dailyrioranger · 5 months
Not an ask but your blog is so awesome!!! You have the coolest artstyle ever!!!!!:3333i love seeing rio ranger everyday
THANK YOU SO MUCH ..... this means a lot !!! :]
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heymrspatel · 9 months
Since Ling asked so nicely (plus I'm laid up on the couch with a sprained ankle and bored...) I present - Ian as Red Pandas! (panda Mickey got confused)
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hi kat! yea more MOOORE! THE ONE WITH THE BEADS ARE YOU KIDDING LMAOO!!!! H E L P 911?! jesus christ, you've outdone yourself here! i also love that the panda is so big in comparison, you know, cause mickey's 🤏🏼
don't mess with him
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thirteenemeraldcats · 17 days
gimme masterdoc 22! -jamietxrtt
so i wrote a james pov section for 'thought that i was young' and i had a weirdly fun time- i felt like i had to take a dang shower about it but still, it was interesting! that experience combined with a damn DOCTOR WHO QUOTE of all things produced the outline for an entire james-pov fic aka #22 in my masterdoc-mountain-pile. very much james' perspective and experiences of abusing raising jamie and him not realising he's ever doing anything wrong by/to jamie.
see! it's a 'yowza'
the doctor who quote in question:
'pain is a gift. without the capacity for pain, we can't feel the hurt we inflict'
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zu-is-here · 1 year
Me waiting for next year to participate to Dark Cream Week because I wasn’t able to this year, is like waiting for Christmas
(༶ૢ˃̵̑◡˂̵̑༶ૢ) (I'll be looking forward to it! ♡)
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ladyartemesia · 11 months
I discovered all your writings after you’d already left 2 years ago and they were all fucking incredible but I never realized that you’re funny af too lord help me
Hahahha! Oh my gosh can I JUST SAY that being called funny is like the highest tier compliment you can pay me. Like omg I am sending a screenshot of this ask to my brother right now so he knows that some lovely PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET THINK I’M FUNNY!
Unlike him.
Gah! But seriously THANK YOU! I’m thrilled you like my works and my weirdness (🥹) and I hope you will continue to enjoy me being a flaming disaster on main going forward.
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randomfingthings · 2 months
oh my gosh!! your carlando moments fanart is incredible!! literally so beautiful! you've captured their happy, cheesy grins perfectly! and lando's little blushy face when carlos makes him all flustered. and their fluffy hair, my goodness. also!! the little sparkles because yeah, they do sparkle when they're together 🥺
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You got me emotional stahp it 😭🤚 thank you for the kind words ❤ they do sparkle so much together it's beautiful 😭✨✨
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lumiereandcogsworth · 6 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 6💛
Which 3 fictional characters (can be any medium: film, books, videogames, etc.) do you relate to the most?
ahh this is also kind of hard for me!!! i don’t think i’m very conscious of the characters i relate to. i don’t tend to See myself in them — at least not usually or initially. i usually just love their personalities and/or stories and attach myself without rhyme or reason.
i will say that i definitely see myself in adam & belle all the time. having been very devoted to their stories for over six years, i’ve dove deep enough into their characters to definitely see myself reflected back. adam’s feelings of unworthiness, his struggles to feel like he deserves belle’s love. suppressing his interests and true self most of his life because of the society he grew up in. That Hits. belle’s longing for something to change, but feeling trapped by circumstances out of her control. waiting and hoping and wondering without a real chance in sight? i feel it. I FEEL IT.
beyond my two beloveds i’m honestly not sure. i think if i was a parks and rec character i’d almost definitely be ben. i’m not a carbon copy but i think i do give very ben energy. so i’ll make him my third choice :3
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wexhappyxfew · 3 months
Heeey how are you? Hope you had an amazing day 💙 I just read your Rosie fic and I absolutely LOVED the way you wrote this piece, everything feels familiar yet you had me begging for more, more of Judy and all the other girls, more answers to everything!!! Thanks for sharing this great work with all of us, I'll definitely come for more 😌🫡
OMG!!! JESS! HEY!!!! 🥹✨🫶 thanks so much for stopping by! :D i hope you’ve had a lovely day yourself!!
AHHHHHH THANK YOUUUUU!!!! your tags were literally so enjoyable to read O M G !!!!! i cant thank you enough for the love! 🥹 i love that it came across that way so so much - the familiarity yet distance of it and wanting to grasp for more - i’m so glad it came across that way because i have SO MUCH MORE in terms of writing for the silver bullets ladies!!! :D there’s some content out but i have so many ideas that i want to experiment with and this message just means SO MUCH!!! 🫶
i can definitely promise more with the silver bullets ladies in the VERY near future! judy included! she’s my sweet bean (+ ofc rosie, those two are just *distant screaming*)!!!
thank YOU for enjoying and reading and taking the time to add your lovely tags and then this sweet message (you’ve made my night!)! thank you for the support and i’m excited for what’s to come with this group!!!!
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balladetto · 6 months
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reasons to cup a face / always accepting / @gloryseized ( Shion )
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GROUND, during a moment of intense emotional stress, the sender gently takes the receiver's face in their hands to ground them until they're calmer again.
     It happens in snapshot moments.
     As he registers the feel of a palm between his fingers, somehow heaving against him without toppling him over, Kane opens his eyes. He blinks — blinks again, and the inside of the Temple of Time comes into focus: a muted colour to the light that pours in through its stained glass windows as if the very air has mildewed. There's a silence here that unnerves him. He realises, at once, three things.
     Kane is in a body he does not recognise but knows, deep down, is his.
     He is holding onto someone he does not recognise but knows, deeper down, is his brother.
     This is a Dream. Which is different from a dream, 'cause this is the type — the only type — he can still vividly recall after waking, like echoes bleeding into reality. He's been getting these recently.
     Almost as though he's been waiting for these things to connect, the likeness of Shion wrests his hand from Kane's. He steps away. He's— so tall like this, figure looming, shadows on his face that can't be cut through, but so is Kane; so is the form he's been warped into, and they are two brothers divided by a space that shouldn't be making his breath quicken so hard.
     "I promise," Shion's image signs, a bold declaration with bold movements, and Kane — for the same reason he knows without recognising — wants to scream at him. What are you promising? Do you have any idea? You can't promise me something like that. You can't promise me something you've already broken!
     Don't leave me!
     The quiet stretches. He can't move. He's stuck in a moment he doesn't know how to break out of, hand vainly outstretched and wide eyes pinned on a face he can't see. His skin feels one touch removed from splitting apart the way his heart feels one nudge off from falling over the precipice of some knife's edge, yet he aches anyway, willing to be ripped open if it means his brother will be there.
     His brother will not be there.
     Kane watches in helpless horror as Shion turns, boots tapping out a decisive farewell march. He's distantly aware of the little light following after him — Navi, it takes a second to place, blue and a perfect fit and so out of place at the same time. They're going ahead without him, approaching the pedestal made for the sword on Shion's back, and Kane is struck with such a sudden desperation that his body, frozen as it is, trembles. Convulses.
     Stop, he can't cry. Don't leave me, he can't plead. It's only when his brother raises the Master Sword high, about to return it to its resting place, that the stone Kane's trapped in releases him. He stumbles forward — forces himself to keep stumbling forward, throat strained raw as he calls for his brother, but he can tell— he's too late. He's too late. The Dream stills, suspended on knowledge he can't look away from—
     Kane wakes up to arms binding his hands to his sternum and a hot face pressed into the back of his neck.
     For a second, the change thoroughly dazes him. He blinks, capturing nothing, and in its span: the world rearranges itself. Pain flares from his chest, throbbing in time with the harsh, too-fast breaths strangling him. The night is lit by firelight, casting a dim glow over cave walls and along the things in a campsite for two travellers. With how sticky his nose and cheeks and eyes feel, he thinks he's probably been crying. His brother is here.
     His brother is here.
     "Shh-ii—" he starts, and finds he won't complete the name.
     Shion jerks against his side, inhaling so sharply it sounds like it'd hurt before hurriedly pulling away from where he's curled around Kane. The motion has him nauseous with a fear carried over, snatching at a forearm the right size with hands the right size, but his brother isn't— isn't going away. He moves until they're facing each other, gaze searching for Kane's. This up close, he can trace every contour. He can delineate every crease, put an emotion to every feature — helped by a nearby fairy's shine. Yellow. Tatl.
     He— lets go. "Shion," he shakily, unnecessarily, forms with his hands. It's too cramped for brother to be signed well, so he repeats it again, and again, and again. The shape falls apart further each time, until it's little more than his left hand knocking atop his right.
     Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. If he could carve this into his skin so Shion can see and understand it when his voice and fingers are as useless as they are now, he would. And maybe some part of him really tried, maybe that's what the twinges running along the lengths of his arms are, but— his brother has never needed Kane's words to know what to do.
     Shion holds him gently. Carefully, palm and fingertips assured in their own tenderness. He presses a different message into the skin of his cheeks, the answer to all that goes unsaid but not unrealised.
     Don't leave me, Kane begs with a bitten lip, heaving shoulders, and a weird, awful certainty that he'll be ignored.
     I'm here, Shion swears with circling thumbs, eyes that reflect his twin's pain, and a steady, near irremovable warmth.
     Kane's voice trips over an ugly sob. He pushes his hands over his brother's, drinking in the touch with an overwrought exhaustion, and tries to match his breathing to the slow cadence of that terribly profuse love.
     ( What a strange Dream, he will later think as they drift back to sleep. A strange fear, he will correct, squeezing-hand-in-squeezing-hand. Shion would never leave him. )
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ruvviks · 4 months
🍭 💛 🤎🫦 🖤 for Guys Being Dudes, please? 🤗 I love that ship name by the way! <3
pairing asks!
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
teo and rafe love discussing whether they think ghosts are real or not. generally speaking rafe is more of a sceptic while teo jumps at shadows and loves coming up with batshit theories for things. he's a connecter of dots that aren't even there and sure it makes sense what he's saying but that doesn't mean he's right. and rafe loves to point that out. which only makes teo worse. but that's funny
💛 What are their favorite activites to do together?
teo is best friends with twitch and they're essentially inseparable so that's a little relationship bonus. third wheel. twitch doesn't mind they love being involved. either way teo and rafe like to hang out with twitch and just fuck shit up on purpose in night city :^) they like to go on ghost hunts together (whether ghosts actually exist is still a mystery). and they also like to hang out in the garage at the base of the cobras! that's where rafe works and teo loves watching him work :^)
🤎 How do they comfort each other?
rafe tends to try and distract teo with anything that comes to mind; something weird that happened that day, random car facts, you name it. he knows he has to keep teo's brain busy to get him out of his pit of despair and then he can safely wrap him up in a blanket and hold him until he feels better <3
teo has a similar approach in which he shares a similar situation from his own experiences with rafe but since teo lives an insanely weird life it's always like 10 times worse somehow. cops got involved. he was a wanted man for a few hours. basically to try and kick rafe's brain back in gear. and then he gives him a big kiss and everything is fine again
🫦 What's something seemingly innocent that the other does, says or wears that turns the other on?
rafe works on cars a lot and it always manages to do something to teo, especially because of the outfits he's wearing. any time rafe says something intelligent or when he's driving also gets something in teo's brain going. have they had to stop at the side of the road before for a sloppy makeout session? well of course
teo on the other hand has very attractive body language in general, but especially the way he smirks sometimes does it for rafe. subtle glances and the slightest tilt of his head + raised corner of his mouth and the garage is off limits for the rest of the gang for the rest of the afternoon
🖤 What is their biggest regret in their relationship so far (or in the future, if you don't mind giving spoilers)?
rafe mostly regrets not knowing each other / getting together earlier. he is enjoying his time with teo a lot and mostly just wishes that he could've gotten that earlier in his life
as for teo, he often worries about him and twitch being inseparable being a problem for his relationship with rafe and he often regrets not telling rafe about twitch earlier. at the end of the day it's not a problem at all!! but teo is prone to overthinking and feels like he should've mentioned it earlier
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2-wuv · 11 months
hmmmmm character bingo for Authority and Titus <3
- @mansplainmanipulatemalewife
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ok anyways
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* - everyone else EXCEPT YOU! is wrong abt Auth <3. JFNDJDF
** - THIS IS TRUE BUT ALSO i was like "I could edit this to say 'will somebody please fuck them jesus christ' that'd be so funny and true" but i was also like. Nvm that takes too muchEffort i do not have the spoons 4 that. but there's that thought anywaysJFMCMDFKKFD
BUT YEAH SO! I do not respect source Authority at all. If we met source Authority irl I would beat the shit outta that bastard. Or. Try to anyways <3. JFKDMSMF he is however Hilarious sometimes he has his moments. But also. I tHINK! SOMEBODY! SHOULD FUCKIGN KNOCK HIM DOWN A FEW PEGS! AND ALso. and . also. and also peANYWAYS ONTO TITUS!
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Before I start: our synesthesia does not fucking like Titus's name I'm sorry for the weird pink. His name's shrimp coloured and weird and glitchy and shimmery I cannot replicate that shit on goddamn IbisPaint X™
SO WE BARELY KNOW SHIT ABT HIM YET but!!!!!!!!! He's fun and he's also Scary but in a good way like if u get on his good side He will literally kill & help fake murders 4 u. duh. But also hE SCARES ME! i care abt him. <3.
What we see from Harry's pov is that he Is An Asshole yes but like UNDERSTANDABLY SO!!! ofc he's an asshole to Harry & Kim thEY'RE COPS FUCK EM!
He gives off Funnyman vibes otherwise like. That character trope where Hte big scary looking dude is just v nice and funny around their friends? yeah. I imagine that's him IDK tbh <3 i will b honest we haven't played hte game In a couple months
OH I ALSOFORGOT TO ADD ANOTHER ASTERISK TO THE "if i met them irl i would beat them up" FOR HIM. IF WE MET HIM IRL HE COULD BEAT US UP fueJFDJSKDKC and "they fill me q incredibly violent urges" + "genuinely what the fuck" are also /positive & honorary. violence is our love language LMAO
The only reason we woild not like him irl is bc he is TALL [And Intimidating]. we are short and anyone way taller than us scares us. idk why <3. we have been like this our entire life. besides that tho he's cool 👍
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Finished T/MA
Spoilers for the Finale and what comes before under cut~ (as well as swearing, and rantings of a crazy person <3)
I am :D Never gonna be :D The same :D Uh so first things first, that was amazing. That podcast is amazing and I will be relistening to it.
Second things second: I'm so attached to so many of the characters oh no- oH NO-
And uh, third things third: WHAT THE FUCKING HECK??!?!??!! WHAT???? NO??? YOU CANT END IT LIKE THAT NO WHAT NO-
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I will be reading a million hundred thousand posts about it now, both snz and non snz, because hECKING HECK that was amazing. I don't quite know what to put here bc I've just finished it and my mind is gone but quick summary of my thoughts incase anyone's curious:
JonMartin both gives me life and sucks it RAPIDLY away. I love them. I'm a sucker for a tragic love story and my god- ahhgnslkdanfgoil
Elias. I don't approve of Jonah, or heck, of Elias himself, but.... I can't lie... god I love that man... HIS VOICE OKAY- his mannerisms?? he's evil but he's CHARMING and- yeahhhh I fall for villains okay? Sue me <3
The whole world itself is SO insanely well designed. I loved listening to it and figuring out how all the pieces fit along with Jon and the others.
Daisy and Basira. Melanie and Georgie. I just loved the female representation in this, they were so badass truly.
THE LGBTQIA+ REPRESENTATION TOO!!! All the canon couples, not to mention the fact that they just? had characters be gay? without making a 'thing' outta it? 100/10 Um anyways this is a long post full of barely sensible nonsense, if anyone wants to talk about TMA please feel free to reach out because I will be dying over it for several days <3
Thank you for listening to the ramblings of an emotionally broken person, thank you to @onetrickponi for getting me INTO THIS!!! I had no idea what I was getting into and you know what? You did not lie, it broke me in every way there is and I could not be happier for it. <33
(And not that I think anyone significantly cares, but yes. I will be writing some absolute garbage for these beloveds. I don't know when, but it WILL be happening because I am Feeling Things and my boy Elias could use some wrecking <3)
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hello snap just wanted to say that ur blog is like the daily newspaper to me :3 i love reading the asks ppl send u and ur responses esp the ones with the wiki mod ^-^ genuinely one of the rare non-brain rotting yakuza artists / content creators whatever
i only provide the HIGHEST quality of brain fungus around here yes SIRRRRRRRRRRR
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rileys-battlecats · 2 years
I just wanted to say that your doing an amazing job with world building. All the characters have their own personality and opinions. All the apprentices actually have personality in the story, unlike how the Erin’s portray all the side characters as cardboard cutouts. Your doing a better job at making the characters feel real than the Erin’s have done over the past decade
Aaaa thank you!! I honestly haven't read the books in a super long time, and never read the new series, so I don't have a solid mental comparison lol ^^;; character driven stories are some of my favorites, so having diverse characters affords more opportunities for interesting interactions!!
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maiteo · 1 year
Maia these are so cute, I know we haven’t been mutuals for long but 💌 perhaps? 💞
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arklay · 1 year
🖊️🖊️ for bestie diana!!!
diana completed her bachelors with honours when she was 18 after graduating high school early due to academic acceleration, as well as doing a few university subjects in her final year. then she got her masters when she was a few months shy of 21 once she went back to school after a couple of years of working in multiple zoos and animal sanctuaries
she actually has a younger sister, sofia, who i don't think i've mentioned too much on here besides in her oc page. but she is a professional ballet dancer, going on to do what their parents had intended for the both of them before diana decided she didn't want to do that. there is a lot of resentment between them, and they don't keep in contact anymore
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