#THE birthday
maddiethedogstories · 2 months
The Birthday - Part 1
I couldn't imagine a more perfect way to spend the morning of my 35th birthday. It had been a beautiful, spring Saturday morning. I got up a little later than usual, put on my khakis and a polo shirt, grabbed breakfast at the club house with my best friends, and spent the entire morning playing golf.
Usually, weekend mornings are full of 'Daddy-duties' for me. Wake up, turn on some cartoons for the kids, change the baby's diaper and get everyone out of pajamas, make breakfast, then load everyone up in the car for the youth sports game-of-the-week. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I love being a dad. I love spending time with my kids. But, today, my birthday, my wonderful wife Madeline let me make the day just about me, and I love that too.
It was about 1:00 pm by the time I got home. I staggered into the house a little more unbalanced than usual, having had a few more than my normal share of beers on the course. In my slightly drunken state, it took me a second to recognize that something was different than normal in the house, but, after hanging my keys on the key hook and wandering into the kitchen, things started to feel off.
First, the house was clean. The toys, normally spread across the house, were all in their proper place. The kitchen counters were crumb free. The sink was clear of dishes. Now, I am not saying our house is normally a mess, but with kids, it's generally impossible to keep the house cleaner than 'slightly cluttered.'
"Love?" I called out, "The house looks beautiful? Did you and the kids spend the whole morning cleaning?"
My yell was met with silence. That was also odd. With the kids around, the house was always noisy. However, at that moment, there was nothing. No one was crying, or laughing, or yelling. The sounds of the latest episode of Bluey or Pokemon weren't blaring from the playroom. There wasn't even music playing. I started to become suspicious. Was anyone home?
With growing concern, I turned and left the kitchen and heading upstairs to the master bedroom. Maybe my wife was taking a nap? Maybe she convinced the kids to nap to? It seemed unlikely, but, in my happy, half-drunk stupor, I was ready to get to the bottom of this mystery.
I walked upstairs briskly, now more cautious about yelling out, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were sleeping. As I made it to the second floor hallway, I was greeted by more of what I had seen downstairs. An impeccably clean and quiet house.
As I passed each of the children's bedrooms, I peaked in, hoping to get some sign of what was happening. I got no hints. Each of my kids rooms was clean, organized, and devoid of life.
I finally made it to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. As I approached the room, I noticed that the door was shut. Much like the house being clean and silent, that never happened. Cautiously, and still a little unsteadily, I approached the white door to my bedroom, grabbed the handle, and cautiously pushed the door open. As I did, I was greeted by the sultry voice of my wife.
"Why hello there big boy! I see someone finally made it home for his birthday surprise!"
Like a dog anticipating a treat when they hear their master reach for the treat bag, I suddenly was overcome by an overwhelming sexual anticipation for what was coming next. I could feel my cock, flaccid and unnoticed just moments before, grow larger and harder, pressing against my khakis in a way that made my feelings for my wife obvious to anyone who could see me.
Now driven by lust, I abandoned my previous sense of caution. I flung open the door to my bedroom to reveal my wife lying on top of the comforter of our king sized bed.
My eyes were instantly drawn to my wife, lying across the bed seductively. She was wearing the sexiest, laciest black lingerie I had ever seen. It emphasized her cleavage and ass perfectly. Her long, brown hair, styled wavy, was draped over her shoulder. In her hand was a riding crop, a favorite tool for administrating 'punishments' in our house.
"Happy Birthday Baby! I thought maybe we could celebrate together today?" My wife, Melody, said seductively, smacking the leather end of the riding crop in her empty hand for emphasis. I felt blood flow to my penis as she spoke. Suddenly, my member was straining against the confines of my boxer briefs and khakis. This was going to be a good birthday.
Noticing my arousal, Melody climbed off the bed, leaving the riding crop behind, and walked up to me. She grabbed my now rock hard penis over my pants with one hand and used her other hand to pull my head down into a passionate kiss. I immediately reciprocated.
As we kissed, Melody, despite being 8 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter than me, used the leverage she had from handling my penis to maneuver me to a position where my back was to the bed as we kissed. Once I felt the back of my knees brush against our king-sized mattress, Melody surprised me with a shove to the chest, forcing me to lie on my back on the bed. Then, with a mischievous grin on her face, she reached for my belt and the buckle of the pants, expertly undoing both and ripping my pants off.
"We can't have you wearing these! They'll just get in the way!" She exclaimed as she through my khakis to the ground unceremoniously. I grinned in anticipation as Melody climbed on top of me, straddling me at the waist, and began rubbing her still panty clad pussy on my still underwear covered penis.
As she continued the motion, she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Oh, you like that big boy?" I just moaned in response. I could feel pre-cum leaking out of my penis into my underwear.
"Yeah, I bet you do, you naughty little boy," She continued. I just moaned again. However, the friction felt so good, along with the dirty talk, I suddenly was becoming worried that I was going to cum even before we started to have sex. I tried to turn my head away and think of something else, just to extend the amount of time this would last.
Melody laughed as I turned my head away, clearly aware of what I was doing. I started to blush in embarrassment at the realization that she new I was at risk of losing control even before we started fucking.
"Oh, does this feel a little TOO GOOD for you baby? We can't have that! Let's slow things down," Melody said, climbing off of me, and, thankfully, giving me the chance to slow down. I looked down at my blue boxer briefs and saw a distinct wet spot from where my pre-cum had soaked into my underwear. Melody looked at it to, frowned playfully, but didn't say anything about the stain immediately.
"I want to make this last all day for you, so let's try something else," Melody said as she walked over to our nightstand. I followed her shapely, barely covered ass as she moved around the bed. Then, for the first time, I noticed some new things about the room.
First, on the nightstand were a number of 'supplies' I had never seen before. On the nightstand was a blindfold, a contraption with leather straps I couldn't quite identify but looked like it was meant to go around a person's head, and a pair of large, noise cancelling wireless headphones. Looking closer to me, I noticed that our bed was slightly different as well. Rather than being covered in our normal comforter and pillows, the bed was covered in nothing but black satin sheets. Also, interestingly, there were now wrist and ankle restraints attached to each corner of the bed, waiting patiently to pin down whoever was strapped into to them. I couldn't help but grin. Today WAS going to be a good day. I'd never been so glad that we slowed down early.
Melody turned around from where she stood, bent over the nightstand. "Like what you see?" She asked, wiggling her ass playfully as she grabbed the blindfold in her other hand.
I laughed, "Oh yeah."
"Well, big boy, I've got something special in mind for you today, but, its a surprise, so I need you to let me take control," she said as she returned to my position on the bed. "So, first, put this on." Melody handed me the blindfold.
"Kinky," I said playfully, complying with her command and blindfolding myself.
"Oh, you don't even know," Melody said. "Now, lay back on the bed and spread out your arms and legs. Today is about me taking care of you."
Excited by where this was going, I did as she asked. I spread out my arms and legs and felt as she, with surprising expertise, strapped me into the wrist and ankle restraints.
"What's gotten into you Melly? You never want to play like this?" I asked as she strapped me in, a little disappointed that with the blindfold on, I couldn't see my wife's marvelous body.
"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Now, no more talking, baby!" She said. Suddenly, I felt something soft and rubber brush my lips. "Open up and take this," Melody suddenly said.
I did as she asked and let the rubber object enter my mouth. As it filled my mouth, I felt it suddenly stop as a hard piece of plastic hit the outside of my lips. Panic suddenly hit me as I realized what this was--a pacifier.
Since before Melody and I had even started dating, I had an ABDL fetish. Specifically, I loved the idea of diapering, babifying, and humiliating strong, independent women. I did not know where it came from, and in a lot of ways, I loathed the fetish. The idea that humiliating and infantilizing women turned me on, despite my actual strong feminist values, disgusted me.
As a result, I never acted on it and had never shared my fetish with Melody, or any other woman for that matter. That had not stopped me from viewing, reading, and eventually writing copious amounts of ABDL porn during our relationship though.
The feeling of the pacifier being pressed into my mouth created so many concerns.
First, how had Melody found out about my fetish? Had she found out about my fetish? Was she upset about it? Second, despite having an ABDL fetish, the idea of being infantalized myself disgusted me.
In my fantasies, I was ALWAYS the dominant daddy, slowly helping my partner become the helpless, infantalized adult they deserved to be treated as. I was never the one being babied. If Melody's plan was to do this to me, that was NOT what I wanted.
In the time that all of this went through my head, I was able to spit out my pacifier and yell out, "What the fuck?!?" I struggled at my bonds as I felt the wet rubber of the giant plastic nipple land on my chest. No matter how much I pulled I could not get free. Frustratingly, I couldn't see Melody's reaction to my struggles, but I could hear her laugh.
I felt the pacifier that had just been in my mouth being picked up off my chest and pressed into my lips again.
"Take this in you mouth, big boy, or suffer the consequences," my wife's voice commanded. Melody emphasized her point by squeezing my balls almost uncomfortably with her free hand.
I wasn't going to give in that easily. I closed my lips tight and turned my head to the side. When I thought I was safe from the childish soother being shoved in my mouth, I responded. "What the fuck is going on Melody, what are you doing? Is that a pacifier you are trying to get me to suck on?" I asked.
Melody with impatience in her voice, refused to answer my questions.
"You'll know precisely what is going on soon enough. Now, suck on this before I make you suck on it," she ordered, attempting to shove the rubber nipple in my mouth a third time. I refused again.
"Have it your way," she said, "this makes it more fun for me anyway."
I felt the mattress I was tied to move as Melody got off of the bed. I then heard the sound of something being moved around on the nightstand. The bed shook again and Melody got back on. I became nervous as I could feel her kneeling next to my prone form.
Suddenly, without almost any warning, I felt a sharp smack to my penis and balls. The pain, while not particular intense, as the slap was blessedly light, was unexpected and sharpe. I raised my head and yelled out. "Owww!"
As I opened my mouth, what must have been a different pacifier, given the much larger size of the rubber nipple was shoved in my now open mouth. At the same time, what must have been the leather straps I saw on the nightstand earlier, were quickly shoved over my head. I tried to spit this new, larger pacifier out. I couldn't. I could feel that with one hand, Melody was now holding the pacifier into place. With her other hand, she was tightening the straps wrapped around my head. A thrashed my head back and forth, but I couldn't stop the process. Within moments, I felt my wife stop pushing the pacifier into my mouth. However, even without that pressure, I couldn't spit it out. Given the days of my life I had spent masturbating to adult baby porn, I knew what I was wearing--a pacifier gag.
I heard Melody sigh in satisfaction as she pulled away from my body, leaving me to struggle against my restraints. "Much better," She said triumphantly, "this will go much smoother if you can't talk."
"Mmmmrrrppphh," I said, unable to form any words due to the size of the large pacifier stuck in my mouth.
I heard Melody walk around the bed, stopping at the foot of the bed. I felt her reach her hand up to my underwear and poke at the wet spot made from my pre-cum earlier.
"Oh my! Look at this, it looks like my BIG, ADULT husband had a little accident in his undies, didn't he?" she chided me with a condescending tone. I growled into the pacifier shoved into my mouth, horrified at where this was going. "I though I was married to a grown up who could keep his pants clean, it doesn't look like it though, does it?" she continued. I growled in the pacifier and thrashed around again. "Clearly, you aren't ready for big boy undies. I think you would look much cuter in diapers anyway. Let's just get this underwear off."
I felt the weight of my wife leaning over the bottom of the bed before I felt the cool metallic feel of scissors sliding up to the bottom of my boxer briefs. I bucked my hips as I felt Melody begin to cut my underwear free. I just couldn't believe what was happening. I had read this story so many times. Fantasized about it. Fuck, I'd even written something close to this once. But, every single time, I was the one removing the underwear, not the one having it taken from me. This was horrible.
"Stop that baby!" Melody said, giving my balls a warning slap as I bucked my hips and tried to prevent this indignity from continuing. "Do you want me to accidentally cut you? These scissors are sharp?"
As she spoke, I realized she was right. Even this humiliation wasn't worth injuring myself. I stopped struggling long enough to let Melody continue cutting my boxer briefs off. "Good boy!" she said encouragingly as she pulled my destroyed underwear free, exposing my ass and crotch. I felt my penis, rock hard only minutes earlier, shrivel up from the cold air and the humiliation of what was happening.
"Oh, how cute! It knows where it's going, so it shrunk up appropriately," Melody said, playfully pinching my penis. "Alright, stay here baby, I'll be back in a second."
I groaned inwardly as I heard Melody leave the room. Where was I going to go? Strapped to the bed, blindfolded, half-naked, and forced to suck on a pacifier, I was firmly detained at this point. It didn't take long before I heard Melody re-enter the room. I listened closely and could clearly hear the rustling sound that I knew must be the diaper she was holding. I listened further as Melody retook her position at the foot of our bed and placed the items she was carrying down.
"Alright, big boy, time to get you diapered for Mommy!" Melody said as I felt her lean over my spread legs.
I immediately started to thrash and scream into my pacifier. This was not going to happen to me. I was an adult. I was in control. I was the Daddy Domme! If anyone in this house was going to be diapered, it'd be Melody, not me! My struggles proved useless though. Try as I might, Melody had been prepared. The ankle and wrist restraints were too solidly attached to the bed frame, and she clearly didn't skimp on the quality of the restraints themselves. I was not going to break free. After what felt like minutes of struggling, I gave up, embracing my fate.
Melody, for her part, just giggled at my struggles. "What a silly boy, thinking he can get free of Mommy that easily?" Melody teased me as I thrashed. When I finally gave up, she said with the tone I had heard her use with our toddlers so many toys, "A you done throwing your tantrum? Good. Now, let's get this diaper on you before you make a mess on the bed!"
With that, I felt Melody lean back over the bed and place what had to be the diaper down near my resting ass.
"Lift!" My wife ordered me. Resigned to the futility of my situation, I complied, lifting my hips into the air. I felt the diaper slide underneath me.
"Drop!" She indicated. I let my ass fall onto the surprisingly soft padding.
"Good boy," She said, and I felt her begin to spread lotion over my skin. The sensation of her rubbing me brought some life back to my penis. I felt myself getting aroused again. I turned red with embarassment. The idea that I could get any sort of enjoyment out of being treated like this was humiliating.
"Oh, it looks like my little friend wants to come out to play!" Melody said as she saw my member grow harder. She immediately redirected her attention. "Well, if he wants to play, let's play!"
I started to moan as Melody gave me the most enthusastic hand job she had ever given me. She laughed as I thrusted my dick into her hand and grunted into the pacifier.
"Oh, baby likes that, does he?" She said breathily, quickly moving her hand up and down my shaft. After years of being together, Melody knew almost exactly when I was about to cum. Right as I was on the verge of bursting, she let go of my dick. Then, quickly, she folded the diaper over my penis and held it there as I came into the thick padding.
"Gotta be careful to not get any icky juices on you during diaper changes, just like with the boys!" Melody said as I moaned and came into my diaper. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red as she compared me coming into my diaper to a baby boy peeing during a diaper change. Despite the orgasm, this entire situation was torture.
Melody then quickly taped me into my padded, and now sticky, prison. She then crawled on top of me, in some sort of twisted call-back to our earlier sexual encounter, and rubbed her ass back and forth on my padded crotch a couple of times mockingly.
"Oh, this is much better," She laughed, as she bent over and pulled the blindfold off of my face. "Why don't you take a look big boy?"
I squinted as the light hit my eyes for the first time in at least a half an hour. The first thing I saw was my wife's face, staring down at me. Her made up and sexy appearance that was so attractive just earlier was just mocking me now.
"Well, take a look," She ordered.
I lifted my head as much as I could and looked down at my body. Past the ring of the pacifier that was strapped into my mouth I could see my polo shirt. Past my polo shift, sticking up just enough to be seen was a big, disposable ABDL diaper with a baby blue waist band. I groaned as I knew from my peculiar porn viewing proclivities that these particular diapers proudly labelled the wearing as a "POTTYPANTS" on the rear. The childish undergarments stood in stark contrast to my wives sexy panties, that were pressed against it.
Looking at my state, imagining what I must look like to her, I started to tear up in shame.
It only took moments for Melody to notice my building tears and place a hand comfortingly on the side of my face.
"Oh, is it embarrassing to be diapered and forced to use a pacifier, baby?" She said with mock caring in her voice, "You must be wondering why I am doing this?"
I nodded my head in affirmation, doing my best to hold back my tears.
"Well, I'm sure you've guessed by now, I've found the little 'secret' you've been hiding to me. Masturbating to the idea of grown women in diapers? What a dirty little pervert you are!" Melody began. I blushed. "I'm going to admit, at first, I was just shocked that you hid something that you were clearly so into from me. But, I was ready to show you that, despite not really being into it myself, I'd indulge in your fantasies." Melody continued.
I struggled to attempt to respond through the pacifier in my mouth, to explain that this wasn't my fantasy. I couldn't get words out though. Melody put a finger on my pacifier in a shushing motion.
"Hush, babe. I KNOW this isn't YOUR fantasy. I found the disgusting erotica you wrote. You've always claimed to be a feminist, to love women in power, and, I'll be frank, you actions had me fooled. But, the fact that all of your fantasies seem to be about belittling, infantilizing, and humiliating powerful women, I am afraid that that doesn't seem to ring true to me anymore." Melody continued.
I swallowed nervously. This was my worst nightmare come to life.
"So, for your birthday, I decided I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. I'd treat you just like you treat those poor women in the stories. By the end of this weekend, I plan to have you acting like my perfect adult-baby boy. I've sent the boys to my parents for the weekend, so it'll just be us. I even cleaned the house so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to spend the whole weekend teaching you what its like to be the victim of one of your stories," my wife explained.
I attempted to speak through the pacifier gag again. To plead for forgiveness. To explain my shame. Melody hushed me again.
"No, baby. Nothing you can do is going to change my mind. Don't worry though, by the end of the weekend, I'll let you be a big boy again… maybe," She said with a wink. Then, without warning, she pulled the blindfold over my head blinding me again.
"Now," I heard her say, no unable to see what was happening again, "Mommy has some things to set up, so why don't you be a good baby and take a nap and listen to some of my special music."
I felt the wireless headphones be pulled over my head. I tried to shake them off as best I could, but, somehow, she had tied them into the strap of the pacifier gag, tying them in place.
Once the headphones were placed over my ears, I found myself almost completely cut off from the world. I couldn't see what was happening around me and all I could hear was what was clearly some sort of hypnotic track. As I realized what was happening, I let my head fall slack to the bed and closed my eyes in defeat.
I knew, at least for the next few days, I was well and truly fucked. What a way to spend my birthday weekend.
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thistledropkick · 2 months
Tumblr media
"My neck and my hips and my nipples and my back and my stomach, everything all hurts so much, but on the drive home these words kept repeating in my head
From the bottom of my heart, I'm glad I met you
If you asked me why, I couldn't answer
Someday, you'll surely understand it
Love is selfish
There's nothing we can do to change that
#SayonaraSaishuheiki / #TheBirthday
Chris, thank you
I'm fuckin crazy about you
#WrestlePeterPan #ddtpro #njpw"
Desperado is quoting the excellent song Sayonara Saishuheiki by the excellent band The Birthday.
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maddiethedog2 · 5 months
The Birthday - Part 3
As awareness started to wash over me again, I smiled. I felt good. I was relaxed, comfortable, and more happy then I could remember being in years. The events of earlier in the day felt like a distant nightmare. Being tied down, diapered, and gagged with a pacifier all felt like a dream. I thought to myself, maybe it was. Being forcefully babied by my wife did sound like something my fucked up subconscious would spit up.
So, to test this hypothesis, without opening my eyes, I tried to move my hands. One at a time, I pulled each of my hands to my body, and, to my surprise and delight, I wasn't met with any resistance. I tried the same thing with my feet, pulling my knees up to my chest. Just like with my hands and arms, I could move my feet and legs freely. Maybe this morning was all just a dream?
Feeling a familiar pressure in my bladder, I turned my body and sat up on the edge of my bed, the comforter still sitting on my lap. I looked around the room and nothing has changed from what I remembered prior to this morning. There were no restraints left on the bed. There weren't blindfolds or other BDSM supplies left on my nightstand. The room was clean, other than the bed being dishevelled from my sleeping in it, and was lit by a warm, late afternoon light.
Give the state of the room, I finally concluded that the events from earlier in the day must have been a bad dream. So, with my bladder aching for relief, I stood up and began walking to the bathroom. For some reason, I didn't notice the crinkling noise at every step I took or the pronounced waddle that I had with each step. I didn't even look at my reflection in the mirror as I hurriedly scuttled to my destination. My whole focus was on getting to the bathroom as quickly as possible to relieve myself. My need to pee was growing stronger much faster.
It didn't take long for my eyes to fall on my goal. The porcelain throne of my relief lay just before me. However, as I reached down to pull down my boxers, I was interrupted by a voice.
"Oh, good! You're awake! How did the birthday boy sleep?" I hear my wife's soft voice gently intone behind me.
At the sound of her voice, I turn around suddenly and face her. I can't help but smile. Despite the horrible nightmare I had earlier, she looks incredibly sexy, wearing a beautiful yellow sundress, low-cut on top to expose her ample cleavage, and cut-high on the bottom to show off her legs. I am a lucky man, I think to myself.
"I sweept guud! Danks!" I lisped out in response to Melody's question. I was oblivious to the large rubber nipple occupying my mouth, making it difficult for me to pronounce words properly. Melody giggled in response as she walked closer to me.
For some reason, as she came closer, a sensation of fear sent a shiver down my spine. Has she always seemed so much bigger than me? I thought. Before I could dwell on that thought though, Melody began to speak again.
"I am so glad to hear that baby! I wouldn't want you getting cranky on your big day. But, I have a question, why are you in the bathroom?" She asked, curiously, with a hint of mischief gleaming in her eyes.
"I've gotta pee," I responded, still oblivious to the object occupying my mouth, "I'll finish dat, den come see j'you." Melody's smile became predatory.
"Oh, baby, you didn't need to come hide in here when you potty! You can just go whenever you want to!" She said.
"What?" I lisped out, confused.
"Just make your pee-pees and poo-poos wherever you want, love. You don't need to hide like a naughty toddler. I won't judge you for using your diaper, that is what it's for!" Melody said.
At those words, my head swam. I became slightly dizzy. I grabbed the wall, and, for the first time, looked down at myself.
Like I expected, I was mostly naked expect for my underwear. My hairy, somewhat pasty dad bod on full display. What I didn't expect was the underwear I was wearing. Around my waist where, after discounting the days earlier events as a bad dream, I expected to see boxers, hung a gigantic white and pastel blue diaper adorned with a cartoon teddy bear laying on alphabet blocks. The giant, babyish garment dropped wetly between my legs. The blue line of the wetness indicator declaring for everyone who could see it that I had already thoroughly soaked the garments padding.
My mouth gaped open as I stared at myself in disbelief. As my lips parted, a pacifier that I had also not been aware of up until that point, fell to the bathroom tile accompanied by a line of drool leading directly to my parted lips.
Realization hit me like a freight train. My nightmare wasn't a dream. I was still living it.
"What the fuck, Mommy?" I said to Melody as I looked down at my wet diaper and drool covered pacifier. "Wait, why did I call you Mommy? Mommy. Mommy. Mama!" Despite my best efforts, I had discovered that, despite my best efforts otherwise, I couldn't call Melody anything but Mommy or Momma now.
I looked back up at my wife, who was now grinning from ear to ear. The totality if my situation was starting to dawn on me. If what I thought was a dream had actually happened, then, I had eventually fallen asleep with those damned headphones on. And, if that had happened, I must have given in. I'd been hypnotized.
Melody laughed as she watched the wheels turning in my head. As the depths of how fucked I was hit me, she put words to my thoughts.
"That's right baby, you fell asleep listening to Mommy's special music, and now I'm in control. You're just like the poor girls you torture in your demented little stories. You are completely and utterly at my whim."
My bladder still ached, and I almost released it in fear at my wife's words. A part of me thought that was curiously. If I had been hypnotized, why did I still have any control of my bodily functions. It didn't take long for that question to be answered.
"Don't worry though, baby, I didn't take too much from you, yet," Melody continued. "Really, I'll I've done so far is to make you a little less observant of your situation when you woke up and made sure you address me properly this weekend."
Those changes didn't sound too bad to me. However, Melody's use of the word 'yet,' was not lost on me.
"That is not to say that I can't do more if you don't behave," my wife continued. "It'll be much more fun if you know you are choosing to be my stinky little baby boy for the weekend, rather than being forced to."
"Fuck that, Mommy! I will not just lay down and be your perfect little baby! I will not just be humiliated like that! Plus, I am not just going to lay down and let you tie me up and hypnotize me again," I spat out. To emphasize my point, I reached for the tapes on my diaper, moving to rip them up in a show of defiance. However, before I could get a good grip on the tapes, Melody spoke again.
"Mommy says freeze," Melody said firmly.
I froze. Suddenly, I couldn't move. My terror started to build. This hypnosis clearly ran deeper than I expected. Regardless, I would not just give in to my wife's carefully designed torture. If anyone was supposed to choose to be the defenseless adult baby, it was her, not me. Letting myself give in and capitulate so easily would make me no better than the fictional women I wrote about in my smut. With renewed determination, I rolled my eyes up to look directly at my wife with, what I hoped, was a look of defiance and control in my eyes.
"Let me be clear, mister," Melody said with her hands on her hips, "You will be wearing and using your diapers this weekend one way or another." Melody continues to lecture me like I've seen her lecture our kids 1000 times, "You may think you have some control in this situation. That is an illusion. Like a real baby, you only have as much control as Mommy says. And, like a real baby, you will do what Mommy says."
The lecture has little effect on me. Despite this show of power, I was still certain my mind was strong enough, mature enough, to break my wife's hypnosis. I continued to ineffectually glare at her from my frozen position.
"This is what is going to happen. I am going to release you. You are going to prove to me that you are going prove to me that you can be a good baby for Mommy. If you don't, I am going to show you how much control I really have," Melody informed me.
She walked closer as she gave me further instructions. Despite my resolve to maintain my dignity, I still couldn't help but feel like her tiny frame was somehow looking over my much larger one as she spoke.
"You already told Mommy you have to make pee-pee. When I release you, you are going to prove to me you are a good baby, deserving of maintaining the control you have, by wetting your pants, do you understand?"
I just glared in response. Partially because I couldn't move my mouth or nod my head, but partially, and I would like to think this was the larger part, out of obstinance. Melody, however, choose to take my lack of response as acquiescence.
"Good boy. Mommy says you can move," Melody said.
I stumbled a little as my muscles loosened and I regained the ability to freely move.
"Now, wet yourself," she commanded.
"No!" I asserted, "I am not your fucking baby doll."
I reached for the tape of the soggy diaper wrapped around my waist again, determined to remove it and use the toilet like the adult I am. Once again, before I could make any progress, Melody interrupted me.
"Mommy says freeze," she commanded. I once again found myself reverted to a living, breathing statue. I let out a gutteral growl from my throat, the only noise I could easily make.
Melody leaned over, lovingly placed one hand on my cheek, and made eye contact with me.
"That was very, very naughty baby boy. I hoped that just freezing you was all you were going to need to be a good boy for me, but, apparently, you need Mommy to teach you a lesson," she said with a fringe of disappointment in her voice. "I am going to make sure you don't fight using your cute little diapys any more." Melody reached around me and lightly slapped my diapered ass for emphasis.
If I could have, I would have swallowed in nervousness. I have read, and written, enough ABDL smut to know what she was going to do next. She would say 'Mommy says you aren't potty trained,' or something similar, and I would release my very full bladder into my already wet diaper, causing it to leak over the floor. I'd be embarrassed. However, from my position, at least Melody and I would know that I hadn't given in, she had to force me to set myself.
Unfortunately, my premonition of what was going to happen next was wrong.
Melody stopped making eye contact me and leaned closer into me, placing her lips next to right ear. She then softly whispered her next command.
"Mommy says you are terrified of potties. Mommy says you are certain something horrible will happen the next time you use one."
Suddenly, a new phobia took root in my psyche. When I thought about toilets, my body filled with an irrational feeling of dread. Despite my overwhelming need to pee, I was suddenly certain in the depths of my soul, that if I actually used the porcelain monster behind me, my life would be in danger.
This new fear created a strange cognitive dissonance in my head. I still DID NOT want to use the diaper strapped around my waist like the pathetic man-toddler Melody wanted me to be. However, the idea of using any sort of 'potty' filled me with such a sense of existential dread that I almost found myself wetting my pants out of fear at the thought of it.
Melody's lesson wasn't over though.
"Mommy says that you are no stronger than a real toddler and are easily overpowered by me," Melody added.
Still reeling from the first command, the ramifications of the second hypnosis-enforced edict from my wife didn't immediately concern me.
Melody pulled back from my still frozen form and crossed her arms, taking the stance of a mother, about to punish a naughty child.
"Now, baby, you already told me you need to go potty. Also, you have made it abundantly clear you do not want to use your diapers. So, I am going to give you this opportunity to prove you are a big boy. I am going to help you go potty on the big boy potty, doesn't that sound fun? Mommy says unfreeze."
"No, please, no! Mommy, you can't make me. Please, don't make me go near it!" I pleaded desperately as soon as my control came back to me. Fear had taken over my body at my wife's decree. Tears had started to well in my eyes at the thought of sitting on the toilet.
I stated to work my way out of the bathroom in fear, attempting to push my way past Melody. I thought, maybe, if I made it outside, I could pee in a bush or something, and save myself the embarrassment of using the diaper wrapped around my waist as well as the terror that came from potentially using the dreaded potty. Unfortunately, before I could get far, Melody grabbed me. I tried to push past her, but found, as I should have expected, I couldn't use any more force than a toddler would against their mother. My wife was easily able to gain control of me by grabbing my wrists.
"No, no you don't baby! You have made it very clear you want to be a big boy and use the big boy potty, so that is what you are going to do!" Melody said, now dragging me easily by my wrists towards the porcelain monster, sitting menacingly in the corner of the room.
"Please, Mama, please, don't make me! Please don't make me use a toilet!" I started to beg as I ineffectually tried to pull away.
"This is what you wanted, big boy, so this is what you get!" My wife said as she dragged me through our restroom towards the toilet like a toddler who refused to be potty trained.
With each step closer to the toilet, my fear grew. Tears of terror welled up and began to pour from my eyes. I became unable to communicate I'm full sentences. Mucus started to drip from my nose.
"Mama... Please... No... No potty... No... Please no..." I wailed like a tantruming toddler as Melody continued to drag me across the bathroom floor.
When we got within a step of the toilet, my rational mind has given in. I was willing to do anything to avoid having to risk being eaten by the potty monster in front of me. In fear and desperation, I gave in. I let my bladder loose and flooded my already full diaper.
A loud hissing sound began to accompany my wails of terror. I felt the warm, wet urine fill the already saturated padding as I let lose. I then felt the fresh urine, with no where else to go, begin to leak out the leg gatherers of my babyish pants and form a puddle on the ground. The shame I felt at giving in was still overwhelmed by the terror of potentially being forced to sit on or, heaven forbid, use a toilet.
It didn't take long for Melody to notice the puddle growing on the floor. As she held my wrists, she couldn't help but smile.
"Oh no! I thought you were a big boy who used the potty? Did you just make pee-pees in your diapy?" Melody said with a look of victory in her eyes. She temporarily relented from dragging me across the bathroom floor, letting me sit my diapered ass in the growing puddle of urine underneath me.
I looked up at her, fear of the toilet, shame that I choose to piss myself rather than use a toilet, and hope that Melody wouldn't force me to use the dreaded 'potty' all drifting through me. I told her the truth.
"Yes, I peed myself," I choked out hopefully through sobs.
"What was that baby? I didn't understand you. If you don't want me to make you use the potty like a big boy, I need you to tell me what you did like the pathetic toddler you are," Melody responded.
I gritted my teeth in anger at being reduced to this, but one glance at the toilet standing less than two feet from where I was sitting, my fear took control again.
"Mommy, me make pee-pees in my diapy! Pwease don't make me use da potty!" I lisped out, unable to keep my desperation and terror from leaking into the last sentence.
My wife just giggled in response.
"Are you sure? You were SO adamant you were a big boy just a couple of minutes ago? Don't you just want to at least TRY to go potty on the potty?" She responded.
My terror spiked again. She wouldn't still force me to sit on that monstrosity would she? I could die!
Desperate to appease the monster that was my wife, I quickly responded.
"No, Mama! Me no want potty! Please, no potty! Me.... Baby."
I let the last word come out quietly. I let my head fall in shame. Melody had defeated me. She had forced me to choose to use my diaper. For all intents and purposes at this point, I was a baby.
Melody smiled. She looked down at me and saw, I am certain, just what I had admitted to being: a giant, pathetic, overgrown toddler, who had flooded his pampers in terror to avoid being potty trained. For fuck sake, I was still sitting in a puddle of my own piss only two feet from the toilet.
"Well, I guess I was right, you're just too little to be potty trained," she said triumphantly.
I didn't respond. Couldn't respond. I had lost. I had chosen to utterly debase myself, rather than use a fucking toilet like an adult. I couldn't claim that I was an adult or even a 'big boy' who was 'already potty trained' to her. The shame I felt at acting like a toddler was almost overpowered by the relief I felt in hearing that my wife wasn't going to try to potty train me.
For now, at least, I would have to be her perfect little man-baby.
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s4ndg3m · 7 months
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HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAAAY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAAYY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRRTHDAAAYYYYY!!! @maybeiwasntthere2 HAPPY. birhtday. he holds a slice of mint chocolate cake for you. because it is your birthday
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
Thank you guys for the birthday wishes 😌
I like to sprout more evil another evil 🥳
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banaroo · 9 months
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rockzo1 · 10 months
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jpopstreaming · 10 months
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We mourn the passing of the esteemed Chiba Yusuke, vocalist of thee michelle gun elephant and The Birthday, on Nov 26, 2023. His quiet departure, surrounded by family, marks the end of a courageous journey. His legacy of artistry and resilience will forever inspire us.
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moznohayanie · 10 months
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THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANTの頃からずっと好きだったし、ライブもよく行ってました。薄々覚悟はしていたはずなのに、あの歌声とこの澄んだ瞳がもうこの世にないと思うと悲しくてやり切れない。
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shinugodda · 10 months
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maddiethedogstories · 2 months
The Birthday - 7
My stomach's rumbling woke me up. I felt incredibly hungry. Despite that, I hesitated before opening my eyes.
My dreams had been some of the most horrific I had ever had, and they felt real. One in particular I swore actually happened. In that dream, Melody found out about my ABDL fetish and then hypnotized and blackmailed me into becoming her adult baby. I had spent a day being diapered, pissing my pants, humping a teddy bear, and nursing on her tit.
But, despite how real that felt, laying here in bed, I knew it had to have been a dream. In that dream, I had fallen asleep in our living room on the couch. I could feel that I was sleeping in my bed now. There was no way that Melody could ever carry me from our living room back to the bedroom. Relief washed over me at the realization that that must all have been a creation of my subconscious at the same time my stomach audibly rumbled again.
Moments later, I felt a familiar hand reach over my waist and gently rub my belly.
"Oh, sounds like somebody has a grumbly tummy! Is it because the baby's hungry or is he working on a little present for Mommy?"
My eyes immediately shot open as my wife whispered in my ear. There was no way! That dream couldn't have been real! I felt my cheeks start to redden as I slowly came to terms with the fact that my nightmare may have been real and, worse, may not be over yet.
Hesitantly, I decided to talk.
"What'cha mean, Mommy?" My words came out in a lisp around the rubber nipple occupying my mouth. My worst fears were confirmed. My nightmare wasn't a nightmare. It was real life, and I was still living through it.
I felt a soft hand tug at the back waistband of what had to be a diaper strapped around my waist at the same time as another hand cupped my ass and pressed damp padding up into my body. Melody was checking my fucking diaper.
"Well, baby, I know there are two things you didn't do yesterday that all babies need to do. You didn't really eat anything and you haven't made messies for Mommy," my wife said with the condescending, motherly tone she has adopted this weekend. "The way that tummy of yours is grumbling, I bet it's a little bit of both."
"I'm not gonna poop my pants!" I lisped out indignantly. "How did I get to bed?" I asked, both genuinely curious and trying to change the topic of conversation.
As I asked, I moved to sit up and noticed two new pieces of clothing, other than the wet diaper and pacifier, for the first time. As I pushed myself up in bed, I looked down at my hands. Instead of seeing the long, slightly calloused fingers I was used to, I noticed I was wearing a pair of baby blue, padded, locking mittens that completely immobilized my hands.
"What the fuck?!?" I exclaimed, holding my mittened hands in front of my face. Next to me, Melody, wearing my favorite blue lace nightie, sat up and glared sternly at me.
"Language mister! I will not have my baby saying naughty words!" Melody chastised me. "Do not make me punish you."
I stared at my wife, fuming. Now I wasn't allowed to use my hands? I was not a fucking adult baby. I was not fucking helpless. I would say what I fucking wanted and do what I fucking wanted. That's what I thought to myself, at least, until I felt the sudden urge to have my morning pee. Suddenly, the irrational, horrible fear of the toilet struck me again, and I remembered what 'punishment' from 'Mommy' actually meant.
"Otay, Mommy," I said, defeated, as I made the disgusting, humiliating choice to release my bladder into my already soaked diaper.
"Good baby! Smart move," Melody said, grinning as the hissing sound of urine hitting already wet padding radiated from my crotch. "And good job for using your diapers like a good baby!" My wife then leaned over and gave me an encouraging peck on the cheek.
"As to how you got here," Melody continued, "Well, despite being a baby, you are too heavy for Mommy to carry. But, did you know your hypnosis doesn't just go away while your sleeping? In some ways, it's actually easier to use when you're already unconscious!"
I swallowed nervously as Melody leaned over to her nightstand and grabbed her phone. "Take a look, big boy!"
I watched as Melody pulled up the first of what looked like numerous videos on her phone. This one started with a shot of me half naked, except for the diaper I was currently wearing, laying on the couch. She pressed play. Her voice radiated out of the small speaker as the image started moving.
*"Baby, can you hear me?" Melody's voice asked from behind the camera. My sleeping body just grunted.
Melody tried again, "Baby, Mommy says answer my questions without waking up. Can you hear me?"
This time, I respond. "Yes, Momma."
"Mommy says crawl to the bedroom," Melody ordered.
I watch my body roll onto the floor, get on all fours, and crawl to the bedroom, completely unbothered by the fact that my wife is laughing at my swaying, diapered butt.*
Watching myself moving without having any memory of it was disturbing to say the least. I put my hand to my head in shock, only to be reminded of the mittens strapped to my wrist. Melody noticed my reaction and smiled.
"I have to admit, it was so fun to watch you be so compliant, I couldn't resist playing some more after you fell asleep. Do you want to watch more, baby?" My wife asked.
There was nothing in the world I wanted less than to watch another video of myself meekly and unconcernedly debasing myself for Melody's pleasure. I said as much to Melody.
"No, Mommy."
Melody put her finger to her lip in thought, then smiled. "No, I think you should watch them. They are pretty entertaining and show just how good of a baby you can be!"
I turned my head away from the phone as she hit play on the next video. Melody was not pleased.
"Bad boy! Mommy says watch the videos."
Involuntarily, my head snapped back to phone, forced to obey my wife's orders. She restarted the next video.
*I was sitting in the carpet in front of our bed, my legs spread in front of me, my diapered crotch on display. I sucked contentedly on the pacifier between my lips as I stared off in a clear trance. The crisp sound of another of my wife's giggles sounded from behind the camera.
"Do you need to go potty, baby?" Melody asked.
I answer monotonously from behind my pacifier, "Yeth, Mommy."
"Go potty for Mommy, baby," Melody instructed my hypnotized body.
I feel my eyes grow wide as I watch myself immediately scrunch up my face in concentration and lean forward a little. Then, as I, unfortunately, expected, I heard a tell tale hissing sound complemented by the yellowing of the once blue wetness indicator on the front of the diaper.
To my horror, the video didn't end when I finished peeing.
"Do you like how your wet diapy feels, baby?" the version of my wife video taping the scene asked. My tranced-out self on the screen smiled broadly behind the shield of the pacifier in his mouth.
"Yeth, Mommy," I said.
"Why don't you play in your diapers a little bit, I bet that would feel nice!" Melody's voice rang out again.
I wanted to tear my eyes away. I didn't want to watch what I did next. But, because of my wife's command, I couldn't resist it.
I watched as, just as I was told too, I began playing with my wet diaper. The video version of myself got onto his knees so the soaked padding was now dangling just off the floor. He began to poke and proud at the stuffing, examining the wet diaper. Then, disgustingly, he started to bounce.
Slowly at first, and then faster, the 'me' on Melody's phone quickly lowered all of his weight to the ground, landing on the urine soaked padding, letting out a wet squelch. The speed picked up as video-me found he enjoyed the sound and sensation. In mere moments, I was watching myself bouncing up in down on the floor in my wet diaper, uncoordinatedly clapping my hands like an idiot toddler.
"Good boy! Good boy to bounce for Mommy! Tell Mommy how much you love your wet diapy, love!" Melody's voice rang out again.
"I wuv mah diapies DIS MUCH," the me on screen said, holding his hands out as far as he could as he bounced.
The video cut off in the middle of Melody's torrent of laughter.*
As the video ended, I felt the pacifier drop out of my mouth as my jaw dropped in horror.
"No," was all I could say, my voice barely above a whisper.
I remembered from my hours of research and writing ABDL fiction learning that you can't get someone to do something under the influence of hypnosis that they didn't truly want to do. I didn't truly want to do that, did I? I didn't want to become a giant baby who wanted nothing more than to bounce around in his piss-soaked Pampers? Right?
Melody didn't let me dwell on my existential crisis. She wanted to add to my psychological torture.
"How about just one more?" She said as she pressed play on the device.
*I saw myself sitting in the same location and position as in the previous video. However, unlike the last video, my diaper, the same one I am currently wearing, is soaked.
"Do you want to play a game with me, baby?" Melody asked.
"Yeth, Mommy," video me blathered at the phone.
"Do you want to really act like a baby?" My wife asked.
Video me didn't respond verbally. Instead, he just turned his head to the side as he suckled his pacifier, looking like a confused dog.
"I want you to show me how much of a drooly, babbling baby you can be for me. Can you show me that you can drool and talk like a baby?" Melody asked.
My stomach dropped as I watched what looked to be a genuine smile cross the tranced-out version of myself's face. Instead of answering verbally, he popped the pacifier out of his mouth and let spit and dribble start to build around his lips.
"Pfffftttttt!" Drool and spittal flew through the air and dripped down my chest as video-me blew a raspberry. Then, to my horror, I started to blather mindlessly while continuing to drool. "Goo, gaaahh, ooooo, goo, gahh!" I watched myself say, each word accompanied by a gush of saliva.
"Oh, very interesting, tell me more, baby," Melody chuckled back as if she was talking to an actually infant.
I watched as the person occupying my body, as at this point, I knew it couldn't have been me, giggle in response to my wife's words then shove the four fingers on his right hand into his mouth, suck on them, then continue to 'talk.'
"Ooo, doo gah, maaaa, maaa, mamamamaaaaa," I watched my body yell out from behind my fingers.
"Such a good little talker!" Melody said condescendingly, "Do you want to give Mommy a big, drooly, baby kiss?"
No, was all I could think as I watched the past version of myself pull his fingers out of his mouth, prop himself up on all fours, and lean up towards the camera, drool covered lips puckered into a big circle. The scene screamed of a toddler kissing their mother rather than a sensual or even affection-filled kiss typical between husband and wife.
As I watched myself extend my lips up towards the camera on all fours, Melody's face briefly enter the frame before I saw myself reach up and give her a sloppy, drooly kiss. I wanted to vomit.
"Oh, that's my big, stupid, drooly baby!" Melody said on the video. The words cut to my soul.
As I watched, the me in the video happily settled back down onto his wet diaper, bouncing up and down and sucking on his fingers as he giggled.
"Whose my big stupid baby?! Who is it?" Melody continued. I watched myself giggle. "That's right! You are!"
The video me replied by smiling around his fingers, leaning forward, and letting out a resounding fart into his diaper.
The video ended, like the others, with my wife laughing at me.*
I felt a knot growing in my stomach as I sat on my bed, and Melody's phone cut to black. That wasn't me. It couldn't have been me. But it was.
You can't force someone under hypnosis to do something they don't want to. The phrase rang out in my head again and again. I didn't want that. I don't want that. But, that was me. And, hadn't I just wet myself with barely a second thought? What was wrong with me.
"Did you like my videos?" My wife asked with a big grin on her face. As she spoke, she tucked the pacifier--my pacifier?--in my mouth.
My stomach gurgled even louder than before. Melody reached over and rubbed it again.
"Well, that means one of two things, and I can only take care of one. Let's go get breakfast, baby boy!" She said cheerily.
Feeling broken, I got on my feet and followed her, wet diaper dangling between my legs, to the kitchen.
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camera-wtchr-p · 11 months
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Birfday kiss!!
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
I’m the anon who asked if you were born in the 1900s? I didn’t realize it was your birthday Jude when I asked 😭😭😭😭
Are you psychic?
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mitsumemustim2 · 10 months
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alterna-jp · 10 months
so long....
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jpopstreaming · 4 months
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