we-are-the-graves · 2 years
Anybody else catch this in GtN?
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And then there's a paragraph or so, but the next words that are spoken are:
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"Anybody else want to admit they're an unholy necromantic construct?"
The Unholy Necromantic Construct enters.
"Maybe later," he says.
Nobody bats an eye.
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ourg0dsal · 11 months
So who the fuck was gonna let a girl know that supposedly at least one the chapters (if not more) in Harrow the Ninth was narrated by Ianthe.
I swear to JOD that with every new piece of information it has me questioning if I actually read the books or if It was some sort of fever dream that I still haven't recovered from.
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ninthhousedyke · 1 year
Nona the Ninth Live Blog - The FINALE
Wow so I’m finally finishing Nona after Jod knows how long since I started it because I’m an awful reader and I accidentally left the book at home when I moved back to college after break….oopsie! Anyway we’re starting at John 5:4 and going straight to the end even though I already know most of what happens but I love my girls and wanna catch any details I missed from reading spoilers.
John stop making sex jokes I SWEAR THIS IS SERIOUS!!
Ooo there goes the façade! John just wants revenge on Blood of Eden for being the descendants of the escaped trillionaires when the trillionaires have been dead for thousands of years. He can’t let go of his anger because it’s the only thing keeping him alive or else he’ll have to feel that guilt he’s so insistent on removing from everyone.
Harrow calling The Body a God is delicious.
Harrow is on her way bitches!!
Chapter 30:
Is that a TOWER icon?! Have we seen this before?? Harrows walking toward a tower in the River and Nona plus company are in the River…is Harrow finally going back to her body!?!
Still not used to Paul, never will be.
“It takes more than this” oooo fuck I love Kiriona.
Paul’s eyes are weird….
Kay so there’s the tower that Harrow went after in the River, but wtf is it for?? Is it another manifestation of a Resurrection Beast? Is it part of the River falling apart? Is it something holding the River together? Varun is still talking through Judith and he says that John and Alecto left “them” too long. Is “them” the tower(s)? The resurrection beasts? What is HAPPENING? Harrow is clearly returning to her body with how Alecto’s mind is scattering.
Fuck all the people; we’re choosing to live for a dog. Is now a bad time to mention I’m a cat person?
All jokes aside, the line of reasoning that “everyone I love is either gone or will never be the same again, and I will never be the same again so it would be best to die here” is such a relatable feeling? Not just as someone who was suicidal for years, but just any huge transitionary stage of life means you’re leaving behind who you were and who the people around you were for a new chapter, and sometimes you just don’t want that? Like I hardcore relate to Alecto’s feelings here because even she, the literal embodiment of Earth, is just tired of losing people.
Chapter 31:
Kiriona calling the Ninth “home sweet home” is so eerie to me but more importantly I am frothing at the mouth to see what has become of the Ninth since our girls left. Like shit had to have gone down right? John sent souls to replenish it but who tf is in charge?
Okay so if Pyrrha says the tower wasn’t a resurrection beast then I believe her but if Pyrrha doesn’t even know what tf the tower was then I’m very scared.
Aaaaand there goes Kiriona charging into the darkness. Glad to see John kept the dumbass parts of her personality.
WAIT if they landed at “top tier, shuttle field” does that mean they’re at the same shuttle landing Gideon tried to escape from in the first book??? Tamsyn did you leave that extra kick in the nuts just for us?
“She always said the skull was the least interesting bone.” Okay but now I NEED to know what was Anastasia’s favorite bone.
Oh my god could you imagine the Ninth with fairy lights strung everywhere?
Crux is here….yay
Okay but like he’s really just not questioning Gideon in Cohort and royal garb like…at all?
This does not feel like we have one book left in the series because how is Tamsyn hitting us with both a brand new tower AND brand new zombies which are apparently soul corrupted people? It’s also so weird for GIDEON to be the one to know things. Fuck the Ninth rebuilding because these zombies are just clearing them out.
This Aiglamene reunion is everything I need
“That’s where my heart used to be” I WILL NOT CRY I WILL NOT CRY
I WILL CRY OHMYGODDDDD! Why is the end of this chapter so damn emotional? Alecto knows she’s going to comeback different and she doesn’t want to! She wants to remember the love she hasn’t had before! Pyrrha promising she’ll never lose that love! You can’t take away loved ahhhkjhsgdjssj
The moustache ride shirt holy shit now I’m laughing and crying simultaneously
Chapter 32:
The open tomb symbol ITS HAPPENING
“The Reverend Daughter has no cavalier living” oh just step on my heart Tamsyn
Ianthe has been on page for exactly a page and already her tension with Kiriona is delicious,her attitude is delicious, and she is delicious. Creepy rat with hygiene issues but a baby nonetheless.
Gideon calling John “Dad” is both heartwarming and depressing. She’s never had a Dad in any sense but he’s JOHN and therefore not doing his best on a good day. There’s a desire for love in that word but Gideon isn’t getting any love from John Gaius.
Gideon doing massive 180’s from doing what Ianthe wants to doing what she herself wants is so funny. She’s got her own agenda and it just so happens to sometimes help Ianthe but no matter what Gideon has her own agenda.
Friendship bracelets….bantering…laughing….touching one another….”good to see you” (quite kindly) oh jod, these two are fucking.
“You overgilded doorknob” my baby I love you
Oh baby…Gideon you want so badly to belong to someone that you’ll do anything, even for a man like JOHN??! Even Ianthe sees it. Ianthe is sympathizing with it which is scarier.
“The good son” I love the gender of the locked tomb
Both Ianthe and Gideon rushing to Harrow’s body as it begins dying is so strangely cute because it’s so obvious how whipped these two are.
“Wake made that for me…Or I stole it from her…same difference.” Pyrrha I love you and I want a whole spinoff of what your relationship with Wake was like because hot damn.
Gideon offering to die AGAIN for the thanergy bloom to save Harrow….girl, baby, sweetie, just write love poems like a NORMAL PERSON
Oh jod Gideon’s in so much pain that not even killing Crux, telling him she’s the daughter of the emperor, can make her feel better. She’s so empty and cold. Harrow come get your girl!!!
Anastasia’s bones casually guarding the rock to the tomb….ooo girl that’s gonna come back to be important later.
The idea that Alecto doesn’t remember first entering the tomb as being forced tells me that maybe there’s something more to the tomb and her imprisonment than we’ve been led to believe, which is the case for literally everything in this series.
Just yeet Ianthe into the River, hell yeah.
Not Harrow immediately asking Alecto to kill her for not being worthy. Girls, therapy is a Thing and you all need some like last year.
Aaaand there’s the weird bite-kiss
Gideons like “only I offer my weird dead services to Harrowhark, and I will fight the literal soul of earth and source of God’s power to prove it.”
*gets stabbed* “oh hey babe, good morning.”
“Hell will break loose in Alecto the Ninth” okay but considering there’s an ACTUAL hell in this world, I’m taking this literally. WAIT what if the weird possession zombies are from hell?? That would make a little sense. Okay okay no theorizing here.
Wow so…it’s done. That was a wild ride. I’ll miss Nona a little but damn am I happy to have Harrow and Gideon back (ish). Whole gang is here to either fight God, fight some zombies, or whatever Pash is doing. Still can’t believe Harrow has kissed Ianthe and Alecto, but not fucking Gideon.
Alecto The Ninth is gonna break us all……
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eggplant-crusader · 2 years
This is your official warning everyone, especially people who followed me because of W*nclair, His Dark Materials season 3 just started so expect me to lose my fucking mind over it the moment I get my hands on it, I will be almost as feral as book Lyra I swear.
Here's what you can expect:
Me crushing on Ruth Wilson being a bastard evil woman.
Me crushing on James McAvoy being a bastard evil man.
Me losing my shit over Ruth Wilson and Dafne Keen's acting skills they should both get Oscars what do you mean that's not how the Academy works hey give me back my microphone-
Me crying over teen love.
Me crying over gay angels.
Me cheering for the death of God and his servants.
And by jod, me posting every single available frame of the mostest bestest creatures in all of Fantasy I am not even kidding they mean everything to me you don't understand
Also let's not forget t*nthamore, gonna be losing it over THEM too.
Anyway that's it, I'm working on the next chapter of the medieval au fic I promise but you needed to be warned and now you are, do with it as you will.
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we-dont-eat-books · 2 years
Ch 4
They have set up that Royal is pansexual. Love interest, Blaze, is a guy who is introduced as wearing a skirt. Is called weird and confusing.
I swear to fucking jod if they do Royal is the only one to love him.
Also Royal worring about a human seeing him is ridiculous. Its never had conswqunces. Well. Not really. Over the past two books there has been countless people who have now seen shifters.
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dapurinthos · 2 years
indigo: so this is going to be funny indigo: you ordered *checks* the latest october daye book which releases 30 august. indigo: so we have it here for you. 2 days after u ordered it. 6 days before it’s supposed to be released. yes. 24 august, that’s uss. indigo: i know we said it’s available for u but u know if u try to pick it up now it’s a 50-50 chance of being denied indigo: :) just so u kno. it’s here. waiting.
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