#Possible Mpreg
Hey Angel Dust. How have you been feeling??
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Angel Dust: *crying hysterically* I feel like shit. Val has been into some breeding kinks since Alastor’s birth video was released and he’s been trying some awful methods on me. I hate it. I feel sick…I feel bloated…and I’m scared it worked…
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vampirate99 · 2 years
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Werewolf + A/B/O Wincest. (Possible Mpreg)
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purpleglassshoes · 2 years
wangxian + sentinel/guide + interstellar + body modification
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Interstellar Sentinel Prince Lán Wàngjī x Interstellar Guide Admiral Wèi Wúxiàn
PROMPT: Lán Wàngjī was the Blue Cosmos' Interstellar Second Prince that was kidnapped at 6 and experimented on until the downfall of the S-Mode Base. He was the first S-Class Classified Sentinel.
Wèi Yīng was the son of Admiral Wèi and was secretly experimented on when he was 3 by his own mother. He was the first S-Class Classified Guide.
STORY INTRODUCTION: Wei Changze had been the loyal friend of the Emperor, a courageous and brave soldier of the empire, a loving husband to his wife and a doting father to his baby son. And yet, his end had been tragic.
Wei Ying lost his father, had an insanely delusional scientist of a mother and a victim of a deranged experiment only for him to discover that his whole life had been nothing but a small part of a novel.
He had been nothing but a secondary character doomed to only love the ML to death. His father, who turned out to be nothing but a cannon fodder, had been the last stepping stone for the MC's father.
They both met a tragic death but no one seemed to care nor did they bother remembering the legacy they left because as it turned out, his father and him held no value at all.
STORY LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40365822/chapters/101113560
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plistommy · 20 days
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rythyme · 6 months
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girl i'm on the FLOOR
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puppetmaster13u · 28 days
Prompt 311
Alien biology is weird. Liminal biology? Even weirder. 
Ecto? Very much a wellspring for creation despite its association with death. Or rather undeath, but that’s a debate that many a realms denizen has tried to find the answer of. Usually there weren’t many liminals- ecto contaminated, yes, but enough to form Cores? No, only a few throughout history. Until the age of Heroes and Villains came about. But that’s a story for another time. 
See ectoplasm builds up over time in the human body, and even more so for those that have formed cores who create their own. And it’s not like it’s well studied, what with most not even being aware of the changes or the fact they aren’t fully human anymore. 
Why is this important? Well, what happens if two liminals (accidentally or not) mix their ecto together? Well, that depends on intentions, even if it’s just an impulsive thought at the time. Which in turns means that accidents? Yeah, accidents might’ve happened. Oops….
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mushroomnoodles · 8 months
Does Prismo knows about Simon's pregnancy? If do, what was his reaction to it?
sure does!
cw/tw for sfw and non fetish mpreg. also simon is choking
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turns out it wasnt a dream after all.
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gay-meowmeow · 2 months
yall im being so serious right now when i say this, when i saw that sonogram my mind went "Yuan's pregnant?!?!"
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frosty-tian · 1 month
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⚠️Mech-preg thoughts:
Suddenly realized, isn’t it possible that despite being pregnant, Cybertronians simply continue to do heavy labour? There have been multiple instances where they are shown to have far more endurance compared to humans (able to withstand pressure in deeper sea depths, huge impact from large debris, etc.) and in the wild, it’s not like animals necessarily take days off (albeit not do strenuous activities such as hunting in the late stages).
And if we’re to incorporate the caste system Cybertron used to operate under, there’s a high chance those who are assigned to extreme manual labour will simply continue their daily routine regardless of pregnancy (unless of course, in the late/near-end stages).
To give context to the doodles, despite being shrunken down, Boulder still insists on doing work, since it’s the norm back on Cybertron.
Graham’s own protective instincts kick in and nags Boulder every time he catches him doing laborious tasks instead of resting.
Long story short, devolved into a back and forth mainly of snapping “don’t push what you consider to be the norm onto me when I’ve told you multiple times” (the fact he’s moody due to hormones and some fatigue doesn’t help) and “I’m just looking out for you, I don’t want something to happen to both you and our child due to it being a hybrid”.
(I think there’s also the possibility of Graham feeling extra anxious due to the trauma of losing his Mom to childbirth, despite him not admitting/being conscious about it.)
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gravidwithlore · 1 year
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This is old but it's sort of related to my post about pregnancy being a part of religion.
A priest in the remote mountaintops, who doesn't serve a specific town or village per say, but a very sparsely populated region. There's been an abnormally high amount of demonic activity in the area for several years now, and his messages requesting assistance from the clergy in the larger towns and cities have been met with false platitudes at best.
He's getting older and he's had no luck in recruiting a trainee and successor in his state. The people of the mountains, though grateful for all he's done for them, are suspicious and reluctant to take the same fate and duty on themselves.
Always gravid with multiple exorcised demons, being remade and reformed by his holy vessel, it's exceedingly difficult to navigate the windy and often narrow mountain passes to answer calls for help. But it is rare for him to turn down the pleas of his people, even though it makes his life (and journey back home) more and more difficult each time it happens.
It's not uncommon for him to have managed to get down to a more reasonable size, answer a call for help, get stopped in passing by other folk along the journey there and back, and return home over 3x the size than when he started the trip. There have been a few times when he's overestimated his abilities and is left unable to make the journey home. His parishioners have no problem rallying to assist their priest, to get him to his home and church so that he may wait to labor and birth, whether by wagon, cart, mule, or leaning on the strongest among them for support.
When the time finally comes to give birth, under his church there is a pool, with candles in the many alcoves, only lit when he feels his time nearing. It is a ritual made more difficult by the squirming brood in his hallowed womb, all in different stages of renewal, as the contractions squeeze away what little space is left. As the only priest of his church, he does this alone, with only the candles to hear his cries and groans. The relieving waters of the pool his midwife and the knotted silks hung from the low ceiling his only hand to hold through the hours of sacred labor.
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scarefox · 5 months
That's the second time he uses that song. Sir, do you want to tell us something? 👀
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
saw your most recent post about really good fics that contain uncomfortable kinks and i immediately thought "ah, biscia must be reading the mpreg soriel fic" and almost left a reply talking about it but i stopped myself because i realized that would be an insane assumption to make. needless to say i felt so vindicated when i saw you link it in an earlier post.
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like. HELLO?
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#answered asks#''I fear nothing good ever comes of it when it does'' is straight up SEARED into my brain as the toriel line of all time I've ever read#there's some character interpretations I don't share there. like i said i don't think either of them would cry that easily#and while the different conception (badumtss) of sex/gender in various monsters was interesting#i felt like it didn't quite deal with the ramifications of not strictly binary reproductions on social perception of gender like I could've#eg the part about boss monsters being closer to humans in how it works and thus having a different concept of mom/dad compared to skeletons#was pretty nice. but if you establish that skeletons work like ghosts but distinguish she/he ''for some reason'' even though all of them#can bear kids. and then you make a comment about ''the child possibly growing into a woman considering the shape of the pelvis'' it's like#why??????? why. whywhywhy. why would that be a factor. even hypothesizing a certain physical dimorphism. WHY pick the one tied to pregnancy#the ONE ASPECT that you decided was shared between both ''male'' and ''female'' skeletons#it's also like. objectively an argument that is leveraged to hurt and deny trans people irl so it was just. unbelievably uncomfortable#this is what we mean with mpreg and transphobia btw#not that the concept is inherently transphobic or hurtful to trans people#but that that kind of alternative biological worldbuilding implies an alternative social conception of gender role for the characters#that a lot of authors just. straight up miss. because their view of the world is still very cis/perisexist#BUT!!!!!!!!!!#it was still over all a very good fic. I'd rec it to pll not into that for the initial 2 chapters alone
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
The "we need a real alpha" post makes wonder how that conversation could be in a omegaverse, how they ended having that conversation of Scott's disfuntional alphaness, and that Stiles comment implies he wants Derek 🙊
i mean.....is this not what happened? eli was born somehow ya know?
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mmmmalo · 1 month
When Meulin goes (=^·ェ·^=) < WHAAAT she uses the Japanese character for "eh" as the cat's cleft lip. A prolonged "eeeh" in Japanese would translate to "whaaat". So when Meuline goes (=TェT=) < 33333333333333!! and so forth, maybe it isn't just a high-pitched fujo shriek but also a very long "WHAT", likely riffing on the fact that she is deaf? and therefore can't hear you. She also uses the emoji (^-人‐^) with the kanji for 'human' in the middle when she's talking about the humans.
One curious thing about her emoji (=^ω^=) is that the carats are both cat ears and closed eyes, the equal signs both whiskers and a light blush. It makes me curious whether the omega sign she uses for a mouth here is also doing double-duty -- perhaps as a mark on her forehead, foreshadowing her later mind-control? But it doesn't look anything like the Capricorn sign... well, at minimum the way the omega looks like a sideways 3 could continue the WHAT joke
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shawolsos · 4 months
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A special shout out to everyone who, thirteen weeks ago, went "canonical omegaverse???? that is wild" and have since experienced debilitating anxiety every subsequent friday... love y'all <333
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silversupremacy · 9 days
Guys I love you but can we NOT send justin asks abt weird inside jokes.
Like I get the silver mpreg joke is relatively harmless but it can very well be uncomfy for justin to see it.
And reminder not to harass anyone over this tho.
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