heychangbin · 4 years
Change o’ Plans ║ Part One
Summary: You sit beside Vito in the cemetery chapel, going through the motions, praying to saints you don’t believe in to help you make it to the end of the service and for things to run smoothly. 
Warnings: Blood, swearing, mentions of murder
Wordcount: 3232
A/N: y’all bitches fucking thought.
You hated this, hated sitting at the first pew, a modest black dress hanging off your shoulders with Vito at your side, his hand holding yours as you both watched friends and relatives walk up to stand beside of the casket, say their piece to the body laying inside, and walk back to their seat.
You bowed your head and prayed to every saint you heard of growing up that they grant you the strength to see this through. You were halfway through reciting a fifth rosary when you felt Vito's hand tighten in yours, making you lift your head and eye him unquestioningly out of the corner of your eye. His eyes were trained ahead, lips pressed into a harsh line and his shoulders were tense. You followed his line of sight and your own hand tightened, your back going rigid at the sight of Georgie, bent over the side of the casket, his large hand gripping one of the bodies shoulders as he murmured things you couldn't hear. 
You felt yourself go livid at the audacity of the man, but then again, you never knew Georgie to have any shame which is how you weren't surprised at all when he stopped in front of you and Vito instead of heading back to his own pew, his large hand coming to tap and grip Vito's shoulder,
"'Ey Vee,sorry 'bout your brother"
Vito gave him a curt nod with a clipped "thanks Georgie," 
"He looks good, all things considered, guys in the back did him good."
You could feel how your nails dug into Vito's skin but the man beside you didn't flinch, he continued to hold on tight to your hand, if it was to keep you or himself from standing and completely throttling George you couldn't be sure, but you were grateful to have him there as an anchor. 
"Listen, if either of yous need anything, you come to me, Nicky was my best friend, he was family, and that means you are too."
For a brief moment you entertained the idea of telling George he could take that sentiment and shove it where the sun don't shine, after what he did to Nick he was lucky that he was still standing and that Vito was the only family you had but before the words could leave your lips you heard Vito say from beside you, 
"Thanks George, we'll keep that in mind."
George took a step and knelt in front of you, his hand coming to rest on your knee, thumb stroking the outside dip as his eyes bore into yours and emphasized his words, 
"I mean it, anythin' at all, I'm your guy."
The weight of his meaty hand on you had you suppressing a shiver, it took everything in you to not shove him away and force out a "thanks" that almost choked you to say and disguised your struggle by bowing your head, covering your mouth and leaning into Vito's shoulder. 
It seemed to do the trick, george gave your knee what was supposed to be a reassuring squeeze but felt anything but, pushed himself up off the floor and made his way back down the aisle between the pews. 
It was another hour until the service was brought to a close but not before you walked up to the casket, your low heels clicking against the linoleum floor and echoing off the walls of the chapel. You stared at the face that looked so much like the man you loved, his face was peaceful, forehead relaxed, his long lashes fanning across the top the apple of his cheeks, his hair was combed back in the way it usually was, shiny from the product he ran through his dark tresses to keep them in place, his beard immaculately styled, dressed in a lead gray suit, arms resting at his sides, the tip of his neck tattoo peeking over the neck of his charcoal button down. If it weren't for the color of his skin that was off by a couple of shades, you'd think he was sleeping. 
The sob that wracked your body had you stumbling back and into the arms of Vito, who held you close, hand stroking your back whispering words of encouragement as you felt chest caving in on itself and murmurs rose from behind him,
"I can't—I can't do this Vee, I gotta get outta here."
"Just a bit more, then this'll all be over."
You gripped the lapels of his jacket so hard you swore you heard and felt the material tear between your fingers before loosening your hold on the material and nodding. 
"Please, don't make me go back up there Vee, I can't," you struggled to say between broke sobs
"Yeah, c'mon," he murmured, wrapping his arm over your shoulders and guiding you back to the pew.
It wasn't long after that that the minister called the viewing to a close and give directions to the plot where the casket would be lowered. 
The last rays of sunlight were lingering in the sky when Vito dropped you off with a promise to stop by the next day.
You hugged him and thanked him for being there with you before you climbed out of his car and made your way up the short walkway to your front door, giving him a final wave as you walked through your door and locking it behind you. 
You leaned against the door for a moment and just breathed, the hardest part was done.
You dropped your keys into the bowl that sat atop the table beside the door and stepped out of your heels, promising yourself to pick them up and put them away tomorrow morning. 
You took a step in the direction of the small kitchen 
"How was it?" Despite the voice being familiar and exactly what you needed to erase the image of the man in the casket from your mind, it still made you jump and kicked your heart into overdrive as it frantically beat against the middle of your chest. 
"God damn it Nick!" You hissed to the dark room at large, "you almost gave me a goddamn heart attack," you continued as you peered at the empty living room, forcing your eyes to adjust until you were able to make out his silhouette. Once you did you launched yourself at him, giving himself barely enough time to open his arms and catch you. His arms wrapping around your waist as yours went around his neck.
The house was dark for the exception of the kitchen light, where you were sitting at your kitchen table, the clock on the stove indicating it was 2am in neon green numbers.
He should've been back by now….unless, you drummed your fingernails on the shiny wooden surface as you fought thoughts of the alternative from your mind.
He's gonna be back….any minute now, he's gonna walk through the front door with a bag of taco bell...
You reached for your phone, bringing the screen to life to see the clock on the screen 2:03. You pressed the power button, making the screen go dark as you pushed yourself off your chair and walked the length of your small kitchen a few times before you walked over to the counter, pulling one of the drawers open, reaching in and pulling out the pack of cigarettes and lighter Nick kept there. You taped the pack against the heel of your palm before pulling one out, placing it between your lips and lighting it. Taking a drag and filling your lungs with the smoke, holding it for a beat before exhaling the smoke in a plume of white. The nicotine did very little to settle your nerves but that didn't stop you from bringing it back to your lips and taking another long drag, flicking the edge and letting the ash fall into the sink. 
You turned to the clock on the stove again, the numbers on it reading 2:14.
Where are you Nick, you shouldve been back by now,
You flicked the ash off your cigarette again, and reached for your phone, bringing it to life, 2:18, tapping out your passcode and flicking the screen to your contacts, your thumb hovering over Vito's contact entry when the backdoor was thrown open, making you jump. You reached for the closest thing to use as a weapon, a frying pan that had been drying on the dish rack, holding it over your head ready to bring it down on your intruder when you recognized Vito. Your hold on the handle went slack when you saw Nick hanging off his brother's shoulder, his face clammy and looking too pale for comfort.
"Get the first aid kit," Vito gritted through his teeth as he struggled to maneuver himself and Nick through the threshold and crashing into the open door, the sound and Nick's groan of pain jolting you into action, tossing her phone on the counter and the half gone cigarette into the sink to worry about later, pulls one of the cabinet doors open, reaching for the small plastic box, throwing the lid open and quickly picked up a few packets of sterile gauze, ripping them open while Vito lifted the bloody end of Nick's shirt over his stomach. 
What you saw made your knees buckle, a long deep gash ran along his side, the edges dark and crusty and the surrounding skin an alarming shade of dark pink with streaks and swirls of red. 
"He just grazed me, bleedin’ already stopped,” Nick grits out in an attempt to reassure you as you crouch down beside him and carefully dab away the blood that is slowly trickling down the jagged edges, the obvious strain in his voice does nothing to reassure you that Nick is not gonna bite the dust in your kitchen chair, "just hurts like a bitch, is all."
You cover and apply pressure to the wound before looking over at Vito, the request for warm water and a couple of clean towels dying on the tip of your tongue when your eyes land on the patches of blood on his side too, tears stung your eyes and blurred your vision, No, I can’t lose both of them.
“I gotta get you guys to a hospital,” you force out through choked sobs as your eyes jump between them. 
Nick groans out a garbled “No.” at the same time Vito looks over at you from where he’s leaning against the counter, confusion clear on his face before looking down at himself,
“Shit, no, I’m fine,” he rushes out, lifting the edge of his shirt to show you that there were no wounds on him, “some’ve Nick’s blood must’ve gotten on me.” he explained, twisting from side to side before dropping his shirt back down.
You swallow the lump that’d been lodged in your throat in relief and ask him to hand you some warm water and clean towels. 
Vito turns to the sink and twists the knobs a few times, letting the hot water run as he looks through the cabinets for a large bowl to fill, meanwhile you keep a steady pressure on the wound and talk to Nick to keep him conscious. 
“We really should take you to the hospital Nick,”
“No hospital,” he groans out, his voice already sounding stronger now that he’s had a moment to rest.
“You’re probably gonna need stitches Nick,” you argue, exasperation bleeding into your voice at his stubbornness.
He doesn't say anything for a moment, the only sound in the small kitchen is the running water from the sink, you look up at him and see his eyes focused on Vito, who shakes his head at what he reads in his brother's eyes. 
You shoot your own questioning gaze at the younger man, unable to understand how Vito could suggest Nick not go to the hospital with a bleeding gash on his side, you open your mouth to say such but Nicky beats you to the punch saying, 
“I killed Sal.”
Your head snaps back to look at Nick so fast you wonder how you don't give yourself whiplash. 
“Sal took a shot at me when I went to talk to him, fix things with him, he had a gun under the table but his aim was off, the bullet grazed my side….before he could try again….” he paused and turned to look at you, his hand coming to rest on top of yours and gripping it tight, “I had to come back to you, is all I knew, I put one in his chest….’nd two in his head.”
You look back at Vito, “Did you—”
Before you could finish your question Nick and Vito answered with a chorused “No.”
“I had no idea what he was going to do,” Vito explained
“He followed me after I told him not to,” Nick continued, “I didn’t know he was there until….after.’
You looked at where your hands were joined, he could’ve….you shook your head as if it would help banish the dreadful thought. 
“We--I gotta lay low for a while, I’m sure Sal wasn’t the only one that thought I’d try and talk to him, when they find them, they’ll know it was me.’
Them? You looked back up at Nick, 
“Rocco, Sal’s bodyguard, he saw me go in.” he explained, brows furrowed and eyes hard as he looked at Vito.
You looked between them and caught the twitch in Vito’s cheek, the same one that told you he was bluffing when you sat down and played poker with him. 
“Vee?” Vito broke Nick’s gaze and looked at you and you saw it in his eyes, saw the truth Nick was trying to hide or spare you from, “oh Vee.”
“I had to, Rocco, he woulda—”
“You didn’t do shit, you hear me,” Nick yells over Vito, hands on his knees as if to push himself up off the chair and hissing when he shifts, muttering a fuck as he let's himself drop back down and lean against the high back. 
His hand comes up to punch at the bridge of his nose and let out an exasperated sigh and in a more relaxed tone says, 
“We talked 'bout this Vee, you weren’t there. Period. I went there alone, left alone, and you haven’t seen me since." He turns to look at you, dark eyes intense as they bore into yours, "Either of you.”
"Whaddya talkin' 'bout Nicky?"
Nick's eyes move from yours to look behind you at Vito, giving his head a slight nod to the side. 
"Imma give you guys a minute."
You heard Vito shift behind you, the sound of drawers opening and closing, then a quiet clink as he placed one of the larger ceramic bowls from your cabinets, an off blue you used for plating for special occasions and holidays, beside you and dropped a few folded towels in various shades and prints on Nick's leg.
The quiet between the two you stretch long after the muted thud of Vito’s shoes on the carpeted floor disappeared as he made his way through the livingroom and to one of the bedrooms.
When he still didn’t say anything, you shifted your weight, resting your knees on the cool linoleum and reached for the bowl of water, dipping your fingertip from your free hand in to check the temperature. Satisfied  that it was warm enough to not further irritate the skin around the wound, you reached for the towels and dropped a couple of them in the bowl, letting them soak as you carefully removed the gauze from his side. You wring the excess water from one of the towels and carefully dab at the stains, wiping away the red and revealing the pink and tanned skin underneath. You’re half way through clearing away the dried bloods when Nick breaks the silence. 
"After tonight, we—I can't sta—”
“Niccolo Emilio Tortano,” you interrupted, eyes meeting his as your hands stillied their work, “if you think I’m gonna stay in this god forsaken town without you, you got another thing comin’”
The corners of his lips turn up in a barely there smile, “Vito said you’d say somethin’ like that.”
“Vee’s a smart kid,” you nodded, dipping the soiled towel in the water, wringing it and going back to wipe away at the blood.
“He is, smarter than I was when I was his age.”
You’re selling yourself short Nicky, when you were his age, you were…. 
“I gotta plan to get us outta town,” he went on, telling you enough of what his plan was but keeping the grittier details you knew would be involved, especially of when he spoke about George, to himself. You were long finished cleaning his wound, adding some ointment and a taping gauze to his side by the time he finished explaining his plan. 
“You think it’s gonna work?” you asked, balling up the trash and pushing yourself up off your knees and walking over to throw it away in the bin under the sink. You turn to go pick up the owl of water, and catch Nick as he’s pushing himself up off the chair, bowl of pink water in one hand and the soiled towels in the other. You roll your eyes at him, leaning back against the edge of the counter while he dumps the water down the drain, turned the faucet on and let the towels soak, dumping a generous amount of dish soap and scrubbing at the stains. 
“It’s gotta.”
“Almost everyone you said showed up,” you said once you had moved back to your bedroom, hands reaching at the zipper at your back. 
“Almost?” Nick said stepping up behind you and lowering the zipper.
“Yeah, couple of guys came up to Vee, saying that Lorenzo and Orazio couldn’t make it but that they send their condolences, that you had promise, that it was unfortunate how things…unfolded.”
He gave a humorless huff as you pulled and shifted your dress off your shoulders, stepping out of it and draping it at the end of the bed. 
“George showed up,” you mentioned as you pulled out a pair of pyjama shorts and an old tshirt from the dresser, and stepping into the bottoms, Nick muttering a curse and asking what he’d wanted. 
“Told Vee and I that he was there for us, whatever we needed, to come to ‘im, that you were family to him ‘nd--”
Another curse interrupted you, “sonuvabitch has some balls.”
You tried but you couldn’t help that burst of laughter that came out of you, “Vee said the exact same thing on the drive back.”
That got a chuckle from Nick “It’s a Tortano trait,” he said as he came to stand in front of you, wrapping his arms around your waist, “I know that you did today wasn’t easy, I’m so--”
You pushed yourself up on the balls of your feet, pressing your lips to his, silencing his for a moment, pulling back and saying,
“I love you Nicky, without you here, there’s nothing for me to stick around for.”
Nick leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours, his hold on your tightening slightly. 
“Just a few more days, then, this’ll all be over.”
@juguitos @something-tofightfor @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @the-blind-assassin-12 @suchatinyinfinity​ @bts-smolarmy @elanor-of-imladris @pheedraws @obscurilicious 
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andsmile · 4 years
I've stopped watching Riverdale during season 1 but I love your fics! Lake Michigan is particularly amazing. Help me understand something though. Why the hell Archie joined the mafia??????????
first of all: 
congratulations on quitting in s1! good for you!
second of all, i’m glad you asked: 
in s2 hiram lodge comes into riverdale and starts buying some properties, archie and veronica are dating and veronica is deciding on whether to give or not a chance for her father after knowing his dirty businessmen deets, she decides to give him that second chance and introduces archie to him. hiram sees that archie is traumatized by the black hood and not very bright in that specific moment, hiram needs the town to be chaotic so he can blame everything on the southside and he can buy more properties so he fuels archie’s revenge dreams and starts acting like this ‘powerful’ father figure to him since fred andrews is going through something after being shot. of course this is a lot of ‘reading between the lines’ since we don’t see fred going through it and archie just looks lost cause they don’t actually show his reasoning. anyway after they think they caught the black hood archie dives in very deep into his relationship with veronica until this guy called agent adams comes and says archie he’s from the fbi and that they’re investigating the lodges. archie doesn’t want to help but agent adams has dirt on fred so archie decides to help even though it makes no sense that the fbi is pestering a 16yo but hey, it’s riverdale. while trying to ‘help’ agent adams archie starts to realize that the lodge family is shady even though he already knew they were shady, and hiram is pissed for some homoerotic reason so he starts pestering archie about his ‘man skills’ (literally he says that archie’s dick game isn’t strong in front of veronica) and they start this weird rivalry until andre, hiram’s hot driver, (rip my mans) drives archie to this cliff and he realizes that agent adams! was fake! (!!!) and hermione lodge is welcoming him to the family. archie is shook. just as he found out that he’s living the camp version of the godfather veronica comes and tells him that he’s living the camp version of the godfather, and he says he doesn’t care because he loves her and thinks that mr. lodge is a good person even though mr. lodge at this point hasn’t done a single good thing and is literally evil laughing. at some point that i clearly don’t remember, hiram makes archie prove his loyalty by making two incredibly stupid things: 1) a blood pact in which he cuts his palm and shakes hiram’s hand and i’m glad this was never brought up again because oh god and 2) he wants archie to ‘make his bones’ which i think means killing someone. archie is on his way to become the dumbest (but sweetest, love my kid) mafioso ever when he gets kidnapped and hiram basically says fuck you cause now he’s grooming reggie into the mafia biz. now the story starts getting a little blurry to me cause there are two black hoods, hermione is fucking the hot cop, adams and andre die (rip andre!!), fred and hermione run for mayor, and anyway, all i know is that by the end of the season archie says ‘fuck the mafia’ but wants to keep fucking veronica (as he should!) so hiram says ‘lol’ and gets him arrested.
hope that clarifies it for you!
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bamf-castiel · 8 years
ooohh how bout mafioso!cas with a black panther for a pet?? everyone thinks cas is off his rocker keeping that big cat as a pet since they're /literal/ killers but he has a fucking magical way with his cat bc she's the sweetest thing ever when he's around. Loyal, intimidating, so incredibly powerful & ready to defend her owner, cas & his cat Nyx (named after the Greek goddess of the night) are an unstoppable force together... everyone is terrified of her except ofc Cas' fiancé Dean 😏😏
BONUS: Cas rescued her from a low range smugglers, and she was kept in a terrible conditions for her whole life and she has scars and crushed bones to prove it - she’s unbreakable though, with incredible fire in her eyes and will to live. She reminds Cas of himself, a little.And it looks like she thinks about him like that, too, because they quickly form a deep bond of understanding and respectCas knows that she belongs in the wild though, and promises her that the moment she will be able to survive on her own he will return her her freedom
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