creeperchild · 1 year
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Help, I got pulled into dark crystal by two certain people. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE SKEKLA AND @devilbinx) *Cough* Anyways. Meet Skeksyn or "the Monarch". 
He will appear only in the movie.  After the Emperor died, SkekTek took a bit of his ashes in the hope to cheat Thra and death itself. He tried to find a way to be reborn again by an untested cloning technique. The experiment went well and soon out of the ashes and young Skeksis emerged. The doctor soon realized that he did not look like SkekSo or even remember anything, which means he created a new Skeksis out of the ashes. 
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SkekTek proclaimed that this experiment was futile and wanted to destroy the youngling. But SkekZok believed that this was the emperor in some way and refused to let the scientist kill him. 
SkekTek couldn't refuse the Ritual-master and gave the newborn the name SkekSyn (Skeksis +Synthetic). Pleased with the name, the Ritual-Master gave SkekSyn the title "Monarch".
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He immediately replaced SkekSo's place as the ruler, which SkekSil and SkekUng immediately displeases. Another issue is that SkekSyn has no counterpart, meaning that he has both sides. Good and evil. 
It will cause conflict under the Skeksis, but also they cannot do anything, because he is under the protection of SkekZok.
What a mess! He is also only the size of a Gelfling. 
I also need to headcanon that Jen takes WAY longer to get to the place. Because in the original movie he popped up within 24 hours  after SkekSo's death in that place. 
(Please bonk me if I did something wrong, I am new to this fandom! TELL MEEE)
Hope you like it <3
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clearing the air
Hey yall, I'm here speaking up about a situation where @usagi-in-blunderland accused @creeperchild of bullying and being a cruel, dismissive person and deleting the evidence. That is not true. I know this because I am one of the mods in Freddy's server, and I go by High Priestess with the Mordecai profile pic. We archived the evidence so it could not be tampered with. These are screenshots, I have censored the names of people who asked me too.
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I apologize if some screenshots might have gotten out of order due to formatting but this is my evidence of what I saw, how I interacted, and how she responded.
Also, one more screenshot of how I can prove this evidence was archived and not tampered with.
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spider senses were tingling that shit would come up. So here we are. This is my evidence. Peace y'all.
And a thanks to everyone who was ok with their words being used as evidence.
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haterishated · 2 years
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♡ << SHAMURA X OC >> ♡
trade with @devilbinx
go check them out!! she’s very talented :3
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A rustling sound was heard as a silver moth crawled out of a bush, shaking off any of the leaves that got caught in her silky fluff. With a few swipes, the leaves were gone and she focused on the path ahead, looking around, in search of something, or perhaps, someone.
Artemis came across a clearing in the forest where a large stone sat, and she set herself down on it, wings flattening and resting on the cold stone. The silver moth's legs dangled, waiting for the arrival of a particular, very special, spider that she found herself thinking about to an unnatural degree.
Soon enough, a large spider trampled over some of the nature in their way and made their way toward her. When they made it to her side, looking at them with an unreadable expression. The air was tense around the two, and it took a moment for one of them to speak up.
"Weather's pleasant today." Shamura, the spider, spoke up, their voice cracking. "A fine day for this magnificent occasion."
They looked down at the moth with a calm gaze. "Hurry now, the gardens are awaiting us." Artemis quickly picked herself up from the rock and followed Shamura into the vast forest, careful not to trip and fall over any of the fallen branches, loose stones, or twigs that got in the way. It's be awkward to lose your foothold during a date. A date with a bishop, no less.
They'd expect perfection and flawlessness. However, Artemis, was not without flaws, and it didn't help that she felt super scared that she might mess the date up. But she didn't overthink the situation. Artemis would find a way to push on as she always had.
The couple carried on until they found their way to a garden full of all sorts of flowers. Daisies, camellia, roses, tulips, sunflowers.. and that was just about the only ones Artemis could identify at the moment. Shamura stopped in their tracks and offered a claw to the moth and Artemis took it in her own, a smile on her face. They guided her over to gaze at the many flowers in the elegant field.
"Woah." Artemis looked over to a long, green, plant with a few white flowers blooming at the bottom. "Looks pretty."
"It's a gladiolus." Shamura replied in a silky voice. "They symbolize strength and integrity."
"Reminds me of you." The spider picked a gladiolus from the many and tucked it right next to Artemis's right antennae. She gave a little laugh, adjusting it with a warm blush on her face. Shamura tilted their head in response and continued strolling through the gardens, holding her hand gently.
The moth stopped them, letting go of their claw to bend over and pick a red rose, fidgeting it in her hands. She stood back up and turned to face the spider, who gave her a confused — yet intrigued — little smile appeared on their face. Artemis held the rose out for Shamura to grab, and they did.
"For you, my bishop." She said confidently, lending them the rose, watching the spider take a whiff of the plant with a chuckle.
"I give my sincerest gratitudes." Shamura thanked, grabbing Artemis's hand and moving further into the gardens. The two gazed at the pretty flowers together and held each other close, making flower crowns, sharing flowers, little fun facts about any of the flowers the moth caught interest in, and after hours of talking and admiring they left to Shamura's temple for a rest.
Opening the entrance to the temple, Shamura walked over to a grand door and it slammed open. Shamura held the door open for Artemis, bowing their head. "Ladies first."
She laughed and walked into the room, Shamura entered and shut the door on the way in. Artemis sat herself on Shamura’s large bed. The spider laid down on the bed, laying their head on the fluffy pillow. The moth slowly but surely laid beside the bishop, putting more weight onto the mattress. Shamura opened their arms and gestured for Artemis to come closer.
They wrapped their arms around Artemis, running a claw through their slightly tangled fluff and cuddling into her. She was caught off guard, but leaned into the touch shortly after. Shamura’s head was laying on her’s while she was hugging them close, snuggling into each other. Artemis had not a single care in the world but Shamura and how wonderfully their date had went that lovely day.
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creeperchild · 1 year
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Thank you for one year of this amazing game. One year of the amazing developers working hard to fulfil our wishes and listens to our thoughts! I know the game is sometimes buggy and stuff like that. But it's wonderful and atmospheric. I am happy that I was introduced to it. Thank you devs, For everything! And thank you all guys to make this blog even possible! I will make soon bday Bishop icons to choose from! <3 Hester belongs to @devilbinx and Civetta belongs to @shewhounderstoodcotlau (love you guys <3 )
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creeperchild · 2 years
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a smoll gift to my besties! @devilbinx , @shewhounderstoodcotlau and Gabby! They helped me in such a rough time. Thank you <3
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