lululawrence · 1 year
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justasparkwritings · 4 years
Merry & Bright {2}: Baby, Sugar, Honey, Darling
Previous: Silver & Gold  
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Genre: Smut
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing! Innuendo! Talks of Sex! Heavy Flirting! 
Summary: An annual Christmas party is meant to be fun - but Seokjin can’t stop thinking about how much he wants you this Christmas. 
          Seokjin carefully adjusted the trivet to sit perfectly in the middle of the oyster Le Creuset Dutch oven, a splurge he’d purchased once you moved in. He wanted a full set, and knowing they were considered the best, couldn’t help but want them in his kitchen. He looked over the table, trying to move the tablecloth without moving the centerpiece of poinsettias and garland.
           “Baby, why don’t you just wait for me to help?” You asked. He hadn’t heard your gentle steps padding down the hallway to the dining room, or noticed you silently observing, taking in the work of your husband.
           “I didn’t know when you’d be down,” He said, turning to pout.
           “It looks really good, smells even better,” You smiled at him, eyes crinkling.
           “Thank you, do we need to get the drinks ready?” He moved around you, through the other side of the dining room to the kitchen.
           “Just need to pop the champagne and put ice in the ice buckets,” You said, reaching into the fridge to grab two bottles.
           “Do our friends like champagne?”
           “I like champagne,” You said carefully opening the first bottle.
           “Hobi doesn’t,” Seokjin said.
           “We have other things, too many other things,” You said, eyes rolling at your husbands incessant need to cover all bases when it came to providing for your friends. “We have nonalcoholic options, beer, hard liquor, soda, water, sparkling water.”
           “Wine, did we get wine?”
           “Red and white,” You sighed.
           “Okay, good,” He nodded, checking off another box on his mental to do list.
           “Sugar, it’s twelve people, we have enough for twice that, alcohol for four times, it’ll be okay,” You reassured, nestling the bottles in a bed of ice.
           “I just, I want it to be perfect,” Jin sighed, leaning against the marble countertop. You moved to stand between his legs, hands instinctively going to his broad shoulders.
           “I know, and it will be,” You said, hands comfortably moving up and down his biceps. “It’s going to me marvelous, splendid; you’re going to be the bell of the ball.”
           “I don’t want to be the bell of the ball!” Jin responded, outraged.
           “Hostess with the mostest,” You said, smiling up at him.
           “That’s better,” Seokjin chuckled.
           “Someone’s going to have to take our picture tonight,” You gently adjusted his tie, taking in the cardigan he had tossed over his button down. “You look good.”
           “Aye, honey you look good, beautiful,” Jin was smiling, slight blush in his cheeks. He hadn’t taken much time to take in your appearance. He loved the soft make up you’d put on, hair pulled back just slightly to show of your earrings, a gift from Seokjin on your third anniversary. They hung low, grazing your neck when you moved, a constant reminder of him.
           “Thank you,” You said, leaning up to press a chaste kiss on his lips as the doorbell rang, your first guests arriving. “I’ll get the music; you get the door?”
           “Alright,” Jin kissed your cheek, giving your shoulders a squeeze, and darted to welcome your friends into your home.
           His voice could be heard over your music, loudly greeting everyone by name as he joked and laughed. His laugh was your favorite sound, it’s tone never wavering, always inviting you to join him. And join you did, stepping into the foyer to say hi to your friends, their spouses and girlfriends. The few BTS children immediately gravitating towards you, their favorite aunt.
           Within an hour, the house was full, food was abounding, as was merriment and utter seasonal joy. The Christmas tunes never ceased, and neither did the alcohol. It was your favorite tradition, a party with the entire band, their kids, their spouses, everyone coming together to eat and drink, dance a little, sing a little, and celebrate the holidays as one. No longer were they clambering to perfect a routine for a New Year’s Eve performance or stressing over military service and chart placements. There weren’t deadlines or copious holiday special appearances, no flying to and from for late night shows or awkward interviews. They’d peaked, and as they settled into their plateau, they overwhelmingly welcomed the comfort of a family-oriented life.
           Thus, the Christmas party was born. Each year a different family hosted. The men had drawn straws, after Seokjin refused to go first, despite his seniority. He’d opted for reverse order, forcing Jungkook into the position of hosting first, which he absolutely hated, and feeling bad, Namjoon had taken over. The first party had been stunning, and each year continued to grow in brilliance.
           Your guests continued to eat and drink into the night, the few BTS children tucked into the guest room, sleeping soundlessly until their parents carried their weary bodies to their car seats. Seokjin milled at one end of the living room, laughing uproariously with Taehyung and Jimin. You couldn’t help but laugh as you spoke with Jungkook and his latest fling, who seemingly had never seen While You Were Sleeping. It was mid laugh that Seokjin’s eyes found yours, scanning up and down your body slowly, admiring the way your outfit hugged your figure. He absentmindedly licked his puckered lips, and you in return bit your bottom lip, breath inhaling slowly.
           You hadn’t lied when you said he looked good. He looked better than good, sinfully good… Sexy didn’t begin to cover it. And you wanted him. Seokjin, sensing your feelings, winked before dipping into the kitchen. You gave him a minute before you followed, taking a few empty plates and cups with you.
           Jin didn’t hear you walking into the kitchen, but he felt you as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
           “Why are you looking at me like that?” You whispered into his back.
           “Me? Honey, have you seen the way you’re looking at me?”
           “Oh, if anything I’m taking a cue from you,” You giggled, Seokjin turning in your arms.
           “Mm, you’re the one dressed like that,” He smirked, admiring your cleavage.
           “Hmm, and you’re the one checking me out in plain sight,” You scolded.
           “You’re gorgeous, and I want you,” Seokjin dipped his head to place kiss after kiss on your neck, pulling your hips against his, grinding into you softly.
           “Seokjin, we have guests,” You muttered, suppressing every moan he was attempting to elicit.
           “They’ll be gone soon, and I want you to be ready,” He bit the unentangled flesh of your earlobe before lightly spanking you and walking out of the kitchen. You gnawed on the flesh of your lip, annoyed that he’d started the game without telling you, curious how he was going to hide his arousal from your guests and knowing full well he had the restraint of a Tibetan monk.
           The drinks dwindled as did your guests. Kisses were placed on foreheads of tired tots as they were carried out, wishes of a happy Christmas were shared, and the pleasant balm of a well spent evening covered everyone, snugger than their winter coats.
           As soon as the last guest left, Jungkook, naturally, Seokjin was taking your hand in his, guiding you towards the Christmas tree.
           The white lights bounced off the gold and white ornaments, catching and splaying out across the tattered living room. Remnants of secret Santa remained, ribbons in piles, wrapping paper stacked and balled. Nat King Cole crooned in the background, and as The Christmas Song blended into a new carol, you felt Seokjin’s hands moving lower and lower on your backside.
           “Happy Christmas, darling,” He said, eyes framed by his ever-growing bangs.
           “Merry Christmas honey,” You replied. Standing on your tiptoes, you pressed your lips to his, moving slowly as he began to dominate you. Hands were no longer gentle as he unzipped your dress, coaxing it off your shoulders and letting it pool on the floor. Carefully stepping out of it, you moved to take his sweater off his broad shoulders, shoulders that had no problem holding you open, legs propped on either side. Maybe tonight he’d eat you out by the light of the tree. Or use the ribbon to tie your hands back, or maybe you’d treat him to a similar spectacle.
           Slipping your tights down, Seokjin kneeled, open mouthed kisses hot and wet against your abdomen. You tried to suppress a giggle, but it was impossible, he knew you were ticklish.
           “I love that sound,” He said, hooded eyes looking up at yours. Your face contracted, a pout and squinted eyes at his compliment. Seokjin laughed heartily at your face, shaking his head at how silly you were.  
           “I love that sound,” You responded, proud that you’d made him laugh.
           “I love you, Mrs. Kim,” He said, smile still on his plump lips.
           “Mr. Kim, I love you,” You returned his smile, unable to hide any amount of joy from him.
           Seokjin guided your panties down, followed by his tie, his shirt and slowly his pants. You’d never made love by the light of the Christmas tree, pine swirling with scents of arousal, an old R&B track bopping in the background, the ornaments shaking with each thrust of Seokjin’s hips. As your Christmas highs mixed with your carnal passion, you were grateful Jin was always down to be your Christmas delight.
Next: A Beacon in the Night
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