jeoseungsaja · 2 years
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shin @ Yeo ofc >:333 (I've been!! TRYING!! To send this for days and I've finally defeated Dumblr, HA, nothing's strong enough to defeat Shin's Simp Agenda™)
@mythvoiced ♚ from x.
♔ ———–
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↑ Me, when I have the chance to scream about how much I FREAKIN’ love Yeoshin and everything they are and everything they’ve become---
NEEDLESS TO SAY THAT!!! This fox right here, this gumiho, this nine-tailed fox by the name of Wang Yeo also has the most MASSIVE crush on Kim Shin, the most gorgeous creature he’s ever seen in his entire life, everything about him is undeniably perfect in Yeo’s eyes and if someone DARES to say something against this, he has his sword READY!!! LENA, LENA!! HE!!! He loves him so much; so hopelessly devoted to him, WILLING TO LEAVE ALL WORRIES BEHIND FOR HIM, Shin says: ‘Run away with me?’ and Yeo will say: ‘Where to?’, PACKING HIS BAGS ALREADY; NAY, GOING WITHOUT BAGS IF NEEDED (he already responded like this in an ask, sO I’M JUST REITERATING---)!!! 
I ADORE!!! I adore their story, how they came to be, how they began with hesitance in the beginning, with tightened shields against their chests due to the lives they’ve both carried --- Shin, who’s dealt with sour experiences, the death of loved ones as he keeps on living; the incessant search for his bride as to end the curse of sword, how he...feels sometimes that he doesn’t have time to live anymore because he’s lived enough, because what else is there but the pain gathering in his heart, where the blade is stuck. And then you have Yeo, with his wall as well, this fortress he’s built after dealing with guilt for so long and the wish to atone; burdens carried even if he could’ve left them behind a long time ago but cannot. THESE TWO, FACETIOUS WITH ONE ANOTHER IN THE START AND THEN??? SLOWLY??? FALLING FOR EACH OTHER, TO THE POINT WHERE YEO CANNOT SEE HIMSELF WITHOUT SHIN, HONESTLY--- 
How they CHOSE to fall in love with each other, to say ‘here’s my heart, it’s all yours; take it without conditions’, how they started to realize that they couldn’t look elsewhere / ‘take my hand through it all; stay with me entirely, dearest, stay with me as you are’, how their sentiments bloomed and created a garden that keeps on growing. They took this decision without them being certain if Yeo was supposed to be the bride or not, with Yeo’s initial uncertainty and worry because he couldn’t see the sword at first, which meant that perhaps this love could end so Shin could go and find the fate the gods made for him, and Yeo would let him if that’s what he wanted, because he’s no one to keep him where he wouldn’t like to be IWUEHIDUHUEIH, bUT IN THE END HE??? YEO SEES THE SWORD AND IT’S BOTH RELIEF AND PAIN BECAUSE OF WHAT THIS ENTAILS AND *CLUTCHES CHEST AND FALLS TO THE GROUND*  
AND I LOVE, I LOVE how passionate they are to each other in all regards, how they support and love and encourage and respect each other!!! HOW THEY’RE!! Both powerful in their own ways but they’re still willing to shield each other from damage if needed (still can’t get over Shin’s worry; Shin carrying Yeo to his home so he can heal; Shin getting better at bandaging wounds because of this redhead dumbo---), hOW THEY BRING EACH OTHER PEACE AND CALM AND?? REALLY, REALLY, Shin’s love, SHIN HIMSELF has made Yeo less...reckless, more thoughtful when pursuing certain things, he’s still precipitous here and there (old habits die hard, am I rite--) but he’s always with that thought of ‘I have to come back alive, so I can return to him--’ aND JUST???? Y’KNOW, I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK---
I said I’d answer these entirely OOC but Yeo is a menace and he---
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  “A crush? What is that supposed to mean? That he’d like me to crush his lips with mine? Because I will, more than once; where is he?”
———– ♔
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mythvoiced · 3 years
Yeo takes Shin’s hand and tugs, marching all the way toward the nearest mistletoe. He puts them both right under it, and without saying anything, he points up so Dokkaebi sort of gets the gist of it, the fox’s intentions, before using both hands to cup Shin’s cheeks; Yeo shamelessly leaning in. “How come you’re even prettier from this angle? Ah—” And then, he starts: Pecking Shin’s lips, one after the other; warm, fond, little kisses; a smile written on his face with every small pause. (I usually don’t tend to send holiday asks BUT YEO WOULDN’T LET ME LIVE WIEDHEHD, I HOPE THIS IS OKAY, also no need to answer right away or anything of the sort, IN FACT YOU CAN ALWAYS IGNORE THIS, IT’S MORE THAN OKAY; I LOVE YOU SO ♥)
@jeoseungsaja | I have 42 muscles in my face and each and every single one of them is dedicated to absolutely BAWLING all over the place for Alex and Yeo and-
To be absolutely frank in the most shameless way he can pursue this level of honesty, Yeo could grab his hand and drag him thrice around the globe and he’d never even stop him to ask where they’re going. He’d march on endlessly until the gates of Hell themselves would perhaps open up for them, or more likely those of Heaven, considering Yeo is what the Gods will see before they see the Goblin attached to his hand as if the connection between their souls won’t allow for physical detachment any longer.
But this works too.
In fact, this is absolutely perfect, and if Yeo would want to repeat this on any given day for any given circumstances, Kim Shin would travel the world thrice himself and then thrice once more if it meant stopping beneath the next mistletoe and watching the way Yeo’s eyes sparkle underneath it.
He’s always found appreciation for a gumiho’s characterising wit. But he’s never adored it as aggressively as he does when he sees Yeo’s brand of it lighten up his entire being. There is nothing Shin wouldn’t do to make sure Yeo could always make these kind of faces, self-satisfied and shameless in his requests, in his gestures.
The moment his fingers had wrapped around his wrist, Shin had gained instant intimate understanding of messages woven into all those poems that described the world to slow down or come to a full halt at the first touch of attention upon the skin, granted by the holder of the only heartbeat you seek out in the dead stillness of the night, or amongst the shouts of the memories he won’t even fight off anymore.
Mistakes and sins are committed to be tracked and saved in history books, he can cry after them all he wants, and he won’t ever lift the sword off his shoulder, the one not wedged in his chest, but the one intended to weigh him down, and remind him just what he’d gifted the earth, corpses and blood and fire.
But he won’t let them consume him. He won’t choose the sight of them and the undeserving nature of his soul over the sight of this, the warmth that spreads in his cheeks from where Yeo’s fingers were pressing into them, and he won’t even pretend to not be absolutely lovestruck and stuck into place, offering nothing of wit, perhaps nothing at all beyond the lifting of his eyebrows, the honey in his eyes melting all over his reddened features and the stupid smile he’s wearing, even as Yeo seems intent on wiping it away for him.
There are a few things he can’t give up on him, can’t keep away from, even when he’s most desperate in his hunt for an adequate punishment for him to lay upon the one he’s already going through. He’ll meet his reality head-on and he won’t pretend to not be what he is for the reason he is, in the same way he will very readily devour each and every kiss granted to him.
Yeo is at the very top of that list.
Every kitten brush against his lips, the compliment that had served as only warning, the absolute ridiculousness of his facial expression, especially as Yeo moves far away enough in between kisses for Shin to actually get a proper look at his face, the high-pitched chuckle buried somewhere deep within his throat.
And his hands.
Callused and scarred, every line cut into filled to the brim with the blood he’s spilled, gentle, oh so gentle in contrast to those that had wielded that sword and translated it into divine punishment he had no right to give. Hands that seem to have been made for this, rather than for that, because he finds so much more ease in sneaking them around Yeo’s middle to tug him in, closer, until his chest is only a breath of his small kisses away from being pressed fully against Shin’s.
Because he would have spent another 900 years as this lonely goblin if this is the Christmas he’d get his 901st year, a gorgeous shameless fox finding something worth staying for, something that makes him find a place to rest within Shin’s arms, if of course he is indeed willing to take the space the former general is always so clumsily trying to offer.
They’ve both done so much. So much to atone for all the things they were made to do, all the things they regrettably did on their own, and all the things they failed to pursue.
And even though they’ve destroyed parts of their self for kingdoms stubborn on cutting the flesh above their heel and watch them fall into the pit they’d dug themselves, haven’t they atoned long enough to, every now and then, take something like this, too?
Don’t answer that question.
Shin doesn’t care for the answer.
Because he’ll take what Yeo has to give whether or not the Heavens approve.
And if they don’t? Well, Hell might be more welcoming after all, if it’s the only place left to reach, as consequence to loving Yeo.
Although he doubts it greatly.
Hell isn’t the place for something as holy as the fox beneath his fingertips or the divinity of his lips against his.
Speaking of…
“Look who’s talking,” one of his hands has found its way into Yeo’s hair, pushing him away just slightly with no good excuse to offer for why he’s taking his time to run his thumb along his cheekbones, to hold his cheek as if some Norse goddess out there had lost her son for Shin to do this.
“I think even the most faithful group of three would forget the trail to a giant holy star at the sight of you,” and he isn’t the most religious person out there, if anything, his relationship to divinity and belief is perhaps more complicated than most regular humans could claim theirs to be. But if there is one good thing he could use the bible for, it’s to remind Wang Yeo of how loving him is the only commandment in his personal scripture that he finds worthy rereading and bleeding into himself.
Which is why it only seems appropriate that he leans in himself now, to pull Yeo into the kind of kiss he could perhaps create a new religion out of, if the slow worship of lips against lips, the dedicated lasting prayer of his tilting his head and pulling him closer, are anything to go by.
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
Send 🍺 for my muses drunk reaction around yours. - Yeoshin 👀 if applicable 👀
@mythvoiced ♚ from x.
♔ ———–
   The nine-tailed fox isn’t a lightweight. It takes a while and a few bottles of Dugyeonju for him to slowly enter into drunken stupor. Alcohol like Soju or Makgeolli isn’t strong enough for gumiho, either; not even the ancient rice liquor provided during the Goryeo era worked on him. Whilst others fell under the spell of inebriation, Yeo simply sat in amusement when watching other royals laugh at the air. His mischievous self often was the one to give them alcohol until they fell asleep --- worked wonders when he wanted to dismiss a boring event or have one of his little escapades. He took silent pride in his ability to hold his liquor instead of making a fool out of himself.
    But tonight, it seems, he’s become one of those fools. He didn’t realize Bokbunja-ju, a fruit wine made out of Korean black raspberry, would have such an effect on him; drinking some glasses up and beginning to feel...well, more than tipsy. Yeo leaves the empty container on the table; the sleeve of his sweater going toward his lips to drunkenly clean away the remnants of alcohol hanging on a corner of mouth. 
   The fox decides to stand up, stumbling a little; part of his coordination lost in the middle of inebriation. Sight is a little blurry; he doesn’t even notice that his eyes have brief moments of amber when he blinks, flashes of uncontrollable fire in hues before they go back to their natural brown. Perhaps he should stay where he is, maybe fall asleep there, but he refuses. He refuses to stay in a couch that’s empty of him. 
    “There you are,” 
     mellow smile stretches lips as soon as he sees his beloved, getting even clumsier due to the sudden combination of alcohol and love.  What was that about being drunk in love? He’s feeling it with quite a bold intensity tonight. 
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  “Aish, I was starting to get a headache trying to figure out why I wasn’t where I belong. Which is,” 
   even more shameless than usual, Yeo bumbles his way to Shin and puts his weight on Dokkaebi’s lap; a tipsy but triumphant chuckle leaving nine-tailed fox’s lips as he proceeds to messily hide his face against Dokkaebi’s neck, 
    “right here. This is where I belong. So warm and nice and...is that a new perfume? You smell good, really good...well, you always do.”
    Mind you, his senses are a little foggy. Maybe Shin didn’t even acquire a new fragrance and yet here he is, making silly assumptions under this state. 
    Covetous lips begin to leave affectionate kisses on his lover’s neck; restless and willing to cover the whole graceful terrain with loving marks. Mouth greedily climbs up to kiss Shin’s jawline, wanting to get drunk in his dulcet scent and all he is rather than feeling all those black raspberries bouncing in his stomach.
    “Nae Sarang...” 
     A chortle; an air of glee filling stupor as hand lands on his cheek and his lips start kissing the other cheek multiple times, almost without stopping. It seems that this nine-tailed fox gets all lovey-dovey when drunk. 
    “Have I...told you how handsome you are, hmm? How gorgeous. Look at you, look at this face.” 
    Now, both hands take a hold of Shin’s face. 
    “With those mismatched eyes that are my absolute favorite,” 
    and he goes ahead to kiss his eyelids,
    “and this nose that likes the scent of coffee,”       several kisses are pressed to the bridge of Shin’s nose, landing on its tip, 
    “and these lips that blurt out poems so easily and...and have such a sweet, sweet taste. My favorite taste.” 
     Cue the fox staring intently at the shape of Shin’s lips; thumb caressing bottom lip before going ahead to steal a deep kiss, one that begins with utmost and languid tenderness, though it slowly cascades down the verge of ardent. 
     When he pulls away, Yeo breathes out; eyes still closed, face returning to the crook of Shin’s neck. He’s starting to feel the exhaustion; the tired bones, the wish to fall asleep kicking in. A hand rests on Shin’s shoulder; clumsily dancing up and down. 
    “I must’ve...really done something right,”
    he breathes out; getting much closer to Shin whilst nuzzling. He’s so tall and yet, he shrinks as much as he can so he can snugly fit in arms that feel like home.
   “Something...something worthy, if fate decided to...put you in my life. You, the most beautiful of souls. Magnificent, stunning, tantalizing Kim Shin. I have a confession to make.”
    Fox’s head lifts to look at Shin’s face; silly smile stretching lips as both of his arms slide around Dokkaebi’s neck. 
    “I’m drunk.”
    As if it wasn’t obvious already.
    “But! When I tell you, mighty and brave General, that this imprudent King is profoundly enchanted by you, he means it. Drunk today, tomorrow sober, and these words truthful forever.” 
    He dares to press a raspberry-stained kiss on the corner of Shin’s lips. 
———– ♔
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jeoseungsaja · 3 years
You could have it the easy way, simply skip over the festivities, recognise it for what companies are trying to gain from it, lock the door, stay inside, and hope that it will be a regular day, or at least one devoid of any strange surprises. OR you could have a dopey smiling dokkaebi standing at your front door, carrying a bouquet of royal azaleas and roses that is larger than his torso, multiple shopping bags filled to the brim with art supplies, chocolate, and other far too expensive gifts (from perfumes chosen according to Yeo's taste and with the sensitivity of his nose in mind, to expensive watches and handcrafted glass trinkets depicting objects, colours, anything he likes) hanging from his other arm, dressed to the nines and saying: "Happy Valentine's Day~"
@mythvoiced ♚ 💕 yeo's lovemeter when it comes to this absolutely heckin' precious dokkaebi is off the charts, it already broke because it exceeded the limits; what are limits, even, this fox's love toward shin is boundless--- 💕
♔ ———–
he takes a step back to fully look at himself in the mirror; sighing as he adjusts the collar of his black-colored dress shirt. Gumiho stretches his arms and looks at the color of his blazer --- it's vibrant red, bought specifically for this occasion and he doesn't know if it's too much. Perhaps he should've purchased a different one? Perhaps he...should've just dressed as he usually does? Heavens, when was the last time he was this worried about looking good for someone? Centuries ago, most likely.
And when was the last time he celebrated a holiday like this? Mischievous fox used to take advantage of this day to purchase special sweets only released during Valentine's Day as to eat them by himself, not really minding the rest of meanings date could have. He'd spend the day going into different stores, dismissing every 'wow, your partner must be so lucky if you're buying something like this for them' with a nonchalant smile; taking all dulcet items home as to watch My Neighbor Totoro for nth time whilst eating away.
Who would've thought that life eventually had different plans for him. Forget all the candy for himself; brush away every lollipop and special flavor of ice cream with heart-shaped sprinkles. All the gifts he took the time to pick out during the past week were not chosen for him but for someone who occupies his mind all day, every day; for someone who makes his heart beat like the loudest drum just by a single look shared.
A hand rearranges bits and pieces of his lustrous hair, still having his doubts. Palms fall on his hips, wondering if he just should go ahead and choose something different from his closet. Maybe he should forget about this blazer, select another one, give this one to Rang, doesn’t he use hues like these? Would it fit him? Would he even want it? He can already imagine his face of distaste; the possible words spewed as to force denial out of lips --- maybe a present isn’t a good idea...for now. 
Suddenly, bell rings and notions swirl away; being short in time makes the decision for him, keeping clothes as they are. He gets out of his room and walks toward living room’s table, making sure all rectangular boxes are correctly arranged. Three boxes, all of them elegantly wrapped in shades of silver, gold and red. The biggest box has a long, coffee-colored coat inside; the medium-sized one contains a fluffy, soft pink sweater (the color reminded him of cherry blossoms, he had to buy it). The smallest holds a framed drawing made by Yeo, one with the image of hands holding each other; the sight of beach’s waves (different tones of blue) in the background and branches of olives spreading out of the sleeve of one of the painted hands, as if touch alone could make them grow. 
And yes, this might be a little cheesy, it might be a little sappy; so what? An enamored fox bleeds love all over the place and it cannot be helped. Besides, Kim Shin deserves all these things and much more; he’d give him the universe if he could trap it in a snow globe, if Shin asked him to. 
The bell rings again.
“I’m going, I---” 
If Shin’s the one behind the door (it is Shin, he can smell him from here, along with the mixture of other scents; he swears he’s also picking up the fragrance of roses from somewhere, and royal azaleas? What’s that other smell, it’s sweet---), then why is he ringing the bell? He could easily come inside, teleport himself right through...ah, always the respectful gentleman; he rather wait than break any boundaries.
Yeo opens the door.  So that’s why it also smells like roses and royal azaleas.
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He chuckles, chuckles in a way where he can’t believe this is happening; chuckles in the shape of content giddiness; where lips keep a bright smile even when sound has temporarily faded from mouth. Though Yeo expected his visit, he didn’t expect all of this. The beautiful and gigantic bouquet; the numerous bags hanging from fingers and wrist --- goodness, does he even deserve any of this? Does he even deserve that gorgeous smile; the way Shin stands there, dressed so nicely, with bright eyes that look at him as if he’s worth much more than what others used to whisper in the past?
Maybe he doesn’t. But he wants to earn this. Doesn’t matter how many fights he has to fight for it, he’ll take them all if it means he’ll get to live more moments like these by Dokkaebi’s side. 
  “What’s all this? Shin, you--where did you get a bouquet this big? Royal azaleas are not easy to find during this season, where---”
 But it shouldn’t surprise him, should it? The great and outstanding Goblin is capable of finding royal azaleas in the middle of the desert if needed. To think Shin chose this combination instead of choosing whatever set of flowers was available; to think he remembers his favorite ones...well, the fox’s heart is in a flurry. 
  Yeo’s hands stretch to help him carry the bags; fingers latching to strings and noticing that the sweet scent he identified earlier is coming from there. 
“Is...there chocolate in here? Smells a bit of alcohol and scented oils in there, too...perfumes? Why are the bags so heavy? Now the gifts that are waiting for you in the living room will look bad next to these, such an overachiever---” 
A huff, but he smirks, as if to say that he’s only teasing; tone fond and far from holding any kind of negativity.  Yeo places some of the bags atop a coffee table near the corridor and the others on the floor due to lack of immediate space. He then turns about and leans in to smell the bouquet; pleasantly inhaling the rich fragrance. 
“So pretty. But you know who’s prettier?” 
Leaning back, he carefully takes the bouquet in his arms and with a roguish glint in his eye, he looks up to see Shin...and swiftly manages to sneak a peck on the other’s lips. 
“You. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
A playful smile dances on mouth before nonchalantly moving about; safely placing the flowers atop another table. He’ll definitely place them in a vase later, but first--- 
“I have to properly thank you for all of this.” 
He returns to where Shin is; closing entrance’s door and looking at him with utter fondness. Yeo tilts his head to a side, stretching his hand toward the holder of his heart, inviting him to take it if he wishes to. 
 “How about...one kiss for each gift? Each flower counts as one gift, so that alone gives you about...hmm...thirty, forty kisses? Maybe more? What do you say? If yes, you might want to sit down for this...it’s going to take a while. My lap’s available as a seat, just a suggestion---” 
———– ♔
#mythvoiced#♔ || sword and ash is not what you are; you're the blue flame that's swallowed my heart (kim shin / verse four).#W A N G   Y E O#What was that in the end I'M CRY-IUDWHEIDIASDHIWUEDH#He takes the reigns and this is what happens (wHEEZE)#let us remember how shameless Yeo can be UWHEIUDHUIEH#Sb to Shin: Please take a seat there are many chairs available#Yeo: He'll be sitting here thank you (pats his own thighs)#Willing to become a fox throne to hold a mighty and precious Goblin pLEASE SEND HELP#Yeo: I was not King I was only in royalty to study thrones and become one---#Yeo: I hold no regrets because these arms were made to hold him this chest was made for him to rest onto if he wishes to tHIS HEART WAS MADE#TO LOVE HIM ----#this got very long but as always YEO WOULDN'T HECKIN' SHUT UP#KIM SHIN PLEASE TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME I JUST---#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS ASK ;W; NEEDLESS TO SAY YEO IS OVER THE MOON / HE LOVES SHIN SO MUCH I'M GONNA CRY---#HE'S GOING TO USE ALL THOSE WATCHES THOSE ARE THE ONLY ONES HE'LL EVER USE FROM NOW ON I'M SURE---#EAT ALL THE CHOCOLATE (AND SHARE WITH SHIN IF HE WANTS-) AND PUT ALL THE TRINKETS ON VISIBLE SPOTS SO YEO CAN SEE THEM DAILY AND SMILE A LOT#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YEOSHIN / THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL DYNAMIC / THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OUR PLOTS AND DYNAMICS AND EVERYTHI#NG (TAGS SHOULD HOLD MORE CHARACTERS I HAVEN'T STOPPED YELLING DUMBLR--) / THANK YOU I LOVE YOU#I HOPE THIS REPLY'S OKAY ;W; IF YOU'D LIKE ME TO CHANGE ANYTHING PLS LET ME KNOW <3333333#♔ || queue.
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