iced-souls · 1 year
So for some reason along with monkie kid I have just been rewatching some of my favourite scenes of all time?? For no reason??
They both just showed up and I was like AW HECK YEAH
Not like I’m complaining or anything, like that one scene in the rottmnt movie where they get Raph back and say “the thing” is MMMMMMMMM YEEEAAHHHH
And the final fight for demon slayer in the entertainment district is also MMMMMMMMYEYAHHAHHHAAHAAHHHHHHHH
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meenah-chan · 3 years
A Smear of Blood
A Mammon x F! MC fanfiction
Genre: Angst
1.38k words
Trigger Warning: Lots of blood, mention of death & violence. Read at your own discretion.
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You two were just sleeping together in your room. It's the same old night. Yet for some reason, when he woke up that day, the one beside him is not you, but a smear of blood.
Everytime he wokes up he will usually see you still asleep in his arms. Or sometimes you staring at his sleeping face, which never fails to send his visage into flaring.
But that morning is different. The space beside him is empty.
He shouldn't be thinking of it as you may only be doing your business in the bathroom.
But no...
That morning is different. When he lifted the blanket covering him and the space beside him, an ample amount of blood, as large as his two stretched palms, spreads across the sheet.
His mind went blank for a second. He froze, sitting on his spot as if time went on a total halt. His own blood drains from his face. And in an instant, everything came back, rushing through his veins. Thousands of thoughts he never wished to have invaded his senses.
Did something happened last night? Did someone attacked her? Is it a grudge towards his human? No, there's no way that's possible. She's way too kind for anyone to held any ill intent towards herself. Is it because she is a rare, appetizing human? Or maybe the monster want to settle past misdeed he committed and chose to attack the most important person in his life?
No, he should have felt any danger if that's the case... Or... Could he?
Mammon is one of the strongest in the Devildom. He also have been alive for who knows how long. He barely experienced some lesser demons attack him in his sleep, much less in the House of Lamentation.
No. No one aimed for his head in his own abode. Entering the den of the most monstrous beasts in the Devildom is a suicide for any assassins to test their luck.
It doesn't make sense! It doesn't...
Yet... That blood... That metallic scent invading his sense smell right now... He'd be dumb if he could ever forget such scent. He knew it so well. Why does he knew it so well? Of course he...
The image of that day flashed through his mind and he never knew his heart would sink deeper than it already has. The image of her lifeless body in his arms, soaked with her own blood and bruises. Limp. Breathless. Cold. Too cold. With her lifelessly gentle eyes staring at his useless self, who couldn't do anything to protect her. It's too late. His tears and screams won't bring what she have lost.
His loss. He lost her once already and swears he'll protect her this time around. He'll protect her with his life. He'll... Protect her?
A lightning strucks his system as he force his stiff limbs to motion. He wants to scream but a lump in his throat blocks all the sound he want to gouge out.
He flails out of the bed. He reach for the knob only for it to move a few feet away from him and his hand.
When he raised his unfocused eyes to the person who opened the door, he gasps for air he didn't knew he's been holding.
"Ahh. You're... Awake." His human peeked inside the room for a second. "And you saw that..." She sighed.
But the demon stood there motionless. He scans her with his eyes for any visible wound and blood stains. Any trace of blood on her. Yet he saw nothing but her sweaty self gasping for air, holding what seems to be a comforter.
"...mon... Mammon? You don't look so good." A touch of her warm fingertips is enough to push his last button to tears, which he did. "M–Mammon?! W–Wha, H–Hey!" Tears streams down like falls on his cheeks to the back of her hands as she held his face.
"What... the hell..." They both melted to their knees as Mammon start sobbing. "Hey, Mammo—" her palms slid past his slippery wet cheeks as he pulls her to tight embrace.
"'Ya idiot... human... Ye're killin' me." He whimpered in a muffled voice, face buried on the crook of her neck.
His words snapped all the dots connected in her head of what is actually happening. It probably is because of that incident. The day she died... or atleast her other self. It was a sight, to see herself bathing in a pool of blood, as if it was a different person. It was a sight, really. But it was not the one that sparked her emotion. It was the demon that held her so tight as if she'll slipped away from his grasp. It was Mammon.
She couldn't really comprehend what happened when she was attacked by the youngest brother. She was stranggled, passed out and woke up under the staircase.
It never left a mark on her. She held no ill will towards him. But as the demon with the strongest bond with her, Mammon, was so devastated that time. He cling onto her. He wail with his futile pleads for her to hang on. To not die.
Seeing him like that made her regret the event she have no way of ever predicting. The event she have no control of.
The only thing she could do is to protect him from the ghost of the past. She have to give reassurance to the second oldest— her first demon.
So she hugged him back as firm as he did, caressing his hair lovingly. "There, there... I'm here. Everything's going to be alright."
He squeeze her tighter she could hardly breathe. But even if it's hard, she let him because right now, she could finally feel the grip her other self felt that time. She's be lying if she said she didn't felt a hint of jealousy oozing out within her that time. "Don't you dare leave me like that ever again."
"I won't. I'll be with you as long as it takes. This won't happen again."
She gave him featherlight kisses that soothes his pain. A gentle yet firm embrace to gave him assurance and warmth. And within a few moments, Mammon pulled himself back, his eyes and cheeks dusted with shades of red.
"But wait... Are you really not hurt or something?" The white-haired demon close his eyes as she wipes his tears with her thumb.
"You wanna check with your own eyes?" She smirks and wiggle her brows at him, earning a darker flush on his tan face.
"Then what the hell's with the sheet? That isn't your blood, right?" Now it's her turn to blush.
"Uh... Can we just forget that..." Azure orbs glare through her soul. "... or maybe not." She nervously laugh while evading the piercing looks towards her.
"Ugh... This is embarrassing. How should I put this..." She scratch her nape as she search for the right words. "Well, it is mine." Mammon's eyes widen and without hesitation, he lift her shirt and frantically check her torso.
"H–Hey! Sto– Wait! I'm not hurt! That time of the month just came a bit too early is all!" She hastily pulled the hem of her shirt off his grip and down.
"W–What time?" He stares at her, confusion and worry evident on his expression.
"I'm on my period, okay. I woke up with it staining the covers. I panicked and run out after changing to search for a replacement. And yeah, I was late." She pat the sheet on her side. "You saw it before I arrive." She look down to hide her flustered face.
"... Seriously..." Mammon's forehead drops to her shoulder.
After a few seconds, he cups her face and face her to him. "Why'd'ya have ta hide it? And from the Great Mammon? Really?"
"Well, it's embarrassing you know..." She pouts.
"Like hell it's embarrassing. It's normal. It's a part of being a woman. If somethin' like this happen, don't hesitate to ask for the Great Mammon's help... Well it's not like I'm worried or anything. I just wanna help ya. Ye're my human after all." He squishes her face as he grin from ear to ear tinted with pink.
"Yes, my tsundere demon." She also smiled like he did as she held the hands on her cheeks.
"Huh?! Who're ya callin–" he protested, only to be silenced with a peck on the tip of his nose.
"I love you, my Great Mammon."
I was too hyped yesterday I just finished 2 fanfics. That OM! anime announcement left me on edge.
And to anyone waiting for my series Quintessence, I'm on it hahaha 😅😂 I'm torn between two twist and still can't decide but I'll surely post it as soon as I finished it. Please bear with me for the last 2 chapters.
P. S. To anyone who watch BL Romance and haven't seen Given yet, I highly recommend it! A real tear-jerker with amazing plot and masterpiece songs 😭💖💖 I won't go with details but there's something really unique with it and you wont regret watching it sksksk 😚😚
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