glockhashira · 10 months
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ufotable not drawing these two together challenge FAILED INSTANTLY
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hi hello i hope ur having a great day!
this is by no means trying to be a rant post but i just needed a different perspective on this issue so to speak. i got into an “argument” (one sided tbh LOL) with an ashleon shipper (which…. is whatever… ig…) and they were saying that ashleon is canon in re4 remake and i was like how ???? they were completely mischaracterizing aeon too. so im just really confused bc before i became a hardcore re fan and was an outsider so to speak, i just assumed that leon and ada were an “item” bc thats how they have always been portrayed. and then i go on here and retwt (eww) and ppl do not think that AT ALL. ppl think ur crazy for thinking aeon is a canon thing. i just feel like im missing a puzzle piece all the time bc its like … i thought it was pretty obvious? and its so hard to hear the other side on these conversations bc they are so rude and judgmental and dont want to have a civil conversation and hear the other side. so i just wanted to get ur perspective on this issue and why ppl might not automatically think aeon is a thing bc i really like ur takes on aeon as a whole! this also isnt trying to be negative or a shitpost, i just want to hear a different positive and ig “constructive” perspective on this!
okay thank you lol
yeah i dunno tbh, there's a few very loud ashleon shippers that are claiming that it's canon but i don't know what kind of like cognitive dissonance you gotta be suffering from to think it's canon. i half the time think they're doing it to purposely piss off other shippers so i just don't engage with them lmao
i think that out of all the ships in re, other than like ethan and mia- aeon was the only other one pushed to be canon. i'd argue that chris and jill are barely even romantic (even though i don't care for the ship, i know lots of people ship valenfield) (im more of a clairejill or jill carlos fan meself) (reminder again ship whoEVER YOU WANT IDGAF SKDFBSK)
typically when it comes to promos and stuff, aeon tends to be pushed together though (like from capcom) so that's always been kinda cute and nice. (i love seeing all the teppen art of aeon, and random capcom promos of aeon together)
i just feel like because the ship is "not conventional" it gets a lot of backlash, particularly because the female character doesn't adhere to social norms and gender roles. and typically because aeon falls into this category, people are quick to tear down ada because of it
it's just the same shit lol. i just choose not to engage with it cause i got better shit to do with my time
i'm not the one going into blogs to scream about how i don't like the ship that they're posting and talking about
(me talking about the anons i still get to this day that are like OMG AEON SO BAD BLAH BLAH BLAH, and im like- did you make a tumblr account to do this or-)
feel free to send me a dm if you wanna chat tho lol
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minijenn · 5 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: The Boss Baby
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(I could not for the life of me find actual promo art for this stupid fucking movie anyway). Boss Baby is bad. Wow, Jen, what a shocking revelation! Who could have guessed? Yeah, I could have. Cause this movie sucks. Let's get into all the many, many reasons why.
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Seven year old Tim lives a perfect life with his loving parents, until the arrival of the Boss Baby, who acts like a normal baby around adults, but in reality, he's actually a corperate suit who works for Baby Corp, which is where all babies come from. A rivalry ensues between Tim and the baby, until they're forced to work together to foil a plot to stop puppies from overtaking parents' love for babies. Or something like that, idk this movie's plot is fucking weird.
So yeah, weird ass story that just... has really fucky pacing? Like this movie drags on man, it drags on SO long to the point that I felt like it was never going to end. We get to the climax and there's still like 20 minutes left in the movie??? Bro, stop padding this damn thing out. Nobody wants to sit through this fuckass movie for that long???
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Our characters are all pretty lame. Tim is a typical annoying kid with an overactive imagination, there really isn't a lot to him. Boss Baby is as about as annoying as you'd expect a baby playing off white collar worker stereotypes to be. The parents are barely characters, same for Boss Baby's little crew. The villain is also the same old upstaged petty jealous bitch who wants their glory days back. Dreamworks, you just fucking did this trope. In fact their past three movies have had this trope (Dave, Kai, and Chef).
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The humor in this is expectedly lame and childish. Because there's such a large focus on babies, you can expect lots of poop and vomit jokes, which I am absolutely not a fan of. When the humor isn't that its just "oh look at this cute baby saying he wants a latte and talking about stocks! Isn't that FUNNY? LAUGH, PLEASE WE"RE BEGGING YOU!" And it's trying so hard, both to be funny and to wring out genuine emotions and I think it almost manages to do the latter near the end, but even then it all comes across as nothing more than pandering and tryhard. Like I already don't like these characters, movie. What makes you think I'm compelled to feel anything about them?
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The animation is... oy. A mess? The character designs are just bad, man. They look like something out of a shitty mobile game ad, with those massive uncanny valley eyes that take up half their face. The movie is agressively colorful, and while I praised something like that in Trolls, I can't say the same here. It's just too... hyperactive for me? Like there's lots of imagination sequences sprinkled throughout the film and you can tell they're trying to be stylized ala Kung Fu Panda, but there's always just too much going on on screen and it kind of hurts to look at? Like fuck, movie, calm down. You are way too overstimulating right now and my eyes are starting to goddamn ache just looking at you.
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The one thing I didn't hate about this movie I suppose was the music. They could have easily littered the soundtrack with shitty pop songs, but they surprisingly held back. The score is also fairly nice to listen to, should have been in a better movie than goddamn Boss Baby, that's for sure.
There's also the fact that this movie's lore is just... a confusing mess? I get that this is for kids, but like? It takes itself seriously, so why am I still so confused about where babies come from in this universe. Are they concieved through Sex? Or are they made in a factory or something? Like what the fuck am I supposed to think, movie? Make it make fucking sense, please.
So yeah, I didn't like this one. I think Dreamworks was trying to make a kids' movie that could also appeal to adults here, but in the end, they made a movie that appeals to absolutely no one. Sure, I suppose it has its fans, who are likely just dumb kids who are too stupid to know they're being pandered to, but I am certainly not one of them. Fuckass movie, fucking hated it. Get it out of my face. Now.
Overall Rating: 2/10
Verdict: (takes out a gun and cocks it at Boss Baby) You're fired, kiddo
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Previous Review (Trolls)
Next Review (Captain Underpants: The Epic First Movie)
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aueua · 3 years
oh I love the thought of cloth's little dots being bells... imagine the little ringing plus her cute cicada noises when she sleeps
yeah ! i think it was the promo art that made me think they were bells?
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i know i mentioned it in the tags of the other post when this ask was sent (i've already removed it bwuajghah) but. i like to think there's a scenario out there where they're all friends together that travel together (in this case they're checking out greenpath, discover cloth's sleeping tendencies, and proceed to write a song solely based on said tendency where later cloth gently removes a bell to allow myla to shake it in or. something).
and i know you didn't ask but (: have a bonus sudden writing from me because !! hrmm... i don't know really ! i think i wanted a bit of comfort for myself.
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length: ~800
it starts with setting up a tent, all three of them working in tandem to pitch it to the song of their own laughter. one-two, a quilt thrown over the grass, three-one, pegs hammered in. another beat to hoist up the poles fashioned from sculpted stone and braided vine ropes. an interlude—after the leaves are plastered on as a cover—to eye each other, see who will dare throw themselves into the comfort cage first.
(it's myla, and she does so happily without a care to the recovering world.)
bretta drops her satchel off to the side. cloth rests her club alongside the worn pick inclined against the corner. it's bright, warm, and there's the distant sound of running acid accompanying a light, cool air. it's not a large tent. but it's theirs. it fits them and then some and it was all their own work.
the secret crystals embedded into the pegs they'd brought for myla, though she always argues that she didn't need them. not anymore. not when she had found wealth in the other two, a kind of bond she could not have even with her long gone sisters. (it flusters them every time. even the miner herself, albeit she takes it in stride since it's fact. it's as true as the truth that they were here—alive, under her touch.)
the love woven into every seam of the quilt that bretta tries to insist was not much at all, but they know well enough that such a skill came with its due passion. a very passion that when looking closer (ah, don't look—!), it's all three of them hidden in the fabric. secret messages just for the curious them, and a subtle sheen that seems to reveal their journey together so far. (she couldn't help it, or so she always murmurs into a soft laugh. they were her muses, now. companions that she cherishes dear.)
the clumsy handiwork of cloth, who's gotten better mind you, at setting everything together with her own strength. being able to lift the others up when they can't quite reach something due to the differences in their stature. it's their own score, their own pride. she herself has admitted it, once. well. perhaps not just once, but how the other two have changed her—for the better.
(how nola would have loved to meet them. how nola would be happy, to see her living at the least, for them if not herself. she always finds sudden arms around her when she's lost in these musings, but those are the times she's especially glad for her larger stature. glad, to be able to hold them both and embrace them at the same time.)
eventually, they agree to rest for the day. cloth is more than happy to take up the offer and is the first one whose head drops to rest. myla and bretta shuffle close. the beetle unscrews a paintbrush from its container and gets to writing onto a tablet. the other's eyes curve into smiling upturned crescents as she begins to sing gently, her claws rested over her chest. gentle and aimless came the tune. for her, for them, for herself. it's a lilt, there aren't any words—not yet.
and they hear it. feel it.
the rumbling purr they've learned to recognize as cloth being asleep. myla can't help but giggle in between verses, and bretta has to draw her brush away at times so she doesn't smear the words from how infectious it is.
because they're so close, they know now that there's a delicate ring that comes from her shawl. bells that she never quite confesses why she has, but she at least tells them it's from her nola and that she could never bring herself to part with them regardless of how disadvantageous it may seem.
and, well. they've always said that rather than disadvantageous, it has its own charm. a reminder that nola is always with her.
cloth supposes they're right.
(not supposes. knows.)
and that's how it goes. myla'll eventually fall asleep with herself leaning against the cicada, and bretta'll take a pause at some point in her musing to let the tablet dry. she'll look over, and she'll wonder. wonder how a maiden like herself ever managed to befriend them. (she never questions if she deserves them anymore. the two always remind her that she's enough to them and to them and them alone, well, she supposes that's more than fine.)
so she'll pull aside tablets that she's never shown them (not yet, perhaps later when she feels more confident) and write her appreciation. write these moments. record the entries, this time with assurance that none of it was a dream. it was their moment to share, and eventually, she herself will rest on the opposite shoulder.
and they're happy.
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