#nick tortano x you
heychangbin · 4 years
Change o’ Plans ║ Part One
Summary: You sit beside Vito in the cemetery chapel, going through the motions, praying to saints you don’t believe in to help you make it to the end of the service and for things to run smoothly. 
Warnings: Blood, swearing, mentions of murder
Wordcount: 3232
A/N: y’all bitches fucking thought.
You hated this, hated sitting at the first pew, a modest black dress hanging off your shoulders with Vito at your side, his hand holding yours as you both watched friends and relatives walk up to stand beside of the casket, say their piece to the body laying inside, and walk back to their seat.
You bowed your head and prayed to every saint you heard of growing up that they grant you the strength to see this through. You were halfway through reciting a fifth rosary when you felt Vito's hand tighten in yours, making you lift your head and eye him unquestioningly out of the corner of your eye. His eyes were trained ahead, lips pressed into a harsh line and his shoulders were tense. You followed his line of sight and your own hand tightened, your back going rigid at the sight of Georgie, bent over the side of the casket, his large hand gripping one of the bodies shoulders as he murmured things you couldn't hear. 
You felt yourself go livid at the audacity of the man, but then again, you never knew Georgie to have any shame which is how you weren't surprised at all when he stopped in front of you and Vito instead of heading back to his own pew, his large hand coming to tap and grip Vito's shoulder,
"'Ey Vee,sorry 'bout your brother"
Vito gave him a curt nod with a clipped "thanks Georgie," 
"He looks good, all things considered, guys in the back did him good."
You could feel how your nails dug into Vito's skin but the man beside you didn't flinch, he continued to hold on tight to your hand, if it was to keep you or himself from standing and completely throttling George you couldn't be sure, but you were grateful to have him there as an anchor. 
"Listen, if either of yous need anything, you come to me, Nicky was my best friend, he was family, and that means you are too."
For a brief moment you entertained the idea of telling George he could take that sentiment and shove it where the sun don't shine, after what he did to Nick he was lucky that he was still standing and that Vito was the only family you had but before the words could leave your lips you heard Vito say from beside you, 
"Thanks George, we'll keep that in mind."
George took a step and knelt in front of you, his hand coming to rest on your knee, thumb stroking the outside dip as his eyes bore into yours and emphasized his words, 
"I mean it, anythin' at all, I'm your guy."
The weight of his meaty hand on you had you suppressing a shiver, it took everything in you to not shove him away and force out a "thanks" that almost choked you to say and disguised your struggle by bowing your head, covering your mouth and leaning into Vito's shoulder. 
It seemed to do the trick, george gave your knee what was supposed to be a reassuring squeeze but felt anything but, pushed himself up off the floor and made his way back down the aisle between the pews. 
It was another hour until the service was brought to a close but not before you walked up to the casket, your low heels clicking against the linoleum floor and echoing off the walls of the chapel. You stared at the face that looked so much like the man you loved, his face was peaceful, forehead relaxed, his long lashes fanning across the top the apple of his cheeks, his hair was combed back in the way it usually was, shiny from the product he ran through his dark tresses to keep them in place, his beard immaculately styled, dressed in a lead gray suit, arms resting at his sides, the tip of his neck tattoo peeking over the neck of his charcoal button down. If it weren't for the color of his skin that was off by a couple of shades, you'd think he was sleeping. 
The sob that wracked your body had you stumbling back and into the arms of Vito, who held you close, hand stroking your back whispering words of encouragement as you felt chest caving in on itself and murmurs rose from behind him,
"I can't—I can't do this Vee, I gotta get outta here."
"Just a bit more, then this'll all be over."
You gripped the lapels of his jacket so hard you swore you heard and felt the material tear between your fingers before loosening your hold on the material and nodding. 
"Please, don't make me go back up there Vee, I can't," you struggled to say between broke sobs
"Yeah, c'mon," he murmured, wrapping his arm over your shoulders and guiding you back to the pew.
It wasn't long after that that the minister called the viewing to a close and give directions to the plot where the casket would be lowered. 
The last rays of sunlight were lingering in the sky when Vito dropped you off with a promise to stop by the next day.
You hugged him and thanked him for being there with you before you climbed out of his car and made your way up the short walkway to your front door, giving him a final wave as you walked through your door and locking it behind you. 
You leaned against the door for a moment and just breathed, the hardest part was done.
You dropped your keys into the bowl that sat atop the table beside the door and stepped out of your heels, promising yourself to pick them up and put them away tomorrow morning. 
You took a step in the direction of the small kitchen 
"How was it?" Despite the voice being familiar and exactly what you needed to erase the image of the man in the casket from your mind, it still made you jump and kicked your heart into overdrive as it frantically beat against the middle of your chest. 
"God damn it Nick!" You hissed to the dark room at large, "you almost gave me a goddamn heart attack," you continued as you peered at the empty living room, forcing your eyes to adjust until you were able to make out his silhouette. Once you did you launched yourself at him, giving himself barely enough time to open his arms and catch you. His arms wrapping around your waist as yours went around his neck.
The house was dark for the exception of the kitchen light, where you were sitting at your kitchen table, the clock on the stove indicating it was 2am in neon green numbers.
He should've been back by now….unless, you drummed your fingernails on the shiny wooden surface as you fought thoughts of the alternative from your mind.
He's gonna be back….any minute now, he's gonna walk through the front door with a bag of taco bell...
You reached for your phone, bringing the screen to life to see the clock on the screen 2:03. You pressed the power button, making the screen go dark as you pushed yourself off your chair and walked the length of your small kitchen a few times before you walked over to the counter, pulling one of the drawers open, reaching in and pulling out the pack of cigarettes and lighter Nick kept there. You taped the pack against the heel of your palm before pulling one out, placing it between your lips and lighting it. Taking a drag and filling your lungs with the smoke, holding it for a beat before exhaling the smoke in a plume of white. The nicotine did very little to settle your nerves but that didn't stop you from bringing it back to your lips and taking another long drag, flicking the edge and letting the ash fall into the sink. 
You turned to the clock on the stove again, the numbers on it reading 2:14.
Where are you Nick, you shouldve been back by now,
You flicked the ash off your cigarette again, and reached for your phone, bringing it to life, 2:18, tapping out your passcode and flicking the screen to your contacts, your thumb hovering over Vito's contact entry when the backdoor was thrown open, making you jump. You reached for the closest thing to use as a weapon, a frying pan that had been drying on the dish rack, holding it over your head ready to bring it down on your intruder when you recognized Vito. Your hold on the handle went slack when you saw Nick hanging off his brother's shoulder, his face clammy and looking too pale for comfort.
"Get the first aid kit," Vito gritted through his teeth as he struggled to maneuver himself and Nick through the threshold and crashing into the open door, the sound and Nick's groan of pain jolting you into action, tossing her phone on the counter and the half gone cigarette into the sink to worry about later, pulls one of the cabinet doors open, reaching for the small plastic box, throwing the lid open and quickly picked up a few packets of sterile gauze, ripping them open while Vito lifted the bloody end of Nick's shirt over his stomach. 
What you saw made your knees buckle, a long deep gash ran along his side, the edges dark and crusty and the surrounding skin an alarming shade of dark pink with streaks and swirls of red. 
"He just grazed me, bleedin’ already stopped,” Nick grits out in an attempt to reassure you as you crouch down beside him and carefully dab away the blood that is slowly trickling down the jagged edges, the obvious strain in his voice does nothing to reassure you that Nick is not gonna bite the dust in your kitchen chair, "just hurts like a bitch, is all."
You cover and apply pressure to the wound before looking over at Vito, the request for warm water and a couple of clean towels dying on the tip of your tongue when your eyes land on the patches of blood on his side too, tears stung your eyes and blurred your vision, No, I can’t lose both of them.
“I gotta get you guys to a hospital,” you force out through choked sobs as your eyes jump between them. 
Nick groans out a garbled “No.” at the same time Vito looks over at you from where he’s leaning against the counter, confusion clear on his face before looking down at himself,
“Shit, no, I’m fine,” he rushes out, lifting the edge of his shirt to show you that there were no wounds on him, “some’ve Nick’s blood must’ve gotten on me.” he explained, twisting from side to side before dropping his shirt back down.
You swallow the lump that’d been lodged in your throat in relief and ask him to hand you some warm water and clean towels. 
Vito turns to the sink and twists the knobs a few times, letting the hot water run as he looks through the cabinets for a large bowl to fill, meanwhile you keep a steady pressure on the wound and talk to Nick to keep him conscious. 
“We really should take you to the hospital Nick,”
“No hospital,” he groans out, his voice already sounding stronger now that he’s had a moment to rest.
“You’re probably gonna need stitches Nick,” you argue, exasperation bleeding into your voice at his stubbornness.
He doesn't say anything for a moment, the only sound in the small kitchen is the running water from the sink, you look up at him and see his eyes focused on Vito, who shakes his head at what he reads in his brother's eyes. 
You shoot your own questioning gaze at the younger man, unable to understand how Vito could suggest Nick not go to the hospital with a bleeding gash on his side, you open your mouth to say such but Nicky beats you to the punch saying, 
“I killed Sal.”
Your head snaps back to look at Nick so fast you wonder how you don't give yourself whiplash. 
“Sal took a shot at me when I went to talk to him, fix things with him, he had a gun under the table but his aim was off, the bullet grazed my side….before he could try again….” he paused and turned to look at you, his hand coming to rest on top of yours and gripping it tight, “I had to come back to you, is all I knew, I put one in his chest….’nd two in his head.”
You look back at Vito, “Did you—”
Before you could finish your question Nick and Vito answered with a chorused “No.”
“I had no idea what he was going to do,” Vito explained
“He followed me after I told him not to,” Nick continued, “I didn’t know he was there until….after.’
You looked at where your hands were joined, he could’ve….you shook your head as if it would help banish the dreadful thought. 
“We--I gotta lay low for a while, I’m sure Sal wasn’t the only one that thought I’d try and talk to him, when they find them, they’ll know it was me.’
Them? You looked back up at Nick, 
“Rocco, Sal’s bodyguard, he saw me go in.” he explained, brows furrowed and eyes hard as he looked at Vito.
You looked between them and caught the twitch in Vito’s cheek, the same one that told you he was bluffing when you sat down and played poker with him. 
“Vee?” Vito broke Nick’s gaze and looked at you and you saw it in his eyes, saw the truth Nick was trying to hide or spare you from, “oh Vee.”
“I had to, Rocco, he woulda—”
“You didn’t do shit, you hear me,” Nick yells over Vito, hands on his knees as if to push himself up off the chair and hissing when he shifts, muttering a fuck as he let's himself drop back down and lean against the high back. 
His hand comes up to punch at the bridge of his nose and let out an exasperated sigh and in a more relaxed tone says, 
“We talked 'bout this Vee, you weren’t there. Period. I went there alone, left alone, and you haven’t seen me since." He turns to look at you, dark eyes intense as they bore into yours, "Either of you.”
"Whaddya talkin' 'bout Nicky?"
Nick's eyes move from yours to look behind you at Vito, giving his head a slight nod to the side. 
"Imma give you guys a minute."
You heard Vito shift behind you, the sound of drawers opening and closing, then a quiet clink as he placed one of the larger ceramic bowls from your cabinets, an off blue you used for plating for special occasions and holidays, beside you and dropped a few folded towels in various shades and prints on Nick's leg.
The quiet between the two you stretch long after the muted thud of Vito’s shoes on the carpeted floor disappeared as he made his way through the livingroom and to one of the bedrooms.
When he still didn’t say anything, you shifted your weight, resting your knees on the cool linoleum and reached for the bowl of water, dipping your fingertip from your free hand in to check the temperature. Satisfied  that it was warm enough to not further irritate the skin around the wound, you reached for the towels and dropped a couple of them in the bowl, letting them soak as you carefully removed the gauze from his side. You wring the excess water from one of the towels and carefully dab at the stains, wiping away the red and revealing the pink and tanned skin underneath. You’re half way through clearing away the dried bloods when Nick breaks the silence. 
"After tonight, we—I can't sta—”
“Niccolo Emilio Tortano,” you interrupted, eyes meeting his as your hands stillied their work, “if you think I’m gonna stay in this god forsaken town without you, you got another thing comin’”
The corners of his lips turn up in a barely there smile, “Vito said you’d say somethin’ like that.”
“Vee’s a smart kid,” you nodded, dipping the soiled towel in the water, wringing it and going back to wipe away at the blood.
“He is, smarter than I was when I was his age.”
You’re selling yourself short Nicky, when you were his age, you were…. 
“I gotta plan to get us outta town,” he went on, telling you enough of what his plan was but keeping the grittier details you knew would be involved, especially of when he spoke about George, to himself. You were long finished cleaning his wound, adding some ointment and a taping gauze to his side by the time he finished explaining his plan. 
“You think it’s gonna work?” you asked, balling up the trash and pushing yourself up off your knees and walking over to throw it away in the bin under the sink. You turn to go pick up the owl of water, and catch Nick as he’s pushing himself up off the chair, bowl of pink water in one hand and the soiled towels in the other. You roll your eyes at him, leaning back against the edge of the counter while he dumps the water down the drain, turned the faucet on and let the towels soak, dumping a generous amount of dish soap and scrubbing at the stains. 
“It’s gotta.”
“Almost everyone you said showed up,” you said once you had moved back to your bedroom, hands reaching at the zipper at your back. 
“Almost?” Nick said stepping up behind you and lowering the zipper.
“Yeah, couple of guys came up to Vee, saying that Lorenzo and Orazio couldn’t make it but that they send their condolences, that you had promise, that it was unfortunate how things…unfolded.”
He gave a humorless huff as you pulled and shifted your dress off your shoulders, stepping out of it and draping it at the end of the bed. 
“George showed up,” you mentioned as you pulled out a pair of pyjama shorts and an old tshirt from the dresser, and stepping into the bottoms, Nick muttering a curse and asking what he’d wanted. 
“Told Vee and I that he was there for us, whatever we needed, to come to ‘im, that you were family to him ‘nd--”
Another curse interrupted you, “sonuvabitch has some balls.”
You tried but you couldn’t help that burst of laughter that came out of you, “Vee said the exact same thing on the drive back.”
That got a chuckle from Nick “It’s a Tortano trait,” he said as he came to stand in front of you, wrapping his arms around your waist, “I know that you did today wasn’t easy, I’m so--”
You pushed yourself up on the balls of your feet, pressing your lips to his, silencing his for a moment, pulling back and saying,
“I love you Nicky, without you here, there’s nothing for me to stick around for.”
Nick leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours, his hold on your tightening slightly. 
“Just a few more days, then, this’ll all be over.”
@juguitos @something-tofightfor @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @the-blind-assassin-12 @suchatinyinfinity​ @bts-smolarmy @elanor-of-imladris @pheedraws @obscurilicious 
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the-purity-pen · 3 years
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here is my list for what i plan to write for kinktober this year! i’m very excited to share some of what i’ve been writing lately and i truly hope you all enjoy it!
there will be no taglist specifically for this as 99% of these characters are ben barnes characters and I already have a taglist for him and my permanent taglist.
if you do not wish to see these fics, please block the tag #tppkinktober2021 as this is also the tag i’ll be using to share other works as well.
Without further ado, the list under the cut:
Readers in these fics are either AFAB or Fem but mostly will be AFAB with no pronouns used. All Fics will be labeled appropriately.
Face-sitting -  Benjamin Greene
Threesome - Biker!Billy Russo x Biker!Frank Castle
Exhibitionism - Logan Delos
Knife play - Billy Russo
Lap dances - Frank Castle
Food play - Benjamin Greene
Object insertion - The Darkling
Cunnilingus - Billy Russo
Hate/Angry Sex - Logan Delos
Hickey/biting marks - Nick Tortano
Mirror sex - Benjamin Greene
Begging - The Darkling
Edging/Orgasm Denial - Logan Delos
Bath/Shower - Billy Russo
Gun Play - Nick Tortano
Nipple play - The Darkling
Pegging - Billy Russo
Sex Work/Prostitution - Logan Delos
Overstimulation - Billy Russo
Phone sex - Benjamin Greene
Dirty talk - Nick Tortano
Praise kink - Billy Russo
Squirting - Logan Delos
Lactation - Benjamin Greene
Titty fucking - Frank Castle
Latex/leather - The Darkling
Aftercare - Nick Tortano
Teasing - Benjamin Greene
Gender swap - The Darkling
Temperature play - Billy Russo
WILD CARD  - Benjamin Greene
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can you recommend me some good Ben Barnes movies/series? im watching the chronicles of marine prince caspian/voyage of dawn trader over me over again because I cannot get over how GOOD he looks but I need more
Oooh hello, here comes my expertise :D So, let’s begin with the more popular ones. 
Obviously him being Prince Caspian and King Caspian, you’re already watching that, but just in case anyone needs this, I will write them down. 
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian [Film]
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Film]
I was not a big fan of Caspian as a prince to be honest. Of course, when I was a teenager, sure, but as I grew older I had to realise he was just an entitled little sh*t at times, just like Peter :D So, when I will start writing for Caspian, it will be enemies to lovers xD
I’m assuming I don’t even have to talk about Dorian Gray. It was one of his most popular movies and it will never be forgotten. 
Dorian Gray [Film]
It was his next big role after Prince Caspian with a very interesting plot-line if you ask me.
Probably you have also heard about Billy Russo who was played by Ben Barnes, but if you haven’t here you go.
The Punisher [Series]
It is a very good series, but you do have to be prepared for some bloody scenes and shootings and betrayal and all those heavy stuff. It’s not an easy watch, but certainly worth it :)
He also played Logan Delos, who was quite a conflicting character, but I loved him. According to Ben, some of Logan’s characteristics were actually based on him, which I have no idea how true is, but... please tell me more :D
Westworld [Series]
If you like cocky self-destructing bad boys, Logan is for you :D
Another one I thoroughly enjoyed is a movie he shot with Katherine Heigl. He is playing a very laid back guy and I can just see Ben Barnes’ real personality in Ryan Brenner’s character so I just loved it :)
Jackie & Ryan aka Love Me Like You Do [Film]
It’s more like a romantic, closer to real life movie, but it has a certain charm, that I found to be very sweet. 
There was also a film where he played Josh Sawyer a father, who got into a car accident with his family. It was quite a heavy film too. [x]
Locked in [Film]
I would say I enjoyed it, it was an interesting concept, however, critics have rated it very low, so I guess it depends on you. I’m not a movie expert so I wouldn’t be able to tell you if technically it’s a good movie or not, I personally liked it. 
Anyways, I will not explain every single series and films he has played in, so here are some that are also good to watch from him. 
I have watched
Killing Bono [Ben Barnes as Neil McCormick] [Film]
By the Gun [Ben Barnes as Nick Tortano] [Film]
Seventh Son [Ben Barnes as Thomas Ward] [Film]
Easy Virtue [Ben Barnes as John Whittaker] [Film]
I have not watched yet
Gold Digger [Ben Barnes as Benjamin Greene] [Series]
Sons of Liberty [Ben Barnes as Samuel Adams] [Series]
And as very side characters
Stardust [Ben Barnes as Young Dunstan Thorn]
The Words [Ben Barnes as The Young Man]
The Big Wedding [Ben Barnes as Alejandro Griffin]
And of course, his upcoming simp-worthy role as The Darkling/General Kirigan in Shadow and Bone, coming on 23 April 2021 on Netfilx :D
I hope this helps :D
“Reading is my therapy” masterlist
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banditthewriter · 5 years
Nick Tortano’s Soulmate
I suck at posting right now, I’m sorry. Here’s another soulmate oneshot from my anniversary event!
Trope: Matching tattoo
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
*gif not mine*
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The image took a while to appear. Every day you would check to see if your tattoo had cleared up enough for you to recognize the image. Some days you wouldn’t notice a difference, others you’d see a new line or some more shading.
You could still very clearly remember the day you realized what the image was. You had been getting out of the shower when you saw the image in the mirror. It was on your ribs like everyone else’s, easily hidden. You wiped away the steam on the mirror and stared.
It was a gun. Without a doubt, your soulmate tattoo was a gun. You traced the lines and then quickly wrapped yourself in a towel.
Hopefully that wouldn’t mean anything. Hopefully… hopefully…
You never told your parents what it was.
Years later, you had gotten used to the looks you got when people saw the tattoo on your ribs. What did it mean that your soulmate tattoo was a gun? Most tattoos were somehow associated with the people that they drew together. 
As a teenager you had wondered if maybe your soulmate would be a police officer or maybe a soldier. As you got older, you realized that living in Boston meant there was a good chance your soulmate was a gangster. You wished that you had a choice, but you knew it would be inevitable.
If he was your soulmate, you would fall in love with him no matter what he did. He was the one person in the world that was made for you. It was inevitable.
The bar you worked at had a gun under the register and a shotgun under the counter. There were more gangsters in the bar than there were paying customers. You had been threatened, hit on, scared, and amused more times than you could count. 
It was inevitable that you’d end up there too. You weren’t involved with any of the mafiosos but you worked at the bar which made you familiar to most of them. And you’d had a gun on your ribs since you were twelve years old. It was inevitable.
That word haunted you most days.
“Five beers, five shots, whatever’s cheapest,” a larger man you’d seen in there once or twice before said as he put some money on the table. “Keep ‘em coming.”
You could see the shape of a gun in the back of his pants as he moved back to the table. The men he sat down with were all underlings, but you weren’t sure which boss they followed. It was hard to keep track. But he was a paying customer, so you didn’t mind. You got the beers and a round of shots on the tray. Then you made your way over to the table.
“Here ya go boys,” you said as you put the tray on the edge of the table to pass them out. 
They were all looking at you, but you paid them no mind. You were used to getting looks from guys like these. As you handed over one of the last shots, you met the eyes of the guy you were passing it to.
Damn. Of course the sexiest guy you’d ever seen was mixed up in this bullshit. You passed out the last shot and then picked the tray up again.
“Just let me know if you need anything else,” you said as you tried not to focus on the guy with the dark eyes who hadn’t looked away from you yet.
Made men in this town were a dime a dozen. These guys didn’t look like made men; maybe soldiers or associates. Either way, they were dangerous.
The gun on your ribs reminded you that danger was inevitable.
“You’re being stared at,” one of you coworkers told you as she cleaned a glass. “And by the way he’s looking at you, I’m pretty sure he’s picturing you naked.”
You laughed and shook your head, trying not to follow her gaze. You knew who it was and you didn’t want to see that look on his face.
But you couldn’t help yourself. You looked up and almost rocked backwards when you met his eyes across the room. Jesus it really did look like he was picturing you naked. Actually it looked like he was picturing taking off your clothes himself.
He smirked when he noticed you staring. You shook your head and looked away. Dammit.
The bar got busy after that. You spent a lot of time running around between tables and the bar, keeping busy. You dropped off another round of beers and shots at the table, ignoring the looks by the dark eyed man in the corner.
The night stretched on from there. Your coworkers all told you that you were being stared at but you didn’t look back up. You already knew where this was going but had decided to make him work for it. 
A shadow passed over the bar where you were counting bottles. You looked up to serve whoever it was and swallowed your tongue.
“You’ve been ignoring me.”
You smirked and leaned forward onto your forearms. 
“You catch on quick.”
He laughed and braced his palms on the bar so that he could tower over you a bit.
“I’m gonna take you home tonight.”
You looked him up and down as best you could with the bar in the way. Besides the fact that he most likely had a gun tucked in the back of his pants, you couldn’t find fault with anything you saw.
“I get off at two. Don’t be late.”
The guy smirked and leaned back, smacking his hand down on the bar.
“I’m Nicky.”
You raised an eyebrow and gave him your name, feeling your pulse start to skyrocket already.
Oh this was going to be a fun night.
The moment you stepped out of the bar, you were pushed against the wall and a mouth was on yours. You tugged him close, kissing back with everything you had. You’d thought about this for too long tonight.
Your place was close so you pushed him away long enough to get him to follow you. Once there, you pulled him inside and threw down your purse. You needed to get your mouth back on his before you combusted. And once you did, you felt like you might burst anyways.
God he was good at that.
Your jacket was pushed off your shoulders. His followed. Then you went to work on his pants while both of you tried to take off your shoes.
“I don’t wanna stop touching you long enough to get undressed,” he admitted against your lips.
You felt the same, but you didn’t want to wait anymore. You pushed him back and pulled your shirt up and off of you. As you started on your bra, you noticed that he was giving you a strange look.
Not you. Your tattoo.
You raised your hand but didn’t touch the tattoo. Some guys didn’t do well when they saw your soulmate tattoo. They didn’t want to take the chance it meant your future soulmate would want to kill anyone who touched you.
“It’s not a big deal,” you said as you leaned back against the wall again, wanting to convince Nick not to leave for some reason. 
You didn’t want him to leave. In fact, the mere thought made your skin crawl.
He shook his head, the beginning of a smile on his lips. You were about to ask what was funny about this but he pulled off his shirt.
There was a lot to focus on so it took a moment. He had a good body and you couldn’t stop staring. Plus he had a few tattoos that you found yourself wanting to lick.
And then… then you saw his soulmate tattoo. It was an image you had seen a million times before in the mirror. You reached a hand out and ran your fingertips over the familiar handle.
“Huh,” you said as you looked up at him. “Didn’t see that coming.”
His answering grin made your heart stop.
With your head pillowed on Nick’s shoulder, you traced the familiar image of the gun on his ribs. He was half asleep but you were sure with you constantly touching him, he’d be awake soon. 
“You okay?”
You hummed in the back of your throat, not sure how to answer. Were you okay? In general, of course you were. You’d just found your soulmate.
But knowing that he was an associate of the mafia? And his earlier admission that he wanted to be a made man for the family he was a runner for?
“Stop thinking,” he said as he rolled over so that he was on top of you. “Nothing’s gonna happen to me. I’m not going to get hurt.”
You reached up to run your hand through his hair.
“I wish I could believe you, but I know it doesn’t always work that way. You can’t help what’ll happen.”
His gun was on the bedside table. He had been sitting at a table with four other men with guns just a few hours ago. He would probably be going around a bunch of people with guns later after the two of you were done becoming acquainted with one another.
“Listen, I wanted to become a made man because I wanted to make something of myself, wanted to have a future,” he said as his hands skimmed up your sides and cupped your jaw. “You think I care about that shit when I have you instead?”
You wanted to laugh.
“You just met me,” you said with a shake of your head.
“Yeah but I’ve been thinking about you since I was a kid. And if you want me out, I’ll get out. I don’t wanna lose this.”
There was nothing but honesty in his eyes. If you asked him right now to walk away from it all, you were sure that he would. If you told him it was the mafia or you, he’d pick you. Even only knowing you for a few hours.
“Don’t get out. Not yet,” you added since you never knew what the future would bring. “Let’s just take it day by day. Together.”
He leaned in to kiss you. Pressed together like this, you were sure that it didn’t matter what he decided to do. As long as the two of you stuck together, you knew it was going to be fine.
Let me know if you want to be added to my Permanent Tag List @hermioneshandbag​ @onebatch--twobatch​ @smiley-celine​ @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​ @starless-skyox​ @youveseen--thebutcher​ @citation-is-here​ @mightymelly​ @realduckvader​ @1550kilogramsofsilver​ @hxbbit​ @rockintensse​ @missphanosaur18​ @thepuffyeyedpuff​ @the-three-eyed-ravenclaw​ @yessy2012​ @gingerstarlight​ @siriusement​ @marauderskeeper​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @wickidlady​ @sassygirl25​ @maraudereestauderelb​ @cutie-bug​ @random-quartz​ @holamor​ @lea----b​ @heyitslexy​ @detectivebourbon​ @coffeenmoscato​ @presstocontinue​ @elisemockingbird​ @assbuttwithwings​ @geeksareunique​ @witch-of-letters​ @delicatelilyflower​ @l-l-c-m-w-b​ @whovianayesha​ @hiddenprincess​ @yannii04​ @brighteststarinthesky​ @kilyra​ @gallxntdean​ @sweetvengeancee​ @lady1505​ @thedarklightwithinus​ @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ @siriuslyimmoony​ @elodieyung​ @fudgeflyss​ @madamrogers​ @thatwrestlingfan91​ @teranya​ @sophiabulbu69​ @delusionsofnostalgia​ @effielumiere​ @mamaraptor​ @hot-and-spiceyyy​ @i-padfootblack-things​ @aya-fay​ @starkrobb​ @raquelbc2003​ @iwishyoucouldbekissed​ @taman-a​ @newtstarmander​ @suchatinyinfinity​ @blushingskywalker​ @queencocoakimmie​ @funerals-with-cake​ @love-dria​ @arrowswithwifi​ @swiftyhowlz​ @cheyfleur​ @dark-night-sky-99​ @celestegolden​ @king4thesirens​ @beautifuldesastre​ @ashkuuuu​ @luminex3​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @iblogabout-stuff​ @curlyhairedblueeyedangel​ @myplaceofheavenorhell​ @nea90sweetie​ @traeumerinwitzhelden​ @lexxierave​ @binbons-is-theloml​ @lostinthoughts23​ @aikeia​ @christinawxxx​ @rhabakoli​ @leathergreygoddess @j-finco​ @sweetybuzz25​ @supernaturalonice​ @jeanettexkillian​ @jigsawlover10​ @gollyderek​ @polireader​ @cafeconsoya @rainyboul @siriuslovesmarlene @kryyta @russosprettydiamondnow @dorkybryan @mahalobro @yesixoxo @fcavalerro @jeaolusy @margot-black  
Let me know if you want to be added to my Nick Tortano Tag List @musingsofbanana​ @ethereal-heavcns @colddecember-night​ @hoodedhavok​
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I am so grateful that 1000 of you wonderful people want to read my stories about Benny’s characters! For the celebration, I wanted to do something a little different from the title fics, so we’re going to do Prompt Improv! Those of you who follow @hermioneshandbag​ and @logans-chestnuts​ may be familiar with this, but for my new friends, here we go!
How it Works:
There will be a list of dialogue prompts, places and scenarios. You will pick one or two dialogue prompts, one place and one scenario. I will improvise a drabble or short fic based on your choices. 
Choose a Ben Barnes Character
Choose one or two dialogue prompts
Choose a place
Choose a scenario
Please follow this blog
Reblog this post
Check out my other blogs if you’d like
Send me an ask with your choices
No anons this time around so I get to everyone’s request, but if you let me know, I will post without your name.
Send in as many as you want, and I may write more than one of your choices!
Blacklist #binbons 1k follower event if you don’t want to see more about this
The Lists
Billy Russo
Ryan Brenner
Benjamin Greene
John Whittaker
Sam Adams
Caspian X
Nick Tortano
Tom Ward
“Well! You always know how to brighten up my day!”
“I’d rather count the freckles on your nose.”
“Who’s a good boy??!!”
“Is this seat taken?”
“The bed is taking up the whole space. What exactly did you have in mind?”
“Wellll!! This just got really interesting.”
“Did you really just say that?”
“Are you bleeding?”
“Please pass the cyanide, I don't want to go on living.”
“I hope it was worth it.”
“No, you don't get to say that, not now.”
“I can do this all day.”
“I need a nap.”
“Do you really think that's a good idea?”
“I’m allergic.”
“Clean it up!”
“Was that supposed to make me swoon?”
“I can't stop!”
“We need a lot more practice.”
“If we survive this I am going to kill you.”
“Oh, and I suppose it's my fault?”
You sure you know what you’re doing?”
“Yeah, right there.”
“You gonna eat that?”
“Do you ever stop talking?”
“Look, don't ask any questions, just run!”
“Are you crying?”
“My eyes are up here.”
“What is that purplish mark on your neck?”
“Am I going to run into you everywhere now?”
“I never thought closets could be so exciting.”
“What in the world is that?”
“Please give me a chance to explain.”
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“I can’t believe you kept this all these years.”
“Why is your hair orange??!!”
"What's in it for me?"
“Are you planning to wear that in public?”
“Oh, no you don't!”
“How dare you!”
“Chocolate solves everything.”
“Exactly how drunk are you?”
“It wouldn't be the same without you.”
“Stop that, people will see!”
"Sorry, one's more than enough for me."
"Scoot over next to me and nobody will see anything."
"Do you always have to take everything too far?"
"You're dead to me!"
"You are quite possibly the very dumbest person in the long and storied history of dumb people."
“Ma’am, is this your dog?”
“No, it’s really not that complicated. He’s a bad person.”
“Hey… what’s wrong with your face?”
“The king is missing.”
“Ah yes, come in. Close the door behind you.”
“How could you do this to me?”
“Um, sorry. That one’s not for sale.”
“You’ve got thirty seconds to explain to me what you’re doing here.”
“Ain’t nobody ever told you who your real daddy is?”
“I know this may be hard to believe, but I’m on your side.”
“Never heard of that being used as a murder weapon before.”
“Just sit around and cry, then. I don’t have that luxury.”
“I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
“That’s the nice thing about telling the truth. You don’t have nearly as much to keep track of.”
“Of course we’re best friends. No one else would put up with our shenanigans.”
“That’s the least of your worries.”
“Do you trust me?”
“You found it on the beach? You know, when most people take a walk on the beach, they pick up seashells.”
“Sir. This is for children only.”
“I haven’t tried this on a human yet, but it should be very similar.”
“What? I meant it as a compliment.”
“Who put this in my coat pocket?”
“I can’t do this any more."
“I know you did your best, but it just wasn’t enough.”
“Even if I could stop it, I wouldn’t.”
“You have got to see this.”
“I don’t really think of myself as a thief…”
“Are you just going to keep walking by or are you going to come in?”
“Please return to your assigned seat.”
“Dude. It’s 3 in the morning.”
“I can’t believe I used to think he was attractive.”
“Where are your clothes?”
“Well, you have me here. What now, pray tell?"
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”
“I should have told you this a long time ago.”
“I am only telling the truth when I say that you have not behaved completely as a gentleman in this matter.”
“I thought we were friends!”
“I thought I loved you, but I don’t even think I know who you really are.”
“She’s evil, but she does have a point there.”
“I didn’t know you could talk.”
“Sweetie, what were you thinking?”
“What makes you think it was an accident?”
“I know you’re here. You may as well show yourself.”
“This isn’t going to be a typical best man speech.”
“We thought at first that it was part of the performance.”
“I would break his thumbs right now if I could.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“That’s the worst reason I’ve ever heard to have a baby.”
“I didn’t even recognize you!”
“Is it worth breaking your vows over?”
“I told you not to read that.”
“Put the turkey down.”
“I didn’t ask to be abducted.”
“That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Where did you learn how to do that?”
“I thought you had him!”
“Humility is not one of my many virtues.”
“How can you stand living here?”
“You don’t have the correct paperwork.”
“Careful not to break the—oh.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything, but yes.”
“Well aren’t you the cutest little thing?”
“Please don’t use sarcasm. It confuses me to think you're capable of wit.”
“After we lost you, things just weren’t the same.”
“If you were logical you would’ve killed me already.”
“Well, that could’ve gone better.”
“Sometimes I feel like she’s still at my side.”
“We’ve been waiting two hours.”
“Your services are no longer required.”
“I feel like we’ve met before…”
“Does he hit you?”
“Yes, it’s a questionable line of work, but I’m good at it.”
“She’s in the building.”
“Wow! It’s an honor to meet you.”
“I’m cured. I swear.”
“My chances of living to a ripe old age are unfortunately excellent.”
“Let’s face it, you don’t exactly blend in.”
“Forgive me if I’m misreading things, but do you want to kiss me?”
“That does not look good.”
“You were in an accident. Can you tell me your name?”
“Pretend to be here with me, this creep won't leave me alone!”
“Is that a gun/knife/crossbow in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
"I can't believe you did that!"
“That is the worst line I have ever heard.”
“The next time you break the law, don’t do it in front of so many witnesses.”
“Sometimes being a total bookworm pays off.”
Lake cottage
Your residence
The beach
A Society function/ball
The Forest
A cave
the mountains
A ship
A shop
a park
An attic
A bar or pub
Injured In a fight
Best friends to lovers
Stranded together
You’re his tutor
Meet the parents
Waiting Room
Mistaken identity
Both reaching for the last one
Forbidden love
Belated love epiphany
Road trip romance
Second chance
The one that got away
Marriage of convenience
Lose a bet
Wingman fail
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Ben Barnes Resources
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About Ben
DOB: August 20, 1981 (signs: Leo, Rooster)
Born: London, UK
Education: Homefield Preparatory School, King’s College School, Kingston University (BA Honors – English Lit and Drama)
Fun Facts
Ben is a talented musician and is a good vocalist, pianist, guitarist, and drummer
If you’ve watched all the links above and you’re not completely smitten, I don’t think I can help you
Is a sports fan
Favorite movies are This is Spinal Tap, The Princess Bride and Back to the Future
His mother is a Jewish South-African and his father is a Christian Englishman. Ben isn’t particularly religious.
Sleeps naked
His father is a psychiatrist and his mother is a relationship therapist
His only sibling is a younger brother named Jack
Went through a Dubsmash phase and the results are truly marvelous. (x)(x)
Kept his sword from The Chronicles of Narnia.
He collects 80s movie posters
Filmography (click links for tags. Note that I don’t split tags for shows with multiple seasons. Not all links currently have tags, but I’m working on it)
Doctors (2006 – Episode: Facing Up) – Craig Unwin
Split Decision (2006: TV Film) – Chris Wilbur
Stardust (2007) – Young Dunstan Thorn
Bigga than Ben (2008) – Cobakka
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) – Prince Caspian
Easy Virtue (2008) – John Whittaker
Dorian Gray (2009) – Dorian Gray
Locked In (2010) – Josh Sawyer
The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader(2010) – King Caspian X
Killing Bono (2011) – Neil McCormick
The Words (2012) – The Young Man
The Big Wedding (2013) – Alejandro Griffin
Jackie & Ryan (2014) – Ryan Brenner
By the Gun (2014) – Nick Tortano
Seventh Son (2014) – Thomas Ward
Sons of Liberty (2015: TV Miniseries) – Samuel Adams
Exposed (2015: TV Film) – Stoya
Westworld (2016: Season One-TV Series)  – Logan Delos
The Punisher (2017: Season One-TV Series) – Billy Russo
Westworld (2018: Season Two-TV Series) – Logan Delos
The Punisher (2019: Season Two-TV Series) – Billy Russo
Gold Digger (2019: TV Miniseries) – Benjamin Golding (upcoming)
Videos – Ben singing, interviews, podcasts, goofing around, etc.
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breanime · 5 years
(OLD) Masterlist
Here’s my masterlist! I’m going to try to keep this updated, so... wish me luck!     * =sexual situations (read with caution)
Bloody Secrets (completed):
Part One *
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four *
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
What I’m Looking For (completed):
Part One
Part Two
Part Three *
Yellow Diamonds (in progress):
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five*
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve*
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen*
Heartworm (in progress):
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine*
Part Ten
A Lifetime of Memories
Think Twice
Look What You’ve Done
All Yours *
Good Enough
Look Away (No One But You)
A Proper Proposal*
Judge of Character
Want It Bad*
Sober pt. 2
Three’s A Crowd
The Best of Him
Lucky (part 2 of Best of Him)
Anger Issues
In Sickness
Making Up*
Start Over
Goodbye, With Love*
A Good Day
No Place
So Sick
Tomorrow Never Came
Logan Delos (Westworld): This Is My Idea, Traditions*, Patience*, After You, Take Care Of You, Tiny Little Increments*
Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy): Implode*, Stress Relief*, Good Things, Unsaid, Unsaid (Part Two)*, Unsaid (Part Three)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter): Make-Up Sex with Sirius would include...*, Make It Bright, Oblivious, Possibilities, In Sync (x James Potter)*, Rumors
Caspian (Narnia; completed): Rewrite the Stars (Part One), Part Two, Part Three, Part Four*, Part Five*, Part Six
Diego Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy): NSFW Alphabet*, Nobody’s Business, Rather Die Young, Sucker, Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today, Home Is...
BreAnime’s 800 Followers Event Blurbs Link (Billy Russo, Logan Delos, James Potter, Caspian)
Sam Adams: Lessons
Drabbles (Billy Russo, Nick Tortano, Logan Delos)
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binbonsadoration · 6 years
Say Something - Part 8
Nick Tortano x Reader
Summary: You and Nicky Tortano are old friends that grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools - childhood best friends.  What happens when life takes you both down two different paths, causing you two to drift only to bring you together ten years later as undercover cops trying to bring down one of the biggest drugs rings in Boston?
Only time can tell.
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A/N: This will be a collaborative work by myself and the amazing @benbarnesescape.  Nicky doesn’t get near enough love, and so, here we are making sure that he gets at least a little slice of the love that he so deserves.  We do hope you enjoy it <3
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7
Nicky found himself still in confusion, his eyes watching the supposed couple take their route out of the small diner and out into the chill air.  Swallowing thickly, there was a moment where Nicky just remembered.  Days where things were different, where you would find the steps toward him instead of away.  The thoughts had his jaw clenching, the muscle tight and he breathed out.
What was he going to do now?  Your last encounter wasn’t the best, a scene that he tried his best to dismiss even if all he wanted to do was protect himself.
Protect you.
His world had crumbled that day, the love that he had in his heart fading into nothing more than ashes in the wind, and all he wanted to do was bury himself in the pain.  To be numb, and never allow himself to experience anything like that again.  It had been your presence that reminded him of that moment.  The last of the light slipping away, leaving him with a heart buried in the darkness that dwelled within his hometown.  
A darkness that he would soon find himself sinking into without hesitation.
A darkness that he accepted, and approached without fail.  
A place that was home now.
His steps leading him away were slow, hesitant.  Features were scrunched, that evident debate sketched against his hardened features that dared someone to challenge him in that moment.  Ever since that day within the library he wanted to make it up to you.  Asked about you when he wasn’t given a task to complete for Sal, a hope that you were doing well.
‘A boyfriend...’ The words echoed against the air, as a frustrated breath escaped dry lips.  
The word was foreign in his mouth, his thought on the image of you.  The more matured version of the girl he once well so well.  The version that occupied his thoughts, his dreams, only to be replaced with an image of you with this guy that was named ‘James’.  Emotions were a bitch, that much Nicholas Tortano was aware of.  Those feelings that he tried so desperately to rid himself of.  That was always the case until he found himself face to face with you.  Found himself wanting to reach out, to fix all the stupid mistakes that he had made, and admit once more that love that he only had for you.
Sure, he had his fun.  Those that Y/N described as cute, dumb and easy.  Those girls were never something that was a permanent fixture.  Nothing more than a means to an end.  Something that would pass the time, allow him to lose himself if only for a moment.
While Nicky wanted you to be happy, prayed for it even, the thought that your happiness didn’t involve him bothered the absolute hell out of him.  He had always seen the two of you together, a house that you built into your own in Boston with a couple pair of feet pattering down the hallway with a soft giggle that would immediately have a smile venturing to your lips.
Needless to say, the thought of you with someone else – a guy that was nothing like Nicky.  A guy that had his shit together, wasn’t putting his time and energy into something that would ultimately get him killed; smart, and able to give you anything that you needed, or hell … anything that you wanted.
Another breath surged from his lips, something of frustration and anger balled up within in his chest while he fought off the tight feeling that had fingers tightening against the paper bag in his grasp.  Jamming his free hand within his pocket, fingers caught the paper that lingered in his pocket.  Paper that had him debating, eyes narrowing slightly at the scribbled numbers that peered back at him.  It only took a moment before the decision was made.  His pace coming a bit quicker before he was standing in front of his apartment.
It wasn’t much.  A small space that gave him all he needed in terms of commodities.  It wasn’t as though he lived there, not really, when his head would find the pillow of his latest conquest.  That wasn’t what was on his mind in that moment, as he tore into the bag and stripped away his jacket.
His mind came skimming back to that moment.  The way your lips pressed against another’s, feeling that immediate green eyed monster take hold before another breath escaped his lips.  Taking a seat on his couch, fingers gripped at the burger, but his eyes took in that same piece of paper.
So many questions took hold.  A need to know why she was so interested in what was doing by the docks.  Why she was other there in the first place?  The way she immediately went into defense the moment that his fingers reached for your arm.  
There was so much that he needed answers to.  Especially when it came to him.  
Did you still love him?
Did you still love him the way that you once had?
The way that he still did.
‘....fuck it.’
Reaching out for the paper, arms that were now on display flexed as he gathered the paper in his grasp before he pulled the device from his back pocket.
The past was slowly beginning to catch up to him.  The visions of you when he protected you.  Was the one that made sure that if someone bothered you would be dealing with him.  Something that he still would put out into the world, except you didn’t need protecting any longer.  Not when you were the one pulling a knife and catching him off guard.
He needed answers.
Maybe that was why he was dialing your number without another thought, his tall frame leaning back against his worn couch while holding onto a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding onto.
The sound of your voice had him breathing out, a twinge of nerves coming to him before he was smirking.
‘Hey, angel.’
It only took a moment for the recognition to kick in, the sigh sounding on the opposite end that had him smirking that much more.
‘You weren’t done with our conversation?’  
He inquired, flipping the script regardless of the fact that all he wanted to do was confess his forgiveness once more.  He had never meant to hurt that.  That wasn’t what that was all about.  He wanted to protect you, knew that with the death of his Mother that his life wouldn’t do anything but spiral into an oblivion that he couldn’t have you connected to.  A request lingering on the lips of those that ran the town lingering in his ears before his Mother fell ill.  A promise that if he took care of them, that it would be a returned notion. Something that fell on deaf ears until his heart shattered into a million pieces, his Father losing his job and wanting better for his brother.  There was no other choice – not in his eyes when he agreed to the terms and conditions of a life that would require some blood shed, and his finger permanently hovering over the trigger of his 9mm.
There was a beat of silence, something that he didn’t expect until you were finally talking and Nicky was left with a narrowing gaze settling on the dingy paint that covered his walls.
‘You sure are curious about the ‘bad boys on the playground’?  Or, so you like to call them.  Why so interested?’
His own curiosity was pegged, and regardless of the fact that she had brushed it off as being concerned about him.  Something that he believed, though getting the sense there was more that she was telling him.  Nicky knew the reactions of those that were in it on the opposite side of things.  While most would have seen him as a ‘bad guy’, one of the those that was on the wrong side of the tracks, causing trouble and adding to the news that coursed the screen that had citizens gasping in disbelief.  He was only doing what he thought was necessary.
While others thought of him as dangerous, a made man, it was the secret that laid behind that title that many didn’t know about the man.  Something that Y/N knew all too well.  It was one thing to pound his fist into someone’s face, send the butt of the gun into someone’s temple, but when it came to ending someone life was a very different thing.  These people that got in the way of his boss – they were human beings with families – wives, children, and he had already watched the life drain from his own Mother.  He refused to watch someone else, to experience the pain that someone else would feel in finding out that their Father or loved one was killed in cold blood.
The thought had him sighing out, swallowing almost harshly as he listened to the familiar voice on the opposite end of the phone.  
Listening to the explanation, something that sounded more like an excuse, he cut you off.
‘I’m sure you have a great reasoning, but … I need you to listen to me.’
It took a moment to get your attention, some convincing on his part, where he had to cut you on more than one occasion.  
‘Y/N – please, just let me talk for a minute.’
There was continued talking, an almost frustration in your voice when he heaved a sigh.
‘Y/N – damn it! Will you please listen to me for a fuckin’ minute?’
The frustration was evident, a tone that hung loosely over his words as you fell into silence that felt hesitation.
‘I love you.  I always have – hell, always will.  Seeing you with .. whatever the fuck his name was bothered the absolute hell outta me.’
Words came with a softness, a bitterness that hung in the air when he thought of the two of you together within the diner.
‘You were always my end game.  Ever since we were kids, and regardless of the fact that you don’t believe me – yeah, I may have went for the cute, dumb and easy, but you .. you’re the one that always lingered in my head in knowing that I could never have you.  That I wanted to have you by my side, protecting you, being the person that you needed – and you pushed me away.  I’m sorry that I did the same.  I was scared, worried, and broken – I didn’t want you to see me that way, and I knew that you deserved better.  You didn’t need the boy that lost his world and was swallowed up by the darkness.  I knew that I could never be the man that you needed .. the man you deserved, but I want to try.  You can’t tell me that you don’t want to see where it would go?’
There was a bit of silence, speaking once more before you could allow the words to flow.
‘I have some things to take care of tomorrow morning, but meet me by the docks around .. lets say one?’
While word were stated in the form of a question, it was more of a statement that seemed to be answered with a knowing sigh that made a smirk quirk against his lips.
‘See you then, angel.’
With that he was hanging up the phone, a hope that things would change.
That if you agreed that he would have to keep what he was involved in a secret, the only way to protect the few people that he loved in his world.
To protect you.
tags: @just-nikkii, @ladyblablabla, @drinix, @youveseen–thebutcher, @marauderskeeper, @thesandbeneathmytoes, @cutie-bug, @banditthewriter
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Who I Write For | will be updated
I figured it would be helpful to write a list of fandoms or people I’m ready to write for. This makes my life easier as well - I’m the one who loves lists about certain things haha. 
Feel free to ask me to write for someone who isn’t here yet. I can try if I think I know the person or the character enough. 
How does the list work?
The fandom is there first; I list the characters after it, the ones I’ll happily write for. If someone you like is not there, don’t hesitate to ask. With actors, I didn’t do a list just yet, I have to think this through. Some characters might not be there simply because I don’t know them enough or haven’t seen movies they’re in, not because I don’t like them. Repeating: don’t hesitate to ask. If I have a good reason not to write for a certain character, I’ll tell you. 
The list is under the cut.
- MCU - Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Loki, T’Challa, Okoye, Stephen Strange, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff,
- X-Men - Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Wolverine, Hank McCoy, Peter Maximoff,
- TV series - Billy Russo, Frank Castle, David Lieberman,
- Ragnar Lothbrok
- Rollo Lothbrok
- Athelstan
- Lagertha
- Björn Ironside
The Chronicles of Narnia
- Caspian X
- Peter Pevensie
- Edmund Pevensie
- Susan Pevensie
- Lucy Pevensie
- Mr. Tumnus
The Walking Dead
- Team Family - Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Carl Grimes, Carol Peletier, Glenn Rhee, Michonne, Abraham Ford, Sasha Williams, Maggie Greene, Tara Chambler, Aaron, Paul “Jesus” Rovia, King Ezekiel
- The Saviours - Negan
- Ross Poldark
- Demelza Poldark
- Dwight Enys
- Caroline Penvenen
- Drake Carne
- Sam Carne
- BBC!Robin Hood - Robin Hood, Much, Allan A Dale, Tuck, Will Scarlet, Guy of Gisborne
- BBC!Sherlock - Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
- BBC!Merlin - Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine
Harry Potter
- The Golden Era 
- Marauders Era
- Fantastic Beasts
- Dean Winchester
- Sam Winchester
- Castiel
- Crowley
- Charlie Bradbury
- Gabriel
- Mick Davies
I may not write for every single character of these people. Understandably I probably haven’t had time to see all of their movies but just ask! Sorry already if I have to say no. I’ll fix it soon and then get back to your request if you haven’t given me another character already. The actor’s characters are listed after their name so you know who I write for as well as the actor themselves.
Don’t be afraid to ask something for an actor who isn’t on the list, I can try if I feel like I know them enough!
- Chris Evans (Steve Rogers, Curtis Everett, Nick Gant, Colin Shea, Mike Weiss, Jake Jensen, Jimmy...)
- Ben Barnes (Billy Russo, Logan Delos, Caspian X, Ryan Brenner, Sam Adams, Tom Ward, Nick Tortano, Sirius Black...)
- Michael Fassbender (Erik Lehnsherr, David 8, Silas Selleck...)
- James McAvoy (Charles Xavier, Mr. Tumnus...)
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Negan, John Winchester...)
- Tom Payne (Paul Rovia...)
- George Blagden (Athelstan, Louis XIV...)
- Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock, Doctor Strange, Smaug...)
- Tom Cruise (Ethan Hunt, Maverick, Ray Ferrier...)
- Tom Hiddleston (Loki...)
- Aidan Turner (Kili, Ross Poldark, John Mitchell, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Luke Garroway, Philip Lombard...)
This list will be updated!
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benbarnesfanforever · 7 years
Pen Pals
At the request of @moviegirl50, here is a fluffy story about the reader and Ben as pen pals.  Although Ben has lived in LA for some time now, he is living in London in this story. 
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You seal your letter after the last lick.  You had a bit of hesitation as you held the envelope in front of the large blue mail bin. This letter was much different than the mail that you usually sent to Ben’s fan club.  Every month or so, you sent a letter to Ben’s fan club requesting a photo of your favorite character, which was all of them to be truthful. You had autographed photos of Prince Caspian, King Caspian, Dorian Gray, Tom Ward, Nick Tortano, John Whittaker and Alejandro just to name a few.  However, you never thought in million years that you would receive something extra special in return, a letter that would change your life forever.          January 10, 2014
 c/o Creative Artists Management 1st Floor 55-59 Shaftesbury Avenue London, W1D 6LD United Kingdom
  Dear Ben,
Thank you for responding to my snail mail and for sending me so many autographed photos over the years.  I have been a loyal fan of yours for some time now, six years to be exact!  I'm sure you probably receive thousands of letters per day, but I hope you read this letter.  Even if I never hear back from you, I want to let you know what an influential person that you have been in my life.  
You support a number of charities and I wanted to tell you a little bit about mine, Women Equality Goals (WEG).  I coach young girls around the country in the United States regarding abuse, discrimination and gender equality.  I'd like to expand my coaching abroad, however, I don't have the funds nor the sponsors to support that goal.  I've never asked anyone to sponsor me before, but with your knowledge and support, I believe that we would change the lives of so many and influence gender equality worldwide.  As a personal victim of sexual assault, I owe it to women and girls around the world to make a change.  I'm a small person with very big dreams!  I hope you can spread the word of my dream to make a change.  
Thank you for your love and support.
After proofreading your letter over 500 times, and having your best friend look over it 500 more times, you finally gained enough courage to drop the letter in the mail.
“Oh for crying out loud, (Y/N), just drop the goddamn letter in the mail bin.” Your best friend growls who was standing behind you near the large blue mail bin outside of the San Francisco post office.  
“Do you think I have enough stamps?” You ask in concern.
“Yes, for the fiftieth time! YES!” Joanne snarled.
You smirk.
“Ok, Joanne.  Just give me a minute.”  
“I’ve given you sixty! No drop the goddamn letter so we can get the hell outta here and have dinner already.”
Your hands tremble as you release the letter into the mail bin.  You watch the letter drop down to what looked like an endless water well.  The letter was long gone and will be on its way to London tomorrow morning.  
“Well, I put myself out there.  Let’s see if he responds.” You say to yourself.
You go to your mailbox after you return home from work. After months of frantically driving home from work and running straight to the mailbox to see if you received anything back from Ben and constantly being disappointed, you finally came to the conclusion that you probably would never hear from him.  Besides, how many celebrities really read their fan mail? Don’t they hire folks to read and sort through their mail for them anyway?  You had given up all hopes that Ben read your letter and would sponsor your charity for you to coach women and girls abroad.
Until one special day….
You had a stash of mail awaiting you because you had no time to check it recently due to your crazy work schedule and the time you invested into your charity.  Coaching your girls was the only thing that you looked forward to, especially after a long day at the office of just processing the same old boring insurance claims.  You set the mail atop of your black kitchen counter-top as you filled the stainless steel tea kettle with water.  It was already after 8 pm, and by now, you hadn’t eaten dinner but didn’t really care about having a meal.  All you wanted to do was have a nice sip of Tulsi tea and relax watching your favorite tv shows.  A chocolate croissant sounded delightful with your tea, so that is what you took out of the pantry.  You place the croissant in the toaster and look through your stack of mail while you wait for the water of your tea to boil and for the croissant to toast.  Your hands began to tremble as you got to the third piece of mail, which was a standard letter addressed from the UK, not large in size or bubble wrapped like the other fan mail you’ve received from Creative Artist Management.  This time, the letter had a hand written return address with a name you were stunned to see.
Ben Barnes
Your hands shake more as you try to find your mail opener. You look all through your kitchen drawers and could not locate the damn thing for the life of you.  You rip the mail open, without removing any of Ben’s handwriting on the envelope.
“Oh my GOD!” You say softly as you cover your mouth in disbelief.  You began reading a personalized handwritten letter from Ben that read:
July 14, 2014
8855 South Bay Avenue San Francisco, CA  
Dear (Y/N),
First, I want to thank you for being such a loyal fan of mine for so many years.  I'm touched!
In response to your request for sponsorship of your charity Women Equality Goals (WEG), I would like to partner you up with my really good pal, Emma Watson. She is hosting a campaign in New York City on September 20th at the Headquarters of the United Nations. Emma has researched all the amazing work that you have done so far in your city and would love for you to join the campaign to spread your amazing work abroad.  
Thanks again for making a difference!
When Ben read your letter, he immediately recognized you from previous fan letters that you had written. There was something about you and the way that you wrote that caught Ben’s attention.  He felt an unexplained comfort towards you, especially after reading your last letter and seeing how much you cared for others.  It really touched him and he felt the need to respond, even if it was six months later. 
You stood there for a few minutes, still astounded that you received a letter from Ben Barnes, still astounded that you were invited to meet his pal Emma Watson and partner with her on something that you only dreamed of doing for such a long time now.  You could barely breathe.  
You try to find your phone with your shaky hand to call Joanne, but before you could find it, your phone started ringing, and there you found it inside of the pantry near the tea packets.  
You could barely swipe your iPhone before finally being able to answer it.
“Hey girl, what’s up?” Joanne asks you as she fiddles through her high rise apartment, dropping her keys and purse on the coffee table and kicking her feet up to talk to you.
“Hey.” You respond, still trembling.
“Are you alright, (Y/N)”?
You could barely speak, until you glanced at the letter again and a huge smile spread across your face.
“Joanne, you aren’t gonna believe this!” you blurt out.
“Believe what? That Daenerys decides to remain in Meereen? Did you finally catch up on all the missed GOT episodes?”
You smirk and started grinning.
“No, but thanks for ruining it for me though!”
Joanne chuckles.
“Oh shit, my bad girl, sorry.  So what do you have to tell me?”
You place your tea bag in the coffee mug and pour hot water into it.
“So you’ll never guess who I received a letter from today, or at some point since I never have time to check my mail anymore.”
Joanne sits up in her chair.
“Your bozo ass ex-boyfriend from Virginia?” Joanne snarls.
You laugh as you place your croissant on a plate and make your way to your sofa, your phone held up by your shoulders pressed against your right cheek.
“No.  I received a letter from Ben.”
“Ben! “ You exclaim excitedly.
Joanne scratches her head.
“Ben from the Fisherman’s Warf? Why would he send you a letter?”
You take a bite of your croissant.
“No, not that Ben.”
“Ok, I give up.  Then who?”
You take a deep breath and excel.
“Ben Barnes!”
Joanne stands up for this news, nearly dropping her phone.
“Wait what?!?  You mean Ben Barnes, the actor Ben Barnes?”
“YEESS!!!” you say excitedly, screaming.  
“No FUCKING WAY!” Joanne says, now pacing the hard wood floors of her sixth floor apartment.
You take another bite of your croissant.
“Oh yes, and it’s totally personalized.  He even left an address that does not seem to belong to his fan club.”
“You are SHITTING me!” Joanne says in excitement.  “That’s fucking incredible!  So what did he say in the letter?”
You pull the letter out and began reading it to Joanne.  She is completely blown away and starts screaming, literally dropping her phone.
You both engage in a conversation for hours, talking about what a wonderful human being Ben is to take the time to write you back on a matter that was so important to you.  Not only were you a big fan of Ben’s movies, television series, his modeling and theater productions, you were also a huge fan of Ben personally and his caring nature.  
After two weeks of settling down from receiving the letter from Ben, you decide to write him back to thank him for connecting you with Emma Watson, another person who you truly admired.  As promised, you received an official invitation in the mail to attend the “HeForShe” campaign at the Headquarters of the United Nations.  
What an honor!
You still could not believe that you would be in the presence of other empowering women who would make such a difference, and save someone’s life from abuse, discrimination and inequality.
You place the mail in the large blue bin, this time, with no hesitation.
Ben’s plane landed in London from Utah after wrapping up the final scenes of the Jackie & Ryan. He was exhausted after spending almost three weeks in Utah.  Although Ben was busy filming and was involved in so many other projects and interviews, he was curious to see if he had received anything in the mail from you…the woman who he thought about while filming.
After a long cab ride home, Ben stumbled to his large apartment flat and dropped his bags on the floor.  As tired as he was, he was anxious to check his mail to see if he had received anything from you, the person who had been on his mind for some time now.
There was an overflow of mail stashed away in Ben’s mailbox.  Good thing his fans didn’t have his home address, otherwise, he’d be flooded in mail daily.  Maybe it’s time Ben joined social media?
Ben fiddled through the mail and tossed it across his kitchen counter until he stumbled across your letter.  A gentle and warm smile spread across his handsome face as he hurriedly opened the mail. He plopped down on his grey sofa while gulping down a cold beer.  He grinned from ear to ear as he read your letter.
July 30, 2014
Ben Barnes
111 Oaks Street, #58 Kensington, London SW10 9JA
United Kingdom
Dear Ben,
I hope you are doing well.  I received your letter in the mail a few weeks ago. I have to say, I was completely humbled by receiving it.  You really touched my heart with your true and sincere interest in my charity.  I’ll be honest, never in a million years did I ever expect to hear back from you.  I am so honored!  I know that you are a very busy man, so I will keep this letter short and sweet.
I received the invitation in the mail to attend the “HeForShe” campaign in New York City in September.  I am beyond excited!  I have attached a photo of myself and my girls that I coach.   You have already made a difference in their lives just from your generous efforts.
I will never be able to repay you for what you are about to do for these young women, but if we ever meet in person one day, I would love to treat you to tea and beignets (smile).
Take care,
Ben smiled as he sat the letter down on his coffee table, when he noticed a photo sticking half way out of the envelope.  He reached for the envelope and pulled out the photo of you, alongside the thirty girls in the photo.  
“She’s beautiful.” Ben said aloud in a soft whisper.  He rubbed his finger gently across your face in the photo.  Although Ben had not met you, he felt an unbelievable connection towards you that surprised him.  He always believed in being friends with someone first before starting a relationship. He was interested in getting to know you better more now than ever.  
After Ben finished his beer, he went straight to his office and began typing you a letter.  He hung your photo on the dart board on his office wall.  He felt good that he could assist you with such a wonderful cause. But he began to develop an interest in you that was deeper than just someone who he could assist. He was interested in getting to know you on a personal level as well.
Ben begin typing immediately.  He wrote so much in his first draft, but hesitated after reading it a few times.
“No, that’s too forward.”
“No, she’ll think I’m a dork.”
“Ok, I think I can send this one.”
Ben printed the letter, sealed the envelope and dropped it in his mailbox that evening.  He obviously wanted you to receive his letter pretty quickly.
“We are here to eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation. We fight for goals like this if for no other reason than it’s the right thing to do. Women deserve fundamental human rights, and the Women Equality Goals (WEG) charity highlights this human responsibility to treat one another with respect and honor.  As the CEO of this charity, I am seeking your assistance in taking this program abroad.”
You stood in the mirror practicing your speech over and over.  Although the HeForShe campaign was still less than two months away, you wanted to ensure that you were prepared, since it would be your first time speaking in front of thousands of people.
You thought about Ben and wished he could read your speech.  If only there was a way that you could contact him to obtain his opinion.
You open your laptop and begin writing a letter to Ben.  You copy your speech into the letter and you seal it with a kiss.  You hadn’t received a response back from Ben from your previous letter, which made you skeptical in sending him another letter.
You go outside to your mailbox to check your mail, and you find a letter from Ben, which looked like it was sent to another address, returned to the sender, and then sent back to you.  
Wow, the letter was postmarked within a week of you sending him a response from the last letter.  
Your hands shake as you hold the new letter addressed to Ben and the letter you received from him. You drop the new letter in the return mail box, as you finally purchased stamps and felt much more confident sending letters now.
Your hands tremble as you make your way back into your home.   You rip open the letter as you plop down on your sofa to read it.
 August 7, 2014
8855 South Bay Avenue San Francisco, CA  
Dear (Y/N),
How are you?  I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.  I am sure you’re keeping very busy with your charity and coaching.   I wanted to thank you for sending me the amazing photo of you and your girls.  Would you mind if I shared this with Emma Watson?  She has already told me how excited she is to have you on the “HeForShe” campaign.  I am thrilled for you!  I wish I could join you all, but unfortunately I will be unavailable and filming.  Do have a splendid time.  I look forward to hearing about it.  
Although Ben’s letters were short and sweet, the fact that he took the time to write you back right away meant a lot to you.  You call Joanne and she is completely blown away by yet another letter that you received from Ben.
“Oh bullshit (Y/N), he’s totally into you!” Joanne says as she shoves a handful of multigrain pita chips into her mouth.
You laugh.
“No, he’s just very happy that I am leading such a wonderful charity and trying to expand it.  Ben is a strong believer in gender equality and he is just excited to help me take my charity to the next level.”
“Believe what you want girlfriend, but no man is going to respond to woman that quickly if he ain’t interested.  I mean hell, did he write the letter back to you as soon as he received and read yours?”
You smile.  It would appear that Ben wrote you back immediately due to the fact that you mailed your letter on July 30th and he dated his letter August 7th.  
“Naahh, I am not even celebrity material.  There is no way Ben could be interested in a fan.” You thought to yourself.
“(Y/N)?’ Joanne grumbles. “Are you still there?”
You wake up from your daydream of meeting Ben, possibly dating Ben.
“Oh yes, sorry.  I’m here. But no, this is strictly business and I am sure Ben has women falling to his feet in every town he visits.”
Joanne smirks through the phone.
“But those women aren’t you, (Y/N).  Trust me, the man wants you. Mark my words.  Does he even know what you look like?”
You smile even more.
“Well, I did send him a photo of me and girls during our mission trip to Mexico this year.”
Joanne’s eyes widen.
“AAAHH!  Case closed.  When you marry Ben, I’m your maid of honor.  I already called it.”
“Oh stop it, Joanne. You’re wrong and I’m not even going down that path.  My focus is to get my girls the help they need and grow my charity abroad.”
“Oh yeah, it’s perfect! You’ll end up in London with Ben. You guys will have beautiful babies!” Joanne screams excitedly.
“Ok, you’re crazy.” You say as you get off your sofa to get yourself something to eat.
“I’m telling you, I know my gut feeling and I have a strong feeling about this one.” Joanne insists.
“Sure Miss Chloe the Psychic.”  You snarl. “Anyway, I need to get back to practicing my speech.  Dinner tomorrow night at the Warf?”
“Same time, different day. Toodles chickie.”
You hang up from Joanne and you hold the letter against your chest smiling up at the ceiling.
You and Ben wrote to one another every chance you could.  You were at the post office at least two or three times a month. Ben’s letters were very sweet, and they grew longer as the time went on. You both shared information on where you grew up, your childhood, your personal interests, your goals for the future, your likes, your dislikes.  You even came to a point where you discussed your previous relationships.
It was a week away until you would fly to New York City for the HeForShe campaign.  You expressed how excited and nervous you were to campaign your charity in front of such a large crowd, so Ben asked in his latest letter if he could call you to help you prepare.  You sent the letter exactly one week ago today, giving Ben your phone number. This made you even more nervous because it would be the first time that you would hear Ben’s voice on the phone and talk to him personally.
Your phone rang.  You look at the caller-ID and it was not Joanne. It was an unusual number with many digits.  It was not a domestic phone number and it looked like an international phone number.
You inhale and exhale before picking up.  
There is silence.
“Umm, hey, is this (Y/N)?” Ben asks shyly.
You smile widely.
“Yes, who’s calling?” You ask, although you already knew damn well who it was.
“Hey, (Y/N).  It’s Ben, Ben Barnes.” Ben says smiling.
You smile, trying to relax.
“Hey Ben! So great hearing from you.”
“Is this a good time to talk?” Ben asks bashfully.
You hear some noise in the background.
“Yes, sure of course. How about for you? Sounds like you’re in the middle of work?” you ask in concern.
Ben giggles.
“Yes, actually I am in the midst filming the Sons of Liberty in Romania.  Apologies for the background noise.”
Wow, Ben actually made time to call you from Romania while filming the Sons of Liberty?  Your heart began to pound.
“Oh, wow, thank you for making time to call me with your busy schedule.” You say while twisting your long hair.
“No worries, I’m happy to do it and to take a little break.  Besides, it’s really nice to finally hear your voice.” Ben says, his voice sounding a bit deeper and huskier.
You gulp.
“I need some water.” You say to yourself, opening a bottle of water frantically.
“Well, it’s nice to hear your voice too.” You say nervously.
Ben smiles. He could hear the nervousness in your voice, and he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
“Hey (Y/N), listen, I’ve only got a few more minutes until we start filming again.  Would you mind if I called you back in a few hours to listen to your speech?  I promise to be all ears then.  I just had to call you in between breaks.  Hearing your voice is refreshing.”
You gulp again.
“Uuuh, sure.  I’ll be here.  Call me whenever you get a moment.” You say, trying to sound professional.
“Ok, then it’s a date.” Ben says smiling.
“Ok, sounds like a date. I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too.  Talk to you then.”
Ben telling you that it’s nice to finally hear your voice and that your voice is refreshing was definitely something beyond what you were expecting to hear. Maybe Joanne was right?  But you being the modest person that you are was not going to let a few words that Ben Barnes said to you flatter you into believing that there could be something more to his weekly letters and phone call.  
Ben called you back in exactly two hours.  You and Ben talked all night long. You only got maybe two hours of sleep that night and had to be at your charity by 6 am.  You were dragging and definitely needed Starbucks.  What helped you get through the day was your conversation with Ben.  He loved your speech and gave you a few pointers.  You both were so comfortable talking to one another that you didn’t even notice the time. Ben was looking forward to calling you again.  He already placed his letter in the mail immediately after hanging up from you. 
You stood in front of the podium, bright lights surrounding you, but dimmed lights spread across the large hall.  You thought about Ben and his words of encouragement as you took the mic.  
“Remember, just be yourself.”
You take a deep breath. You scan the room of complete silence. You close your eyes and pray for confidence, until the words poured out of your mouth like a flowing river.
You receive a standing ovation for our speech.  You look around the room and see tears in the eyes of the UN Women from around the world.
You return back stage and you are greeted by Emma Watson.  
“(Y/N), I am so moved by what you have done with your charity and your fight for gender equality. I would like to offer you a job in London to start a test pilot for the HeForShe campaign called ‘IMPACT 10X10X10.’ If you accept the offer, you will serve as an assistant UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, reporting directly to me. You will start off in London and will migrate to other sectors as needed.  We need strong, confident, gentle and caring women like you on our team. What do you say, (Y/N)?  Are you ready to take your charity abroad by joining the ‘IMPACT 10X10X10’?”
You are stunned. Tears began to fill your eyes. Your phone rings as you wipe your tears away. You look down at your phone.
Ben Barnes calling
Emma looks at you and smiles.  
“Go ahead, take the call. Please think about my offer and let me know what you decide.  Great job, (Y/N).”
You give Emma a hug and hurry down the stairs to take your call.
“Hey.” You answer Ben, sounding like you had a stuffy nose.
Ben paused.
“Is everything alright?” he asks in concern.
“Yes, everything is fine.   How are you?”
“I’m great, just wanted to call to see how everything went.  I watched the campaign live on the internet.  You were BRILLIANT!” Ben said excitedly.
You were so overwhelmed with joy that you could hardly speak.
“Oh Ben, it went so well! I thought about what you told me, and after getting my thoughts together and praying, I felt more confident than ever.”
“So, do you have anything else that you want to share with me?”
You raise your eyebrow.
“Yes!  Get this, Emma offered me a job to launch the IMPACT 10X10X10 pilot abroad in London next year.  I am so blown away that I can hardly speak.  Oh Ben, my dreams have come true today!”
Ben smiles happily through the phone.
“I knew you could do it, (Y/N).  Those girls’ lives will never be the same because of your hard work and dedication. I am very proud of you, (Y/N). Congratulations sweetheart.”
Sweetheart?  Oh shit.
“Thank you, Ben.  I couldn’t have done it without your help and support.”
Ben smiles.
You put two and two together.
“Wait, were you behind Emma offering me the job?” You ask inquisitively.  
Ben chuckles.
“No, that was all you (Y/N), but, I did put in a good word or two about you.”
“Well, I’ll never be able to repay you or thank you enough.”
Ben smiles.
“Are you still going to keep that promise that you made to me?” Ben asks, smiling through his phone.
“What’s that?” you ask, trying remember what you promised.
“That if we ever met, you would treat me to tea and beignets.”
“A girl must always keep her promise.” You say, grinning widely.
“Ladies and gentleman, welcome to London, England.” The pilot from the British Airways jumbo jet announces form the intercom.
You hurry off the plane with your two small suitcases, dashing down the escalators and out of the Heathrow airport, faster than a speeding bullet.
There he was.
Ben Barnes, your pen pal, standing before you, live and in person.  He had his arms crossed, his long slim body leaning against is grey Bentley.
You approach him and you both stand there, gazing at one another in silence.
You both smile.
“Hi.” You say, grinning from ear to ear.
Ben stands straight in front of you, uncrossing his arms, a mere inch away from you.  He takes you in his arms and embraces you in a warm hug, picking you up suddenly and holding you in the air by your waist.
You let up a yelp and laugh.
He places you back on the ground and looks at you intensely.  He cups your face and kisses you passionately.  
You never thought that your first meeting with Ben would start off with a kiss, the most amazing kiss that you ever had in your life.
“I love you, (Y/N).” Ben whispers in your ear.
“I love you, too Barnes.” You say as you wrap your arms around Ben’s strong neck, continuing the kiss as you lift up the back of your right leg.
“I guess Joanne was right.”
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Made Man
Part Three: Mob Mistress
A/N: Woah. Sorry it’s been so long, but we’re back in business with Nick and the Jersey Boys. He’s officially reporting for duty at the Dockside, making allies and enemies within his new crew. Where do you fall on that scale, and is your job as cut and dry as it’s always been? (this one went through a lot of changing and shuffling but here we are.) 
Warning: lotsa swearin’, trigger happy morons. 
Word Count: 3,516  
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The lamps that capped the tall poles in the municipal parking lot next to The Dockside were still glowing orange against the early morning sky. The sun had just started to come up over the choppy slate gray Atlantic, its first rays of light weak against the clouds and the lingering darkness of night. A few gulls were perched on the weathered pylons, feathers fluffed against the cold, beaks tucked under their wings. You coulda flown south, you dingbats, you thought as you passed them each morning, their beady little eyes blinking in stubborn support of their decision to tough it out through the winter. Dumb birds. The wind whipped hard across the water, snapping flags and rattling chains throughout the marina. You shoved your hands deeper into your pockets and shrugged into your coat, longing for summer. 
 Squinting to combat the way the cold was causing your eyes to tear, you let daydreams of warmth and sun on your skin carry you the rest of the way across the parking lot and closer to your destination. I’m cranking that heat when I get in, I don’t care what Steve has to say. You were nearly on the doorstep, fingers already curled around your keys when you finally noticed the outline of a figure leaning against the front window. You sucked in a startled breath, heart rate picking up as you stiffened, letting go of the keys in your pocket to grip the small canister of pepper spray instead. Shit, who the f-
 But before you could finish your panicked thought, the figure moved. Your eyes were drawn to a small reddish circle hovering at face-height in the shadows, the end of the lit cigarette casting just enough light on the man’s features to identify him. Letting go of the spray attached to your keychain, you released the tension in your shoulders. Nick. You recalled the conversation you’d overheard in Steve’s office a few days prior, when your boss had told the Bostonian transplant when to come back. Right. It’s Thursday. You took another step forward and crossed your arms over your chest.    
 “How long you been standing there?” Your breath puffed out before you in the frigid salty air. “You look like a popsicle.” And it’s 6:57 am. 
 He smirked around the cigarette in his mouth, taking a drag before his red knuckled and raw right hand came from his pocket to pluck it from his lips. Shrugging, he pushed away from the wall. “Didn’t wanna be late.”
 Despite the fact that only a few seconds ago you were ready to blind him with capsaicin, you found yourself laughing at his response. Shaking your head, you pulled the keys from your pocket, shaking them out until you found the one you needed. “Lesson one,” you took a step forward and motioned for him to move away from the door so that you could unlock it. “I come in to open at seven, and Steve’s never here before nine.” You fit the key in the lock, pulling up on the handle as you pushed the door open, the cheerful jingle of the overhead bell announcing the start of another day. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him toss his cigarette before following you inside and out of the cold. “Lesson two?” You raised one eyebrow, lowering your hood and smoothing back your hair. “Never smoke out front. Out back by the walk-in, or behind the kitchen door, but never out front, got it?” 
 He narrowed his eyes over his crooked grin. “Yeah, got it. Thanks.” It was still dark inside, the only light coming from the emergency signs above the doors. And that damn smile of his. He looked good in the shadows, with a red glow on his skin and a gleam in his eye, and you knew that could only mean trouble. You turned to flick the lights on, the overheads humming to life to banish the dark gleam from his eyes. There, not so dangerous now, you lied to yourself. “So you live close by?” He asked, unzipping his jacket without removing it. 
 Your eyes were immediately drawn to the scrawling black ink visible above his neckline. You could tell that it was elaborate lettering, though you couldn’t quite make out what it said, the bulk of the phrase still hidden by his black tee. That’s new. You’d noticed the folded hands and rosary on the right side of his neck when he’d come in the other day, making it a habit to commit as many identifiers like scars and tattoos to memory as you could. Sure, that’s why. Realizing that you were still staring at his chest, you shook your head and started unwinding your scarf. “Uh, yeah,” you answered. “Why?” 
 He shrugged, hands plunging into his pockets. “Nah, just,” he scrunched his face up in a nonchalant fashion. “Ya know, saw you walkin’ so I figured you must live close is all. I mean if you don’t gotta drive, must mean you’re close, right?” 
 You pulled your arms free of your coat and tossed it, along with your keys and purse behind the bar. “I do have a car, if that’s really what you’re trying to ask. I just don’t drive to work.” You lifted the hinged portion of the light blue countertop and let yourself into the horseshoe shaped bar, closing it behind you before he could follow. “Sorry, trained bartenders only,” you explained, his hands falling to the rail as you clicked it closed. 
 “Nah, no that’s not...I mean, I wasn’t askin’ if you had a car, I’m just tryin’ ta make conversation.” 
 “Uh huh,” you reached back to hit another switch, another set of lights brightening your workstation and the kitchen space through the doorway behind it. “Okay. So where’d you park your car then?” You stood on your toes and peeked over his shoulder and out the window before letting your feet go flat again, one cheek lifting in a smirk as you met his eyes once more. 
 Nick pressed his lips together, but as you turned away to start the coffee maker you heard him laugh under his breath. “I ain’t got one anymore,” he admitted, “I walked here too.” You heard the scrape of stool legs against the tiled floor as he pulled one out to take a seat at the bar. 
 “Well,” the ancient machine hissed and sputtered as it heated up, and you slid the round bottomed glass carafe atop the hot plate. Turning back to face him, you continued. “Glad we got those very important facts out of the way.” He let out another small laugh at your sarcasm as the hissing gave way to a slow drip. Coffee underway, you let yourself back out of the bar and started taking the chairs down from the few small tables, flipping them over and pushing them in. After you’d taken down the first three, you looked over your shoulder at Nick. “You gonna just sit there while I do all this, Boston?” 
 Even though it was still early and you were far from a morning person, you found yourself laughing internally at the way he sprang from his seat, nearly knocking over the stool that he occupied. “Yeah, no I mean, here, lemme help.” He crossed to the table next to where you stood, gripping the backs of two chairs and flipping them down off of the table. 
 “Thanks,” you threw him a real smile as you each moved on to the next tables. He returned it with one of his own, the two of you finishing the chairs in half the time it would have taken you alone, the quiet sounds of rolling waves slapping against the docks and the occasional cry from a gull filling the silence. You moved to each window next, pulling the chords dangling from the neon signs to bring them buzzing to life. Nick returned to his seat at the bar, leaning back against the rail with both elbows behind him. “So, you just gonna wait here for Steve? That your plan?” You pulled the last chord on the largest sign, The Dockside in curling white light blinking on. Unlocking the side door that lead out to the ferry dock, you realized that you were hoping that his answer would be ‘yes’. Company is always nice, you reasoned, knowing that your first few customers were still about an hour away. Well, maybe not always, not when it’s Ralph. 
 Nick shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. Didn’t really have a...a plan.” He cleared his throat. “That okay with you?” 
 Yeah it’s fine with me. You caught yourself before answering too quickly. You wanted to be careful with this one, remember? You narrowed your eyes at him, arms crossed and head tilted to feign deep thought. “Yeah,” moving over to the corner where the thermostat hung, you lifted the cover and spun the dial to raise the temperature. “I guess you can stay.”  Flipping the cover closed with a snap, you heard the heat kick on. There we go. You rubbed some warmth into your hands and made your way back over to the bar. “You want some coffee?”
 He turned on his stool, dark eyes following you as you moved to grab two white porcelain mugs from a rack. “Sure, thanks.” His tongue pressed into the side of his cheek as you poured the hot beverage. You looked over your shoulder discerningly at him for a second, his tongue sliding down along his teeth behind his bottom lip and turned into a questioning grin. “What’s that look for?” 
 “Tryin’ to guess how you take your coffee,” you responded. He started to answer but you held up a finger. “No lemme guess.” Tapping your lips you squinted at him. “Black and sweet, right?”
 He laughed, looking down as he shook his head. “I’m that predictable, huh?”
 So far, you are. So far, there hadn’t been a single thing about him that surprised you, but the closer you looked the more you knew that the predictable was likely to run out soon. He’s young, and he’s in deep. There’s gotta be more than what I’m seeing. “Nah, I’m just that good.” You handed him his mug and passed a few packets of sugar across the bar. You left your own bitter and black, taking a scorching sip as he thanked you. “Sure,” you watched him tear open three sugars, dumping the pure white crystallized contents into the steaming liquid before tapping them with the side of his pointer finger. Without taking your eyes off of him, you reached for a spoon from the silverware bin to your left. You could move around the entire bar and kitchen blindfolded at this point, never grabbing anything but what you meant to. Holding the spoon out to him before he could ask you for it, you winked over the top of your mug and took another sip. 
 He let out a low chuckle under his breath as he took the spoon from you. “Thanks.” Crumpling up the empty sugar packets in one fist, he dropped the spoon into his mug where it clinked against the bottom. You watched his knuckles squeeze tight around the empty packets in his closed hand before releasing them, letting the papers fall to the bartop. They were bony, his knuckles, and you couldn’t help but notice that the middle one looked slightly larger than the rest, swollen and bruised like it had been broken. Recently. His palm curved around the warm mug as he stirred the sweetener in, and you blinked away from his hands, stepping forward to grab the empty packets and toss them in the trash. Three packets of sugar and broken knuckles. A smile like that and a gun on your belt. What are you about, Nick?   
 You cleared your throat and set your coffee down on the lower counter beneath the bartop. Nick looked up at the sound, raising his own drink to his lips, the spoon held to the side but still inside the mug. “So I gotta go do some numbers for Steve in the office.” He nodded. “It’ll only take me a few minutes, just gotta get it done before Ralph gets in, so-” 
 “Yeah,” he nodded again. “No problem, I get it, you got work ta do.” His eyes flicked from your face to the door to Steve’s office and back again. 
 You rolled your eyes inwardly at the word ‘work’- you were just going to fill envelopes for drop offs- and left him with a warning not to go behind the bar, reminding him of the wall of cameras above your boss’ desk. He held his hands up in a gesture of innocence, promising to behave himself. I’m sure you will, Trouble. Leaving him sitting at the bar, you disappeared into the tiny room to complete your task. 
 It only took twenty minutes, sorting payments of various amounts for various reasons- hush money to guys that knew things, cuts to guys that “helped” Steve out, compensation to families of guys either in jail or in the ground- and orders, slips with names and locations, coded instructions and messages. You never read the slips, never questioned the amounts, not wanting to know who was owed what or when so and so was supposed to be where. The less I know the safer I am, the smoother the ride for everyone. Closing the cashbox, you locked it back away in the bottom drawer of Steve’s desk. You gathered your two stacks of envelopes and stood, bending your body so as not to hit your head on the security monitors in the absurdly cramped space. Movement on one of the screens caught your eye, and you swiveled your head to watch Nick from above as he opened a cheap black phone to check it. His shoulders slumped as he looked out the window and snapped the phone shut and tucked it back in his pocket,  blowing out a breath. You didn’t care that there was likely at least one death order in your hands. It didn’t bother you that that was drug money you were holding, or that it was being paid to a gun runner or pimp or bookie. But for reasons you couldn’t explain you found yourself caring about what had caused his sigh, wanted to know who he was hoping to hear from, and why he’d come to Jersey. You found yourself caring about this stranger. No, I just- But you couldn’t rightfully justify it. Fuck. You let out a sigh of your own as he turned back to his coffee and took a sip. 
 But before you could fully chew yourself out for caring where you had no business to care, movement on another monitor caught your attention, and your face quickly set into a scowl. Ralph. He walked in the front door and you felt the skin on your arms crawl with the disgust that was still leftover from the last time he’d touched you, his meaty palms rubbing over your biceps as his eyes spent more time on your chest than your face. You’d lost track of how many times you’d told him that you weren’t interested in him, running out of ways to say it that didn’t come with a swift kick between his pudgy legs. I’ll never run out of reasons, though, you slimy piece of- 
 There was no sound on the monitors, but you didn’t need there to be to know that the exchange happening in the bar was contentious, Nick standing and squaring up his shoulders, Ralph jutting his chin out and cracking his knuckles. “Oh for fuck’s sake…” You tapped the envelope stacks against the desk to put them in order and stepped around to swing the door open. 
 “You tell me who the fuck you are, pretty boy, and what you’re doin’ in my place.” 
 Nick scoffed as you exited the office. “Your place?” He wrinkled his features. “Look pal, I don’t know you but I know this ain’t your place, so you can f-” 
 You cleared your throat and pulled the office door shut hard, both men turning in your direction, hands flying to their concealed weapons. Jesus Christ, these two. “What the Hell is goin’ on out here?” Nick dropped his hands and stepped back, reclaiming his seat at the bar, but Ralph’s trigger-happy right hand stayed crossed over his waist, fingers still resting on his gun. “Ralph, c’mon,” you barked his name and shot daggers in his direction with your eyes. “Get your hand off your goddamn gun.” 
 “Who the fuck is this guy?” Ralph asked you, finally raising his hand and using it to gesture wildly at Nick. 
 Steve doesn’t tell you everything you moron. Actin’ like this is your place, you gotta be kidding me. “This is Nick, Steve’s new guy.” You watched Ralph’s beady eyes narrow, nostrils flaring on the words ‘new guy’. That’s right, asshole, watch your back someone else is climbing the ladder. “So unless you wanna explain why you’re cleanin’ him off the floor when Steve gets here, you keep your hands off your gun, and you take these envelopes and get outta here.” 
 He sneered in Nick’s direction, the younger man seemingly unintimidated by Ralph’s brutish display. “Fine by me, dollface,” he spat, roughly grabbing the envelopes from you. You released them quickly, the edge of one catching your finger and slicing your skin. 
 “Ow, watchit,” you dumb oaf. You drew your fingertip up to your lips and sucked a bead of blood from the thin line. Even though you were glaring at Ralph, you noticed Nick’s lip curl as he leaned forward in his seat. Easy, killer, it’s just a papercut. 
 Ralph dropped his tough guy act and reached for you, but this time you were quick enough, pulling away and clicking your tongue at him. “Shit, I’m sorry, babe, here lemme see it-” 
 “Don’t call me babe, Ralph I’m not your babe.” I’m nobody’s babe and I’ll never be yours.  You sighed, settling your hands on your hips and shaking your head. “It’s fine, just get outta here already, before Steve gets in, yeah?”
 He mumbled a ‘yeah’ under his breath and shuffled off, tail between his legs and pride wounded. Good riddance. It was always a scene with him, usually due to the fact that his opinion of himself was at least four pegs higher than anyone else’s opinion of him. You continued to glare after him, wishing all sorts of unpleasant things, thoughts only interrupted by Nick’s low whistle. 
 “That guy’s a piece’a work, huh?” You turned towards him, all the disdain for Ralph draining from your eyes as they landed on his face, lips twitched to the side and pulling his beard with them. “You okay?” 
 You waved your hand and rolled your eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you assured him, tucking your hair behind your ears. 
 “He uh...bother you a lot, that guy?” Nick sniffed, leaning back against the bar, trying to look nonchalant as he asked. You saw him squeeze his hand into a fist, swollen knuckle sticking out. 
 Change the subject. “Listen, don’t worry about him, he talks a lotta shit but he’s no one, and I can handle myself around him.” 
 That got him to laugh, closing his eyes with a nod. “Yeah,” he opened his eyes again, and you saw that all the tension was gone. “I bet you can.” 
 The next two weeks passed just like that- Nick showing up around the same time as you, helping you open the bar and keeping interactions with Ralph as brief as possible. You’d make him a coffee and pass him three sugars and a spoon, and you’d shoot the breeze while he waited for Steve and you waited for the fishermen to trickle in for egg sandwiches. It was becoming a routine, one that kept you warmer on your walk in than berating the seagulls, just knowing that he’d be there to kill the time with. You stopped trying to ignore your interest in him altogether- there’s nothing wrong with making a friend- and started allowing yourself to care a little- we’re gonna be working together for a while, I can get to know him. He seemed to take the same attitude towards you, though he remained just enough of a puzzle, not revealing anything too personal. 
On Tuesday of the third week, though, things changed when you were filling envelopes- the orders, not the cash- and you came across one with his name. Nick Tortano. You stuffed the slip inside, not wanting to know more, heart thumping as you tried to chase thoughts of him getting his hands dirty out of your mind. You knew this was coming, he’d gotta prove himself, don’t let it- But the name on the next envelope cut those thoughts from developing, your throat getting tight as you read your own name and the corresponding slip- “Nick’s Driver. Angelo’s.” Oh. Shit.
@something-tofightfor​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire​ @suchatinyinfinity​ @lexxierave​ @songtoyou​ @poindexted @thesumofmychoices​ @gollyderek​ @marauderskeeper​ @traeumerinwitzhelden​ @roses-in-your-country-house @ificouldhelpyouforget​ @thisisparadisemylove​
if you’d like to be added or removed, please let me know! (if i’ve added you or left you off incorrectly I’m sorry- I’m just disorganized and I mean nothing by it! ) 
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heychangbin · 4 years
It Was Gonna Be Beautiful
Wordcount: 1268
Warnings: Angsty
A/N: I hate myself for this.
The bar was mostly empty for the exception of the usual day drinkers that seemed to be a permanent fixture in Joe's Tavern, sitting in the same seats, with the same beer bottles, and even looked to be wearing the same washed out clothes. 
You idly spin your empty glass, ice clinking against the crystal walls as the fluorescent light flickers overhead. 
You push the power button of your phone, bringing the screen to life and mutter a curse, its late, later than you had anticipated as you close your eyes and slump forward, pressing your forehead to the polished bartop, the cool wood a welcome contrast to the warm drink in your system.
You idly tap the rim of your glass, as you take a minute to push everything down and find the strength to push yourself off your stool and take a car to your next stop. 
The clink of glass and shifting of ice makes you shift your head and look up, catching Jackie, a middle aged woman with long black hair, dark eyes and a wide nose, as she pulls the bottle away from the rim of your stout tumbler
"Oh, no, I wasn't ask for a refill Jacks" you mutter pushing yourself up
"You sure babe? Looks like you need it." She says as she poured herself a couple fingers worth of whiskey.
Guess i ain’t doin’ that good a job keepin’ it together. 
With a (wry smile) you reach for your purse, your fingertips hadn’t gripped the cover flap before Jackie reached for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, saying, 
"Don't worry about it babe, it's on the house."
The smile that curves your lips then is slightly more genuine,
"Not sure Joe is gonna like that" mumbling a thanks as you reach for the glass
"What he doesnt know wont hurt 'im" she says with a wink, raising her glass up and knocking it back. 
You pick your own glass up and hold it in front of you for a moment, your eyes trained on the cubes of ice and jostling liquid, as your vision begins to blur with another round of unshed tears. 
Here’s to you, Nick, and all the plans you had. 
You bring the rim of the glass to your lips and take a generous pull, blaming the choking sound on the liquid traveling down your throat instead of the thought that crossed your mind. 
Jackie uncaps the botte and pours herself another round, when she goes to top you off you cover the top of your glass, shaking your head,
“I can’t Jackie, I got--gotta” your words trail off, your throat closing as you realize that you can’t keep delaying the inevitable.
Can’t do that to ‘im....we....we’re all we got left. 
You feel a hand covering your own, giving it a gentle squeeze, 
“Tell me 'bout 'im" said the woman behind the basket, her hand wiping down the section of the bar in front of her.
“You knew ‘im as much as I did Jackie,” you voice cracks as you wipe your nose on the back of your hand
“I knew the guy that came in here and threw a few beers back, toothpick hangin’ from the corner of his lips and smoked like a chimney in the middle o’ winter.”
That surprised a laugh out of you as you looked up at the ceiling trying to will the tears back. You couldn’t cry, not he
"He...he was intense, good heart though, always tryna do the right thing, y'know? Always lookin’ out for his family,” you started when you felt like your voice wouldn’t waver, “he had this...this plan he was always talkin’ ‘bout,”
It’s gonna be beautiful., the phrase played so clearly in your mind, you turned to look at the seat beside you to see if he was standing there, your heart clenching uncomfortably when you saw the empty stool.
“He had this place he wanted to move us to, had a fund for Vito to go to college, Brown or somethin’, was always putting somethin’ away for a rainy day for his ‘ld man,” 
You hung your head and shook it, thinking about the strained relationship between Vincent Tortano and his eldest son, the thought leaving a bitter taste in your mouth when you thought about how the old man was always so quick to dismiss him and didn’t know about all the things that Nicky did behind the scenes to keep the bank from kicking him and Vito out from their home. 
The memory of your last fight springing to the forefront of your mind, 
“Nicky, you can’t keep letting him treat you like that, he should know that you’re the reason the bank hasn’t come and kicked him out of that house!” you argued, as you placed the dirty dinner dishes in the sink, opening the faucet and letting them soak, “He should know that his SS--”
“If he knew, he’d move him and Vito somewhere else,” he interrupted you as he gathered the remaining dishes and walked them over to the sink, before turning around and leaning back against the edge, reaching for the hand that was propped on your waist and pulling you towards him.
“Listen, I know you hate it--” you opened your mouth to let him know that you more than hated it, you thought it was straight up bullshit, but before you could get a word out he pressed a long slender finger to your lips, “I know, I know, but this way, I know he’s alright, I know Vito has a roof over his head and that there’s food on their table.”
You rolled your eyes at him, reaching behind him to turn off the water before wrapping your arms around his middle and pressing a kiss to his chest. 
“You’re too damn good tortano.” you mutter, pressing your cheek to 
“He’ll come ‘around. You’ll see.”
You’re too optimistic for your own good Nicky. 
You swallow back tears and look up to meet Jackie's eyes, 
“He was good...deserved so much more than what he got.” you said, voice thick with unshed tears and a trembling lip.
Jackie reached over the bar, gripping your shoulder as you swallowed the thickness in your throat until you felt like you were able to breath again. 
Jackie was pouring you another drink when you heard the stool beside you being pulled out, and a too familiar voice say,
“Thought I might find you here, you swung around and saw Vito, dressed in shades of black and his hair slicked back. 
“Sorry, lost track a time.” you say, reaching for your purse to pull out your wallet, handing Jackie a few bills. 
“On the house hun,” she said, picking up the glasses and putting them somewhere underneath the bar.
“Jackie, no, you gotta--” you argue, hitching the handle of your purse on your shoulder.
She came over and took your hand in hers, “Family wasn’t the only ones your Nicky looked after.”
Her words made you choke, instead of placing the bills back into your wallet you walked over and with a watery smile tuck them into the tip jar beside the register before walking over to where Vito is standing, hand spread out and holding the deep green door open.
You follow behind Vito to a familiar light blue Cadillac and climb into the passenger's side, Vito quickly easing out of the parking space and heading towards St. Michaels Cemetery, to say your final goodbye to Nick Tortano.
Tag List:  @juguitos @something-tofightfor @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @the-blind-assassin-12 @suchatinyinfinity @bts-smolarmy @elanor-of-imladris @pheedraws @obscurilicious
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the-purity-pen · 3 years
Day 10 - Hickey/Biting Marks
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Nick Tortano x Fem!Reader
warnings: reader hears gun violence outside, brief mention of being high, a whole lot of biting, unprotected PIV
ratings: EXPLICIT (duh this is kinktober)
wc: 1236
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The sounds of gunshots rang out and you jolted awake. Your heart was hammering in your chest as you instinctively hid yourself under your bed. That’s where Nick had told you to hide when you heard anything that sounded suspicious or dangerous. He had told you he didn’t like that you lived in this neighborhood and that he hated even more that your apartment was floor level.
You had to remind him once more of who your father was and that you could in fact take care of yourself. But that never stopped him from worrying.
From your spot on the floor, you reached a hand up to grab your phone from the nightstand. Once you had it, you unlocked it and opened your messages to send Nick and quick message.
Noises outside. Sounds like gunshots. I’m under the bed.
On the other side of the town, Nick heard his phone beep with a message. When he read it, his heart sank and anger took over. He needed to get you out of that apartment quickly. He needed you to come stay with him so that this weekly happening would stop happening and he wouldn’t have to worry about you so much.
“Drive me to her place,” Nick commanded his best friend who puffed out his cigarette smoke and looked over to Nick like he had three heads.
“I’m high as fuck and you want me to drive you over there for some ass?” Johnny scoffed before grunting when Nick punched his shoulder.
“Some shit is going down over there. Get me over there. Now!” Nick yelled and Johnny rolled his eyes before turning the truck on and taking off for the opposite side of town.
Before Johnny could even put the car into park, Nick was jumping out and slamming the door shut. His hand crossed over his body to where his gun was tucked safely away in his holster on his side. His fingers unlocked the clasp as he looked around and moved through the street down to your apartment building.
He noticed the door was cracked open a bit and took the opportunity to slide in, his eyes checking and rechecking every space around and near him as he entered the building. His eyes landed on your apartment door and dug into his pocket for the key. When he had it and unlocked the door, he pushed it open and immediately closed and re-locked it behind him.
You held your breath from under the bed, your hand covering your mouth to stop any sounds when you heard your door open. You watched as the familiar pair of boots made their way across your bedroom until Nick squatted down to see your face, terrified and relieved at the same time. He held out his hand and helped you out from under the bed.
Your arms immediately wrapped around him, to which he wrapped his arms right back around you and held you close to him. He turned his head just enough to kiss at your cheek then down your neck. You pulled your head away and tilted it just enough to give him more access and he immediately took the hint.
He couldn’t stand thinking he couldn’t protect you. But he had you. Now. And he needed you. Now. His hands gripped at your hips a bit harder as his teeth sunk into the soft flesh of the side of your neck. The wanton moan you gave in response had him growling.
He pressed back until you flopped down onto the bed. You giggled at the dark look in his eyes as he quickly stripped his leather jacket and black tank top before tossing them carelessly onto the floor beside the bed. He smirked playfully as he climbed onto the bed and over you.
Your exposed legs in your sleep shorts were prime real estate for his mouth as he kissed, licked and nibbled his way up to your hip. He pulled on the waistband of the shorts just enough to get at the skin of your hip bone. You were giggling and twitching your hips as he bit down on the soft flesh that sat at the very edge of your hip bone.
You gasped at the sting but Nick only took that as an opportunity to continue leaving love marks all over your body where he could. His hands ran up the sides of your body to your chest where he fondled your breasts and tweaked your nipples. His hands were just as busy as his mouth as he moved your shirt up with his teeth and nibbled along your bare stomach.
You couldn’t make up your mind whether to giggle at the subtle movements or moan out at how much he was marking you as his. It hadn’t truly been official between you but you had considered yourself his long ago. Now it was just his way of proving that, of showing the world just how much of his you really were.
Your back arched just so as his mouth moved further up. Your hands reached for his shoulders and tried to signal him to sit up so you could kiss him but he was far too enthralled in his teeth grazing against your skin and nibbling a bit harder when he got to the side of your breast. His mouth covered the spot and he suckled a little before his tongue came out to sooth the spot.
He pulled his head back to look at his handy work, seeing the little imprints of his teeth in your skin was giving him a new kind of enthusiasm. You looked at his elated face with furrowed brows as you brought a hand up to the side of his face to guide him into looking at you.
Your eyes and smile were soft and warm as you pulled him down towards you for a kiss. A soft, lingering gentle kiss that set Nick aflame more than he ever thought anyone could. But before he could let himself get too wrapped up in those feelings, he had to keep marking you. It was like an impulse since your beautiful skin was just there and ready for him.
He made a little game out of it, trying to nibble and bite you as you dodged a few but when his teeth sunk in right at your jugular, you were done for. You were moaning and pressing your hips up into him, letting him know what you really wanted.
And it took nearly no time at all for Nick to undress himself, finish undressing you and slide his cock into you easily. You moaned out as he bottomed out in you. He growled against your skin as he bit down on your neck and thrust into you over and over at a harsh and steady pace.
The feeling of his teeth gnawing at your sensitive skin and pulse point had you seeing stars after only a few moments. Your hands tried to reach for anything on him to hold onto as he literally rocked your world in a way he had never done before.
When you finally came down from your third high of the night, Nick kissed softly along all the spots that he had marked you, noticing some changes in your skin to indicate that some remnants may remain for the forseeable future.
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banditthewriter · 5 years
Tag Lists
Go to any of these links and let me know if you want to be added to one of my tag lists. Thanks for reading!
Billy Russo
Logan Delos
Tommy Shelby
Geralt of Rivia
Caspian X
Nick Tortano
Ryan Brenner
Sam Adams
Matt Murdock
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padfootagain · 7 years
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So here begins my 500 (that also became my 600 actually) followers celebration! Thank you all for following me!! And thank you to all of you who voted for the event. The prompts won, so here is what is going to happen in the coming weeks on my blog…
Send me one to five prompts of the following list and give me a character, and I’ll write an imagine using these prompts about the character you have chosen. You can also ask for a more specific plot or anything that you would like me to include.
You can ask for the following characters (basically the characters I usually write about, no surprise there…) :
- Marauders : Sirius, Remus, Blackinnon, Jily
- Narnia : Caspian X
- Ben Barnes (of course…)
- Sam Adams, Nick Tortano, Logan, Ryan Brenner (never tried for Tom Ward, but why not…)
You can ask for another character who is not in the list above, but I can’t promise you that I’ll accept to do it.
And yes, you can send as many requests as you want!! Send me one, three, ten… the more I get, the better. I’ll just need some time to write them, but as soon as I’ve acknowledged them, they will be written, you have my word.
The requests for this event will be open for two weeks, so until the 24th of November you can make requests with the following prompts.
During this time, I will keep on updating my usual series and write the requests I have received before the event, don’t worry. Normal requests are still open as well.
The 70 prompts are :
1. “I need some hot cocoa and a biscuit.”
2. “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!”
3. “I think we’re fucked.”
4. “I would trade my life for a piece of this cake of yours, and you know it.”
5. “Sing me a song.”
6. “I need a hug.”
7. “I wish there was a star up there to guide us through the night, it feels so dark out here.”
8. “The world is a mess. But you’re not.”
9. “I need you like I need air to breathe.”
10. “I’m just trying to protect you.”
11. “Let’s take a walk and talk this whole thing through.”
12. “I know I’m a jerk, it’s the only thing I’m really good at being.”
13. “I like you… okay, actually… actually, I love you…”
14. “Thanks for the cake, now get out.”
15. “This is for you.”
16. “You’re cute when you have that look on your face.”
17. “You’re all mischievous all of a sudden…”
18. “I missed you…”
19. “I want you. I need you. I love you.”
20. “You keep walking into my dreams every night. And it’s both hard and easy to sleep with an angel in my head to scare the darkness away.”
21. “I think… I think you could actually save me…”
22. “I want marshmallows and a huge hug.”
23. “You’re like a map, you give me the right direction so I won’t be lost in my own life.”
24. “Nice hat.”
25. “You can’t sing, but it’s kinda cute.”
26. “Is it about me?”
27. “I’m not a human cupcake.”
28. “You’re jealous, admit it.”
29. “I like the way you taste like stars and champagne.”
30. “I hate you. I really do hate you.”
31. “I’m begging you… just forgive me.”
32. “Perhaps it’s better for both of us to say… farewell.”
34. “You’re as attractive as an octopus…”
35. “Stop giving me this cute pout of yours…”
36. “You’re too good for me.”
37. “Fine, then leave me alone and go. Breaking everything you touch is the only thing you can do anyway.”
38. “We’re both drunk.”
39. “Give me a kiss.”
40. “You have something… right… here…”
41. “Let me take you home.”
42. “It’s cold, and late, and it’s raining, that’s a shitty evening…”
43. “Let’s stay here and cuddle forever.”
44. “I need pizza in my life, not a boyfriend/girlfriend.”
45. “I wish there were words I could say to make you forgive me.”
46. “S.O.S asshole, what can I do for you?”
47. “You can’t shoot people like that!”
48. “I can’t believe you’ve just punched me!”
49. “Don’t leave. It’s all cold and dark without you.”
50. “Perhaps I never speak about myself because there’s nothing to tell. Or perhaps I’m just trying to protect you… or myself… or both of us.”
51. “There is too much darkness in me. I don’t want dark things to conquer your soul like they’ve conquered mine.”
52. “I feel lonely.”
53. “I love your hair.”
54. “This party sucks. Let’s get out of here.”
55. “I feel so warm and safe in your arms…”
56. “Just give me a chance. I promise you, I won’t waste it.”
57. “I was wondering if… perhaps… you would want… to go there… with me… perhaps…?”
58. “I’m on a little cloud!”
59. “I’ll come back to you. I’d do anything to see you again.”
60. “Why is it so hard to say goodbye?”
61. “You’re so funny!”
62. “You’re addictive, a bit like nicotine.”
63. “Give me a smile. It has the power to outshine what is dark around us.”
64. “If only I could go back in time…”
65. “Let me repair all this mess I made.”
66. “Fuck… I love you! Can’t you see it?! Are you blind?!”
67. “I don’t like this sound. It’s the sound of hearts breaking.”
68. “You make me so happy…”
69. “Look, it’s snowing!”
70. “Let’s dance until even the stars are gone to rest…”
I hope you all have fun, and you all like what I’ll write with these prompts. And I hope I receive LOTS of requests!!! :D
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drinix · 7 years
Better Flowers - Part 1
Nick Tortano x reader
I thought of writing this series because I feel that Nick Tortano deserves more love. I hope you enjoy it! Requests are open!
A pleasant Sunday morning without any hectic work schedule. You put on your favorite outfit that you bought recently from a shop nearby. A pair of navy blue jeans, a T-shirt and white Nike sneakers with no makeup on. You aren’t a girl who wants to show off all the fancy things she has. You live a life more casual and simpler than any other chicks in your neighborhood.
It can be the same reason that makes you feel lonely in their company. You usually don’t go clubbing with them. You are not someone who sleeps with every boy you date. Actually you haven’t been on a date since you moved in to Boston. You lived most of the years of your life in Utah in your college. After your graduation and 3 years of work life that followed you decided to live with your mom who runs a coffee shop in the town. She is the closest person you have and the only one who truly cares for you.
So this morning you are heading to your mom’s shop to have your breakfast and spend some time there, helping her. You see people entering and leaving the shop. You stop there for a while gazing around. Your mom sees you through the thick panel of glasses and gives you a friendly smile. You walk in anxiously, hugging some books to yourself.
“Good morning, sweetheart ” Your mom gives you peck on your cheek. “Good morning, mom. ” A beautiful smile adorns your face as you hug her. “What would you like to have for breakfast, Miss?” She puts on her usual ladylike expression after giving a coffee cup to a customer. “ Espresso and sandwiches. ” You mumble while sitting beside your mom. “Free of charge in this happy hour ” She teases you while placing the coffee and sandwiches on the table. You finish eating up while reading the book you brought from home.
Few minutes later, the door bell chimes as two men walk in. You know them and have got a wind of what they’ve been doing. It is Nick Tortano. A charming Italian young man with L'Oreal Paris hair and chestnut eyes. He recently became a made man according what you overheard from his friend, George’s conversation with another in the shop.
His chocolate brown irises meet with yours and warm smiles exchange between you two. He grabs his coffee and sits across you. “Reading as usual? ” He asks in his fascinating Italian accent. You can only smile at what he said. “ I see..brainy people don’t talk much ” He says while tapping to his head which makes you laugh. He seems to be lost in the way you laugh for a while. You notices his stare and bites your lip as you blush. “sei così bella quando sorridi” He murmurs under his breath that you hardly hear it. Italian wasn’t a language you’re familiar with. So you don’t understand anything he said at all. “Excuse me. I didn’t follow what you said ” You look at him doubtfully. A corny smile settles on his lips. “Never mind what I said ” He takes a sip from the coffee cup. You notice your mom has not forgotten to glance at you and Nick every now and then. She likes Nick as he is polite to her and you.
“No. I want to know what you meant ” You demands, looking into his eyes. “Finally you are talking with me. ” He pretends to sigh heavily. You smile again, falling back to your seat. “Say it, Nick ”
“No. ” He shakes his head.
“Come on, Nicky"
“No way ”
“Why not? ”
“ Because I’m not going to say it. ”
“ It’s not the answer to my question. ”
“Of course, it’s not ”
“Please? ”
“Nope ”
“You’re getting on my nerves! ”
“I love it ”
Your mother and George giggle at your conversation. “Is that so funny? “You frown at them which makes all of them giggle more. You turn towards Nick as you hear his muffled laugh. You stare at him for a few seconds. He seems to be so cool and not angry at all. He loves to tease you and make you lose your temper. “Okay .” He says, breaking the silence. “Do you want to hear it? ”
“No. I don’t want to hear anything. ” You cross your arms You are irritated by his game of words with you. His smile fades away. He knows you are mad at him. “Are you angry with me? ” He stutters apologetically, holding your hand. You try to ignore the shivers it give you everytime he does that. “No. Just dissapointed. ” You averts his chocolate brown eyes that try to meet up with yours once again. You close the book and look fixedly at him for a while. “I’m sorry, y/n” He mumbles, tightening the grip. “We’ve got to go Nicky. ” George shouts, opening the door. Nick looks at him in a grouchy manner. “I’ll see you later, sweetie ” He strokes your hand lovingly as if to ease your pain and leaves the shop with his mate. You know that he keeps his word to you.
Few hours later after you got home, you find yourself walking along the lane, having some air. You feel much tired but the light breeze in the dusk always relieve you. You remember the fight you had with Nick today. You enjoyed every moment of it. You stroll along the path until a prestigious Cadillac pulls over in front of you. You stares at the car with your hands jutted in your jacket.
Nick gets off the car with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. “What are you doing here alone? It’s not safe for a girl like you to walk around off-guard ” He preaches with a scintilla of worry in his tone. “I’m just walking as usual. ” You reply shortly without looking at him. He gives his signature smile to you. “Look, I’m sorry for arguing with you today. I didn’t mean to make you sad ” You look at him, brushing your hair aside. “I know Nick. It’s okay ”
The words makes him beam in relief. He stares at you for a while, trying to muster up the right words. Nick steps closer and gives the flowers to you. He watches how your face lights up as you takes the bouquet. “Thank you for the flowers. They look nice.” You speaks out merrily.
He bites his lip and looks at your eyes. “ Do you wanna go out with me? ” You waited for this moment since the day he first talked with you. “What? ” You say hesitantly.
He repeats the question again. The question he has been waiting to ask you since the day he saw your smile. “Do you want to go out with me? ” You think for a while observing his chocolate brown eyes urging to say yes. “No, Nicky. Not in a million years. ” You blurt out waiting for his response.
He looks down desperately. He cannot help to lose you. “If she could see how much she is meant to me ” He thinks inwardly withholding his feelings for you.
“There were better flowers though ” He says eagerly, hoping for positive a reciprocation from you. It brings a radiant smile to your lips.
“Better flowers next time, then? ” A mischievous look settled on your face. “Sure! Better flowers next time. ” Nick smiles at you.
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