#THANK YOU FOR THIS ONE becca is the main brainworm at the moment because she finally got a bf last night. so
ruvviks · 1 year
🖋 becca
oc asks!
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becca is an ex biotechnica scientist who now works at the club bodytalk with her siblings! she's the oldest of the valentine siblings (aubrey and james are next, they're twins, and then harlowe, who got adopted into the family at a later point in time, and then rikki, their half-sister!) and the first of the whole family to become a corpo :)
becca loved her job at biotechnica. she was a high ranking scientist in the bioengineering division and oversaw a bunch of projects, mainly focused on rebuilding the environment in and around night city as well as finding better ways to cultivate the land for healthier crops. she was a very valued member of the corporation and worked there for a full decade
she quit her job after her younger brother aubrey returned from elysium. becca knew aubrey was sent up there to never return to earth and as much as it hurt her, she tried to continue her life as much as possible without putting too much thought into it. when he did return to earth, it made becca realize how out of touch she had been with her family for so many years and she wanted to reconnect with them more than anything in the world now that she had the chance again
nowadays, becca works at bodytalk as aubrey's business partner! she mostly does the finances of the place but also has enough training under her belt to be able to help out with security matters. she also runs aubrey's fixer business for him in his absence :) she's a hardworking and determined woman, focused on making sure that everything runs as it should in the club and she always takes her job very seriously. at the same time, she REALLY needs a facking break. someone send her on a vacation please
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