beeistrying · 6 months
nico 🤝 will
resenting percy
for the death of a sibling
despite knowing there
was nothing he could have done
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flower1622 · 4 months
It's so hard to be part of a fandom.
I find it funny that in Naruto fandom, a person can ship Sakura and Kakashi, but she/he can't ship Sasusina because they never interacted. What does it really matter? Better not talking than having a toxic relationship like some couples from Naruto that I know...
I thought PJO fandom was terrible, but other fandoms like Naruto just prove me wrong. I see many posts of fans attacking each other or creating comparisons between characters and ships. Some people even curse. They hate Sakura or Hinata with passion when the two just fell in love with guys that didn't return their feelings. They have their flaws, yes. But, at least they look like a little better than what they were in the past. Serious, PJO Fandom looks like a baby next to Naruto fandom. At least, in PJO fandom you can ship whatever you want and people will respect you (despite having other toxic ones that will also judge you for shipping something they hate or when you don't like their ship. I even received death threats just for giving my opinion about a character or ship). In Naruto fandom, if you make a post about Sasuhina, the fans will judge you A LOT!
Sasuhina is the same thing as Perclarisse. For many pjo fans, the ship turns into something horrible...some can think the person is crazy for shipping Clarisse and Percy because the ship is something really unexpected...
So, if someone ships another couple that is not Solangelo, Percabeth, Narusasu, Naruhina, Narusaku and many others that people consider as the biggest ones...you may be judged a lot by some fans. It's so sad to see this happening.
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percy-ils · 2 years
Hey guess up who just got her first "but Solangelo!!???" comment on one of her posts
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I just find it so funny how like normal it is on the pjo fandom to directly hate on any other ship besides Percabeth and Solangelo that everybody feels super comfortable just openly telling you in your own blog and in your own posts that are on your ship tag that you are shipping the wrong thing
This person was really mild about it but man I have seen some nasty nasty responses out there
the fandom is mostly okay but from what I've seen majority is pretty strict about their ships and opinions and there are some hard set rules yk? as listed:
octavian is shit
perachel is unspeakable of
percy cared so much about his pet panda dying oh my god he's such a baby so sad lets all baby him
solangelo is the way to life it's completely correct and if you dare say something else you should die they're so baby omg.
percy never got over "you're not my type"
these are what came to mind rn but like a great majority seems to be thinking these from what I've seen. and. yeah it's not the most pleasant thing and let me tell you I was in this fandom for 9 years I think. I've seen it all.
I honestly don't like solangelo like nothing against Rick but they just seem boring and everyone literally only like them because they're The Gay Couple. we haven't seen them interact like at all before blood of olympus I think, if so it was probably very little because I legit memorised those books. and they got so big because fans loved to see a gay couple and also everyone loves nico a lot so that's also a factor. but idk they're just not my type I guess. (you'll get that reference as you keep reading I promise)
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(This is so long I’m sorry but I had to rant cause honestly I’m scared )
I literally made a post the other day about how we have to welcome in new fans and treat them equally but truth be told? I’M. NOT. FUCKING. READY
Bitch bitch bitch I mean I’mma have to stand this kids hardcore shipping Luke x Annabeth ???? Or Luke x Thalia ???? SIS they’re SIBLINGS wth Annabeth realized it later on it changed there was an arc.
Like this fandom closed the discussion on Luke’s redemption arc and the way he is and his motives we agree we have opinions but we’re FINE. Are you telling me ma boy is gonna be played by some hot teen (he is older) and 12 y/o’s are gonna be biased and I’m gonna have to yell at them across a screen cause they’re gonna act like Luke is a saint !!!!??
THE SHIPS. FUCKFUCKFUCK. BoTL Percy spent worried about Nico and if it’s done properly we’re gonna have all that worry face first and no one’s gonna be able to ignore it like the AMOUNT OF PEOPLE who are gonna say that’s OTP. I mean SHIT.
I haven’t even been in the [internet] fandom for that long like how I’m I supposed to go against this people who were here before me I mean they LEFT but what arguments do I have !?!?
The amount of people who only read pjo and went BYE like I can’t bring HOO up in discussions wdym????? How I’m I supposed to talk development and change and character arcs and what would they do in certain situations if you’ve never heard of them ????
Y’all wanna know something terrifying? The maze runner fandom. Because there’s so little creators out there who actually love it the way I do and so much of it is obsessed with Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Newt I haven’t been there since I finished the books I couldn’t stand it. And I can’t stand the fact that our Percy actor is gonna be good-looking and I’m TERRIFIED of the amount of people who are gonna be here for what the actors look like you can’t understand this.
I MEAN all them debates are coming back up I can’t do this. This is such a fantastic fandom (and I’m in many, trust me) like we’re all at peace there’s no arguments you can literally come by and just vibe.
OH FUCK ANOTHER THOUGHT. So since we’re getting official characters and stuff I swear if ONE IDIOT hates on viria’s or Livibis’ or Markiehh’s art (they’re the one’s at the top of my head) because it’s “inaccurate” or “far off” from what they look on screen they better watch the fuck out because they have no idea the fandom they’re messing with.
OH AND SHIT I know this has been brought up but the way we treat Nico??? All baby and soft and all that and how our fanon Nico is just so different from the actual canon kick-ass Nico, ya know? But we kinda understand how powerful Nico is but we still love him cause poor kid was 10 and then all of it happened and he was 13/14 (?) during tlo and the PTSD so we’re chill with that BUT. There’s the fact that our son is gay and god the amount of people who are gonna come in (cause there’s obviously gonna be foreshadowing) and be like “ooh gay baby look at him” that’s badly explained but I know you guys understand. And specially if we get to HoO and the horrors getting to ToA would be. Like we already have our fanon Nico but if someone DARES to even IMPLY that Nico can’t kill you with a thought the entire fandom know better and will prove them wrong. But the new fans what would they know.
You know what’s going to be fucking horrible ???? PARENTS. I mean UGHHHHHH. My parents only know I’m reading what I tell them I’m reading (“a book about Greek mythology”). Like I’m terrified of my mom picking up The Burning Maze sitting on my desk or any Cassandra Clare book cause the homophobia in this household is astronomical. (Don’t know how many of you will understand but the PANIC I went through reading the red scrolls of magic? God knows she would check every book I get form the library from the on) Back to the point sorry. But y’all pjo is mostly safe but Rick already talks about how parents complain about adding a Genderfluid character to a Norse mythology book (I mean Ma’am go educate yourself) and how his books “would be more successful without [gay] characters” ???? What if we get Kane Chronicles some asshole is gonna come up about Sadie being polyamorous, Alex and Magnus are gonna be a problem, Will and Nico, House of Hades is gonna make Karens riot because of one scene.
You can see how Disney treats Seblos (hsmtmts) compared to the other couples on the show. You can see how not even half of Andi Mack is actually on Disney+ (after getting brutally canceled) you can see how Diary of a Future President hasn’t been renewed when it’s reviews are 100% for both critics and public. How the Love, Simon series was removed (now on Hulu) because it wasn’t a good mix with “the family-friendly content on Disney+” (underage drinking + s*x are brought up in discussions but the show isn’t out yet and we have no idea). So pardon me for being scared of how this is going to be treated.
Back to the new fans. I’m gonna say the topic that’s the most brought up that causes discussions is Leo (?) Tbh I’m still lost on the Leo x Echo thing that everyone else seems to understand. Plus the hate on Caleo is probably the biggest issue in this fandom. (Which is like saying the biggest problem in a perfectly written essay are some barely noticeable erase-marks, but still). Anyways a fair amount of people dislike Leo for reasons I kinda comprehend. I know a kid and he’s the exact definition of Leo, (I’ll probably talk about this in an individual post) and people don’t like him, I know most of you would avoid him. I know he’s great but people just don’t seem to like him.
(wOw i’M sO gOOd aT sTaYInG oN tOpiC)
I don’t think I’m gonna be able to survive hate on characters that probably WILL come.
Solangelo is called rushed a lot and I would want to see this two fall for each other and Nico let down his walls and talk about his PTSD from Tartarus (which friendly reminder Percy saw for a few minutes the way Nico saw it the whole time and it was the worst part of his entire experience there). But I mean there WERE six months between BoO and ToA, I am pretty sad we didn’t get to see them.
oH JESUS follow-up on Nico earlier; the fetishization, or Apollo, or Will.
Ok... ha, this is fun....
OH WAIT NEW THOUGHT SJDJDJD On the topic of Luke’s redemption arc... BIANCA,, they better do my girl properly who thought she had stayed months at the Lotus Hotel babysitting her lil’ brother and then was put into a school where they were outcasts and she probably knows as much as Nico about mythomagic from his rants and she thought he was gonna be safe and she wanted freedom and be her own person so she joined the hunters. And as a fandom we’ve talked this out but what about the new fans, they better not try to act like she did anything wrong cause that’s just not-
OH AND no one better hate on Clarisse cause yeah she’s the minor antagonist but she’s a very well-written character who doesn’t change the way she is but is kinda less of an ass towards Percy. And she and Silena are good friends and she and Chris are dating and she is a human being with valid feelings. She was terrified for Chris in BoTL and cared for him and nurse him back to sanity and stayed with him. She throws Percy and Annabeth into the lake which so it’s prove she and Percy are more in the friendly banter I-won’t-admit-how-much-I-care-for-you-if-it-meant-my-life relationship. Then this doesn’t happpen until the last two books (seasons?) so we can’t actually go around saying it? In SoM we learn about how Ares treats her which is SO important so I guess S1 comes out and we sit here telling new fans “You’ll know next season” cause we can’t directly spoil it and then we’re like “You gotta wait for seasons 4 and 5” ugghhhhh this is too much.
Ok I’m done for now I’ll reblog this with any new terrifying thoughts when if they come.
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thesungod · 6 years
My answerss
My answerss:
1) Annabeth. I really hope she won't be a main character in the last book. I like her sometimes, but most of the time I despise her personality, she annoys me and I find her arrogant. She's meh.
2) My favourite is TBM and my last favourite is THO. I love them all, but THO had some problems with the plot. Until half of the book they literally chill at Camp Halfblood, ship Solangelo, eat and do stupid shit, then Apollo leaves for a stupid mission that could have been avoided by NOT letting innocent campers go into the effing LABYRINTH. Bah.
3) OFC Apollo is my favourite both in mythology and in the Percy Jackson Universe, he is my baby, my future husband, I can't. Beside Apollo, I'd say Hera and Hephaestus. I wrote an entire post about WHY I like Hera :)
4) Plenty. Sometimes she's annoying as hell and she doesn't treat my baby right. I like her and I love when she's annoying with other people, but she can't do that to my little prince and expects to be okay with it. I think she'll grow out of this tho.
The most hated moment? When she made Apollo slap himself. ARGH.
5) PERCY PERCY PERCY. I love Percy and Apollo together. I wish they had more moments to talk seriously instead of Percy just coming to kick butts and saying irrelevant things. I want them to be BFF. They will soon or later. At least in my mind. Bye.
6) A lot. I really want to see it, but I want Percy's reaction even more. If I had to choose, I would pick Percy's reaction, but considering HOW LONG WE'RE WAITING, he better be writing a long book without plotholes and time jumps.
7) I'll have to wait two months more :(
8) Percy's scenes in THO. Useless. Like, okay, thank you for driving a car and letting us know you are going to college? Wow. We spent more than a quarter of the book for the whole "going to Percy. talking with Percy. driving with Percy. fighting with Percy" and what did this add to the plot? Rick did that to keep close all his fans, because some of them are pretty shallow and they don't want new stories and new characters, which is valid, he has to earn a living, but find something better! He could have left Percy alone: Nico, another fan favourite, was literally THERE AT CAMP NOT DOING ANYTHING EXCEPT BEING WITH WILL, he could have used HIM as a semi-main character. I mean, he was THERE. It would have made sense for him to help find Apollo's kids or something like that.
9) Long embarrassing silence. Grudge. Crying later. Poor baby❤️
10) "Being productive. Ugh" BECAUSE YES.
"Meg, darling, we only fail when we stop trying" 😍😍
And a lot of funny shit I can't translate.
Thank you @avid-author-activist @flightfoot @sunni-808 @ellakay69 @sakuspring for answering. Here my answer let me know if you agree :)
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pjo-hoo-nextgen · 6 years
Master Post Part 1
Intro to the blog:
(If you’re new! Check this stuff out to get started)
Background info on the kids:
(Please note that the above summaries have some things that changed in the fic plots simply because character development is a thing)
Canon Things About The Kids:
Their Fears:
Their Singing Voices Part 1:
Their Singing Voices Part 2:
Never Intrude On A Kitchen Dance Party:
Thia Loses A Bet To Grey:
Eli and Thia Don’t Swear:
The Kids’ Looks:
The Kids’ Meeting The Olympians For The First Time:
The Kids Taking A Test:
Sol Solves Things With Fire:
Quirks The Kids Have:
How The Kids Dance:
100 Facts About The Kids:
The Kids’ Ages:
The Kids’ Morning Routines:
How Grey Learned Archery:
Thia is Bisexual:
Thia Brings Lost Animals Home:
The Kids’ Baby Pictures:
Jackson Squared: (Percabeth kid on the way)
The Kids’ Music Tastes:
Things The Kids Do To Help Out At Camp:
Bonding With The Grandparents:
The First Quest (Fic Series)
A Deal Was Made (Side Plotpoint)
The First Kiss (Subplot)
The Claiming (Subplot)
Part 13 ( The End)
And/ Sol Ship One-Shots
Andy’s Got A Crush:
Andy Has Her Heart:
Andy Loves Nature Documentaries Featuring Sol:
The First Kiss:
Andy’s Got it Bad:
Pre Date Pep Talk:
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solange-lol · 5 years
⭐ loading message!
i knew this one was coming lmao
Loading Message… aka my pjo chat fic that for some reason people still read even though now rereading it i cant get through the first 20 chapters without cringing. buckle up everyone because theres a lot to go with this one
the title on my google doc is “title unavailable” because i like naming my drafts really unhelpful things and then i can never find them again, but it gave me inspiration for what i would inevitably call the fic. also fun fact its single spaced size 11 font and over 117 pages long, which means it takes a good minute and a half to load before i can actually edit anything, and another 2 minutes to scroll all the way down to the bottom
loading message actually didnt start out as a pjo fic that i had intended to post. it started out as something i started typing during free time in my english class and i shared the doc with my friend from my class because she would read it and crack up and i love making people laugh so i just kept writing more of the most random shit and inappropriate humor bc we were rebellious, emo, newly-founded queer 7th graders and i ojhklknshbk i cant read the beginning i keep telling you that but i cant. anyway one day i decided to just post what i had written (the first 12 chapters) all in one night, to archive of our own and it just blew. up. 
literally the day after i posted it my friend (different from before) came up to me during lunch and she was like “i have to tell you about this hilarious pjo chat fic i read. it has all the characters and theyre all dating and reyna and thalia are together and rachels there too and its so funny” and i was like. hm. theres no way. but THEN she started talking about these really funny scenes in it and ofc they were completely identical to what i had written and i just started wheezing and i told her that I had written it and that was like an inside joke with us for a year until she stopped reading fic. she was actually a huge inspiration for a lot of the chapters (she shared a 5 page doc with me with so many ideas, i wish i still had it tbh) and this is actually sort of sad but right when we stopped being friends, the spark i had for that fic died out even though it had been a long while since she read fic. (i actually still wonder sometimes if she still keeps up with it. god i really hope not) 
anyway, that sad part aside, i met one of my really amazing friends now through it! val aka jayjay-graceless and i started talking through the comments of loading message, and once she started writing her own pjo chat fic (which, lemme tell you, rip ocean man is typing… it was so much funnier than mine) and eventually we got a tumblr and stared interacting on my blog at the same time annie and cj had been (for separate reasons, i was a superfan of cj and annie was a superfan of me) and boom alabanda happened so ty loading message for giving me a new friend after i lost one 
i keep talking about rewriting loading message at some point and maybe i will because every innuendo i ever made and that whole weird solangelo sex plotline that i hate still to this day, but idk. i kinda like the history of it all. loading message is truly my trash baby and even though i hate that my most popular fic by a longshot is a crack pjo chat fic, im so grateful for the people that support it (this is really sentimental, its truly  garbage but ty everyone who finds it funny ily)
if anyone has any groupchat name suggestions/chapter suggestions/etc please let me know! im always looking for new ideas!
also if you havent already checked out cjs solangelo-centric companion fic to it called message received, then please do!!!! its a million times better!!!!!!!
send me a star and one of my fics and ill talk about it
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