mattodore · 1 year
because of your last matthias and theo post i wanna ask: are your ocs like parties?
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i believe you're asking what mattodore are like when they're at parties, right? or if they like them? i'll answer both just in case
cw for mentions of drug use and child abuse
well... both theo and matthias are frequent partiers. matthias actually throws these very large and extravagant private parties every fortnight. they're not, like... publicized, but if you know about them, then you know about them. theo on the other hand goes to a lot of gay bars and parties that get talked about at his college. theo goes to yale, so... as you can imagine, the college parties he goes to are um. a special brand of theatrical. he's been to matthias's parties before officially meeting him, actually. he went with a um... friend <3
neither of them actually like parties, though. theo uses parties to numb his mind (well... along with the drugs) and fill the void left from a childhood of neglect. the attention he gets while partying makes him feel good for a short while, but the come down from the intoxication and the high of attention is always very rough for him. and matthias throws them for the bodies — as in, all those people in his home, all the life... he saps at it like it's proof he's a Real Boy and... in a way, it makes him feel wanted. he does actually enjoy defiling his old family homes by throwing debaucherous orgies in them, though. lmao.
at parties, theo is always covered in glitter. he's phantasmal, barely even there in all the purples and blues. theo goes all out at parties, in bars, and he'll take anything he's given. he's addicted to ecstasy more than anything, and he's given it most often from his dance partners. theo really likes getting lost in the crowd while dancing. it makes him feel free. as a child, theo wasn't allowed to move around much, to fidget, to breathe too loud, or be otherwise unsightly and unrefined... so in a way he treats dancing like an act of rebellion. he also feels the most attuned with his own body while dancing. he gets... very melancholic at parties. outwardly, he gives no sign of distress, but if he hasn't taken something to really get him out of his head then he'll begin to feel the insidious loneliness seeping back in. he dissociates a lot at parties, especially when he's touched without expecting it. theo can get very talkative while partying, partly from the effects of whatever it is he's on aiding his honesty, but also partly from the electric feel of all that attention... he just starts speaking whatever's on his mind and stops holding himself back. theo is naturally magnetic... people want to be around him and with the way he talks... well, his voice is very hypnotizing. he draws everyone's attention. unfortunately for theo, he's more attracted to what's not good for him than what is. he always ends up going along with some........ relatively horrible people. he can recognize it too, he's not unaware... in fact, theo is exceptionally observant. he's smart and insightful and can read people very, very easily. it's a self-defense mechanism he had to learn from a childhood of physical abuse... even small micro expressions are fed through a megaphone to his brain. so he knows who the people he hooks up with are... even when he's intoxicated, he can still sense it... but he's self-destructive. he's trying to harm himself, subconsciously of course, but... well... a slap in the face will always feel more normal to theo than a kiss on the cheek.
at parties, matthias is always at the center of it all, wine in hand, shirt undone, hair thoroughly run through by multiple sets of hands. matthias is a hedonist, so he's uninhibited and unashamed and trying and doing whatever makes him feel good. he's charming, but snaps on occasion before covering it with a smile and a flirtatious slip of his hand down the back of a neck, along the shell of an ear. matthias is surrounded by people all the time, but they're obsequious and pawing. his money, his body, the masquerade of his character... all lapped at greedily, but no one ever really wants him when the party's over; he shows too much of who he really is for that. he puts on an act, of course... but there's a sort of gap between how matthias talks to people vs. how other people talk to people. matthias spent his childhood learning how to behave from his father's library of books. academic, stuffy, verbose, violent... some banned books. he hadn't interacted with another child until he was eleven or so... and by then he'd developed a very nasty personality. his best friend, imani, definitely helped aid a slight change in personality as he aged (not intentionally, btw. just in the way that all friends do), but your teen years can only reshape your childhood development by so much... so. there's something off about him, though he does put on a good show. if you're around matthias when he's silent for long enough, you'll feel a creeping sensation along the back of your neck and a little on edge. prey vs. predator. even when he's gone away from one of the parties with a sexual partner(s) and he's taking very good care of them, the moment the act is done... yeah. the men he sleeps with will want to leave. even the men who come back to him do so cautiously. parties leave matthias feeling just as hollow as he was before plying himself full of wine and lust. he can't find what he's looking for in them.
when they're together at parties... hm. it depends on whether or not they're dating. if it's early in the story, then theo doesn't pay any attention to matthias. theo doesn't actually, um... like men like matthias very much. the leader of the herd types, you know... theo is generally avoidant of anyone who seems to have any amount of authority. so he'd be as far away from matthias as possible. matthias, on the other hand... theo is exactly his type. soft cheeked, eye makeup, morose, and very intelligent and interesting... matthias is watching him like a hawk the second theo enters the room. but he wouldn't approach for a while. he likes to take his time.
if it's when they're already together, then matthias would've been the one to escort theo to the party. theo goes where he wants and matthias will follow after him, or, if theo tells him to give him some space, matthias will stay nearby but find other things to occupy himself with... until he eventually drifts back to watching theo. he's very obsessive. it's actually something theo has a hard time managing, like... sometimes he just needs matthias to step back kdjdhkh but theo is very into pda, so he never sends matthias away for too long unless he's with his party friends (who all dislike matthias on principle <3). with matthias, theo craves the comfort of physical touch. so they're very wrapped up in each other, even if they're surrounded by people. matthias will generally stay sober because he's very rigid about never losing control of himself... he does drink some, but never too much. at most he'll get tipsy, but he gets uh... very intense and weird when tipsy. so. best to avoid it. again, teenage friendships can only do so much in the face of childhood development. theo on the other hand actually feels more comfortable losing himself when matthias is with him, so... he gets messy frequently. he doesn't do drugs around matthias (or... not when matthias can see it, at least), but he'll drink like a sailor in lieu of his favored self-destructive habit. matthias likes to dance with theo. he and imani had to go to/through cotillions and etiquette lessons in their boarding school, so matthias likes to teach theo ball dances and show off. theo enjoys playing drinking games, the more childish they are the more enjoyment he gets from them. he's also very competitive and really good at beating matthias. he gloats and matthias finds it very endearing... he likes losing to theo.
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