Of course not, we have to make preparations! It's all more complicated than needed, but oh well...most ceremony does tend to have more intricateness than required...no need to worry about it, now, your night has been hard enough and you need to get cleaned up and into some better fitting clothing, I want you to relax, go in here and take a hot ba- FATHER! Get the severed head out of the bathtub! People live in this house!"
Welcome to crazy-Ville! Everyone gets a severed head hood ornament!
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Night is day and day is night In a world that's lost its mind! chapter seven
beeep beeep beep beep beep
The sound of cold, emotionless machines sounded off around the alpha who had nearly been cut to ribbons by the glass table he had fallen into from his decent, but thankfully nothing important had been impaled or cut, and the blow to his head also proved to be nothing of great concern as he had woken up inside the ambulance and proved to be coherent and managed to fall into sleep before his mate walked in.
Henry sat by his mate's bedside, looking off into space, praying this was all just a horrible nightmare that he could wake up from, that ladder...who had put a faulty ladder out like that? He had seen, the ladder had been tampered with, it was not just old or warped, Same person who had put Zosi on the rafters? The grim could not have made it up there himself, someone put him there...but who would do such an awful thing?
Who had been the target?
Any of the lodgers would have gone to grab Zosimos if they saw him up there! If it was meant for a particular person, putting the beloved 'mascot' of the society in danger was not the way to trap a single person, any one of them would have tried to save him, even if Jekyll himself was the target, whoever did it could not have known he would have left his safe spot to see what happened, he could have shouted for someone else to check it out for him.
Could be anyone...he would make sure everyone was on high alert! This would not happen again!
And whoever did this was going to pay...DEARLY...
"H...henry?" came a tired voice and said omega looked over to see sleepy brown eyes looking at him.
"You scared me," Jekyll said, leaning over to plant a kiss on his mate's forehead, which was thankfully one of the parts not covered in bandages "Get some more rest"
"I..should be saying that to you" Robert chuckled and found the strength to sit up, he felt like he had been shoved into a blender, but at least nothing seemed broken and he could still feel his appendages.
"I'm alright, or I will be once your better and back at the society, the lodgers are already putting up cameras so if anyone tries something like this again we can catch them in the act, I'm going to give them to Zosi to pee on when we do" Henry chuckled at the thought.
"You are saying someone did this on purpose? Why?" Robert asked.
"The ladder had been sawed through, handling it did not raise any alarm bells, but an adult man getting on it...carting a dog who loves his treats and well..." Henry said well fiddling with his shirt buttons, glad that the fall had not been any higher or the fall just a bit harder...several what if's ran through his head and none of them were happy outcomes.
What if he had absentmindedly gotten onto that ladder? The fall might not have killed him...but an unborn baby...if he had landed on his front...or got impaled in the gut with glass...
'You really are glass half empty aren't you? Your mate and brat are alive! The mutt is too! And with those cameras, whoever did this is as good as in our hands, hopefully, you come up with something better than Zoozoo peeing on them, what do you REALLY want to do?'. Hyde asked, his cat-like grin showing in the hospital's window, just as ready to taste blood as his supposed to be better side was.
'I want to coat whoever did this in honey and leave them tied up in bear-infested woods' Jekyll internally admitted to his darker half, he tried not to relish dark thoughts, but someone, SOMEONE had harmed his mate, the father of his unborn pup, might have been planning on killing it as their original intent... that was something he would not forgive and WOULD take his pound of flesh for.
Perhaps he should take Robert up on his offer to teach him a few...tricks...this had to stop.
Door locked
Shades drawn
His mates, his alive mates heat pressed against his back as a small knife was placed into his hands, feeling strange and familiar at the same time, Hyde's muscle memory serving him well, neither of the couple honestly wanted to do this, but if whoever caused the incident, was also the one responsible for the gas leak, showed someone meant business, they had to be prepared and Henry could no longer count on transforming to help him out if it came to blows.
'I would have preferred our cane' Hyde complained as he watched the little knife twist in his counterparts fingers, a protection vest on the other to protect his ever-growing stomach from getting cut, the little dagger was only about as long as a marker and only about a single finger in width and could be safely folded into itself and tucked into a side pocket so it was perfectly concealed.
Hyde would have gone for something bigger and flashier, where was the fun in that little thing?
'A knife is quicker and all I need to do is get a single stab in instead of having to repeatedly knock someone down with a cane, if it comes down to it, I will need to do it quickly and get out of their striking distance as fast as I can, we can't risk an elongated fight' Henry said to Hyde as the other seemed to be thinking hard about something 'What is it?'
Edward broke into giggles 'You said elongated, hehehe'
Ugggghhh...three more months...three more months...then you can let Hyde out so he can stop going bonkers! Because it seemed like Edward was the one who got the pregnancy brain! Or at least that was what Henry was choosing to tell himself.
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Night is day and day is night In a world that's lost its mind! chapter five
Great, this was just great...just the person they did NOT want to see right now, perhaps they should have gone to the hospital down the road...
"Hello, father, out on a stroll?" Robert asked trying to sound pleasant but knowing his father was most likely looking for someone despite not even a day passing since the last...guest, something must have made him upset to go for another this quickly.
Hastie just nodded and quickly took note of the folder in his sons mates hands "What is that?" walking forward he managed to get a quick peek at it before Jekyll backed up, seeing it was a familiar-looking picture "Oh, an ultrasound? Congratulations..." the older alpha tried not to let his nose curl, they were in public so he could not afford to scold either one of them for their carelessness, he had talked to his son about this many times, in one ear and out the other like everything else!
Seems they went behind his back on a lot of things...they would need to hurry to get together everything now, he would need to be careful to make it not look rushed, no need for a scandal...there would already be a media circus...especially when the pregnancy came out! How far along was he anyway?
"Thank you...Doctor Overfield says the baby is fine, good size and everything for this stage" Henry smiled, trying to ignore the twisting in his gut, hoping that, if he did throw up, he would be able to wave it off as morning sickness and not the feeling of your skin crawling and your organs bouncing that the alpha caused with his overwhelming aura that demanded respect and obedience, or else.
"And what stage is that?" the head of the Lanyon family asked, putting a strained smile on his face that just looked very much like it belonged to a snake poised to strike.
"Six weeks"
That was...off, Robert was on a trip for two weeks, but he was not acting upset that the pregnancy did not aline with before or after his return...
Robert faked a bashful look "I lied when I said there was a business trip, I just wanted some peace and quiet with my mate, he did the same thing with the lodgers" the alpha said well wrapping a hand around his omega's waist to pull him closer in case his father exploded in a rage.
"This means we will have to move the wedding and the ceremony up..." Hastie started, feeling as though he was being trodden on like his legacy certainly would be.
"Well, I was thinking we could just call the whole ceremony off," Robert said well taking another peek at the picture to focus on the little blob and not his father's face.
"What did you say?"
"The wedding is going to take a while to plan, and with the baby coming, we should focus on that, any...guest...we bring over, could end up busting loose and attacking or find a way to lash out that could hurt Henry, the baby or both, plus, afterward there is all the responsibility of having a little one around, there will be no time between taking care of him or her and our regular work to do it" Robert stated well wondering if he should be concerned with the shade of purple his father was turning to avoid shouting.
"It is our tradition, you just want to walk all over it because-"
"Yes, I will, because it is not as important as this"
And with that, the couple quickly left, leaving the fuming alpha behind who let the dark thoughts and feelings swirl in his veins like poison.
T-this was an outrage! And it was all that spineless omega's fault! His son could not just leave behind years of tradition like it was a used tissue, he would not allow it, he had to make plans...
--- "A baby!? Congratulations!"
"How amazing!"
Lodgers happily chirped best wishes and offers to babysit if the couple ever needed a break and Henry even though he caught a little peek of a smile on Frankenstein's mouth, guess the idea of a baby could even make her a little less sour.
"Thank you all for your words and congratulations" Henry smiled feeling much better, now he and Robert could go home and make plans for their two big events that would be coming up before they knew it.
Over the next few days the couple allowed themselves to put their deeper worries out of their minds and focused on the cheesy wedding magazines and trying to wrap their heads around the news that the lodgers now planned on doing the exhibition as normal, everyone much more amicable towards Henry under the knowledge that their omega boss was expecting and even the most stubborn lodger was not so much so they would risk an unborn baby.
Though several wedding tips from the lodgers, well very benevolent, did prove to be...just...WOW...
There would be no explosions or coating the guests in green mud from a very particular swamp gathered under a crescent moon to avoid ill-intent...just...what? Coating someone in mud seemed more like a way to invite negative feelings! And cracking an egg on his stomach was not about to happen.
Though Henry was pretty sure Frankenstein was making up the tradition of putting ice down both their backs...just because she was less nasty than before did not mean she had magically become a saint overnight.
Both sat in the Jekyll family homes living room, Robert having sold his house, which he had never called a home, under his father's nose and was able to move in record speed with a few helpful lodgers.
Mr. Doddle had even been so kind as to bring snacks for everyone during the moving day and it allowed Virginia an excuse to flirt with John Utterson when he was doing the paperwork.
It would never not be funny seeing that man flustered over her!
"This suit looks nice, looks loose in the waist..."
"You are not even showing yet, and don't you want to go with traditional white? I think it would look stunning on you" Robert smiled, knowing those nasty little thoughts would start entering his mate's head, but did not expect them THIS soon...
"white is for virgins! Of which you are certainly NOT! Maybe you can even find a matching bonnet!" Hyde cackled, feeling a bit more like his 'spirit of London at night' self, though he still was stewing in Lucy's words and actions, something Henry was glad for, he needed a bit of self-reflection, but both of them did in all honesty...
"Hyde giving you grief again? You just made the 'the gremlin is awake' face" Robert tried to chuckle, feeling less sour with Hyde after learning what exactly he was, but still not liking how the blond omega gave his mate a lot of trouble most of the time.
Henry just nodded "Just being cheeky about the white suit, I think a nice charcoal suit would be nice for us both, white is traditional, but we are far from a pair that does things by the book"
"Hey, do you smell something funny?"
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bindi-the-skunk · 4 years
Okay I have another crazy idea, not a theory, but a fanfiction idea (since I’m mostly on Archiveofourown)  or I guess if someone else wanted to use it they can, not going to be grabby with it. 
TGS Omegaverse Serial!killer AU, only it is not Hyde/Jekyll who is the murderer...but-
Robert and his dad, the former who is DELIGHTED his lover has his own sociopathic side (Hastie Lanyon not so open...)
Don’t spear me! 
And don’t worry, just because I want it to be omegaverse does NOT mean there will be rape! It’s for a plot point later on, and I want to make it sort of a dark comedy (not to say it won’t be serious at points but I don’t want people taking it TOO seriously )
Like this 
Robert gently herded his lover towards the bathroom, knowing this all had to be a lot to take in one day "I want you to relax, go in here and take a hot ba- FATHER! Get the severed head out of the bathtub! People live in this house!"
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