spongejuice · 7 months
Why do ppl think book of life is a coco rip off? Coco was literally made after the book of life???
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goldenloves · 10 months
sorryy for constantly thiniking abt aew ponies :< but in my defense i think theyre so silly, like putting their gimmicks and storylines in horse universe [wheres that one post abt merging ur two current interest into a crossover that makes no sense? me atm]
like i think my fave crossover one is house of black rn.. i kinda slayed with the bat pony / vampire bat pony kingdom thing. ALSO idk im thinking abt my pony kris design i want her to be alien-like and stay w the bsfs when i draw them BUT i was thinking abt making her a changling, i love her diff outfits so maybe she changes her appearance and i can make a cute pony design that corresponds with her diff gear.
umm who else is there OH i was so tempted to make hook a pegasus because theyre my faves but i feel like an earth pony kinda suits his normal guy demeanor [to me at least] i also imagine he likes jack o lanterns yes thats because of like. gear he wore maybe three times IDK i didnt count BUT ITS MY FAVORITE thats my defense. i need to draw him with a pumpkin. orange coded characters ur so cool
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heyyyharry · 5 years
{1/8} Sooo, I’m a fucking DUMBASS! This is gonna be a LONG “ask anon thing” sry! 😭 I read “In Another Life” so long ago and it’s still one of my fav all time reads, and I like reading completed books rather than unfinished bc I am so impatient that I could never handle waiting, I NEED to binge it through, so like I was waiting for the third part of flatmate to be finished since I already read part 1 and 2 long ago right when it got finished lmao
{2/8} (this probably doesn’t make any sense, I’m sorry😣) BUT bc I’m so into Halloween, & saw the Halloween special of part 3 was up, I couldn’t help but binge read and now I am impatient for the last 2 storylines within Part 3 (I’m so excited at the same time though!🥰) Imma be honest tho, I don’t read My Girl NOT BC IT ISNT GOOD, I’VE READ SOME BLURBS & THEYRE SO CUTE THAT I WANT TO READ but I’m gonna be a dumbass & instead of like Flatmates, wait until the LAST BOOK IS FINISHED TO BINGE READ
{3/8} THROUGH (idk why, I’m so weird like that!!! Sry!!!) but bc I’ve read some blurbs, I know a little bit of the characters from MG, like I have -heard- of Isaac (don’t really know who he is tho), I haven’t heard of Eddie yet (but I’m guessing by reactions that he’s a character in MG?) So when I caught up to the Halloween special, I’m assuming Eddie recognizes Harry but from MG?? And bc of THAT, I went back to the doctor visit chapter with Noah
{4/8} (GIRL, I was SHOOK that you brought the summer fling back from Book 1, NICE WORK!) that when Y/N mentioned the name Isaac (as I said before, I only HEARD of Isaac, I don’t completely know who this is, that’s why this reference flew over my head), I’m assuming that he took Y/N from MG, that’s why there was that reference? I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE LOL I KNOW IM A DUMBASS, BUT THERE’S A POINT IN THIS WHOLE ASK THING! I didn’t understand until I read the note at the end of the Halloween chapter
{4/8} (GIRL, I was SHOOK that you brought the summer fling back from Book 1, NICE WORK!) that when Y/N mentioned the name Isaac (as I said before, I only HEARD of Isaac, I don’t completely know who this is, that’s why this reference flew over my head), I’m assuming that he took Y/N from MG, that’s why there was that reference? I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE LOL I KNOW IM A DUMBASS, BUT THERE’S A POINT IN THIS WHOLE ASK THING! I didn’t understand until I read the note at the end of the Halloween chapter
{5/8} that I was like “wait wut😱” bc the name Aunt Lynn sounded familiar until I read the note 🤣 but continuing, I’m just wondering now...ARE ALL THESE BOOKS/SERIES CONNECTED OR SOMETHING? BC EVEN THO IDK WHO ISAAC IS, I CAUGHT THAT “in another life” line, & I was like WAIT, THERE IS A WHOLE ASS SERIES YOU WROTE CALLED IN ANOTHER LIFE!!! Then it got me thinking IAL is ALSO another reference bc Flatmate!Y/N deadass says the line “in another life” even tho she mentioned the name Isaac while
{6/8} thinking of baby names. and you know how IAL, Harry and Y/N’s past lives, they never got their happily ever after bc of the curse? And then Harry (Edward) finally stopped being a dumbass, found Y/N (Ann) in the present at the museum, and FINALLY got their happily ever after bc Harry/Edward found YN/Ann!!!! SO LIKE bc the curse was broken, and Flatmates and MG are gonna get a happy ending (even tho there’s SO MUCH ANGST IN THE MIDDLE, ugh my poor heart, but I love it! And love you! ❤️),
{7/8} is it bc since the curse from IAL is broken, there’s no more reincarnation but INSTEAD their doppelgängers Harry and Y/N from both Flatmate and MG do get their happy endings, is that why? (In my mind, reincarnation and doppelgängers are 2 diff things lol) but like all of this really leads back to IAL series?! THIS IS JUST A THEORY BC SINCE I BINGED PART 3, AND READ THE AUTHORS NOTE, I AM ACTUALLY SHAKING! YOU ARE SO CLEVER!!!!
{8/8} I’M SORRY THIS IS ALL OVER THE PLACE AND SUPER LONG WITH SO MANY QUESTIONS THAT I DONT EVEN KNOW THE MAIN QUESTION, BUT I HOPE I GOT MY POINT ACROSS! IM JUST A DUMBASS NOW REALIZING REFERENCES LOL😣, BUT I TRULY LOVE YOUR WRITINGS! 🥰❤️ Okay this is super long and I totally understand if you don’t even post thing ask, but just know you’re amazing, I love your work, and hope you have an amazing day!!! 😊
First of all, this is the longest ask I’ve ever received. Thank you for that.
To answer your questions, (you are NOT a dumbass, don’t call yourself that!), let’s talk about the Halloween chapter. When Y/N and the other Flatmate characters met the MG characters, it was on Halloween night. So when they came to the bookstore, Y/N expected to see the nice old lady who used to give her discounts when she was a student, but then she saw Eddie instead. A noticeable detail here was that Eddie told her the bookstore was a family business, meaning he had been working there for years, but why hadn’t they met before? It didn’t make sense.
Or did it?
It was Halloween night, so maybe it was the only night that the two alternate universes collided for a reason we couldn’t explain. And after that night, they would never see each other again unless something else happened.
But then in My Girl, Alice (the MC’s co-worker) said Layla was her cousin, this makes the point I made above invalid because Layla and the other Flatmate characters are real in this case and they are living in the same universe. The two Harrys and Nialls are just doupelgangers.
It really depends on how you prefer to believe. I wrote the crossover just for fun and to confuse you guys so it’s not very serious. But I love these theories so much 😍
About the In Another Life references, I LOVE what you said about how they broke the curse so they ended up together in every lifetime later on. This could be a connection between all the books and this could go so well with the first theory that Flatmate and MG were two parallel universes. Because they broke the curse in IAL, for every lifetime after, for every universes they were in, they always end up together no matter what.
This doesn’t really answer your questions because I don’t have the answers. The truth is just what you choose to believe in. 😉
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yn6k · 5 years
moonriase replied to your post “just throwing this out there because im curious about how others have...”
The way that I interpret the whole trilogy is that it all happens in high school seeing as how I believe that the timeline goes from WCID to WYLS (besides a couple of scenes) to I Loved You. Basic storyline is that Sungjin falls in love with Jae's friend, but she has feelings for someone else (that being Young K). Wonpil wants to be supportive but he can't help but let his feelings get in the way of things. Seeing that the girl wants to be with Young K and seeing them hang out with each other, Sungjin decides to confess to her. (Surprisingly enough, Sungjin doesn't tell her that she should be with him, instead telling her that it's okay that she likes another person and that he just wanted to get it out.) Wonpil gets upset and sees the bunny keychain that he dropped, indicating that he thinks that Sungjin has dropped their whole friendship for one girl. On Young K's side, he's basically the loner of the school, and not in the good way. While the girl does like and wants to help him (which she does during the whole convenience store scene), he doesn't really want to get involved with her for unknown reasons. (relationship problems/bad past?) This leads to the girl getting bad feelings for Young K, leading to an ambiguous situation between the two of them. However! There is an upside in the form of Dowoon, the lonely (probably) rich popular dude. With Young K deciding to help him out by punching out a bully of sorts, this leads to a friendship of sorts seeing as how Dowoon gives Young K an egg for his wounds. (Very adorable if I say so myself.) Meanwhile in Jae's world, he gets himself all caught up with this waitress from a local cafe, crushing on her hard and fast, leading to his disinvolvment with the whole love triangle (gah this has gotten long) To wrap it all up, I think the ending scene of the WYLS M/V takes place a few days after the whole confession things with Sungjin and the girl. Deciding that his friendship with Sungjin is more important than anything (even with his own feelings of regret and crush), he gives back the bunny keychain that Sungjin dropped. I think that you can look at the bunny keychain as a symbol of the friendship of Sungjin and Wonpil. For whatever reason Wonpil may have decided to give Sungjin the keychain as a joke gift of sorts long ago. Despite the whole joke gift thing, he views as something sentimental as the years go by as he slowly realizes that he's gaining more romantic feelings for Sungjin. Thus his longing and confused expressions towards the keychain during the ILY and WYLS MVs. There's no way that someone would get so wrapped up in a keychain unless it was just that important to them. This was really confusing and pretty much spit out from my head, but this was the best thing that I could think of for the whole trilogy. Part of me wants it to become a whole movie now since we have so many interpretations and questions towards the whole thing that need to be answered lol
oh thank you for your really thought out answer! i’ll put my response under the cut :)
i do agree about the chronology of the mvs being WCID WYLS and then I Loved You, especially since its basically confirmed in the mv itself in the beginning of WYLS. but idk, i  can see how could all be high school but part of me feels like the non high school scenes are like after high school scenes? maybe its just the fact that the boys dont really resemble high schoolers imo? like whenever theyre not in the school uniform its just weird to see them as smol high schoolers hahah but also certain things like how in i loved you, that closeup of youngks hand?? when i first saw that i thought it was a marriage or promise or engagement ring or smth of the sorts on his hand and thats why we got a closeup of it? which is one of the reasons i thought that it took place way after but alksdj maybe that detail meant absolutely nothing lmaoo haha esp since the other girl doesnt have a ring (but does youngk even like the girl hmmm). it also doesnt help that they have diff hair alksdjf but im probably overthinking that  i honestly dont think sungjin confessing the way he did is too much of a strange thought! it kinda also goes along with the whole vibe of the lyrics for ‘when you love someone’. like this whole feeling of wanting the one you love to be happy and sungjin assumes that her happiness lies with her feelings for youngk or something like that. and hmm i dont think i ever saw necessarily the girl getting bad feelings for youngk unless its that one mopping scene? to me that felt more like frustration or smth along those lines instead of like bad feelings also when youngk bumped into her it felt more like intrigue than anger haha but they do have an ambiguous relationship. nvr felt that same pull from youngk towards the girl as we get from sungjin to the girl. if anything youngk seems to be fascinated at her helping her out? someone he barely knows and someone who hes maybe not treated as fairly in the past (ie that mopping scene)? he seems to take her chivalry as inspiration and its probably the reason he stands up for dowoon in the arcade? how a selfless action can affect a relationship i think is also a common theme throughout ALL of them (aklsdjf maybe sans jae lkajlsk i feel like his story was almost an afterthought hes rather disconnected its almost weird). wonpil hiding his love, sungjin confessing but with no expectations, the girl helping youngk and youngk helping dowoon, all acts of selflessness.  the keychain tho! i think its all very interesting that basically everyone has interpreted it to be wonpils gift to sungjin or maybe something that belongs to the girl that was dropped on their way out but not something that wonpil could have dropped on the way in! but i also think that its more of a correct conclusion given where that shot of the keychain was placed in the mv and that coupled with the fact of how sungjin reacts to wonpil giving the key chain to him its like hes giving something to him that he is familiar with there is comfort and familiarity in the way he holds it. honestly i initially thought the keychain belonged to the girl, wonpil found it, contemplated what he should do with it on the monkey bars, and then finally gave it sungjin (but maybe im watching too many dramas haha) in terms of symbolism tho, sungjin folding his hand onto the keychain always to me represented him getting over the girl almost as if he doesnt need the keychain anymore? it was such a strange action to me for him to do that if it was a gift from wonpil that wonpils returning back to him. on the bus, wonpil looks absolutely torn when sungjin leaves but he looks really surprised at the fact that the keychain is on the ground like i dont think hes necessarily sad the keychain was dropped just a little ?? about it. also the whole theme of the song ‘when you love someone’ like hed rather be hurting himself so long as sungjin is happy with the girl (bc wonpil at that point might not have known how the confession had ended!! so it could have gone well or maybe he didnt confess wonpil might not have known anything! so) although i can definitely get behind the theory that the keychain belongs to wonpil and is precious to him as a symbol of a) his love for sungjin and b) sungjins friendship for him. im not sure if it would be a ‘joke present’ haha but. if you consider that meeting at the end of wyls to be the very first time that wonpil gave sungjin the keychain, i think that interaction takes on a diff meaning too.
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