#bunny foob
gorgin-gals-muses · 6 months
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It'd been 30 minutes since she first accidentally went off trail. Or 40 minutes, she wasn't exactly sure. She had only been expecting a light drizzle, but it seems every minute, the rain was going stronger, the downpour stinging her eyes. She had passed row after row of identical-looking tree, fishnetted calves caked with rain and mud and intermittently lashed with reeds. How had she even gotten here? What was she thinking? Why was she still in a bunny suit of all things??? She could only barely keep herself from weeping, cursing her own foolishness. What Fubuki needed now was a miracle...
W-was that a structure in the distance? A cabin, perhaps.
Fubuki waddled as fast as her chunky legs could carry her towards safety.
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one-bunny-a-day · 2 years
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brownhairedbookworm · 2 months
"Mhm! I'd just like to set a few things up!" Fubuki waved over from the living room, setting a few things down on the table; mostly boxes of store-bought donut holes. The bright pink rope was wrapped around the chair closest to her, a bulky length of dyed hemp over an even bulkier piece of furniture.
Fubuki herself was in her work clothes; which was to say, a dark red latex one piece and tight-looking fishnets, alongside the bunny ears. "Oh, and close the door behind you, of course."
Well, that's Foob, for sure! Monika closes the door behind her and comes into the apartment properly. She hums, impressed by how much work Fubuki's putting into this. The treats are looking nice and sweet, too!
"Thanks for having me over, Fubuki!" She carefully makes a space for herself to sit on the couch.
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yawpyawp · 6 years
Fubar turns into Foobs which turns into Foo Foo which turns into Little Bunny Foo Foo. People get very confused when one of the quartet talks about Fubar hopping through the forest and scooping up field mice.
foober is soft like a bunny :’3
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gorgin-gals-muses · 2 months
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"Ah, vat a nice tummy." Marzy says as she contorts herself through the side-window and into this bedroom, her chest giving her a little trouble.
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"H-Oh?!" Fubuki turned to look towards the bedroom window. The gigantically fat, mostly-naked woman was trying to wedge a large pair of panties—probably as big across as an large-sized shirt—up the length of her underbelly. Marzy was definitely right; it really was a nice tummy. Fubuki couldn't help but blush at the intruder.
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"Well, I am flattered, but... how did you get up here so high? This floor is pretty high off the ground, after all..." She wondered aloud watching Marzy squeeze her way in; the only thing behind the idol vampire was a sheer 80-foot drop onto the city streets below.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 25 days
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"Hiiii ChibiUsa!" Fubuki waved.
Bunny to Bunny Communication.
Bunny to Bunny Conversation.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 4 months
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Fubuki pinning you down underneath her and drowning you in affection and kisses.
And quite a lot of fat.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 2 months
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Alrighty, line-up complete! If you want an individual pic of any one of the muses, feel free to DM me about it.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 3 months
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There's a rare point, when Fubuki gorges enough, when her belly becomes big and domineering enough, where something in her shifts, and she becomes almost nearly unstoppable. Her stomach numbs, growling in hunger more than it screams in its limits, digesting food at an unprecedented rate. Her legs kick past her walls of gutflab and press onward, pounding huge, violent craters into the shaken earth she treads upon. She grasps like a titan at any food within reach, and lunges like a beast at anything she can stick her face in. For hours at a time, nothing matters except more, a rampage unforgettable to everyone- except her.
Even a lack of food stops mattering. Not when everything and everyone starts looking more and more delicious.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 6 months
Multimuse Questionnaire: Have They Read It?
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Fubuki: Has read it to completion, but has only skimmed or sometimes outright ignored the dialogues boxes.
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Yuma: Hasn't read it in this life, but vaguely remembers some plot and lore details from her pre-amnesia self.
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Brooke: Has read it and was a huge fan of it, and still is.
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Nessa: Doesn't even know about it and wouldn't like it if she did.
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Shinigami: Hasn't read it and probably won't, but she likes the blue girl everyone likes to hate.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 4 months
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"Eep! E-excuse me!" Fubuki stomping as carefully as she can through the packed streets... Wincing a bit as her hips and belly was wedged between the skyscrapers beside her. She tried gingerly to nudge the people and cars aside with her pudgy feet, but it was so hard to see with her belly and breasts in the way that she probably knocked quite a few people over, kicking them aside like pinecones.
She felt herself near-slipping a few times as she walked on aimlessly... If not for the way her gigantic, earth-shaking enormity made the earth crack around her feet like thick snow, then the endless rain of Kanai Ward would've surely caused her to fall ass-first.
The behemoth bunny-girl's stomach rumbled, a a thick groan from deep within her gut, audible to everyone in a quarter-mile radius. What exactly was she supposed to eat?
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gorgin-gals-muses · 30 days
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"Mmmmmm," A blanketing, enveloping Foob hug for Neon, in the twilight.
Her smile is innocent... but the roars of her stomach are ominous~.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 21 days
Been thinking a little about love bites and hickies and a little bit of vampireplay...
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Big ol' bloodbag. Not like her carotid artery is very easy to get too, though...
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gorgin-gals-muses · 21 days
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Theoretically, if her accidental prey somehow couldn't get digested, and somehow she was able to keep eating and digesting food as normal with them sitting pretty and pristine in her belly...
How long do you think it'd take for Fubuki to notice she ate someone? Or multiple someones?
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gorgin-gals-muses · 6 months
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As far as stomachs to hang out in on this blog go, Fubuki's isn't really the best. In all other respects, it should be fine, it's soft, warm, spacious, and comfortable, and she never tries to squeeze any of her prey out by flexing her gut.
But that's also the problem; she never ever tries to eat anyone else. If you're in there, then it was most likely a mistake on her part, and it takes a LOT for her to realize she swallowed someone down after the fact. So while you're kicking and squirming around in her big, swinging gut, she's probably going around town eating to her heart's content, and all of that food is going to join you within her.
If she knew you were there, she'd probably keep herself from burying her prey in pasta, but such is the way of the unaware pred.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 18 days
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"Fubuki! Guess what I'm going to be for Halloween! I'm going to be a mind goblin!"
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"What's Halloween?"
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