hi yeah i have a little more i want to add on to the Duel Links AI Characters thing. This kinda blurs the line between Headcanon and Theory tho
A really weird thing that is either brilliant subtext or me just reading in to things too hard is the progression of the AI Duelists. Not like, the release of duel worlds and stuff, or powercreep, or anything like that. I mean theres two real, defined types of AIs in Duel Links.
If you look at a lot of the DM characters... theyre fairly flat. Like yeah I know thats also true of Téa/Anzu and Mai and stuff in the show, but it applies to pretty much the entire starting roster. The most odd yet obvious example of this is, oddly enough, Yami Yugi. My mans got Nothing. Hardly shows up in events, any place he would its usually Yugi(DM) instead, and he had very few gate interactions.
Now, think about that from a lore perspective. Yami Yugi is the whole fuckin' point of this. This is the AI Kaiba set out and tried to make, wanted to fill the gay ass void in his heart see again, and he's so... bland. Uninteresting. Why?
Turns out, its because of that very reason. He was the First, of course hes gonna be worse than the others. As time went on, Kaiba got better at making the AIs. And at first, it really was him making the AIs. Let me explain.
Again, looking at the earlier characters again, something becomes obvious. These characters are bland because theyre almost... missing something. If you look at everything they say, everything they do, something clicks. Its all stuff Kaiba either heard about secondhand, or was physically present for. He made the best approximation he could, on his own, but theyre just that: approximations. Easy best example is the first ever event character, Yami Bakura. A fascinating character in Duel Links lore, simply because he's the first Self Aware AI. A big question that comes out of this is Why, and the answer I believe is rlly cool: hes not Yami Bakura. Not even close. Like yeah obviously hes an AI clone, but thats not even what I mean. Kaiba knows so little about Bakura that he couldnt even make a complete personality. He just put a kinda mischevious personality in a Bakura Costume, gave it an interest in occult and Tabletop RPG games, and told it to do its best.
But this is Seto Fucking Kaiba. He doesnt settle for that. So, he got to work on a new, better system. A System that lets him use [insert bullshit explanation here, I like "uses the collective memories of players"] to truly copy people down to their very souls. And the first few times, it goes well. It really is an exact replica... and maybe, maybe thats an issue.
Pegasus J. Crawford has been dead for years at that point, but his impact on the game and large presence make it almost obvious in hindsight. If it were anyone but Seto Kaiba, this might have been the cue to say "hey maybe this is a little fucked up and I need more control over who gets added."
However, Seto 'As the owner of a major corporation I have to do that everyday' Kaiba dont roll like that, so he just leaves the Soul Printer on to do whatever the fuck it wants, and... yeah. After that point, every other AI, along with the duel worlds, is a result of the soul printer. Maybe he should have at least limited the scope to this dimension and the egyptian afterlife tho.
Theres also an argument that its not that the soul printer wasnt ready, its that he needed a playerbase to steal the brain power off of to run said soul printer, so he whipped up the first few to get started.
...sorry i forgot just how much brain rot this game caused me and ur earlier posts got me going again ;-;
OOOHOHOHOHOO THIS IS SUPERRR SUPER GOOD STUFF and I definitely think this is picking at what's really under the hood here. Transcend Game was all about Kaiba using people's (many of which being CHILDREN'S) brainwaves to create images and experiences, so it really would not be out of his ballpark to get the system running and just leave it to do its thing while he goes off and obsesses over shit like Why Isn't The Atem AI Right. It's Not Perfect. Why Isn't It Perfect.
and now you've got the AIs themselves producing 'brainwaves' and feeding memories into the system, and that's popping More AIs into the world in turn (i.e. Yuto's and Yuya's memories being the catalyst for Shay showing up, etc.) and they're...uh. starting to get self aware!!!! SO THAT'S FUN. It's like an ouroboros feedback loop of fake memories creating fake memories creating copies of what was once someone's memories.
All cuz SOMEBODY wanted to be king of a virtual reality even though he has more money than god and better things he could be doing 🙄
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obsconspiracycity · 7 years
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...Technically, EVERYONE is speaking... ABOUT US.
LOL City Goers, looks like the G-men do not like our little party we are throwing for ourselves! Seems we have been branded “Wanted Terrorists”! OOOOPS~
Hey hey, think this will make us more famous lol? Oh well. I always hated government anyway. Check out this sweet doc I snagged off one of their computers when they tried to take us down. Doooo not worry. I have the heart to put all this stupid stuff under a read more.
                                                        !DSEM NOTICE! “New terrorist activity has become apparent within Sunsong City. The Conspiracy City Bloggers are now to be considered Terrorists. If they are spotted in public they are to be killed on sight.
This list is comprehensive only of the skills that the Conspiracy City Terrorists have been seen or claimed using within in the last few years. It is entirely possible that the members of this terrorist organization are capable of more than has been stated in the following list.”
That is just the intro, though. They tried to guess all of our powers which is mega lame because they have it all kinds of hella wrroooooong! It is okay, though. We will give you guys the DL on what we can really do!
                                                      Admin Dr@cula “Admin Dracula is a vampire thought to be somewhere in his thousands. On the blog he is stated to have the appearance of a teenage boy, though this has not been confirmed. His ethnicity is unknown.”
Lololol I can not believe this stuff. They do not believe I am a teenaged boy? Wowzers who would have thought that they do not even believe what they read rofl! But they even start to talk more shit. Check this stuff out, City Goers. You will love it.
“Hacking: Dracula is capable of quickly and easily hacking even the most modern of computers. While it hasn’t been tested, Dracula has claimed he can hack any government system with ease and could quite possible start world wars. Any and all attempts by government officials to take down the Conspiracy City Blog have been complete failures. Each attempt has resulted in government computers being “hacked back” with an image of a mascot like lion laughing. This is thought to be Dracula’s doing.”
“Technomancy: Dracula has claimed in the past to be capable of controlling and manipulating technology through strangely magical means. This allows him to build machines, complex computers, and even robots with what seems to be some form of telekinesis. This has not been observed.”
“!! NOTICE: Techonology should not be used around Dracula in any situation.”
Lol this is all pretty accurate. Looks like they managed to find some archive stuff of ours. Tech around me is like a death sentence. They tried really hard tbh I almost feel bad. But they seem to like the little KeY$m@sh viruses I send them so really, I cannot complain. It is always nice to have people admiring your work!
“Blood Empowerment: Dracula has stated multiple times on the Conspiracy City Blog that he is an exceptionally old vampire. When feeding, Dracula claims to have an increased power level, often stated to reach “Over Nine Thousand”. Currently this is under investigation. This has never been observed.”
OMG I can NOT believe they actually quoted one of my stupid memes in here. I feel so fulfilled. DL on my “Blood Empowerment”, though. When I have just eaten my mind is all kinds of hella sharp, so I can use all of my abilities to the best extent. It would be lame if eating did not make me stronger though, you know??
“Enhanced Condition: As a vampire, it is assumed that Dracula has some form of enhanced condition including but not limited to: enhanced strength, speed, agility, durability, and balance. Dracula himself has claimed to be able to easily lift cars and has also claimed to have been unscathed hit by speeding ones. None of this is confirmed.”
#confirmed! I just say I am super strong and stuff, though. I can actually easily lift semi trucks and break buildings though, so this is pretty inaccurate. Lame stuff. Oh, and when I got hit by a speeding car it left a huge indent in the front and I was still standing k thx.
“Enhanced Senses: Dracula has claimed on the Conspiracy City blog to have multiple enhanced senses. This includes but is not limited to: enhanced sight, smell, and reflexes. He has claimed the ability to see perfectly in pitch black conditions, smell the differences in his fellow bloggers, and even dodge bullets. None of this has been confirmed.”
Please, G-men... This is just sad to read. I can dodge bullets AND grab them with my bare hands! You totally missed half of that post. So lame. All you politicians are out shaking in your boots so bad you forget how to read?  Heheheh~
“Instinctive Combat: Dracula has stated to have the ability to fight completely on instinct. He says this is the reason he is able to easily fight more experienced fighters than himself without much effort, and, as such, is to be considered both a physical and technological threat.”
This is a little weirdly described, but okay. I will take it. lol though, they forgot mental threat. Rude. How old do they think I am?
“Mind Control: Dracula has claimed multiple times to be fully capable of mind controlling humans (and possibly some supernaturals) when he needs to feed. This is the only time he has mentioned using the ability, but it is to be considered a threat that he might be able to use in any given situation.”
TBH I can use it any time I want, I just do not. It seems rude, you know? I can usually con people into stuff without it anyway. But yeah, btws, I can use mind control any time. My limit is like ten people at once.
“Shapeshifting: Dracula has claimed the ability to shapeshift into a bat like vampires of old lore. This has never been confirmed.”
I can also shapeshift into a wolf, hyena, and Komodo dragon, thx.
“Healing Factor: It is assumed that, like other vampires, Dracula is equipped with some sort of healing factor. The strength of this is completely unknown, as Dracula has never mentioned it himself.”
Actually, my healing factor is pretty rad. I can heal basically anything in about two hours. You know, except like... sun burns, lol. But if I actually do get hurt, which is rare, it goes away in like a few hours. Pretty sweet deal for me. Oh, and if I drink blood? Yeah, it goes away instantly.
Anyway, that is all the lame stuff the listed for me, but they missed WAAAAY too much. So I thought, why not have a little sharing time with our fans, huh? So, here you go! A few more Dr@cula specials.
Fear Inducement: I have got a pretty cool ability to terrify anyone I want to. It mostly comes with eye contact, so if I look into a person’s eyes I can make them want to cry and run away. The fear is, specifically, directed at me, from what I can tell. 
Fear Empowerment: So after I do that thing where I make people horrified of me, I can usually feel myself getting all hyped up on it. It feels really nice, actually. From what I can tell, anytime someone is scared of me I sort of start to get stronger because of it. So this whole situation where the G-men are quaking in their undies over me? Yeah, feels real nice.
Enhanced Intelligence: I have been alive for thousands of years, so not shockingly, I am as smart as they come. I will not go into detail here, but let us just say I would not try outsmarting me, kk DSEMmie?
That is about it though. I just thought I would share this all with you City Goers, because you might get a kick out of it! On top of that, we have been getting questions about ourselves, so I will try to convince the others to comment on what I dug up on them too. Thanks everybody! Stay safe out there, okay? Media has a tendency to play really nasty.
--- Dr@cula
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