viviskull · 8 months
@ask-experiment-1006-theprototype : x
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“I appreciate it. But I am fine. I do not need to rest right now.” He nearly mumbles this. He wasn’t quite sure why, but some days he just felt low on energy. His body almost demanding that he sleep. But he didn’t wish to, not yet. No he wanted to make sure that the tasks he had set out for the day were done and that things within the factory were secure before he even attempted to sleep. It wouldn’t be the first time he fought off sleep, sleep that came from exhaustion brought on by the many tasks he sets for himself. The factory is large and his form his heavy, to a point, that combined with the many aches and pains he has from the many things that has happened to him, it’s bound to make one tired. It doesn’t really help that he stays up for days on end to ensure he gets his tasks done. Always putting others before himself. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t take it, he’s handled far worse. Though that doesn’t make the exhaustion weigh any lighter on him. In fact it simply makes it worse. While he’s not a creature opposed to sleep, he has a horrid tendency of ignoring the fact that though he has mechanical pieces, he is also organic in nature as well and needs to let his body rest when it demands it. He looked towards her creation for a moment. “I will definitely use it when I do however. It looks very comfortable.”
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“Aww, really?”  Sitting up from where she once rested within her giant self made nest made of old faded blankets and lumpy, patchy pillows she found earlier collecting dust in a broken closet, the dame steadies herself into a criss-crossed position upon the laid out fluffy quilts.  She sets her hands behind her.  “Why, ain’t ya not even gonna try it out just a little?”  A quick tilt of her head settles in as she looks up towards the other with a raised brow.  ”Not even a teeny weeny bit now?  Just for a few minutes, maybe?”
If not for his own murky exhaustion nipping at her as well, she wouldn’t have been pushing her own set limits with the other a little if her empathy hadn’t been set on taking in any emotion that decided to cling to her on the regular.  Emotions of another were often strange for her, with them often coming in waves or hanging over her like a cloud that would sometimes fog her thoughts if she didn’t pinpoint the exact stinging sensation of another being’s heart, and a lot of the time it’d linger like an gripping itch she just had to scratch.  The creature’s tiredness had pricked her skin when they first met.  And already again, it would appear he had been overworking himself once more.  She thought the blanket nest might’ve been a good idea; she had found an old stash of comforters and quilts in a more untouched room of the facility.  Vivi figured, when this place had once held tours for the public and those of children alike, their older purpose had been for letting guests rest if they were to be stuck in here in the middle of a wild storm or something of the weird sort.  She had thought, with all these blankets seeming to be still in good condition (and free of bed bugs too), she may as well put them to better use!
So to say she was hoping to lure the other in to at least try the next out a little?  She wouldn’t deny it if she tried.  She hid her own fatigue well, yet out of habit.  Coffee helped when she needed to keep herself alert for the troubles that lived within this place, but treating a problem with another wasn’t often the best solution long term.  And if she could help it?  She might well help her friend, even if she had to drag them into it if she must.
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“It’s not like your tasks ain’t really going anywhere, ya know.”  She says.  “Ya do a lot around here from what I’ve been seeing.  If anybody needs a break to just lay down for a while, ya fit the bill.”
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Y̶o̶u̸ ̴s̸e̵e̸m̴ ̶i̴n̶t̸r̶e̷s̵t̵i̸n̴g̵... D̷o̸ ̸y̴o̵u̵ ̸l̶i̴k̸e̵ ̷b̵u̴g̶s̵?̶ O̶r̶ ̴p̷e̸r̴h̵a̷p̴s̴ ̸s̵h̴a̶r̵k̸s̶? M̵y̸ ̶f̸a̶v̴o̵r̴i̷t̷e̷ ̵i̶n̵s̵e̷c̸t̴ ̵i̴s̶ ̷t̵h̴e̵ ̷M̸a̷d̴a̸g̷a̵s̸c̸a̴r̵a̵n̴ ̷s̸u̷n̷s̴e̴t̷ ̵m̷o̸t̷h̴. I̴t̷'̵s̶ ̸b̷e̷a̷u̸t̸i̴f̷u̵l̸.̸ ̶I̴ ̵t̵h̵i̶n̷k̷ ̵m̷a̶n̷y̵ ̸t̵y̸p̷e̶s̵ ̷o̸f̶ ̷s̴h̶a̶r̴k̶s̷ ̷a̸r̶e̶ ̴i̶n̶t̶e̵r̵e̵s̴t̴i̸n̷g̴ ̴b̵u̷t̶ ̷I̷'̵m̴ ̴m̴o̶s̸t̵ ̵f̵o̴n̵d̶ ̴o̶f̷ ̸t̴i̸g̴e̴r̵ ̷s̸h̵a̵r̷k̵s̵,̴ ̵b̴u̷t̷ ̶t̴h̷e̷r̶e̵ ̸a̸r̶e̵ ̸m̷a̷n̵y̵ ̵o̷t̸h̴e̸r̷ ̵i̶n̵t̶e̸r̶e̵s̷t̶i̵n̴g̸ ̶t̷y̴p̸e̸s̷ ̶(̵s̵a̴w̸ ̵s̶h̷a̷r̸k̵s̵,̵ ̷p̵o̸c̵k̴e̴t̶ ̵s̷h̶a̴r̵k̴s̸)̵ ̷a̵c̸t̵u̶a̴l̶l̴y̴ ̵I̸'̴m̸ ̶n̵o̷t̴ ̷s̶u̷r̷e̷ ̵i̷f̸ ̷I̸ ̷h̷a̴v̷e̴ ̸a̴ ̶f̵a̴v̶o̴r̷i̶t̴e̵ ̴
Oh! Hi! :D I like bugs, or well, looking at 'em. They're cool :} And sharks!! They're also cool. It's sad how everyone thinks sharks are terrifying 'n stuff. I personally love basking sharks the most. And my favorite insects are prooobably ants! Any ant. I love them all.
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ambrosia-win3 · 1 year
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@ask-experiment-1006-theprototype asked “Where did you go?” For reading the rules.
// hello! thank you for reading the rules. here's a worm :D 🪱
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lonewolfe · 2 years
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#HappyBirthdayMJB💞 #ThePrototype #QueenMJB #Royalty #Icon #LivingLegend #SoulSiren #Songstress #Actress #Trailblazer #Fashionista #NaturalBeauty #QueenOfHipHopSoul❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSynXlrvG1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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purpletrashsnake · 4 months
Couldn't sleep so I ended up drawing @ask-experiment-1006-theprototype 's Catnap
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I am now going to pass out
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donotopendeadinside · 3 months
Character chosen for Scenario: Edward McCain
TWS: Angsty.
Edward had been sitting in a quiet room, the only thing that sat infront of him was a single, dimly flickering candle. He stared at the flame's light, a few tears falling down his face. He shouldn't have gotten close, Edward knew that far too well, he knew the possibility of being hurt again was a very real possibility, and yet he still took the chance.
Look where it got him. Nothing but a world full of heartbreak almost as bad as the time he had lost his family.
He cursed the way his body shook with silent sobs, hated the weakness that seeped into his bones.
Edward missed his son. He missed his child, missed the baby he would cradle in his arms and promise the world to.
Tags for those who could be interested in: @ask-experiment-1006-theprototype @ab-art-07
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ab-art-07 · 6 months
How would you feel about someone shooting your 'dad' dead? God knows he's killed enough people to warrant at least the death penalty.
I think… it’s a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming. and on days like these anons like you….
should be burning in hell.
*Tendrils grab the Anon, and pull them into a fiery portal.*
No one fucks with my dad.
( @ask-experiment-1006-theprototype )
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I hope everybody has a pleasant Thanksgiving
I'm thankful for all of you 💙
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lepetitfruit · 1 year
Tis I, the moderator of @ek300-theprototype
You were so close to getting it right
So close!!!!!! WILD to realize I've only ever liked 3 posts.
I am however very satisfied that I was right abt who the moderator for Ek300-theprototype is :]
Also very satisfied that one of my first guesses ended up being correct! Well kinda i called you out by name instead of blog, buttttt
....wait. do I have your name wrong in my brain. That would be. Very embarrassing. Uhh
Anyway!!! Thank you for all the asks!!! I had such a good time searching the depths of tumblr!! I hope you had fun too :)
If you want to keep this game going, see if you can find any of my sideblogs... hint: there's 4, but two of them are linked in my bio so don't count :) lmk if you want a hint...
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acat-foryournap · 7 months
You hear me catnap ? I'll cut off your nutsack and nail it to my door! Like one of those lion door-knockers rich folks got! That will be your balls!"
-signed , the prototype Ps. I was banging your mom last night
... @ask-experiment-1006-theprototype this you-?
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viviskull · 6 months
@ask-experiment-1006-theprototype : x
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The prototype blinks upon giving a kiss upon the tip of his nose. Then he raises a metallic eye lid as he kept the other lowered and looked over at her in slight confusion and curiosity. “…What was that about?” He wasn’t sure how to properly respond.
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Within the coldness of her grasp did the hefty size of the creature’s jaw look gigantic against her small hands, the dame practically giving the lower half of Prototype’s face a brief hug before promptly letting go.  The chill of her alien touch almost lingers upon the other’s metallic skin.  Quite odd in fact, if such a human were to be as cold as the dead.  Why did she want to test this sudden peak of affection out of nowhere though?  She offered him little explanation until she finally took a respectful step back onto the tile floor.  
Vivi smiles at her companion brightly, about as familiarly giddy every time it seemed he would often bump into the woman on his regular patrols of the vast factory.  Often her visits had become more spontaneous, sometimes taking days he’d ever heard from her on the dot, and more frequently than not she would turn up unannounced out of the blue.  Would she figure he ever minded?  She knew somewhere, for their friendship had some type of strain when they first met, he probably would’ve thrown her out had she truly been a real annoyance to the giant fellow.
Throwing her arms back behind her as she’d clasp her hands together at the edges of her skirt, she lets out an amused giggle at the other’s expense.
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“Ah, just experimenting a lil here with ya nose, PT.”  Vivi offers the other a light shrug.  “For a tough guy that always watches over this place like a hawk?  Would ya figure even a guard needs a bit of PDA to change up the pace a lil around here?”  As she spoke, she tilted her head a little with a touch of her playfulness.  “Ya always had this sorta gloom about ya I couldn’t help but notice sometimes.  Is it a problem for a gal to treat her pal a lil, eh?"
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rk80060 · 9 months
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Me and @ek300-theprototype painted today
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e-kamski-cyberlifeceo · 7 months
Ooc: I'm taking a blog hiatus for plot reasons (there's a bunch going on behind the scenes currently) and I have to take a break from Posting on here for a couple of weeks because we're working on the next big step in the plot and it can't happen if Elijah doesn't chill for awhile
If you still want to keep up with the plot check out @ek300-theprototype my oc blog
Elijah will return, eventually
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lonewolfe · 2 years
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#HappyBirthdayMJB💞 #ThePrototype #QueenMJB #Royalty #Icon #LivingLegend #SoulSiren #Songstress #Actress #Trailblazer #Fashionista #NaturalBeauty #QueenOfHipHopSoul 🤍🤍🤍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSull_LwUU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kellterntempest · 11 months
I have no context for the resident evil virus nor what it turns people into (I'm assuming something wonderfully grotesque and covered in tentacles but still somewhat humanoid) but should robotnik take such a virus and become such a being would his mind genius that it is be enough to not immediately see Stone as prey? Like wouldn't he try to kill Stone?
Wait oh wait would it be the scenario that robotnik doesnt recognize Stone until he has him pinned on the ground underneath him with his teeth at his throat and tentacles wrapped around all those struggling limbs and then recognization with the realization that certain body parts are reacting to being in that close with Stone and the other completely at his mercy
👀👀👀👀 I-INTERESTING...tbh i was not thinking with my brain on this one. beware i am going to Ramble.
for context this is Albert Wesker as he appears in dead by daylight (tentacle arms?!?!?!?!? HELLO!!!) <3
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and here he is after he gets the Uroborus virus at the end of Resident Evil 5 <3 <3
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I'm rusty on my Resident Evil lore but because of some complex DNA/genetic manipulation/backstory he can control the mutation he's not a mindless monster.
he's got so many fucked up mutant viruses giving him a lot of superpowers as well as sick glowing eyes. theprototype (progenitor? Idk) virus, t-virus and then uroborus at the end of re5 in his final boss fight
I've recently popped Wesker into my blorbo box. hes so stupid and evil i loooove him
anyways maybe he and robotnik should be evil 2gether and make out
double anyways... to answer your delicious question.... Robotnik would be in full control of the mutation he is indeed a genius that would ensure he has full control over the virus, and he would never let it control him. >:) but probably during the intense transformation he might get rough with Stone :3 HOHOHOHOHO OK IM DONE 4 NOW
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donotopendeadinside · 5 months
I decided, instead of making a thing with Edward, I'm gonna do one with Markus.
It's gonna show you guys who exactly wants Edward dead
Here's the W.I.P. its greenscreen rn
@ask-experiment-1006-theprototype @ab-art-07
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