sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
Persona 5 Questions: How old is Goro’s phone?
I’ll make this a new series, where it’s not really....a “Persona Problem” (those are more at addressing problems in a sense) inherently but it’s more aimed at a “mystery” of unanswered questions in the series....and trying to reconcile it...I mean the two posts series might overlap at times tho but if that’s the case they’ll I’ll just make it a PP (P3 ex: what’s Aigis’ birthday? oh ho ho trust me it’s a bit....more complicated than you think ;w; you can look at my meltdown in the tags for more info)
So I was remembering the scene from when Futaba.....”hacks” his phone. And it raises a few questions for me. When she grabs it she says “that’s the one I wanted!” Which is pretty innocent except.....it makes me wonder a few things, so let’s create two scenarios. Scenario 1: It’s an older phone from around year 2013. Scenario 2: It’s a recent phone (aka one in 2016).
Scenario 1: It’s an old phone from around 2013, aka about the time Goro first got his powers. So here are my questions:
Orphan 15-16ish year old Goro had a smartphone that a techie like Futaba would be “interested” in prior to obtaining powers or becoming famous. A smartphone so coveted that it wouldn’t raise suspicions for him if someone grabbed it from him. (this part isn’t a big issue for me, but I feel like I should list it juuuuust in case to cover my bases and gives the best frame to what I’m trying to ask, this one is probably the most do-able/plausible)
He’s not suspicious of Futaba geeking out over a 3 year old phone (I dunno, considering how fast tech improves, I’d be wondering why she’d want my dinky ass phone). 
If that is the only MetaNav phone Shido has access to, cause of Goro, why is he so hell bent on killing the kid and thinking he can still use the world even after offing Goro
By it being old it means the app can’t be transferred to another phone and the person NEEDS THE ORIGINAL PHONE to go to the metaverse
Scenario 2: Recent phone, makes more sense for Futaba to be geeking out about the phone but....
What about the MetaNav? 
Did it just transfer to the new phone (aka he still only has one phone with the meta nave)? So that means the app can magically transfer to a new phone if you need it
And if that’s the case, like I said Goro should be suspicious of Futaba (if you need reasons why I’ll make a different post about it), why wouldn’t he just......get a new phone he knows Futaba never touched and not worry about not having said App?
Or does Goro have a 2nd phone with the MetaNav on it 
(and if so does that mean this thing can be replicated? I mean it was created by Yaldy so he can do whatever with it and can just keep putting the app on new phones....I mean he does reinstall the app after the MC deletes it so....yeah.....maybe he just let’s one person have multiple ones or maybe he deletes it/reinstalls it on a new phone if/when someone gets a new phone) But is this why Shido is sooooooo chill with killing his golden goose? Cause he has other’s stashed away? 
And if so why the fudge don’t we have more people strutting about in the Metaverse?)
So we’re stuck with some issues with each scenario. If the phone was older it might explain that the app can’t be transferred and thus Goro must hold onto that phone (and makes it understandable why he wouldn’t ditch it even after Futaba put her hands on it), but it should raise his suspicions of Futaba geeking out (I mean he should already be hella suspicious ALREADY but to add to it), and it also makes Shido look really dumb and makes his whole “I’mma kill the one person who can go into the Metaverse, but still somehow use his Metaverse app even after death” confusing esp if Goro hides his phone prior to death? The other is that it makes Futaba less suspicious (still should be very suspicious of her anyway Goro whatchu doin’?), makes Shido’s whole plan a little more understandable (tho they probs should’ve addressed it), but then raises questions one....just how many navs are out there and why aren’t there more people (and Yaldy’s whole “I grant this shit to people” thing???? like would he even allow that? I don’t think so), and why doesn’t Goro get a new phone (this really is an issue regardless of my question, you have every right to be mad and worried about Futaba taking your phone Goro! And every right to be suspicious).
I mean if it’s the 2nd scenario it’d explain the police ambush in Sae’s Palace.....which wasn’t explained.... but tbh I always figured Goro just lent them his phone before hand? I mean it’s the only thing that made logical sense at the time (you only need one phone to sneak multiple people in, and if Goro is going with the PT he doesn’t need his phone)....of course that thing has a bigger issue I want to address later (regardless if it involved Goro lending his phone out or the police having a copy nav, either leads to the same issue surprisingly), but I just wanted to focus on in relation to Goro’s phone. 
I really wanna know which one it is. DX It could answer some questions 
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