gorgin-gals-muses · 5 months
🎁 for Fubuki
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"Woughhh... we're finally here. Should we eat?" The bloated bunnygirl suddenly perked up as she looked down to her friend. The two of them had taken a bit of a detour to one of Ginma district's outlet malls; both of them needed to stock up on clothes for their own reasons. But right now, the food court was in front of them, and as the pointed question floated through her head, Fubuki had to wonder... did she already have lunch? Grgggrllrgl... she looked down as her stomach seemed to suggest otherwise. Maybe the two of them should hit the food court for now.
"Wait, this'd look good on you, Fubuki!" The other girl presented her findings to the pudgy heiress; It did look like a very fitting choice; she usually had a better sense of style for other people than herself. However, as Fubuki looked through it, something caught her eye; 4XL... She stammered down at her mall date. "Um, am I... 4XL again?"
"Huh? Oh... you're actually 7XL, yeah... I could probably refit it for you, though." The shorter girl scratched her head, a little embarrassed.
"Right, right... seven is such a difficult number to remember, though..." Fubuki hemmed and hawed a bit... well, since he was around to help, it'd probably be fine.
"Now let's go eat! I ate lunch before we came here, but I don't think you did, right?" A mischievous grin crept up on her face... and Fubuki was none the wiser.
"Huh... now that you mention it, I don't remember whether we did or not." Fubuki pawed at her growling, flabby boulder of a gut. "Well, either way, I am rather hungry..."
Fubuki gasped a bit as she stuffed another burger down her throat... It was hard to keep track of it all, especially when her gut seemed dead-set on begging for more from her. Her four-chair-spanning ass had pushed up the shorts she'd bought on request, leaving the giant, dimpled cheeks on display for the food court to see. She wiped off a bit of drool and grease from her chins, trying to tune back in to what her friend was talking about. She seemed pretty excited about the chance to talk costuming with her, at least. She pushed back from the table, leaning to give her beleaguered gut some more space... "This was... houghh, umm... how many lunches did we have?" She turned to her friend, wincing a bit.
"Huh? This was our first, obviously." The blonde had to snort, but she was a bit worried Fubuki would actually catch on to the game she was playing.
"No, I believe we had one, two,, three... four... fiiive? And then we had more after that." Fubuki counted on her pudgy, grease-coated digits. Something began to dawn on her as she started glowering at the girl across from her.
"What? No, no, I think you're just gotten your facts wrong, Prince-" He suddenly faltered as Fubuki reached into her coat pocket, wrestling around a bit, before finding a receipt... and many more that came with it, all from various places in the eatery. "I, I-"
"Desuhiko, if you had just wanted to have extra lunches, I would have gladly accepted!" Fubuki had to huff. Being friends with a girl like her was really difficult sometimes.
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