sobredunia · 1 year
OKAY SO. These two are characters who have already gone through a lot. In fact, their main arcs ended WAY before Kenikari started, and what we see is the aftermath of that transformation
Uzomi was a former emo kid, socially sheltered from the world due to her parents' "unusual parenting"
(*cough* *cough* severe child neglect *cough* *cough*)
Not only that, but she was neglected at school as well. Absolutely nobody paid attention to her, not even her teachers. The one gifted kid in class who literally could not forget anything didn't even know her last name
Normally, this would create a child desperate for attention, right? No! Because Uzomi had one singular good thing in her life: her brother
He was much less neglected than her by their parents, although their attention stopped coming once Uzomi was born and they started leaving on business trips. He didn't get as ignored in class, but he had severe social anxiety that made it impossible for him to communicate with the other kids, so he eventually faded into the background of that as well
But at home they both devote their undivided attention to eachother
They had little signs and systems all around the house to communicate in ways only perceivable to shrimp, and when the two worked together it was like a perfect machine in motion. They were all they needed
So, while Uzomi did pull a stunt or two to get attention, it either didn't work at all or it made her brother dissapointed in her, and since she didn't want to make him sad she just stopped trying to stand out altogether. Her clothes consisted almost exclusively of blacks and whites, she developed a resting bitch face, she handled interactions coldly, and didn't talk to anyone to the point people thought she was straight up mute
And then someone approached her, genuinely trying to make friends
At first, she shut them off, obviously, but they kept on trying and trying and they ended up doing a group project together and they actually became friends!! :D Uzomi started to actually speak to people, she smiled more, she shared her interests in mechanics that she had only told her brother about, and she actually started to get mildly along with others
Unfortunately, that person wasn't in her life anymore, but she didn't stop being friendly. Once she started upper secondary school (a thing in japan, it goes from grades 10 to 14) she kept on being niceys with others and actually made friends by initiating the friendship herself!!
Now, Lare
Lare is also at the end of what is essentially a healing arc (too bad her mental health is gonna plunge in the killing game lmao)
Her parents were average, but school was hard. Everyone had a very strict sense of what was right, so to speak. If you stepped ever so slightly away from that, you were ostracised and bullied. She was very shy as a child, feeling the peer pressure from others to "fit in" for as long as she could remember. Albeit her cowardice was mocked, it wasn't that bad, mostly some jabs here and there. There was this one other student, however, whose life was made a living hell
Lare saw this every day, and one day worked up the courage to ask why they were so mean to this one person
"Because she's a freak" Was all they answered
And Lare knew that wasn't fair nor true, but didn't say anything
One day, Lare sneaked out at night to go to school. She was in the middle of something when she got caught by none other than the bullied student. She was scared, would she tell everybody about what she was doing? Would she drag her down to the mud so she wouldn't be alone? Would she try to get revenge in some way for witnessing the horrible things they did to her and not speaking up about it?
But she didn't
She just shrugged and moved on, completely ignoring Lare. Then, she noticed she was using the bathroom mirrors to clean up her messy hair, but had some problems, so the student offered to use her hairbrush and then she brushed Lare's hair and that was the moment she became very much gay. After a bit the two packed their things and parted ways without saying goodbye
The day after, Lare noticed that the student had gone off to a quiet corner of the school to have lunch so she wouldn't be bothered, so she decided to go sit by her side and have lunch with her. They started talking and they became friends
Of course, people saw how she was hanging out with the outcast, and started to ostracise Lare too. The student told her many times that it was best they stay separated while they weren't alone so she wouldn't start to get bullied either, but Lare refused to make her be more alone than she already was
She did get bullied a decent much, it never got to phisical stuff unlike the other student, but she knew they hated her and wanted her dead. Then, because of life stuff, Lare needed to change schools, and leave her friend behind. It was hard, but her friend promised that she'd convince her parents to change schools as well one day and they'd be friends again
That day has yet to come, but in that new school the people weren't as mean, and Lare became much more social and quickly befriended all the shy people because she knew what it was like to feel all alone, and then the social people. She became a natural at entering groups and flowing through conversation, and she didn't notice, but pretty much the entire school had labeled her as THE Popular Girl
We have a girl who has been forgotten and dismissed for 90% of her life
And a girl who wants to make everyone feel welcome and appreciated because she's seen how hard it can be to have no one by your side
In conclusion: this is yuri
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