marshmallord · 2 years
me: hmm i think i’ll check up on the twitter side of the kinnporsche fandom
the twitter side of the kinnporsche fandom: they watered down 😡😡 the vegaspete story!!!1!!!11!1 where is 🤨🤨🤨 my rape?????? 😩 they’re submitting 🤬🤬 to the prudes 😒😒😒😒
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I liked that Pete is the one handing Vegas the rope, giving the permission.
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
this is insane. porsche allegedly went to work for the theerapanyakun family because he was desperate for money to pay for the house and chay’s education, but he doesn’t talk about him to kinn or anyone almost at all. we only get one short scene of chay going ‘actually getting kidnapped is bad and i hate it’, but then we find about him giving porsche an ultimatum from. porsche, who casually tells it to kinn and then go on being cute and joking about farts.
but then vegas whips out the holidays card almost immediately (i mean, measuring by screentime). AT LEAST HE thinks about stuff like that! “shit! pete! i totally forgot about that!” yknow kinn i feel like giving you a whole mafia family is too much. how about opening that beach bar with porsche and seeing if you can figure it out
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followdelight · 2 years
Unpopular opinion time: I actually kinda liked the KPTS ending for KimChay.  I genuinely found it to be a very hopeful open ending. (we’re gonna straight up ignore the ‘stage play’ ‘side story’ from the world tour, okay, bc wtf was that no)
Hear me out.  I know we’re all sad that Kim broke Chay’s heart.  That baby was so pure and seeing him sobbing was devastating.  But…… I actually think this heartbreak was crucial to making this relationship healthier in the long run.  (and not just bc it unearthed all the lies)
Both KinnPorsche and VegasPete get flack for being ‘unhealthy’ relationships.  But here’s a thing I don’t see people talking about enough: KimChay also was not a healthy relationship.  Putting aside the fact that Kim was lying to Chay the whole time – say they met and Kim was genuinely just a burgeoning singer who agreed to be his tutor etc. solely bc Chay was a huge fan it still would not have been healthy. The power imbalance was so skewed in Kim’s favor there was really no way to right it through the course of the show.  The way their relationship progressed, there was never a natural time/way to level the playing field.
I genuinely think that Chay finding out Kim lied and is a deeply imperfect human (and Kim basically doubling down on that by not admitting his feelings in the end) can do nothing but benefit them in the long run.  Assuming they’re able to recover from that deceit at all, but for the sake of argument I’m assuming eventually Kim will wear him down.  Bc now Chay can return to this relationship without having Kim up on the pedestal he’d placed him on.
No relationship is ever going to be equal when one of them had a SHRINE to the other before they even met.  Like, if this was real life it’d be a big ole red flagged YIKES.  If Chay were my little brother I’d be extremely concerned that Kim was only interested bc he got uncomplicated and complete adoration from Chay in exchange for (let’s be honest with ourselves) the bare minimum.  And I don’t think Kim wanted that, I think by the end he really did see Chay beyond ‘an adoring fan’ (because Chay is an absolute open book incapable of dissembling)... but I think most of his hesitation in returning Chay’s feelings came from his knowledge that Chay did not and could not see him because of everything Kim was hiding.  And you know how it goes when you start thinking it’s too late to reveal the truth.
But once Kim breaks Chay’s heart, the truth is revealed, and he begins to put in the work to win Chay back so he can prove that he wasn’t just using Chay (either for the ego boost or solely  for information), the scales start tipping in Chay’s direction.  Suddenly he has power in this relationship for the first time.  Bc ultimately, the shattering of Chay’s illusions is crucial to them rebuilding a healthier relationship.  Chay *has* to lose those rose colored glasses in order to see Kim clearly in all his imperfect, emotionally constipated, violent, and murderous glory, so he can decide if he really wants that man.  
I think Chay was *infatuated* with Kim, definitely, and that’s a kind of love.  But it’s not a sustainable love.  He loved an *idea* of Kim that he shaped around his adoration of WIK.  And now he has the chance to genuinely love KIM, the complicated and layered and imperfect man; if he wants to.  From here, any relationship they build will be on more equal footing.  Both of them seeing the truth in one another and loving each other for their complete selves.
And *that* is what I love about the BoC ending for KimChay.  I know it’s an ‘open’ ending, but I think as far as open endings go it’s very hopeful.  Kim sending Chay a video of him playing HIS song saying “look, we’re equals” and Chay not closing the door on communication?  So much hope there for a happy reconciliation in their future.
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Episode 9
Holy shit. I think that was actually...a perfect episode. Tankhun and Vegaspete and a Kimchay kiss and some Kinnporsche relationship and development. I did have to spend a good amount of the episode working out ways to block out Tawan's face with my fingers without blocking out anything else. His face makes me want to hiss. I have no pacing complaints, the plot development was interesting and it seems that we've finally hit the crux, and our romantic leads all showed a good amount of emotional intelligence! It's all I could ask for.
I mean, it is really ironic that Porsche's idea of making Kinn jealous was nixed by Yok as being a stupid trope, and then Porsche accidentally (but completely naturally) recreated it later on. But Porsche didn't get very insecure about his relationship (which Tawan did later use to his advantage), and he spent most of the episode rolling his eyes at Tawan, as the bastard man deserves. He's less likely to believe people's bullshit now, which is good to see. We're definitely inching towards 'I'm on your side.' I can't wait. Porsche's dancing was really cute. When he turned up at Yok's bar with the gift basket, I was wondering if he'd told Kinn that Yok was getting a second appendectomy, but a boob job is also a good excuse.
Kinn was also emotionally intelligent (for once). He didn't trust Tawan until he had what seemed to be a couple of reasons; he remembered that he has a new boyfriend now and stayed faithful (I am aware that this is the bare minimum, but I was setting the bar low for the sake of my heart); he got advice from his family regarding the situation. He only started suspecting Porsche when he had what appeared to be evidence—it was good evidence, although Tawan and Vegas manipulated it out of context. There's also a hint at the end that he's not distrusting Porsche proper and that he has a plan. However, it would have been nice to inform Porsche of it first. I'm hoping that he came up with the plan after seeing Porsche and Vegas together at the pool, thinking about it and deciding that Porsche wouldn't be fucking about with Vegas. I also think that the reason Porsche was so often put on Tawan duty throughout this episode was a sign of trust from Kinn and an attempt to give Porsche some security in being able to keep an eye both on the situation and on Tawan.
Arm is a shipper, and Pete really is that much of a virgin, as it turns out. After Arm reveals that he's not a moron, you can see Pete thinking. I bet he's thinking about the hickeys. I know that the prayer scene in episode 7 has been WOG'd as an improv, but improvs can be informed, so I'm guessing that it was a bit of a hint either towards the temple scene or towards a certain amount of religiosity being put into Pete's character.
Vegas moves on quickly. Unsurprising. Perhaps his way of unsettling people that he isn't allowed to surprise-dentist is to make somewhat forward sexual advances? It would explain some things, like the car condom scene in episode 6. He's still working on Porsche, but he's given up on the seduction and has decided to try to evoke sympathy and to confuse him. To be honest, he isn't great at woobifying himself.
Porschay gets a gold star for being the most emotionally intelligent character ever and, imagine this, just confessing to his crush. Kim got stabbed in the heart—as it turns out, the way to a man's heart is neither through his stomach nor between his third and fourth ribs, but through song! It's very Disney. I hate it. But you go, Porchay! Seize your Wattpad dreams!
Tankhun reappeared. Iconic as usual, and the only voice of reason here. I think that we all should be allowed to kill Tawan, together, as a family. Korn was being less dickish than usual. He stood back a lot and let Kinn decide things: I'm almost inclined to believe the metas about him poking Kinn in the insecurities in an attempt to push him out of the nest, as it were.
Tawan is, of course, very shady. If what I hear about Porschay being kidnapped is correct, then Tawan has very slyly set up everything to fuck over Porsche:
First of all, Kinn has caused a lot of problems with his dick in the past, so he's primed to think that his dick will again cause problems.
Secondly, the sob story Tawan had at the beginning about his family being threatened causing him to betray Kinn will mean that if Porsche appears to betray Kinn after Porschay is kidnapped, Kinn is more likely to no-sell that.
Thirdly, if Tawan is working with Vegas, then Vegas appearing at the exact times that he has in this episode is working to undermine Porsche.
Fourthly, the comments that Tawan has been making are absolutely gaslighting Kinn. You can see the moment that he stopped working on Porsche (the warm milk scene) and decided to go full in on Kinn.
Also, I called it: Kinn is an exhibitionist.
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myezblog · 2 years
I appreciate your guts to actually come out and point out the wrongs in the show. The intimate scenes were poorly edited and IT’S A FACT. I remember my angst and excitement the first time Kinn and Porsche got close. But doing the bare minimum for the most anticipated couple… it was rushed. More screen time could’ve been given and it’s not wrong to say this out loud. There are some viewers out there that would eat up everything that’s offered to them without questioning and this is wrong.
Thanks.. and you articulate the issue better
That scene did not get the editing it deserved, the emotional journey it deserved to be a hard hitting scene...
But yes, to dearest VegasPete fandom.. the Vegas and Pete characters deserve better, the novel adaptation deserves better..
This is not Kinn X Porsche show.. this is Kinn Porsche the series - the book!
And as a director, there are a lot of flaws in how narrative is being handled (including for Kinn and Porsche as characters). Focus, unfortunately like all other BLs, is on K X P as a couple(shenanigans that in some controlled dosage is good fluff but then overexposure has no payoff) and that is not what rich storytelling is about.
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yeetlegay · 2 years
I haven’t read the kinnporche novels or read any spoilers for what happens in them so the whole storyline is a mystery to me but obviously I’ve seen people be really excited for the Vegaspete story line to start but I’m just like not getting it at the moment?? This isn’t me kink shaming at all like as long as it’s all consensual be as freaky as you want but like Pete is currently a prisoner in Vegas house and like I just can’t get on board with a Stockholm syndrome love story so I’m interested to see how it plays out and how the writers etc will portray it (and hopefully not make it too kidnap victim falls for captor?) but again this isn’t to shame or anything the people who are excited for their storyline to start! I’m just intrigued to see the route they go down with this 🤔
I’m sure not everyone will be into this ship since it veers into more taboo/controversial territory (and that’s totally okay if it’s not your bag!) but my only advice is to just wait and see, and be open to where the story leads! I haven’t read the novel either (no spoilers please!) so I know the bare minimum about them as a ship, but I LOVE this sort of vibe tbh, I can get on board with just about anything no matter how dark or “problematic” as long as it’s compelling and well-written (with a few exceptions). VegasPete has me excited for some fucked-up, toxic, sexy romance with a generous helping of kink!
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the-wayside · 2 years
I feel like I've not addressed this but...I'm not avoiding VegasPete.
I've very carefully curated my experience to the bare minimum so their story will be a surprise to me. I have a rough idea but I can't wait to see what the trust Bible and Build have in each other will create. I love how the cast have really bonded to the point where they can take risks as actors and feel that that energy is matched. With a story like what I think theirs will end up being, you can't be safe. You have to be a bit unhinged and broken.
It's that good old quote: "when is a monster not a monster? when you love it."
Love doesn't absolve sin, but it complicates the issue and I'm really invested in seeing that onscreen.
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