sparxymcfly · 2 years
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This funko pop💀💀
THAT'S HIM THERE HE IS. Give him a little pat on the head for me he's trying his best.
Tbh! This one looked a bit strange to me the first time I saw it but like. He Grew on me. I've since placed an order to get one of my own to have him on my shelf <3 well, him and the cowboy Marty because really . That is one of my favorite outfits he has. [Though sadly poncho cowboy Marty just absolutely does not seem to exist anywhere in merch except for, to my knowledge, that incredibly detailed expensive figure that I saw floating about a bit ago ^^;]
Intriguing detail for those of you who have never gone on a little funko dive before though! I learned what the presumably rarest [or at minimum most valued/expensive] Marty funkos are, and it's. Like most of it was to be expected.
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One of these fellas will run you about a hundred, hundred thirty! Very iconic Marty, and according to the label on that box it was a Canadian Convention exclusive. So okay, makes sense!
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Another convention exclusive! This one goes for about the same as the guitar Marty if not trending ever so slightly more, around $130. "Alien" Marty, very cool very cool!
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THIS bad boy? This one can apparently span anywhere from around those first two [about $130!] to over two hundred bucks! Insane. From what I can tell it was an earlier run, and on top of that, y'know, it Comes With The DeLorean. This tracks too imo.
What’s that? You’re curious why I brought this up? Thank you, completely made up person for the purposes of dramatic buildup, for asking! Because the rarest and most expensive Marty McFly funko pop is the one irradiated with plutonium!
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This one does not go under $600 and can easily break $1,000 for all the listings I saw! Apparently despite most of the above also being presumably limited runs, this one is especially expensive. Which, okay, yeah, sure, maybe it came from an event fewer people went to. And yeah, sure, it glows in the dark- oh yeah did I mention the glow is because he’s irradiated with plutonium? Doc. Doc honey.
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Doc everyone’s been concerned about the placement of the plutonium under what is, to my knowledge and personal presumption [and also y’know, Marty rolling his skateboard under this one], Marty’s bed in your garage. Which side note is WILD to me on account of, if the DeLorean handbook journals are to be believed, Doc having a second workshop for nuclear experiments. Doc why didn’t you keep this there. Out of universe I understand the whole, this is there for a bit of Chekov’s gun type action, and that they perhaps had not thought ahead to the whole “second workshop” idea at the time- who knows? In universe? In universe my best bet is that he perhaps didn’t have time to move it, but judging by the dates- that Doc notes “this hustle” [i.e. getting the plutonium] is very dangerous on October 8th- although it’s unclear if he had done it by then or was preparing to at the time, that’s like, two weeks before October 25th when he actually calls up Marty and long before the entire week Marty notes he was missing for.
Which. Also. Marty. You didn’t notice the plutonium there at all that entire time? No idle investigating? It’s under your bed, Marty. God bless this teenager.
ANYWAYS what’s the point here. The point is irradiated Funko pop Marty is the Marty you all have been looking for with your superpowers Marty AU I think <3
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